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Full text of "Gazette of India, 1986, No. 377"

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T .r ;'[ 1 o z: a - - ( n r T 3) ■ '71 


<£hs (Saxette of fJndia 

.-ft .... . . A ~ - 

wrftwn ft nnnfltra 

rVlU)HiO |« *u>HO»tll 

4 y 

*• 36] *f fapft, *!fa*n, f*m*src e, ms (w is, itos) 

No. 36] NEW DELHI. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6,1*36 (BHADRA 15, 1*08) 


*5T WTO R fa** ^ VR1 Bfrf) | fast fa 3Wf WR % Bt # TWT 

(Ss^srwU pmtag U |Wa la Aria Pert la wrier tM M may ha Bad as a srporate aawpDatiaa) 

m* m—nrrf ; 

fa*?** art* t* srtirrttrsrfafa, **fwT art* *ttts 

‘wmn % smn 3rt* 3i«rfa vwfatf sttt sft *$ tfatirtTiT 

(Notiflcatloai issued by tba High Courts, the Controller aui Auditor General, the Union 
Public Service CjhuIssioi, t’u IilUu Gi/ennnt Riilvriys nl by Attain 1 
and Subordinate O Rees of the Government of India] 

aprfn*p, nta? f>TEpFm n*n 'fnn nnwn 
^pifinp *rft Jrftwvr fnnm 
. vTT5T 3RTTT VTCStt TTT^tr Wmn 

nflft, ftnt*P 13 1986 

no 2/8/85-?«rmT—^rrfw nlrc nfnsn fnnm, 
% in to 13014 / 1 / 86 - £Y° nr£o ^n« 
(III) fttfa ^5TT| 21, 1986 % V^HTir n” 

«fV ^no TTn® tr^fc. fntft nfr«5 nTtfnP-'W «P> 

^T5f 5T^T?J WT^'V TTfrfa 5TWT?H WipTPft, nqft t 

fn%n*f % wrf^RTO nfara "sfr’— 7iwTf^r) ^ 

<rr 'XX l?o 650-30—740—35—880-^0 T>o-40~ 
960% *TTnlf, fWt'P 21 «*.lf 1986 (^-F) $ 
f>pj*n ftnr ^mi t i 

nnqn fnn« 
nn ft%?PF 

VjfW M>ql^r 

n$ f<«*fY-3, f^Tt^ 8 ’P T T?rf 1986 
no -Iljfto fto(fr)/t\o fto m^o/86—fw,? 

%o no srpi q.fnn nsrfnftsrap, favrcr jftrn writ 

l r 226Ql/86 

«ft Tin rw^f apt fcnfar 1 «nw, 1986 $ nn% 

>sntw ft^rnap, %« no ®£;> t,fanftmnrnr? tt qftnfn 
?t% «rc, wtfnn ntftwap, % i* ^ $ * 

fcnfa? 12 ntrw 1986 

no tro 19036/16/82—n°-5—SWRTtfn TT 

f^nrarn n^r TPn jfnn ^ «r» sz^rtn srftrf^ffb 

rx <mc, «ft apt fn^, ^ftn nqTtftw tt itmtr totr 
31 1986 ^^ f^nmn nwrr 

tr #ft ^r?ft | i 

no 3/36/86-nnmn-5—%o no 

tTn^ftnnfTfnttwp,Mn |fnn nmim nttm xm 
5 fnn % nftmrfr aft ntt^n? tr^jn apftn, s,ftn nn- 
3tttsnp tt f^nt*p 3 i %nrf, i 986 $?% vrtkr 

%o no «jTt, nnn^nr it nfnfnnftn nr nqinrm 
^fnn nnTtfW'p % nn it ftnw apin | i 

nnnm n?m 
nnmn irf^aprft (ww) 
%o n«> 



1986 (wnrxs is, ibos) 

t^rnr HI— 

0?r 00000 

0?rfftft0TX0, fto f-<o g_o 3nT 
0# fftwft~l 10003, fft0T07 11 W0W 1986 
fto fto TT^-iojae-^'^mt-'i —«fr ftto it^o 

W0f, 0^1007 qnrttff, 4 fawr srto, fto fro jo 

fttftft ^ ft0P?fft0t07 5-8-1986 (WTOf) ft ffimT 
OT wt ftt XfftfXXfW WHITT 0T ftWt 3jTcfr £' I 

fftXF 0TX 
03T0ft fftft9T07 (wmr) 

ftf fft?ftt-ll 0 003, f*0tF 8 SRTScT 1986 
fto *fT° T>/ 86—*00000—TPSJXfft 5ft ft, ST«RX 

W40-f *iT{ fftv?rr 0ft wTir-ft 00' 11 wmtft ?rrft?r srrft ^tft 
0<f7ftfrft0 fX3]0 jfft0 XT0 5)0?X W^t WffftftT ifo-II 
(tft° trffo q'to/apqftt 070 T 707 ;) % 0S TTf^FP 23 0TSfTt 
1980 jftftsf ft TR0 fft000 fftWT $ I 

fto sfto Tto/se-^crmr—Tn^rftr 5ft ft, mr?: 

xxttt 000 010m »ww ftt w**roft ^ § 
wFmfr 00*0 5i r> ?frft 007 ftxfta ft^sr jfftw 00 if 

5107X0 Wrf970X tfsT-II (fto rrfl-a q^o f^pfot 

070T?3X ) ft 00 T* ft0FP 28 55^T$ 1986 ^0% ft 
^ ftl^W fftwr | I 

5nrrt«p TT5i Ffh^ft 
ftfirw f^FF (i«rmr) 

00-00 fftft0T00 (jfft0 ftffTT;) 

0$ fftcftt, forfo 12 W0X0 1986 
fto tr—12012/2/8 6-0^00-11—70^0, TRtff 

ftto fto 5fto fr«rr ftto rr0o wro ^fft wnft 

0ftT0<P_ fftftsrftf ftt ^T-ftf^9T0T ft 00 qx 1200- 
sd-i60o/-?q^ % ^r?nn!T^ 1 *nrer 1986 (^0%) 
ft wftftt wrftwff fFp 00700 fftftinTvw (jfftw .star) 
if ?«rFrrm 00 ft fftftw qxft if 1 

ftto fto ^5f 

3r?rcr i< 00-R 

ft^rfftftwFW, ftfftta sfVaftf^F gwT 00 

0$ fft**ft-I 10003, fftrfa 1 unreel 1986 

fto f — 16014(2)/l4/s 5—^rrfrr^T—I—Jffffwfftr 
ftt,*ft ftft® 1^0 ^rV'T^r ft 21 ^xrf, 1986 % 30^ 
fty fT5jtf Smf^FFT, %o ?fto % c ’^’o j 

s^t), % T 0 apnf'fn'?: ifvrRr Psnrr 1 

f^TRT 4 wmr 1986 

i - 1 6 013 ( 1 )/ 4 /86-qrrfTRT- 1 —srMtwfw 
9T f^fw CR ift TW'T, ’H 0 

(qf^'t^Pt^r: 57 ) ?r 14 ^^ 1986 % Emr^ $1 

Effqf, %o jffo go^o, WPHl'Rifr 

?rnfHR ?f?TT?r fvPTT I 

*r° f—32015(2)/e/se—^rrf%®p~ 1—Ti^qffr, 

«rt <ft» q^ro gjfa afwqr qnnis =p> sftwftr qx, 
7 ^^ 1986 % ft ftprfacr STOR VX q 3 Trfe, 

%o5ftogo^o JjftR, TTSJo qg-o jfo cffo <ffo qiXF^T, % 

ft f 0 ^^r qiTft 5 | ^o srqsftfa- 


TTRfttir ft*rr wr ft^Frft^rr fft^rr»r 
*r<v ft fftfteR.-irirftsrr qftsrq w vrfrm 
xf farxtx 2 OTfcT 19 86 

ft° 18-0TO fto 00 1—498—84——f'FRfftfftrfr 

FXFTqr ftrarnn'twr srftrqrrrt (mf^fTn-ap) 

5TRT 077ft T7 0C007 ft irmft fWr xpfm ft ftqT- 

^ 0TT f | _ 

?po Tifarqn-ftr xiqftpr 51 titcrt <4 wfET^iftm 
fto 07T7fT0 ftt fTTT'tw 


1 , ftto ftto 0sg?rarT07n: 31 - 5-86 

(ftqr qrtw—Ii) (cttt|) 

ixf 1 qftff, < 6 <a' 66 ) 

2. it 0 o ftfo fttsnft ftwmftw 30-6-86 

ftrf irft qftTT fqftTFP (SfqTJ^-) 
0TfftpKT07 ftwftrSTr 
3TC3T^ I 

fto cfto 5TOTft 7010 

tr^RTqr fftft^ 07 - 7 wrft? 5 rrT€teT 0 T (qro) 

qnTifcw JT^Tft^rRiR (ft° t<>)-i. *n^r'f 

f<Xt07 21 1986 

fto JT!7mR l/fto qo/HTITFir/fto 0o ffo/l(l)/2— 

0 ?vft^XTX q^tw ft fftFTffpjfig-rr TT^TW ftsTT qXt^TT 
srfftipTfOTf ftt X0% 0rftt ft TPTST fWt 001' fftfftftf ft 
SPTTftt, 50 : ETlftifr 31 Tft ?>ft 007, ftw xfisTr srfftqTRf 
qx, form fqxrr t 1 

^0 0Tft fto 

0o Wo 00 0T ftnjfftci ftt 



1- sft WRO fTTftiftFT 

23-6-1986 J0f$r 

2. sft Cf0o 0Tft° ftftt 

30-5-1986 571% 

5J7T ET«fftt 

0 fro OT 0 g i% 6 r ift T 7 -/qg n eft' 

hr in~w i] 

HRH «PT WTH, fmrRT 6, 1986 (WR IS, 1908) 

2248 5 

HHHtHH (fTT^HTHT ^TH^Wl), %HftH 
«P5PFTn-7 00001i 11 HHS3 1986 

tfo 5THTo-l/^o/470/l321-22—faYSTV %HIT- 

'rfrwT, %HftH mi Y 
Hjfrw ^rert'ifr^T HfERnfinf hY - ■* 840 - 40 - 1000 - 
i<> ^fo— 4 o —1200 % Yh?thh hhh ^rnftOTT 

HpJHntt % HH <R HH% HThY % HR Rtr HIT HTtYU Y 
whY srrYH niiY sitY hh; YrerprtYOT (%nf>H) 
HTHWT % Y fHHfH fa>HT % 1 



1. Hlf?cRTH HSsff 





3. H¥Yh ^HR HTH-llI 



4- SHKT 



5. HHH JHR fanPlTH 



6. f?HtH fHR HfTHIH? 



7. HfT 


i J 



i y 

9- gtftH THH JpH^R 



io. TprYn $8K HfT 




HH fY 0 Yfo 'RYaTT (STWTTo) (%HtY«t) 


^irwrTr hhr Yht hr hh Phhth %;sr h^tPtYhthh 

H*Hi-22, 14 HHW 1986 


ffd 15/33/8 2—^ HTHHT—^H H^TfYYWTHH Hp srfST- 
$HHT Ho 15/33/82-WmTfcHfa 23 % H^vf 

Y I 

?H HFYhrY HT HfjY HTH hYh>., HH° HhYtRH % 

%° ito HRtflHH 

(HHTHH W^WpT-6) 

Hf fY?Yt, llOOOlftHto 5 £HH1 1986 

HO TT—31 014/1 /85/<T—6—<jfH HHT 
fHft (STfsplf 7HTHH) ^"t HHH5RT HH% HTH % HIHY 
HpFHfYfH HrYuY H HHTHHi Pr!Y$TH HfaHTRY (HigpFff- 
iw) %WTPfr H7 'RWft HH Y PtHHH — 



H£TRft Hv.H hY mftry 


1. ffo 1TH fHHT 


2. «rYHcfV ^“ocfto 


3. HR° <fto fH?^T 




5. ^o qYo HHY 


6. Hto afto HTHRfr 


7. Tfto HhY^WTH 


Ho rr—17 011/7 l/74/STo 

-6—MlffTH fHYw 

% *PTHfHH H HfTHWr fHfTHit HfSHnfY 

(HfHo) Cft HYo #o HTH, fHHHH hTT HPH ?YY 

^97: 31 Hf, 1986 Y HTTr^ 

H YHT Pr^H CtHTT^ 1 

HRo qYo HT^t 

in PtYvih; (hhthh) 

yY H?TfHY?r*p tfY HHT fHfffTH 



*FH«fiHT—700016, fHHFP 11 HH*FH 1986 
Ho 5095HY/T-1901l( 1-HHo P[H° Y\o)/6l/ 
eft 0 [Ho TT^o 1'YrhHTH #5^1 Y 16-1-1986 


PtYH£P (HTfH«F) 

HTHH, - *:, fHHRP 11 HHSH 1986 
¥fo it— 19012(226)/86—7H7o tro—fHHTrftlH 
T^THPr HMcf W'\ fHHiTf^r H7 eft W7° HTH° 


trrrff w traqtr, faw* e, i» 8 « (itatt* 1 3, 1906 ) 

[Y 79 ill—sr** 

3rPc«s opYtYr (^fwnr) Yi sRefY 

®9Yt 5 WT5TW ^9 5 f59t«F 8 5(771 f 19 86 % 
waK d 939 ^ U55 ^fjfflrnfV Y 95 tv qYftrfff *575 
Yt nf i 

Yto ?fto umf 

951591 99799 wfaspivY 
Sfr^ 95rfY7 997 

^■<5tf9 95Tf9tsn95 
9f fc?9t, f59t«P 7 9575 198 6 

9o 0-12 026/4/82-^9° 2 :—«ft 997 979, 

$wt srfijapnff, ^oYroY Ytqi YjYtr »tb o^ro 
$?* 9 ?rs s.79 ot^try of f5?Yt Yt [tor 
1-7-86 5 Y'9ft5 5>o 09 to, ^7599 

of fYSSftlr 840-12005° %^JTRif 259YfYo;. 

&|WMrf&YTYt Y 59 if . ITfofOTjftO 57 f^JRT fa9T 
aimr $ i 

2. $9% Yoo 9 9Tff spr fooherr forr 99195 (350 
farvrm) % «pt 9?99 moo wr— 10 ( 24 ) f-m /60 
frJTt’P .4-5-1961 9 fco 50 5 995-995 97 oYlfaff 
f559't tr«r tot! Y stor qr i 

«ft° tr?ro 99 
srwr^TR 99f9Y9qi 
I*t 9^Tf95*R 

gY9T sfrc sr^rrR^r 99795 
falRT 99(9 

*p9rf-4Q0 026, faofa 7 *1579 1986 

90 6/35/57—^— 1—9,55 fooftn, [979 9979 Y 
*ft trifo itito Tf^mrc, 69nfr Y97ra9, [9179 m, ovarf 
Yt [55R 6*95, 1986 (yrfjy) 9 *:W ?CTYw.gt9 
ftY 5*6 *697795 (97° fVo 5°) [5599 f*P57 f «pftf*T 
«fV 95^9 Yt99T Pim (97° fvfo 50) f*o 
31-12-1985 (qri'q-vrrgf) 7)97 f5^T $Y 50 I 

f55fa 12 5-VT65 1986 

Y° 0—32 014/4/84—STRo Y(°—rrw [99797, 
fY79 99T9 5T7T *ft 05° fap?95799, 7975T97T OTJ- 
f9f9*6 <9Yt-l, [Y79 99T0, STPOf 5ft 39Y ^ -Rfr ^ ij 
555 97977 97; [5506 7-8-1986 % 5 5(997 

*77^9 §YY 9»p 59Cr 84 0—40—1000—5° vY°-40- 
1200 Y%99979 if 9?799T 9979YT9 SfftRRY Y 95 97 
[9^99 f*65T 9T97 | I 

7[9 0 tr^To 5 Rt¥ 
99T9Yt9 wFaornY 
^55 f5irf5T 

ff5 55155 

?f5 05 ^SfTTfvaT [5575, 
f57clT5 f5^5TP15 

5f f565t, f55f5 2 9 SjOTlf 1986 

f5° 5o 2 (2 )/74—651 0 (l)—55 fo%nP15 5rt 
[557515 qvrtftfo *rWa 55 ‘5r’ oY [55 t[ri or yfo 
w’R 5577[-?rr [qvn5 % 5fvTS [r/T ^5l5^ «ft 0.5° 
qlo f 5 ^ 5 I 7 57 f5 [5571755 ir 055 317575 5 T f^ft 
3lftT5rrl $ 95 *K 65T5755 59 % 579 v 5V. 5| 5 , [557=B 
ii^?rrf 19 86 % 3TRr^ 53 55 vY Y [57 

3 ? 55 r 3 )T 5 f 5 Yvr^Y aof,^ Y 5 t 5 Y 55 Y.rr, ofoMH r 

95 65R70V5 3TV1 W f55^1^75 5 55Y 55 9'V fn5f50 
31T5R 9R [5555 [^57 5l07 ^ I 

3jRo 3lYo 55^ff 
[5^55 55(55 

5T5T CTRU r 5 3?^5«IT5 Y'O? 

TTlf^ 5515 (57cft 3155T5) 

5P^t, 400085, foot* 1 3T5Vcf 1986 

5 o qYo 1 To/79 (19)/84-31Ro-III/1659— 
f5555, 575T9W^ ^5575 5r[5>pY5 ?05Vlfl5»5 

1*775(5 Y 05455 53 [qf59J wYYi^S [5^7*4 7^5 

Yt f56T P 2 6 55 19 86 5 355Wt 3.'rY5 ?TtY 097 

Vo 65 0-30—740-3 5—88 0—5 ® vYo-40-960 Y 
555575 5 5T5T 5V5T5 31^5575 Y^ff Yt 5l[5Yt5 
5555T5 H575WT5ff, 375757 5 577155 ^([5*6 ^[oTOTY 
Y 95 5'7 >7T5T5<?r W 5 [5555 <575 f I 

feTt-6 4 37570 19 86 

?[ 0 efto ^oj79 (l9)/84—3iR—HI/16 60—[553®P 
'5T5T 975P5 355YiIT5 Yv3r, ^[^77 5tYt 9757W 31^57175 

Y-ff 557719557 Y 75T5Y 37l^[7il997, «ft 3,V5qr- 

=555 9jrf57755 Yl [55r5T 21 ^Tfif 197 6 l J5t'^ 5 
ainnYt 3555 YtY o*5 «rmT 9750^ a^Trarro Y^Y* 550 
YtYtfwY Y-I H i'< 5 59Cr 650-30-7 40-35- 
880-50 7Y0—40—960 Y 505 9>5 5 71^7597 95f597 
3f[S755Tt Y 55 57 75T6791T ^9’ 5 ffl^OO TRY | I 

Yto Yto ?^5R5 
5 r R5T r 75T 3)[g^RY 

575P^ [5575 

955 517 55R [9575*55 

575f-4000 01, f55R' 6 31570 1986 

Yo «ro [5o/2/l (3 )/85-S9lT°/22466— 

975P5 575? [95T5, 55 9*(7 53R T557n55 Y [5YfR 

<ttW*FT ww, fTOTORt 6; 198 6 (vtlZ'fc 15, 1908) 



% \ T mt ?:wiw - %isitoto ?,«n witorto 

wjtvito, «ft TOfT«f toVtit ml gitvft frourroq 

3r fcqfa 19-7-1986 (^SgT) & 30-9-1986 

(aqtrf ) 331 65 0—30—040—35—880—To T>o- 

40-960 % ^ttoh ?r tttt siffer^TrY % 

q?q'< ss«f srcrrcq? wttotot toto % frogs faro |' i 

TOto 3fto 

rorrw TOfrorort 

qwRj sfaT tototto 

|?TV3T?-500 016, fcTOTT 1 3HRT 1986 
To qo go STo—5 1 (53 )/85—TOTT—TOI>5 afaT 

tototto, twist 353tf fwq $> wirt to^ttot rofTO^ a fa, 
TRt TOV< ‘TOTTTTOTO TOimTTO SlfaTRt-II sft 'fto tTTo 
3UTO qt'« % faTOST <TOt 31TTO TO OfTT TO 31 ^flf, 
19 86 % 3>V<Tf Tt 319% 95 TO TOTOTOR WlTO fcTOT I 

faro^ 11 airoro 1976 

TO5o TO gro TO- «/ l / 86-TOrff —f-TOTT, r RTORT 

ufa '9 tottto, twr[ TOnf farom qwR[ afror 

tototto % Rmff q^rw frsrr 3ifag:rft, *ft hto° <tto 
faro-mw TO totoI tototto to «ft %o tthi tjwt 

3 .'ftr 3 rr^^ ®£T q^ Tfa to 2 8 - 7-86 % 5-9-86 
3T qro 1 m; to fm'-rm from arfaTOft frofTO tow 

TOto° q^Tm 
tototot iraf tott i-from 

•r IT^^M ~ I Mill n 


angfisr to tit tot 

3?^r3T?-38 0 05 3, fg’-TT^ 5 3ITOS 1976 
TO° TOgro/RTT°/ 3. 19 / 76 —fatror TOTOTTO 

&Z % fa*Tfavf»3S TOTOTrfwt TOT fsfTTTO 1, a^3T 19 86 

$ f^rnr % a^fasT totm |,^r af^prrTR 

if ^TfaSr^iftfaJlT: TJTOo sfto % q-g qR 3ITOTO 31T3W sto 


T ° 







TTo i}3t 


^ O 

'fto Ttrt 



<rto ttoI 









1 2 

7. %o 9% TOTTOTfa 

8. TfaTOV 3fRo ^7o Tfl^TT 

9. W° <TT° TOf 

10- ¥to 3lRo 

% o IJ^f o 


fffaTOl'C-II (i TOT o 

qroni toirt tit tottoi ?]pTO 

TO^TOT, feiqTT 8 31TO 19 86 

22/1986—«fV FTro gfto qftvft, sfsPrsiTT (W 

g”) %qftir ^cqrw sftq; wtirr ttj^-i arokXT 

f^qtT 14-8-1986 % Sf s#P»WT W1 % ^T 

f<r^et ?h r f 1 

«ft*rcfV TO5»Tft awfirgur 


%^Tm s-w arrum 

^P???ft-110066, f 56 TT 7 argra 1986 

fT -1 9 01 2/ n 8 7/ 8 6 -WTT.lT-qi'T— 3 TMRT, 
%T5trr -Tn aiTTW «ft 05 ^RRt, tJ%STT XA afq- 
f'-TO 55T^r*TW f^T/^PTT ?'lftf:w< (^ftfwfw) 
T 650—30— 740—35—81 0—^0-35-880- 
40—1000—Tfo—40—1200/- WCT % ^m[*T % 
23-6-1986 qvt WTt 3 r*rfi!T % f?nT 

3?«mr to $ PwfTO a tor to urr^ gqr, 3ft *ft < 15 # 

?r, it 3f?mrr rr«n aw' arrsfR 9 t wnqw ^q Jr 
fqTOai TO^t £ 1 


12 3tTRg 1986 

IT-190 12/1117/85-^0—TOT—'3}Mrer 
%TsfpT 5iT 3tTTTO, >sft tio PT° T'7, at^TTTT 
(TTO 5?) grt^rrtT TT auqtg if 650-30-740- 
35-810TOo "Pto—35—880— 40—1000 —^° T^o- 740- 
1200/-% ^aqTOH 1 T T^ITOT ^^fsTTT 3Tf^TRt 
(WTTT ) % 9T FT ynflTO aiFTPft m? aw 3U9R, yr 
23Tq 1986 Tt ft®: TT? «pt 309rfk % f^itr 3f«TTr 

q? % frofro sirmt <xx ^ ti^ Tt q?|T $, faros 

^ | i 

TffaTSjft SrftfT 
31TC TfaT 
TT 3uqfa- 


wrer vt 6, ms (wtstt? is, i»odj 

[ftf m— i 

W<f 4j] K1 .b * ■ * ■ * * 

*W! fNtfflT, 1961 (1961 <61 43) fff 
VTtT 269*1 (1) < nffr v&m 

vm *vm 

fmfaf, 4«iq<^ ftf-ftr ftf.w (frOsif) 

3 ?^?r f S <jnr 

%HT, fsfJtfT) 17 Hpf 19 86 

f^r?5T H° 3 T$$J 941 71 85—86—313: IJST, afaH 

hhric nrffrfim, 1 96 1 (i 96 1 w 43 ) (fnf snf 
rurt mni 'nrcr »rMVinr’ fitjr mnr O, fff stir 
269 -» <8 *nfrr tranr snNunrl nrf s? f?rrw vtti fa 

*Ttr 5* f*45 5WTWT < w TVt., ff WfST gffTT <fTTR 1[W 

1 , 00 , 000 /“ < 3 . tf arfro jf* 

«fK fOTtft arfaw Ho 328, tfttm W'ftRT; ftjlTPT 
itT*fe ?To 75, 17 sra^ qf «R^ I 3«TT 

art ^ sFsrf if teara % (tfiT ^trir a^r> 

if wrc yf w if *rfara t), aftrenft 

% arptfaq- aiw arr^w fartwnr a^fr xh 

ir Tfaf^cr yfafrara, 1908 (1908 w ie) % 
3,'atTT fcnTC felfrHX 19 85 

cf <Cffw tftftsr <8 rfaw fiftf *[wr if fw 4 wm 
■^nw ff Thh. wmfw fit *nf 5 * f N: «t? fwnr 

vxh i>t ^TT«r f* fa v^n^rNRi ifrfa w sfm wt^tt 
■ifw, nrtf wtupt ufaw <ftf wntR fftrorar f* th? 
■ftm iff*; «frr «Rnw (w*rc?«ff) *fnc wtfMl 
( i m f i ft Rf ) < <(W <r3f ■rcpw <8 far? nr fret ffT 
wftpsi , fawrfafiRr H*ptn r «w imrf fffir 
'if ftwfffs vt if wfV?r «nft ffwi ffr 5* k— 

(«) «wt* if o* *rnt fwr, rim 
frfffffw < «nftf ftt f 3 ^ 4 4 

stfaw if mff wrtf ft mf vrt <f- ^faft 
«i fw?; ifa/wt 

(*) rtff fMt <nf ft fWt f? ft <nfmVf 
«fr flHf 1 XTTTtftf ffftffir, 1922 
(1922 w 11 ) fT ns «rfftfTf, ft ff- 
f7 C ftff ipm, 1957 (1957 WI 27) < 

Wlftfi n V fTTO vnw it^t f^OTT ffT 

ft fi ffwi fm fiftq ft, fWf if sffvi 

nrs w», am «Nfim ffl vt 9 269-^ < <rrnf 

if, if, hwh w r 269 - 9 - ftf 3 WW (1) 

$ anfta, frPTfafn r srfRnfr, : ap^ -,— 

1 itfltf fOTM 40-41 ff^TT’a mfrm 

far utto 4fo frs (o'gft ft«) 
waft (f) 1 

(3)HITV ) 

2 wt qtn-BT <t£ttrST WK a?q-3fr-29 l^’JT ?T3T 

fiRi irfs^rr m, (sa^r), 



frf firt f?f^ <C>fffar ^tfrr ai «rtff 4 Pwt| 

«M*f fT rftM f fiWT CT 111 

fin rmfw fl nf? < ^«fx <f mfs* iff «nfff s— 

(m) m < pmi if Tnftr 

45 fa: 9it «ntN fT nmVt mfrw rc f «rc 
^fft SKffir 30 f»w nriV, nf iff 
<nrfv <nf if wfra tffft rf, ifi iffmc Tffw 
Rtffift >f f«ff ■rfw ffirr; 

(r)] m ff- tnm if jncifR mtfsr ^ 
45 fw ^ <ffar gf?r war iwfn if ftptfipt 
tv^ft mr «rfw jfTO,, ndtcmrtrft ff tm 
hifw if ff*? ft 

wmWtni—snf «4<w f^f nfj qff w #) if *a*w 
*rtyfwt, *i v«nf 20-f; if f fw tNff 
t, V& f<f fffl lf 31 l«nf if fwi 
’RT |*i 

^71T far ^0 37^/9 417/85-86 3ft 

85 ait yman: atro fiftsaw et^a 

yar % if f^grinn | i 

affiTW fltrt 
~m\ JTTfSTTi^t 
sr^< yi^?r (firftwur) 

aaff fot, ^rtr 

fwra; : i7-3 1986 

«rr»T in —jtws i] 


mw gr grwtf, fgmm e, 1983 (gnrw is, iqos) 

snw an^ 1 . ft. qg. fa.- 

mw* arfafmm, 1961 (1961 st 43) 
tft ’fTTT 269 «T (l) f anftg ipRT 


gngfgg, ar^nra 3mm 3 n w (faftem) 

3 rV r g, g;Frr 

fal, ffafa 2 7 HVTft 19 86 
fMfa g° 3 7$f/6 701/85-86— m\ *$, 3)fa?t 


■mm arfafmm, 1961 (1961 «r 43) (fatf faif 

faag m«t 'gw arfafW ^ mn |*), vro 
269-* ^ apfrr ircrg s nfawf t *rf U$ fawrg W«f W 
flnr®r 5 * fa ?*nan: gurfm, fagasr gfw manr ifw 

1 ,00,000/- T7. gfag; f 

ufa fagft wr ?fVo s% m r-o a-o 917/17 fararaft- 
mra 541-4 ^ urn aft 541 f faw | (*flT fag 

gnsra - anjggt g ?ft? im g qfora % ), afareft- 
mrf afagiflr 3s mar* agim aiwai (fgaY- 

ftT'H') 3) jf-.T Tvif/*T4 7fofv:7TT if, afaa/tfrag %Mvm, 
19 08 (l 90 8 TO 16) % 3TifY4 ftlfa GT4*fY 1986 

w? «iffW n^iPw f gfw wura *[w at wr f nwM 
irfurm f fag arerfaa gft ^ 5* «rft in* ^ fitro 
«rmf wt srag $5* fa gyr wTw fafar Vi gfw mgra 
gafa mm sf-nro af, tfaf nrmm srfmw wst 
'HO j stfmfa^ifarfw 15* ark «RTO (aRratff) *fa 
brtMY (farfafmrf) ^ tfa ®Rrag ^ Pm* w 
<ttot wt srfmng, fawfaPw girffa gw «ra ra *r 
fafag if warfare w if nffw ff?t fam wr s*::— 

(as) wrag if (jif* faift amr «d f mw, gw 
arfvfmrtr *S anffa w r^f ^ wra*; 4 
mfwr if- wft w?f m iw anrf if gfavr 
£ fan; arf^/arr 

(w) cr/ft fwfr *w m fwft w itiw 

^ifrgr 1 mr#cr amm arfvfmnr, 1922 
(1922 apr 11) ifT 3 W arfvfmm, ITT w- 
w arfofmrtr, 1957 (1957 27) < 

wfarmf aR f f^ft WITT sres faRTT WT 
«rr m fwn arm arif^ *n, fWnf aj*- arfW 

w; ajar, gw srfvfgw «rra 269->r ^ ajgwr 
tf-, *f-„ gw arM mnr 269-ar tfi tjW (t) 

^ 3 r#f, frwrfgfw wrfwaff, wrfT[ $— 

1 ftmr ®fYo%o UnYs^f 3PT^ 721/1/2 0 5TP1R1 
wj, wftg, 30 1 


2 «ft g^-in 'Frf/gFT: sfrc arnr 12 

^TsYj-gsrr 4 1 


vf anal ^rfw rrmfn < ajafr < fan 

wifaityii ar^ tot 57 1 

*w f^frr «i arfar ail War + vif ift «nW c— 

(«b) fa *£wt $ trtt #■ snuanr zft mafa it 
45 far «s 1 arnfa m TOfahft Mi faww T tc 

?[WT «J>Y JTOfrJT if 30 fw ^ BPTfa, wf >ft 
8 Rfa jtw if- irura ijfrft ?f, < *fcrc: ^afw 
sirfafaY ^ faift anfw faro; 

(?r) fa iTm^T £ mrrr af srananr malar # 
45 fw ^ afara gw wm wfar if fpnw 
fanfY btot ®rfw wrar ^ qnr 

fa fan if fan m infVt 

waeYwui:—faif snrw ar^l 3jfa wY m, atf gw 
3?fafaw ( ^ arwnar 20 -^J if iffaifaff 
t, ar«f ^fiT, ^ gar g«mr if fan 
wt t -:j 


fa afga^Yfg apo 37 ^/ 6701 / 35-86 
aft GRoffY 86 ft gfim sirmR aii^ fgatem 
3,’ofgaf 741 % 5m a f fa^T fft t 1 

sifar jura 
gsro grfmrrat 
g^r^ smr^a sjrwn (faatarg) 
ajGfgfar, 5 m 

2 7-2-1986 

ijf|a ; 

22 4 88 

uro 1 tt ttspw, ftapan: e, 1986 (*nffqar is, 1908) 

[OT1 III—•«»* 1 

tw mV. rt. W-, *&•_ . 

•mm sfvfmnr, 1961 (1961 mi 43) VI 
MTTT 269-W (1) V 


W(fw, Tr^PR TOT (frdw) 

3fafa T«r, 

5flTT, 13 9R4ft 19 86 

fiT^W tfo 37^/9433/85-8 6—aw: ijtf, 31 fan 

WPWrc «tNfWI, 1961 (l961 mT 43) (NV 
raV mrq; '?pw srfHfmpr' «rjt nm f), VI vrci 
269-* V mfar w inNm rd mt from* mrtf mr 
tort V fa> to: TOffxi, fwr gfm nmc mm 
i, as. V *rfvm V 
VR farmfl no m^RfaafRPT sfp 6*1 nfaTH 1 


fTfTWT qrfz wf % ott 5ft Jr ft«rci $ (Vfc *nn 
otto siijrpft $ Vk yl $), Tfarc^Wfrf 

atftr^TTV wrfair, trtir arufT 3tT^«ra (fpltaoi), 

nafa rfarpjR Jr, Tf^ffarro atfafaqir, 190 8 

(190 8 to 16) % aisffa, TiRfar swrl 19 86 

<rt <pfw Trwfyr V ntm rnmt i£W m* V wtopt 
srftrroi V Pror marfan VI mf ?*'«f \x mi! 4? fromr 
too? asr wr f* 

IV Jwr^ffw TpprfV aw gfm *trk jpn, otV tor 
aftrwr n, W whir sifOTW V srfWi tP *fm« |* 
tfrrm (mnVf) uftr msftrfl (Vq r<:fq^t) V 
rfN ifsf *rtrt V Pnq mr mm *tm srfrnw, fnnffalV* 
mwVr gw >RR»rPnfmr if irorfroi wr it W* 
fVm tot V '•— 

(m) marro it u* fmdl m* VI 4m, mw 
utMtoit V nr#r «t ^ mrn*s V 
mfrw arrtf an ^ mmf it- nfmn 

V fan?; wfr/m 

(f) iffr fmrfl «mr in fVrfr w in tot 4 iP«ini' 
V 1 , far^ 1 vrmfrar tot srfMfrom - , 1922 
(1922 * 5 t 11) m m srfrfrinr, in 

TOR arfvfVmi, 1957 (1957 45127) 

V mriVrof BRrfrrft pi sro wt fmm arm 

TO UT f4)4T TOTT 4(f^ *TT, fWR T?" TlfVVT 

V P*nj; 

3rt: m, gw aiNffnnr VI to 269-t V «H*K«r 
if, if, m srftTfVnr Vf vki 269 - 4 T VI gmnn (1) 
V pfa-, frcrlVfpr aifapnit, prf?i; :— 

( 1 ) %rf fanm, 40-41 f^siM wiPm 

Tlsp, TR tTJTo i\o fR, TOTV fnf (i) 

(2) >ir mfn?i fmT prtfTfTRn nTiR 

apl^fft f^o 5 ftW fcafiGR tRTRTT zUx 
®sr irf^n rrh:, 


V m ^ 4 i pfl wV ^ 4 ffw flmfV V anfw < r*m 
«nMtV fw 

iw tWtt V arwfar V if <«V *ft 1 — 

(«) w«r V tip if srercR VI sr(k i 
45 fVi VI «niN in TrrrWift «rfVmf <R 
VI rrnfrn ^ 30 IV? VI arW, V »ff 
«rW mar if toi iffd (H 1 . V tflrcrc tVw 
mfmnif if f IVrfl «rfw ^mrr; 

(w) f¥ T^arn V TF 4 T 4 if WSTCPT VI indv i 
45 fVr V iftTR m ttor arofn if ff!r- 
nv fwft wrfmr mntr, aRfpmmft V mf 
faffn if IVq <m TlWl 

iVM<i :—pV mrw toI «rN: «wl w, V *m 
VWutt, V anroi 20-m if qfnnfmi 
I*, nr*f 5 f»n V gar anmir if fwi 
mn if 1 


^TTT f45 apo 37f^/9433/85*86 <sf| 

cmrl 86 Vr tt^hr buitto: f-RVan 0 ! aj^fn 

^51 ^4 T ^ *pr Jr fun aim 1 1 

arf^iFf jinT 
Trarii mfiR/t 
TRrai^ surim snqjpi (frfrBTO) 
anst 6 541 

TIRlw: 13-2-1986 
8i$r ; 

mvf ai—i] 


nm mr <rw* v Vmwr 6, i»®6 (msT? is, itosj 

m *wV <&■ »***- 

«nra< wNfwr, 1961 (1961 «r 43) <1 

4TtT 269-W (i) 4 «nfrr ipm 

•RTOT fWt 

W*ra, unm «nwr «sm« (fffter*) 

sfao' Ytf, gmr 

3 'lT, ffaT^T 3 ^T^Yt 19 86 
faWT fo 37^/9434/85-86—1TO, nfan 

nro: 1961 (1961 4»T 43) (ff4 w*f 

S?r4 wrrt ‘mro nftrifarir' 45 $r im 1 ?), 4) vro 
269-m 4 srtfrr wm fafr*End 4“ v% f™ *a 
«K»T ff* f4 ITOt fPPTfrT, f«ITO ?N7T tTWK IpT 

1 , 0 (j, noo/- R. 4 nNm t 

srV, faifat 9 n£ jr 204‘fatfar'' cnte 9-0 

2 9-3%, QIZI 40 4 vif fafar 4t-3?n*fesf RfafaT 

^fr^mr^Y fn°, t w ft srrft Y fan | (sir Rif 
tj'rrcj s)^Y Y sff: gf wr Y 3 IV 1 1), TffifY- 
^ flfsr^rd % Rrafam, stnreR air^ 

(faftero) nnV Y^r/’Tq Y, •{fsn^tqRUT 

afafaTO, 190 8 (1 908 RT 16)% Sltffa, 9 rY<? 

5W1RY 19 86 

«rf qffar HRfa 37 rYfar -473 Y wt-r 4 mnrFr 

nftiw 4 far* afafRr 3i1 nr 1 R* *nY inY ^ fromr *rY 
rjt 3>rw if f?> irw#w Yrnffr 3 st afum irmt irmr, 
?<t 4 r^iK srffaw 4, tff i??wr srfiro^ 4 Yojf 
jrffw 4 srffm $* arfr: srams (afew') srfY afafq ft (afa- 
Mfff) 4 4H cf4 afaro 4 ffaj thtt srff mm , 
PwfffalT 3WfW 4 OT *foTO Mftf 4 4t Wlfg 
¥T 4 WiPw ffls't 1 ' fa^TT 331 If* :— 

13.) a*T™r 4 RTf fa-f 3TTO % *fT?3, TR 1 ! 
■f •■ifT’.'rn •? tf’ffa } rr 4 r;-^ .7 

3Tf3c3 Y 1 3RY 3T TlRf 333“ if ^rf?VI 
4 1Ynr; arf?/3T 

( ! 3 1 r : Yt frRft 3TPT in frr;> -,|. T iTT afrtj" 01 (T^rTv'" 
3if, irnYrn '^jv r 1922 

(192? 3T 11 * 1 "? -T^ •■'irT433, Ti ,r 335T 

-ff 1 1937 (19.3/ 27 ) 4 jrafrmf 

i-'u itw yw fwr 3arr «n *tt fwrr 

■{"■■I vYr-" Wr Pf~- -.' s 1 - )rfT;-'7[ if- 9r-Tf; 

33: 3T3, ^PT srflffnTTT aft 3FT 269*3 4 aTWiut 
Tf, if, 333 3TfT.lffpnT aft 9TTT 269*3 aft 33333 (0 
4 3r*rfhr, fw^r^fi 3ii%nrf, ar^rffr 1 — 


( 1 ) YyY ^ ffprY 40-41 fsfsrm ^rfcur 
■qv 173-0 YVo YtT YYft (Y) 3TT3rf 


( 2 ) 9 Y ^r<o %o vnf-aran- ^rr*rr Y° Y% Yto 

srt^fiR fwYw, fiYnrn 

Rrf Tift ^Pt4 <^4% ?mtn 4 anhr 4 hrq 

4RTTT c i 

■4'ci^ tftrfV 4 ®r«R- 4 YYv if *friV *ft cniY i— 

(*) w 4 TOT 4 - snwirT <ft mftv 4 
45 fw 41 «r4fv 4 t flw«rVt "ifwif <n; 
r^T «ft irrtfffi 4 30 fw 4t »Rfv, wf »ft 
wfV to *f iWRr iffft rf, 4 4hn: <pifw 
«rfmf 4 4 f*raft wrf4;r griro; 

(v) *FC4T 4 tp^pt 4 - sram «ft mftw 4 
45 tf-r 4 vflrar ^«r w irprtrr if fjpnrfY 
fssYt «ri oifim wro cMftpronrt 4 «n¥ 
fflfiro *f faw; wr ^44 i 

wartcwi:—ir-aif nm ^nd 1 - «rfr <rrf «r, «rf zm 
arNf^, 4 *twrw 20-45 if q foTTf ^ ^ r 
tf, njl jffn wf am anro 4- hp?T 

441 |* I 

aforr fm rf^Yfm «p° 37 ^/ 9434 / 95-86 ft 
gotrY so ft qnjqq mmx air^n f-Rt^ii 
Y^T ^4T % TRUV it W<2T WV\ I I 

3! fan juri: 
nernr iTTfamrtt 

faTW 3R47T wmq (fnft«TUT) 
3?f 6' Yn', c[9T 

9rYi^ 1 i 3-2-19 36 

4r$* j 

22490 WTW WW1I, 

BVT HTf 1 . r}. ..—— 

MUntr* wfvfinrM, 1961 (1961 UT 43) MSI 
MW 269-M (l) « snfrM SHOT 


AiMfwr, hupth 3 rnm (Poftero) 

ins ( hutm is, 1908) [^rnr hi—«•*, l 

(l) jffTCr »];? fMTTlf, 4 0-41 fawrM wifw 
OT rTTf o aft° TIT, 5RTt (i ) 

(aTRTO ) 

(2 ) trg-o ipT'TX «fTC3tR <=— 2 /5/ 1 .4 

3-rex h° 4 oio$ 


hhV ^TT 

X'Tf, faHTO 17 ORaTY 19 86 

fn?H Ho 3 7ff/2 43 0 /85— 86—3R: OS, 3..faH 


arnm arfMpoiTC, i ge i (1961 Mir 43 ) (Panf 
wai qiswf ‘so-,- arftrfpnnr' ^ hot f), aft mto 
269'V ^ snfr- fTCUr OlPoMOft MO 0? PTCTTH MTCt MO 

1 ,00,000/- < 1 . H arfiRT f 

hV< fHoan o'jiot c^tc ^ 1 , urateo tctr h° 29 - 
afr°, 6M2TC Eo 4 OOT of •Toko TT-R^fR ^rOflTO 
HYtOTCY f~R\ MOp t H*TT Tf HOf 0 fTHO & (HIT 
TTT03 O HTC WO % ), TfH^Y- 

TH? SJ.faTTrV ^ ROpR, SIR'-* T arTCMc? 

(flTt^H) S 3H0 Tfa^ H, TfV*£YMTCH 

afafTTO, 190 8 (1908 TT 16) V HUR, OrfOsT 

HTOtY 19 86 

<fif oaffara hjhPh i£ vffVra mthtc ipr if ara ifi unrorc 
nfroEH ^ Phjt arrafrcr art vf if 3frr in£ Photic 
* rcf mo moth f Po; n*n 'thTw hptPh mo hPhh mthtc 
*£ 170, HlR WW oPe.MOT if, R-/ OTTC1TO oPaOOT ^ 'R? 
sPersia ip arPaa; i,' artr arnra; (anr-rart) affr snrP^ft 
(afHPrPenff) $ «ftH tnf 3TCTH W, foo HO MTMl OMT SrPHOR, 
PorPhPhT OMOTO H HMH 3ffnR P?rf%H 0*- hrhPm^ 
mo if MifMH fapn *r«n if 

sr ij^oi HTfi mtc^ ^mT«w «wPw «B «rfo ^ Phu 

MocforP^f ^ oircri C 1 

HofH ^ 3Pfa ^ HTO $■ Mff *ft aiUrfO It— 

(M>) W TTMOT if STMOflffO *ft Htfhj if 

45 Prcr mtt uttPo ot MTCp5nft «MPwif <R 
i[tot m>) snflrar 30 Pm irt «nfH#i 
srPo mot if HirRr ffft £f, ^ 
soPMHof if if Poofr otPmh fOTCO 

(h) IRT ITTOT ^ TROT if SOTOS* Mft mttT 
45 P^r ^ iftar Hew wrar hoPtt if Ppup 
f^rft ano smPmh mmtct aRf^HTrart ^ ora 
PHfMra if Pm HI H^if 1 

Wra^hTCH:—MHif OMORT SWp TpT off MO, *f 

srftf fvRir, ^ 3 rwno 20-w if 'TfOTtrotr 
5 s , Mft apf fflT «f 3H arcora if Pmot 
» rai f i 


(«e) «t*hth if $y P»foft hr «mm, hmh 
arPMfnnt ^ anPlo m ^ ^ afrcai. ^■ 
Tl f 'H70 Ir MOff "ETO OT HTTf OHO if irPovr 
t Pho; aifr/or 

HOT f*P TfH^Vfa Olo 37^f/943 7/85-86 aft 
hottY 1986 to Hfroo sfroor Hrooo f'lfiorH oafo 
^OT % M'OaO H fHW HOT | I 

(*) fwfr 3rra ot f^rcft mo ot sph anPmt 

^r„ Pan ? 3 orciffo arm* srPM^mra, 1922 

(1922 It) MT srfMfooiT,, in 

VrMTC arPofoim, 1957 (1957 MO 27) 
ifi Toramif aroPreft forcr 00^: o?f Poorr iroT 
mt ot Pmott arm htP?it mt, Pwof if hPhmt 

^ Pt4TT; 

ofoq fHrT 
HWT STferofY 
H^raoi HT007 HTOTO (fr/t^TH) 

:, ■jor 

VM: arc, g*?r hPmP-UIm M>f MTCT 269-0 ^ ai ^H TH 
*■ if, aiftipTOH aft MTCT 269-W Mft :3 Hmto" ( 1 ) 

tfj 3T‘ft,T, fVcrffTpHT rafaoi^, aroflt : — 

ORTH ; 17-2-1986 



*tt<t tfr irTOfj ijrf-sr: 6 iVas (yrjT; is, i»«s) 


tot *m*..j sljj Wd Sfa 

(i) ftmf fftr?sir, 4 0-4i fwra srrfqir fsR 
7R tr^To gfto TtT, mi\ ($) I 

wtor fNfTOr,, 1961 (1961 «r 43) «1 

WI 269-^ (it) 4 vftr I*TO 


4H4fro, wt44h *n^t (hjhnJ 


yrr, froq? istvorV 19 86 

fTOT f o 3 8^/9435/85-86—3R IJF, ajffffi" 

wr itMtot, 1961 (1961 «r 43) 

finfl mrq; 'tot ■rNfror' 4r|r to ^, 4ft *rra 
'269- 1 *' 4 "nfar iranr mfrosir 1 ! 4>f, 4^ Pywnr vxx 
•w 45rwr (f* fa; win; uirfar, farror ^fro 4T4TC vy* 

.1 ,oo,ooo/- if stfro if 

sfK fTOfft TOTT Ro 203, ^ IRfcT spVitT^f^ 
'iftnryaft ^\z yo 29-fti°, Azr*zt to 4 

t to oft if fi«ra | (sin. ^irft tt rw aRg^ft 
if wr yif m ttfora |), if^ftRrf afftmfr k 
THTfaT, WrTR 33TTO1 3ITOR (faftery) aw 
m Tfn^R if, RfalftlRR afafTOf, 1908 (l908 
5P1 16) % asftfT, sRsrV 19 86 

r£r *t#«r iRTfwr $ sfarcr tor jpnfw ^ wmn 
rffffuror 45 fan* apjt^r «rft vf $ arN: irtf faroir 

r « 35 f w ’kttw |* totPtt f»r gfarcr 4iiii 

9^, TOfl WWW ulVwr if, WTO* irfflw W 
<?W[ srfaro «riVfi |* «frr iftriw (ifaw!) *irfRft 
,(«riWW) < «fhr TOrc«r 4 firq to tttt to *fa- 
m fa w rfirfTO m #tot Ww if nwfaf, 

TO «faOT mf f*4T TOT t *— 

(31R1^ ) 

2) sft %0 sfto f¥?ff «>< 31R 702 aifrl ^<TTT 
i4^1r fr? t >ir 1 


<r f| <(411 crI >cfT>w «<ffw ^ f^hr <i fwi 

fsnffrfpr fran ?;i 

tot rrwrtn *r ?nftr ^ tftfv if- eft* »ft arreftr ,:— 

(«) fir IfTO «g KRPTT ^ TOUR fft wnftf t 
45 fif fft toN m irwwrjift <n 

l[vn 4ft UpftlT ^ 30 Pff 4ft 3 rN, w 1 
«T4fH 4T4 rft RtfKT fftft ^f, 4i liftlR 
wiffqnr rft *f wrfflT flWRT;: 

(f) fir ^TT 45 WIT ift TOUR fft fllVfff 
45 fi* ^ iftin: tot wm TTRfrr if f ^aigy 
Pwi^f *tr wrfw pnr anrfpmrerrt ^ «mr 

l HVlfll IT 145? TT U4f <1 I 

RwlfiWT:—-fir*f srror irwf «fn: Til tjt, sfr ^ 
arfyfnrw ^ arwnir 20-45 if Tf ouPv^ 
5*, Bnf ffn 3[f to arwrnr if f?rm 

mn 4* 1 

J4r), wvi tf - Cj* hrt) mir 4ft rm, tot 
wfvfinrw < r*fR 45 ff < *trtri ^ 

JjrflTW if 4»ft 4tl?f 4T vwf if irflVT 

< Pmi; 4fi/wi 

{«•) ^ift ffr^f imr in ffnft vm r-4 infunn 
4 rf, hRf 1 mniffir 4 nr-^c fMroir, 1922 

(1922 fir 11 ) 47 iw nMroir, 4T vtoi 
4*Mf4TO.] 1957 (1957 W 27) * *4^- 
iiy ymfyift wm toc f43n to yr 
4 T Ero wi yif^ 4T fwrrf if q£ro 

4 fm 

<nri to, «w yfyfroy tft 4tjr 269-* < w^rs* 
if, TOff KfufTOT 4ft HU 269** *ft ; 3TOTT (l) 
4 yifH, f HH f *fro ■rfwyfin TOf^ t— 

fp Tfsfi^ffn qio 37 ^ 1 / 9435 / 85-86 3 ft 
spRft 86 4ft 31lW< 3ff^44 3)jfff 

yyj % 544T if fRigT TO | I 

m^ ^TTftrrrrtf 
ttopr «n^r 

ai^ftr i^nr 

fU‘<fi3T 17-2-197 6 

irf^y • 


*T TT44S, 6] 

474* .7 ^., W -; n3 • 

4T445T nfaf^, 1961 (1961 w 43j ^ 
47T7 269*91 h) 4 *nfrr 


TOfair, Tnjnnp tot [Ux^J 

3^4 fa', 34 t 

^47, IWTT 2 0 4P4, 19 86 
fjfifa Oo 3 8^/9428/85-86—353: o£, aiOr^T 

« ri ' J P 6< 8Tftrf?irtr, 1 961 (1961457 43) (fatf 553 # 

frN5 <nwRi; '3W arMnnr' 45*ri 441 ?*), nra 
2F.9-4 < *pfr»- w jnfNWtl *f, n? fTOw 
TO®r ?* fa ito inqfw, afarr wit vyn 

1,00.,00G/- Tn. a'Brftra;^ 
vftx farfat aw 'Ffofa 104 , ftfact swain 474 ? 
4TT§ 4f 4*4$ | 441 4ft 3*4 4^ 4 fT44 § 

(sftt san 49r<ra: shan't ir ofa n°t « ir 4f*ra 
$), Tfa^fafrf S8f«r4TT-€t ^ 444 l ra4 4?T44 3 iT44T 
aT^'i fnftssra 3544 ¥4 it, far^fara 3lfsrf444, 
190 8 ( 1 90 8 44 16) % SiSlfa, arift? Gi44<t 


•fit ^TW WiV < afatf 4T4TT l[r4 it 474 4i W44H 

irfana ^ fan swtfwr 4>f 41* ?* mfc 45 fasoa nifa 

44 4TR4T (f fa 447H.'lfaa TUmTw 44 afalT 474TC Ip?, 

f44> W44T4 Slfaw 4, tf*f W44I4 srfaw «I 

srfisw it arfv4> f vfc starm (sfafaf) srft au- 

faft (^WonT) 4i »(W tfrt 4TO; 4i fan 44 4T4T 441 

ttfatol fanfafan 444 W4iC«| Wa 4" 

4TWfW W «6f«W f*P4T 441 $* U — 

M *WTCT 1 GJ* M 4T4 4T44, «*5 

irfUfan* 4 wHlW *GJ4*»f 4 «RPC45 >8 

PlfaW 4Wfll K5«f 41 V%4 4«pt »f pt441 

4 fan; 4f*^4t 

fa) n^ f’Rft 414 4T falft 44 4T 3F4 3)lfw4t 

nrf, fn^ 5 arafor «iw4i.< nfafaim, 1922 

(1922 4!T 11 ) 47 444 aifafapi, 41 

Kan* ®rfVf444, 1957 (1957 44 27) 

4 44f44T«f 8Rtf^ft 147413454 4?ff fa47 
44T 47 4T f4547 474T 4lf?4 47, feST^ if 

nf447 4 fun; 

mm «*»! 444 4f4f3 4 4 4fl VTTT 269*4 4 4T4T4 

if, if, a4t afqfainr 4tt w r 269-4 4fl anviTr (i) 

^ sntk. f wfaf q ff aiW, 3T«ttn :-- 

1986 (nsns 15, 1908) (»tT4 III—*»» 1 

(1) 3w 4*7474 f4547f 4 0-41 f^rn Wff94 

^"jt, 41 4 t° ftf, aa^rt (f) 414? 1 

(a-3 T7T) 

(2) 4t tTO’S) 61?r4q‘ 44ft 27 6 n. ^ifaqa 

=4f^, asRfara % r ira 4=4f 


4Tf 4 ? TTrt VK4 n4f44 5 sf4f?T *i apsfr *5 fuq 

477f4lff4f 4T47 ^1 

544 TTPTfW ^ aNa 4 4T4V4 if 4tri(* iff «TT«t4 V 

(^) V3 TT447 4 JI444 if 34444 4tl mft4 ^ 
45 f44 4tt 44fV ?7 Hr?5JTJf74t wrf444f T? 
TI44T 4tt tfTlftw « 30 f44 4tt mrf4, 4f if! 
44f4 414 if 44HT RRft ?f, 4 tffcPt 
^r»WilP if 4 Mt I4f44 54T4T; 

(¥) 4^ <[447 4 41444 if 444714 4tf 07^4 V 
45 f44 ^ *ft44 344 WT44 TTPTfW 4 1 f?44fH 
fSRft 414 S4f44 44TT7 4XI?WTMft 4 '04 

faf«7T if f450 47 wVl 

iWNt 44 :—toif Jnptfr 414I afrr ml 4ir, 4 jw 

afvfnnr 4 htwr 20-45 if 'rf^onfos 
»* L , 481 4^ |fn, 4r 44 tot if fwi 
441 if i 

#OT fa 37ff/9427/75—76 at 

76 4ft o?r 44 i 3 pm auan fift^TO asfn 

V 5 

fa yrr % 44?n: it fi^r 441 1 1 

affa firr4 
asm snfsrTTfi 

VffW'T' 3114471 311443 fadeffOT 
31414 f jf, !J^1 

3lftl?r : 2 0-3-7 6 
4t?T : 

tfpf l] urn w to w, mowr 0, i»as (omre is, isos) 22493 

y rcr rigwa-TT'" rtrjmgjar^^qgCTAMypw rw-r^*^. r.’" ’’" -fj-.Tui: tt—itz ” - 

m toV-eI , q? .q^T ;]*■*“ J r.%aa^Bl 

«PPFt arfVfWff, 1961 {1961 «r 43) 

HTRT 269-T ( 1 ) 4? Wfa 


to I W , msjw anwrc tow (fWfaT) 

Wo t4, 30 T 

g^TT, fWpF 2 0 Opf, 1986 
foW rfo 37^/9420/85-86—STST: iJF, WfW 

mm stMw, 1961 (1961 43) (fW fW 

;W toto ‘300 srPofaw' orgT wr f 1 ), sri m 
269-^ f Wfr w^r snfWnft orf, w fww 5 W 

HT TOW ff M TTOTR WltcO, fWRBT 3lW TOHR 7[50 
1,00,000/- 75. arfW 
strife fwfr wi wj h* 703, Woro mf r -~<iz 
Ho 4 9 7^^ =T^ aROf I ?r«rr ft Hi apW 

H f?ew?r & (afi‘7: f*ri| -mos it to: y»f 

OR 9 OiW T t), TfsHF^d wfWTft ^ TOtWO 
nm 7 sre 'ifra fmtTO, Wo ti if, Rfas^t- 
apRW STfafOW, 1 9 08 ( 1908 =PT 1 <5) % Wto, 
Olfter WOft 1986 

'pffar TOffr ^ ofw tottr *p*r i 4W «£ wwro 

ufercsT ^ fW toPro of 55 * sfa W our fWro 

TTR0 OTT TOW 8* foi OWPpfOlT OJ*l Ptt 0>T vdNo 01WTR 

«nor, <nraf womr srfWw «*, Wf worno ofWw on 
T^jjf ofowo it wfvoi if «rfr Wros (WWf) WfWl 
(aRMwf") ^ 4W ifo 1 torw 4> faq snr tot nor 
sfWrw fo«wMW rfr^r ?f wort wtow MW *f 
otWW w it of 00 ntff fWn owt f 1 — 

fa) TOW O' o' fWft TO ^ ?IW wow wfo- 
fWrfr ^ srtftTr SR W ^ to ^ qrfWr *r 
^4t hpc? jh ?W jf- ?rfWT ^ fw; 

Wtl fWl TO 41 Mtf} WT 41 TO 'YlfWT5 
fat, VK<fl^ arpm srfHifaprfr, 1922 
(1922 w 11 ) wr srftfMm, «n 

sprm ®if*rfW¥, 1957 (1957 w 27) 
4? snfrvmf «RrfW1 i^rt m ^ fWr wr 
<r 47 FWt tot *n, Mrn jf h?h>h 
Hi fuiq; 

5RT: 3R, -THH aqftrfM^TT ^ TOT 269 7 if, TO7W 
rf-, arf^rfm TOT 269-«T Tfl 3TTOr" (li 
^ 3)Wr, NWr W^PTli, 3r«rf?t :— 

(1) imf WjTTT’ f?5W, 40-41 fTOTR WTiW 

TO, 7TR Too afro Tfff STTOft (f) 


(2) «ft TH\H WR '•TTH'TTZHIHT H*H S^t^T 5 

f^PrfW^RT #^R I 


j?U qro ipf-w 41 Wtt < fW 

^raTrfpf aror c> 

srw ^ «rW ^ Wv tf 7rnf ift »nW ,:— 

fa) fH TTWt 4? RTTOT #■ srW?R ^ 

45 fW amftT 4T TOfWt rajfTRpff <nj 
OTFf ^ TOW it 30 1W aprftr, 4t rft 
*Ptftr TO jf- GTOT irfrft $f r ^ WtR 'pfW 
arfW# tf i fWt srfw atror; 

far) w orr < tow if w;rw rnR'tr i 

45 fW ^ TflrarR ■rorar rtor rmfw if fipr- 

*TO f-TOft TO ®lfw fTOT srm^-RTOftTW 4> 
7177 MW if fW ^rr to^w 1 i 

(WWt;— fW jppfn toI srfr wl «fiT, 3W 
arfrfWtr ^ topi- 2C-^ if Tforifw 
t,< *f?1 »r«f (fm arf aq *nro if fwT 

WTlf l 


WT ffT RfsiR^fr ^0 3 7^/9420/85-86 TTt 

ol^TTf 86 ft frfPTTT TOTTR ¥)TfTT fRtW wW 

^ ^ f ^wr it Mrr iniT ^ i 

wfrr ^to: 
wo otWrY 
WPT^r TO77R topto (frc>w) 
*A'i H ^TT 

orffg 1 : 20-3-1986 



firm (ft —to i 

tfits *r ww*. fajpip: 6 ; iiaet 
rtt **fi3 t) •: |W:fl **i! — 

mmK, nfHtmr,; 1961 {mt m 43) 4J 

*rro 269-7 (i) 4 snfrr ^nn 


unfair, inn wn^w fw,Vw) 

w^fa jtt 

5^7, frnfa 21 *mf, 1986 
fa^fa #0 37^/9422/85-86—Wff : i|F, llfan 
JiTR, - 

•rmrt *rfafainr, igei (1961 w 43) (fart TOf 
TO> Twin; 'tot jrfMfjnm’ to 5*), *1 vttj 
269-7 ^ artfar wnr itf 3^ fanmr w 

•Rrorr at fa ?w ifafar, fan™ gfanr iron: ^ 
1,00,000/-^. <f nfara 

sfk falTT?) ITTO 77£ =7° 503, nsfam 7TO if 

t'o 49, tot 17, «r*r£, n£ *r«r$, $ n*n iff 
if ffa?r ft (sfrr Tr«% tots if 

*k 35 67 6 *^ffaer ft),Tfa*£fanf sfgirtft % TTrafan 
gfigsp srpjw fWlern" srefn 

rT^^vn nfafror, i 908 (1908 ht 16) % mftn 
mffa siTOff 1986 

%i 'tiffan ifafaf 4 wNu nwn i wJ wun 

srfarm ^ fanj 3 Rrfar ifa ^ faron 

to 1 m mw g* fa mufafai Tfqfar qrrnfan itw 
*£&?, TO? WW JlfalW if, qfa wunr srfw in¬ 
fill if atfaTB f* «rfa tow (tow)) *fa 
TOfarf) (TOfafWf) 4 jfK q/y fwr 4 fan* mr 
inn to srfasTT, fanrfarfrt afrt if jut tot* 
fart s if qwifaro; vr tf nrfaw rtf fa. .. to |* c— 

H tos* t xjf M! *w «1 tnwr ns 

arfafam nl rtfa m rt $ tow 4 
rnfaw if rtf nrcf in art wnf if rfavr 

4 fan; «fl/fi 

fjf qVt fart) m ti fart) n nw rtwnrt 
*f tl fart* mrtfa to*t nrtfam, 1922 

(1922 «W It) 41 TO Wfa f faff , 41 7*^ 

^ arfarfarir, 1957 (1 95745 T 27) 4 

srnfamf «nyf<d) wto jto3 73 T fafftrr w 
ht ht faun arm TOfaq *n, fWnf if irfann 


44:1 «W, TO nfafanr VTO 269-7 4 TOTO7 
tf- TO nfafam ^ 7TO 269-4 Iffi TOTO (l) 
-p ir#r, faig fa ifa c i oiifawiff, :--. 

(mte i5, i4Q$) 

(1) nnn- gnmn faro, 4 o- 4 ifanm wnfnr 

nr tTgo =fto xtJ, nnft (f) wgf 1 


(2) «f) nrftii TTst^nTni sonTOfV nn 
Tits gigf 1 

»f <1 y wr nrrt ct 4 7*<tw 4 rt* 4 faw 

^ I lf^ l PfU t TOT |^l; 

to TOfal 4 rtn 4 tout if 4nf if) *nfa b— 

W W *FPG -J 7m if JTOI4R ^ mtf* 

45 far 7ft 3PTfa 7T cTOTOTOft aqfann f 77 
T[WT af )1 5 TPcffar if 30 far Ti 1 ) 3 Rfa, ^ »ft 
anrfa 7T7 if inrRr fM) tjf, 4 ifarr Tnfw 

■rfanrt if # fart) «rfaw finer; 

(V) l» ^riT 4 mm if iron 4) mil* * 
4 5 fan 4 <fm to mu- wf* # fapnfn 

farft spir sqfag vnrr snfr^nrrerff ^ trt 

farfan if faq *t **Vi 

wrif tow rtrt irffa qn) w, ^) * 7 * 
arfaffann <n anmn 20-i> if Tfonfau 
rt) rt ffan nt nvinT if fan 

TO I* I 

far 750 37f€/9422/85—86 7T> 

^7n0 86 if) nfraTr nmin: nr^wfaffem?rtn 
x* % wax t faran im 11 

nfan fnir 
nsrn mfsunr) 
njnr^ miiT sn^m (fnrtem) 

nrO*: 21-3-1986 

*rmr vr erro*,fstfror e, 1986 (miTro 15, 190s) 22495 

^l) WTO TOWTOfroTO 4 0-41 fTOTTW WTfTO 
Jl^T, TO rrTTo At° 7 ft Atft ($) 


hr ill —mi 1 ] 

uro •nr.eVro_.TO* 

nTTO* nfyfTOW, 1961 (1961 ro 43) *1 
vro 269 ** ( 1 ) 4 anfft qror 

htt* nwn 

•stAto ifnrc wnrro *rurro (fn *) 

rofHTOI, 'JHT 

$5T, fTOftr 21 HtA, 1986 

ftAA TO 37ff/9424|85.-86—?Ttf : *£, srfTOT 

• mu r e nN^nnr, 1 961 (1961 ro 43 ) (frof ronf 

W 4 q^t 'to* srfVfwr' j 1 ), At vm 

269 -* A anfft tor n i N-wf) *rf n? from *btA «r 
«ror A fA rom rorftr, fnrro nfror mu ro* 

1,00,000/- e*. A arfro; 5* 

Aft fsiTOft TWTT we •t'-) 2,WTO TOP, e*R 

to 49 , tfqro 17 , At° sft 0 Aft arnf roerf | 
TOT At *$ TO*f it f^zrcT | (^T>C 7 H?T TOTTO ST^^At 
Jr Aft ^ to a wfftar |), eftiejtp*f ?rfro>nft % 
sports totop 'otopt *fjw AttVst^t m^r to Jr, 
^ft^tPTO prfafTOJT 1908 (1908 PT 16)% mft*, 
*Rfa siTOftt 1986 

*rf ^Afro irwrfwr 4 afro mre qro 4 ro 4 wnrg 

sr ftraV 4 fAq 3 rtM At vf $* biAc tot? tnr from* 

4rcf ro rovr $* fn; rorrofro Arfw w rfror mu 
HW, s*4 «ro*rH wftran A A“A win ft srftraw 4 
*rf?5 yrdsKi A arfror ^ arft atwr^TB (oinK'oT) *fe 
Asftoft (Aerlftfenff) A Ahr 4 qV wr*r 4 f*q to 

«mn tot irferaw, fmftTftr* if to* 3 rnrro 
ftrftrcr if TOerfro, to A After fror tot |* :— 

(nr) srtto A uref fAAt to At mer, to* 
•rfftftpnr 4 *nfrr to: At % toto; % 
tt^tot A TOft ht grof *ro?“ it «troi 
< twq: •rf*/*fT 

(«r) Aft fWt to to to itt to mfro! 
%r, frof 3 mref^r toto: arMrow, 1922 

(1922 *»T 1 l) JTT 9TO TOrtTOW, TO TO- 
TO: wM totT, 1957 (1957 W 27) ^ 

8<i t*TI «f TOflTft JTKT 5JTO 4lJ- PTOT TOT 

in from tot TTf-jq »n, PwrA A irfro^ 


Bra-; to, Twer arf^froir A} tot 269-*r srwn^ 
A, if, <roer «rfHrfronr *f tot 269-* At ^rrot (i) 
A 3 nft?„ frof^fro arvfq; :— 

( 2 ) «fr ctto nArc Att$ sfk s 0/5 
w>j7T, q^T it^err, Ar< ^tttowt: itot 
=tt?t 1 


rf *| error wt^ toTw rofm 4 mtir at f^r* 
ahlrf ro f ^ aif TOT1 ^211 

iro ^rfw ^ wA»r »i ^hr < 4u* rft roifra— 

to error d wm if ronro Al toI* if 
45 fro At rofV nr ereAAtV wrfroA to 
qror At em/hr ^ 30 fro At rof*. «t 41 
rofy to if tottt ifteft iff, A Affr 
«ifront if A froft wttw fror; 

(v) to tttot A tto t toto* At enAter A 
45 fro A Aten: to* rorro Anfw if fijroro 

froft tot ^nfro tokt TOf^rmwrt A «rw 
fnfnd A fnrq ronf 1 

*TO«1wTOT:--TOif TOTO <mt nte:<TTt RT, A TOW 

wfvfroir A roro 20 -w if nfroifro 
5’, n^t »nf iffn A to unror A hm 
IRT 5*1 


^HT iftKjtifft *0 37^/9424/85—86 At 

51*rot 86 At TffPTsp TOT^r STTTOfT ftft^TW *^lft 
^prr % twt Jr ftwr tot | 

2 fro ^m'-r 
ttw snfsrqrRt 

TOR'P 5TTTO1: iRTOnff (ftflftTOT] 

To, t'TT 

*nftsr; 21-3-86 



'Am -ft Truct^, 6, laas (m?T,' is, 1908) [upt ii[--ia3 i 

5J1FT 7T?* . £'l ■ 

srom 3rfnt^m, 1961 (i96i *7 43 ) %t «rro 

269-4 (1) ^ rfrr ?r«nn 

mvx sw: 

awta*, nw« «n4v* (Ntftr*} 

*^7 T «1 1 ^71 

*3(7T ft7PF 21 707 1986 

fa^Vr ift 3 7ifJ 9 52 9 / 85- 8 6— 77 : ijsi srfror 


wtwwc 4 fHfwr, igei (1 96 1 m 43) (ftrtf *rf 

Ml mwt ‘m aaMW *m «par sf)„ 4fl tto 

269 -^ $ anfft mm snhrsrft tt? 4 $ ftnflrm 4n% 47 
*pw 5 * fn> wnrt Tftfw, fwrw rfro ttttt ipm 

1,00,000/- T5. % 3Tftra ?* 

ftft (ft 747 777T 7T7 -fo 6 0 3, 7J7T7 *7% if C ~T7 
7° 49, tl43< 17%t° %to ftto; SfHf 7$ | 77T 

%t 7f Jr f*77 % (fth: 7*% 77173 : 7777 T Jr 
ftft 3 ft ^ q 7 F 77 |), 'ifti/rqR ^fftstnft % .^ftt- 
77 7177 ? wpj47 fq-fraFr iftft rft if, 

iftlSift'FTT' 7faf777, 1908 [ 1908 77 16)% 7lft7 
ftFTFP ^ITOTt 198 6 

4ri“ <£ffar TOrfft % nlftir tttk tprrfwi 477717 
nfarro 4i ho* arTtfro 4ft 75 * f* tt5 4 ? fwio 

4TT% 44 *51734 ft* IRFOhffr 77fftT 751 7~ftv7 «T®5T< 
777, TO£ W77T7 Site € iflf W1H HfflTW H 

t»H srftm if Brhro k* «rft arerw (am»ff) *rfr 
arwtftift (aRrfftfWf) *& ftV 4WT7 ^ to 
*141 77f r, ftnTfftfro ryrTO if X47 rarro 
fwffPi v '^y-i’hrv n a-ftrr rtf? tVnrr *rtrr 5 ?* r— 

W *»ro f |f M 417 4*1 4T4tT, 477 

arfftfroT' <*5 grtfar rt ar% ^ *r*WF. 4 
fifarw if" TRft «w»r' tt 74 ft *7r% jf- sfir-rr 
% hmj; wX /41 

(v) fa-ift *m m fsnfr *74 sr anhsrrt 

hr^ 3 uroftn wircic 1922 

(1922 44 ll) 4T T4?r sifHhrafTr, in ht- 
Hfn *rfftf 47 nr, 19,57 (1957*4 27)' % 
7%%RT*f 44TTT ST4T^ f^in *90 

W1 ?n fTT47 TTTTT 9lf?27 «TT, fim% siVr-1 


«»-. m, *m ^Nhnni %t mitt 269-*t % arm* 
%, ^ 3lfvf47T4 4T7T 269-^ 44VTTT ' (1) 
31 3t%pr. hrrriVHwr Rfaw^f, w*rf?r 2— 

1 . 44 % 4^414 4 0 - 41 , fwm TirFoT 

q%r, ^ tttic, sfr in, wtirf\ (i) «r®srf» 

(t-7717 t) 

2 TTo (TTr 4 74145 7T7, 111/31, 3T3T 5raf%4 
^FTR'r, 7 ^ 47 . 7Rs I 


■ir 4f ^p nn «rn1 wr< <[*ffw cvrfw < 4*f4 %t fan? 

UnfRlf^T 74TC3T 

raw rifn < «nfr ^ %%w if- vft ito% ;— 

(<*) w f[Vn < TW«m *h 445W4 «Sl «TtfV % 
45 hn ^t lOriV 4T Mrfwift IT 

a^rn 4ft uoftn % 30 tor *nrf«r, *fr aft 
«r<rfV 414 %■ 44iw cftft ft. < aftirr ^aTw 

wrtRfTTf it <f fRvifr arf^r ««rm; 

(4) 44 1T44T aC 71444 ^ WR %t mrl4 t 

45 f44- id vftirc na?r tw iniftr %a? fftr^ 

f4S^r *174 *4f*W WTT BTMOjUllirft 45 TIB 

ftaf arer if firq bt W»f 1 

wn'k T’i.T-fanh snrw ar*4t afrr 44 I w, : 444 

ariM%*ni < 4 htr 20-4! if qfRnfnn 
R 3 , 4^t apf RT%1 4f TO rwniT if ftrai 

44T |* l! 


77T F6 7,o 37ft/9429/85-8 6 

4ft 7777ft 86 %t 77T77; 5177^7 xrpTTn ftrlei^ V%7 
7ft 57r % 777^- if f ; 07T 771 t 1 

TftR fOT 5- , 
7ST7 Hlfsj^TTft, 
71717^; 7T71T7 ?IT7^7 

7% 7 %ft, ^71 

f77t4; 21-3-1986 

fttlT : 

1TT3 IT TTOOT, fl^STT 6 , 1**6 (WTOTS 15, 1*08) 


nm ni-fPi i] 

TOliT iPmPotiT, 1 961 (1961 w 43} *1 

VT7T 269-1 (l) « jnftr ipm 

1 lllf BftfJTW facll? 40-41 flWOT TOfOT TO£T, 

*r< 7^0 srVo /rs, sfiKV (f) *r«r$ i 


2 *ft i?ar visR-t iot 02 itais aooafife 

«?rr^ io 22, f^r ft*, i 



*kwfnj> HUTU »iih 4)^ ITnn (T*i 

TOfa f=f ^HT 

■JOT, felf^ 2 5 ITT? 19 86 

flSTT 1° 37$f/9419/ 85-86—3Tf1:^. 3ffa*l 


amm srftrfmw, 1961 (1961 *gt 43) (firf *nf 

fot nTvrrrr ‘in srftif^nr' wrr ott ?*), ift vro 
269-1 ^ anlFr hot stPotkI ^r, ^ ftroro 
ist wot 5* f b iwn onPi , fnw ifn mrc 
1,00,000/- ts. srftm; ^ 

fsw^t flfo cr.^? 702, nfim r ,'rf f 

1 ° 49 TOTJT 17,3Tfmr nf TOT^ % OTT 3fv SF*f. 
*r farq | (sCk *if s’rrsra TOjTjsft Jf mx yjf 
wtf it ifror |), Tfarfterff 3?fewT> % wifai ifr- 
ot my*? s.tijto faftsOT 3T^f=T ?>r it 
3)faf ^1, 190 8 (1908 4TT 16) ^ 3TSftl folfTT 

I’otO 197 6 

irf «£ifii imrfTT «£ ifn nur i[ot if m < wm 
ifwwr <4 Pin *ifn *1 in* t n fura wcf 

ISTlf 1 ST WOT f *6 W^ffW tfprfw W 'df'in TOTT 

«pi, nii wnrnt srfW^r if, cftf win srfrnn w 

otdj aftrc rcr f ify g if otw (tottj^I) *frr 
(ifrfrfW) * #r nff *rtot ^ Pm? mr 
tot «nn stPotti, Pmfifii if tot mm 
PiPnr if AiwPmB w it *bP«h fwn ott |* :—- 

(«) W^iot i iC4* fmft «m Hi im, m 
ififmnr ij «n(Pr m ^ utot < 
nfm if - wfr wof m nri mf if ifipn 
«s fin; iff/ | n 

(i) nfft Pwft «mr m f^t wim nf ^ n l 
vf, hr^ 1 uTTOTftir uto: srPiflnr, 1922 
(1922 w 11 ) n wr ifvPmm, n 
mrm ifiPmnr, 1957 (1957 w 27) 

^ srufynnf anrf^ft 43m to Pwn 
mn vt it Pirn n nf?n * 0 , [wit if 
•tPivt i5 Pint 

««■: anr, iert ififronr wi vr-cr 269-1 ^ totiot 

f, «r", <n 3tPtrPmnr *1 >tto 269 -«r 3 ^vttt ( 1 ) 

4 *JPr. f r^P^f n mtnntt. *nfn &— 


wf 15 Tfiu inf} ^4 T^w nufwr <$ *nfn •i fin 

unMtRf WT C> 

in rpqfi ^ «nfi < m4v if * 1 * iff mfi b— 

(n) in ^ht *1 rnm if ?wr ijI ikJH if 45 

fnr nl nfy n qw T ir ift mfni t n nm 
«1 nmfti 1 1 30 f»pr i^t nfn, if 11 P 1 
m if wt 5"WV ft, ^ iftn <[<ffw 
aiPm f if Tf Proff supjRr wot; 

(l) 11 nUT < TROT if JTWTOT ift fllVtl if 
45 PtfT ^ iftlt m OTTOT irofl if PlpROT 
froft *mr mfw wttt otIhwiiwtI 4! qre 
Pifn if Pwr it'otN’i 

Fr g1l TOT:-nPf otot imif ifr qif 1ST, if nn 

iPvPmri ^ arwmr 20 -*»* V - mPohPdb 
?*, H5I i*f 5fn if n i«mr if Put 
irt j* 1 

TOTT fn Tfaf^Vyi 3 7ff/94 19/85-8 0 it 

imrrV 86 wt STTiaTT 3?r^TO flTtwi 3JGfa 

T3T % 1OTT Jr f"T6TT TOTT % I 

3Tf?<sr f ITT, 
1«1 STfSOTTTt, 
s-rri^T afTijn) (flfttfOT), 

fllf^r: 25-3-1986 

0>?T : 


f«nn Hi—w«t 1 

*«rer «Pt fknsn: 6, i»*6 (wrim is, 1908 ) 

ff**T *nf. rt.. CpT., ■ « - 

ilTO arfHrf^nm, 1961 (1961 w 43) *rt 
269-*r (i) 4 artfrr 

<TTO 44.4R1 

"Krafsnr, «tun> «mrz (f*nc3«n»rJ 

3\^H ?*Sf, ^TT 

<jqT, faq+sp 24 JTR 1 1 9 86' 
frr^PT ?fo 37$?/6515/85—86—31 cl: Rtf; arffp?) 

ip i p g -< irfVfnni, 1961 (1961 43) (P*tf 

ir4 <rmr 'aror arfVfnm’ «*n{T *nn y*), jfli htu 
269-tf 4 anfrr w TTfv^rd jpf, 5? fnww vyrf 
■dr *>nw if fa wm aurffcr, fawn gfa?r ttth: irw 

1,00,000/- TS. arfw ft 
wk fora4V nwr Rto jfo trq-o qfo 365, Tfnmrk 

g;prr | fiTT^rr Jr f^a t (*rk snJr aim ai^- 
im ir ijof Jr ^f&ra S), irfaiflRRif afs^rO 
% qrrqfcnr n^noF snaor* arrq'ra tw Jr, 

afaffOOT, 190 8 (1908 97 16) % 

aisfrr f<HT4T 3pmV 19 86 

wf 'T^w inqfrr 4 afarr mm m 4 wmnw 
tfUW 4 fa* 4f »ix* «f *C*g PTfmff 

^OTT 4>T TiR^T ^[* fa '1 l^qf'KI flwffl W afaa 4 i4k 

«trt, 3v4 wnrnr srfaw tf, iff wnmR jrftrrrsr *n 
<m atmor arftR; if* arfr «rorr* (irnvf) arft: «raftnft 
(*Rrfffaflrf) 4 »ffa iftf wrtw 4 fat* gtr «rpi7 m 
srPero-T, fqiafafwa 7m «Rr^»r fa-fair if 

vrfcrfr^ *q if ®f>f«r?r fain »nn f* ;— 

(<v) «nror tf jj 1 fatfp ww «1 mi, wn 
•itKfwq 4 «pfrT WT 4 IRJ3*! 4 wfaw 
if *rf vr if ^f4TT 4 htn; 


(T) tffft «TRT HT N>€r MT in T^T anf^ PT 
4Tf, f*V iTTOftq *rmiT wfvfqinr, 1922 
(1922 *w il) 4T 3 *rt wfvfqm t: torn* 
sViffnnr, 1957 (1957 ^ 27) ^ au fy ^i ^ 
ir-Ti ? '.eft f^T^J Mivi i^T fqifl I *057 VT 47 
rein titt jqrfipi «rr fsqk «f flfrvi ^ h?rr ; 

3r?r: war arfurfqiiir 4^ vro 269- , r ^ br ^< 5 | 
if, if, trw BrNfm vttt 269-9- T<nnrr (ij 
^ anftit, f'-i'wf.-rfaa mfwt, 3 ^ 

1 . j jff 'Ti^T'q srk sr?q 1 

1 65 Rtn^r<^5 9^ 1 



2 . 996- W99 1365 9^tF5T9^ ^9T- 

30 I 


< r «if tttI < *obr 4 hr^ 

qipfnf^rf 4 Wjt ci 

tvs wvtfrr 4 mhr 4 amnw if 4w* »ft srraV :— 

(*) w 4 Tnm if ipwin nrrtw 4 
45 f^r vft «nrhr m toowWV ai Py nr T tc 
«“> rnifhr 30 f*nr wfl «nrN, wf *ft 
mrfv wn r if 997 *^ iff, 4 iftar 
wrfiRPff if ^ fV?ft aqfw $*ro; 

(ar) w 4 77wr if qwwnr vH mfhr tf 

45 Pw 4 ifki: 7m wr: iroffT if fprfv 
Pn^t >rir iurfiRf vtrt ^[Rrwnf* 4qW 
ffrfwr if faq wt infif 1 

ww1*-y^:—*gif snrw ar*if aift inf wt, up wn 
tffvf'iuir 4 wwrw 20-4! if qfonNa 
ft~, 4^1 «pf ffin 4r 77 aronir if f^m 
nn if 1 

^9T fP «Pi> 37^/6515/85-86 Wt 

86 TT 9?Tq-Ep sr[OTf9 fkVOT 

ffl ^97 % 9999 Jr fiWT iRTT % \ 

S.fRci grqTT, 

95TR snftr^rfl, 
990T9r ’TOTp-T ?.Tqr4cf v fk>wnr) 
5HTR T3|, ^97 

: 24-3-1986 

ifl^T : 

iTM ni-^-*** i] 

Kvamum, fatfiian: e, 1986 (tfritTi 1 5 , nog) 

22 49 9 

n**an4*. ft. .- 

irom 1961 (1961 w 43)' *t 

«n* 269-* (l) < *Vfc 

•nrc dwu 

wrfOT . sfnro; arpra* amm (f^3in>r) 

^nhrffa, T 

g;?TT, ftgfar 24 nr4 1986 
f^nrVr #0 37^/6311/85—86—OT: ijff, 

TOl arfVfnriT, 1961 (l961 w 43) (T** 1 pnf 
mrct 'vm *fvfannr' g *), vro 

269-* 4t »r*fk flTPT MlNwd *f fwro *Tf *1 

*TTW ^ \fa; W1*T TTPTfTT, fWST dNfl 4TWTT 

1,06.000/- n. if J* 

%ftr famft TT° TP* 4° 17/l/l ^0 6 sr*T4>*ft 

TTTo faf^T ^TT ^ fWT 9ft if f?«TfT | (tffa 

^TTJra wnygpft ft w>t ^4 § irfam |), 

wftr’pnfV % ^trIsr srrw< 5 th*f?t 

faffapr ^ Jr wfftfftim, 1908 

(1908 jpr 16) % mfto fort* "I'TOft 1986 
*f \4f**r < nN* *nrrT ^r if rw 4 wnnw 

*tow < f** «wfw «rt iff**. Nww 

r*f *r mw |* r*ar*rtwr*r rf*wwiwit 
9tpi W*<fl* ifMW ft, Wflf stpw BB 
t«| rtm ft *N* i* altr «rawi (ftirml) ftrr ftrfrftt 
(w^rfrfWf) ft; ftK ffft *^mr ft5 fan* a* w irt 
irfaw, IftMh i N q n*ft* ft «n bbtpt Pwf** 4* 
BlWf** V* ft *f*V iff Tm B*T f* I— 

(b?) •run* ft fj* r*ti * 1 * *1 am am 
afafiniw ft anft* are 4 **r* wf 
*rfm if m*ft *rft wr «*ft wft ft* afam 
ft hm; *fa/wi 

\m) «tftt taftt «rw ftr fMf wn w «nf*r^ 
*f, fi^ 3 wroffir im*K wNf^nr, 1922 
(1922 cr 11 ) nr 34 * wfnf^r, a\ 
VT-^ «Wwr, 1957 (1957 *T 27) 

i! a*(iVu*f aRif^Tfr 5*rro mz Nwt »nn 

*f WT f*WT *RT WflR 9T, ^ 

4 F«f; 

W^R **,• OT* <vf^m 9rt MTTI 269-*T < *<pfT* 
rf-, OTW *Nf**W *1 <TTO 269-* *wn (l) < 
■5 ^vni', IMwfVtf y q ' witwrof-. wfr (— 

1. jR^T^Tf TfinerT i 7 / 1/1 

2, tT'T'Rf^ cpT 9 I 


2. ^?TR 5TR f?^4 2 5 ^tJZTR'te' 

?P7T *tfT >JTr I 


** 4| <BR1 tnl rprfw 41 **flt ^ 

W^nflfqr STOTT £ I 

JW trwfw < $ wv 4*- ciy 4t croX;- 

(«) r* ^nn 41 xmn if st^tupt ^ ?trV 4 
45 for *1 *ptN m TOf*4t Rfrort «nr 
4^ ?mftor if 30 fVr qft arofy, ^tf iff 
«RfH *ra if hurt ffft uf, ^ *fare <pfw 
«rfaF?piff if i? fyyt «rfw 5*ro;j 

(*) fv q*RT TRW if Jrem Bit OHW 4 
4i t'4^ % 4kr g^ir wm gmfw if fipRfH 
firdt a*w «rfw |*nr •nnlipnwTt < <n* 
fsrfro if fyy m «fif i 

w*Vrt*tS’ >~4^if ar>R afir « ( ait a^st 
arfyfpnr * st«tw 20-95 if qfcinfw 
tf, ar>f rfrr art gv mh if Pun 
*nrr 5 * 1 

3 ^ 

^ffTT far ^0 37^/6311/85-86 rjt 

86 ft TTfR^ TTR^T TTf^ffT faffaTW 
^nr % ?ifR if far*T irt | i 

5rfa9r fnr< 
“Tarn mrar^rfr 

^^RTT TTTW< (faftW*) 

fant^r : 24-3-1986 


ifwe « *nr?«, ftrd'wfr o, mo i$, i»*0) 

rtfM in--#®* 1 

W ^(•=l4FTiHV^w'=*-s^ 

^Nf5RW, 1961 11961 W 43} *3 
vrcr 289-* (l)' < *nfrr IfWT 

*TTOT <W( 

wrfwy «tnm «nwn: wi*w V*^*) 

SRPT T3), ^ 

S^tt, fagfp n swtt 1986 
0t 5"I!T ffo 37^/9432/85-86—5TTT: i$F, irfa^T 

Wl' arfsr^Rir, 1961 (l 961 43) (W wf 

’TC'TWf 'gsit arNfnnr’ wr 5 *), qft vnr 269-* ^ 
»r^ w-t snfwrd *rf, ire fww urof *>r 5 * fa 

WT4T irtfn fy*H5r gfafl TT4TC n^r 

1 . 00 , 000 /- m. 4 «rf*re; 5 * 

*frc c^rra: go ioe, fairer fagan go 

10 , fgnW IT ITT TT 2 T V go 50 , gggm'T'TTTT (S®^), 
ttto mf fa nr «trt % g«rr gf «mrr 3r fr-m | (wtt 
i»g?r s'ttstj sr^'t Jr 4\x yf i«r it gfag t), 
Tfas^fagf wfWfr % gmrfgiT TTfnrip sinrerc *titw 
fir/fa* *Rf*T fs) Jr Tfa^grTtg sftfW, 19 08 
( 1908 *PT 16) % TO>g fcgf Ip gggfT 1986 

<pfw TTwfrr *$ yNn 1 *rmr nw Tf gm g5 cm hr 
jrfWf <6 fair STrTrfTTT tft ^ f 4tZ wrf u? from 
IPT TO 5* fa> iT'TPpfiRT TTWflT gjT gfaTT TTTTT 
qm, gwfi cornr? srfWr Tf if?? iror jrftrcrsr srr 
sfirarcr if arfiPB 5 * afrr mvr, (aftmrf) tfrz afgfaft 
i(«RrM‘?pff) 4 tfhr tfV «Rmr 4 fin? mr <rnn »nn 
jifiresr fanfafafi gfctar if 3w «reir<>r fafw if 

4T«lfW W 4 4»fw iftff fWTT <RT C— 

( 45 ) wmrw if n^* fa»ff *nr flfl 4re 0 , gw 

wfwfsnw 4 wifrr rfgrre 4 mfm 

4 wft wtf miwt vtf *■ ^frvT $ Ps^r 

(f) ^ fWt «rnr in faiflr <re in «rt «nf«nd 

nrf,, irrofk wnresr 1922 

(1922 11 ) *n gwarNf^nr, m w- 

*f«rfsppr, 1957 (1957 ^T 27) 

4 Ji^iWf ^ttt shk Tft fwn im 

m wi P*tt wrt snfi? f^nf if rfmn 

8nr. : m, 3^?r arfvfim ^ vttt 269-it ^ aiH ’ ^ oi 

^rr <. «W W f M<V«iy ^ltT 269-W tft TTHITT '(l) 
4 <^fT4, *nfwuf, «r*fn[ c— 

1 . irmr fimH mftf^nrsn 40 - 41 , ftrwm mftir 
t^T, ITT tTTTo ifto trs, sffffr (fa) I 


2. «ft ^fn 'TTTnnfrn, 'ttr: 4, f^nfiT if^?r 

f^irW IRTT nSHWt'TRT (X*l), fti^TT 'TUTT 


ir^ wnl wi <pfw in>Tf« 4 < Pun 

«nf4rf?itf it? toi £1 

irwrftr 4 ^f»r 4 tfhr if irit* ift wrefa c— 

(4) fir 4 uwn if smw ift anlw if 

45 fw 4\ «nrfv m TOra n ift arfwnl «rr 
?mfhar 4 30 f*r ^ viN, ^ ift 
wre 4- m ft» 4 iftur t#w 

w(^H 4T if ^ r4»</l wrfW. JTPCTJ 

(w) w 4 vmn if jnsrenr mfk 4 

45 Pvr ^ ifrnt gw wrer gnrffr if Hpnrev 
Pvrflr 4fw yrm ym ^wnwT l < m 
Ww if wt v44i 

fnriwnr:—ipnf snrw «wtf mfT «re1 ^r, ^ gw 
*fvfonr, amnir 20-4J if nP<mrnq 
I s , 4?1 ar«f iffn gf 3¥ nrwmr if Pwt 

WT |*l 

^nT Tfsi^yn *fio 3 7^f/ 9432/85—86 
ufT gim> 86 TTfRip W( smjw fTfrefTW !T#g 
fa) ^TT % W( if f^TUTT IPTT | I 

wfn^r jure, 
naTn sTTfa'^nr'y 
TT£nre> wnnp'c wnjw (fr/tsTw) , 
s^r fat, jgr 

fWtHi : 11-4-1986 
IT >^T; 

*T^ 4TC fW* 4 t «, 1988 (qTite 15 , 1908 ) 


*M III--** l] 

W gtf—■< 

imr nfHfrw, 1961 (1961 *r 43) «<1 
VTTT 269 * (t) 4 to 

writ grwc 

Ktufg*, «frw anww gu.w 

aiofsT ?*, yrr; 

WTfwfa'l^ifa 198 6 

e\ ’ 

ft%*go 37 ^/ 577 / 85 - 86 —srfg* $gTT, 

snro gfVfm, 1 961 (1961 *r 43 ) (W W? 

*g4 wnrt ‘gw gfvfwg’ *?r wr if), *m 
f69-*r 4 «rtfrr gwr irifw» r f) *f, ^ Nwrt w *t ?* fa wm gqfa, faw gfw tt*k w 
1 »oo. 000 /-* 5 . *rfws if 

gVrfagqftgo WITZ go 5 , gif go 12 9 g% ^0 Wo 

go 782 >j:tt |fa«n*t yrr Jrfaw | {wlr 

^ggg^Tsra ir gq g gfgg $), rffa^r- 

Wr aftmO % g* rf^n *§r?ft g, Tfg^V- 

<trgjT aiftrfggg, 1908 (1908 gg 10 )$ sisK fcgte 
ggpsn: 19 85 

<rr tfafw 4gf<g ^ g fag wr w i f, r-zq-tn* 
srfajrg g> far* q'g f w tft wf 5* gf* ^ ny fwwra 1 ^ 
*jt wn ?f fa g«gggfw ingfVr *T gfw ink yw, 
?w! reggR afa ;g g“, rfa 1 rgmgr jfte «pt 
srfWr g 1 arfw f *fr ahirw («frrfaf) «rfz ifnfatfl 
(ifafafagl) **** f! faq w w »rt 

rfagg, fagrfgfw g*T*ir gw «fgrg fafw if 
grgifwi gg ?f wfw -t$T fam wi :— 

(1 ) Slgtf ^ fagstf 

1271 fgg<*TgT, ■jgr —4 


(2) ggwr ft ^to-sno *?rgfag 

gmngi fao g^T go 129 , ?fio £to trg 0 
go 782 q'te fu, ^gr-29 1 


*!r inr Tnm *rd gffw g^rfa 4 artfg 4 fan, 
^ufafair wgrr £' 

m vwtti 4 rtw 4 ***** ^ *t* >ft wwfa "— 

(^) fg <[*gi *fi *rw* *?■ g*n*rg; *s1 o<<1* 'i 
45 fw *ft wfg *7 gw**>* 1 ' ■rfw*f L *r 
7 [*gT rniftg 30 f«t* wiV, *f *flf 
*r*fg * 1 * if gingr jrfuft ft, < g*f*« 

Krfwnf *f f*^l »*fw ymr; 

(*) gg q^nn 4 tww if ntm *f mfNr 4 
45 N* < if*T g*er i^fw if ftpraw 
fWl *f* ®rfw |*m ggf^wwrtf < * 1 * 

fwfw if fmz *t whf 1 

wrtpw :—fgif v^m *nf *fs **f **, 41 **t 
*Nf*w 4 g**r* 20 ^ >f *fwfw 
t, rf*i *tf w *«n* tm 
1 *t B* il] 

W wn 4 vt Nrtt «* * wm, wb 
g f if ty* * 4 «yhr *rs ^ < i»«jb 4 *rfy^ 
tf- «A wrf wt fiV wrf if *t**r 4 f<w; 


(*r) uyft Naft * 1 * *r f*«ft w *r *i* wifwgf 
<r f*^ 3 uroft* wt*-w irNfw*, 1922 

(1922 * 5111 ) *r «w *Nfww, *t *?- 
w nMgor, 1957 (1957 *r 27 ) 4 

«qN»n*f f*m srw fa*r **1 

«g *t fdn wt*t grflpi *t, 4 - *t*n 

4 ftsui 

3rt: w, gw srfgfwg hto 269-it 4 , wot 
4 , 4 , «w nMwir *?i v m 269 -* *1 g*W (1) 
% ariftg, fr r Hfoifw ®rfw#, «r*^ i— 


^gT fqr Tf^mftfci *0 37 ^/ 577 / 85 - 86*1 
gw: 85 qil g* ^ Sr wt 

I 1 

g«m snf^vnft 
gyrg«r aiTgqr?: 3 it^w (fqrt*T*) 
wifg ^gr 

: 1-4-7 6 

*it%< : 


nm <BT WW, fkntft 6, 198a ('rfTR’fa IS, 1908) 

[ata i 

arnror aNfmnr, 1 961 (1961. an 43 ) art 

am 269-ar (il < aVfa ^an 

amr mnr 

wnhnr, s$m> arrasr ar^nr (fnrlhm) 

ajsfa tor, yrr, 

^rr, fc;mr 31 ntrt 19 8 e 
37ft/6226/85-86— m: Tjtf, 3)f^ 


•miaiT srNfwtr, 1 961 (1961 an 43) (fart fart 1 
wa? mrci; 'aw afafrtnV a*r an f), art am 
269 -w a? artfcr aranr mNanTt air a* faaaw wrt ar 
*RTt«r 15“ far wm antrr, fa^nrr gN?r amr jpn 
1 , 00 , 000 /- tt. rt aiVa; 5 “ 

(flTfowaftFo TT# rt° 77 / 48 / 1 ^^ 7 : K'o 70-71 

naatt 1 3 it ft*ra $ (*rtT ?rra gams g^sflr 
Sr Wt trsrfoT?i $), TfoRsffanrf afaanTl $ smrfair 
afpm arcaiT a.T^cl fttfSTOT ajrtn tor if, rfs^p^TTn 
afaffmr, 1908 (1908 an ie) aitflrr forte sraarV 

art qafnr anfwr < grTau arair rt anr < amrnr 
srfW* < far? a^fftyr art «n* 8* ate *[*t af fnanra 
ar’trt an asrra f* far nmftfw wnter an afaa arm 
^ifn, aa< awnm stenra rt, qV aaaarr stem* an 
<nai sfwr rt wfaa t f* ate (reme (awmrf) ate 
■nafrrtt (asternal) < <K qV «par*r < IVrq aa 
ann aar atenwr, temterfarr afrtaa rt m amra 
fafaa <• awof^at a*r rt atem aft fan aar |* a— 

(<*)' •wma rt o* Mf wa art,, arra, aat 
af af a a a a! artte arr aV < area* rt 
arfwa rt 1 anft amf ar aart aart a 4, tfaar 
< ten?! *te/n 

■M a** ftrtlr wa ar fwrtl w iiaa nhvat 
art fwf 1 amfta wawr afafaa*,, 1922 
;(i 922 wr 11) ar aaa wftfnaa, at nr- 
wr aflateraa, 1957 (1957 ar 27) < 
laiwnrt aarfirtt fam tm aft fam «m 
a? ai fan am aif|q a?, rt 1, fjffar 

an; aa, aaa afafaaw art am 269-a 4 a^waa 
if, a*, w afafaaa art am 2©9-a art aaam ( 1 ) 

aJ ar^tn, fac tfvifaa ;— 

( 1 ) sffmt i%*ni mipTfr ^rawr 

wtT (Fa m Tfo 77 anmft —13 


(2) imtf nTarT fVpart 

321/3 aar fi^ac ar^n tt 4 .; 1 

(ajrrf73ff ) 

wf a^ \aai aTal atr^ qqfaa vwfrr ^ wftr < fwqi 
wrfW|*rf arear tii 

9wr awfa- < a** 4 «ia»a rt- art< W awfr it— 

Ifa) w qa*n al amra *T aanara aft arrta rf 
45 far art aaffa at aafaaart ar 

^aai art tmfta 30 fan art aafa, af 
aarfa aia it aara |trft ft, < rtter ^jifaw 
arfawal < fwrt aataar fnar; 

(a) fi^a'ii ^ aiaaa a 4, sanara art arOw af 
45 faa ti vftar aaa wiar Wafrr a*' ffaa^a 
fanft a?a "rtaa faro avffwnanl < «riw 
fafarr a^ rasq ar aartn'i 

awBUawa c—fant' a^aa a^f aft wt tp, af wr 
atafaaa, at aaa 20-ai ^ a ramfa a 
t, a^i art ftai af aa wt tf- fan 
wn f* n 


(^FT f>F 7:fSrefV^ !(o 37^/6226/85-86 oft 
oraatt 86 art afrnar arm^T: ai^ra fntfwor 
tor % nwt Jf ftTur nnr £ 1 

31 fw swt 
arnwT 3n^m (fntV«oi) 
*»rta tw, yn 

fant‘fr C 31-3-1986 

rttfr ; 

<rnr jn 


—*** lj 1TOI11 MWl, faTOJK 6, 1988 ( 3T2TTO 15, 1»Q8I 

■ ’ll u ■i rm.U’T-' w^M^jTjr ■ -i- iii.h iff*»-"L ji ■ 'I in ; ; 

Ifl Iflf.ll •JRi!|ts®= !!3a5ft s*s a 

«114S iNfUW, 1961 (1961 rn 43) < 

«rrn 260-1 (i) 4 *4* ^n? 

mw iwn 

■wifii, ifira ip^t (TtcHtw) 

3^3 *51, $31 
■jpT, 12 ^ 19 86 

WIT 37^/6320/85-86—TO: ijtf, 3?fTOl 


■urn iMunr, i96i (1961 4r 43) (f*tf wi* 
1*4 TWTtf ‘tov uNThW mpr tot 6*), ^ vttt 
269-1 4 iVPr tow mPsim.') if from wrf w 
^srCTr c* f4 wm TOrfVr, Nhw iNtt nrrt ^w 

1,00,000/- ifTO! t 
vftx froift to totott q=rr;r 555 / 9/4 rfto tfto *4tir 
to 1 ito it^o to ii62/9/sfirm3fl!m 

g;rn Jr f*«ra $ (v)x <tto totis Jr *Pt 

W $ ifTO t), TfiTO^fTClf aftrvift $ ITOfTO, H^TTOr 
apr^ 3 it^ (fTOtwi) aisfa far/TO tPst^tt, ir, 
aiftrffm, isos ( 1908 IT ie)i ssffr, 
fo-Tfa 5|TO*t 1986 

W yff ur iwrfn 4 ifnr itite ^r^«r4 u rora 

5 rf>pfw 4 *Rrft*r ifl to* 5 * sir ini! from 
9vDf Wrt liivi 5* fl! TOT Hifw TOlfw UT xjf^n H1K 
*£to, to4 wtor Jtf6«*w «, r^V wtor stow <fn 
w farq y ifroi #? tbm (4md) 4fx • h sl'v fi 
(aftrMrof) 4 tfi q*f «Pmr 4 far* nr mi tot nf n mw , 
fVwrtflfVr sjrtnr 4 mr 4wn hrfnr if imf** 
to isfro iff Ptot tot 1 * e— 

(«s) iw * ^ Pi4t tot *1 tow, «f 
iNfroir 4 iiftr to: tf 4 w^w 4 
JifW f wft ti f irffyr 

4 bn*; wf^/vr 

(«■) ^ arre m fWY trr 3T ar^r anf^nfl 
vt, urofhr wwvx wfvfinnr, 1922 

(1922 *bt 11) nr tot atM^nr, m 
1957 (1957 351 27 ) 

4 mfowf **tr?vft 3 ttti siz fJWT *nrr 

T 3T fWT 1TWT ^Tf^[ TT, fwm 1 ^ ff«l 


•rwi tw, xw ^fvfwir, 3 Sl «rm 269'»r 4 »nr 8 <. «f 

if, if, arf^friiiT 3ft vro 269-*r s t v to' ( 1 ) 
an-'Vs-. Phj-hPh r«a (ttrfsraiff, aruftf :— 

(1) >sft ww* irtu^r, 

10 ^SPTifr 3t-l 53> it?ht sr» ithtw 
g;6T —4 1 

( 2 ) Sit JT37TW 3T^ fllsV 

^5^- ■ 33 ^ ^^iriTT^rr w *t», g;*rr—4 


vi 35 amfl toS «[ffw ?rwf«r 4 ar^ 4 fro 

4 H^lf|3l »wt 

iw 4 *4n 4 Wh »f *ft <n#r ji— 

(95) w 4 wnr if irennr 41 mrlr A 
45 far 4t vrfV 3T tfrahrtt mtnW- n 
^prn «1 fnfrer 4 30 fpr 4i *rcN, if ift 
8 f 3 N m if sura ?rPft ff, 4 iflrar 
ufwuf 4- 4 fitdt «rfw !iro; 

(4) w i[iin 4 mn 4 if jpum ifl ?rrdi tf 
45 f33 4 iTcrc aw wit pqfrr if P^rapr 
fis^l iwr «ifw pm mri'jwwT'l 4 m 
Prfur if P^ it 1 

—<nf jutw ml iN: nrt m, if m 
ifSifriw, 4 nw 20 -I! if qf onfio 
if, 3nf ?rfn if to itim if fm 

«HT |*l 


(^¥1 ftp nfrofTO Go 37^/632 0 /85— 86 3ft 
3Ti? ITO^t 86 lit 31Tmi SlT^yRi flftw 1 ! ailfff 

*51 c^ht % Jr frorr tot | ) 

3lfTOi f3TT 
nero 5irfsrin*t 
TOT3H 3i PTF7 311^3 (Prfttfprr) 
31 To fa, f^r 

: 12-6-1986 

4^ : 


«TT*5 «T ITTOJ, flTKTO 6, 1 086 l^TSM* 15, 1808) 

[*lT<T III—TO8 1 

m wrqV 

(i ) «T> *!£*,** ^ViTSf'-T 3 *wtttt ntry 

*TGf aiTT/ifr, IT^O sfto ft*, JTrflPP | 

($"n IT ) 

(2) f^5^f 5ft» sft tfa* *ft» *1** 

4207 4**^ affn'T | 


•rrrorc Mfyfroir. 1961 (1961 w 43) «9 
MKT 269-* (l) < TOffr H**T 

4R* 6<4il< 


315?* *3|, "JfTT 

g;pTT, f^r^rf^p 12 5^* 
f*£ST 1T° 37^/679/85—86—31*: *$, 3af*5l 


top** *Nfmnr, 1 961 (1961 *sr 43 ) (Frof mf 
TO*! mtot* 'tow mfvfsnnr' tot tot f)\, Vi *tti 
269-* < arMU iraw sifvwtf *>r m* froror *Rf m 
Wr wr inafirr, farro* aNu wrt* to* 

1,00,000/- Wf if 3ffTO5 t 

vftt PS1T*V 1T° sqfKT'Kt *o *<, 430/25 jfVo-II *0 
*o 624/*t itito vsfto 7^, *T fa*'t TOT 5ft *rftTT if 

f*TOl | (sfk SUIT cT^TTO 3PJ^ if sfk yf ¥* ir 

afaa |), $ Trafaa,- 3 ittok 

aipjro (fifty *t) irof* f5f/nM *fa?$nc if, rf^WTUi 
SlfHrfWR, 1908 (l908TT 1 6 )$ 31tft*, fH*tT STTOPft 

4r c^arro inafw *i afro *ttk if aw *1 warn* 1 
tfrowr if faq «rcrfro to* u* *f* to£ *e froanr 
anf w aroar q*. fa mafir m afair *twt* 

i[wr, ami! wtot* iftnw if, qV wmn* afaro *st 
m*E afwro BfftrMi wKx tfirca* (<toto.?) aft TOif<ft 
(wihW) *! jfHr «wk *! faq to thtt tot 
afaror, few IVi faff aff-w wr aRnar Pafmr if 
wrwfwj ¥4 if asf to *$t fam tot ft ®— 

rnirro if £i* froft tot *1 *tto, aw 
4fvf44a ^ w#& wk Tk 4! 4 

^rfuKT ¥*■ iwft 4Kf TTf ,) " ;,r T *»*' *7>rvi 

^ fkq; stk/iTT 

(W) <kff Ntfr *PT MT TO 4 T ¥RT Clfinff 
<^T, f'Tf’ HKlIW WTTOK ufvfTOTT, 1922 
(1922 *T 1l) *T aTO wfvfTO*, MT 
TO*K STNfTOiT, 1957 (1957 ¥T 27) 

lii TOtTOKf TOTTT VfZ 4ft fW 

TOT WT in fMWT 'Ttmt *n Pwrk 4*' 

iirfvT * kn?; 

W: TO, TO* wfnfrow *1 VKT 269-* 4 TO*T¥ 

if, if, to* grfvfroir *fi vkt 269-* *t to*kt (i) 
^ ’apfk, fTOTfufro rofro#., anifir :— 

*f 4f i[ tot Trfl *rro! TOfro arofn ^ *nfa < fro 

*K*T £1 

tod araf* *J wsfa ^ &faf if <iii^" ift *T*fr e— 

M f* 4?TOT < TTTOT f JTWTO *fl ItTlV 4 
45 fro «1 toIV «n mTOTOft srfroiff to 
qror irotar ^ 30 fro *rt TOtw, <4r ift 
TOf* fi* if tow rkft ?f, «s jfrro tfhn 
®rkRPTf if if fklfr wrfro 44TOT]] 

(*r) w 4 **t *! tom* if 5*nro *s1 imNr if 

45 fro i£ iftmc TO* 1MT9T TOif* if fEtf- 
to* fiRft mrfiRr tort , TOfEiimnl af snr 
if f«t» Tt ir*f4“ 1 

TO8rt*!TOT:—TOif JUTW TOf ifl **f *51, *f TO* 

*Nfm, 4 tout* 20-*i if Mfwifro ?, 

*?*} *«f tpVi mt 'S *f Mpzvrw ijL f^zn *m j"* i 


(#*T f* Tkll : t(Vf* ffo 37^/67 9/85— 86 5ft 

nr? srrofV 19 8 e ft shitmk 3ir^ OktsTw 

315 ?* fta g;*T % T'Tut if f^isT wr &) 


nsm *rf*^rfr 
33FT4R aiT^Ri (f*ft8Tq ) 
3)5f* f 5 ), ^* r 

: 12-6-198S 

ift?T : 

*Pt lH- 


*T TWTOj flRTMT 6 , 1989 (HTJTO 15, 1908) 

-*» 1) 

w TO*. si . nTO ——- 

*ttott nfvfroiT, 1961 (1961 43 ) 8s1 

vro 269-* $ «Nfc ittot 

KTI* 61>)l< 

wirfinu, nfiro; «mm snro* (Th<1w*i) 

tfsfd T®, 'J'TT 

^rr, fc*t? 12 19 86 

fa&T *‘o 37^/6523/85-86—TO: Alt', Vf**! 

«nwifc *fafTOir, 1961 (1961 ** 43 ) (faif TO«f 
fw4 wr[ 'to* *faf*W wto?*). *ttt 
269-* TOT* 5rriV*)Rl ^r, 3T^ faWTir ^W 

«r *tt®t 5 * fa; unn toPtt, Nu sfa* toti tot 
1 ., 00 ,ooo/- n. if *rfro ?* 
fsrYr fairtft hwettoh 1 * 0 ?:*° 43/2 <mm3T ^r —4 
Jr ffa* $ (vftx **% totsts iroipft 5r *rV y* to 
it «rf^m |), ifai^fanf pfsR.Tfr % ^farro 
if, Tfai^ffaT* sfaftnn-, 190 s (1908 ?t is) 

% Wft*, *Tft* OTTOd 198 6 

<r n*fa* TOfrr ^ 3fa* wmx if wr *fi mm 
stfrosw ^ fan TOfa* «1 to 1 i{* «frr inf faronr 
witf «t *kttot ?* fa iTropTfa* TOfa *3 gfa* tout 
ip*, *roi wm nf(Riw if t/if wm* sfira* ur 
<iin yfaw ir *f to afrr ufirro (sftrroflj) sfrt 

(TOfa falft) ^ <flf TOT* < fan TO TOT TO 

irtTOwr frofafTO ?frTO if to* tot* faff* if 

fwrfro to if «kN* *n!f fanr to t e— 

M fro if o’ fatf to <1 to*,-! to* 
faro < TOftn m < Mirras i5 fifror if 
TOfr TO5f TO TOlf TOf if irfTO f| fanL 1 


(<*)' qfal fa^i to nr fatfi to *t to «nfanft 

fir fafj 3 HTTlfai TOfST ffvfror, 1922 
(1922 fn 11 ) nr to* ffatror, in 
TOfSI wfvfror,, 1957 (1957 w 27) <& 

TOtronf TOfarft ?*m toss *?T fa**T to 
*t *t fro tot f if?n *tt, farof if nfro 
4 fa*2 

f*a to,- to* ffafror *1 tot 269-* % 1^*1 
if ,1 if, to* ffftror frt tot 269^r *1 totot ( 1 ^ 
4 inrtn.. frofafaw mffrotj **f* 1 — 


(1) *tarTo $fo ■ffsTW n'°® avtf 
109/2 qimvr ^•■n —4 

(tot? ) 

( 2 ) irra 

92 4 4 HVrft * *5 ^61-30 1 

(TOfaft ) 

•fir •!? n**T fnl Tfff* TOTf* fi ^ fan 

4inf4lf^ai *T*T Cl 

TO* TOTfa 4 *^T ^ UTOf if ifaf iff *WT £■— 

(f>) m ipm ^ Tt^m if toto? f>1 mrlfr ^ 
45 fa* afi srrfa m m'Wr'ft a^frofr <n 
iprn «n1 mifor if 30 fa? ffl TOfa, fV ift 
ar*fa to if mn 1 * 5 t*t ft, ^ ift*r 
wrfafirf if if faifl ^fa* *ror; 

(*) f* *TO aji TITO* if TOST** fil *!'<1* if 
45 fa* •fi *ft*T TO* ITOT *i*fa if 
falfT TO ®*fa* ?TOT ^ IT* 

fafa* if fan *t mfi^fi 

ww1fH«r : —^inf sriRo toI sjfa qrf m, *t to* 
arfffro*;, ig anro 20 -? if ^.fonfa* 
f^1 3r«f ffin afr to 3t»to if faur 

TOT f’l 


(%T f? *0 37ff/65 2 3/86-88 3ft 

nr? 5R*rt 86 ?t amr?! ^1^** f^ritsmat^d 

% mi if fD«T TOT I 1 

3) fh?) %tflX 
?«nr vrfmm 
5?RT? MrTOn sn^TO (faTtW*); 

3i 3fn ^ 

fa*f? : 12-6-1986 

ntiji : 


(tftn m— 

wttir, 6, i98fl (tfrffT* is, 1908) 

W» mjVtf.Tpr.ti*. 


wwfwr, 9(19% 9T9HT arqw (ftrWir) 

safa fsi, ft^aar 

fffaai, fcafa 9 spiTf 19 86 


f^VT Ho 3nfo (To tfto/rnfTSTo ^RaTof/1 7 o/85- 

86—aia: .9$, 9% CRfo sal, 

•rnm aNfatw, 1961 <1961 *r 43) (fwtf xw? 

'mrq '3w •rfVPwr’ aar t*), *1 hto 
269-t <£ »rtfrr hsth mfw< 1 irf 95 fr m ur mrj *\ 
miyf u* fa wm Hiafa, faim hNtt twit qw 
1 , 00 , 000 /- *>. 

tfft; ffererW Ho 45 qan afa, 17 % qa ejia aRam 
3 )fr i 7 : fraa | (hr saa aaraij aa^nt t hr 
5 ^ 5-q naftaal), ifjrcfiaai'r aftmat % 949fcf4, 
aRana HiratH aiHaR aifafana 1961 ^ata fcaiR 
1 8-12-19 85, 

rtr awfa ^ ^fafl 9TTR *[S9 4f 919 9> TOUW 

tnTTCH 9> TWT SRTTOT 9n 9v If HR *E*r 9? V4997H 
latf ftr *R*r &* fa ii a rp/fa r <Mw «r afro wn 
ipr, aifa srfWa a* qtf ” rf99TH 9IW?i 99 

tpj? 9ffl5RT «tf991 afR nftlRB (aawr) 8f|R afafaft 
«Rrfdt (sraMarf) 9i iffa qff arraror 9 ! faq 99 irar 
997 srfWH, fwfHfHH 3 yt~ frT H99 H9RH MH9 
if 9TOTf99! fH 9if*RT H$f faTf! 99T |® £- 

M «n«W ff £9* fatflf WW 90 9T9H «w Hfa-! 

P999 «i apfta «r *> *ftpc*> *i fifnw if 

wft 91 Htftf M^nf 9*“ 9f“49T 9? faq; 


fa) qYft falft 979 9T f*W9flr 9»f 97 9*9 WTfwtf 
*rf fa# *rraft9 *mrtr ffafrnr, 1922 
<1922 957 1l) 97 39q'*fafa99 97 VH9TC 
#W, 1967 (1957 957 27 ) ^ 

HTftRft 991TT JWZ 91|T f9>97 99T 9T 9T f9597 

wm 9if?q *tt , Pertf ^ faq; 

<Wr hi, %m wfvhnr 9ff «ntr 289-9 H, irtiqT«r 

*f , *f-, 3tf9 fH99~ 9^ 9 RT 269-9 9st 399TTT (l) 

« «Rfa\ fHHfafflfl' *9f999f, :— 

(1) «rV 3itf*r?9 <m fa? , qra fa? 

f99THt-9'o Ho 41, oJHTH sfTaWl, -R-irPi 


(2) H9«fr mzti , aRiJRr gHTRi Ht srR: 
fH?, f99Rfl 9Tt 81H, aVo zt 0 TR, 
9R9R1 I 


9H 1 9f 7[99T 9Rl ^9? ^Tw HWfa <P 9^9 Nfq 

9Rf*d P59T ^ 9R9T ^1 

hw oHTfrr ^ w^r 4 iWv tt %ff* arrefn .-— 

<9>) w H99f ^ Trm if spfircnr 9^ nTftar a 1 
45 £c9 ^ 3T9fV 9T HRfffT aqfwaf TC 
7T99T art 30 f99 9/t 3T9fH, afr )ft 

srafn 919 if H9TC ?r^ ^t, ^ iftaR 'pfarr 

w i f wral if «M «rfw fwtjjrj 

(h) sw ^ 91419 if JT999I4 9f Olffr $ 

45 $ tftar aw ?tm irnfar if f^r- 

99H fWt SR9 59fw 99T9T spfOHfl^l ^ 9HT 

fafnar if Paq hi a^fi 

mugWcarr —%wt snraa- SR9l 9f9 99 I an, 9f aaa «rfv- 
fr9n, «P 19*979 20-91 if qfRirfin} 5*, 
9ft «r*f ffn v? 39 9*979 if f997 997 f* i 

HPTfH 45q9HHf9 f6TH91T S}ftiqf99R>T 
$ 999^9, 9R3rH if H59T 3 645 f99Nl 

17-12-1985 91: f99T | < 

5TTo q?fo SaY 

irenr snfaaiTfl', 

9^1991 3)rq9R 3iT99fi (faflaiTOT ), 

^5f, f^aar 

ftrat9l : 9-7-1976 

9f?7: : 

ninr W—w«* i] 

WRfT TO TOTO, fftTiTO G, 1996 (TO7TO 15, 1908) 


(1) ftt ftt?r ao 53T 
fftnft —to ftlm 

(ai^rKTT ) 

( 2 ) ft° ftp=f ^TUfftT TOTOTT WTO wfrftn^T fto 

5TT° ffto 115, 5T7H fm, 16-TO$'<4f 

ftftt 4T*f, I 


jttot- nnft . el. cp- . to.- 

WTTOK BtMsnm, 1961 (1961 set 43 ) 4fl TOT 
269-4 (l) ft 3T^T ^ 

wror TO4TO 

wrofro, armi tototo (troW^r) 

3lftT fts, T^aT 

frota 9 toht i 19 86 

faSsrfto 3»T$° Ho?f>o/tr<pToi^JTp 5 i/ 141 /85-86— 
3<?): »JW, 5ft 0 tT^o ) 5 r?fV j 

snw: arNfftm, 1 961 (1961 to 43 ) (fftft TOft 
lit ‘w arfftt.iTO’ jp(fr tot tf), *ff\ *mr 269-*r ft 
apfar tort snNroftt 4 ft, 4f from 457 ft ^ 4nror 5 s fft 
ttoto ftrift Iftrrvw ftror tok t{to 
1 . 00 , 000 /- 75 . ft art’s™ ft* 
ftkfuTOftfto i7ftTO, 2 to ftftrr, oroN 

ft faro | (ftk s*rft 71 wr ft ft! 7 ^ % 

4fftl ft), 7f37^TOlf arffttrpft ft, vroftro, 43414 
mft>4 3 )ttor. srfftfftTO 1901 ft awjtft f?ft* 

G-i 2- 1P85, 

4«f '{tiW ftrfrr ft ftro to k TO4 ft m ft ott h w 
ftrornr ii fftq 3fgR?r 4fi 4 ft ft 1 arlft *rft 43 trow 457 ft 
44 toot ft fft wiftfiRi ftriftr to sNar tott: 

ftW, <i4ft 4TO4T4 jrfftw ft, ftft W44T4 SlfTOOT TO 
ftfir srft, 4 Rr ft art’™ ft arift totto (to!) aft?: nftr- 
ttrft (ar-triftlW) ft ftK ftft 3Rn.«i ft frr to tot tot 
rrfrmr ‘‘TOti-rfTO gfftro ft ^ror 3RrOT ffttro ft" 
Twrfro. to ft cRt«nr 4ftt fftm 44T ft :— 

(*) ft o* froft to (ft) inro, tott 
arNfftro ^ arftftr to rft ft anr™ ft sifro 

ft- wftt TOft 4T 37rft ^rft ft- ^rfarvr ft ?T j-, 


(*) ftftt fftftt TO 41 fftftt TO m to antrof 
4rf, t^f 3 TOfthr sthtto artyfftro, 1922 

(l922 *sr 11) 4T 7TO arf^iftTO, 4T TO- 
TO srtftftTO, 1957 (1957 4n 27) 
ft jnftrorft TOtrftr ?rrtT srro troi 
TO »n nr tror tot Titfr »n, froft ft 

TrfftXT ft fftft 1 

iff, 7W arffttTOT ^ TOT 269-ft ft 3<« r 
ft-, ft', arfvtroT a^ tot 269- 1 t ftl tttot ( 1 ) 
ft arftir i frotartro nftroft, 1— 

ftf 4^ 4 k 1 TOft TOfW TTWtTT ft arftft ft fftlj 

TOftnt?4f TO7TT ?tl 

3-ro tM>t ft arft? ft mrov ft 43ft ft arratr c— 


(4i) WTT TTTOT ft TjaiTOT ft sr^ilPM 4ft TTPftaT ft 
45 tro 9ft atfty jit flWTOft wjfwfti TO 
?TTOT 4ft mftvT ft 30 tTO 4ft atftV, ft ft 
nifty TO ft TOTTO fffft ?t, ft ftro: Tftfaw 

sTtrorf ft ft froft aftro nroi; 

(ar) rra ittot ft nsm ft jttotot 4ft mftar ft 

45 tro ft ftn trt toto TOftft ft tftr- 
tot troft to srrfftr ?4 to. wrljwrenft ft 
TO tftftr ft fftq WT TOftfti 

mtWw:—?Trft snnrfr toI art?: toI to, ft gw 
atfHtror, ft anror 20-45 ft MtrotTO 

ft 1 , 4ft1 arft cfft ft to anror ft fro 

TOT 5*1 

TOfft 17 ftrm, 2 m^r Rtttt aft™ 
f4471 TK^trorf % TO9R4 4TOt4 ft 
ft®TT 5353 fTOT95 6-12-J 985 TO fTOT 4^ I 

q^fo iaftV 
7rer4 JTTfftrrot 
H5T445 a;r4TO ^Tq«Rl (fTOTtun ), 


Prft4f : 9-7-19 86 

ftiya ;. 


<TTTS lit CTtffS, F^cT^iT< 6 id86 (msaa 15, 1908) [WT»T HI—W 1 

afn an?*. art. i^t . qa.- 

anm arfvf^w, i96i (1961 air 43) art ara 
269-*r (i) 4 3n^k i£«pn 

»TTO 4KMi 

anafna, *r$iaa> snaan: smnrcr (F^r^teror) 
aitf-t x*t, furaa? 
ff?^, feafe 9 19 86 

feftrno 3-r^o ito nto/iT^o ij3ata/l3 8/85-86— 
318: *$, 3ffo itf^o mat, 

anwc aNffenr, 1961 (1961 ^ 43) (frtf W*f 
*aai «rwti![ few srfMfenr’ a^r aar tf), art vttt 
269-ar ^ anfNr aanr nfvaiRrt ai mj Faiiw aitf aa 
'brkt if Fa> wm inqfwr, Fortet sffer ararc ^ 
1 , 00 , 000 /- aifaa. 15 * 
nh faaaff n° 7 afar sfrorr ('Jiftr) Tjfn am W 51 

ijaafa if fv«Tcl | (vflX ‘lOW ai^ft if UK yif 

ir affei |), Tf^ranf aiftmrr % aiafcia, 
^f^rNr '♦rreffa suaaRaifafaair, 19 s 1 % mala ferfe 

6-12-19 85, 

a>r tpifer tfmfm £ awrc ipa if ant warn* 
srffewr 4 ffej afefer art a** 3 * afn: Rfe a$ Fawn 
amf 8RT «RTOT f Fa. aVTT<ffW WrT *RT nFw aT5TK 

ana, wa! ww affeiRr 4 qfe iwna srffeRn a>r 
^ af«w $ srfVi; ?* 8fk Bftnw (anrwf) afk ferfnft 
(sRTftffeff) 4 >fW qfe 3 RR ff r ffej aa aim am 
annfaai an if asFw aifr Fam aai 15 * 

(a>) *<rc»r if n~X Fatft «mr art nw, sw 
wfvfaaa 4 «nfta arc: afe a> 4 qrf^r 
7 / awt amf in aatf if nfavT 4 Fife 

(*) feft faaft ana m Panff wti w anfunfr 
a>r, ffef 3 aroffa sna-an arfnfana, 5922 
(1922 an 11 ) in saa arfvfann, in 
an-an: nffefern, 1957 (1957 ^ 27 ) 4 
snfnntf ^anrr jwh: f^n «rm 

«n in F^m stht ’nf^TT «n, if d^tn 
«i5 F^nr; 

wra *rr, ran rfxfnrv, art tmr 269-^ ^ rrarw 
t*-, tT, w srFvf^rtr srt tnn 269-^ art g^MKr ( 1 ) 
$ anfk, f^w fq Fa w srfwnl, bt^ :— 

(1) sflr fwarr rit, ^m^’R gwn^ 

f r ,Rinf—srn faBrr ir?^ 1 

(3RRR ) 

( 2 ) 4<> aqRff ^inr 5rt3finr v° (5n°), 
fao 21 -xf-rj? 'irn, *rrif, f^f 1 


inj sRfaff tRFw *6 anafa 4 fan 

^liftrifTjwf ^T87 £1 

m <rwfw 4 w&r 4 trv rf* ariV *ft mwH 

(aj) ?[^n ^ a?" iram art (mrtar ^ 

45 F^r art sprier in *ra r ar* ft wrFwff <rr 
?r^n art nnfRr 7f 30 Finr art 3nfN, ^1 »rt 
3^^ ai? tF - ^nn«?r iff, ^flwr '{a’faw 
aqfa?rtff if FaJTft arFaw ?®rKr; 

(tr) trrt 4 irm if sfairenr art nnrtr w 
45 Far 4 ifftnc garr war «wrfti if Fffr- 
a^r faaft smr F^cr aam, Bnff^^nmrrt af 
<mr Fntaar if Fa^ m iraN 1 1 

w ir l a R Br:—a*nf snnRr arwrt afrr <nrt air, tfr garr 
afafm i^ spamr 20-a> if atwrifav 
^, ^1 spf 5-jVi at w Bnaw if Fam 
«nn 5*1 


nmfn 8 ifm 5 famr (^nr) ijRt fcmaT 3 i%r 
faavTT TfR^Fcr? % an-aRra, Jiairfr if afaift gun 
53 61 faaf^ 6-12-1985 37. fen | I 

at o jrg o g^t 

nsrn snfaand 

ngjaa 3iraaR (fafltan) 

siafa tR, ff^ar 

fa-rta : 9-7-19 86 

hVir : 

*rt*r in—1) 


WT73 IT 6, 1986 (WTS'H 15, 1808) 

Wld * 1 |faj S 3 -U ^«u ■**■ 

uranrx ififnnr, 1961 (1961 « 43) *1 
ntr 269-1 (l) 4 «nfti 

!TO fWW 

4wfii. «|nw itm *n^w (fn^re) 

arsfa ffl, 

flfTHT, f^r*TT<T> 10 5^Tf 19 86 
o 31T§° tto ^o/^o/^3pirtar/29/85-86— 

m-. ijjS, 41<> retfl, 
wc #ifm, 1961 (1961 m 43) (M xwt 
qtm?[ '&fx Brffcrftrenr' *m f ), 41 *nu 
269-1 4 3f#r m *r jnfwd 4r nf fwm w 
45m ft f4 wm irenfn, f*w gfntr mm: ipr 
I , 00 , 000 /- 15 . iM ft 
lYtMlItro 2 6^1"!, 15 *TmT i^fa, T Tt^T 

it fc*ra $ (4k sri% g-rnra a^'ft % 4k 
l*f *r i), rf4f1nrf aftrsnf % "rotfan-, 
ij/nu«r f mitfk am^ »W*m 19 61 % ntfk, fcTfk 


«tf <£ffrw tn*rfrr * iM irent i[w 4 wr 4 wnni 
SMl 45 f4? w^ftsr 41 »TT* 4 *k f awn r 

4TR 1 liT 1STW ft ^ 44r^4 T< W 4M*Cr 151 1THI ITHt 
•[w, n4 wwnr Hftiwi 4, tftf wmm Jrfirro w 
iftrenr ft if*ns it ift irert*; (iurtirf) wft 
(inrftft rt f] 4<K yarn 4 fm? mr 

wt wt itwi, nufvtat ifhR ^ vw 4 ww 

fqM if- iHlflW *T 4 ifll Mt »1TT I* I— 

M 4 ltl 4 “ O* Ml 414 ifl 4 TW 4 . 14 

ifvfnnr 4 i4hr <rt «4 4 «nrrw 4 
nftrti t *41 wpf 4 t n 4 4^4 4 - tfm 
4 M; «rft/m 

(i) jftfl Ml ire «n Mt *rt tt ufnnrf 
4f, N^ 1 urofttr 11115* iflflHTO, 1922 
(1922 WT 11) it an iMum, <n 11- 
yt_«N M, 1957 (1957 1>T 27) 4 ifcmf 
irerTtrfl firer srez Mr mrr <n in Mr 
wwT 4ifm nr Mnf 4 tj^nn 4 M; 

44S 14, nt ifnfm f.1 Utr 269 ’T 4 fTfin 

t, t, zm arfvfwr ^ lira 269 -^ ^ ^TTT* (l) 
4 i4t^, Mrfatirr wffunrl, anfq :•— 

(1) «ft ^ to m w f^T?^ 


( 3 , 75 T^) 

( 2 ) 5t'n?r ar'rfN - 1 ™*(ht® )f^°-i is 

16 -T^TSfr ntsfnrf^f, ^f'twfV i 


4f H ^tt infl it4 <{4<w «»rf« 4 i4r 4 M 
wf^iM ^ irm ti 1 

m tftfn 4 i4i 4 44v 4 «iV 4 iwfr t— 

(^>) w ?ttoi 4 ti^nr 4 hiiium 41 urtti 4 
45 M 41 nfV in a?44ft «rx 

^iwi 41 tmfrsr 4 30 M 41 anriV, 4 r 
iifv ire flnn^r ffift nrf, 4 ifart iif*e 
wr fK R l if 4 1441 wrf4j sroct; 

(tr) pr iitot 4 tr«m if JTfnro 41 trrtfNr if 
45 M 4 ifarc: 34=?r wrt if fpiw 
find <ror «rf 4 r itoj «nff«rrei 4 } 4 ire/ 
fsrM if fin? m «44i 

w«M p i :—tinf snro- twf efrx «ref nrr, 4r wr 
•rfMfnrir, 4 i«rre 20-^ 4- qftnif»ra 
it, i?rt «r 4 rfn, 4 <rwnr 4 4 in 
nn 4 » 

spre [41 

ireTf^T 2 6 fnra, is *rrw nfn fwfri/T ^fui; 
fm?iT % sFrirffn, ijyirref f tfrofr 

5 43 4,^4^ 10-1 2-19 85 I 

aflo r? 5 io 
^nare- Brfa-TOir, 
^rq-^T 3)T4TO 33T3JTO (fqflOT ), 
Sisfa fa, 

finrir : 10-7-1986 
fr^T : 


ana nraramr, o, im# (*rrTT? 15 , 1909 ) 

(aM HI—n*a 1 

m wBfVifl.cpr.qT.——- 

WWW? a f v f w a, 194J (1961 w 43) afl 
am 269-* (l) 4 f^fr 

tim **m* 

nmfna, top 4 ; tmvK aifm (Ta4ftn ) 


fSrrm 7 isse 

fJpfn ?ro arfo rr 0 ^tojvt^t^7n^l]33j8S~8e ,— 


awa* ataftwm, 1961 ( 1 96 1 *r 43 ) (t44 an4 
nr* aaarrer im n faftra a ’ w *1 am 
269 -a 4 nVU m mfannrt art 9 ? fnnrrt arc* nr 
«nc«r 9 * fn Hi 4 < nwrfVt, fww 4fan aram «nn 
1 ,00,1/00/- v. 4aflan4 
xfn fJw^Y a° 5 nm a fa, nrefa an*faan,, fwsjtam 
(Tfrirr q?rrrq Jr ffaa £ («flr suit -jttw a^ifr Jr 
WTyif' grfnrft $), TfaF£faaf 3lfanTff % fiTafaf, 
ijnnfa iTTTifhr mnw.r ■ofafwT 19 p 1 % *rsfar, ftnftr 


nf a4an wrfn 9 ! nfan aram fwr 4 a* 4 mw 
■fww 4 ft* •fnftn art a4 aft ^ af faaaw 
W* a* am f fn wf#w awfn aa nfan twit 

H*a, n«4 wrn nftNw 4, t 4 wnw sfana m 
TOf vfiwr if afro 9 * aft n^rcn (narmrf) aft 
4nfftft ^mtfrfW^a! 4a 44 mncn 4 faq nn am 
a?r nftrw, ft r mfaft ra sar'w if gran iwor fafnn 
4 amrfan aa 4 nfan aft ftm awr 1 * r— 

( 1 ) 4° srtftq^ s£fa (st° ) fa®, 
qani'snr, nf fawft 1 

(*r?a var) 

(2) n» fas^a fa®, araat nfan, ww, 
gran, Jrf« nf 1 


art n| ^am anrt aft4 ^afnn nwfn 4 n4a 4 ftf 
noft rfta f ^ mnr C 1 

twr twftr 4 n4a 4 44a 4 arf4 aft waft c— 

(as) an fwn 4 naan 4- snawnr 41 wain 4 
45 far afl aafV ht ■ufamri*' an 

^wn 41 rmffn if 30 fan art «nrfV, af *rt 
nafV na *f- narar 9 M ft, 4 vfmr anfaa 
•afanaf- if- if «atan aanr; 

(ar) an ^ •* 4- aarrarr art nnrtar 4 

45 ftn 4 iftm «av win avrftr # ffff- 
afa - fawft wn «rtnu 9 am, aaffwianl 4 
anr fafaw 4- fani ai n44 1 

w a rt a w a :—amf Jrqan n»rt 4ft «rrt nr, at nan 
afaftinr, 4 aanr 20-4 4* atonfan 
9 *, afl a4 fftn af nn nan 4 faai 
mar 9 * 1 

M « PW4 4 n* ftrtl 414 41 wm, wm 
afafaan 4 44ft a3 ft 4 aanw 4 
arfaw 4 anrt nft ar ;mf *a4 4 ^ftrar 
4 faf; 4ft/ai 

(n; 44lf faaft aw ai faaft aa m wa aiftnuf - 
Wf, ftHf 3 amfft anrnu ataftnnr, 1922 
(1922 nr 11 ) w nan afaffaa, m anaw: 
afaft an, 1957 (1957 nr 27) 4 srafanW 
a*ntmft arm sraz gfT fasar *nrr m ar fasar 
am arftn ar, fwrft 4 nfam 4 f*n; 

an: aa, nan atalaan art am 269 -n 4 aram 
4, 4 tan afafaaw art am 269-* nl tram ( 1 ) 
4 nVft fawf a fan w fanaf , maft - 


5 vjfJr Jf ftqa fsTfl^T arfs^ fanm 
ifa^fn'r % jprq'Nm, ^airta Jf aw 5650 

ftfftr 24 - 12-1985 err firor ^ 1 

4° sist 
n«n frfspprfr, 
anim arr^an (fmcfian), 
iwfn T’jr, frfon 

ftata? : 7-7-197 6 

vtftf’fHJu-’jfr‘i] wits''W aansi/Rhr«r: 6, 1986 (Wfstw is, nos) 22511 

to . d. tp\ qg\ 

mra* aMww, 1 96 1 ( 1 96 1 43 ) Vi 

VTTJ 269-1 ^ anftt I^FTT 
1TW ff«H 

t i iinftk , mjiw? a-raVr ariqVr '(T ir foOT) 

3f5fg !*?, Offdir 

fi^, fwte 9 1986 

ff^ur^o ?rr¥o g 0 gfo/qi^o ftrim /9 6/85-86— 

37IT: JJ#, sfto qgo ?wt, 

mm afafnrir, 1 96 1 ( 1 96 1 w 43 ) (firf 
<ir> sotr; ‘gw afiftW ott 5*), Vi vro 
269-w <3 srtfrr wit Hifiwfi Vr, 45 fsimr irttf 
w wot 5 * fu urn wrftr, Panm gfw iron: i[OT 
1 , 00 , 000 /- tt. if afw; 5 1 
wit fsiwlr tfo 7i 4^ 5 tfiOTr ^fa, nm #t, 
i$n (f^RTT) if fwi \ (wfr zm 
ifw'rryifF'T irif&ra|), wfawtf% wifim, 

f^ffTT if nimR arwryfafwg, 1 96 1 % aaHfwfa 

<r wwfrr V sfw nut qw if mr ^ othtr 
jrfuw # fgq mrfw Vi w* 5* «frc wrf 45 fwmr 
wf w wot rC fV wrrpfw wrfn w gfur otit 
qw, gwcfi ctoth srfnror if qV wrmr srfgror w 
ii? 5fnw?f arfw 5* aflr 3frOT («ffl<+1l) afit s ftrfriff 
(mrttftrV) $ *fW qV mm to to 

jrfrrwT frmfgfig gsVw if gw brtot Pgfw if 

STWfW, wr if Wifi! fiat! OTT 5* :— 

(*) *RTOT Tf o* fVtff «mr Vi TTW , gw i fy- 
bm Hl'fl'i 1ST iV ^ <4d ^.°f) ^ STITTS if 
wft irsf itt guf wf if- qfTHT ^ fgqr 

i*) q¥r fwff mr in fwft wihr w f wiiff 
Vr fig* 3 wrofv anm afvfwiT, 1922 
(1922 w 11 ) m gw ifvfinm, m 

tTWT BTfufOTiT,, 1957 (1957 *ST 27) ^ 

vuffwiif BIWfTTff WTO 5TW fWTT OTT 
»n in fWTT ^T?T WTf^tT «TT, fWf tf- TrfBTVT 

< fwqi 

wj w, gw srtvfnriT tff vitt 269-ir ^ o t ^ ttot 

f~, if, gw BTfVfgiHT VTTT 269-W gOTTTT (l) 

$ 3nfk, frcrfgfw ®rfwiff, snfrq: :— 

( 1 ) gw«fV wm s w^t, rn^TT fg? pOT JTRmg 
tiiit flpffrrg 5a 1 grim, gm w fn wig, 
fstgr—f^mT 1 


( 2 ) H*o*lR STTircg qng Rfg ifofgo, io^° 
ugo f^m, f^wff fts, f^TTT I 


wf 4 ? nwm wtf wrfn ^ wfa < fuq 

wifgif^irf wwt £1 

«W ^ ifafy if- wt 1 *rrtfg r— 

(it) w tcwt ^ ttww if - 5pmm «s1 if 

45 fw BNrfV ITT (RWift WrfWiTl <Tt 

itwt onftg if 30 Pw VI dV, if »ft 

aprfi 411 if giFcT profr iff, ff", iffflT giffw 
mfwirt if if fwft »rfw ynri; 

(l) W ITW OTTOT if 5 TWWT VI ITftl if 
45 fw ^ iftgr gw nm: nmfir if 
fwff api wtfw wtu ivtijiinifff} ^ rnn 
fnfm if ffiir it infifi 

WBe1«OT:—?inf snrw afk wl w, V gw 

iflfwiT., li IWW 20-^ if TfOTlfwr 
4 ^ «r*f iffin it gg btwttw if fin 

IFTT 5*1 


gigfw 77 5 fott, wfg g'r wm w/fi to 

f^grr if ftw | Prow 3i ftm; fwOT % wifan', 

f^inr irTf^ ggn 54 83fwtir 19 - 12 - 851 !: fwr 

b 1 

^fo qno i-aaf 
gwg nfawrt 
srrwn: auijw (faffsOT), 

fmfar : 9-7-1986 

ifr5T • 


vm *t wtj, e, i»«e (iftfr* is, nos) 



svr M n* .i ct. qr. cr. ------- 

T Nfrr T , isoi (toot « 43k d 
TO 2*9-4 |l) 4 4*4 14P 

iflTS ffTTtTC 

tirefwr, vfms swsrs Ti^w (hnAnf 

31^T TGf, TH-TcIT! 

T>^, fintT 16 197 6 

fa^Tifo S1T$<>^° tfto/rnpjo Tnftq^/95/85-86— 
3tH: ■H'lff, sfto tetgfV, 

fTWX wNf»r»W, 1961 (1961 T* 43^ (Tv4 Vdf 

TTTT^ 'TW Tfrfmr' TTTJT TOT , Tff TTO 

269-w 4 *nfk ttw sir*™it T-rf t? fTTrirr tit 
* mr f* f* «m Tnrfw hnwsr *fTn ttwtt »tw 

1 , 00,000/- Wf if 

if° 143 'faw, 2 TrrT^rr^f^r, tt^ srW 
'TRta’i if ft*Tcl t (*0 t SiTif -3Tr?5 ai^Vt 
if 5rk yjf ^ ^jrfwra $), Tfaf^Wf 3iftrrrcf% 
Trrcfw, vRtaa if «nrifta aiftifrimr, i96i 

% atffTf, fafft-fT 13-12-1985, 

«i <mfw 4 gfrrr ttok t[w wx 4 wnrrr 
«f an*s^i 4 fwct «Wtb- tA tc* c* «rfr »pi t? Jtttiv 
th .4 Tn tstt*t (f fn o^n^rfw wtfrr tit aNv ttwtt 
i[wr, uir4 twott jrffPBrr 4, qV tttttn Tftnw 4 
T*®5 ![f6SW if arfVTi I* Tftn *RPCn 4K 

(TXjf'ifn#) 4 »f4 4 flTH TIT TTTT TTT 

W f ^VuN q ■fl'lT if 3TW V'TiW faf** tf - TTWfm 
if TTRifm m if T^«T?r frun tot ^ :— 

M TTTC^ 4 ^ fTprff TTT Tfl TTTT, TO 

Tfvf«nnr 4 wVIvtkt*44 tvttv 4 

(J(fT7TT if Ti*ft TS^pf TT ^4 *t 4 4" ^tW 

4 fwjj Tf?/T7 

<Tif fWl «TW TT fWT TT TT *RT TlfWTl 

Nry TTiXftT Turor wtrtrTWfl 1922 

^922 Tlf 1l) T( TTiT TtrNrni, TI 

TT-TW TfTfTTT, 1957 (1957 W 27) 

«n or fnn tttt «n, f^rpf # Tfr^n 


«m IW, WW 4frtTTT Til TTO 269- , t ^ 

it, *■ zm TfrTTTT Tit TTTT 269-T <1 TTVTTT (l) 

4 T^ftr, aifTAtf^ t— 

(l ) iT*ft ^TtffT f^T? 2 TifTfir? 3 iWT ftni 

5 HTPT «fV Tsm 

f-Tamfr—it ITT iRtifV ^5, ?t?o TTTWa 


(2 ) iTT*ft 1. iiraT?? 53 vff STT Th? 2. *fY TW 
jsr «rV jttt fiif 3. sm?lT fir? gpr «fV 
tm fir? 4. TTfrarr fi^ ja- «ff ^ fa$ 

5 . «ff TH^ffa fir? jsr S?r 6. wri fin? 
$* 4Y giTT fin? infr fTTRff nw ftm?, 
n?<> Tpr>ra i 


4i «| w wrrt «t 4 l4NfT T»rtw 4 w4r 4 fwf 

•nfrirpTf T[¥ ttot f^r 

•w wrtft 4 wfsr 4 4*r of- 4 jt* 4f TWfT i— 

( 4 ); vc spjWT 4 jcnm it wwit 41 mxtw 4 
45 FTT 41 TTtT TT WW»ft "ifTflTt T 1 
^ttt 4) Trotar 30 f4r Trt wtN., 4f iff 
«rfr tit it nnvr cfrff ?f, 4 4 hrr ^fw 
■rfnrtf if- 4 Mf ■rTnr irroj 

(f) CT 44TT 4 1TTTT it JPUTlrT 4) Tn>r 4 
45 frr 4 44 t rw wm Tvrfn 4- rpHW 
fr4 V »pt »rfjw ttttt TVr?FTmt 4 tw 

Puf'TTT 4- fwn TT TTfV I 

irw>rrw;«-cT4' jicjit tttI 4rr tt! tt, 4 t m tN- 
frww 4 «nrw 20-4 if Ttsunfro nfl 
^4 ftn, 4 ^ V’vrc if fm nrr |*i 


iTirftr 143 ^tt?t, 2 *rn?rr tut iRftff 
^4ifa?o Tpffm irfi«ra ^ i njrfr^rirftnifTTior^^f- 
^rf * sfUTfiTT, IRfro if ■tf^Fjtif&rr 4385ftr<TTW 
13-12-75 Ti f^T | I 

O IT^f 0 

irem irrfe^Rf, 
iTfrifiT sinm atwi (ffrcfw«t), 
ar^T T<T, Tf?6Ti 

fTTtTl : 16-7-1986 


m*! hi—«* i 1 ] 

<rrtg *r 4nm, fafrwn: 6, i»»6 («rrm is, t&os) 

2251 3 

4144 srnf. 2 ^. <$t . qrr, -. 

srfxf^m, 1961 (1961 w 43) 

'fit mr 269 4 (i) ^ 3Pfo" ^6TT' 

»rrar rrrsn: 

flSpfrair, arprat arro^r (farfsrflr) 

asfa it$a$ 

^if^, fW'f 16 spirt 19 86 
fa^TT ?io 3)lfo rro rft ojrr^zfo er^r/l/ 85 - 86 — 
3i?l: W, afto n;.,-o g^ft 

tTW rrfVfTOT, 1961 (1961 ■» 43} (NflC pnf 
fKi wrt[ 'vm orfVfVw' any *rcrr 5*), ft *rm 
169-v «i wVW 44w m vf m frmn mw m 
«rw 6* f% wm irofw, f4V4ff sfVtf cmr j r?4 

1,00,000/- 5 s 

wfa 242 9 fTTvif wf*T HT*T SRtn’T- 

3TT, ?1?° HfP'flR £ (rflT ?*r*t ^ITSr® a^TjVt 

Sr s/iT ^nf sn n |),v-fa^t^t affepfliTt % unfair, 

, if ^raftor a» Merit, i 9 6 i % ®>jr, 

f; fafTfa 2—1 2—85, 

nr? <pfaw rfafrr < *Nn *n*re *tw *i m M wnrm 

fftnra »< fvnt MrttR 4rt 44* f* v* ** Nwror vof 
vx m new ?* fa nfrr^friw ^wrtNr *w ^Nrr *mi «n4 
3Vt «*nm wfrrw tf, fit wflimr if^wc «t 
wf'f* f *fr (flp4rrw!) nft 

(iNrf^Wri *; <*V amm Mftnt <nt <rm <nn 

ufonini, fa«rf 4 vm faftrer «r 

r w rf Vm m ftm 49T fwn «ri f. i — 

(1 ) 1 ’it ^^[4 fa| 2 SPITP’I f*T^ Tanir ’it 

^swr 3 ’itirit fr< 33 ft 

’it *t/ 3 i@ 7 t Mr 4 sfr? fw ; 5s «ft i$r 
f'rs 5 -flfi-s t% ' 4 t >pnr ftr? 
fn^nrt—fw^n ^ ^r 1 

(ai^ ) 

(2) ’-ft mf^fqT f% 5^ MY 

2 ’it fSrs «ft ftr« 1 

3 lift 4 ’it •■41^^ .5 ’it sr*r<Tfa 5 

^ipn ’it 'Jrit 

fwr^ft—rpi^ erTifl^rr 1 


(®r? azrfaci, fSf*% ^ Sr ^f?r 


& 4 -^ ^ntt tr*ffa?r imtrr 3 ^ ^ 
w'Tifpt ^ ^rr £\ 

3^Rr ffurfw anfir ^ arsrrv ^ *wV it ansiT :— 

(m) fir fi ij^nr f )P*etw *rt wNhr 

45 f^'4 4Tt aTTfM- *IT «rfwff «ft 

ifm srt onAnr j 3 % frw wN, lit *6 

•MV m* f- wwr rWt rf» < *•« <f#v 

a^firwt i •iVir yWTi 

( 4 r) «^«rn ^ wrr jf- srarenr ust # 4 j 

faw ^ itriT ^srt wrr; ^mfrr f f^rsr^v 
fVit «w sjjIVisr yrm «rvitj^?rmt i! 4W 
WVrr f fjfill ^T 1 

(•) ^nv o* f>frit 9w Mt wm, tos. 
■rtVfVpc *riK vt ft M «nwrw # 
m t V w if- 4nfr m ^ri <xi «iVn 
< Np(; itV4T 

««kwi—finf sr«m ^N: wl «r, >nw 
nWww/ri anwr 20-« ^ 9fwif<w 
!*■, 4^1 «V fff«n *t ?v unarm {W 
«f«n |*i 

(flr) fH tVflft 4T4 41 f«rtt 44 41 4*4 4 lfW 4 i 

4rf, TV^f wrofk *n44TT irfVhTrtr, 1922 
(19*22 «r ll)^ S4rr arfvt^nr, m 
smfflPTTfl f 4Vfnft 44TTT JT^E fV4T 

*n m 4T4T TTt^tr tn, fwni af’ *rfjnn 

4 f^; 

«Mr: «j 4-, sV.r srfVftm 4n1 <rra 269-4 M 3n^ni>r 
» if. w flrfVf^nr ft wkt 26^-4 4fi OT’mT (i) 
M 3pftiT. r-mfVi l Vq BqfaRTtff, 3j%f :— 

5-226 G\m 

JTPTf^r 24 2 ^r", fljp-'TT srfV, % 314Klrfl^PT 

jrTfi^o iff^rit fr^n £ i f^n-^r sifer^fwflr Tfsr^t- 
srrrt % 4 nnt^ 4 , ^r ^f^^t 1303 

2-12-85 ir ftpTT t I 

it o ^ o ^^t 
irsm irrfyEfiRt, 

^mnTwr 3 iT 5 T 4 ^ aT^q (f^ftflOT), 
5)514 rr^i^ 




2 1514 

urm hm, fnqRn: e, 1986 {nmz 15, isos) 

[«oi ill— f a<nr 1 

IT^T tCW* . E^, ^Ty (JE .j wee* 

imreR arf»rf?nnT, 1961 (l 96 1 ^ 43 ) 
httt 269-*r (l) *r»frr 


■WflPT, <fSiiT4) 3TPT^ (T*iOrt*i) 

3i^5T tY 

forlT 16 ajsnf 19 86 

fttur ffo airfo qo Hf/q^o aRT?l/3 o/8 5-8 6— 

m: n$, wr° crh m'r, 

a rmr r srftrfqw, 1961 (1961 43) (fnf rmf 

fTfP^nrsnq arNPrinr' *b?t ^nn ^), wft nrr 
269-T 3pfrr KW4 miPw^ikY ifcf HT([ 

•bi^t ft fsp Pim ffi T Pff r, P'smr sfrq wrtr *[w 
100 , 000 /- tt. if arfw t 
sfR falYY To if* 149 wra HY niq cuntf ^ ftoq 
| (Hr qim sirsny Jr Hk gqf Tq % Tfru |), 
rfzfcft'Zrtf 3Tfqqnft % qrrqfiir, srrm f wr?far aqippr 
StfapTHT 1961 % asfhr, f?fT3f 23-12-85, 

inf n^'iHct *mffr *6 'dP’iri «ii4i< qw if qnr sqnrR" 
sifqw ^ ffrq 3Rrfcr oft nY f ark *r*6 v% fanr^RT 
TR? URT ^RUT fa *T*1 TT#TH' H'Wfa 45T Tfax THR 
irnr, fipruR srPm- if, tfp 1 mw srfaqrr qq 
'HR srfiretq t aifaq? Y arlVanirfa (aranaff) aifa: 
#Rrfafr (aRif^W-) Y sfHr qqf 3 hrot ^ faq m 
wt *nrr irftrBcr, faiwfafatr sp^r if tw jrh 
fafatf IT qpRrfaB W if J&falT HfT fW Tm Y ':■— 

( 45 ) ■t^rt if o* fatfY *nr 4fl *T4ir, twit «rfv- 
fam t «r*fk WR ar’af 4? aftRWi t Wlfqw if 
jwft wrH in Tircf wnf if irfan ^ faq; 

(w) rfift P^Y qnr nr 'fenft vn *n «ht mf^nri 
Pan? 3 im#i *nH4vc arWriH, 1922 
(1922 45T 11) *rr 3W flfvf^nr, in »or- 
4R arftf ftnnT, 1957 (1957 4n 27) ^ 

ffirfiRRf afcrfnfY 44 TT 1 5 HR f^RTT WT VT 

in fafiin WHT ^lf|q 4T, ftwnf if ^frVT 4? 


*rv btw, vfvfrim «Y vrt 269-t H trw u nyr 

ft, t, *m srfVfnm wY VTTT 269 -t ottrt*(iV 

$ anfrr, frmfnfnr, "flfrnfl, i— 

( 1 ) m , ^K?s 

Hi' q«rf h? 5314' ^ s?r 4;Tn H 

ffo—w^aff qRHl, [^r atTTRT I 

(2 ) Hr Pr^ot '•on 4 ^ ?ih HYt Ht, sr^rrur 
* a tt 9 ns, i? hH'i q-r, ^F-r vpff wt? 5 ? 
qrrar firFfnrF ^ ^ --rr-rr qrn'JT'JiT? 
fnRrift-— irt —mn^^Tqc ttr-rri, h%» Tin-re 
fHqr —1 

(<s?qff ?fr) 

«■? qTin tkY 45RR «nfNir innfxT t stHa ^ f?iq 
W4lP g 4i 4THT 

BT?r nwfrr arrffr '‘P Hfv if 4nY 3rraf4 .— 

(«) qr’rr ^ Trim t sram HI frrfk if 
45 fYr tt aprfir in erc?nan«ft irfTcnTTf «n 
1[T4T «f>Y ?mfW if 30 fw 4rf anrfT, Tf Tl 
arrrfv tr if otm ifftft fff, ^ Hkir q#w 
*utm1 if if fHift sirfw ^mn; 

(v) wt qm ^ Tram if itwt if 45 
45 P?4 H iftcR T4 tT ROfT TYfeT if f^lT?T 
fVHt 3TR- ajf^r srtrf^nwYf t <nr 
fnf^rar if P^iq rt tHH i 

WfPm :—Wt mTHT HTT 3T(V turf 95T, arf 

arPnfipRr, H 3namr 20 -^ if q- f Vv n f q ir 
$, sr«f ffn Tf sir srsmr if frm 
to §*1 

TF'ffrr Ijfir 149 4HR1 Hi ortHY ff fHn I 

fHTin 3TffeT41 f^TTOT TfSfcf't'Taf % STTfBT t 

TlHl^Y 1424 f?4T 2 3-12-75 2T Y4T | I 

Hr ° qT o igHf 
Tqtr qTfanrrff 

T?riT4r 35H4R ajT^ra (fnffOT) 

3«fq fH, fifaq? 

f^q.qr : 1 6-7—1986 


22 J >1 5 

^mr in —sot il 

wnt tnrra,f&jrtfT 6, 1 936 (tfitM is, iftod) 

srr? wn*ii s^,i opr.ii 

OTHOTT «rfyf^R r 1961 (1961 m 43) «S «na 
269-? (l ),4 MW SPRT 

wtot otott 

sfiRfOT, s^ioth armir sottot (fw^m) 

35'^fr tM, 

fr^'T, fOTM 30 TOT 1986 

fatWtfo OT$o tto fto/Tppjo f^rrT/93/85-86— 

3 ??l: fro rr^o «Rft, 

anOTR^MPrOTT, 1961 (l96l OT 43) (PM *OTf 

rrrf ioti? Vot srWrfnrrr’ ott ottt 5 *),, M ottt 
269 -? f MW ott? mf»rwd M ?? fmw wnf ot 
otott f f«B wot irMVr Pottot otPot; runs 

1 ,00,000/- Tf. f srftra 

sfrr fMMt f o 3 7 OT-n *T, 12 wit HPT otott, feirn 

if Mot & (fk toti otuw ot^ot f oti f otFot 

t ), TfTOTfTOT? rj l fa'</P f % TOTM?, ffeOTT Jr OTTjft? 
ototot: orfsMTfr 1901 % aitfW, fer’-rTTi 9 - 12-85 
M 1 «pfOT <n?Wr f Mot otott otot f ott $ sotot? 
tfro f fur/ srOTfOT Mt *nf ^ srhc Potottt 

*OT, ot otttw jjr 1 ??> ott^OT ototOT w MOT «n?T7 
ott, gnM wtotot f iff ww Motot ot 

sfwcr f Mot t Mr sfcrrsR (Mot!) arf^; OTfnfr 
(3frtfffMr) f M? Mf 3RR5r f f^rrr ^-ir otot ott 
Mottt, PotPtPot f otot stott? MM M 

ototPot ot f Mot Pott ott f :— 

( 1 ) «rt TTOTgj?rT 2 ? ft Mot OT ot-otot? 
ft?TOT??pnOT, Mtff^OTR^ TT??sfV§ 

?t ?3T? ftjtnTT? urn ?rOTr 
Mutt 1 


( 2 ) ft Mutt qr*f ?tot Mot fmnrfr, 
Mott ITT! WOT «ft OTOTrq JJTIOT'fr 
qo qo 60, qqo ffo OTfrff, 
f^OTT I 

(SOTfOTf ) 

M 45 stotft ottI «[wf m otMot « «m Pot? 
*uMlP|M CTOT C" 1 

i^[ rMM < wM 4 *wpf M Mr ft »nwx —< 

(*) w 4 Tnrnr M snwww M ottW f 45 

fM M MM OT OT+TM-li OTfOTnff TT q^OTl 

M OTfM f 30 fMr M aiMM, fr ft aMM 

.arm r othot ^ #i <pWtr 

Mf<i4T M tf PMt «tP»w 

M) m ^[ott ^ ^^’r M raw M ottW f 45 

iMtt 3OTT srfw OTRT OTMOTTOR't ^ <TOT 
MM jf fOTf OT OTff 

twlv»r:—Mf" OTW HOTSt arfr OTl OT, M OTRT MM- 
Potot ^ 3THIT4 20-^ M qWrfMr f, 

8T*f 1[fOT, M OT 3TOTW M- Mot ottt f 1 

fa) OTOTM f ZJ* POTfr 3TW M OTOTT., 3^- 

OTMOTot f OTfW OTT ff f OTTOTi ^ 
^ Pot?; 3rfr/OT 

(^) qM 'Mfr 3OTT OT fOTft OT OT 3TOT OTfOTfr 
M, fOTf 3 otMW OTOTOT MitPotot, 1922 
(1922 OT 11 ) OT ^OTT arftriWOTT OT OT 

ar irfvfwr. 195; (1957 ot 27) 4 
OTfOTrrf OTrPrrft otttt jtot: Pottt ottt 

OT OT Pott OTOT OTP$q «TT, f®OT4 M qfOTT 

f fMq; 

OTTT: 31?, 5JOT 3dMfOTnr Mt OTTT 269-? f «T ^H OT1 
f", tM., SOT MMffOTT M OTTT 269-? M SOTtKT (l) 

^ arfW, fOTTfMM otPotot, ottM; ;,— ■ 

OTT% 37 fOTOT 12?OT)T OTOTOT ?r?TI, ft??rT 

fr Mot | Potot srfq^fOTOT? ’Mi^VOTrt % 

Mott ft TfM^t ?ott sziaMOT-T 9-12-85 ot fOTr 
I i 

?t o q^i o uft 
OTT4^ 31TWT OT^OT (M/tST?); 

3)f? T'S-TWOTl 

MOT4: : 30-6-1986 
?WT : 


*ft^ vt fitaw: e, 198® (jifr spw is, 190 $) 

(*tir m—w* l 

a^r . 

anwcarNf^r, 1961 (1961 ^>T43) ^«nrr 
269-*r (i) ^ 3r#r qym 


suraftw, spnri arum (Pq-ffaR) 

anV faj,frpir 
ftp *5, fvTPF 14 198 6 

fa^fT tfo 3irfo nr o jfto/owc t?rfr/29/85-86— 

m: tfST, sfYo n^o ig^Y, 

arrowr arf^rf^rtr, 1961 (1961 *bt 43) (fsrtf pif 
*mf mr? ‘xm arf^rf^nfr’ mj f) , vro 

269-tf sg apffa W Sl P^ ' lf t afr IT? farWRT «5T 

«TT-*r 5* PaR W3R <mrfrr, f3|W TfVf aWR l[5JT 
1,00,000/- T>. 3rPw 5* 

sY;"f'jr^^TY *r"o 94 firm, is wnuRt ^ra^tT Jr 
ff^n £ (nf< -.rcrsrsr 5w-;<r if <juf w? n 
“faf^Y^f SlfiT^lTt^ ^flfY VUXcffH 

3JR4R 3)fsTffWir 1 961 % aiErta, fcC^ti: 11~ 1 2— 8 <3 

m 1 'prf^Rr wP&i ^ arfV arianr i^ arm f rwm^ 
wlW-a f ifatr 3Rif% *nf $“ arft intf Ftn fq' ra - 
aRf epr 5OTT ?° Pa& iren^T-tfl flVP^ *4 SrfVr HT3T1T 
*fw, Wf t^mpr srfWr if, iftf wiww srfWr w 
87? fff^ITI' 3rfVfi ^ afrr 3RPWJ (BRrVf) $k 3pgft?ft 
faRrflfW) f tffr tftf 3RTOT ^ ?R- TRl >171 

sf^/P^farfafl gp'w g^r aRror f V Pqq if 
ffRflfV.J <fT afrfVr fWT »m ?* :— 

(*R) 3RTWT VfY grTC affi *TW, OT 

Wwn f 3r#r m *6 ar^rw; af5 g i f qr q 
if afnft TO 1 in ^Rf nmf if ^rfr^T f fan*; 

fa) tftf fWt 3 tw in faraft *nr m srt an fw rat 
^r, >Troik anim srfHfjnnr, 1922 
(1922 *w J 1 } 8T wr nff^fViw, ^ 

%x nfy-f^g, 1957 (1957 «r 27) * 

mfropnaf ^TRT JP^R P^WT iHTT 

«mn f^Brr arm nrfurir «n, P^tpt 1 af- ?cP?vt 
^ P^; 

«RT: aW, .31RT grfvfwrr VRT 269-^ ^ 3pTST»r 
if, if, 3W arfVfinriT ^ amr 269 -t ^wrr" ( 1 ) 
c snfta-. arfwnif. anifr[ :— 

( 1 ) «fr fit? 5 a 1 «(t tptctcw 

r-TTrifr—vrFi^Tr fsr^r 1 


(2) «rr frjiTnra 5a irrat^nr <$x «rt ijwfir 

fwiYfY— hot fwlqyr , 717 R 1 

(StRlf^ff ) 

it? ?(qiH arrd nmfq $ vafr ftm 

ihii/4iP?iif ?:i 

75RT STPTpfT ^ arafir *! W^f »f ^nf* »f qwfq- :— 

( 31 ) ?^r ?^rn ^ inw if srihr ift ffifiv 
45 PttV i awf-r in fl'Rrwr'tft «rfVnf «rc 
^rf 37 ^- f 30 fVr anrPv, if 

awfH- flTO If HHT8T ?fft ?f, ^ if^T ^#RT 
arfW if Iff fafRpt wrfaRr ?®rKr; 

(q) ?fr ?FWt ^ Ttappr if irafiTUR *fri ?mnr «“ 
45 PVt V iforr aw ?wi <fwrfrr if PtEsnwv 
r+'fl W srP’W TUTU anf^WlMft ^ TRT 
PnPflfl if fVj an TPfif I 

IWVw—wf 5TTOT 5T«rf iflr ifw, afr 3W 
sTfifm uTMinr 20 -m *f qfonIVr 
?*, 7^1 anf ?fn ifr 37T tot if P*m 

TiTT ?*l 

in^fTr 94 f7r5, 1 8 HT5r arl nw nr^jiir, Wr^t 
if | fainrr arffnjr far^Tur Tfsr^V»if % TiTirfnT 
t3T¥f if fS5TT 26 6 9 f77t'U 11-12-85 9T 

f5HT | I 

afVo irqp t iaaf 
TTsrir aTfimift 

7T?rn7r airir^c (ftitm), 

31^7 far, ^Yp^r 

V^r : 14-7-1986 
fr^{ : 

wmi —13 

225 W 

wroi tottsts, fTman: e, itsfl («T54T 15, i««a) 

tot S1S*.3 d-i TT-l TO•) i>—■——»-»-** 

sissfc wFMfSf^T w 1961 (1961 sr 43 ) *3 
TTU 269-S ( 1 ) 4 TVtS T[SST 


snfim, <osni4) stsspc si^st (frotfiT) 

31^4 T4, 

Vl^iqr, terror 9 1986 

ftWtfffo arfo ^o?fto/lT^o3JftTt?/l3 6/85-86— 
aa: ijw, *fto qao arsft, 

sms wfufanr, 1961 !(1961 sr 43) (Ts4 if^ 
Wf4 TOTH* '3W TfatTOT’ Stf TOT aft vro 
269-v 4 mfrr tott JnNsnrt 4 # «i fswv srf sr 


1 , 00 , 000 /-.^. 4 sfsss i 4 

ftnmpV 4° 4 2^aT4 4 arar anr^t, ijwa 

Jr fara t (sffT v nR5 a^aV Jr tAt 30? sa Jr 
art^ra £), rfasjtwrf aftpprcV % wafer, T/Tttt Jr 

wfeta SraTP: afafamr 1961 $ atffeftafe 9-12 

st T#^r tfxrfw 4 afro sms ipr 4 sw 4 warns 
afasn* 4 Cat staffer afl to* ^ aft *[4 a^; Promr 


Sw, Taa! tow aft aw 4 qfe wm straw aa 

TO* sft*i(T 4 afro $* *frr wmrx [thm if) 4ft 4«ffeft 
(TOnftftaf) 4 4hr 4V touts' 4 ftp? to am tot 
ifrorw, ftrotsfis s^s^s 4 tow ww ftrtra 4 1 
siwfss to 4 stss ssT’ ftisr tot |* i— 

in) 4 sto 4 a* fw4l sw sst <W(] m 
SftrfTO S 4 «pftw w% S 4 * 4 4n* 4 
aiftw a* - s4t sri4 fi ss4 is4 if - ^fsvr 
4 ftp?; sfr/sr 

is) 441 fs4t SW ST fs4t TO 41 sro Slfw4t. 
sf, fros 5 srafta sms sNfroa, 1922 
(1922 ST 11) *r SW tfvtro, TT 
TOHST sNfSSS , 1957 ( 1 957 ST 27) < 

tottoW swtsrf) f4Tn art 4fT fron tot 
w w Tvti sm srr^s nr, Cropf ^ ftroi 

ssi to. to s sN fros srt sm 2«9-s < (fpws 
+, TOS sNfww sft 4TS 269^ srt TOuro (tV 
4 f TwiVfSS wtsroi*’* SSB 4-« 

(1) >sft faPTT <pr ^of 



( 2 ) Tfttr 7 pp fi??T3r tnsjftifr^a (uto), 

115, aFRT^r TO, 16 5TOJT3T 4nfV 

TOf, at 1 


sf ff <pRi sttI srt)i ^tfro swtw SI w4% 4 fsg 

snhnfFrt 4 twt |ji 

ww swfw 4 s4«? < *«sw s 4 sfs* ifi swfrr a— 

M w ^TT 4 TOT < WSITO 4Tds f 
45 frr «1 TOfv 4T BSTO’ft sfwff TO 

^TOT 4) STifts 4 30 fro 4J toN, sf I tl 
SsN its f tots ftrf) ft, 4 tfhn; <{&*$ 
wtro# if- 4 Croft wfw ism;; 

Is) to tctot 4 wt «T stoto st flrrrts 4 45 
fTO; 4 *fhtr: row touts TOfftr 4 1 f|STOS 
froft tot wtwr pm, TOftfwwRt 4 int 
Cafror <■ frof st t4t 1 

wwtsro ?»—to^ Ttnw swrf % irf- sr, if tow 
S ficfTTO’ 4 STOTT 20-S 4- TtwrfSS 
+£ Srff S4 sfw sf to sTOTH 4- Cm 



HpaffT 42 ^ar^i 4 tost 4r TiPT ’i^f, ^^nrrr 
Jrfara | fswsr afsr^ fTrr;<a TfsspjV^ % arrafas 
^?afs Jr ifcoeft 5400^^9-12-85^^41 

S 1 

sft« trsro fj4t 
w inftTTafr 
p^ppp 3mm sTi^Ta (faftsror)* 
3i5ra ts, tt^is 

faapa : 9-7-1986 

StfS i 

(ftt hi—<*»* i 

"22518 TR73I, fa^ar* 6, 1986 (smr<T< 15, 1908) 

m mum k n ■■ ■■■win i i m m'iiii 11 ameatmvwmmrrm 

wift. ft <?h-—- (i ) «fV^Tr^ 33 ft mruft ft ftfftTR 

fftflft mftR I 

(^~qF^ ) 

(2 ) ifaft nR shf Ro 

115 stir 1 <; ftft *rro, *rt 

fHT?5ft I 

*1W MfrftWq, 19b 1 (1961 W 43) 
vttt 769-9 1 (l) ft srftR ^41 

urn! f«n 

qittfsflr, ^iepri srmn; 3nw- (fV/terft 

3r3fa TferlTr 

ft-FlF, faft F 9 ^Tf 19 86 

f;-RFTfro 31 t£o TTo fto/nTRo ^rfa/i 2 8/85 - 86— 

- aw -ijw, fto Fo 735 ft, 

imft* ftMftm, i9ri 11961 «ft 43) (fa 1 *? ruft 

tuft rvT^t 'sw ft) <ro 

269 R ft 3nffr ^ FHl 5frf. famT T KT$ -TF 

7 ’ f- nn-v - -r -• v~ ~'"7* .-, jjts 

1,00,000/- r. ft 3rf«ra ?* 

ftT fFT fto 33 ^iln, 9 *fRi HHT RRR, 

’ -o 

ftftar-r I (q'lT ^rET-T s^qjft ft ft r yn 
ft arfan &) aifsm^ft ft ^ftr-r ^farmr 

vrtTrfnr siptst arfgfftw i96i ft ajftftr, fetF 10 
fcRRT 19 85 1 

<rf <^T^t rtqfw ft *N« twk »p«r ft vjt ft itcrtf 
Rrffpr^ ft fftq ftnfftfl ft) f qfc ^ i ftww 
<rrft 9>f ^.irvr 5* fft nvi^rf-ra inftftr *>t griNw wrc 
*EW, tfmft ctotpt sj-fV^Tri ft, ftft nfajrrc JrhroR ap 
irfftw ft ztfm; t ftnc affirm (ftwf) ftk ftirfaft) 
(*>flfftnir) ft *fW ftft ft fftrr <re «rrqr «PiT 
rfft’M, fwWn «fftw ft w*?F*r fwffty ft 1 
Tiwfft^ vr ft «fftw irftft fawT nan f* c-— 


V 1 »rft qftffei «mf« ft «r«hr ft hni 

^rft^if'ipft f~i; 

3W ^rwrlftr ft vft»r ft wwwr ft- ftift 1 ft) anftft :— 

(«) pr apprr ft aum ft - sroreF ft) ^fifthr ft 
45 ft) ^nf’i ft t< 

ft) «rr*fR ft 30 Iftr ft) srapN, ft ft) 
srftft Tin ft mrr'ir rf, ft ftuT «prN«r 
srfftnrl ft ft arfw pirr; 

(r) ft jiwtt ft mi jb! ?nfth ft 

45 t^r ft ftrerc aw wircr nwrffr ft hw- 
w«r fftrft) apF aftJRT WFf aiftCRnwr) ft 

tto fftfftn ft ffft wi irftfti 

««)«l«l ,;—f^ft 57W Tift) ark qftl JfiT, ft 

ftftftlF ft 3TM1W 20-^ ft ifftHlfftr 
Y, Y) arft rift, ft w arwnw ft 
fun vn 6** 


(»«) ftr4«r ft Nft) *rw ft) fM, vw 
fthrffffir ft Bpftvf 7TT «ft ft ft^BR ft 

<rtvm jt *.ftr m 'fjir ->r w rfftip 

ft ftVwx 

iv) Sftrft) ftw in f»r*n w *rr «ri arrfwfti 
•n , fftY wroftT amRF ftTut^nr, 1022 

M 922 4.1 11 ) '91 VEtT .'‘[ J li"lT.'l, , "■■ 

‘ •■ );' : . - r ' '■•■; :'■■'! .■■■ ■ ---; J- 

ITilTF/ ■ if K 1T T V.~ r T,F f-cT^TT rri' 

*n tt fsnrr tptt *nfffr «rr, .f^rrft ft ftVr, 


ITPTfFT 3 3 ^TR 9 WTT ft Tim TF^R, 7J1FTR Jf 

| fwFr mfin: fftTR f, ‘Ntjt 

’jT'iR i) ^rasarr 5435 fcft'F 10-12-1985 

fTFrr t 1 

fto 17 R 0 <Erft, 
new mfaqrrfr, 
iFnrm mimirr mr^Epi (fjfteam) 
t^, /’fgrRT 

*r?T: »w, cfspr urf^iVarfl ft; tny 269 -»r ft sr^<,«. 

ft, ft, g yr ftftM ir ft) *nn 2«9-* ft) ( 1 ) 9-8-19 86 

4 ■— ft?T : 

wnr 1 ] 

ffTOT.ffT Tfjrw, ftTOTOS, 1986 (ffTJTO 15, 1908) 


3 mf 

TOR aTafTOT, 1961 (1961 43) art WRT 

269-a (1) ai snfrr error 

TOW TR 41 R 

uinrfTO a?raw; to to anaaa (fR'taTw) 

3 >.wa 'itf, rtf-T*; 

Rr-ra, fcrt& ^rrf 1 9 86 

faS/W 4 o auf 0 tv 0 rffo|n?pn-> Tjrata/137/85- 86— 
3ia: air fffo TTTfo 7 l : 3t 

»nmr wfafror, 1961 (1961 air 43) (facf sro 
RaTTf srfafiiRr’ awr to ff) , art '913 ? 69 -w ^ 
a'fta wa rnfaro rt art, a? fromr area an aro: rf fa; 
*am tort from afro tor jjrt 
1, 00 , 000 /'- to ef afro £ 
sftr f'swf a> s^r 17 fwr rtm aiay, asata 
iffeaa % (nr stot waras a «i'r ^ aa 
% sff’jr-r wf^raRT v Rataa asara 

9 TOwfa to to: : j, fafaTO ) 93 i -3; iwrta, ftanr 

6 fTTOT 19 85 I 

<rrf ^sffspr wafer a! afro tor tot ef tot 36 wito 
afawia ^ fair wafTO ail af ^ *1 < *ntf a? fTOrra to?? 
air aiR'JT if 1-:. aamfra: tor air wf -a a tor 
tot, wr?. rtor staror t, artf srorra afww air 
r$? afffTra 4 aifaa; atfr afaro (smart) sfc ro- 
Ml (rofafrof) a sta qrtf torr a; r^rtj to tot tot 
afaro; trofafaw a^artra ef waa tort fwfww *f 
TOWfro to if aif to agf fror to ?“ .1— 

la:) toot € faieft to ail tow, tow 
iifafror ®b 3r#r arc to a) sron ai wriro 
if anft aiRf, wt wentf waa“ if erfaaT ^ fair; 


iff) qfat fa*rt to ar fareft aa ar to srferof 
arf, Tsfitf TOifta to arc arfafror, 1922 
(1922 air 11) ar tow afafaaa, ar rr aa- 
aia arfafror, 1957 {1957 air 27) 
a! aafroa TOfcft ?wrt aaia a fr faiai 
to at ar faun tot arffw «n, vr 

nfaaT ^ fwqi 

9(w.‘. aw, waw wfafNiaa afl arar 2 69-a ai 3 trr>ii 
«f-, r, waw arfafror art tot 269-a art 3 *rfKT (f> 
' a’rta fRafrtfww wrfawart, wafw u,— 

(1) %q na, a?ia\a faarta. 591a tow fw^, 
«ftr!rfi wtcrt fawar tow fiw, sfnrrrt RRi - 
RrartY aiar 'pTrara tow fa?, Rrwwrrt, ■sfrtr^' 
awaf jrr trtto ara wra^r faro a-ara i 


(2) rtow aro fto TOfRiw aw artwnr fw®, 

21-22, arovRaTR, vitaraiffe a^ f^wafr 


grf a? rto arrt air^ aafaa TOfW ^ arafa fwt? 

jfiFfarf^af tott ?ti 

gwa TOfw s§ wafa ^ writ irt arnf arafa :— 

(a») 5¥ aro ^ torw srrora art wkH af 
45 faa art TOfa ar aronff Rf'-araf 1 ’ <r 
aro art wuftar cf 3.0 faa art arafa,. arf »ft 
aafa to ’f tort ?f?fi' ^f, ^ ‘rtlpTr 8rttaw 
*ataaart ^ 4 fanff safaw aaro; 

(fr) craaT a 5 icrm jf jramaa art toV 
45 faa ^ >ftR tow cam TOfw tf- f^w- 
aaa fanft to ^afaa aror, < 

to fafffW if farr ^rr a^f 1 

arofmw:—trnf iraaa toI wfc aal ar, af TOW 
srfataaa, ^ shto 20-ai if a«TT afrofaff 
, a ?1 w*f ^fai wf tow ffroa if fro 
to g*i 

tot fa 5 afar 17 facar aft ara aT^jc, ^afa ?f 
fcaa | ttowt rufanr faR.w Tfwc^trof % aiataa 
^Rifa. a TfR?rt w 5363 faaf-a 6 f^cnwa 1 9 85 
tc faar | 1 

ato o g^ft, 
wto ffrftraiRt, 
a?raai toto aaaaa (fartflff) 
ai^a fr^wa? 

faarar; 9-7-1976 

a't?c : 

22520 *tw ir whw, rw«nc 6, i»s» (wrffqs is, 100 a) [wro iri'-ww i 

sw mt*.. tf. (fr. qw. - 

-fpjwt ttvfnrcr, 1961 {1961 w 43 ) vra 
269-f ( 1 ) 4 iVt? ^IWT 


fWf»W„ *TNHr< n*[w (Tartww) 

ai^fa ft^aw 

ft^P, f%aTT 9 aj-rf 19 85 

faafwwo arrfo ito 5RVo/iT^r 0 ijsirhr /15 3 / 85 - 88 — 
3 Tfl: afro OWo gsft 

#nrwr *mriHnm r i<*6l (1961 W 43 ) (fltf ft* 
iitf wtttt ‘aw irfKftnm’ <rfr »nn a*), it «rrcr 

?69-» 4 »nfrT mi r sn fVmt frt «nj ffWTW wrf wa 

fflwffnwm <mrfw, IVffflir gfw amr 

1,00,000/- V. it |* 

wtt fitrit fl o s2 waro, 8 T^ir ijfw mr furafrllyr 
ir faw | (tfp; w<to ihim 3 Rg,wT t *Cr< w? 
t afara |) sifa^ify % wrqfajTT ^«ntq 

T wroffr 3? ra re arfarfTrr 19 6 1 % a-rsflw, fern? 

3 fcrwn: 1985,1 

trf ■ ^#w TPrtVr t, gfw trtr ww *f wr ^ cw*tm 
»P3tw 4 Pat? afrfw fit mt jf #r vyl *r$ fmw 
trrf m wr f ftp Jt*maTw tpiPw apr g-fw ?rrcrc 
wht, grf nunn* jftiw if, rr^ hot vfarrr w 
ftf straw w «rnrfs b BfTT («raroT) «nr tan Tat 
(fwWW) iS#ri^ WTw Nq ?nr im wt sfer- 
wfatafrrfw g*r*w 4 gw wzm fgfw if ?reaft rT 
?t ?f ant f«Rin tnn 5* •— 

\%) Wrw. 4 jtt* wtv «t *tw, ms 

tfffwir ft ar»frT wrs w4 4 mrvn 4 
trfurf if wf ct 3*rtf 1*4 if rrffyi 
4 fay; ftf/fT 

(*) «nt an t <n jt vif?tfr 

trfj f^f 1 TTOft«r «mnET mUf*w , ■ 

(1922 trr 11 ) *n gw srfrfgnT, tT 

■nr-ape 4fvtm, i95> 0957 *U/) * 

i.TtrrT^ vtrfvft frra ^tri ^ fw ttr 
«r »r ftm tm frflpi 97 , IWr 1 *t «ffti 
4 * tMrfi 

arer *•», gw wNtaanr vnr 269-*r 4 *WW 

#, *T, twtMsnrtr vro 269-fr frt wro ( 1 ) 
4 wVhr, ^MPw ft? "iPw^„ larfp »— 

(l ) «fV WOT STTTT wfrr ^IRIT IWlft 

f^arrgV Ernrrr, 1 


(2) r/r ?» rno fee, e TiafHur qzt, 

Tr^n, af fsrprV 1 


vf r^ntr tttI ^ffw *n*rfw 4 srfr 4 fwt 
»nftihprf m wwr ^r 1 t 

iw 4 n^t 4 »Nt 4 - trft* wwV :— 

(m) rw 4 rmr if wsm mfif 4 
45 ft*r ^ «ndV tT awWiflf ■nTwol ft 
f[WT trt vpff^ 4 30 ft* tfl anrfH, if 

itfi in if hurt ffift ^t, ti iftgr 

wrfwnl if fVift arfw frrrr; 

( 1 ) w nwr < fnm if wsror frt mfhr 4 

45 fw ^ ifarc «wr wrt gwrfsr if f?<r- 
wv Pwrfl irt «ofw wra arvhp?ri«rt1 4 
<nw fgfw if it Ttfif 1 

W*>W1 :—tflf SJVRT 4 vr, <Tf1 flT, iW 

*rfyfmr, «T arwnw 20-1 if 'ifwrfVr 
l* ( wjji «r«f rM it gw mmr if fun 
*nrr j*i 


gTTftr 82 8 twtt it nir fwttfT w ftw | 

fwarr aftiT fwew Tflfjtnf % aTrafair ijawlT f 

Tfwpft W 52 81 f3faTP 3 ftgian; 1985 TT fWT ^ I 

0 ITP) o l^t ( 

wear rnftmft 
gfrafT aiTir^c 3 )t^to (fgfterw ) 
^ar, ft^aw 

pTTtW: 4-7-1086 

4 m •■ 

arrasrr ifsfssi, isei (idol «r 43) sft sm 
269 -^ (i) < «yt*T fapn 

tnq mn 

'pnfas mp*m snsrvT ariTjw (ftrfteos) 

3; is 9 V, 


(2) foref fefrt cTSOS o» HS2J 3 T° Pt°, 
115, sfo'-i r 8 ss, 16 s^sr srar urn', 
sf feevff 1 


rt^ST, forfar 30 IS 19 86 

fssws° a,’rfo nowft 0 /mpj° ^fsfs/142/85-86— 
*fto trsfo ggfr 

stssjt erMsss, 1961 (t961 vr 43 ) (Fitf *nf 
mn: ‘wr sfsfssjr’ s$t sst V), sft «nu 
269-« si sifts ww Trfsssfl sir, s| fsasm vrrf it 
<MT* r {£* f*J WR IPSfW flUStf 3fw SWT? I^W 

1,00,000/- T>. S sfsv t 
sftr faqsft 27 vsr~, 5 ^rT^rr *s£f, sssts s 
ftss t (sriT ssft •jsrsra ar^jpV Jr f# sw 
ft sfatS $) S'.ftTW'P'l: % Errsfrw SSSTS 

ft STTcfftr sits^t srfftfsss 19 61 % mis, fasts; 

0 ft*rc*n: 1985 

srf Tatara ipstw if stiff ststt *rw ft ars «l twin 
sfsv ^ fiq aoafaff art ’is* |* ftrr ind «n| fww 
arcs «r am fa; s*nqftfaff surfer nr gfananwrc 
qss, aiaf eissrs sfirm ft, qV wssrs trfffw «bi 
irfffiff if stv^ j* afrr ftffras (afirarf) ftlr iirfnft 
(arirfifffsl) ft! VW qV ism «i fwj w snrt air 
sfff w , fnvi f i fi ff ifias ft nn aram fifft* 
ft- sTwfw vs if atm s|t fwn tst |* •— 

arf h *p m itcI arnt «pfNq ftafa 4 «phf «i ha 

s,Tftaiffsr t* stojt |j» 

gisfiRir v srfts ft swpw ft- sirs 1 iff ftrafs :— 

M W ippr ^ ^ WK ^ «nflr 

45 fas sfl «rsfv st arf?wsf <r? 

isrsT «! snfrs if 30 f«pr vt «nifx, if ift 
isfy in < nw ffift ff, 4 afrcrs «rffn 
■rfyrijf ^ if fwft «rfsq fiiB-, 

(r) nr i^nrr ^ inssr ^ snunpr intk «“ 
saw *osr wfur ymr »rx1r5V!tTiri , l < 

45 fsT iflmc 3srr wit <pstw if f^ar- 

snr fsfny if fvq it «Hhfi 

mn\K m r—w«f incur iwrt ift ill Kt»- if nw 
ifvfws, < iwns 20 *^ if sfonfm 
I*, 1^1 anf ff*n if mr arvsnr if frsr 

in tk 

( 1 *) ism if ?nf fsnrfl in nn, nv ifi- 
fm < softs «r iV «i isatv 4 sifrn 

if lift mf st 'jits' ispf if nfivr < fiq; apmfr 


( 1 ) oTf fnft its st fsnft ss sr am nfws l 

arf fssf srofts ffTSifi*' sfifsur, 1922 

(1922 VI If) *n arfyfrss, sr 
4 S»rt arfHfrss., 1057 (1957 VT 27 ) 

45 srsr*sr*f rsrfirfl ysm snrs fvn 
ssr it st fsnrr am irfjq it, fWs if 

rfm 4 fan; 

an:, n, mr ifsfsss vl snr 269 -s a* r ^ a m 

«f„ if, ssrr sfsfsss sfl srrr 269-s ^ -'twitt ( 1 ) 
$ softs, 8rsf?[ :— 

g— 226 GI /86 I a ''Hi^nai 

Jj-'ffpr 27 vsnr, 5 SWf if 9TS vnti, sssts 
s fvSa I f-rsqrr a Pit fis-TS Tpyvjfvif % sssm 
SSSTS- ir rfvtft q'ssr 533S fsstv 6-12-1985 VT 
f^ST I I 

sV° otto srat, 
oeis srrfsTTsff 
sffsv a-rsvr 3 itssh (farta°T) 
si is /igTo 

fsrtP: 3 0--'-19 86 
STg'< : 


qrr w' T wa, vrrm 1938 (urg-ns is, 190 a) \<rn m -i 

Vm ,!y.f (>7 .. 

rrtpr* arNfr»m, 1961 (i9t>i «i 43 ) 

*rro 269 -^ (1) *ft *ntor 1^*1 


*wfsnr, sgrra tow srnrw (f^Ttero) 

'itf, flwqr 

fr^w, tent* u^rrf 1986 

ftTWrW 3Trfo rr 0 ffto/tTipTo ny>Tt*r/414|85“86— 

0 ?{; Tis} Silo ngo tssY 

TOWS HfwfWdj [1961 ll9§1 *H43), flW ft* 
St^ mK£ Vw nftrftr W m (flu itf fts 
269-t *i «nfcr mnr rtNwwS «n fwww «**?, 

«i *rw r* 1* witfw irafrv «i »fw firs 

1,00,000/- rs. t arf^ t 
efTt f«raw fr^ 79 ‘PWPn, 11 iro-rr sjfr urs fWr«3T, 
ri^ifta it ftw | («tr< srfras - 

Jr sftr yif ^srf if ^firr.r $) ant'amr % 

q-wfair, qwfaf f nmtor a?mv TOif.anr 1901 q: 

-T 5 * 

Stefa, 21 Wtift 1986 I 

«bt 'pf'w nwfw gfw totc ^ «6 *r < wnm 

sfwrg 4 fan TOfw frt 5 * wff *r»ft joj Prom 
to towt 5 * fa anrnprfw tfcrfw «r gfw w 

ITW, 91^ TOTO Sfaw 7? frV WWW SrfTTOt TO 

TOf sftrew if arfws f afrr afaw; (3trr*tf) *frr amfuft 
(TOfafatftf) aft iffar pr/f aftrp*r aft fVrr fff wi to ufa- 
tost, fqwfafair gytw if aw to** farfw «r urofro* 
>-■* 9 atfw aft fwr wt f* a— 

( 1 ) »£4 to 53 «fr 5 ?s, fw.ff aoT-fn^Tr, 
n^rY-i-wTO 1 

(Snlf'E ) 

(2) $0 iffo -ff^' n'sj qro (w ; w;f), sn$V£ 
fo’o, i 6 yaT JT.bif Tf|if, ^ fe^'t 1 

(TOftci T ) 

irt af srrr) topS ^rfw wfw « anfa « fan 

w^Tifftaf *«in *r 1 

«w twfn «ft aria ^ *w«r if- arfr 1 ifr smaV %— 
1 *) ra anrr tft wnr it srro*nr wY artH if 

<5 frr ar*N 07 -wr^Tp-ifr wrfw»f- r? 
r>R7 ^ nrifTT »f ,30 ff? art wxTn, aY a#» 
arafv to it iraiRr ftrft ft, aft ifjnrr <rffw 
arfacnr a* a fasafr sqfw ararro; 

(«■) x$ ^ Tram jt stoot ^ arrrt^ if 
45 aft *faR 3n?r wfr in*rfr?r it ff^rsr^r 
fSTffr 3RT aarfaf^r itqro, snrffrawnd aft <mr 
T^rt^ra: it fasq an satt. 

wrturw:—inrt- jnrw f«it qqt TO, rw 

ifM'wir aft wwnr 20 -* »r nfroifw 
I s , affi fV ffnr, wf w inanar it for 
WT ?*l 

(a») 8RPW if fTt hfiifY «tr «tt htw, gw 
arNfrotr ^ apflR - iff qtf ?ft srarpR aft 

nhiw it TOfY w.«f ; ; r jw fTf t ^f«rpr 

«* fant; «hi/an 

(») <t»fr frofr to 4i frorff w *t to infrot 
frt, ffif 3 to^Yit TOmf ifiytT^mr, 192? 
(1022 11) an gw atMwir, qr 

W-4W «*,iM-4W r 1957 (1957 m 27) 
aft IWTO'q TOflrff WTO ffW 4f1 fTOTT «W 
v ( *-■ r-OTf <i»tJn -i-rt'Sff; «tt, st )(fsnftT 
aft f?PT; 

w. aw, gw arfaftnrg atf wi 269-ir aft 3nrg-TO 
*t M it, aw arfvtwif arro 269-11 ^ gwrtr {1' 
aft 3f^, togfgfw anfWTf, 3Tqf^ :— 

3 T 4 irafr 

nwfar 7 9 TOn^r, 11 ironr sjf :jt aft qm-fcrtsnrT 
6'ggrti jjwfn t faw t f ! r-T 7 t rf^t^ 

% •TR'ttn, ipnT 4 if 'rt : ^sf 4 ¥fr 0815 fwf'ir 21—2— 
i 9 8 o qv fenr & 1 

afto rrafo gift, 
avers trrfa-^itt 
TTfrar^ apTTT argw (ffjrt^or) 
aafn tv, fttrn 1 ^ 

feniv ; 14—7—1986 

'frn ill—wn il 

to w mrrir, 6, 1980 ( rrrr,' is, isos) 


W «n*\- W •. 

irnm arNfmm, 1961 (1961 n>T 43) 
wrt 269-w (i) 4 *r#f n^n 

WTW «W( 

crafww, urnrwsT arrcww (f*rel5T*r) 

fafrfa 9 TOlt 1986 

fFfOT^o arfo tTo rfro/q^o ^W^r/ 1 86/ 85“ 8 6- 

m: mfr sfto TTRo 13 $\ 

« * 

WKrwtt arfnftnnr, 1 961 (1961 wjt 43 ) (fRf *inf 
qrcrot; ‘w 3Tftrf^nr' r?t w ?*), nft kkt 
269-w w 5 ar*fk irem mJVwft wrf u? hwifl rof wn 
*rrr»i 15* N; mm Tppifrr, faramr nN?r Rrm r^j 
1 ,00,000/- ti. if arfw f 
vCtx fairufr ffo 126 '••ifif afr hr aiwFfr, nTnfta 

"V.HTC if fw | (r!t THf if V'r-- 

cruf Tsy if erfwra if) rf^V^f 3'ftRFRT % 
ifTrnfan, ronR if VfRrffR Vf3TT_ 5,'fyf-mi 1961 % 
auftn, fcnttf 3 G.Vi^rf 19 86 

afr «ptw?r TTPrfwr ^ Rfwrr nRrrc i[m if n? wmmn 
srfrrfvT nf fair sRrfnr nfl t ^ ^ ^ Pmm 
rof UR ron gf fa ipm I'Tufar ffwrfrT mr ■^Nir arrsm: 
ipr, gifa WTOT siPciw if qfrf ®rw srftro?r w 
e(W srfcRRT if arfSfRi f 3fn: afro; (afcraff) 3ffT arafTxft 
( 3 RrM^fr) n; nfa tfrf £ fRTf tpt to irm 
frfuw, famfafalT irWYn if RiRT aRTCR fafmr if 
mwr^ib im if ^fw n?rf fam *nn if :— 

'iw) «rmT»r if (rtf fuwft «rm %1 *rwr, sw 

arfafam wiftR m *V wl toitwi 
mfiRW if w>ift rof nr 3 W wwr 1 if irfavr 
4 faq; vfajtn 

(w) qfiff faift arm; in fatf mr in arm anfnmf 
w#, hr*? 3 wnfk arms* arfafanr, 1922 
5(1922 ** 11) an mm arfrfnnr, ?n 
5Rrt arftrfmuT, 1957 (i»s 7 2 ) 

4 jrtfrwRTif armfrift faurr snrc fumt 
im «n in fwT trt wiff? «n, fmtf m 
l[fwvi < fwn? 

awr:, anr, ws arNfmm «1 vro 269 m 3 wro 
;f, if, ir-w arfitfmpr 9fi vnr 269 m ^ ■«t'nrr (1) 
^ anffr, frprfirPiuir mf^nfr, aRfnt t— 

( 1 ) «TV ijiiT v's 'p -sff «fr vfipTnT fir?, 

«ff irawk ftt?, «ff i A ir< sff ipsji 

; TT“T JR «fr Rm fjfRRft ij3, ^CTfR 


( 2 ) p fr 'wmr fp, wr vjif jritr >/r wr tth, 
fnRtlfr fwi if?, ■'fcT'fRT I 


^f 4 ? nmm wrtf qmfRR imfir ^ erafur ^ fcv\ 
mfarfpt iron £1 

aw irwrfny 4 sr^v i..fw.% w* f; *rpjfr .— 

(w>) ?ir irRm H urtt if 'mrrOT mftw if 
r, f R ^ arufw in shroff airfffnrf >ri 
(TT>ffR if 30 fTT »f «fWfv, arf *f|j 
anrfv arw if inmr ?ffr ?f, $ »fcn; juffam 

••uj-fffmtrl if « i~nff xrfRfl ^tto r 

(w) fir nRTf ag Tram if SPSRPT mflu if 

45 fwr ^ iftiR 3Wtr mix fmfrr if 

fruit 3 rnr mf^rr wrcr aniisiTOTTt f, <m 

tr f*sr arr ir^-,?, 

wwtro»r;—jinf stwr mm? fr». trI un, afr ^ 
sffRfnnr, $ w 20 ^ if TfmTfis 
f/ 4ffi yif yffT ifr c-nr <i'-m if fa:m 

"VT if I 


ITP'Tffr 126 WFT 'Jiff Rt RROTT, n?o roriR 
if fmc) | iifi?r aifg-Tr rnn<R rfR^r^rff % 
rorra 3990 far^Tr 3-1-19 86 Tifenr 

I i 

sf|o 7Ro ig^ft, 
rrh aiftRnft 
?r?rnnr annnii: ar^na (Inftwn) 
3)5fn %% ft?aR 

fRnti: 9-7-1986 


*T*T! *1 *T**», ftfgrsn: 6, 1988 (tfnrTSf 15, 1908) 

[tfnr III—lj 

TO8S Kf*^**,, 1961 (1961 W 43) *1 

VIST 269-* (l) 4 *41* *1*1 

■mu <nm 

HB*f**, i*r*i5 toi *!*** (Ntf**) 

ai^H R^fcix 

Ttga^F, forhP 10 i9 8o 

faf* *0 31T$° TTo Trio/qTFJ° fee*ff/ 17/85-86— 
31 o’: iJiR’ ito iT5fo?stgrV 

*T< T 5> < arfqffrrtr, 1961 (1961 W 43) (M **nf 
*rn£ twr[ 'stert arfif***’ pm g), mr 
269-* 4 3 r#T *rw*r snfvwd *rf n^frmra *n?f 
«rr* 1 fa wra* Pita, Nw *f** wm* *5* 
1 , 00 , 000 /- *>. * srftra (f 

sfl* fsRRft O‘o fsffeir nsf <$*£*) wgq$sf 31, 0 6 6% 
to »T3f % | (hr *tth -fuzz 

3f<j$*V if tfiT wi ir tHcI \) <t$*3rt*raf3ifa- 
RTTrl Ef; Jr n raff* sifafa** 1961 

& 3Tsft*, f^PTf-T 8 'BT’TrV 1986 I 

4t imfw 4 *f*i ht*i* **r 4 *w 4 «**r* 

irfW* 4 fmr arafccr 5 * ^fre inf> ** faw* 

Hntf «pt 45R* k* fa *pff* *t if*i fmr 

3*4 WTOTH Hffl'K* if, ff*f WITH- SiVR5T «BT 
«pi 5 « f q* q 4 *f*H5 ■* *f* »rt**i (<rtt*T) *ft 
**rfa!ft ( H^M mi* -) 4 4 fa iftf mra* 4 f*q 1 * 
ht*t hit irfaw, hmfufiq 151*1 4 in mr* 
fafa* 4- wrof**! w f- h»Pw h*T fa«n hit f ■— 

(■$ **w* 4 o 4 fa"4t * 1 * irt *1**, 31 * *f*? 
ft** 4 *Vf? HT* *4 4 *W*H 4 TlflT* 
4- mft intf *t <r*4 **4 tf- *f**r 4 f*q; 

( 1 ) R*fr falff arw It faff *1 IT 3R1 3ur«firT 
■rf, faV irofti str-htt arfafara, 1 961 
(1961 ** 43) IT 3W arflfH**, IT 

<m!T iflflU, 1957 (1957 W 27) 

4 Tifirnf swrftift hhttt juts 8*t finn 

HIT HT, IT PHiHT 1THT llf^q HT, Pm* ^ 

*f**r 4 f**; 

NT 4 I, «*f *M**W 111 HTTt 269-* < ***** 

t, it «tf*fnnr nfl hto 2’69-* ^tvrt ( 1 ) 
*! 3nfrr. froffificr srfi^nrf, 3nfq; t— 

(1 ) *0 aiTdl f'TR (iflir) JTTo fTTo 1 7 /1 
*S* ^ irfff ^psflffr, fit f?6sfl I 

(Wcl^SfT ) 

(2) 4 ° Tircfo't shii (ai^) f^fo 17/1 Hwjfiet 

^ ^,w -PT^rrif, Ht foRft 1 


* *^ ^**t *rt1 ***S *hTw *wf*r 4 *nf* *1 r** 

HTRftlftjHl HTT^T ?7» 

*** **Tfw 4 *4* 4 *wj* if ^ 1 it 

(*)‘ W *7RT 4 2011* **• IPB1** 41 flltf* 4 

45 f** *1 **f* IT 3T8»*wft «qfHWlt H* 

qi*T nil rrrfor 4 30 1** ^ **f*, ; it 4i 
•rifti nr vr mm 1ft, 4 *ft?nc *4*1 
«Tt*cnff **■ 4 f^rft RrfW yrra; 

(*) ** ***r h> vWth if- jr*™* hiI and* 4 
45 f** 4 41 tr w wm tfwfw if- f|T- 
HfH fHJlft * 1 * arf^T WTO HVffl^rWT^ 4 
<ra fnfiff if- Fnn? ht ih?* i 

w*Wth-t# «frx <TTl w, 43*1 

ifif*** 4 wr 20-*5 if- qtonfnre 
I*, Hfl **f P*T *f 31 TWTTT if- fr*T 



TlTq% fafesT q* 'P , R*V 31, 6 6 6% T»f 

** 5ft R«TTT XT? if ftiTn | NRXT 3jftJX fippcwr Tf^% 

Trff % XXXfXi'X fexfl if rfsRft ITWT 183 f^Rtsp 
10-2-19 86 8X fTTT | I 

nf^ q?ro 
mm sTTftr^iff 
ifw affTT-pT sir^ (fa-derm) 

f**te 10-7-1986 


w* lii—««« i) 

«r*w «i tott^ 6, 1^83 (tot* is, i» 08 ) 

22 52 3 

w «*Vrf 

TO^r? uNfjppr, 1961 (1961 W 43) «l 
TOT 269-4 (l) «* ^ 

mror **■« 

*rofinr, sihpi? uro to?w (twt^rw) 


fe8t47 30 apT 1986 

ffrfflT TTo 3»Tgo tTo tft°/^44 4?TO/410/85-86-“ 
3(4TJSf 4f° TTSfo 

3mr^: srfvfwr, 1961 (1961 *t 43 ) (fatf **rjf 
rirtf <im[ ‘aw i f qpqm r' 4(5 tot 

269-9 >6 anffr TOTT 1Tlf«P TO 5 ^T flf fmTO «TOf «T 
9IT*r 5* fa WT4T gwTfTTT, fTO4>T Sfa?T 4TTO l{W 

1,00,900/- *5. 5 * 

*f(T fw^f *fo 3 2 T^TTH TOT fa^fran if f?44 t 

(sr> ^rq.-g: arq^^fr if yq *4 ir qfrra 

|) Tf^r^rTt JiffcFTRT % =714^4 4?6T4 if W^V 
afFT^rT 3?ftrfFFFT 1961 % W4l4, fcqT'F 17 c RT^€f 
1986 I 

«rf <{lrfw FPrfVr 4TTO if «B9 >fl *1^474 

sfWr afl fa* sRrfar *ft 44 s 5 * *ft; 4 ? fairo 
44 >nw 5 * fa wpfar Trwrfa ht afro tot* 
«pr, rwnH srfn^r cwtr 5rfq« w r «w 
JfffTW «rfV*U if IRTW (TOT4i5) 9fs 
r^f<f(r (sraWW - ) *6 afar </*? 3F4T®r ^ far u*r <rnrr 
no sfaw, fw^rfwi g^far it aw srtcvt fafar 
if - i wi Ny w *f nfar qf'f fain »nn f* -— 

(«k) apwr 4 1 <rf faff to 4 ft tott , gw 
atfVfarfr $ anfa r i arrow 4 ? 

TrfllW *f 45*ft 45^ 41 ^Ff if irfavi 

4? fa*; afir/m 

(9) <fa5 fa-tfr «rnr *rr Nfa w ht tot 9 i f w<d 
*, wrdta- 919-9H wfvfTJTJT, 1922 
(1922 w 1l) *TT vfvfinnT, *T 

v^-^rr «fM^nr, 1957 (1957 wa 27 ) 
^ wfw^ •r^f <nff JTTO S^TH’ JT^t- f«Tn 

tot JIT fC4l WHT 'll, fwiH if - 

AIM 34?T «rfvfr*R 4x1 VTU 269-t $ «!'^ 9 T»T 
?, t, Wf «rf<ff9ip1 ifl TOT 269-W 9(5 4TKTU (ij 
<$ f'ft-r, fWurfwNr miftt ■— 

(1 ) S^T'T %, ^f^3T tm fWrT, 
fir? 3^T6 ?r<T5T f4o 7^, jjsTOt i 


(2 ) #0 fa° ?rOT 6 %ZX 

6T%6, fri fe^fr 1 


w? ?[^tt toI <^wfw tfrfar ^ «nf4 4 fw| 

JfinfalPprt 4[9= 4OTT ?/ I 

m Ww < w^r < i[*w*w ^ vft* ^ •tw'tj- 

(4>) ^ ^ 84ii4M 4)5 91/H (f 

45 f^r 4)1 anrN 4 t «4tw4f «n: 

6^*11 4)5 ?rr*flrar 30 f<4 4)5 4r4f4r, 'fl' 
arfafv to jf ^ito ?f, ^ ifrar 44^ 

srfwJTl # tf Pir^T fTOT; 

(»■) rrrr rrnrr ^ tfttt ^ srsminw 4ft mfhr it 
45 tor < 4fnc 34?r wm *mfn if- fip4?w 

f4nfr 3R wrf44 44 kt amf^erorrl *r qw 

f«rf99 if f4*l WT 4^*fl 

w^54)<«r >-i^nf sfT44- 5i4rf afnc qrf srt, ^ gw 

^tMtapHT, 4 «nanir 20-45 if Tftinfw 

l*\ *l5 *V ffn if ww totw if fro 

44T f l 


Hfqfw 32 qr^rg aft nre ffrrfraTT if | 
fsTTirr aiftr^r f 4 WT Tfa^Wf % WJfppT ^? 4 t 4 if 
rfsre^fflSTT 6853 f44t=P 1 0-2-1 986 VT fWT | I 

4fo tr^fo ^f, 

6?l44i amr'PX 30^471 (fiRfM'JT) 

3i^?r ^cr, 14? 

fst4f4? : 30-6-1986 


22 32 6 

ami w mrra.fscnm 6. lose («rnm is, 190 s) 

f*rr*r iil— *«a i 

am — 

a«4»7 afafwr, 1 901 (1961 as 43/ ** 
WTT7 269-a (l) ^ iVk 1(141 

SKU |M1 

(1) srT ^ umar ja- «ft anwr m? fao jjarrar, 
ago ajiaTofr i 


( 2 ) sft air?: f%g >pr sff t%g naVt cnrftsr 
fug, aarik fag jam am fag fa® trrjaTa, 
?jo afo ask? i 


unfair, ffgnr'fj mrci anrw (fadiri) 

3fgfjT m, 

frgga, faafa i o 19 8 6 
famr a° aifo vo afo^jpTo swr/ 31 /85-sg— 

aa: ?JCT afro ngfo gafY 

<VHW 1961 (1961 W 43) 

i&ti awrcr 'sa? wfHf^nr' «yi aai , art ata 
269-* ^ Wk arv:*r snf'nsrcf at ag fmia wi w 
ttT<«r g fs hth avrfm, fiaa-T oNtr amt aw 

1,00,000/- ti. ?f ifWI f 
ak f'aiart fro wfa 13 6 ; iara 15 in?r a/ fawr? a fora 
f, (a rt rurt naras 3,-^Tr if ak »a a afro 
|) Tf^rrfrr srfsraTTf % anaftm m*T a amrk 
wirx afyfcira i96i% sakr, fonta i o arta/r i9 86 
■if jafm tnafn «$ gfm amt h^mY anti 1 mr waara 
rkrrn ai fair amfra art aV 5 * afrt iptf ag fawia'mk 
arm if aw^ffw malVo a> gfm writ aaa, aaaT 
umaia srkmr a 1 ifa 1 mnri-r skrm ar a^g skrnr 
if rakro g 1 aik grata (ara-ofi) sik araftrtt 
.ararhkruf) oi sfbr cftf «nwr a! fkq mr am wi 
skpm krrakrkra ggtVi if gw aram fafta if 
4Twfa«b va ?f afw agt fan wt gfc— 

(*J aw? if g^* frtf art art aws, mq 
ifnfVwx 0! iVk art iV ww ^ 
aifarc j- anft i-ftf at wf wa* ^ «f^nn 
<# <*»rn; afx/ai 

(a) ifift fwr^f arnr «n f*^1 «ta <n 5 x.a s/ - J 
if, krai* Hrcrfk ariSrfSrmr, 1922 

(1922 «r 11 ) oi rw w f afn ita, oi 

Ta-arT oI Nfara , 1957 (1957 aa 27 ) 
< smhranf afafk^t ganr aaz agt fkm aar 
«rr at f*Bar am arfgq m fj Fcak if aknn 
^ fsn?; 

aa: «ra, aaa afafkaa art am 269 -a ^ anrara 
i‘, if, am 3tfafa?m art am 269-a - art aaam ( 1 ) 
^ ar^fk, famfkfm aatmiff,,, aaft[ n— 

vi ag aaar ard jafm aatfw a! a?fr gJ hn? 
amfaTfgar ornn C »j 

aw aiakr < akrt 4 ara«r if arhf vfr awfr e—* 

(m) n h^ot < wrt ®f wiw*r trnrtar 4 
45 Pm ««1 aafv m awkVr ■atwal or 
*Caar art tmftw 4 30 fm art aafv, air ift 
aafa aw if aawt gfdt ff, a6 *fkr jafw 
wtwtf *f tf faNV ®ifw jam; 

(a) *a ^aaT ai wr if srawar art trrrtar 4 
45 faa 4 ifttnc ?rw mm rtafa if fjq a aj 
faraft am «atm jam aatgmwnrt it aw 

fafw if rwaj it a<yi! 

msrtam;—m?f amw ak art ar, if gw maut 

arfafaait, 1 961 (l961 ar 43 ) *> wr 
20-45 if afkarfro g", agt a«f gkn af 
gar a«na if flat wt 5*1 

tpqfTT ijfir 136 am?r, 15 am rtf ftrtotn? ago 
sriararr rt km |farpar sjfsmfaagar ^ 

auafoia arrar if timi i633f^afar 10 - 2-1986 

Tt: fgm | I 

afo jrT° ?agT, 
gsnr srrftrarkf, 
Hgim aitaart 3rr^pt (farteki) 
31 ^ -dgrta? 

faatar: 10-7-1986 

afgT ^ 

415 in—^ir l] 

4T74 41 TT4T4, r S, 1986 ^WTsTT? : 5 , 1 908) 

2 2 5 2 7 

tv* 4iV_.. 3^ qs., — T -.— 

«(!»■■: arfafanr, 1001 (1961 43} 

vttt 269-w (i) 4 4*frr 445 T 


vnfwr, wfrro sttot w;« (farfanr} 

afar fr?nc 

1 0 SJ4rf 19 86 

fnfTnrsfo 3 m£°4° flo/wo^? 4 i 4 / 4 i 1/75-76— 
3W: sfVo 44 ° qgfr 

«rfvfnw, ?961 (1961 wrr 43 ) (fat? tinf 
tfrU 8rr.TT W arfafarn-' n*r to if ), 41 vm 
269-4 4 srtfrr 4«4 s nfawfl «f, 4$ form cfa cr 
w** tf* fa want vwrfwr, fv«*iT gfw *nrrr sfw 

1 ,00,000/- ts. *f ariV^; $* 
n;< ftsrwt 4 '° ijfa 5 4414 14 *rw aft fifangir if 

f?«Tcl | (WiT ?44 TT!^ if 4K yaf 44 4 

4f%i |) afftr^Kt % ij*4t4 if 

4Tfat4 31T4CT 3 fa f 444 1961 % 34J>4, fa*Tf4 2 1 
liTfaf 19 86 

*Bf fffaq 4wfa ifi gfanr iwir nw unr 4 wnrrr 
alWvr 4 fact afafar zft *n* 5 * aift in* inf farcm 
■>fa cr cmr ?* fa fTPrfa arr afar aim: 

H?4, 44 ^ «ror srfai^r it, wnm afasw air 
'TO? nftrercr it atfa^i if arN: 4745 * (ar^nsrf) wfa 
afafaft (8Rifaf?mf)w! *ffa tfif »RRar ^ fat? 44 

5T4T 54T UfaRT, fwfafar 3?Tfa if 3f?r 8RH41 

fafaw if arcifac ¥9- 4 4jf*rcr 4|t fain »nn f ;— 

(v) «rit4 it cX fadV m»r art to, sw 
■rfafanr *1 «nfrr wt ^ < «frr?^ 4 srfaw 
if 41 ft arof *t 444 1 TOif if ^fain 4 faq; 

(ar) tfift faff amr >n *4 4i ar^r •nfar^n’ 
¥rf, f^nr *nr?rlT -ww aiKTan.', c.r -, 

(t922 ^ 111 ) 91 r arfufaw, wi 

Ktvfimr, 1957 (1957 Cl 2 "?': 

< c^rfaft ctto *** 

*m ¥7 4T fafl ¥HT 47, fWW 

^f*[4T < 

W4: 4V„ TO Wfafam *1 VtXt 269-4 4 44V<^! 
^■, *f, arfafanr ct irrcr 269-4 otvhi (i) 
4 *Vt7, fag ffafaq mrfanfrj Wir a— 

(1 ) nwr afrr vjtt; j ,7{ Prs, 

f\i'S ^4In f^, f»To STf?.iT, flfo 45414 I 


( 2 ) 40 at a fao g <w5j;f:fat ^r< 

4T%4, W fSR^ft- I 


cf 4^ TTd Cfa <^4far H 'P lfa r ^ ^ fa^ 

cnfafaif cttt ri 

5W4 ysFn ^ 4 444 if" 4 ft 1 vff arrofa :— 

(c) w H54T 4 44TT if- 5TCTO4 4! CT l Vfa H' 

45 far d *r*rfa 4 t «4Fwiif r t? 

i^Tnn ml 4nffa 4 30 far cfl atafa, 4 f *ft 
»nrfa tw if 44F4 ?rf t 4 ifrenc q^ifaff 
wifaflijf if if fatft «ifa?r |ror; 

(») 4411 T 4 4444 if tour *it mrfa 4 

45 far 4 iftqx 444 wm mnfar if ftpni^v 

fa^fV *P4 wifar T4irr arvi^wimfl 4 414 

fafar if fair on 44 hf 1 

iWhBTO:-F4lf 11444 4*5f mfa 44f «T, qrf 444 

cfafanr, 4 4«4T4 20-4, if irfaRil ' oref 

I*, aijl 4«f ffiR, 4f 44 4V414 if fan 
*141 1 • 


4 PH’ffT Ijf 4 5 3 ^ 741 ^ 1 6 4 ?% 5 )'t faftgn if f?»TH 
| t7?44T 31 f457 far-mr rfc^T^f % 

4 7piFjf 4^qy 6 82 9 f^T77 2 1-2-1 986 55 fa4r jf 1 

3ffo nufo 

4514 STf4Clff 
4F1477 394 ,ITT ^ 

3?3fvf ft^l57 

i44fc: 10-7-1986 

4t$T : 

22528 WTtH wu fir^r 6, isse (wreq* is, isos) 

srw «kt*. si. cw. qn.- 

««< xNfwr 1001 (looi *i 43 ) *rn 

269-* (l) 

*rooi fawn 

wwftnr, tfnr*> *t4*r (P^rSr*) 

3Tftft ^<3r, ft?n4; 

f^FiT^ 1 4 19 86 

fftfft fto au$° ito *fto)05Ro ^^rnT/ 417 / 85 - se— 
3t5i: nw ft!° laaft 

*w*rt iogi (iPfil «r 43 ) (ftnf unf 

ruft c r | ?^ra; 'h^rt aftMftrft ^r?t im ft), ft! vro 
269-* ft ^nfrr iw* srrfVfirtf ft, m Nm ^t 
(frw ft fa iw imfu, faira gfftcr vm*. *** 
1 , 00 , 000 /- 45 . ft srftw ft 

*TiT fanfttft° 11 ^ 7 ^ 1 4 niftr ail ^ * f^n £ 

(ftl? vfa irrrra ft sfrT yn ** % ftftq 
ft) ft-'^ftTwf anfg^Tj % >-rm'H7 ft*: ft* ft RTfa!* 
3TPT4R 1961 % atftftf,faft* 17 


ftr qftfacr irnfft ft 3fft?r sirh tot ft m ft towt«t 
SflPJW ft flTT* afafaT Wl ift ft aftl ftft 4? hWW SRft 
tr TO'i’f^WRPrflr, froiafwTiw: 

*5tr, TOft w r un nftiw if, ftft wnn* srfiror «r 

<fm sriftnnr if aifam ft* afcpw («rrof) nift 

(WRlMoftf) < ftN ftft ft fn* TO ITUT TO 

sfron*. famfafa ir g -fft m ft strt ■MJT»r fafftir 
• iurfro to ft «Nir =tftf fa«n tot ft :— 

(*s) srtto ft f^* frof! *1* ftl nro, *w 
fro* ft! wftfr to eft ft *vt oe ft! vfnw ft 1 
wft *ift m «wft wwft ft- sfroT ft! N*; 

(*) ftift faiff 3rw ft fsBifV ^!n 5R ftfanfr 
ftr, Fspft ftlftt* 3(TO1 arfafftftT, 1922 

(1922^11) *i toit arfafftHr, ft m- 

EfTC ftftOT, 1957 (1957 ^ 27) ft 

ftflftTW STfttlft! TORT TO7I ^ftf TOT 

«n in faft *ki ftlft* «n, fuwft ft- ftfavT 
ft fftrq; 

anr: aw, 3*W «ftl VKT 269-* ft sprim* 

ft, ft, a** arNIftim ft! vnr 269-* «*vtti l\\ 
< 30 ft?. tftn ft si f * * *vfir ec— 

f*T* hi—«•* 1 

(1) nsiftr fdarr^T, i^Ff, fir? g^T'r «ff 

>4r airr 59 ftefr vr* pfvij, 

‘<r*T ftr« 59 ftiT^'r, ffto fi?o ^tht^ i 

(3f?flV4T ) 

( 2 ) ft O ftirH ?|5KfRir n'¥ TTPirff (aio ) ffto, 

115 ft 6 W 1 tj 7 .-^-<srr iritrf irrft, nf 
feftf 1 


*f *1 ***t trI «ift ^ftf 1 ** ««[fm ft! wft* ft f«* 

*** ***fw ft srafa ft ihnr ft ftift ft mft* ;— 

(^) w ir^Ti ft ito ft sp?5rcH ft! rml* if 
45 fftr ft! arftfft 47 nwrwift ^ f=tdft pr 
H^ in ft! mftir if 30 fftr ftr wfv, ft* ft 
•rat* an* ft iptirt ?tft ft ftn cjft^ 
•ftftinft ft ft fftft urffta- ymr, 

(*) w ifftw ft hwppt ft !i*w ft! nrd?r ft 

45 fftr ft ftm: gaw wm imtrr ft fftmwv 

4 ** Nrftr *^4 «rf4W 44 HI aifttfnrwrl ft 

nw Nrfftir ft fft* *1 wftNfi 

w*rtw«>—*nft s**it irwft wf* <nft n, wf g*n 
ftfttwm ft w^n* 2 P~*> qtiinffta 

|\ ml *ft ffftr ft TO ftMn* ft fwi 

*ft |* i 

4^-ftr Vjtft 111 1 4 W ft,- if few I 

fw^ir atftl'" fq'aiVTiT '<;fa;f^[,gf % 7;inf“lir 
ft 688 4 17-2-1 9 86 5"< f^'4T t I 

aft o ttk) o gftft 7 
Ira* srTftrnff, 
iranr^ 3?r*4R w; (fnitepr) 
?-:ftn /-4, rft?n4T 

fftiftf: 14-7-1986 

ft?t 4 


qW HI—3) <rT7f TTWfll, RrcF^ 6, 1986 (XWW 15, 1908) 

m xn* . si.. . m — . 

•TTirW arfvfwir, 396 J (S961 « 43) *1 
xttt 269-x (i) ^ anfrr ^wi 


<KPfanr, hjtw 5 arrow: xi^w (fRleror) 

3i3f«T t’^r, TtgqT 
^a^fwixr lo^lf 19 86 

ffrsfartfo (P.rf'S ^\ojv^j^S^mj34lj85~86 — 

sia: ir^ xt° n?fo ra^ft 

arrow arfirfror, 1961 (i961 xrr 43) (fwf Rnf 
f*p$ <nmKt %w BrNfnnr' itot ?*), xfi tnrr 
269-^r ^ snfrr itor sifwirff xrf, q$ fwwr wf w 
»kt f fa txtr faror gfw crtt rw 

1 , 00 , 000 /- tj. «rP^rzB 5 * 

wf: f'sfarn g° ^tT*t i 7 anrFr xl xr xrt Jr fcw f 
(rr i*r Tiring- if ?tfr yjf a a Jr qfara 

|) rfwffTTiT ch'fqaafj % affair mirror Jr towr 
wptw vftrfoR i 96i % siefrar, fonfa 11 wwf i9ss 
44 t#w iRrfw *ri gfw srrsnr ipnf wnm 

srftroR ^ faq awfar xfi w 1 1 3 afa inff 4$ frow 

«R4’ XvT WRT £ fa HRfa Bfif gfw XRT7 

w, sin# wwro srfrrow if qff srfWR w 

W? SfaW if 3|fw; £* 3tfc gflPTE (aRRSBt) qfc 3R- 

faft (afifrfrol) ^ jfhc^ 3 ktw ^ faq ?nr tot wt 
srfawr, fRrfafwr gxxfro if wr 3Riwr fV faar 
if XIUTfaXi W if Efifw Ifijf- faxT IRT ?* B— 

7 T7«fr worT tr T 3 1 tr wi fa° faWTriR i 


( 2 ) to v;m ^rjfinr mw q’s rftfa»T xr o f>r° 
i 1 5 wfpf wa, 16 wgrar irreft hr, 4$ 
f=Cwft i 


xrf ir? qw xttI xrfa 'rafw int?er ^ «r#ir 4 f^I 
' wtfT if gg t 'ron c 1 j; 

gw ^rfyr 4 ii if vf|* «A <r.ifr e— 

(ir) ?4r ^ rrw[ if *fi rntfur ^ 

45 tor id arxfV irt "ifiRnrt «nc 

?rx7T ^ miffr 30 fw aniN, xf 
3Rftr m if irt^t ifnft ft. ifai Rffw 
sqfxRrul if g* fxRft wrfw yrar; 

(v) w t^htt ^ Tnrrr *f sraniff ^°r errfta ^ 
45 fvr ^ iftcrc gw wpr: F3ftr if fpxw 
^ sqtro IWT7T amfai^wft ^ <TW 
f?itw if f^nr xt uxrifi 

RiszJNtRT:—IRlf 5TEPSR! 4Wt 3rf7 3X1 J4T, xJ 3OTXR 

xfxfrinf ^ «rwmr 20 -fi »f Mfwrfw 
5*, *r*f etm xf gar «rwnx f- frxi 

«RT 5*1 

(ir) «RRxr if O* fRff xw «b1 xtw gw arN- 
frnnr ^ anffr w ^ ar^na; xrfwr if 
4ifXR if w?f xt ginf srxif if irf?trT 
^ fin?; stfr/xt 

(ir) rfift fxnft arnr xr fRift irr str arrfRXl 
xrf fr^ im^fr arnr-xp - arfwfTinT, 1922 
(1922 44 11) XT W ajfqfTRT, ITT W- 

‘R ~7 arryffiriT, 1957 31^57 an 27 ) xs 


*n in fiRrr xt?t HTf^ «t, fsxiif if tifxxi 
45 fRii; 

WIT: X4, gw XttjfTW W vrcr 269 -X ^ 3R 6 ' <X 

If", if,, gw arf'vfwijr 4Tt tfTTT 269-4 4r) gc-lTTT ( 1 } 
k sr-'-.x. f '-rTaf^iTr •arfawf, :— 

226 GI /86 

gi'TrTTirfir 17 Trwa xt xtx xter irf?qa t 
aiffer^fwor 7f5f^7?rf % ^mfrq- ^airra f TfTT^t 
giRT 6650 fWT4T U-2-1986 47 fwr I I 

xto ii'Ffo Jwf, 
gum stifEPFrCr, 
ir^rq- 7 Ra ra (fanctw^r) 

3i a a fr^a v 

fX4T4r: 10-7-1986 


*Mt?r ‘fii TT3R3, fTOTmT fi, 1988 (vrrjT? 15, 1908) 

firm hi—« r>< i 

STSH WTlf*._ *1. . Ifff--- 

maror arfrrfmm, j 961 (1961 to 43) art 
MTO 269-* (l) *5 wVm gam 

^1T<S r*.«T» 

TOfrgir, ^Fr^PToR micar? ^prmi (^m^ zT i *sr a i i 

HTOi' ftf, TOffi ^ 

rrg^EF, fv-it-r io tftftf 1986 

f^BTij-c. 3)T?o TTo ifto/n^-o llJ7jtq/41 5/ 85-86 — 
51^:, gs}', 3ft ° n"o iacff ? 

WR arfwrfrrrr, t Qg 1 (1961 TO 4 3) Prof r«nf 
roai tow ‘vP5F?r sWrotr', ^ wr f , art hitt 

269-w & «nfrr hot srrfV^nr't art, ng frow tor 1 to 

TOra if bs wire miPtT, Prim sbr?r bitot tori 
! , 00 , 000 /- r. h arfros 5 ' 
mx ftf^ g* gfg 79 totr 14 H'rt to fiFfriror 
if fF99 t ($> ?>tif T'tiWZ if TOT gw *7 

if hFwo &), tffawr/t % mrafrir, g?irfr 

if wrcfftw capr-ur afafamT 1 96 1 f aerta, fonto 

21 'TOTOt, 1986 

vi tn‘rf'4^ wrcrfT f 7rtV<r amrrr: wt f ?rw f mjrrrm 
sfcrror ^5 f"Tcr wfror art rf |® aft toE w? ferrmr 
tow to totw ?f faj wrafror r^fV^r to wfmr mror 
tort, groff srormw sferror tf, erg' g ^m ro rfVror to 
rs? irfrora 1 affirm f arf?: mwrm (y ^r# ) atf? 
sorrfrfy (wfrfmrt) $ #?• rnt ?-nrrw *} fro tot 
wt nm srfcrror, frerfwfanr aff'ur tot arena 
Nfrrr if m^bro tot rf mbm ^ farm am if :— 

(«) wra rf o’ frofr tnv art vmr smr arfV- 

fwnr <£ anffr TOC If? 1 i$ arena? *£ qi fti W 
IT 1 TOft TOT?' m TOTO? TOP? jf rrfrocT ^ i'WTT ; 
nfr< in 

f r> frorf) am? r frorft n? jur anfwrf 

,.-v I 7 .-J ^■r»" + ’) o,r.-\-y yf-ilVfls- 1 13-)' 1 

M022 TO 1 *,} i-T arf'Tfmc, rp 

TOn?~ nfvfwr, 1357 (1957 TO 27) ^ 

»rr ,n fr^wj TIT! TOfiTT TT, f tg VK tf arfarvi 

4 hw; 

•m wv, ttot ^rfvfincjc ^} mr 269 -^ ^ ar ^n 
f- , ^ 7TT arNfmr art wiTf 269-^ art 

aff apfk, f^rroM^ra sirf^nff, Wcr :— 

( 1 ) sfr vrT,- f-ng 55 c T 3 ? /r mcfr, f*r° faTtigr 

ngcfr-i ii^inq 1 

( 2 ) A° uH'f orf- TTO^o r n? fspfrarn (mo) ftf° 

1 1 5 'flq'ij 1 6 TO^T^r TTiTOV HR, 

f^rrif I 


stromr frocFr ^mrr scrofOT ¥*ff TfHTOaff if h 1 froft 
arf c^rom TOft arr^ <raf*Ri Hwrtfr ai «rf? % p- 
TOrfmf^rf ^ aim 57 1 

gror grofrr ^ *nfr *£ 5rwR4 to arr^ »ft awr:— 

(as) w gam < tptr *f' Jrroror art tnrrtat < 

45 fro art hhN m CRTOTOift sqfa^ir'l to 
gron <rt cmfocr a 1 30 fag art aahr, af It 
arttn arc if crtnm gfft 5 t, ^ iftcrr gafroi 
sqfrorir} if cf from nrfaw fmrr; 

(ar) gv gam < ma if Jrroaor 9 nfNr g 
45 fro f fRTC Hacr T«TTTO HTOfn if l*fT- 

awv frocrt amr «rfror totti aaf|?sm.TOl f 

<CW IV- fpr TO Hf If l 

pcwtroia :—tgif mr^cr 4Wf flfr <rff to, af «rt« 
arfirf^mr arwmr 20-ai if urn qfrnfm? 
5 *, ^ gV |fir?. =nr "wnr if fw: 
mn 5*1 


y-PTfn vefTO 7 9 TOpTH 14 HV% TO fOTO^TO if fr 40 


£ ftf'TTO arftrF fTOT-'TO if 7 -T?'tTO?lT % gfifa 

if vfr,:^- e 81 4 21-2-1 9 86 TO fem t I 

^fo nsfo viaff, 
w aifaTOff 
totottoto 3-^ir,t (fii/wH) 

?tf, TljCnT 

f^nfp: 10-7-1986 

Him : 


ht® in—i ] mw Tnn®, % 

■~^t T^^^i zr^-wr^ KrrTZ ;•^TT^^ryrr'r:—. u— i .. t ■ '-_ ' -l_iuj iih j -' i.— 

vm wif.t——- 

*rmt 3rf%rfjrirtr, 1961 (1961 43 ) 

ira 269-® ( 1 ) ^ sr*fk ^ri 

uto vmn 

wwfaw, gsiTO Jtmr m®w (Teuton) 

fagfF 30 1986 

fipTWfl'a 3 Tt£o n > W\°jRf^o IjfirN-y41 8/ 85-86— 
alct:, ijst, $T° iTn° 

WTO *f»rftpnT, 1 96 1 ( 1 96 1 4® 43 } (T*® 

wif vof mi®; 'sw «rf*«rfsr*nr* vro 

269-® ^ sr#r ®4rcr jnftrenrl 43 ftp^ro- 47®f set 
finror f fa wm f®ra®® gfa® irrarc ^ 

1 , 00 , 000 /- tf arfro ^ 

•wtt ?fo ji 4®n® 5 ipr^r '4T fif®ra7r it fw 
| (vtfK it sir p- ¥'v ir gfun 

|), Tf'^>wit 4 ? it vrn?fm 

sfR'^T aify'friTTTr 1961 V atff®, fasftff 17 ®>Rffr 19 86 
arf qpfw srrfw < gfw ktktk i[i«r wr 4 warn® 
tftaW 4 ifafw «fi1 *nf £ «rfT inS ^ Pavii® w 1 
«T4“ 4*r «5ro»r P* inrfw w srN® *nwr? 

»t«r, swai wnmr jrfrrwr tf, *£$ ww itf ror w 
<r^ jrfnOT *rfV<6 |* «fft mv* (tfaroT) «rfc tfgfaft 
(ifaftftnff) »tTO 4 fan? cv tot «nrr srf«r- 

4nr PwftiP ® ® 4 sw sferr® Pafw if TOrf 1 ®?. 
*® tf affurr nfl- f4rcrr wt|* is-* 

(«e) w*rvn 4 %j* Pftfi «rnt nfl toi, to 
a f a frim r «d «n#r «r nV * wro d 
if - wft <it a®® if npm 
4 ftw; «ftAr 

(*) qf^t fydl/m y tWt w rr *■?* ®ifwvi' 
<T| N^ 1 »u<*fW ®W-^K ®fvfgw, 1922 
(1922 •nr 11) gw wfvP^nr, jit 
* rNjPjq7 1957 (1957 ^27) ^ smfwrtf 

sfufr^ft ^ttt t<zz ggf- fm\ w»fiin 

<TFn ttP|S «tt, tmtf ^ T[fc«n < fsnj; 

J. ; T?: 6, 1986 (8T?K 15, 1908) 

(1) sfr Takrir 53- awm, fg? ^ 3 

5,-3 ff.ffor w 1 


( 2 ) #0 q^qjf^o 6 wffifftg'H*?: 

•3f%"(, tff fifc^T | 


•Pf 4? *[*11 TRl <pf«w gvrfw ^ af^fg fw? 

41T3T C l 

to f**rtw ^ VJfr ^ if 4 wiy ift 2 — 

(*) W ^CWt 4 snm 4- jtohw «1 mrlhr s? 

45 «1 artfy ITT owrnpft W f Pw # <R 

fmfr=r tt 30 fw qf\ Kafir, wf »fl 
«rw «*■ ann*® ureft |f, 4 »fr<nc <pff5re 
•Kfwm 4 - if 5*nxr; 

(*r) ®kt ®tkt 4 ■ciKOfta jt amw ^ orri>f « 
45 fw 4 5fRrr gw wm gwrfw if f^artrw 
farffr «T«T Brfw WTO «TMf|WTMfl 41 TO 
fgf*w «*• fisq; i«t c<*Vi 

wtcNtto;— apnf 34W kuP wfr wf «t, mf aw 
afvfWT arwiTK" 20-4J »f Ktwrfw 
?*, 4^1 ar«f fjfiT. «fr gar wmiw if farm irft 

£ 1 

Vlfir 34 TKOsf 5 inff 4ff fg^rr if | 
ffira-^T 3?fspp Tf-vfRet^f % EPiqfnq- T^q r q if 

q'WT 67 54 f^gfTT ] 7 - 2-1986 <R f?qT | I 

<sffo ttt^o ggff 
g«Tif 3Tfil34fr 
^FT41 Wf ?TFJK3 (frttWiT) 
7% fr^i47 

ava *pr, tot iriSfwir asl am 269-® < »K«c*r 
if, if, aw afvfw® ®V*rra 269-w wxra (i) : 
3nfrr, pTR'PTrfw "rfwiff, ■T'frcr 2*^4 1 ^ 

f?fTf^: 30-6-1986 
irffT : [ 


pTR III —WZ 1 

mift an iraw, facnan: 6, lese (nrJrra is, 190 s) 

Wf ww*ta *1-] Wd Slij®* 1 *" 

*iw* wNfamr, 1961 (1961 m 43) 
ira 269-* (l) 4 W<b fHW 


•nrrtnr, v^n* vi^n 

aan ¥er, -d^a^ 

f?aTT 3 0 a-T 1986 

frail flio 3fif O rro ifto/ri’FJf ijsirta/419/85-86— 

aa:, jjw, afr sufr, 

«WW *Nfmpr, 1961 (1961 *T 43) ffwtf W»f 

**4 warm; 'aw ufvfjm’ arp wt (*), art aro 
269 -* 4 «ntor wr* Jnfwft art, a* frora arof «t 
asrw |* fas to TOrfw, hrean vfw arm m* 

1 , 00 , 000 /- 73. if *faas t 

?Tk f smart ifo sjfa 21 EPTPn 12 ITI^ /f ffrfRriT if 
fiw | (’pfiT alias’ noiRfr if nYi ^ v; 
ft qfr-f I), vJw^Tt^ 3,'fa^rfr $ anqfaq-, 

3r miafr arpm tffrffrpr 1 96 1 % wfr, fcnfr 

17 1986 

•f «pffa* fwrfw 4 afw aT*T* n** 4 aw * wawia 

Sr 1 Vih I ^>t *TCT ? ^TT *T5T 

wf Pmrcr anrf an <pto 5 * fas awtafas «wf«r an 
tfw ai*T5 *[w, 3*4 win ufaaw 4* q*4 *nnm 
afwaw an ^ srftror 4 afaas i* *f* «rtw 
* fa wnifaft (awfafiral) 4 4hr if* 1 «rwrw 4 faq 

ipt «twt wr nfireir frcrf^rfw mxm if aw awm 
Pirfw if nrarfwr ir if arfw a# fpn wr £“ :— 

(as) awnn 4 farcft *i* art am, aw 
afafwir 4 «nfrr w; 44 3 w^e 4 
arfina if nrfr *p?f nr aW 1*4 if irfivT 

4 f^; ^%y*n 

(v) tfiff fWt «rw in fpfr <pt in «nfmtt 
ir fw^ 3 nrrofr^ torit wtvf^nr, 1923 
(1922 « 11) *t aw 
w-yi ^fu firnr 1957 (1957 «t 27) 
4 SRnRW fTTU iHR? <nt fwi 

wMiiri fwvr wm srf^ «n hwnf ^ ffmn 
< r«5 d 

3rt: sR, 3 srt 3rftrfnm, ^ tnrr 269R ^ wot 
if, if, 3rfvfRiT wj 269-^ awra ( 1 ) 
^ 3T^W t ffc r M ' q' T Rfwiff, 3fqf[ :— 

( 1 ) m tr fmr ?! g^rfr f^» n?^'m 

ir^irR 1 

vs * 

(hr ) 

(2 ) #0 qrflivf; f^o gjOT, 6 TTiTf^'f ^r< 

irr^a, "i£ f^vfr i 


wi y| anl «[ffw TOrfrr 4 «r^r 4 fmt 
wfrrf?iTf tijt 

aw aitfOT < ^ wv if ^iV iff snwV s— 

(ai) w irwT ^ wr if sraOTa aft irrffer if 

45 fw «1 wrfy «n irwaruft nrfwirt *9 
ICWT 4») ffnftir 30 fW 3Rfv, af ift 
wrfv aw if ainpi ?iift (ff, 4 vftirr «^>ffw 
■ifwiff ^ fV>* »*rfw sorro; 

(w) w 4 Tnm if jhctr d irrda 4 
45 far 4 iftirt aw to aurftr if ftpr- 

fWt aw arfw frrrr snffiarerft 4 

<nv fwfw if fiFTJ WT (ffiVl 

fwror:—w^f sw 3 ?r qrf air, sfr asw 

affafprn, 56 arwrw 20-^ if w i rfcmfuff 
5 s , a^t ar*f ^fn at air spana if fpn 

WT ?*l 


TOifir -fljif 21 aaiir i 2 jtih at fiimira if 
| farr^rrr afaar fan^ •<fw^t , a^t’r % aiafra oaifa 
f iraipn 6755 fcatar 17 - 2-1986 9T faai | 1 

ato pao ig^t 

aenr arftjrod 
iT^nTa? OTaan: »jpjw (faftfra) 
aaa X^, ft^a? 

: 30-G-1986 

af : 

wmlii—il «r Trirw, feawc 6, isaa (mw? is, 1903 ) 22533 

snw arn*_.e1.q!f .- 

amm srMgw, 19.6 1 (1961 3 >r 43 ) 

3 ft TOT 269 *r (1) 4 «nfk SjWTT 


“h'l 4 f<H*r, gflW 3 rPT 45 T 3 TPTW (P>nft§T IJ r) 

3 RH W, ftfqgr 
Tftfl^, fwfa IOWTPr 19 86 

• f^tsTffo ajrfo iTo ifto/Wfo JJfm^/412/ 85-8 6 — 

W-, W, 3 ft o r.flo iwft, 

arrow 3 rfrfftw, 1 96 1 (1 96 1 ^43) (f^f wnf 

$gr<£ qwif 'gw arfqfw«r’ w^), 3 ft tot 
269 -^ afe artfrr w snfwnft s£r w fwrror wrf 3 it 
ggw i* fq> ttopc gnrfftr fwair gfw arrow 
1,00,000/-w arfmfi sf 
mr. for^ft i'o 55 m-rror 1 wsrr to TO2T grot it 
frw % ( v ' p . sw wrw mjwfr it sfir w ft 
gfw t) TK’^t-wf 3 ;ftr^fr % qggfag, 3 wig it 
vrnfttg 3 jpm 3 )ferftrqrr 19 6 1 ft asrftg, fcgfr 21 
WWt 19 86 

WfW OTqfrT 3a gfw TOW TO3 ft W ft? ?WWr 
srftrw ^ fgtr witw aft *r^ ^ afrc wf 3f fromr 
wft 3 Rr gnw 5 s fg> wT'tgfw guiPg an gfw TOW 
wg, gw, wrong srfT'Sft ft, ftft wrong srfft'w gg 
nfftw ft arfgg, 3* ark Wwi (aftrwf) afro: afgrfg^fr 
(swftfftftr) ;£ #g rfft apfgr ^ farf w roro ron 
srffi'W, fgigfftfw gaiTW ft gw arwr fftfw ft 4, 
gwPggr ftg ft g>fw <issl faia 1 mn 5 0 •— 

(35) wrw ft ^ fwft 3 TW aft mi gw 
3 rhfgror g> Bnftg w rft 4 wrai 4 grfwr 
if gnft ajrtrf m grot ggft ft 4 gfron 4 fm;; 

(g) tnfr P=Rgt 3 mr gT fWt w*n w anfmr 
^r, wrcfrq-argm: ariyfmm, 1922 
(l 922 *BT 11) ITT gw ajMgw, m 

mm 3 rfgfgw, 1957 (1957 «bt 27) 
^ mfrmmf angfwt wkt to tW 
wrgg fggn wt nn, f®q-pf if- 

gfmn ^ fgr^; 

gg; w, gw 3ifvfgw mrr 269 -t ^ aprgrg 
if, gw 3rfgfgw »tt?t 269-^ *>t ( 1 ) 

^ 3r#p, f g r nrg f w sqfwgf, amfq; :— 

( 1 ) sft wt fgf p fTW, «ft f?rg wr^ft 5 ^ «rt 

iiT fw grg a^o j^it< 1 


( 2 ) g° to §rgfw mrwg ?ftf5ig gio 
f?r o 115 srgg to, 1 e TOjwr wfr git}, 
ni fgwt I 


g? ^wr WTtf g»tf«r 4 «i f*p> 

^pfmfggr mwt 57 " 1 

gw mfcg 4 srsfg- grov m grf? 1 »ft srref^r:— 

(g>) w m 4 Tiwnr m stow sift ard^r g“ 
45 fW 3ft spifg 3T wfnwft Kifw^fr Tt 
gmn 3ft arnffa g* 30 fw 3ft wfg, sjt afr 
wN «ng *r ww fftft ft, 4 vftax f4fw 
srfWftt jft ?t fwft srPw wrt; 

(g) w gwT 4 trw jf swr 3 ft ardg- 
45 fw 4 iftw gw ggm grgftr if f^r- 
3W fwft 3RT srfw WRT 3RtfWlWft 4 
wr frfw if fggT gr g^ffi 

wa^JHwi:—wm ww i<iwf afrr wt m, ^ 3W 
3 tMwit 4 arwng 20-31 if grcwTPw 
5 s , 3 ^f awf ffn 3ft w srtwr if fwi 

WT 5*1 


WTftr vrfg 5 5 wrt 1 »wr 3ft 3 WTjft it ftw | 
fW*T 31 fw fWT’ir Tf3R^tWlt % 3WiW ijggff it 
TfsiT^t HWT 6821 fwfgr 21-2-1986 TT fWT | I 

aft 0 TTR o 

gwr srrfawft, 
OT3W (ftftew) 
3i W ifor, Tt?TI37 

fft-it-P : 10-7-1986 

iftf-T : 

- t s s r^ y j 


*TTOR 1001 (1981 m 43) 

vro 289-u (i) 4 «nfrr 

iroi nw>u 

wnfanr, TOpw; totor «mrw (futtaw) 

aigg tg, fi^rro 
ff^TO, fi?TO3f 1 0 TOfTlf 1986 

fa^lfo 3)T$° tTo tfVo/tFWo ifTOfa/4 1 6/ 85-86— 
afci:, i$&, gf° ggt, 

arrow; arMronr, 1961 (l 961 *bt 43) (frof finf 
wtoc[ ‘gw atfvfwrr’ ,^r tot f 1 ), gfl hto 269-3 ^ 
«r^r msro STfwfi grf, ^ froroTir grof tot to fro 
wroi irofrr farron gfw totoi iw 
1,00,000/- 15. if 3 rf tot 5 * 

’R*iT f^r^TrTt ?ro -♦rf-FT 7 giro 3 fw to ht^i iffiwt 
(tot ggrg^f ar^ft if to;t wg if gfrot), 
.Tf^r-TOf srftnsift % TOiofTOT, to giro if roroftro 
STO-TO arMgqrf 1961 % SJEfr-f, fWTTO 19 TOTOlV 

zir tpTw ^ppqrfxr ro! gfroir totoi gig if toto ^ ww 
sfWr $ Phtt TOTOPlTO TO? TO* ft ^1 TO«f ^ f^WUT 
toi# tot totto fro groroffw ggrfrr tot gfw gram 
grog, wroi wm rofWr if, qf^f wm gfrorog tot 

ffflRra if 3|fTOTO ^ 3frl TOTOITO (TOTOITOf) afrl TOTOfnft 
3> #3 if*? TOTTO 3, Pgi{ TO 3TTO TOT 

sfgroro, fggrfgtro grorlg if gw touw fgfw if 
gugfgro ¥3 if toPw TOrf froro tot :— 

[itin m—v* i 

(l) TOTO TOTim, TOTT3, flST3T?r TOT3 fgHJ1, 


CO* oefw# $f* tT« TOTWHT PTO, 21-22 TOtST 

<%tr to Profit: i$te, gf froroff i 


f>t o? ittot anti tow! 'prfw irrofar art anfg ^ fro 
4>nfinffoi toitot £ i 

gw irrofVr to wfr 4 macro if tft anw^r :— 

(4>) fir TTWT aR TTTOrr it 5TTOTO ^ dK^T H 
45 ter anrftr to gwroft «rfroraf to 
irrorr 4^ TOrffg if 30 fro anrfv, aif »fi 

anrfv TO3 # TOTW fM ff, ^ iftTO tpfw 
«ffWTO*- lt if fvff TOfw TOTOT; 

(f) TO 1TTOT «£ TIWT it SPTO1R ?ft TOtfa if 

45 fro ^ ’ftro gw itoto: nrof^r if fw- 

Tifiift 9fnr sirfw wttt, aprffigTCPri ^ 
«mr fgfw if to ipfifi 

iwhsTO:—TO*f aw sml aifi: toI to, gf gw 
arMronr, ^ 3nro<r 20 -^ if oro Tfroifro 
?*, TOfi anf ffro gf gw awio if frot 
tot t' 

«nta w ww!ij fggogt e, ii*6 (irraw is, i9*8) 

(gj) afrrro if Nsifr tou rfi tow, gw 
BfNfroir ^ anAg m ^ sf^rroro 4 Ttfwr 
if wft wrf to ggif wnf if gfron ^ fgri; 

(g) ififr fwff aw to fwft w to aro anfurof 
TOf, fsr^ TOTtftiT anron «Nfron, 1922 

(1922 W 11) 3T gw arMronr, TO TO- 
w arfgfTOTT, 1957 (1957 ^ 27) 

$ TOfgro*f ggrfVcff wror snro gft fwrr 
TOT TO TO fwn TOTO TOffq TO, f«TOif if 
i^fron ^ fm?i 

W-. W, gw arfvfroir TOIJ 269-3 4 arrow 
if, if, gw arfu froir ^i to to 269-3 tft groro ( 1 ) 
4 3r«ftgr, frogfutw aufronff, apiffa; :— 


gwftnjfg 7 ofrr 3 fsrcir gr gr^jiiffTOd |fggw 
srfarTO fwror gfsrF^fwrf % w^gg, ^wrg if gfsn^f 
fl'Wf 6795 fTOTO 19-2-1986 31 fTOT | I 

gfo trifo 
nwr TOfawif 

TOTTO 3Tl33i1 311^33 (frffS13 ) 

arsfg tar, 1 ^ 3 ; 

ftgtTf: 10-7-1986 

2 2 5 3 5 

m—sng 11 mw m wra, b, i 986 (^rs^re is, i 9os) 

3 i 6 I ■ " ' ———I- l.i .. .KKgJBMWM gg 

urnm 3rfrfm;, 1961 (1961 43) ^ 

47TT 269-^1 (l) ^ 3Wk ITWT 

WTW fl'IWl 

swfmr, uiiwi sn4W arnrw (frftam) 


14 3P=jT$ 1986 

fWPT ifo ailfo rro irto/qWo 3T¥4tq/42( 1 /85-8fi— 
3R:, 4^, PSfo 

«CPm 3Rf«rf44TT f 1961 (1961 ^ 43) (fUf W*f 
qwrci; 'gw arfsfwir’ 417 wr i*), 4 ft nm 
269 -flr ^ aNk w mlVRrf} 4f 41 fwrcr wtf sir 
4,rr°r 1 * fk wm ?mtn, fawn gfw *mr 4W 

1,00, OQO/- V. if 3[f»w f 
vftx fCiWT lf° 5 5 4477*1, 7 rf-JT^f vjfir, SHjfraff 
ijjirfa If flW % (tfR 5774 gWct any^rff if mx 
'fir if qfw4 |) sifsmtft % Tgifw, 

ijf4T4 ir 4TTcftg 3! 74777 aifgffW 1961 % XiftH, 
fcBfW 17 "PT^lf 19 86 

<rrf <T4tw irwrkr $ gfw ktsk 474 if ^ ^ wtram 
jrfWg $ f< 4 Tr uRtfw kf 47* srft «nif Pamir 
«Tn n 4JR°r ?* fk 44pr*ffw mpqfn gfw spm: 
rw, gg^ tow stireg if qk wkk sPirair w 
inn srfnw if srftra ^ srfi (ar^nkf) *tx 

iRifuff (myifVPtUi l) ^ ufor crkf 3 rrw eg fwnr ?nr 
w wi srfirog, fkRfgPgg iwk if gw 3777714 
Pgfinr if 4THTf*ra w if «Pw nT *447 inn %* t— 

(1) kt 774.7*1* faf <p ^Tr krtrcfr 71 q 
fwqr '4t 4krT f r^rifr irm - aqfnnff, niiffr 
4;=4R i 

(a.“57“5 ) 

(2) 3° 4174 STT'kfq q<i i^T'4 47° f*t°, 
ns, 41777 nw, 16 =773747 qraf qrn, 
gf fee*ff I 

(3)"HfT?ff ) 

4>f 41 I[W7 4Tff umffl ^ Jfsfg w! fm 

4iT4q |f^| CiR? 4>H5T ^T" I 

aw ^ anf? «i5 ir^v *f uriV »ft anufi e— 

(as) m irsnn ^ 4rm if irampr ofl nrfW if 

45 anrfv 47 iw«Fi/lr «rfw 4 l it 
i[«rt ^ nuffir g 1 30 to aft «mfv, aif »ft 
anrfk iw if irflTO iftft if, «g iffn 
Nlfwif! if if fwft «lfw f4TIT; 

(ir) w ireRT *6 inm if irem cmkr if 

45 kr f ifkr gw i«im imfw if fipr* 

iw fkift 3iw arfw wm, wfiironf ^ 
snr firfVnT if* fuq gr iraff 1 

wnaKin:—imf snrw arfr qrf 44 , <sf gw 

arfVfnm, ^ urwiTir 20 -41 if iforifw 
I s , nf sr»f ifm, atf gir arwmr if fwr 

iRT 1* 1 

(n) wrwr b 1 o* fwft 4W 45 I 4tw, aw 

«rf‘v S'g-tnT ^ »r*fk ^ rt 1 ■* 

4lf*W If 4Ufr fmf ITT gWlf Wf »f flfwi 

4 Pgtli 4fc/«n 

fw) fflft fwfl 4R 47 fwfr W 4T 3H4 anfunri 

4f 4Ti#tr zmvx arfiikonr, 1922 
(1922 «6T 11 ) 47 gw srfvfnm, 4ir w* 
w srftTikcnT, 1957 (1957 44 27) * 

snjfwilf aRlfnft 44KI 57W 4lf fll4T WI 
wj 47 f*4an wn 'cif^q »n, fWnf if irtwr 

< fun; 

4iri3 «or, aw arikfwn kl kto 269-4 ^ 
f„ if, aw tffirfwff 4m 269-4 srt gsvm* ( 1 ) 
* 3nfk, fmrfgfw 54fw4f, 374 ^ k —■ 


iRiffr ijfir 55 4.1 hr', 7 irmr 4/4 aft 4nr aimwf, 
ij?4r4 if fiw % f^riv'fTT safsr-T ^f^^fkPrrt 
% 2774^4, 17-51774 f Jf54' ( - (S 7 3 7 fs(Fjf^ 

17-2-1986 IT fW7 t I 

^4o n^fo 

gsig srfsiHnfV 

4174? air4 m? yT447| (kftei^ ) 
'<•!, f7144>' 

f4977T : 14-7-1986 

fTtfi : 


[win ill—*f« i 

wnn m ttww, fwFRwr e, l® 16 

5TTJ- am*, Si. rr^ . r.<* - 

ITTO wfvfnww, 1961 (1961 nfl 43) r «1 WTTT 
269-W (l) tfi ap4k 

«nrw wjwiti 

•siwfwi , HTHH* limn wtww (f tr ft w) 

3IWW tW, fl?n^ 

faWT^ 14^wrf 19 86 

ffpiUTW° arrfo Wo Wto/nspjo ^7^/413/85-86— 
31?l:, Ijjf, wVo 17^0 

TOR wfirfnw 1961 (1961 W* 43) (far? Sinf 
<mrf[ ‘www wfwfinnr’ wiyr nrr if), wfl vro 
269-wr wi anfrr www MitV-sbTft wrf wy Pwwrw ww 7 f wjt 

W>U»V I* fa RTTWT twfw faRTO wfaw T 17 TT 

1,00,000/' S5. 3ff5ffi f 

wV fWWT Wo 104 ^TfW, 15 W7%, ff?ffa?T 9?W>n 
W^rrq Jr ftnn | (tfir ?w% w r -rra’ w sut 

'jw wi w wfriw %) Tfw^TTtf arfijTrCr % unfair, 
imrfr ir wrwfta amm aifuffm i96i % aak, 

fW# 21 WTWO' 1986 

lff?W ^ wfaw WTWTT ipW WOT WTWR 
wftrow wt faq *rwfiw wri ny* u* wfr inti ny fwwwre 
v~v$ nit «n3»r f fa wwwfw krfm wn wfaw wmtT 
■ttfX, WW^ K TCOT IW liftw tf, iftf SSWUTW sfWr WiT 
wfwwTw f srfaw; y* sift brttw; (srerfa!) vfc twifaft 
(apwfafawf) w! «ffa iftf 3rwR7r tfi far* ww tot »iwt srfw- 
fiw fwRfwrww wywtw www wwnw fwfw if wi^Pww, 
ww w“ wfmw syt fan wm ft i;— 

(*r) wwitw f wX faift OTW wri tow w 
wfafrww wi *nft*r wit yJf w> arwrTWi w! wifarw 
if wft Hvwf wt www 1 wwri 1 if wfan ^ Pwn:; 

(w) Cflflr f^wft srw WT fajtft WT 3T1W m i P^Hp 
fspy 3 wroftw «trikt wfvtwr, 1922 
(1922 «BT 11 ) ht www arfwfWww, wr ww- 
w, arfvfwww, 1957 (1957 *n/27) < 

>nflwrn«f ai y i Pwft wwttt srwz nyf fwwT **\ 
nr wt fwiwr Tiwr wTfyw «n fWrf if ntwwr 
■S Pwtr; 

3rw: 3iw, www srfwfwinr wfl wm 269'W ^ wirwr 5 ! 
if, jf„ www wfwfiww ifil wrw 269-w wif wwwrw ( 1 ) 

« arVf fwwrfwfww arfwrf 1 — 

(WTifiTW 1 5, 1 908) 

( 1 ) «ft swJ 5 * s wf ifrwV, frwrwr wtw fwwriwri, 

n'sWff WfJ|TW I 


( 2 ) wo wk wrf fw?ww wrwfsw (wt® ), fw'°, 

115 www www, 1 eww^wwr wtwt wrw, wt 

fWfWt I 


wrf wy ww^w wrft wwfww wwrfw w wwfw w! fwt? 
wwfwfywt wrwt ?r 1 

www rmfw & sr^w wl if writ* »ft»*nwfw ■— 

(w?) |W WWWT W> WTWWW if WWTTWW «Bl WlftW t 
45 fww wri arwfw WT WTWTWkt Bwfwwwl IT 

l^WWT «b 1 wnftw it 30 ftw wri *rrfV., w^ifi 
anrN wtw if wwrcr yffl tff, ^ iflwr iwfww 
swtwwrf if w 1 frwft wrfww wwirr; 

(wr) tw twwT ^ TFsm if awww wri wrftr t 
45 ftw ^ iftwr www wiwr wmftr if fyw- 
wwv Pwwfr btfit arfww wwTTT arvfyrwiwft ^ 

«TTW fwfww if fwrr WT wwfifi 

wtclw or:—?wif JPrww w®rf «rfr «nrf w>t, wf www 
wiVfRrw ^ w«nir 20-w; if nfnnfiw if, 
y*, wyl «r*f yrtr wf ww *v*m if ftm 

WWT |*l 

WfCff^T 104 WT4H, 1 5 WTWT IffW WT HTW fwrffni^T 
Hffflkl iJ^iTtW fWWTT Slfawr fwWTUT Tfw^t- 

% ^Twfair, ^fTtq f rf^Twt riwr osie f?Kf5 
21-2-1986 IT f^TT I I 

if Vo ni5fo qgpT 

wstw srrfrFift 
WbRY 3)Tlf'f7T Sff^Wh* (faftawr) 
3!ww /w, 

fertwr : 14-7-1986 

ifr^T ;.\ 

*rr*T [II— 1] 

I tfafRu, I'ST^iR 6, 19*0 (WTffqr 1 5, 1908) 


(1) 'iT5f«rr (fros ^ath;, farrar, samr 

rrjrr, tritV, afoft, RTRR^ft 

srrTf, Sfwcft, ^TTRmR, ’<Wm ttfl, 

f-fR'j, *rrtt, ^~iw, mt r i f^ism—wr^^r 

iJSRfaf I 


( 2 ) to tfo tfo rri irsf^sr STTo fao, 

21-2 2 Tt?ST <%* RffaRTife Sjte, fit f?^ft I 


srwr sn^.d.tjfr.^.- 

armr 3rMmnr lf 1 96 1 (i96i 43 ) at) *rrcr) 

269-R ( 1 ) t? snfrr T[*prr 

*TTT5 4i 

*n4foPr, BfpnB smm sm^tr (ftrttoror) 

artff tar, 

ffcRRT, forfar 1 4 SpTrf 1 9 8:1 

fVtur t 0 3!rto rro ffto/q^To JJTHt^/42 7/85-8 6 — 
313:, ij£, sffo rr^fo sreft, 

arfRfmnr 1 96 1 (1961 «bt 43 ) (fart *snr 
wki; '^rt 3Tftrf^nT’ wr 5 ®), tiro 269-^ 
anfrr irew mfmfirtt asf, fareaW w isrcar 3 * ft: 
fc tht ttftr fanrar ^Ncr wr iw 
1,00,000/- V!. t urfmE 5 * 

?r> fanr/r to art? 4 tm 7 ftft tr ~r*u< t fas 3 I 
(tfft t?Tt oRT^ BlfJTJrft t tR ^ PR t RfVR 
I), Tfa,Tjf-5rTf afsT^tf % 744 fan RWR t UPttr 
31R5T 3lfafamr 1961 £ mfc, 2 1 Rpt, 1986 

rf RtfBRr tnrftr g? 3 fmr wrrc t **r ^ cnnmr 
JrftRRr ^ hro amftw <ti $* mf* int 45 frorrer a^t 
w ffiRiR 3 * ft: wiRtftfl tRfw ’tr gftnr «mrrc 
X W r, <r*ra WRtH SftfRRT t, Cjft WRRTfT RftfRRT RR 
JtfflW t jtrftra g* arf* 8RRR) (aRTTtf) St* 
(arejMmrt) eft ->iwu<n fan? mr 

RTVT R47 H'fflVnf, f'-i *^i Tm F*i mrsrW t 3W 3RT^W 

ffffrc it jmtfaro *R t «fif»TT R$T f^RT R47 If* f— 

(^) afmur t JTf* f^tf BTIR gmr, ^ 
$ artfk *rt rt ^ gf^c $ inf vn 
*t HRft tl Wt 5T«pf t- wfRVT « fro; 

(' t) rf'rff fttf 8T4R 47 P+tl *nr rt rr - ^nfRnt 
tit, fRf? 2 vrrFffc 3rnriR ^fvfRTnr, 1922 
(1922 tR 11) 47 ^cT 3)fRft4Tr, 47 tfR- 
*x :4f-4f=4TT, 1957 (1957 4R 27) 

^ Soffit 3RfTfttt ftTO Jfiff- faRjn 

RVT VT 4T fa'RT ^TRT VT, fVlt it 

tCftr*rr ^ fwi i 

arrvt^Trn ^ ijtyt 269 _4 t 4? 3T7"JTTnr 

atr RTtr 269't 4ff 3 Rrttt (j) 
^ Jrttr, frofrrf'w agft^pfi, 3f«rf^ ;.— 

8 —22 6GI/86 

trf tf rtti ami srt^ ftfw tnfn ^ artR ^ fani 
tRttrfpr ?;i 

arprftr ^ 3raft t t- trrt 1 tt «rnwt :-- 

(t:) re- ?rmn ^ tmcpt at jpetch ?tt nKlf t 
45 ftR *t» anrft 47 nrtttt mft q gr rt 
t^rt «tt crnfft t 30 tor »nrfV, at >rt 
3 RpfT RT t t~ tRlRT ^ftt gf, 3^ ttR 
arfiRPTr t- t ftRft wrttf wro; 

(«■) w 3^trt ^ TTm t- HtntrR it) tnlv t 
45 ftt ^ ttTR rnRT Wfl IRPlfTT t*- f|f1T- 
rtr fg^ft BRT wrfw ynrr, anttMTOrt) # 
RRr ftrfgra-1- ft^ an mtti 

WEt)«7®r:—^nf mnw tmT afrr Rtf «bt, aft ‘aw 

srfqfMmr, ^ 20-t: at R ftanf mr 

5*, tlfl art ft4T at mr ammr it fwr 

mn |*i. 


R^Rffr arft 4 ttu 7 ti Rr*iqT if fcm t f aRnrr 
aifrnF fmrtar vfa.-^V^f % 434 tr t 

twr 7463 fRRfR: 21-3-8 6 RR fR4T t I 

afro n^fo iaeff 

R^iR-r 3?rmFT sm'i (fntf^w) 
»a|R fh\ xt^r jar 




mT7WTTnr7a. farrcsn: 6, i$ae ( tis; i is, isos, rumr-Ul jtr 1 

iff, «nr*. d.i^T .qv.-— 

4nH»T affvf^m, 1961 (1961 44 43) 4ft 4TO 
269-* (l) 4 *4*r 

4TW 4SW1 

arnrar nn*** (frr^Fr) 

31*6 T3,', TTgrl V 

TffirT'r, fvif* 14aiqtf 1988 
f.-RW *'o a*fo it o rffo/rmo ^^ra/g/85-81— 
UK: *W, afCo uqo *j*t 

•a ' ♦ • 

uto arfVfrim, 1961 (1961 ^ 43) fare 1 Jinf 
4*45 3«r*T?[ ‘34* Brfvf^nr’ 4r$T im f), *ft 4rcr 

269-* *5 anfk *** inftrari't 4rf 4$ fa win 4* 

4,K«I (J* Psi WTTT ifaf*, P**** 3f4(fl 4NU4 *t*T 

1 m 00 , 000 /- *5. if srftra i 1 

*K fo**t * 7 ° *fa 90 * 6 r* 9 TfvKr "5 oot pr *t 
*t otk arm fi<> 6 <Rsre* n f?*re £ (sfr*: ?*ir?vtw& 

if sffT <juf * effort t), vf5T^^ i r 3>fsr*rft 
t •Wq’R’T, 5fF1WV% if *T7*1* *PT4*3)fafa*»7 1961 
% aisfnf fcwtr 11-3-1986 

•if <pff4* *htP* ^ 3P** 47411 *[W if 4T* 45 W4T4 
fffW* 45 P*T? «Rlfw 4ft 41* 15* 4ft 4$ f444 in 
4TTH 1 43 *37* ffi 447^^4* Unit* 4iT 3P4* 4T4K 
t^FH, 3m£ 4444R mPoW if, <flf W44T4 fftlW 45T 
4R1J SlffTO* if ®rfV4> 5* «tf* *RR45 («RIT4f) *ft 8RT- 
hsft (ar^rMfref) 4> Vhr ifif arerr* 4 ! fin? *4 4RT 
«I4T Sf*9T* P?Rf*P4* 344'3R if 3** 4*134 P*f4* 
4*" 4Rflf44i 44 4 «tN* 4ft PV*T 44T |* 4— 

(4i) 4*1114 if £V f4«ft 414 4^ 474* 344 

4fvf*T44 4 "iVR 4Tlf li 4*T4i 4 

411*414 if 4Tlft 4Rlf 41 3*lf 444 4*’ ftfVI 

4 f44; 4ft/*l 

( 4 1 if*fl fanft 3 tt 4 4t fanft h* 4i *r an P um l 
Vf, fane 1 RTlft* 4T445T mfvfR* 1922 
(’922 44 11 ) 41 *4* 3ffyf444, 41 

*t*sr* 4f4f444, 1957 (1957 43 27) 

4 ynfm'f ^ClfVcfl 44TTT S<£ t *1(jT f4T41 
mn 41 4T f4T4l 4T4T 4lffl? 41 fwrr* _1 
«1|TTVT «I f*4; 

4*: m, 34* 3Tf4f444 4ft 4T1T 269-4 4 3PRT14 
if, it, 343 arf4f444 4ft 4T1T 269-4 4ft 3441T1 (l) 
4 31#T, f4Rf*f* * arfWf, 44fl[ :— 

(l ) sft *:if^cT< fno f-4p 

t*z ara of f^rt i 

(ai3i v: it ) 

( 2 ) airtVej ^^4*0 *0 (4To) f^o 

*673 41*4, of fv?4t I 


«f 4f $44T wt 4iT^ t4f4H €WTfw «fi «?4f4 4 fiff 
<h i 4 4i fg4 i 17 1 

44 * #w < anhr < **414 4- 4riV *ft wnf* ■-- 

(4>) w irerei 4 irm if iram 4ft mnfar if 
45 f44 4ft 44fV 4T WWWoVt «4f444l 44 
H4T4T 4f) miff* if 30 f44 4ft 44f4 ( 4|f ifl 
44f4 474 if - HTTRT ijM ft, 4 tfKR 
4Tfwt if if f4^ft *4f4* 44TTI, 

(*) HT 1[4R7 45 WT4 if U4)I<H*T 4ft mft* if 

45 f44 4 ifan: 34* 14T4T HRf* if ffff- 
444 f4ilft 45* Mlf4* 44TO 44f|[«fT«T , t « 
*rnr fwfw* if f4n? *r n^if i 

wwtww:—4*lf 5HT4* IWf 4fl 44f 4iT, 4f 34* 
arfufR* 4 3TWTK 20-4> if Mfcm f n* 15^, 
4^t 4«f ffn ait 3* man* if- fnn tut f 1 1 


ireTf* ijfH' 90 *HT?1 9*7717 *T* |t $® 461 

pnft tart STRUT if ftejq | fi)**T 3lfsr* f447q 

.nt % 6 7fj|3^t ^Jirr 3527, 3529 

fe6f* 11-3-8 6 5’T f44T | I 

47 o IT^ o J3^t 

H'sfT* mftr*ifr, 
n?R4r 3JR*- an*** (foftw*), 
37*6 /*, 

f467 5 : 14-7-198 6 

tow ni—’Tn l] 

TOtd to fa^an: 6, 1986 (wte i5, 1908) 


W KT^ji *5^ Wjj Sli* » ■ 

WTO 19*1 (1961 m 43l WH 

WTO 269*^ (l) < *WTO 


TOrafaw, «5iwi to^w *rr»r*w (frrtiw) 

afad wfa, ftfriwr 
fadfa 3 0 Wd 19 86 

fdTOTf ffo 3)T$o tr° d1°/RFJ° i^i\Uj 431/85- 
86—3)3 ■ 1J3, aft° tfa 0 ^?ft, 

TOTOTOC arfVfVrtr, 1961 (1961 TO 43 ) (frof wrof 
TOP*> mmr ‘aw wfarWTOr' wro |*), toi tow 
269-w ef apftr wrow snfwft aft ^ fWw dutf to 

ww 5* fo stowt TOwfirr, fwipro dfror wttot hw 

1,00,000/- TO. Blfro $* 

u\ C fadft ff'o dfd 3 dtdT 9 Wl W fOTd 

ft faH jqrw ai^wf f s/ftyif toi % wfwa ft), 
TfafijtTOrf 3)fdTO/H TOwfaw wtoth* if TOrofhr totopt 
aifsriwi, 1961 % 3ltrX ffdfa 21-3-198 6, 

3rf tpfacf wwrfrr ^ gfVd totot ipw tot w> wr 
srffnflsr <tf faqr 3|-^if<3 art wf if afa inf fmmr 
4><.*f to toot 5 * fV TOrppfwd d4f\i to 'jfdd «u«m. 

TOW, dTOf «HTOT SffdW tftf WTOT SfPflW TO TO 5 ?[ 
sifroi 3if9^ $ afrc sRmp (wuiif) afrc 3Rif^ 
( a rerfa Pdf $ rtw aRTOT *6 fro* dw otto 

iftren fjwffiifw «ww fafww f 

-nwfw w 1 *tm aft hm wi |* ■— 

fa) 3RTTOT d 1 £Tp fTOft TOW oft TOW, OT 
arNfdW zfi 3 T#r «R ^ ^ SRtTOK ^ 
wrfaw if <pft W to 3*ref wroP if ^[Ptto 

* &w; 

fa) qj ?f fatfr «ror to ffatff tot to to? mfwitf 
wrf prof 1 wroftw towwt wNfronr, 1922 
(1922 « 11) TO 6W WMTOW, TO p- 
*% ^Nfrow, 1957 (1957 «r 27 ) < 

I H f aM l if ?TOtr JTW Rft fWT WTO 

TO TO ftWT TOTO TOflR TO, fW^f ^ ^fTTO 

< M; 

TOT. ** 3 TOT aftvt^TOT Wrt WTQ 2 G 9 -W 4 TOWI 

if-, t, toitt wNfrorw ^ wm 269-^ vthkt (i) 
4 TOftw, Nufofiw ■w fro »< ) wfq; ■— 

(1) rtot to rr, d?qv prd afield 
fffo—TOdJT 3go ^TOltd I 


( 2 ) JT° dfo /to ROT OWTsf 3To f^fo 

21-22 6^751 cq-g- TOfdTO^ T^tT 

dt f^ft I 


wrofrofiwf wrsro f:r 

tow mfw wVw 4 TOHrw f vft to#( c— 

(*)) |W TOTOTT < WWW W*" 1WI4 Wrt TOWUf 4, 

45 ftw wrt TOrfSr to nwroVY mPwwf 

towto ap't drtW 30 fror 4>1 srwtv, 

wtv TOW if WTOW jM ?/, w! *ftdw TOffTOT 
nrfronif if tWt wrfw wrow; 

(w) nr ^ron * wrronr w*- tortot «t drdw 
45 fror < iftwr tw «m wwrfrr if fprwrof 
fwft tow wfw pm wvitpRnwRft ^ ww 

fdfw if ftfd TO waff I 

wwrtwrww :—wrof TOTTOT TOWl wfw «!Wl W, wf Wl 
wiNtronr 4 totow 20 -w if sTwv ifww 
t f *tl TOf ftTO TOTOW f fWTO 

TOTT ^*1 

WlRffr 3 TOdT 9 aft drdJT ir ftdd ft fa war 

3)fawi fawr wfa^l^d? % OT-afarw ijroriw Jr rfa^V 
W®TT 7455farfa 21-3-19 86 9T faro ? I 

wt o ij?f o <gcfl 

wsnr arfawt 

H^ra-ap 3)R=P7 3jTTOf3 (fa^STW) 
3)^d fw, ff^dT 

f^dfa : 30-6-1986 

lff$W : 


W tNW, femtC <3, 1986 (tflW 15, 1908) 

tfr4-III4<4 l 

fWMngVtf .<**. cpr.- 

•ITW «tMTO>T ( 1961 (1961 W 43)' 41 

8TCT 269-8- (l) 4 ®4g ^cgr 

*rror «T4n 

aprofm, ggiw; arrow: 3nirw (fVterr) 


flgHT, 3 0 W 198 0 

fn^r go srrfo qo gfo/rog^o ijwm/43o/85- 
86— m: m, gto ago jsreft, 

«nwg aifnfgw, 1961 (1961 851 43) (fatf w4 

w4 win; 'wi arMwg' «pgr wt 4), 41 8ttt 
2 & 9 - 8 T "li wft? 1 W*T HlftKiKl 8rf JTH fTPTRT Wf W 
«rr«r 4 f4 wr mrofwi, fwwr gfw fianr *[W 
1,00,000/- v:. 4 arfw; 4 
4kfgg4r go ^jfg 5 *ftgT 2 fgwr aft gro^r if fcw 
£ (sfft roil T'TTSRT af^ft if xflX 'jnt w ir 4w 
£), vfg^ift i: qggfgg if mroffg 

aggw arfafam 19 6 1 % aiEftg fVgt^ 20-3-86, 
4i <i4w imfm 4 gfw wror* 4 wtor 

4TOi 4 SRrf^T 41 «l4 4 aift *4 *Tg fwi«f 
wf m wm if f4 irvrttfw tfqfg «sr g fw mrrr 
gw, gg4 swgig srf!?pw 4, tfif «wgig gfim w 
«tkrj irfiffura if btIHto 8 * , 3 rfr 3 f^R 85 (aRR 4 f) arfg 
BRrfrrfl (aRrfrfWf) ^ ^ qV argpcro 4 fgq m 
mr »nn srfgwr, fwWw gnrw 4 gw «Rrw 
r<nffn 4 giwfwi w 4 8ifw qfT fwn wt 8* e— 

(*) IRW 4 fj* 878 4} 8TW, «W 

arfKfww 4 anftf 8 tt *4 4 «mrw; 4 
Wf8W4wftwfgi gvtfwtf 4 7[fwT 
4 f*K; irfV«rr 

(») 44 fwlt am 8T fwft w 8T am anfKPfl 
qrf fggj 3 groltg sngw arfgfggg, 1922 

(192288 11) 8T3W arfvfTtnr, 8TV8- 
wx arfgfwg, 1957 (1957 88 27) 4 
mfaRT'f Wflftrft WKT 5TW ggT fWTT 18T 
81 HI fWTT WT8T *TT, fWTRf 4 ^P8yr 
4 Nt« 

wj «tt, gw arfvfwg qfl «mr 269-8 4 a r w 01 
4. 4, gw arfq ftm 41 vkt 269-8 41 gr«mr ( 1 ) 
4 apftr, fTpeiMw sqfwqf, apqfir :— 

(1 ) ro^’-rr f4ur^;m, 

fa° 1 


( 2 ) 8° gfo IT^To tiqio feo 21-22 glTST 
q-rf^inife' xfrz, gf fw^fV 1 


8 T? 8 g ^w r 8 r1 «bx4 <{4w gtqfrT 4 «r4r 4 fsn? 
w4nf?4 giwr 5:1 

gw gprfvr 4 «r4r 4 gn^v 4 w4 4 «m4r :— 

(8J) w 4 xrrrr 4 srwanr 41 irTr'hsr 
45 Pw 41 wfv ig w4Wr wrfw4f rx 
^WT 41 ?rr4g if 30 fw 41 *rorfV, nf 4 
3 rN Wf 4 mw gM gf, 4 *fart <prfw 
4ml 4 Pwft rarfw wkt; 

(c) w^rwi 4 Trarw 4 jt^thh 41 itrIw if 
45 fw 4 4^ gw tor 4rf4r 4 f^erwn 
f44 apar aqfw 84TTT 314^11^41 4 TRT 
fgfgn 4 fw? 8T g44i 

ww’hsw :—stt 4 snrw «sr«4f <k 1 g, <4 gw 
arftrfgw, 4 arum 20 -^ 4 qfwrfw 
5 s , «(g1 4 w 8«m 4 Pwi 

wt 4 1 

nwfxT gfg 5 gfgr 2 f 4 % aft giwr if f^s, | 
f^rwiT 5 iftrqr fwrw Tfu^rwf % wqfcw ijwf-4 if 
Tf^Tf^t g®rr 7456 20-3-86 sx fwr | 1 

4o tr^fo JJRff 

garg snfeRTTft, 
gKrgg arraw argw (fwlarg), 
35ofg gar, Tf^gqr 

ftgrg; 1 30 -G -1986 

gt?i. : 

Mill—*"* l] 


4T4T TT1PM, f4T*4: 6, 1986 (*TsTI* 15, 1908) 

(1) mf/4 fttm firf, wpt fiwi, 

4*—*prcrart ^T’TM i 


(2 ) 4 rrifT fMrr jmM 

£rmr fafsmr 4mi4r 4*, 

’T^lia I 


•warn iNfamr, ige 1 (1961 W 43) *TO 
2 <sn-w (i) wt anffr iropq 

iror «twK 

%wferii', -Fpra 3mm amnw (fyftemr) 

srsf-r rsf, 

ftga t, fa4T i o ^ni 19 8 6 

ffT^5T<T5o 3JTfo tfto/rnpTo n?4*/425/85-86— 

3?a.‘ ijfff, 4° n'“° 

ITO •rTxftnnr, 196 I (l961 w 43) {f*4 f*4 

i«4 wise ‘sw iNtror* nr m I*). *1 ktoj 
269-* 4 iVk m srNwtf *t cf fwra M w 
«rw f* wnr mfir, fnm if** mrc »r*r 

1,00,000/- Vi. 4 arfro 3 s 

%iix fawt 4° vjf*r 2 6W5f s TrT% 4r u-trsfr if 
fc«ra £ (?fV<?*rir g-qaw ai^*t if 4 ;t mr % 4*71 

f ) 31 fW'Flff % 4mrfsW *34* if *rmr4 

arpm aifafmm 1961 % llfa, fcat'.T 17-3-88, 

•frt cpfw m*Tfw 4 uN* nm if <n 4 •**nrr«r 
4Wr 4 Pm? srarfw *1 *4 «rf^ 

*rif m fowra 

4fbf <BT WT* 5* f*4 irVl^Tw twfff 45T vjNfl 4MK 

iinfl «*mmr srfuw tf, qV wm sfrrosr w 
Jrfmjpr 4 if** 1 * rflr iws (4rt4f) sfR 
(btmWW) 4 4W 44 *Rrr«r 4 P*o mr <ttct «rt 
ifinn, freTf i f w r «?4w 4 m **m fit** 4 

<nwf4« k, t ^ sr|E*r fam *mt ?* ;— 

M WW 4 ut M Wt *1 IMVr TO 
iCifm 4 wlk wt 44 4 tot? 4 
w km + «rt» it i*4 i* 4 4 Tffm 
4 fifj 9^/m 

( 1 ) «f4r fi4t «rw it mr 1 in mfwM 
if, f*< iroft* nr-m *Nfa**, 1922 
(1922 w 11 ) it in iNfwww, m 
iff- W iMm, 1 957 (1957 W 27) 

4 s*fw*f ***t*ft pm m 1 ^ fm 
mi* fm wit wBk it, fm4 < 
Tjfm 4 Mi 

urs n, m ii 'if n* «1 iro 269-w 4 nim 

0,1f, 3W arftrfmM aff mr 269-* ll OTtTTTT (l) 

i ar4k, fHHf'Hfw sifwrf, »mftr:— 

*f n ml Ml inftr 4 wftr 4 M 

mflTrjpTf HUT t ,l 

m mrfn 4 *4* 4 44* if- M* 41 w#v »— 

(*1i) W ?T**I ^ TTSTT* #" M'WPT *f ft Wl't'ffl' ?f 
45 f5* 4 t arfn# <r 

*r*pn Tmfl* 4 30 fs* ^ 8)*t*, *t aft 
aRftfiT*^ mm* ^fcft ?f, 4 vforr <{aN* 
arfBRPlf If if (Wt 54 M* 54KT ; 

(*) 5 * mmn 4 tr** 4" msm 4t ard* 4 
45 ter 4 sfarc *w wm mafw #• f^qwr 
PaRTff 3RT Rfaw ?m7T 4 iW 

f'Tfgn 4" fnx m g4M i 

wsWn :—w4 to TOf sift qi4 jbt, aif amr 
srNfmm, 4 ar«n* 20 -^ 4 44nf4r 
ai^t *4 ^Mt, if 3 * srwnir 4 fm 
nm 1 

mTfrr tjf* 2 6 wra a 4 t 4* if 

fi?n I f^Tirr 3)%i7 Mq-taT % amrfsm 

TrmTM if WIT 7308 fort* 17-3-86 <R f^TT 

i > 

if o t^ST o 


ww simtr (fm/rurT) 

31^4 T4 tt$a47 

: 10-7-19 86 
4|T : 

2 2542 

WKcTTW TRW, f^TP5n: 6, 1936 (WHTW 15, 1008) 

[W1W III—1 

8 VT Wlf* L .j tVlJT .’ Iff 

(1) ’sftTTW, TwYTTW WIH %3T1W 
f*T O -WTC'-WTW'K 0 0 y*WTW | 


( 2 ) 4° 3>yow T^rwg 4o fa 0 - 24 - 4*711 
^ww, -it ftipjft 1 


am* iMsm, mi (1961 w 43 ) 41 *m 
269-* (1) 4 *wr 

am n«rc 

Rrofaw, w^m; snww: anw^r (farfaw) 

3R> TW, t^tt 
f^wr, faqw 10 wwrl 19 86 

fa^WWSo ijo ^o/t^^3^lf^T/426/85-86-- 

3^q: WW, 4Vo WH° qpjfV, 

urum atfafayw, 1961 ( 1 96 1 an 43 ) (f*tf *wif 
tw4 mn[ 'aw wfMfwrw' wp w (*), ^ httt 
269-w 4 wtfrw wot snNarci wf from arwf $w 

«rw ?* fat Pim OTifrr, fawarr afw writ fw 

100,000/- Tt. 4 arfTO $ 

V)X faw4V W o 'Jjfa 1 7 afar 14 fa*% 3|> VPJJT W ftw 

% saw a'tra® ar^ftt *t wk yn *>t w qf«ra |), 
Tfa^lTWf aftm7>% '•OTtOT, ^intw ii WTTWlW sow* 
afafWTW 1961 % atfk, feiT-p- 5-3-1986, 

*x? yffw tnwfn 4 afarcr writ wwr w anr 4 mnna 
srfWw 41 Pwo[ w^rfaw aft m* 4 gc w4 farwTw 

4TT5f «BT WTTW fat WWiyrfw WWfal W WfW 4RTT 

ipw, aa4 a nr uH jfwt 4, if4 w ot r srfnvw w 
<«j irfaw a 1 af** 9* 4rr «nncn (4wrart) 4ft 4afoft 
:(4qfaf wT) 4 »f fa iftf 4 wtw 4 fan? qw win* wr 
afanw, fHHfatfaa awTn- aw 4 wtw Pafyq if 
wqftro aw 4 aifarcr fann wt ft t— 

• a* ^wr wrrt arc4 twh* 4 wb[ 4 fan 

q>pfcnf?af wwt £i 

aw iRfw 4 wfr 4 wwrw t 4tn' >*) mtwx :— 

(«) w 4 wnr 4- jRim 4^ ?rr(ta % 

45 wqfw WT TOfa^ft s^f^RmT 3T 

X 4rt qprfk 4 30 tor «? *nrfv, at «ft 
m if- otfct i/uft ff, 4 »f|qt y4w 
•iPwal nf" 4 fanft «qfw ffijor: 

(W) W IpWT 4 TT’SPT’T tT SROT? 0K?<9 W 1 

45 4 *ftq^: arc wm OTifn 4- fipj^pc 

terfl ott »rfw ?aro antiftwrerd 4 «mr 
fatarr if fasu *t a44» 

wartwtn :~f{nf snrqq snaf 1 ' arfr irf jpt, at aw 
afwfOTn 4 3r«nw 20 -*b 4- T hy i f «i a 
i! 4 , «nf ?hT at aw snwiw if hn 

WT 15* I 

(«) yarcw a o 1 haft wr 4 ttw, : m 

wMaaa 4 a* 4 wraa 4 
aihw 4 - wft »3?f 4T airt ^ 

4 fw^; iftx/at 

(a) tf# hrcft anw tt h?ift vw tt ana arfanrt 
art. hrT wroffw •nw-m; aNhwir, 
1922 (1922 a* 11) 4T wa aTahmr. 
tt wr-^i: afwhww, 1957 (1957 «r 27J 
4 awrawpt wwihifr fam ha« w«n 

*r tt hiwi wtwt amgrr «n, fanw if whvi 
4 hflll 

ww: wt, aw whtfaww att wm 269 -t 4 w w- w 
if, if, aw arfMhinr wl wnr 269-a - aft aaviTr (i| 

4 anftr, hiahrhra safwirf, arafw :— 

wpt% «jhr 17 41wt 14 fa?% wt 'TT^ w ftw 
| fwwPT 3?ftrTrfw7.w % wrfaw ywiw 

tr Tfsr^t wwr 7049 fwt^r 5 - 3-1986 tt ftrwr 
I 1 

ITWo wwt 
WOT TTftrTnxV 
W^TIRI 3)<m 31TW4W (fiRlMW ) 

3IOT T«r, ft^oip 

fVwt^ 1 10-7-19 86 

Wt^T : 

aia hi— ij 


w\ o«*, fg-jsrc 6, lass (mm is, l»os) 
8 W ———. (1 ) <sft Ttimx , vft 

K 5 am 3F 
fa°—H'tqjr ®o ^imt^ 1 


(2) jfo 3iqr?rr ws iruy ^rgfwa ^0 fao 21- 
22 q’JrST <OT, sate fcwft 1 


mwr atvt»m, tool (ieoi «i 43) afl aro 
269-W ( 1 ) 4 W*K *WT 

WJI IJifl 

anaftpr, tjiggj awarr (far^am^ 

asfa T3T, fr^F 
TtfK, fcwrF 10 1986 

fw^HTWo 31#° tTo tftojxr^ 432/85 -86— 

go: aft® crpro wxf, 

•rr*n*!T arfvfwr. 1961 (1961 «T 43) (f^ 

W 4 «nmrc ‘ww afafamr' «fr wt f ), art vm 
269 -* 4 anflw m arPwtf arf 45 Pawrcr an 
wren f H **nar umfn, Pagan gfw aran; w 

1 ,00,000/- 33. 3tft^ f 

srk fsrarn ?fo «jfg 4 aftrn 13 / 3/4 fwr at ffr^T 
JrfV*R | (trk vrftmrrsra: a^«fV Jr til? ^opscr Jr 
af«iri |), afsmft % anafwg »mrfa if 

gnata arw arftrf^^r 19 6 1 % a?sfV«T fcutF 

21 -3-1986, 

cf «(aTw imfm cNg aiarr *pg 4 ar* 4 maw 
rfWa 4 Pw OTrfw *1 if f *f< 
•tf, a* fawnr 

•WV 4ff aflW f* Pf> iPn^gTw awPw aiT gfVa aWlT 
^W, Wl 4 4 M 4 M ufailfi 4 , fl' WHHI 4 irfllTOW 4 ff 
aw? afgw 4 aPaar |* 4rr 4m (ifarafl) *ftr ifafgrft 
(awfafrtf) 4 4Pa <(Sf ggrjar ^ vr im <m 
wftnw, PataPgfw ana^aa 4 gw «rerta Pafw f 
awafaw w * «Pw anT fam aar 1* *— 

W! aww 4 ti* fasrft ara art aiw aw gfg. 
ffga 4 aV^ w a*4 4 awr* 4 aifa^a 4 
m* Wtf ax w4 aw4 * ffwr 4 f?n* 

(w) q*ift fwft aw in w in aw aif Kiof 
ar*„ fyif 3 wmfar anrarr afvfwa, 1922 
<1022 "w 11 ) *rr aw afvfwa ar w 
m afatwa, 1957 (1957 w 27) 4 

ff4WT4 fWTTT SP(Z fa^T wi 

ar ai fwi am arfu? ar, fwia 1 f rfam 


W: w, aw afvfwr fl vkt 269-a 4 anaw r 
& t f afvfaw afl vkt 269-^ aft aav ro ( 1 ) 
4 anflR, fawfafw w f w a f , aaftf ;■— 

^r 1 ^ avn <pTw awfw 4 3T5fJr 4 f^rti 

w4ai|) win |^i 

*w iwtw 4 w4a 4 ^ ant* 41 awfa ;— 

(«) w ^fawT 4 rnprf f swipr aft w n V 4 45 
fw w*t aarfa 4 t nwnWY wfWat w avn 
art m4hr 4 30 fw art aafa, af 4i aafa 
aw f w w fM |f, 4 4hrc tfm 
wfanaft f 4 fWr wtw aara: 

(a) fa ^aai 4 anm f aawaa art tmftm 4 
45 FW 4 rthrt aw am 4afn f ffn- 
afa fa41 aw wfw faro mJrfRnanrt 4 
anr fafw f fan? ar a4Vi 

warWwi—f ff4~^ inr w arwl aftr aal anr, at gw 
afafaaw 4 aaw 20 -ai f af irn fag 
t, Wt ffar af g* awa f frai 

•tar ff*i! 

^jfw 4 13 / 3/4 fam 3 ft if 

fwg t fsnr^T aifsrqr fsR,-<«T vf^^f % arrafaa 

?im 7 45 4 f?^rt4T 21-3-86 tRfczrr 

I I 

afo rr f^o jygfy 

wot sTTfer^Tr 
w^rw^ iTR'-F? (f^iTTOW), 

5?3fq- x^ r Vt^iSF- 

fOTF : 10-7-1986 



fw«f III—1 

sra «i tnm, fewssr-: e, i*»s 15 no a) 

(1) t’Ffrr^fr fao, tmwirr m, 

fa?^fr i 

('<a?R ) 

(2) tr^j?T fao, TT-^- 2 , 4 M 1 J #J, 

-if f^fat 1 


qw fit*., rt. «Pf- q« - 

nWTK ^fvtwn, 1961 (1961 w 43) «ft 
vro 269-4 (1) 4 •r'fa 4441 

wnw 44*14 

W"NH, 614*1 41444 (f4XWf) 

4^*, f*4hr 4 197 6 

fatlTITo gnfo p O ?fto/rT^ro f?^rt/i7/85-86— 
m: sfto 440 srgft, 

4T4*4 *lfvf44i1, 1961 » * 96 1 451 43) (P4if W? 

rniq; ‘■d'W <6^1 441 ff) » 4ft VTTT 

269-«r 4 spfrr m mN fn d 4? 4arf *r 

4IR4T ?m IVT4T CPrfTT, ftr fff. T ¥fV4 414TT fW 
1,00,000/- Ti. arfv* 

«fh fanraft if ° 20 4414, i 2 *n?j)T unr arc ^m^rr 
*r?si4q? it ft«Tct | (tfk 'sm gwrsrs aj^rsfV 
Jr sfK tjof |), Tf^f/tcTrrf ^ftr^r/r r, 

qrrffav, fa?m if m'effrr arfaffan, i9ri 
% aisftrr, fafa* 14-3-86, 

irf ^4T«w envfn 4 ¥Nn 4i4u ipwr if *n 4 wvurir 
4fWr 4 Pm* furifar 4ft vt* 5* atfc; ^ 4f f roii r 
4sqif 651 4snw 6* f* rotn *r iNra 4T4re 

*[w, to! dwtir srfVnrci if, ^ kot srfirw *r 
srf ircn if arfv* if nfe afire* («iin*f) 4fe 
4ufeeft (arat tauf) 4 4K iff *rcrrq 4 fm* ir qrcr 
641 atcrcir, fWnItrcr g ytv if *44 «rw fgP t i 

+ 4IHIF445 66 if *f*TCT f*41 441 f* T— 

(*) 44J4* if IT* fWl *14 4ft IM, ¥44 

«rt4ft44 4 *rfri *T fV 4 #6T* 4 

4lf4l4 if *lft 41 ¥44 44* ^ ffm 

^ ftnr; arfr/vn 

(wj 1 q'eft 416 6T r«n«fi V6 in arar snfunil 
*f, NrT 6TOfl6 676*T uNf^ni, 1922 
(1922 *1 1l) 61 36^ arftifs-qTT, !n 

4W-WC 4 M m , 1957 (1957 «r 27) * 
smfarrrf ^crT'ccO ^ittt ^ fori »i6i 
4T 41 f*4T 6141 4lf|q 4T, fWR 1 irfiTVI 
•i fiTO; 

are - : 4W, 34H «tfvfrim d VTTT 269-4 «fi snrHT»T 

v 6 -, tf-, arfvtwv vft vrt 269-4 vft ^rvro (i) 
*S anftir, FrofuNn srfvnvt, apfric :— 

*t 4f ip WT unft *rrt 4*4fw < «nfv < 
45l ^4l(^4f 4[¥ *TBT |f I 

¥44 444fn ^ v^r 4 «iar«r «f- frit* >ft «nwt :— 

(*) w 44 ?t 4 wn if- xvm fft urtW 4 
45 fw fftv 4i amvWi «qffinft <n 
tfvr fft imftw 4 1 30 ftpf fft arvfv, 4r sft 
Wirfv •w’ if nvrsi (jrfift iff, 4 iflire 

4- 4 fwft *ff*?r ^vro; 

(*) tn if44i 4 irm 4* 4*144 fft mthr # 
45 f4v 4 nftire aver mi tfprfn if ft 4 * 
4f4 finft «4f44 44TTT, 4VffWTOff 4 414 
ftaffn f- fro 6T irfWi 

wl fH W :—imf 514TR1 ffsri arfr 44l 451, 4t ¥*» 
4fvf444 4 arwnv 20-45 if ifOTlftTI 
t, 4ft apf ff4T, 41 ¥4- TO1T4 «f 
hm *141 I* » 

2 0 WR, 1 2 ifTIfl '*rfiT, ^ft 414 WK'Trft 
nso 4^44^ t fsiTTrT ajfn^fvfTUT Tfla^rrff 

^4714^44, rffl^tlfWTr 5 3 8 14-3- 

86 43: f441 t I 

vf ° tt^t o 

ersTJi infsirref, 
irsrqT 3C14RTC *>:t^ (faeterq) 
3i^4 T^r, f[?bT 

: 4-7-1986 

fr^c : 

vrv III—■'* ll 


VTCa VT 7TVTV, RnrfTC 6 , 1986 (VTffqT 15, 1908) 

iw vnT.z1.qT-.qv.! ~.i— 
vnm Brfvftnnr, isei (1961 m 43 ) 

4i vtu 269-^t (1) 4 anfrr itwt 

mjw ism 

mnifvni, nqurer anwc v inw (NfUrv) 

am TGf, Tt^^r 

fa'-fW 30 W 19 86 

fv^rtfo 3nt° 3 ° irfo/^RijwR/ 429 /85-so— ■ 

3)0: *[£, «fto TT^fo gift 

vnm vtvfrqv , 1 96 f (1961 m 43 ) (fv4 qvif 
Iir4 trmnt l; aw vfvfspnf wqr wr q*), vl vro 
269 -v 4 mfk ironr snNmft ^f, faiVTir *n?f m 
w q* f4 ivm mvfw, fiwalVr vtttc wh 

1 ,O0,000/-T7. if vf*Pti q 5 
sfrc favrvf ff° 3 nr or 8 fainr vfar, hut wfy, ok° 
ijfirfa if ftw | ( c flV- qn-irirrnra a-r^vt if sfls; 70 ' 
¥7 v nfara t), TfRfrwf arfVmr 4 m-irfan, 

iTfiTR Jf VTTvW afrr^rr a’fETfppR 1961 % 3Isft*T, 

fwrv 21 — 3—8 s, 

vrf *prfw snvfzr 4 ijTvq vrtc tw if mr 4 ivwih 
tfVrov 4 Nrq vrrftv vrt vq* vf* »c4 uq f4nnv 
msf m «rv t to vurfVr *r vNsr vnrr* 

ipr, gir4 wn:-* if, Tfif wihh srfirm 4 

rw stvw 4 vfVK q* vfi vvitv ( « r * i rwf ) vf* 
Ifv^sfr (•fflfifrmf) 4 4hr tf4 mvw 4 fvq zv vnn 
vit sriWr, ftnvfafviT if gw ar^mr fVPw 

if xrratfV* m * wNsr nqt ftevuvr q* f— 

Jvif wrsv if (cq* toift vrv zrt imr, ?w 
vNfvw 4 w4pt m: 44 4 *pvt« 4 
zrfvnr V" mft vr>f ur w*f ?v4 if- ntwr 
4 Nrq; vfs/wi 

fv) fwnft vnr wi fvrtft si it !R v rf i v zl 
4r JV* 1 wnft? vtvztt arfxfsmr, 1922 

(1922 m 11 ) ITT VTS VfVfmi, «n w- 
*RT vf^tov, 1957 (1957 m 27) 4 

5 nfiv5Ti*f mvfzift ?zttt srqt fmrr tzt 
TT ZT fmTT VFT Vffqq «TT, rww 1 if- vtrvr 

4 fvqi 

mr? w, 3w vfvforv *1 vro 269 -v 4 wvvt^ 

if, if, arf^fow afi't UKT 269-V afft gWHT (l) 
4 snftir, P^rf^rfw nrfwifr, araftr :— 


( 1 ) m W ttit 3-0 ittot, 

tirvffr ^aftirv *ft qum , 

fwrvV-—o?qT r ) r,-g 0 3 WT? 1 

(2) ifo s'to sffo rnry rr^flrq jtt^ 

fife, 21-22, orfTis '•^rir, qiProTifcr ?^tz, 
Hi 1 


vf vq gw vnrt ^wfm vwrfrr 4 mfv 4 fvq 

CTWrf q nf TOT q^| 

im invOv 4 anfv 4 wrv if ufq 1 tflr vnfV :- - 

(v>) sv 4 irw if srimw off irrfN- if 

45 fw oft aRfv in nwwi^tft arfvmff «r 

itwt w imftir if 30 fzv arafv, off iff 
vvtv vw if vv-rt qrfcflr qf, 4 ifnrr 
«tfwnf # if f^ift wrfw qvnr; 

(vr) qv i[vvt 4 zimiv if svrrw zrt zrftv 4 

45 fw 4 iffm; gm f»rm irarfeir if fqinrav 

fmff vr -rfit! qvm wrqitnttrfi 4 <m» 
fg-fver if Til w4if I 

uTTf^w:—qinf vnw vwrf afri: wf m, 4- w 

vfvfmv 4 wnv 20 -v if vfi>n1Vr q* 
vql vV |fVi 4 w v«nv if f'wr «mr 

Rrq’ffr 3 sftvi, 8 fvRr iffir, 3fr opt fti^i: 
05 ° irwto - if ffw t i 
f\-;i afjoT fwTv 4 ^irfriT, ij^irfa 

if rf^nfft 7mr 7 4 5 8 fviT^ 21-3-86 fl fWf 

t I 

IJI^o JgT^f 

mTH VTfvmft, 
IRPT7 atW olTiRl (foffWW), 
3 i3t-t for, frqn^ 

fwt’T : 30-6-1986 

ifrqi: ; 

225 46 

wrw vr*nnw,ftra*** e, mo (irrTq-? 15 , i#os) 

[wj in—me 1 

stuft ^Ti t . 2 ?.q?T.qn(r.-j r-r-T-^r-r-r-r-i 

3TTT7R srfvfrRTT, 1961 (1961 «BT 43 ) 
tirn 269 *T ( 1 ) $ tpfta Wmt 


«rafypT, ytypinw «w f ( wrqsn (fqrl ff m) 

arsfar i‘«r, 

30 197 6 

f:#i?r 7 ra 35 T 1 r 0 q° ^'Vo/lT^ 5 J?»rN , / 428 / 85 ~ 86 — 
m: ?to tr^To ly^rV, 

•nwt: Brfufqmnr, 1961 ( 1 961 wsr 43 ) (fwtf fwtf 
yypf «twrt ‘^tT Kt^nm’ yin 

269 ^r $ anft? wi snfv«hrd *tf xn[ from *sy«f jet 
«T ttrr 5 * f*w p*rr«rr m*rf?r, f*w giVr tor 
1 , 00 , 000 /- yf *rfV 43 |* 
srk fsrayrt fr» njfa 2 11 fa# # rrrq gr if 

it fc«r?r | (nr>. tvi# gnisns af^yt f wfir ng 
% gftm I), vf^t-fn'r jufrnrvi % grrufanr, ^nfa 
3r inxiffar 3 mm atffjftriPT 1 se 1 % ararto, fW# 


qyfw irtqfw ^ trot: qw hr ;£ ottur 
srfnpT^r 4> farq aRifm if arfy 
^ 4? fwn n* 4nr«r j 1 fy nr 
qarfayr yrirf#- 47 3farcr rorc wri, m*? owpt srftr- 
m yf <fyf wtor rfror >bt q^ai srfWr yf arf»re> f *frc 
mm (afaiaf) «rfn afafyyft (ifnf ^pri*-) ^ ^ tfy? 3 #- 
m $ farq mr irt mrt stIWt, fnRTfarfan gjrtv yf 
3 *f?t sr?TRr farfuyr if 4rcrfRj w yf afifarcr in^f f^n 
»nrr r 1 i — 

{*) to r o* ww 4f» ym, wr 
i "nfrr < to it 

frfw if *pft 3# nr 37# mi if 

H fistq; «tft/*y 

(%) q/f fawft «tpt tt fayft «rT nr m anfmnf 
irroftyr srnffln arf*1 fn 14 tt, 1922 

(1922 ^t 11 ) nr ajflyfnw ^ 

suran arfVfim, 1957 (1957 27) 

^ SnrfsiRHf 3F3ft?r 5^RT 5RZ fW 

»RT ■>rr irr f4wr ym tnf?q »n. if 

< fVq; 

3W.1 3R", OTT srNfRlT ^ KRT 269-iT ^ mHyH.«l 
if, if, 3W 3rfttfnm vriy 269-^ irytTm ( 1 ) 
^ anfirr, frRfnrf^nr arf^mnf, anrfq i;— 

(1) «ff tt jf vs «ft ^rfra-'r h.pTi «pV ^ r T 

fno 9 T«T 5 r 1 


(2) y» ^fr iW q 11 ? tpRirf f=fo 

21-22 •<t ^7 ^7 OTfiTlif: rfz ■ nf 1 


* wrd tftm 4 mbt % f«q 

ynf^Tf^nt yr^ wmi £ 1 

ots g prf yr < <r^f 4 l ^ «frf vft vrt*' 

( 4 ) m «B wnr if s^m ^ mfta n 

45 fW ^ 3 Rf*r 4 T aon^'-f r-^Terl tt 
ypyin nuft^r yf 30 fw -rt mfv, utf ift 
3 mf«r if mrr<r ffeft ff, 4 vflnx ^47 
34 fW 4 t if yf f^yff Rf^r f 4 RT; 

(17) ^yr ^ yRtpr if jrasm ttI yuffr yf 
45 f^r ^ yfiranc w ymrftr if 
fyr^V *nr «riVf T<mnr srvfKWTirfi 4 tw 

fsrfynr *f IVq *n 1 

yn gH ~Rt :—surf tnr^xr ywf 3ifr ^ 47 , syf 3nn 
*if*ir>Rii , ^ 3TRR 20 -m if qfnmNf 
if, «nf p*tt tyf ar«nir if fcm 

«tWT p* 1 ' 


yppyfyr ijfir 2 sffqrr 11 fwr yft f fysrq 

| fssrirpr afErnfr^ Tf^r :ai ^ 

f i-fGPFfl WT 74 60 fvitv 21-3-80 77 f<74T t I 

^fo rr^o 


-717 57 ; 3 U 774 (f^tftfr 1 ! ) 

313 f;T T«f, ft^T 



22 5 4 7' 

4TS III—W 1] STOTTS TRSoT, famm 6, 18*6 (STOTC 15, 1*08) 

:ms sir 1 . i?s. t^r. 

sms: sfsfsss, i oe i (1961 4* 43) 4?1 

vnr 269 -s $ sifts i^tst 


imfmt, tt^tssj sms: Jfw (fsftenr) 

SSS t\, T^fTO 

~; fasts 30 SS 19 86 

fS4S ff» 3tt$° So flpro/iT^o iJSSTS/ie/Sfi- 
87 — 3 ja: US, sYoTRo JsRlY 

o 7 

SISSS arfsfsSS, 1961 (l 961 4T 43) (f4lf fira 1- 
fTn% STSRT 'SW arfvfsSSi' 4$T SST f) > ^ 4TTT 

269-S £ S*fts 1TOS STfwft 3r, 4$ fsSSTS STOf 
w sirs 5* P^f wm nwfn, farms sfsrr 4 T 4 TT 

1 ,00,000/- Ti. S arftffi f 
S7T faMTS 7?o 2 sTfST 17J fVlSr sfs, STS 

sst^:, n|o ij%srs s fiss fr (sflT tssssttc ai^sY 
it sAt ijp SS s stfVi $) _ alfasriT % 

'4SSfrs, W if SP'KYs an^T^FT aifafsSS 1961% 
'JTStS fvlTV 24-4-86 

4ti <pr,3Rr insIVr $ sNs stott snr if ssr *S whsm 
Hfesrn % fm? smfm sfi sr* if *ftr i[if 45 from 
wt -s «rrsr §* fs; ssTtsfm srofs ss uIVs 4 raiT 
rw, smtf «msrs sfssrs if ifs 4 tssts nfro w ft 
qw sfsw it «rfss if arts sirraj (srraill) afk srrfnft 
(smfrfmft) ^ afar ^ sms J Pm? m stst sst 
jrfnsm fH** i r^lNiq sapfsn if mm sms fsfw if 
sre n fm ss if stfsir sjT fain S4T |* s— 

(^} 4STTS it (inf f4Sft 4T1 Fl 4744, 44TT 

f?nr»r ^ ar»fts ss ^ 4i *fcna! si 4rf4is if 
sift nmf sr sinf 4sif if sfarvr ^ fV^; 

,(*r) cr^fi f^ift sir *n fWt *r in arm anfin^T 
i^r far^ 1 irrofk' ^nw: «ffvf%Tnr, 1922 
(1922 sir ii) si ^s?r arfirf-Tsir, sr 
1957 (1957 S5T 27) < 

ii4 i s< i « t *Rrfr?fr pnrr srsz fsisr sst 
*n 4T fS74T «TRT ST, f*TPf if 1[fsVT 

3 fin?; 

am: am, arfvfnm sl im 269-4 wi w ^<nv>\ 
if, if, TOT arfstwir VTTT 269-4 S!t 3T4TTT (l) 
# arVts, frwfHfsir wafrast, Wq; s— 

(l ) srV ITIHT 77 T «ft 5 pr 

f^mrifr—nm i 


( 2 ) so irwr flsir ?i€a: oar 

21 - 22 , s^ts <frs, 'nfrqrs? 15 V; 
4^ f?mft I 


m i[T4T srd sr^si 'pfw rprt^r aS «#r < IVf 

smf4Tf?4f snmT £1 

sw swf^ ^ ?mfr i£ pr if jfri* vft arrets .-— 

(*r) W nw *6 trass if srptspt sft mfts s 

45 fm sfl smfV sr tr wmv ift ssfsrnft st 
ifssT wrl 30 fss sti amN, orr if 
ssfs fis if mnm ^ffr ft., ^ tfm sstw 
«sif4?pft if if failY *st«Rr fnrr; 

( 4 ) fir ijssT si trass if ssnsnr stt irrfN- 4 
45 far si iftirr 3W ism msfir if f^mras 
f^rf «mr ssfaRr ssnr ssffRnwft sW 
fsfsir if fUsr? st irafifi 

wwWui:—■swr irsstf 3ifT ss! srr, nrf w 
arfstsss, ^ r is 20 -sr if sfoofsi r 

t, S«f 5fST a;t SIT 3T«TW if fraT 

stt |*i 

3 m^ 

insfrr 2StsT 18i fansr Ijfs, afr STS STTST 
Sftsn t fbrSTT SfETFfqqTnr Tf^Vnirf % TSSfiS, 
i[ssra tr TfnT^t WT 3 98 f^ST'F 24-4-86 ST 

fTsr t i 

o 17 ^ 0 krY 

ssts srftmsTY 

S^rssr ai-TS-FT SITSS^ (fsitSTW ) 

arafs T^r, tY^ST 

f?StS3 : 30-6-7 6 
sY?tt 1 

[wr* hi —w 

22548 *773 *>r fa^STC 6, 19*3 (trsTTS 15, 1908) 

JW «THf. JJT.j 

*T*r*>t arM***, 1961 (i961 wr 43) *rt 
VTTT 269-* ^ *£**1 


wnifa*;, 7np*w «nro amr*3 (faffor*) 

35'SfsT 75T, f^zR 

tfraT, f^rr^r io ^Tif 19 86 
faisnro 3)i^o tto ^\ojuyfno ijTirff/i7/86-8 7— 
an; im, afro iTsfo 

*T**T BTftlfmW, 1961 (1961 W7 43) (fVtf 
j 7 Pf> i^*R£ 3 *rt T'*i r*a ^-i •*‘.' *U5r *iai ^*) , w 1 ? *ttt 

269-* ^ 3r#r w mfvwift *fr, *5 fmr* wrf 
WT WTW $* fa fW TTPrfV, fVw 31V® *7*17 i[W 

1., 00 , 000 /- TT V atf*W I* 

ht'i't furflrwt *° io Cmr, 2 r*^f ^fir, *t*--w<3t, 
twa - Jr f^n g r-m wto 3 )^gVt if 
vn yjf ^ ir tfM g ) Tf^Vrif % *7* fa*, 

ijw* ir vttttPtit apm a'fafa'W 1961 % attta, 
fatfa 30-4-1976 

irf <pf*rcr 7n*i% *5 3fVr® tpm »[•* ww *5 fW*T*r 

IfTOr *» fsm 3Rifw wt vt £ *fa *f tV**i¥ 
*rri m wit* far WTqVfa® tnqftiT wt s^Vtr 
*£w, ^NC nuwr jrfVwrr qfa ww 5Tftr*n=r wr 
t «5 srfnw V *f**> ?* »rN: afar* (Vurrwf) «rfc «inf <.<ft 
•ffr qV ar^OT* *5 fsnj s* mi w stow, Prp’fVfV® 
WTO 34® apgr* fat*® if 4TWf*W W tf WfV® 
Iff h|WT w*7 5*;— 

(w) «TO $£ fVtft *W *fl fWTT, TOT 
ar^ftpnr ^ and? ** *V“ w> *p®tw <6 

qitVw Wlft WTf *7 arwf if tftXl 
*£ fV^; <h(V*7 

(*) nMt fWf *jT*r *r fwtft »pt *7 w an l farqr 

*a\ fa^f 5 *rofk OTT 4 T 1922 

vl 922 wr 11 ) arfvt^nr, zn 

tnrjR srlMV**, 1 967 ( 1 957 wr 27 ) 
H srr*T« f aRrfrft f*ro sr^s fw*T **r 
*T *T fVn *KT *rr, fsrnf jf TrfV'rr 

Vi fVq; 

W: r», *m *f*f*rr* wl mrr 269-* V «nr*T* 

V L , if', 3 *® jrfVftnm a a tfm 269 -* *ffl otvttt ( 1 ) 

^ frofVIVrtr «rfaf?r*t, 3 jVr[ :— 

(1) sft TTir^fra g<s W fwniT 

f^Trft—HI* ^fTTJT, ago ^Thf 


(2) *0 TFial^r nn* (stto) 

f^o, hs-Vhtt wt, 16 nttflr 

in*, n't farrfV 1 


wi wrV *[*1*^ ^wlV V biV* < fVn 

wnfrifVi t.' 

3 ^r 3 rdV V *rsfr ^ thf* *“• Vit 1 ^ wiV* 1 — 

(w) fT THRi ^ TTm **■ 5 P 6 TOT wt mft* *“ 
45 fi* wl ar*f* *7 flwwRfV wrfwil «r t 
*vn wl nrftr ^ 30 fV* «r*1V, «fr Vt 

ir*fw to *r Tnn*!! grfm (ft, ^rnr qVfw 

tt fWt ®ifw * 4 ttt; 

(*) w irwn afi tr^rr* if irwuw w't mfVr 
45 1*7 H ifflR 34® WR *HTfV if fjlTWfV 
fVRft sp* 5*fw WTTO ar»ff|Kmrd ^ <trt 
fVlfVff if fwq *7 *iff I 

wtt i w Trf:— w? **?«r ii**1 Wt Tri *st, Vr 

srfvrfpnr., ^ *r«m7 20 -w if *fonfw 
5 1 -, »r«f ffp Vr 3 * arwiT* if frm 

**r |*i 

tFiTtr 1 0 *V*T, 2 fqTtr ^ff, Tl HT1T TTTJT, 

n^tffr Tpria f % fnrTr fwt^r rfart^r- 

Wr % Trqfrt, firin' f tfTpfr nwr 5 0 8 

fVati? 3 0 - 4-1986 r it frtr % 1 

*to t £3 0 Istal' 
35 T 8 TTffJfftTl 

?rgrn-7i aiw< sfr^m (fartw*), 

a*> fV, frjfiT 

f?97H 10-7-1986 

*trc ; 

ifprlll-^*«* lj 

wrwwTnrm, 6, me (gii't* is, noa) 


iw nm*i 2 « 3 u jpfjj s^[i] , ****« , *«*w 

»rom urNtw*, 196“i (i961 w 43) *4 *rcr 

JIM (1) 4 H*i 

mm mm 

wmfwtr, ir^TTU! *inc< Tirw (Tm 

aiafa f *, 

T/f^, 10 19 86 

fgfiJT 4° arr^o 1*° ?fto/lTif^o/»[S»ri^/3/7 6-87— 
3Rt: ij4, *f° tpf° 

TmiT uNfmnr, 1 gei (1961 w 43) (Twtf 
&4 mr^ ‘gw tnfvf< r <n T’ ^ nn |*), *fl ttcj 
269-* 4 twit JuNwrt 4rt, fww 

45T WW 5* ffi WNi: HUlfW, f**4M gN* «n*TT *[W 

1 , 00 , 000 /- tJ. 4 «tfH 45 t 

gY?: fatreft 4 ° 5 afan, 19 fwr ^fa, tint ggvgr 

6^0 ijggfi,- it fc«m I (wfa *3% OTTTC ^gjft it 

■g r< rpt gg 4 * fag I;), atfagiff %: 

qTTO it VTRtfta VWXr< aiftjfwt 19 61 % anfrf, fchfF 


xrf <prfw gnifur 4 gfw 4 TTtt ip* tf wm* 
ifcrw 4 fm? «rcrfw *f *** |* *ifi iptf n% f*wr* 
4rc»f w vm ?’ fa iprnprfw g**rfn *r gfw 4 t*tt 
ip*, g**i wwt srftra* 4, qV wnri* srfaw w 
r»H stfuMPjr 4 wfa*; $* *rN: *rcrt*i (»ftn*sf) wgrfirft 
(msMtfft) 4 4K if* «pm 4 INw w 4 wt tf*- 
•« frifa f w wrfm. 4 *m ^ * wiwfX* 
m 4 mtr Nwr m t *— 

(if) «rit* 4 ®rnr *iw, *w 

arfvffnnt 4 onto 4rt rf ^ *rcnw ^ 4 if*<w 
4- fnft Trot m Ttrtf **4 if trfavr 4 fm*;! 

(v) tftfr fagft arw irr fanft «rr *t an* unfaral 
4if, fai^ HTOfk *HH>< gfvfainr, 1922 
(1922 4>r 11 ) irr tw arfvf^nr, m vn- 
^ arNt^inr, 1957 (1957 *T 27) 4 
srnf^ntf BRlftift ^TTt 5f*T£ f^T^T WI 
«n in Nnn *nn »n, fcmf ir rfrxT 

4 f*q;: 

nw, **w *1 mr 269 -* 4 *ip tt* 

if, gw aifMfrW HTTT 269-* *fl OTWT (l) 

4 «yt^. C**^f«t** wniwls, >4 

(1) «ft*gV nRr s*t fw*r «ft tt* f***, 

«ft nritn ftrK jg- =sfr Tm. 

fwrtft—tinr wigr, n?o ij^trt* i 


( 2 ) 4° stg^f ?rgf%* 'Tnrgtr ^ ^ftfanr 

115 wtra 'R**, 1 6 trnft imf, 

-fi <* . - _f\_ 

n? nwt 1 


f^w 4 4t*& 

ipnf^ihptt £1 

m *»^ 4 mb(_ < *»wr 4 1 lit »ft *nfrr — 

(^) r* tpm 4 wpt if ITO75R trrrt* 4 
45 fi* ifi'i 3 ptN in ?f^nNV wrfW*1 *? 
tprcr ifti gnft^t 4. 30 fw 4^ amf*, *f ift 
3t*f* if tntRr grftft ?f, ^ 4ttK <pfw 
utfwnl if 4 *Tfw ffTO; 

( 4 ) w tr* 4 T ii> Trm if sran** 4 rt sift* 4 

45 h* < «ft*TC 1W WWC TOfni 4 " fff 1 * 

'J^'T M 3P* ®tfw 54T1T l^l-l 4 

<mr fnfw if *t wtVi 

—?nf snrw iwf sfrr <ntf «kt, aft gw 

*Ntfinr ^ thp 20*4! if 'rfnnfrw 

t, ar»f 5ffn gt g* arwnr if fwi 
1 RI ?*l 

gptfYt s4V*r, 19 fVt*T ijf4 oftnTit 
g^o ijgirt* if | fferg^g atfky Pm» r tpsi^t- 

^ grntfiw, ijgirt* if 273, ftgfr 

15-4-86 r -tT ftin % 1 

4 t° tTjgo i 3 rgt 

g^T* srrftmff, 
g^rgfr angci: 3 )t^» (fg/tam), 
aiafg for, ff^ip 

fggrg : 10 - 7-1986 
gt?i: : 


»TrTff ^fTTSTT*, f'^riT^T 6, 1#»6 ('TTJ'T^ 15, 1908) 

[Ufa 111—0PS1 

n wpiir - naocn,’* 

m «rnf. * 1 . qa. qtf. 

,mc* arMpPT, 1961 (1961 43) **»i 

’■iTCT 269-®' (l) SB *nfta 

KTOT «<^rr 

(i ) (2) ; ar 

ferret— 1 unr mjata i 


(2) flo 3% IT^O pTf-o (uTo ) frfo, 21-22, 
fifths' <%r, arforrira v{\z, affair i 

(s^PHl ) 

Htafinr, nsm-* *mm ninm (fa\V«r) 

arsfa pa, fr^aar 

fcatP 1 0 ^31$, 19 86 

,!r?w lf° 3 t£ ou^jrn^o (ijgiT'R/ 5/86-87— 
33 JJW, 3% n?fo iggff, 

•rnrcr 1 961 (1961 43 ) (fatf isif 

miTt ‘nW BrM^Ttr' *£T to 5 s ), jbI mat 
16 9-P 4 3T^4 ITWtr SffiHfiTTl 4T m fa^-PT 4Prf --t.T 
rnmr ?* f45 wm Tnam>r gfVr map; amr 

1 ,00,000/- Ti. if arfro 5 s 
sfrc frpar flfo 10 afar, 6 faaar a fa, w — ^ if 

fVtra f (*fU sgvr garaa 3H*pT if wrr gmV-f if afaa %) 
Tfppp/r pt? afsrfTFV p Piaffa, ijaafa if gr-;aftn 1 fvpff- 
arpa a fafwr, 19 e 1 % 3srfa faarp 1 1 - 4-1 9 8 5 , 

*>f ^af^T flnprfrr 4 gfaa «w< aaa if aw *$ tnrrnv 
sfirrm *1 fun «rnrfcir aft *V 3* afrc art? ^ f*r«nmr 
wrrt aw asnar |* fn a*n <^f*Rr inafTr «r gN?r anrF 
cw, gw$ ww aft, am if, qif wnrma stadia 4 4^ 
afiranr if *rfVw; f* 4tj tfavn (4nr41) 4rr afafijft 
(*rerftfir,r) 4 ata tfif '<xrvr 4 fan ^ am am afrrap, 
faKrfpfara if gair 3 rtot fnf<s?i if qiwfaai 
!w zf atftpT >njT tour am f 1 — 

n wixl m*i <&fm wvjfn 4 wt* 4 fm 

4 iaf*nr^i VOTT 

w 4 * 4 -* 4 ?rt* ijf tft •mf'T :— 

( 41 ) w 4 wnr af srwjrcr siff anfk if 

45 Na ®fff 3 rN in ariRNt arfaRnff pc 
pprr crTjfhT if 30 faa ^ anriV, art iflf 
siVfV sna <?■ mw ;jrf, 4 rttcrc 
« n Ta riff if if fartt «ifar prru; 

(«■) fa 4 TR^p if jwi «rtt anfra 1 , 

45 fpr 4 h’ipc T-sr wrc iRfar tr 
faift 3^" arfpcr 5Pra srtfl^nn^rf) « anr 
Nifda if f-fP W7 tnihfi 

wirt«T»T:^—«mf apw «fr arl at, Mf a*r* 

4 «rwiw 20 -*b if atonfw 
t, ar«f ^fn, orf arwrw if fwi 

a?T 5 1 1 

(^0 w» rt |Tt* rwft am nl aww, m 
•ifvfpinr 4 srrtta i«t r“rt 4 nan jo 4 

aifiw if aift nrrt aT 3irrt ?art if 
4 far?; ifc/iT 

(w) ffift fpift am in faift na aT am mfumf- 

? ff, frf 3 arofta ampc afufaim, 1922 

(1922 *1 11) m afafainr, in 

pran: arfafira, 1957 (1957 aa 27y 
a smnRr«f amfnff aam sr *z a^T fp»n at, 

«n m faarr onaT arfm *n, f^nrt if irfavr 
4 fan; 

*n: nr, wm afafaaa aft vm 269 -a 4 appi 
"*■, if a^r w^^faaa am 269-«r hT gram ’ ( 1 ) 
$ tsVta, fawrfirfHir *«rfwirf, T*rtn 1 — 

amfrT 10 rtfn, efaiRTirfa, 3T ura-aar?:^, -,^o~ 
|, faasra fqapa’ifa^raar p ainftn 
aa»rfa if rPapf ifo 2 33f^afp 11 - 4 - 1 9 86 aafen 1 1 

aft,rria° lamrf 
nsra JUf^arV 
gpraa srrarc a.raaa (fir(t«irt) 
3 a> t a, ft?nar 

aTfff ■ 10-7-1986 
1ft^T ; 

2255 1 

wpt in-'"**®? i] wttj vr wm, fro«n: 6, 1986 (nrror is, ioos) 

TOT ITT*:? (fl.i Ufa (pr-i-www 
*mw.x aifvtem, 196] (1961 m 43 ) >d hisj 
?69-®‘ ft) 4 «nftsr 


enjtmr wTtnsrr jtw fteffcr*^ 

ftf n 1 :, ft-fte 10 aprrf, 19 8 6 

fajfFT fo 3)T^o tto O/rTEfTj/^irric,-/ 7/8 6-8 7— 

3 >n:t^T, wfo "So garr, 

i rt f t srfVtem, 1961 11961 4T 43) (f** mf 
fro! «npmr 'ot? srNftw’ 9Tp <wr fj ( tto 
269-^T 4 *TiftlT ITTV TT? 97 fy^W 4TT^ *W 

tircnr rrr<rt imter Ptwt arfyir ttttt ip® 

1, ooooo/-^. if arf^B if 
wYt frorrV ?f o i 7 ifte, 6 1/2 teir *jfa\ hpt-^ 4 ^, 
as^jronr if f?«m t (tfrr ?»iif otto t wV 
grrf W jf t ((TfafijWr SlfSl^Trt % OTirfTO, ^qfsr 
rf^Y^ir flfa’f^i^nr, iyei % atsfar, mfftir 1 - 4-86 
4 r «prte» ot?w 36 urN?r 4T*!T' ^ if tut 4 wtor 
srterin 4 f^vr it 1 

5 * *rfr inf 97 f*rwre thtt tit wrcrr if te nvr'prter 
irwrfrT «sr gfw «rmr ?pr, to 4 imK ifOTm if 
qftf twptt nr<nw tt tef Jtfaw if arfM^s 7 * «rfr #n- 
x% (srcrntt) «rfr «fcrteft (sfafiftnil) < ^ w- 

T*r 4 faxi g*r qm »nn Jitero, ProrfufTO ypter 4 
3fT toott tefro if Trwtefi m if wfv^ 9|t tern 
«WI if I-'- 

fa) 3 WOTT if fRff 3 TR- 4 >t TRcT, OTTT 

of rf wr 4 <tWr ^ 44 4 4 

■flteW W V 4 >T 4 IT TOt IT! if «rften 
•k f-rr r.'rr A 

fa) cfyft f^FTfft 3TPT 91 faff W ITT 3OT anfWf 

^t, tTr? 3 HT^fir ito arfVfnrir,, 1922 
’,1922 H5F 11) 9T 3vT arfVNnr. 4T <r-T- 
q * nfsfm, 1957 (1957 ^T 27 ) ^ 

jrirfynmf sRiftift ttttt xtt ^ fyn »nn 

«n in fran tttt Tff|^ tt, fwnf if iriyvi 


TV. UK, wt arfrfTnT wl «rror 269- < r 4 ni^i i 

if, if, 33 ? 3fM ^rTT m 269-9- ^mir ( 1 ) 

0 f4*ir«r« TT «nfwtraf., 9 — 

(1) «ff fr^T m fiw, f^m~ ^wt^k, 

n^Tr^' 1 

(aw T 9 ?) 

(2 ) to Tto rrr-fo itt^o 173T fT°» 

2 1 - 22 , fTf'W ctTTT, Hf fTT# | 


4r in i^n <rrfi ipfw 4 v#»r 4 fin 

4 )Iif 4 lf?m‘ ERTcn 5; I 

TW avrfw 4 tTh 4 ^wrh *r 4nr* tr rwr^ ■:— 

(i>) tit ijnin 4 turn if sram nrrtv 4 

45 ter 4f antn tt *4frntf it 

W^RT Tt tmftw ^ 30 ter ft utrfv, ^r ift 

arrfv am? n ; - iwrrr irrerf £f, 4 tin: ittes 

wfwpn- a*- w fr4V 1 if»w ararprf; 

(V) T? ^rn % narrr if srornr Tft irrdc t 
45 ter 4 tter ms avrte if flprnw 
terff 3r3r sqfw ^kt anfTirTOrft 4 trt 

fafnT if fm wi 1 

wrhffT*T:—Tirif snrw iml «ftr «r, 4r mi* 

*fvtent 4 arwpr 20-91 if if f cmf^iq 
5*, q?1 »r»f 5-fm sf to Twror if ten 

Tm ■*,»: 


rr^fTr 17 tmr, e 1/2 te^rr ^ft sft 
iTfirf^ if ffw I I fTO4?r aaf£T47 f^fTOT Tf<^3Rtf % 4TOf- 
TO.TJTOKtTfar^to 29, foTH? 1-4-198 6 TT tent I 

4 fo iT^-o 5Rff 

rrem snftr^rd 
Tr^rn -47 3i pm 3n^i (ffrfterwr ) 
m^r ^, fn?T4 

nRfu : 10-7-1986 

fr^r : 


xror m xrxro, 6 , 1986 is, i»08) 

IW XIX* ■ El - • XX11~1» 

xnroi: ifxfinnr, 1961 (1961 «t 43)' 

im 269 -x (i) 4 xVtx ^in 

WTTB Iffll 

infix, urn; itopbt xnrxn (Tm<1«wi) 

srfa 'itf, 

10 ^Tf, 19 8 6 

3 ir^o tto ?fto/rnpj°/^tirrr/n/ 85 - 86 — 
31?): TJBT, 5j\o lj^fo IsTClt, 

KTtnivt irflftpuT, 1961 (1961 1*43) (fltf XXif Xl4 
qr«rr?t '3 *rt -aNPmm ’ nsfr *nrr |*) ift vkt 269-x 
4 *r»frT ?ra>nr snC vurt irf fwr» vxi war wti (* Pi 
wx< xxrfti, frtPfrr ^Nijf xttpc 
1,00,000/- xx. if 3rftr^ 5 * 

%f\x frttprrV i° 5 xtiT, 6 fsrfsrc w-^-5^, rt- 
irre ?t ftqii £ (tfif xii 3«jgxt it wa f: 
xfaia |), i.fsnfr-Fgt aifa^rft % ^Wr, isiix ft in?€rq* 
HTV^X 3)fterfHinT, 1 961 % aftffor, ftnfr 15-4:19 86 
Rfif «priV?r irpifrr x! gfur xmrc ^ if xw 4 wnm 
irfeiRn xi y^r< - ^ r it 1 f *frr *r>£ Promr 
xrttf wr wi jf fro xxrc/ffcrr imftT a^T iPw mu 
, xntf rnmi* srfWsr if, tfrf WR srfW it 
■w^ rtsm it xfn 4 * xft i?ro (sfanl) xft afnf^ft 
(srttWwi) < JW nV anrrar 4 ^ mi 

win H f qviH , frnrfifur dfi'Xx *f gxrr Nfiff if 
mrfnr *** 4 ifmr Pun *nn f .;—- 

(u) inti wf o' f«wft m it xm, xxa 

wNfxinr ii iVlX «G5 X! XXTCI 4 wifm 
if- waft x^f in v>nt rwi if- ttPxyt 4 Pm»; 

xr) *'*6 fxifr amr m fxaft vw in m 4iP«inf 
«r, faRT irrarm arra-^r< aitvf^rR, 1922 
(1922 «r 1 1 ) WT 1W5T wNflTW, IT I?- 
<r.i t^v, 1957 (19 c 7 27' * 

WTO 3V I^T tlWi ItfT 

WT m flRTT <IHI *lPiP7 *n, fWTRf if - Rt^vr 
^ fail; 

w: IX, ?W ifxfxXlT ifl XTO 269-X <• 
f, +, ;m wfxfwxx isl vro 269-x itl otxto (i) 
4 infix, Srfwff, xVrT[ :— 

[XT4 HI—««« 1 

(1) JsftiKft m/t //r f^Enrr g-niqYi, 

'WIi, ’HT^tX 55HFr *35fPT, TOrfV ^ft, 
nwt^xt 55ftir°r shtx, Tmr-x^igT, i 

( 31 ^ 11 ^) 

( 2 ) 4* xr-tprtx x\w i&zz it»x anTrsJfsn fqo, 
21 - 22 , xfti? ^n, ?rt i 


irf x? ?[xxt nxt nxxi 'ptfiRr *Nfw ^ irafx ^ fw? 

«nfxrfpt xn^rr $-j 

xix 6 *h rw x> 1^1 ^ imv if* ’^t* inrfr 

W’ n T 4 xmx ^ wrtx xl btjcH 4 

4*Cnxfl XT Wfnrnft ■xtwxf- It 

^xxt rnifrx 4 30 fxx x^t ixfx, it »ft 
ixN xk if nvTttf ff^t iff, w ifts? t mfx^ 

*xfx«xf f 4 fisrft wfm fxms 

{*\ <x afi wn if stwr* xrt mrtx if 
45 Pxx ^ iftxx xxx wm xwrftr if f^xxxv 
fxRft «px sxfXg* xxw «rxf?wiwft ^ <nx 

f^Txa: if fxiii xr irfif 1 

TOar'txTTX:—pnr aipix xft qxt m if xw 

ifvfxiri 4 iwror 20 -x> *f q f ^ m fxx |* f 

iV ffll, it xi xwmr «f fm ipP 



5 xtXT, 6 fa*xr, -Arfir unr-xipx jt, ijxxfx, 

ft f c xx | fTTRxr TfXfjtTrxt % ^R J frq', irxirrx 

itTfX^io 276,f?HTXr 1 5-4-1 986 RT fell IXT ft I 

x"To iTKfo xr^lr 

*t«pt mftrxrrft 
'Rtxrtt 3Tti<ri (fRTiffrJT) 
3TaffT ¥ar, ft^xi 

UTftxr : 10-7-1986 

225 S3 

da l] area m traaw, fdf«rt a, i^ss (wr* is laos; 

tm aw*_. w ., qv..j* - - ( 1 ) «ft aaara 

ga dra tnr, sfhr?fr d$d 
tam P^o ssfY sfrst TPT, sforcft dTTT, «ft*T?fV 
w*r, imr to; fata ytftm ®ft 
dm -mi grtr «ft *raaR tar, srtaaV v fa?, 
tag, sfr'tPWat garortao sft dtatrafgareft, 
rnr-aartgt, fgrtfta-jjaaia i 


( 2 ) f|- 0 it^-o rr^fo jfwfdo, 2 - 1 - 22 , afror 

c ^ra', 'rrf^FTi^r? sfte, fcmt 1 


mrtrrn afataaa., 1981 (1961 «r 43 ) dl 

to 269-sr 4 anfrr irw 

ana awn 

wnrfr-rtr, ipf awt 3 trtot (frortsm) 
TOfaJm, dffPP 
xf^rv,tarta lo^ari, 1986 
fttsTtfo sn^o ire o ^Tfirfa/6/8 6-8 7— 

wa': aft, *ft° g<T° 

nwam afytam, 1 96 1 (1961 «t 43 ) (fad *ad 

•soil warn; ‘tort afatanr' a*p »rt f), art ana 
269 -a 4 «rdr wr sntaaa d art,. m[ tama at 

am ta mro trurfar, P'jH^i 3ltar amt gw 
1,00,000/- VS. 4 8rfVB tf* 

*ftt fagd 4° 6 dm, 5 farm, gfg gfa-aatgt, mr°- 
awa Jr ftarr | (dt to 4 tow srsjroft Jr 
dt gdm Jr atar $), 

?rmFTtt % arorfw, gjata 4 grtda wr 
wfsrfdw, i96i % mfta, yrrtta 15 - 4-86 
*f qdtar trota 4 dtar armt *£=g rf m ^ wrara 
afrowr 4 tag matar art ad 5 1 dt *£d a? Pawm 
artrt aa am d fa; a*rraafaa matar «rt afva amt 
<rw ga4 waara atawr 4 gd wagra vfaaa ag 
awj jfwr a 1 arfVa; d «rft 4gtw (dwarf) aft d r ta ft 
(drfttad) 4 da frt T?Tn»r 4 fag aw <rnn aro afa- 
ikt, fa*afafaa g?dw ^ gw «ntw fafatr d 
wr d atr afT famn wf'r— 

(«) aarta rf o* tod* anr afl rwnr aaa wN- 
faw < *nfrr art df ai «r?aT^ a? aifroa d 
artV wt iftnf avf d gtavi ag htg; 

(a) fawft am ai fad «rr V7_am ar ftqaf 
art, fad airda anaart afafaaa, 1922 
(1922 w 11 ) *r iws a f a f a a a , at 

tt atvdrow, 1957 (1957 a* 27) «i 
safam«f smftd tottt w f^rr wr 
*7 j;r fa,«7 arij^g ar, tWr-f ^ *rtVw, 
Pvrrr -. 

« «, afat^ins #,1 »n(i 2b9-*r *• aaaam 
jf-, d, aaa afaf^nm. afl vrt 269-a art to^ itt ( 1) 
^ anfcr, f ^^ f fffa ? mfamrt, aaf?r .-•'- 


at a^ ?rT5T aid arrsJ TaTaa amfw 4 a4g 4 fag 

a^faifiprt aron fj 

**3 awfw 4 adr 4 w«f d arid d anaV;;— 

(at) aa aaar 4 traaa d irwr art arda 4 4 s 
tar art aafa jtt rrwad wrtaraf it gmn 
art aid* 4 30 tar art aafa, afd aafa 
aw d aanr ffd ft, 4 dat iafa« 
mfaaal d 4 tad ®rtaj aam; 

(a) ra gatr 4 tmra d a^araa art anrta 4 
45 tar 4 dat gaa mat #ar d tar- 
ayrtad am«afaaaanr, aaf(taiwd 4 aia 
tafaa d tag ar warVi 

atwtata;—?ad sraatr awf dt <rd ar, rtr TOa 
d^itara 4 ama 20-^ d qftfflfarr 
apf ^>17 af 3 tr ama d tan 

aar d' 


acrta 6 aVat 5 f? E aT, afa, ara-a^tgt apo- 
gfara ni T r?i faaTO % aTdaa, 

aTOta a 274 , faata 15 - 4-86 it 

faar 11 

rt° g^To ^5ff 
a«ra arfgafd 
a?raa awt wra,aa (fad^nrr) 

r.-r-rf 1 ! 10-7-1986 

r -T ■ 

3 2 554 

«TT^ fff fataR 6, 19*6 15, 19 0 8) fall IU—w«* 1 

( 1) ™"r qq^TTC sfafn, sM’< $SPm ?ff THT, 
4 TFT fak faXST TITOX, farm, f'-WT 

jam >sft <tjt fnsrcft— ns^fa f~ r -1 - 
quirts i 

sreq anr*. cf. qq. qq ■ - 

arnm arfVf^Tr*T, 1961 (1961 «f 43) ^ 
vto 269 “^ (i) ^ «nfrr rpro 

*rror qwr 


?T5fq ffaW 
faff 77, fo^THT 10 W 5nf, 19 8 6 
ffaqqo nfa q° ifto/qq^o/irsqtq/i/ 86 - 87 — 

TR: *Tff , ^toTTsfo ijRft, 

Bmr^r mfvfarsr, 1961 (1961 «BT 43) (fatf ftnf 
Rfa c^t=t ‘w qfvI V t n r ’ n^r qqr ?’) , fat ski 
269-nr fa wn arfVBTvJ nrf qq favrw wrrj stt 
croor ft fa wre ms-fa, farrsn gfar stsk itrt 
1 , 0 u, 000 /“ 35 . fa 3 rfif 4 i ft 
?fY r fan-fat TP 23 TRnTn, 19 STTOT qfq, qfa 
qTqfa if fan % ( 5 ft 3 sfaf 5 'TO STqqfat if faYt ^°f^T 
qfqtt), p ri t V 7 ?rO fa mfafaq, qsq fa if qRtffq 

imfc wrerf^nr*?, i96i fa nEftn, nnfa 9-4-86 

*rf qqfaq ms-fir *fc qffa irmr qw fa «w «8 iwn 
qlWr fa farq arfafar >fat sq* f arfr irfa! hi fmro 
ynfa «rt *ror 5 * f*p qvnqfafa qwfa wr nNrr htjttt 
«fa, wfa Wft nffanrn fa, q¥ qqqmn srlWr 4n 
«i*S£ uYg ypr q srffas ir* «rfr amns; (amrfarf) sift 
w^rfT?ft (mnffafWf) *6 iffa qfaff afarim fa fqq mr 
<ri 7 n rjff gfanjq, pqcfal'qq yqcfas fa ?w ssr^q 
Mfarv t r n-.mfa wt fa 4>f»rq ffaT nn ft •'— 


( 2 ) fa° fan ^fafffq '+.RHV q°¥ 5 flfYf|Tr ^rqsfr 
Sffo f^o, 115-5Era^T ■SFTT 16-4^l!TTirT Trttff 
Tipf, 1 


4rt tt| <nffw oi*rfw ^ srsf^ < farq 

thiif^Tf^r ^ wt C> 

3 f?r ffwfw ^ 8 iy? ^ ?f 4 x if 4 rit* anwV :— 

(*>) rt q^Rr ^ tnrrr if v«m<j 4 frrfN - if 
45 far ^ *Rfa in nwrwTtft «rfa?rJfT "R 

to rnff-'T if 30 faT 4ff «nrfV, »fr 
•raftr 4T4 prM prf, ^ vfirn: q*ffwir 

wif*™! jf if finff sjrfiRr wttt; 

(«■) RT 1RRT ^ TTOTT if SP^m 4ft TTfH if 45 
far < ffar 34 iT wn imfir if fanreir faifl 
snir «ifar farm snrYfiinwft *ft <n¥ fafaff if 
if faq «n ipfif i 

wkw:—qinf snrro <ret 4 >t, if wr 

sfNfnm* ^ zr«m 20-*R if 'rfanfatr 
I s , «r^ «nf ^fiTT w itor if fair 
qm 15 * i 

fa) RW q fV r<F7ff amr 4ft 4747, J377 arN- 
ffnnr ^ 4iT 4^4“ 4! *TTOr $ 4ifnw if 
«tff 4R5f ITT 3W* 4^ ir irf7rvT -# r^rr 

fa) qVf faiff stw 47 faift w in JR snfanrt 
4TT fzfa 1 HKcftq any4)4 arf’Tfarff, 1922 
(1922 1l) 4 r ZWJT 3 rfirfainT, rn *rr- 

4?r arfafanr, 1957 (l<i r '7 "i >;> 

Tllfarnf 3Rrfaf 5TTTT ST^ Rirf fTRTT 1RT «-T 

nr fan 4177 Trfaq «n, farnf if 7farr * 


Jf 4 44 , 747 3 rf‘Vl l 77 iT 4 l 1 VT-l 269-17 'K anpTTBT 
^, jf, 74Tr arfvfapR- 417 WF7 209-17 4fl ^fTYTTT (l) 

^ ®nffr, frurf^Tf^q ®rf q^nif, ar^fri c-—- 


7TC7l% 23 19 1TTW TjflT, HriT-7T73ftar, 

q?irf 4 finin' wnn fnnnn nfii^f^qf % mnfnn, qj- 
gqfq ir 3fl^ ifo 187,farter 9-4-1986 Rfan I I 

qto iifo ursf’r 
q«m mfErsnfr 
nnms? 5M7 (fnfYer'n) 
3 >?qs: 

fTRfa ; 10-7-1986 

Wnf m —mn 1 ] 

fRTOro e, UI6 (totto is, 1908 ) 22555 

SHR *_5PT-iW.L. - 

crron ^Wm, 1961 (1961 RR 43) Rfl 
RTO 269-4 (l) »i? anfrr ippn 

mro «iwnc 

urafro, rstrh, totto: totto (Mfanr) 

SsN t*\, T>5?RJ 

Rt?RRf, fTOTR, 10 5T. ml 1986 

fR^Ttf® 4r$o Ito ifto /iT!f^o/ir?7Tt^/8/86-87— 
TO: RP, aftotTRo ajlft, 

TOm RpRpTOR, 1961 (1961 ^ 43) (fW SRlf 

*ip£ mrrr 'tor rPrPrto’ w tot f*) ; , Rft vro 
269^ <£ Rfta r<£tr RipTOrot Rrf ^ RaKf rr 

«tto 5 * Pap irtto imfR, Fw rPto rtrtc ^ 
1,00,000/- T3. rPtop f 1 
*rV fro-ft r° 7 fmr, 4 fariqT, RnT-4Rriji, amis, 
it Tito $ (sftt 54%TOrR£TO^ft it jtfTOifRlTOt), 
if-j^Rffr Riwm % i7T?t<w, ^srIr it RrertR w? 
pfafTOR, 1961 $TO>R,RnfNt 15-4-1986, 

«f RaffTO tfprfrr r? rPto rirr tor if rot *6 wrrtr 
wfcmr Ri Pro toiPto Rit vt s* «tfrc *r^ uf$ Prrrtr 
Rmf apr spurt ^ 

tfWr R, CI[Rf ®5RRTR sPTOOT f TOE? srPoTO if RpTOR 
itx. TOro (sfKRfr) aflx (afaPifTOf) Ra 


it wj totto PrPto if itoPrrs to if RaPro 
•r^t Prott *nrr £.— 

( 1 ) art r ft Rontaft fRHfi ttrFprr, hitoRi, 

JR 1TRRT4, iriR-RRalJ^ I 


( 2 ) Ro y\o it?To TTRjo RjfRRRH f^o, 21-22 


R? R$ 1[44T Rtft RTO> cflffTO ROTpR Rt TOfa «tf Pm* 

RfRfnf^HT RR7TT ^1 

3TO TOt^f ^ 3nF3fR aS toTR if 3ftV aft RTWR ■:— 

(r>) ir rtot ^ rrm if smm aft mrftw if 
45 tor Rft toFr rt R?itafft Rfroqf <rc 
Ij^RT Rat fTpffrcf if 30 Fw Rat TON, Rf *ft 
antN RIR if TOTTO ffft Iff, ^ afart JRfro 

3Rfro# af if fRRff ®RfTO RRTTT; 

(«■) RT TOfRT WTTT af SPCT5R Rat mfta if 
45 fw z£ aftiR RSRT 1RTRR RRlflT af fp- 
TOR ffilft wrfTO RRTO, 3TRf?lRW<t f RIR 
frFro af fRaR ri infafi 

WSttRaMl ;—^inf RJTTO RTSRtl Rfc iff RfT, Rf RTO 
arpRfranr, f wr 20 -Ra af qfcvnfro 
5 s , R^t ar*f ?rfan ^ rr apRRr af fnn 

TOT 5 s I 

(RS) RRTTO if f-y fWr BflR Rat RTTO, 3TO 
artvfTOR ^ «nffr m tt ^ rrh.'r; ^ 
RltTOT if RRft RTRt an 3Rlf TO*f if ^TOl 
< Fr^; Rfr/an 

(«) (flft fRlft RIR an PR^fr !RRaR anflRatf 
Rf, fRRf RTOftR RTRRa< RpRpTOR, 1922 
(1922 RiT 11) m TOR RFRFTOR, 41 
TORvC rFrPtor, 1957 (1957 RR 27) 

^ MRf4MT*f RaRlMt ?RT1T R^P f^RR W 
41 RT PRaRT RTRI 41?^ 41, PTOTf af RpTOT 

il Pr^; 

TO: 3TR, TOR RP4PTOR <^t 4TO 269-R ^ 3 ^14 
if, af, RTO arFRpTOTT Rat 4TR 269-4 Rft RT4TR (l) 
^ snfrr, PwhFhFto sRpatrof, 

R-TRT 7 Rt4T 4 f'RfRT '<^4, Rt4~4^-T. Jl, RTOtR 
it fR?r % RtiNRpr Rpy^r Prrrtt% trrfrTO 
TTOtR it Ro 275 fRRTRf 15-4-1986 TO fTOT| I 

^\o tTllo 
R^TWR RTW< TOTRR (ftnftROn) 
TOfR^R, ft^Rap 

RTftRt : 10-7-19 86 
Rftfl V 


44 ^tTOT, 6 fHoPiTC, 1986 (*75*5 15, 1908) 

fun m— «»* i 

(1) l. *ff fmapcnr 2 - «ft tt* gsm sfrifrca*, 
Sj'rfct ptr fmm — 1 

(3i ? ci UP ) 

( 2 ) if o sfto ylo nor qfrfffai, SJTo 

ffo, 21 - 22 , tf*, 'Trfipn^fe’ 

fowfr 1 


srp «rm*. si. q*. q*. 

«wm arftrtVinT, 1961 (1961 ** 43) *rt *kt 

269 -* (l) *> anft* topt 


tmfw, 3tjj mv^PT (fcrtfwr) 

3lf<T /*, TT057T 

ftttfP 30 3 t* 19 86 

frtunfo aitfo (To tfto/qipTo T[f>Tf*/9/85-8 6— 

m: *$W, ff qp mt, 

mrei arfvfnrrr, 1 96 1 (1 96 1 m 43) (fans’ pf 

mrct f, 3 W arM^nr’ ip *1* $*), qtf kto 269 -$' ^ 
enit* *u,nr snffiPTCl 4rf, *f faipmr Pf *rr iptot ^ fa; 
T*nTT ijrqfrr fanm sfarcr up 
1,00,000/- 15. arfw 0* 

*it fairfV *0 2 afar , isfsreqT, «jf*, hi* dc^gt, 

50° gpre, 2 fffsd t (*Ct* ?nir!HW 36JTOT ir 
irUgf ^ ir %), Tffppfr sfsmfrf jprafaa, 
gpi* * a pm 3if£rf«m, 19 <s 1 % mr~i, fostsr 

11-4-19 86, 

r<r <pftRr fsfrr *f> afar* wrtk pr m ag ot^tt 
«*• m b) f*q 3fafW *** £ 3tfc *lf *0 famr 
*1 *w f fa; Tfaftr spT gfarer tok 

*£W, Puff sftw tf, qff ww srfaw *7 
l RC{ iifaw 3rfVB 0 1 aifa gfin*: (3Rn*tf) arfa gp^r- 

faflr (P Tfafagf ) $ afar qV 3 rr°t r*q tnr <mT **7 
J{f*r<wi IPfafircr f *** 3^ fafra if 
f4;tro p «6f«rcr *0f fam ^rur 5* t— 

,*) aftrmr £jt fasft *nr tort, tot 

arfvfw ?g BPffr !R ^ ^ g tf jrm 

*fi4t Tx.'i' 4T 4 ^a tr ?rf=r*4T ^ f^nj; 


(*) q^ srnr *t faaft *4 in 30 * sqt f ^ nrf 

<*f, Hroftir 3 tw^t siM^inr, 1922 

(1922 ^ 11 ) 4 T 34 rT arNf**tT, 4 T VR- 
m 3 TM 4 ZTR-, 1957 (1957 *T 27 ) 

^ snifm^ aRrh^ft pi sr^ 40T- r^un 
wi «n ht fjc?n *147 *if0q vt, ^ 

qf*Ki ^ f$qt 

mi:’ **, g*?r srf*f4** «b 1 *nr 269-* ^ in p r v 
tf", *T, 3 *?r srfvfT** 4 Tf VT 77 269 '* 3 W?/ (l) 

^ 3nfm, fTnPTf^RT aifwaf, bt^ > 5 — 

<r *! ^*wr wrd «r^fw vmttr 41 vfw ii ISr» 

wfarfFtf tot ti 

«w n*fw < «r4* 4 •**»* V 1 tin? *ft ml* &— 

(w) p ^«rt < Tnrq* $*■ irm* ^ ffrO* 4 
45 tor 8rt *RfV «tt wwBFjft «qf*Ftr# <nc 
q**T »f} writer 4 “ 30 t** ii «rN, *f «ft 
•nrf* m if- wh prrTft iff, ^ tfrm q#wr 
mf*q*f if- 4“ f*^V «rf*^ pro; 

(c) %v *[**t ^ *m if jram 4>f *Tfy 4 
f** ^ »(tcR 7W WRT ITPlfm if 
m wrfw WTTT CirflRTWfl 1$ TW 
lutvs If fusq *7 **ffl 

meVw«i;--psnf sp uPf afk q*t 4 tt, sfr 3*?r 
arfvfRiT, ^ aparw 20-*> if 4 f Oflh $ 

f*, wV tt*t, *f a* *«n* it hwr 

VI I*' 


$mftT 2 after, 1 8 f*F*r yfa, ft 7?*57, 
500 ’ttP f ft«r* I, frtnrr ^fpr f*por xf^\- 
^ *7*fnr, npft f rfpt fwr 233 fep 
n- 4-76 *n: fort t i 

fto qsfo i; i ft 

TO* mfemfr 

*0Rirr 31T47TT. 3ipRt (mteim) 

3if* fcj, fr^-d* 

f^dtTT » 30-6- 1986 


4PT lH—1«» 1] 

mtB 11 WTO, faff*?': 6, 1986 (UIFTT 15, 1988) 


jwt sn^^r.. 

3TTWC 3rftriftVT, 1961 (l961 TiT 43) Tit VTTT 
269-T (l) T> 3pfk 


< t wfw >; tjnrus nn* mew (tartr* 

?RV x^, 

<W\^, ftvft io 19 86 

fiftw T° airfo To frVo/rr^o T|3nN/19/86-87— 
3TT Tit, lt° C(o?o ■Gtoff, 

imrc arfvfjnnr, 1961 (1961 m 43) (ftiw nr 1 

nnf wm ‘m iftiftifi’ nr TO I*)# ** 4TO 

269-w < *r*i wnt mfv^irl vi q fawn irsf w 

4TT4 5 * ft* HUT IwftT, N«fii %Nl fWI!t ^*T, 

i ,00,000/- tr. tf arftpfi |* 

TIT fi'o 9 *31 6 VT 2 9/33 f*TT 

vft t?o 33*4 ir fata t (tYt wto 

3533* V TlT l J a l TV V vfVl $ ) Tftff*** aiffar* 
% ijTnrrv v trtt arfafwr, 19 61 % 

3i sfto, ft 3T 7i 17-4-86, 

<ef «ftfatr *mfw ^ 3-ftn nin: *£w iw < mnrR 
iftnn fm *rftw «1 4* |* ift ^ n ftnrre 
45T vrx*r * ft?; vruftfar rfaftrr 4* 3 N 1 wn 
^wr, 3141 wnrrw irftwrw *•, i?V wfmw sTwwr m 
to? sftrcnr iftn* * *t ircrws (i^rr*) «frr 
*rft* (*fttrfTTlf) 4! *1 vpi #441 «S ftnr mr <mn 
441 wfiw ftrofifu ipir 1 vw 4 * 8 x 5 fifn * 
TIWlftlTi 15 *fiNv iftf ffaT 44 T ?* :— 

iftrftnrw < 4*4 «sr wft W 4 

«fm * 4 * mi 4i mf 4*- iftm 

4Nd 4m/m 

[W) tj* ft?* 4T4 41 ft* 44 4T «P4 4lfW4t 

<tfr, ftp* vrofft 414-vr irfVftTTT, 192 ? 
(1922 44 11) 4T 94^ 4f4f44W„ 41 
44 -4R 4ftrf444, J 957 (HS7 44 27) 

4i 44f94l^ |4TTT m 4f1 f«441 

44(1 41 41 tmi H4T 4lf*44 41, it 

4 f 44 I ^ f^i 

314": 3T4 vj «ro o(P*(f ■i+ Tit 4TTT 269-4 ^ 4<, wi 

+ , «T, 3W 4fvf444 4it 4TTT 269-4 344TU ft) 

4 i anfft, HiTumfr, 44ft :— 

(1) i - «rt TfrfvriT fn? 2 . «ft f%? 5^44 

4T vvv 3 . «rt Tifr^T 4 . srt ^wh 
5 . «fr 54 Tisr 6 o 4 nr jrart 55144 «fV 
>:rtT =P®r< s ^ffrdt KRvft s # fVRt 
vftTT 5vnn>r «fV tit frrT 



( 2 ) i?o qrontr xtm ettt 0^4 aivi^ftro, 
21, pfft^T C TT, qf fHTlfr I 


4>T 41[ 1[441 4TTt V4ft4 4»4ftT ^ »nft 45 f4H 
%l<4lft4 i «B5IT C I 

®W 441 fq 45 4^4 4 fW ^ 4^ 4wft H— 

ft) w T4TT v5 trm 4*- STOTfR- Tit Tlftft H 
45 ft4 44fv 4T ?TCin4*ft «rf444f T» 

ttttt Tit emftr 30 ftr Tit amfv, 4t »ft 
sraftr tit ^ TTm ?ftfr jff, ^ vfmr 'ftfrr 

*4 t 444i ' ^ ftp* «lf44 44T4; 

(9) *9 94VT ^ WTT ^ 84>ITI9 Tfl TTTt4 it 

45 fir ^ tffar gw wn: rmftr ftrarw 

ft** *F4 "TNt 44TTT 44ft«I1MITt ^ <TT4 

ffriftrr * ftBi 41 9^»“ 1 

WWtlRW --*4* HPT49 4i* 4ft 'pri'" 4iT. if 344 

3fftrfTrT ^ 3PTW 20-Ti i L 'rfmfVr 

I*, 4* <nf ffn if 3i i«ni * f*ip 
WI f BD 


T^rftr 9 ^ftrr, 6 Tftr tv 29/33 %tt, 
* Tft T?o iJ_TiTR Jr ftVn | I ftVTW 3)ft*P 

ftTTT TftfSjfa* % TTVftlV, ^Wft 5W 

317 ftTTT 17-4-86 VT ftm T I 

*0 l^To 4(lY 

verr viftaw/t, 
T^TTTi 3iTTVrr: shttw (ffr/TSfl'>l) 
aft-r TW, TT^Vi 

ftvrvi : 

TftT : 


22 5 58 

«ttfr w Twra, fiRrwri e, lflas fanrfa 15 ; 1908 ) 

[ufa-ni 1 

shpt srnfd.qn.qg.. 

«nwc srfvftnm, 1961 (1961 fi 43) ^ vro 
269-n (1) «£ anffa q>RT 

mw <3 <4>R 

wnfam, gfnra arnmrr anirw (T»iOw u i) 

$afa fa, 

TTf3^, faqfa 30 W 19 86 

fatW!T° oilfo qo tffo/qwo ^plfa/2 1 / 7 6-87— 
W: ij fWf ° q?f ° !3?fY, 

■nRm srftffwr, 1961 (1961 w 43) (fare 1 *mf 
■t^tri; 'gw afftTfinw’ ni?pnn ?*), # nm 269-^r ^ 
snfar rntm snfawct nrf, nf fa 44 nr w nrum t fa> 

wrt wfar fror gfair wjtk imr 
1,00,000/- t>. if arfwi it 
h*r fag# n'o 2 afar 1 a fspFsrr, vjfa, mq wnqi g 
fiw t (#7 ggrsrs 1 a^^Jf sftTqm*7 gnfVd 
t), xfaTjfafaf sfaniTV $ Twlfan, ^?nfa Jf a ran 

afafaTTR 1961 % atffa, fwfa 15-4-1986, 

jftm *6 faq afafw nil f *ft nf ftrenrcr nf 
®bt W 7 «r f fa; nwfafw ggfar w gfw arran 
*5W, gira! wqtrR srfawr if, qfa ww srftmr w 
7^4 srfaw if arfw; ?* atft araim; ( 3 kk#) arft apg- 
f# (awfaftraf) ^ iffa qff ararror *£ faq ?nr <rnrr wr 
ffftrw faigfaftra gf/fr if gw 3 Ku«r faftw if 
qinffw w if ntfw nft fam wt t ■— 

fa)’ afarar if |Tt* fa# *rnr # ttwv gw 
atfafamr 4> «nfar m tV 45 afro; 4, nrfwr 
4# W7f nr gmf nw 1 if g^rar ^ faq; 

fa) q# fa# arm nr fa# w nr arra anfaraf 
4 rf, fanf 3 mnffa mim arNfaim, 1922 

(1922 11 ) m tts arfiifainr, nr »nr- 

^ arfvfaim, 1957 (1957 5* 27) 

^ 5nrt5m»f 3)dfrf\rft prrr iWr 

*fn *n m fapn '^rt Trfaq «tt, fOTqi 1 if 
qfayT ^ faiqi 

«rq.- »nr f T4tr Bffqfannr «■) mT 269-ir ^ nrr ir r q 
if, if, gw arf^rfrinT tnrr 269-^r 4^ gg«nrr (1) 
^ apfrr,, fawfgfw anfwni, arqfa t— 

( 1 ) vft 7 * «rt arinra 

fwrwt —71751 1 


(2) i?° iTfrg nn t rnw7 q°g ^frfgir f 
f^fo, 115-flfRi Wi, le^wrirwV «nrif, 
nf fa?# 1 


4 ,1' i^itt 4 ifl ^ dfi qffag 4n*rfar ^ anfa afi ftiq 
wfaifairr wt ci 

gw swiffa ^ afan ^ 7TRR4 if #y # annfa :— 

fa) w qwr $ Trm if smnam # mfta if 
45 ut iratt# anrnwnf 77 

ifanr # nnffa if 30 fan # wfv, ^ ift 
ar arffa m if mr ft, ^ iftor "fafw 
anfwnf if if fa# w?fw wm; 

fa) w itwt H Tnprr if si 4,14 1 4 # irrffa if 
45 fan ^ #in: gw i«niri: innfaT if fair- 
W4 fa# ann antw m, anifaimw# 45 
nnr fa fair if fasq arr ifaftf 1 

wwl»w:—|inf snrw 41# aifa qrf mr gf gw 
arfaftnm, ^ arwniT 20-^ if n*n Tfain- 
fan 5 1 , 4^1 ant ffar nf gn arwrm if 
fanr *i4T 5*1 


gifir 2 affar, 18 fa?4r, ^ffr, # am 44^ Jr 
f?w | sfiifaiFfrr 3)f£r^f447or. Tf^FfV^f 7 474 fin, 

qfirfa jf 7ft515tn'84T 272 fwfa 15-4-96 77 fa4T 

t » 

# o q?7 o <a# 

gw? mftTFRt, 
irfrnnr annari air^i (ftrdwn) 
3iafn far, Tt^nT 

fanfa I 30-6-1986 
#?7 : 

*tpt m—i] 

STTS STT TTWfil, fa*** 7 ' 6, 1986 (SUSS 15, 1908) 


US* -5 c 5 ^ **•_ 

T1W! ffyf^TJT, 1961 (1961 «T 43) si *1TT 
269** (l) < *nft* «C**T 


'W *f** , wr»w mw WTVW (Tallis) 

anfa T>, TfadS 
ifass, fsfas 10 aRTtf 19 86 
fa^Slfo 3 ll|« tro #o/tT^o^^K/i 4 / 85 - 86 — 

am: 1 |£, ff° q*° m\, 

wmrx «rfMfr*w, 1 961 (1961 st 43 ) (Fwtf nnf 

cfa '3** wfafanr’ shf nsr sro 

269 -* < «fats *ww <r, s* hww strf 

wr sttc* is* fa wm ff*»rfw , farm gf*ir ststt **r 

1 , 00 , 000 /- Vi. if wfas; if 

#>Tfa 9 *itir° s*V*t, 8 fsw.^jfs, si* **731 if 
fan I (sfa angjft it 'sfqrs^s it sfas 

$), iffajtssf arftmrn^V % srsfa*, *^si*if stum 
sMss* 1961 % sisrts, fssts 13-5-86, 
stf ssfar insfa s> sfas mnot uss if *w $ wins 
sfaw si faq 8r*rfas 4ft vf arfr inti *05 fam* 
ART? 1 m 45R* if fa ssiqsfair insfVr *rt gfair st*k 
qes, sir*: «wr #w if faf sissnr srf o sr * st 
> fa? fffws if srfas; ^ «rfr anus; (afircstf) arfi; flrffaft 
(sfirftfWV^jft* <fif sRRor si far inrim W 
sfasw, fwfafflir sssfaf if sss ares* fafas if 
sn*fasi *s if srfas stff fa*r ssr if :— 

(%) *RT1* if O* fsift *FT 4ft MT**, 

alfalfa* «jt *r*fFr sff si ssjts; 

STfST* if Silft sfa ST ^Slf 4**f if irfSVT 

^ ffa; srfa/*n 

(*) fafr faift sis in faift sir in *1* sifarc Y 
Iff, faf^ DTOftS 3 ITW alfalfa*, 1922 
(1922 Sir 11) ST g*S sfalfas ST ss 
m wfatfa*, 1957 (1 957 st 27 ) < 
ssifafa afnfatfr ^sro ssz faf fasT sst 
*T ST faST STST STfaq ST, fastf if SfaVT 

si faq, - 

3flT: SS, arfsfanr ^ft «ttTT 269-S ^ STTUT 0 ! 
if, if, 3W 3rfafarir sft sm 269-* sft T3*vm" ( 1 ) 
^ 3nffa, faRfafair wifairat, afaq :— 

(1) I j sft sisst -TTT 2 o «ft 7 rwr mTCtits 'pns 
«ft orffaK, 

fwrwt —sw *+xy j : n%° fast* 1 


( 2 ) *o sfs 1 * ?r3f--iS SiriiS n«T ntfSTSifio 
fa°, 115 ^* 51 ***, lfis^srr, stsrt snf, 
sf fswft 1 


<r wy if**! «nft qsfw irwffr st writs wt fuq 
sm tsi f pi mw stot c 1 

s*fr h*mTti ^ sfas *, ST 5 fi* if sff iff srnsrr :— 

(jb) fir T£*ST ^ wnr if srw *1 infi* if 45 
far sft 3r*fa st irwfs^ft ^sfatsf si n*sr 
St miftir if 30 far sft srsfa, sf ift amfa 
srs if irsisr §t„ ^ ifirrt ssfar 

^sfsssf if if faifr Tsfar ssht; 

(?r) fS 1 PSST *6 irwr if SOTTS sft sift* if 
far 4 > iftiR sss ism insfrr if far®fs 
faift 3 tr isfar ssm 3 fa^Rmrft ^ snr 
fafas if fsnf st iRffi 

i 8 te f hK«i :—fmf ssss afc qst gpr, sf g*s ^fts- 

fsss ^ 3r«ns 20 -^ ^ sforifa* if, * 9 rt 

3 T«f ^TST, *f SS 3 f«ns if fan SST ^*1 


insfa 5 srsr, 8 fsisr Tjfs, ft srs, ssrqr it 
s?o nssts if ftss \ fssFr a? fas fariR ifsr^tWr 
% sssfas, qrrsfr if Tfsiff ifarr 76 o fssts 

13 - 5-86 SI fSST X l 

«fto q<no srft 
sstit sTfsmfr 
ssrss BTTS-sr ^tsss (faftwwr) 
afs f* ( TRSSi 

faTS : 10 - 7-1986 

rft^< ; 

22 56 0 

mm vi Trsnrn, ftew 6, i»#6 («mprc i5j itoa) 

['HT'I III—1 

-3 ... i —- n . ■ "— - Jr. AJi JtS— ~ - 1 " 

m m^-si-ifr ipr.—— 

snWt gtefTOT, 1961 (1961 Vf 431 w 
mrr 269-*r (l) ^ ?[mn 

mm ittor 

v nr f g p r, gfrw> arum srnrw (ftetete) 

3TTO tTpH^T 

fete 7 30 TO 19 86 

fc^Tg‘° Slf 0 IJo *fto/p*!£o ijwte/ 13/ 86-87— 
m : 1$, af>° rrq o srarV, 

urTTVT nMtem, 1961 (1961 W 43) Pftf TOf 
TOt! Wl^ 'TO1 gfafrTO’ WF TO t), ^ VTTT 
269-V $ apfrT gwi mfWff «f fwm* W3 1 W 

tfnn 5 1 Fbb wit gprfrr, ftemm gfwr jtrtt Jpcr 

1 , 00 , 000 /- 75. 4 BlftTV ?• 

gWTOvVrfo 2 nter 13 1/3 temr vrlte, ot n n.'j;? 

Jr ften f_ (srte ygg TOrter vtetet ir v':r yyf to Jr 
srfWci $), vf^I-Ri? afsr^rfr % vrqteir, ijmrte ir 
tewr afsrfmnr i 96 i % aosfte, feter 13-5-1986, 
te qgfm gm fu r g? gfw ffRir ^ 4 wr *£ wring 
srfnw 41 far* BRifrer vl ir* 1 5 * *0$ *H tewrg wtf 

vr qnr®r ?* fte tot <£ffw mrfw vr gfw 
rnmr gm£ mnng smnsi if, qte 

«wh srftnwr afl to? srfww if gfw f* 

arT7 *T7« (tfflwT) *f7 Mfffllfl «$ 

4te qf^f srttv Pmj to tot to srfm, tewfgfw 
gmter 4 gw »W7v Fnf%i if iFtfW w 4 vfw 
teff fwn to |* :— 

(*) wtto 4 fTt* terit to W to, gw 
wfgfww w! «r*fte w rJ ^ n^ r <^ ^ 
<nfwr if wfr urof in wr rw 1 ^ gfarm 
^ IV; gfr/m 

(w) ffrft fwfr to m fwft m in to 
vf, vrafar arnr-^ 3 ,Pvfrtw, v; 

(f922 w 11 ) v to m 

imw yNfrw, 1957 (1957 VI 27 ) 

< wfmnif «Rifrrft wttt srw f^m to 
«n in f'vin «nrr *n, fninr jf~ yfixi 
^ Nnq; 

sw; w, gw 3rfMfror iito 269 -n ^ wgr^r 
f, if-, i rw grN fror ^ vt tt 269-»r grorr* ( 1 ) 
^ apfrr, frofnfw sifwi^, anrff :— 

( 1 ) 1 . m ^-ifr '<rn 2 . ns^fr ;,T7m T^noi 
> 4 Y cnrt^m, 

fnqrnt-nv^T, 1 

(a^ 7 V) 

(2 ) 4° 'TRinfa Ttun 7^? nos aflTTW, 21-22 

nt ?s c #n, 'i'rfninire ^fr?, nf farwft i 

( 3 )^f\nr) 

iff vttI <^ifw TOfw < «nfir < fnn 

Vl 4 nTf‘|Vf W 5 T 1*1 

gw wfrr ^ wfr wt* if vft »nw 4 :— 

(*) w wwi 4 tttot if jnEnnr grft<* 4 

45 farc ^ wfv in rnrginlt arfwitf T7 
^»n vl ?mffr tr 30 ^ snrfv, arfift 

wTx cnr if mrm fff ft, 4 4tm: n*fw 
^fwnf 4^ 4 fwft cirfw |W«r; 

(V) Wf ^WT < 7TOW if JPWW utl TTITTv 4 

45 fw 4 4trn: gw wn rnrirr ir 
fwft «nr arfw wrt anmmnirrd 4 to 
fTrfw if fvn tt wlhfi 

w*W*r:—frnf tow imtl «ftr wf vr, 4t gw 
Tfirfror, 4 Brwnn 20 -^ if ifcin ftr ft 
f, ^ «r«f ffn 4t w arwnff if t'wr 

TO |*t 


TOrftr 2 after 13 1/3 ftwr ijfn , gft itto 
cf^o rjrote Jr f?w | fnn-Pr ntern teT-m 
% gnrten, ijgirte n Tfte^tn^rr 759 f?3tn 13 — 5 — 
86 77 fTO $ I 

sfV° irg c >wr 
nem nrfagnft 
n^rirg 35 iw?: 3 >rqw f^Ttenn) 

S5 ‘ 

a TO f' 3 !, ftWV 

tetev : 30-6-1986 

mri, : 


nnr HI—ij to Train, Ftoto 

htot mf. =1 .. cnr.. qn. t— 

hhttoc dffvfinrp . 1961 (1961 W 43)' fl 
vr<r ?fto(i) 4? and* uroi 

«nr*r gtoto 

* 6 TtrfciT, ?r^TirBF) 3 rnmrr stptto if Tw t) 

TOR 73-7, n§ ffF=fV 

>,i fvra t, frora M 197 fi 

tram •To 3?Tf° rro fffo/n^o/ 7 / 3 7tij 1 2 - 85/ 
1338—TO : US', nto i»R fiftm, 

JlTOR nNfroir, 1961 (1961^143) (Partf fTnf 

Rif TOTOrT 'nw arfnfipnT’ ^ WT if), if «T7I 

?.69-v f anfrr wit snN^rd wi, Ftto tot 1 to 
•fcTTO f fa TO TTttrfVr, fwfT ^PtI 4UTT UTO 
1,00,000/- Ti. if Sffw f 

rr— 211, 3 , 119 T IT ft •”■ ‘f 1 TT^T ra¬ 
ft frTO | (sfpr TORn 3 'T^t it TO’ i,- 
t), ajfam^V % TOUfan, TtTT ‘5 TOTOR 

3ffW (TO> TO) -if ffraV if -IFT.^ yfe^urr 
1901 % a^srhr, fenra 1 985, 

•rf <{fw iwfa f nN?r totot qro if tot f ww 
stfaror f faq 3rarftn ft if f 3ftr in£ n? faronr 
^ *1 TOmr f fa irwpfar trotTr to ntncr totr 
j^nr, snf Si»ii T K srfcrqi^r if, qf iRnm srfrora to 
tot srftima if aif^n f afR torsi (tor#) ntr 
TOrfft (sRrfrftPif) ^ =ffa qf i f-m ,tt -tri 
TUT SlfflTOT, P wPhPto TOTTO if 3W TOR*T Pnff tf 
if sttoPto; »nr *f ^fvnr ^ fron tot U* a— 

(»»!) TOiTW O’ P*^ ft W, ; 3 «R 

*rfirPiTw *8 anfrt ^ tott^ f 

(rrfirw **■ «rift wrr* an ^rrr if «f 4 «r- 
4 i Pw ?; 1 «ifr/wi 

i«n rr'tfl Trofr 31T7 T'TO't ®TT TTST anf^Vf 

*rf, Prff WTfW 3rf»ffmr, 19?2 

(1932 ^ 11) ^ ^ 5 T Sif^f^nr, in w 

atWrarr, J957 (1957 ^^27) < snrtr- 
Trtf sraffift pro 3 twz T;^ hnrr wi «it n 
<*mi 'niFtfi; «n fwTR if fff»nT f^r 

3rt: 3T^, ^fr to 269-»t ^ ^toto 

if, if, tott arNfipTir air) nm 269-n totoit ( 1 ) 

^ -iiTOr, fTrofnt^r sri^rq'f. 3 r«tf?t :— 

11—226 G1/B6 

6, 1 986 (iTTSTO 1 5, 1908 

( 1 ) ft 4 ff-qr mo fqfqo 

2 3 7 , TTPanfT fnfrsTOl niff, nt f^wft I 


(2 ) TOGf^f fni/RT 

317 , f'-.R fiTO- 5 , 2 21 , «nfk*T C ZT&, 

EpP ^-4000 2 1 I 


4 T 1 ^ TRRT Tift ^TTT^ TwfW «**lftl ^ 4 P^T fH?[ 

^,-fjifjqjf ^TOT g 7 l 

qroftt 4 arro ^ ffn if 4rrf »ff «rrefi e— 

(w;) vj tttoi $ trrrr if ittoir ^ tirdw ^ 
45 fer nt) nqftr in wr«Rft sri'wri’' to 
*TTOT ft fnfRT if 30 Pro ft »rPv, f 
srN «rre if tntror ?f^t ff, f iftro TOffra 
aqfqqirf if it fror «rff?r ?mir; 

(ir) in ifTOT f uron if totto ft ardr f 
45 tfr f iftro: i»rrTO innfn f P$nw* 

pEBlft 3TTO '^Fiw ?TO 3rvf|WW'd f tth 
if Pro m nff 1 

wrterr :—*^if srrw TO 5 f fn TOf wr, wf g>w 
affVfm f wnif 20 TO if 'rPnoPror 
gr s , 3f«i ffn f sir anamr if Pam 


gpPTO ?) 

qo it —211 , 3 , n"r TifV ^nrr afn, P^ft l 
■>ffn 6 1 8 TO tFr I 

<to % o niftai 
nsfTO mftnrrft 

TTgiqH 414 TV afifTO (fTOt^OT.) 
3Rfq f 7?- 7, f^TOt, ; lf flfTOt- 1 1 0 0 0 2 


14-8 -1986 

225 G 2 

8K3 m 6, 1986 (nm 15 , isos) 

[8T3 til—SP>» 1 

(1) «tV 5 rn=fi> 

ft- 6 , irftfaft, if Puff 1 


( 2 ) fao 

2 , it tut <fRr, fr^qra, n£ fcrftft 1 

(1^1 Mft) 

•r^q- sn^.aft.tH-fttf-. 

sow* 37 P 3 P 33 R, 1961 (1961 357 43) 3ft 3TT7 
2,69-3- (l) ^ 3TtfPT ?T31T 


35Rjf<w, 3pT3> smm snror (fftiftsTO) 

3137*3 isr—s, 3^ fftnft 
n't ferlT, f'33T35 14 3,'IF3 10 86 

fto 3)rfo TTo ftto/rn7io/ 7/trq-o 3*p--a/ 

12-S5/385—373: W, ftt. fto ftftfa7, 

srror srf^rfmm-, 1 96 1 ( 1 96 1 3743 ) (Psrcf 

wm; '133 arftrfrW 3^r w ?*), 3ft 3717 
269-73 ft? 3pfr?f 5nP335nft ft?7 3t[ fftl3T77 “hi*? 37 

37717 ^ P37 73737 fluffT, f7RT37 ifM STF57K 813 

1 , 00 , 000 /- 17 . 7 “ arfMl $ 

m r frmft 7 0 %- 6, & 93T ftt ^777 777771 7 ft«13 

| (ftft- tifnrw i^ftr it 3 ft 771 r ft s-fM I'), 
ifsiiftllft aifgmft % 35{qfa3, 3f fft!?ft ft 

ifftilft 777 -3fafuft, 1008 (1 908 -TT 1 6 ) % Slfti, 
Mitl few* 19 85, 

35r <£ftf37r TTPTfrT ^ 373TR *£5*T ft JW ^ C74873 

srfWr ft? Put 3i Titid' 3ft t* 1 ^ sfn: ttr 1 3? fWnr 
35lft 37 37717 ^ f3i 777^377 877 fxT 37 3N?r 3T7R 
ft?3, ®738T3 M'I\W ft, tftft C13873 STfftW 37 

jrfWr ft 1 37 fft 35 ft 1 ftri a^rro ( 3 RTlS| 7 f) afti 3 pgMfT 
(amififftftf) sft 3 RH 7 r nr ™ to 

srPmro, tftRfftfTTO ft 1 733- 3 rtto fMPw ft" 

3R9P335 W 7 “ tMt iftft p353T 737 ?* : — 

(3>) 37RH17 ft O* 3TWT 3ft TOT, W 

3Tf3f73TT £ 37317 351 Tft ^ 3TRTR37 3? 3lf3r3 
ft 1 7)7*1' 35lft 37 -77 ft 33T*f ft 1, 7f3’37 ft? Fvi u ; 

(37^ ftftft P35ftt 3773 37 f3Rft 37 37 3737 31 ifwft 

37, fMf 2 87lftt3 3n337R 37f3f737T, 1922 
(1922 37 1 1) 37 OT 37p3p33l7, 37 37- 

arftrfmTT-, 195 7 (19 5 7 37 2 7) 3> 

ntwf 37^ift3l 3377T W Tfft 1 f3737 337 

*77 37 P37T7 3777 37?^ 37, fWt 3f3tn 

^ fmt; 

3777; 377, : 33t7 KrMPTTm 3ft 3777 269-7T =6 37317773 

TT , 7f, 33RT 3ff3fft377 3ft 377T 269-3 ^ 333T7T (f) 
^ aitftl, P^RiirMr 5 S 3 f 337 Tf 37 « 7 ftt; : — 

37 3^ 377 ft 313“ 33f3g- mmlftt ^ 37^3 ^ Pit? 

3mf37p53f 3137 ^1 

137T 8W?fl ^ 373(77 ^ 81377-7 7T 3?nr »TT 3773ftT :— 

( 3 ) W 77337 ^ 777733 7 f 573573777 3 ft ?Tt 7 ft 37 T? 
45 P31 3ft amftr 37 tfWTSFtfr ^Pirrftr qi 
Trmrr 3ft rnoftpr ft 1 30 F^r , 75ft 7ft 

373 p 7 T ifR if - |t<7 sftftfr ^ TpRR M 3 i ’33 
arficTTfr jf 7 f P 3 ift 53P33- f 3 U; 

fa) w ^ 7737(717 5735m 3ft mta 

45 P377 * *fcrc 13 cr W 7 HlpTT 7 f P? 1 W 3 
Prof) 3 W srfw 33777 arifrsifcnwft ^ tri 
P-Tlftri if P 351 T n TT^if 1 

wftwi:—* 8 # 37m IT^ft 3 fn 3313 ) 7 , 377 133 

37 p 3 rp 773 T 7 ^ ar= 3 F 7 20 - 3 ; if 3 P < 8 l P 3 3 T 
^, 31 ^ 3 r»f fftn ajft gTf 37^777 gf f^n 
337 5 s ! 

3735? ft o ft,-6, 97373ft 311 3ft 35f ftlTl HTtftl, 

fftTOt I 

ftto fto ftfttn 
3 ST 3 m-ftririft 
7737335 5773751 317133 (fnttsaq ) 
8ft3 11- 7, 3^ f3?3rft , fftlftT 1 10 0 0 2 


TTt^l ;i 

14-7-7 H 

wriT hi— i] 

tffK-r pi tow*, e, 1986 (qrjqt is, 1908) 


srtT anyfrt.tfr.qt..- 

8 m^ 3rfqfW4, 1961 (1961 =PT 43) 
tl TO 269 T (l) t 3T^6 t 

flit RWT 

ywfm, nfray, anw?: arrtrw (frfTroi) 

3R’-T ;ft fectf 

fit faftt, fcfTHI 14 3TTO1 198 6 
to 3,’rfo tto ^ojn^j'jjn-Ho ^Ro- 
3/12-85/36h—aft: tfo %o jftitfT, 

tTWf* -yflfwiT, 1961 (1961 «1 43) (ftt *mf 
f&ti 8 Wq ‘g-SRT arftfw*’ 441 fj,, flTI 
269-t *> artk tom yrfwintl «fTf frow «trrt «i 
vrw fas ?m tnfn, f^.Tr^rr gf^rcr ynm i£w 
1 , 00 , 000 /- t srfwi $* 
v\r< fsrayft to % wr ti 410-25, ¥nrt vitttr, 
t ft«i?i f; ftp, %?<* o3r<?4 si^tv t ftr< yn 

Wi t qfa 4 I), aify^iTl % 4 WfW, 

fit foCf^FV t 'ORerfr rf^VvR'Jr ajfdfniTJT, 1908 
(190 8 qir i 6 ) % aratvf utter f?w< 19 85 

4tt <£*fw wrf^r 3 g-fwr yitK i£r»r t «b nnnm 
irtwt t, fen; afatesr 4 i 1 4^ 5 1 arlt ^ fw<nt 
mv-i 4ir fiii-OT $ fa> fiHr-pNrcr n^rmr 43 alter tram 
«[w t , any) wwft srfnw t, ntf cwnfr uTlw ^ 
W? srftnjnx t rntwi 5 * orfa; arenm (tux*)) aift ufo- 
fit) (tdtfwl) ti ifH 3iwr t> ftq w <mn wr 
nWr It nit far a^far t att twr fafar if 
nwrPw; ¥<t t «efw 4|t fan wr it i— 

ft) t %jt fWt vnr art im., ; ww 
arftfapi a! ttte vx tt < 4 

Stlfay if 5pift Hitt 47 aw 4tt if afafT 

56 fa?; srfc/m 

ft) ufa faat *nr fT fatt w 4 i «rrN-ar^i 

asT, urdtn sto-toi; wNffmr, 1922 

(1922 11 ) in ^rt *f*H**, in ^ 

^arfuitrinT, 1957 ( 1 957 w 27) <i 
irmtpnt 8 Fnfttt wz fann *nn 
»n in f%in <4141 , mr^ «n, fwnt if ^rftvi 
«rt 4 Xf $ f»Pl, 

* 10 : «K:i, flftfHWH !f) 41 TT 269 -^ < rTOTW 
if, if, <3W arfvftim VTO 269-W 3<r!nTT" (i) 
$ 3 nf 4 , ffmrftrfuTr sjrfwtr, Bnfr?[ :— 

i tYntV irsiRf t^T 4 : 0-2 5, 

■''Ttttv, <Tt t^TOTT I 


2 ^ t)" ^ufk 51 § J T'i', 61 , ^PTUT 7 ', TTRf^TT 44 <, 
f(t I 

(ilf^ffr ) 

4rf 4 ? ?[tot irrfi 5R^ Ttf^r iroftr ^ 3itt $ fgrq 
cn« f; 4 Tf?iir <tR: 47 «n 57 1 

m ^wrfw « nnfr < tty if *ftt ift «n#r &-•- 

(t) 4 f*Ri $ wit Tf <t 5 tor 5^ fnfty 4 
45 far 4ft ajyfy 4T tefifft 5qf4wf «nt 
^yai «■) arrifr t 30 Eft anfy, yf »ft 
ttfy yw if turcr ?fefr ^f, t tfn: yyfw 
MrfaRnf if t fafryft - Hrftfr hptitt; 

ft) rt t^-n t! TTiitt f" srtmt nrcfr t 
45 fyir ti ttfnc ^hft frrla - 4* fU^-rw 
tsi' Eqfyif cttt ar«ri^iniin 1 $ m 
*f fir>i m nyf-i i 

mrfcm :—ttif snry?c ?rs?i sfr try) i>tt ft tw 
yfyfnm ^ ar«ny 20 -^ v itwifro 
5 *, »r*f iffTi, tf w ywny if fwi 
wi it 1 

fntf to %o- 25, 4T<ntr 297 s w irw trto 
TOtitt, 4 t fywV 1 

tfo %□ ttm 
nsTt tTftrTOfr 
■-rm* srrt'T-" :- j T^ 4 n (fqtf^ir) 
m Vf f'4-7 fqett, fft f^Vl 10002 

ureter: 14-8-1986 



['ITT [[I-SPf 1 

nTwan^igw, fqgiw 6* issa (, i9os) 

nw mf 1 . tt. i^r. qir. 

awan atfnfwn, 1 96 1 (1961 an 43) 
aft arr 269 a (i) ni sr^ftn i[WT 


annfm, srraw; sown (frctOTj 

31# If Tu,'~7 fcwft 

at fwft, fvTTn 14 31TTF1 1989 

fann #o a,'r£o rro qro/iTnno/ 7 /rq-o i'|v<i- 
s/l2—85/382—W: q# a"fo q;o q-'m^T 
flW JfM'inm, 1961 (1961 an 4 3) (fat fint 
fnai awra 'gw sifnfmrn'nr^r wt f), aft ktct 
269-q at anfr-i yaw snfwnan art ms ftrwriT w# an 
anm if f« mm rwfrr, fawn gfw arm n<n 
1,00,000/- ■n. t arfam f 
'r';t fair a# n» I. q*TT #t at* -95 fw* 
T TTf^rr^fr it ftw ?; (sflvvvn v nmi if nr> 

Ijq- ni qqfqq |), vf 5 ,v#rWT 3 lfsi-.-;rfV 41 otaf-W, 
nf faett it nrcnrn vf-^r ;r<q '■iiMnw, 1908 
(190 8 "KT 19 ) % aiail’.,', m'H teV.W 5 ' 8 5 

aft <Ffw itnfw at gfw man; «w if anr at 
srtWiT ^ fftn; aratw an qif % q;t ®r^ fawir wn 
an anmT f fai mmaaTw ifrfm an gfw mam ifsm, 
wmnn srtlnw if eft wmnn srfwnr an qv*$ 
irftrercr if -nfam (f tn: amrca; (swriW) trc anufnft 
{vmtrf^r) a, am o n annin % inn in mm nm 
srfww, fmmfqfw ww if gw BRrmr fgfw 
*f aiwfaai w if *efw mst fmm wt f e— 

i o #rnnr snr q^r, wfV in#;? fnr< ^r, #f- 
uoi, fwfw nr#, n£fe?#h 

( 3 t“aTTT) 

2 o #rqnr fagm am, wft wn ftf, # 1 - 95 , 
fnwr ' :r#Tnt, ni fw#Y 1 


w n?r frai mft an#; rnffw inqf#r $ artn a> fnx[ 
antfail'^i ■ anin if 1 

3tf inaiW ^ 3TJfn ^ qqn^f if art^ 1 »ft snafn :— 

(a>) sir i^anr ^ irm if srananr aft irrftar if 
45 fs* aft *r*rfv m TOf^ft "tfaraaf >r 
it^TT aft ?mffr # 30 fw aft at ft 
arafv ara «f sufit fi’ J , ^ *ffax 'fafac 
wrffirtn' if # fanft softer pit; 

(v) fir h^rt «£ Tnsrrr if srsw aft mffa if 
45 fan ^ iffn gw wm inafir if ftpr- 
w*r fanft 3 rar sqfw aanr araf^wrerft ^ 
oiir fnfw if fain on a#ifi 

rn^nsiwr:—*inf jpRn isrsff arfr art an, af gw 
3 ffafnirTr ^ 3 TNrR- 20 -ai if qfiwfw ft, 
a£t ar«f itnr, aif gw wi ^ fwi irm 

{%) K-i,x*t q fa.qi «'i «rrw, «w 
arfvfmrq % fltif'f w r# ^ j»wra: a! 
rntma - v' anft arrrf m gqq' nirf if q^n 

< Ewi;- «frt/in 

(«■) (fift fanft wt m fanft w in «rar arfi^at 
arf, fsr^ 3 qroftn amr-w arfft^Tpr, 1922 
(l922 an n) at gw arfatwq- ar -r«r-^< 
•rfvfqqn 1957 (1957 an 271 * Wtaimw 
nwfwt aaru sras a^t tanrr mn *tt m twn 
aim arf?q «tl, fwwf if ijfwr « fqq, 

nt-pCf no a v t— 95 , aiwrat 325 an nw fnqin 
in#inf, nffwnti 

nto q;o nntnT 

nmn snfawft 
nfnnn awi vraaa (fnftsw) 
sr#n tut ~7 ffwt, at fcwft -110002 

arcr; aa, gw afvfmnr aft vki 269 -a at arwra 
«f, if gw aWfnnq aft nun 269 -n aft gnvm ( 1 ) 
£ snftn. Pwfgfw «afwaf. wrfir 1— 

arttia; 14-8-1989 

m^i: : 

gift III—■*«* ij 


WTT« V( vm#, fftmiR 6, 1»*6 (gTSW 15, l#08) 

SW arts.’- aft. qg ■ ■- 

'WK1 arfgfgm, 1 ye 1 (1961 t.r 43) 

VTO 269-H (l) >fi snftg T£WT 

«rm tot 

■r,,v^-vj, v-T amw: srr-n ■'farftjm) 

Ki~: ft--- , gf r-c^V 

■if fo-ftr, ivvi .■ i 4 or” ■ ;i»y, 

fgftiq 'lilta n ,a fft o/ilW ej //iTJTo ' 3 JTT 

.?/1 2-85/384— W'- IJ3T, ft)'" ft a g/lPT, 

JnWR 5rt‘MfW|-, 1951 (1961 sgr 43) fgft IRnf 
sgrft gwra; ‘gw arfvfqxpff' 5 ^r wt $*), mi 
269-g ft artfcr gtm snfawfl w 1 g^ hw grcft 
«ix«r ?* fa wtw gwrfrr, faror gfw *rrm gw 
i ,oo,ooo/- ^ct. ft" if'W g* 

g;v fngft ft a / \-v 


171 P ft a 9-1, wr~ 

ngo, ijgg ^goT--i ft 


'rt > ’ O ’ 1 *‘l Vll^S 

ft ^ ,v yr w s i 


%), v,\r-er nV vMv 

-gpY ft 'qqfag, -if I'lwft ft fv..W '8Pft1q- 

vft,;^'p,-.ui 3,-fokftft, J i>■)U (i9Ub ~T i. ) ft pftig 
9P>J Iv-PR” 19 85 

*r? t^ffw giqfar ft! gfag qprn: qwr ft m ft! with 
srfa'W ft! fan aRitw qft in/ b 3 sift ifa fte? fawra 
wft w grog b° fa ftftFEftfw giftfa w grw *ngrr 
qw, gw. jiwr sfaw ft, qft »wr vfCTR- grr 
srfaw ^ ftFw ^ ftrT awwi (sRrwt) sfrc w- 
faft (awfafaftf) ft! ftp? tfft 3 TW ft faq w Ton wi 
srfaw, Igwfafw g^far ft gw aww fgfw ft- 
groifw w ft gff w g^f fan wt g :.— 

($) ar-ro: ft faftt wr wt snw, gw gfa- 
fam ft anftg *rr far ft ftgrs ft sifw? 
if « 5 nft >KTf ggft srgft ft- ft faq; 

(if) tnft faftt *rm m fafti w *n aw grfarcl 
nri‘ (gpf 1 gpxfm arraw: afaiw, 1922 
(1922 w ii) in gw arNfgw, m w- 
BrtHrfgw, 1957 (1957 I6T 27) ^ 

5nrfarr«f afafafi ^tkt w g?t F*ott wi «n 

in f'Pn gw *rfai itt, faw* 1 ^ gfwr < 

i, <ff q/Hp=r faf{, 37-27, w grfg, 
sm wt^r F'Trg’ fw gariffg 
nrra w<r fa^, 2/48, wf) nrg, wrrfqg 
ggg, gf fegf i 


:’., fr gar wnr, n-2/35, ggivm’ir 

gt fegrti 


ig? t[wt wd >^qfw gwrfn ^ arfg « fgq 

srri'frrt'pliTr wgr 1 

r-P TtqtrT fi arw ^ q' ot 1 ift m m :— 

(«) pt ttwt ^ ngw ift wrw? irft gpd»r 45 
far anrftr gr gwsfaft ®qfwni* won qn: 
Ifft rniftn Tf 30 fag lift wfv, gf 5 ft gcrN 
gR' ift ggw fftft ^ iftgr l^fw ®rfwift 
if- g fwft sirfag «mrr; 

(v) w gpnTT ^ gnm if tor nft ?mftg Tf 45 
fw ^ vfftrr wm guftfr if f^ww 
falft 3 R STfw TO 3 T'ffTOgf} f! qw 
fnfwr if fq^ gT wnfi 

—iRnf 5nrw >sw1 gh Tft <ur, gf gw gfa- 
fnnr, ^ annnT 20-^ if qfanfw tf, 
teI g«f erfa gf w ar«ng if fum wt |“i 

gfir RT^rfr ft a 94 , nigiftt 300 gft gg 

wr _ 5 it-,, gfgrftfa ^rgfrftf, gr< fgrn-i, gf kwt 

ftto fto mr'TgT 

gum grfRwftt 
■nBOTTr sigqrr gr^gg (fgftturo) 
g'gg ftg— 1 fftwt, gt 110002 

gcr*. «g, gw erf-Tfgrnr t 7 | girf 269 -^ ^ *onrpi 
tf, if, gw gfifigg gft rkt 269-n gft gggrn ( 1 ) gpfa: u-8-986 
f gfttg fftigfftlfw ^rfwftf, 3rftf?[ -— 6'iffR : 


4T74 ^rf 77444, ftfTRR 6, 1986 (4T2TT4 15, 190S) [414111—I'H 

444 3TH 1 . . qw . CJ^- .—- I o #Wr34 f‘4344, q’-2/l4 0 , 7i 4147514 4?T4, 

4m7 srftffjnra, i ge 1 (1961 *Rr 43) ^ ^ 1 . 

*7777 269~4 (l) 4> spfk (3741747) 

srrar 47447 

fwforr, 4fT44> <ni"^'< 3rra^r (f4r‘tor*r') 

3744 7 5T-7, 4# f^ffr 

4$ f^TR 14 3-:474 1986 

f4?V 4° 3nfo qo nl'o/woll/njio 37p;o-3/ 
12-85/363— Wu: *W, 4to %o W^T, 

imrw; 87f“vf444, 1961 (1961 417 43) (M 54if 
5445 95^1^ 'd'KT srf'trf'ftpr <191 £*) , *TO 

269-f ^ 3p(k iffOT snftpwid wf 4 $ fmnr W 47 
?* fm wrrar 4mPw, fera^r gNrr «rmr 
1,00,000/- 71 arftpfi ?* 

4l7 77° I 3*77 ifr q4°-229, 477 

#~r4, 'HTH- 2 4 f^-n f fa V 344 Tiro aw^ 
if sf(7 yif 44 4 HfiTn %), TfWijt44t? gsfsr^T^ % 
444744 , -^rf ir *nv?rfrr a?T*r^PT 1908 

(1908 '7! lfi) % SErV.', 41^5’ feSTSfr 1985 
71? «pfW TTPlfW *5 3f44 TOT: ^5JT Tf 414 ^ 0W4H 
(rfcTOy 4 faq arnifw ^ f nfc inS n? fwnr 
*174 «pf Hxvn if fsi 4«m<iT«M *f4frr jrt sfm smrrt 
q?*T, 4 tp£ wrm srftreR i q^tf «w«n*r TTferena- *it <n?| 
jfror it arfvTT f jtN: «rk« (aRRisI) «tf7 ur^fTtf) 
(aRTftflTJfrJ )$ cf4 3RR»r ^ f^BlMITin w 
JffcPOT, Prot^ra OTTW if 3W SRTT«r 
*f TTT'rf'HTfi ¥4 4^477 qtff 1**B4T *RT |* S— 

(*f) »T^rW <f £J* IMt *14 4ft 4m, 34W 

*rfMfTT4 <6 «nfrr 457 * aRrw ^ 

mf4W if- *jft 47 wf »f- qf44T 

^ f«q; 4ft/4T 

(uj fnf) srra 41 f^sft tnr ?n 3R4 snfW 

4Tf, p5T4T^t4 414417 3ff4t444, 1922 

(1922 «r 1 l) 4T 4M444, 47 444R 
*rnrf444, 1957 (1957 4>r 27 ) < srofinm^ 

f4T7T 5T4K f414T Wl 47 4T f4>41 
4TRT 4lf?q 47, fBqR 1 # 4f44T ^ fviq; 

IPT: 4T, 3W 4f4f444- «fW 269-4 45 4HJR4 
4’-, if, ff44 8tf4f 44¥ VK T 269-4 4v} 344177 (l)' 
$ wVN. s4fW4f,i *r4fq t— 

2 0 p 4 t fw;f J 47 " 7 T 4 T ^'JqT qo q^o 5 T 173 Y, 
040-9 8, 71-17S 444, nf fawFf I 


4Tf 4^’?^RT inti 477^ 44t47r 4HTfr7 ^ apfr ^ fTqq 
4>nf47f?4f 41737 t. I 

?W TTTcrfV ^ 5pf4 % OT if- 4lf4* ift am»f4 ,:— 

(4>) ^477 qs 7TSR4 if. i474TH‘ 4l1 3TT}ir 4* 

45 f44 C| 3T4f4 47 4twf T? 

<6; TidiT tt 3 o ^4 4d 3r4f4, stf 
4" 7'ini<r 5T, 7T3T T4f43 
S4f434f 4" 4 f^v*ft ^1471 44177; 

l<sr) 54 7 T 447 41 TraqT ir sr^ranr 4 ff fnd^r if 
45 f44 ^ 47^17 343 14T47 4Wfn if ffcT7T?w 
aT4 Nif4tr 44777 , 8747^1374771 4? 4Tff 

fvrfercr 4’ Um. 4t 44nf i 

'^T«7«T»! :-?VIT 44477 <?T®rr 37fV 44T 417, 4f 3W 

3tNf444, ^ 3^474 20-^ if <7f74Tf«ll?r 
?°, 4f1 3T*f £777 47 3^ 4»4T4 if f44T 
* 41 ^ I 

444 144, TTT^f 40 qq-o-229, 477 ’f7747-2, 
4t f4?7ft-3 3% 47H 30 0 44 44 I 

4 to %o 44147 
444 ’4714 Flfr 
417144 3)7447 34^47 (f^TtfOT’) 
3744 74- 7, 4f f4?4t- 1 10 0 02 

47’’1' , I : 14-8-1986 

4t£7 1 


«TW tll-WW l] TTTRTTO THIITST, fVTOR 6, 1986 (iriffTO 15 1908) 

stto . 

3TPRK 3rftrfjm, 1961 (1961 44 43) 'tft 
9TTT 269-9' (l) z£ 3rtfar TTTO7 


sFrofro, amm srw^tr (frftenr) 

35.7 f or— 7, nf fo^rt 

Hi. ff-TTf fTOl.: 14 3TTO3 19 8 6 

frf^Fl 4° 3?T$o TTo *fto|pspTo /7/vfi° 3MTo-3/ 
12-85/355—319: 4Vo %o TOW, 

smrror arf^rf^nnr, 1961 (1961 44 43 ) (Prof Brnf 
^ qroig; ' 39 ^ arparfroif jrjt tot %*), qtt kto 

269-sr £ TO5 snfvmft ^rf hj apcf 47 

4475 f 1 fs topr mf^r, Ptitot ttPtot tot" itto 
1,00,000/- tt. srPro; b* 

*ft? fmnft *ro £ tot jfr 1970-250, $zi 

i^TOT-2 Sr frTO % (tfR ^TOT 37 TTOT aiqffaft if 

sfr: qfro £), WtotoH: 

9^ frrrft if VTRffPT Vf ;sat ttttt afaffjrpT, 190 8 
(l 908 77 16) % asfcr, ^-f\jj fTOTOT 1935 
w tr=ff5F?r tot?*t f TfVr 77177 ttttt 4 tot ^ with 
afuorw *is Psnt «fnfw ^ srfr inyf *105 Ptottti mi 
*0 otto ft fa *r«n^«w irwrfw sir aNtr tostr jw. 

ww srftrOTT vf, iff stotto srPronfr ot 
aftrarer 4 atf^R sf arfx acror*; (^tott) srit 
(BOTrPTfaiif) * afar ifir ai-Ror 4 Pm-, to Tm toi 
uPro^r, WwfaPTO qy q ^qf *f s’W »rWT f 
if nirofTO; vr if t:Pto H^f- Potit tot f 1 r.— 

ffsoBm tf CT* fa*ft 4W fil fP«, w* 

5 * iHk -TT (rV ^ «r^K5 «j} rtqrr 
if TOft *frrf 37 3*^? wwtf ’if irfqxr afi fa^. 

(w) if 4\ froft arrn bt Pot# TO" in arnr an Pe ru r 

qrt, fqaf 3 arW)rr amRR atfqfroir, 1922 

(1922 *BT 1 47 5W Srf*tf*PPT, 47 TO- 

CT arfqfTOB, 1957 (1957 44 27) 

in TOiJrTFf 74RT faPTT 

TOT ^7 4T fapn 7TRT : 4TfSli «TT, f^TTq' if 
5fTOT ^ 

3RT; 3TST, 377 qr( 9KT 269-4" ^ THTTRUT 

t, if, 34 ?T arfqfrorr TO 269 -^ ^ MTV (l) 
3T#7, fwf^lPw sqfiRflfr, 3Rfq; : — 

1 \WX 7J5, 05-27 3, 933 ^n5_2, Hi 

farcTrf 1 

(31?^T5 ) 

2 sftifflT W-\ r , or-2 02, TTofofr, 

nt i 

(,";\ IroP) 

qrf TTTO anrfi «ETO! ^ffaRr TOfTT 4* f?9J[ 

4 vi iPjjn I 7 T^ t t ^ I 

3TO TntfrT ^ artfq- $ afaf«r if qriV »ft srroV :— 

(R) 7[TOT 7T4TO if !WW Bil nTt4w 7? 
45 fenr nff toPb m aro'TNt sul'qrot q7 
^ror ^ rnifw Tf 30 f*nr qfl aRtv, ^ ift 
srqfv toj if 'ff4W ftert ft, 4> fqfw 
®rfaraitr if f44ft tort; 

(»r) w ^ tttot if q^rnro qrt cnrftg - 7f 

45 far 4? iflcR 375 79743 TTlTf^T if 

f5if 3TO aifftt 74T?7 ’'nffFrTT^ "> « 777: 

ir fvCT - 3 -, mff 1 

Ksrtaw*r— rn sr;-ii a a 1 <ir toi «tt, fr gwtr 
riiifiTO -i -. 7 ' rr: y - 7 ^ f ’rtTOTfro 
to* ^ rfrr jo to d,TO7w if fro 
run if 1 

iiiT-25 0, ^37 #'iT7T-2, 7^ fTFVr 414171 30 0 
TO iT 1 ? I 

4t o %o TOtex 
9'snii qrf'dTOft 
TO17 -5 3114 TO a? 17 TO (f'RtOT ) 
313T7 fw-7 fTwft, Hi tTRfr-110002 

4Kfl : 14-8-198 6 

ift? 7 : 


*rmr ro (totor 6, 1986 

fflTO TOff 1 . fct fJT . f£lT .- - 

JTWarfvtm, 1961 (1961 «l 43)'wi wro 
269-* (l) *> artfrr fRTO 


wrfOT, nfnro sttoto 3mrw (fattenr) 

3TOT fy-7, if# ffTOl 

4# f^rt, ftifu 14 OTlpi 198 6 

fafur ffo siyfo rto *fto/ir^To/7/TT*{c 3JTTO-3/ 
1 2-85/386—3f0: arto %o OTT3T, 

amm arfVtiOT, 1961 (196! to 43) (faff sot 1 - 

sEOT? qwiT[ ‘tot arfafainr’ tojt 'Rt f ), itK 'ir r r 260 
»sfi apfto nsm snf ; r-iTrr -■■{, k? f m-pt -r>-- •. •' • 
if 1 fa «rm: *rof?r, fanro sfarr rrrrr t v 
i m. ^ 3rf*ra if 1 

*Tfa feRfspt ffo f-3 7 2, % OTT aff ii'jv rfo'iffr )--2 

if fcTO P (str viiais' if stfa 

wr % artro t), afsroitf % 

4#tfrot t rorotT 3 -;Moot, 1908 (19 0 8 

to is) % 3>srH fenrsp: 199 s 

e^I «T4fW OTltTO $ 3fan STTSTR IRS ff TOT '45 WTOTOff 

fffTOTO 4! falj ZBl 5 * sfri: *rsf Iff falTO* 

m. 4 to *fiK*r |* fa ¥wffT to stro totr 

ipr, g-*n£ wwr nftran 4, tf4 own srfaros' H 
afinnr 4 aifV^ ij* arf? ottos; (ottotot) ?*?■ 
■nitisft (aroMW-) ;£ *(W ofa 1 ottot *£ far* ro 
■tot to jIW, farofafOTT gssV $ <m 3 R;<r 
Nrf* 0 T tf- ifTwtw m 4 «f*r?r 4ft fam w f :-■■■ 

(w) ww £1* fron ott ti wa S4ti art’»r- 
famr 45 anftr *b< r« h. tots, 4 irf^r s 
TOft TOR 1 in ot 4 wrof rr cfaro & fan. 

(«r) ufaft t^t am «n «or in «n*r sntwnf 
^r, nmfm anw< srhftinnr, \--k^ 
(1922 «CT 11 ) in W arMiwn, Hi trn- 
^ arfutm, 1957 (1957 ^T 27)^ 

MUfjIf nf jf^ l f<^ 4 HT 7 T 8^3: 4 ft fnun Wf 

in in faun '*T4T Hiffn «n, iWn 1 if- nf^n 
■« ttp?; 

wn: «▼, gaw »rf»ftnm «mj 269-^f n< arfrcx 

ft, '^T4vT 3TfMfsniH 4TTT 269 ^ ^ ^'J'nr r* 

4T*ft4, rHH^ffld arfwrt, 3r#?[ :— 

(iTTsTIf T 5, 1908) (414 111— J J°’ 1 

. ..„.„ l .i_-.i....i. 

1. I'.Hi ^‘f5/,9_. “ifA'i'fiiT 

?ii fwfv i 

(3T^74T ) 

2. sfl afTT-'^Cn ff", tf-i39, ff4;n 'Tisfwt 
iff fv^l I 


<r iff ^rrt grorffr ^ sr^r « (Oir? 

37(^1^541 afRcTf 

n to (W ^ unfir ^ ?n^r it ^ arrafr :— 

!'t) fVf 5^T4T ■<*> -rrsil 1 ' t- T .-^v S" ' : 7Tt.l T 4 “= 
■(}■] aprtv T1 ;f-;; : ift (R ?^nr 

07} ?T»5-. .,; ;'v;t ,,, 4_ Or iff 3ft '■- 

4TC *t OTTO' fltft ft, *; «fRR narfare 
mrf'efOTt it <3 ft?n^v astro W; 

('■'<} fig n;-^v t si 1 " TOfi'TO t;( fntK n 
45 ft? $ \;-\? nrro ^-rmr OTdtr it ffn- 
4f“ HUT sqfro irnTr snfrffvrtHril 4 

iYR,"-l.i;f- l : . • ..y '.. , ';,.;t 1 - r o'.; J ; ■„, n 4ro 

I'tiftTOT as ai-KTO 20-*> *t qtwitffff 
?/., iff! artf ffm qf 4»r st'-hdt it fw 

^-372, trow-2, if# f^TOV, 250 “t 4'4 I 

afto %o ntm 
'>.751 n mfa’arrtr 
OTriTO anirorr arrroo (tifryoi ) 

-T3T3' v 'f— 7 r<TOl, '.’# f=TOt—110002 

nrtRir : 14-8-1986 


4!4 HI—1] 

*rr*4 wmr**, ftr-Ttirc e, 1986 (wtois, i908) 


i m wn* f . d. wjj 

*TTHTt , 1961 {1961 W 43) <1 

8 TU J69-4 (f) ft mft4 7[44T 

rw 4T4IS 

<Wf«4 , 4|W4i 4144TT 47ft44 ( ft l >44) 

srsftr * 4 - 7 , 4 ^ fewrt 
4# fortft 14 arn^i 1986 

fftftw Jfo 3Hfo ITo ifto/lT^o/y/TT^o 3ITTO-3/ 

12-85/3 6 0—3^r: ij£, ftto %o ftftt4T, 

4i*r«B* «rfMf=rr»r, 1961 ( 1 961 w 43) (Nft ^ 

suft T5W '4*4 arfirfwr’ ^ irt f), 4ft *mr 
269-4 ft a^-frr wir snfwftt ftr 45 farc^rra 3R*ft 44 
44*4 $“ fft ntm gicqftr, fsiro gfw 4 ttr 444 
1,00,000/- *1. ft 1 affirm f 

*fk f^ftt fto ftf-292, ?„ 44T 5ft ffftft 

^rftt4t ft f*44 £ (ftt* s^ftt ft sf* 

wr f jf apf^ £), 31 fawn ft ft 444t~4 

4f fftrfft ft 'flTTftk Tfaftfo-OT 3lf«f"i4TT, 190 8 
(1908 44 16) % SiftftT ';rf05 f44*SP: 1985 

in 1 innfff ft sfV* 4 ttr: xm ft qnr ft 

v f nw r ft aK l f’W T ftt in* ^ ft* irft 45 faWTO 
477ft 44 411*4 5® fft mitfftfw 44 ftftlT 4HK 

474 , 47lft «WH fffWr ft ftft 344414 5lf?TC4* 44 <45 

sfftw ft 5“ ft* fti*4 (ftruft) ft* ftrfftft 

(sraftfftftl) ft ft* ftft ftP4 ft 44 414T 441 SllftW, 
frlHfMPflfl d?5>4 ft 444 3RT74 fftfw if 4TBirP44i W 
ft 4»f*T?r 4ftft fft4T 44T :— 

(*) •W44 ft (TC* Nwiff 4T4 4ft 414?T, 44ft 
4t4f»PW ft arftfiT 4R ftft ft *W7J6 ft 4lftl?4 
ft- 4fftf 4Wft 47 4W 44ft if ^f44T ft P44; 

(v) tfftr ftfift 414 41 fftft 44 4T 414 4lfwftf 
ftT ?Jiif 4TTftf4 3714-45* 4ft4f444, 1 922 

(19-22 45T 1 l) 4T TOT 3rfftf444, 4T 444>* 
4W441T, 1957 (1957 44 27) ft snfnmft 
4*9 fTjft 441*1 44T<£ 9^ft P4i4T 447 *TT 41 P^41 
414T 4T, P®4lft if 4f4VT ft flOT; 

4m 44. 444 4 f4f «g W 4^ 4TTT 969-4 ft 444T4 
ft, if. TWftftHTT 4ft 4TO 269-4 ft> OT4T4T '(l) 
ft 4ftk. frcTf4t44 *flPW4f, 44fft ®— 

12—226 GI/86 

1. '^4 4TTR f45 *reft4, 2 ( 3 /1, &Z ^ 

4iR, 4^ fTF=ft I 

(3RF?fT=fr ) 

2. srWt f=43%m 919, ft—292, fifftw ^rrftlftt, 

4f feft I 


mi ff 7[44l 4TTl ^rft T4i*W ftrtw ft 4ft4ftf44 
wft4|P|4f 4T7BT 

444 rmfm 4 4ft»r 4 W4 ft vtf ft «nftf r— 

W W ft44T ft TF444 ft 44444 4ft 4Rl4 ft 
45Wft ftifrr 41 TOPW*ft «^444f 44 
7t44T ftt Clftw ft 30 fftT 44f4., ft ft 
«R#4 414 ft 44147 ftft ift, ft ftm ^4^44 
"tfwft ft ft fftft «rf44 J4TO1! 

|4) 44 ^447 ft 11444 ft 56414* ift ITlftk ft 
45 fft* ft ftur aw wtwt 4«*(fm ft 1 * 54441 * 
Puft 44 t wrfai^ w* wv if^mut ft *14 
hrfwir ft f*»n 4 t uftft i 

:—fuft sriyRT 4*ft aft* Tft 4*, ft 344 

3Tfftf^H4 ft 3TWTW 20-^ ft MpOOf l ld 
5*, arft ^frr,, ft 34 ®r«n4 ft fftn 

447 |*l 


sftq^f fto ft— 292 , ftrftftt 325 45T i fftft'4 

4 T 4 tftt, fo^ftl 

afto ^0 ftftaT 
4514 rnfa^ift 

miT-f 3?pm 3jfq*ci (fpfftaioi ) 
3144 fft -7 fftf^t, 4 f fftfftt—l 10002 

4rft4: 14-8-1986 



Ml XM Cl wm, futfiyT 6, Iii8 ( iTTTOt 1 5, 1908) 

hth m—i 

m ch'.kI.toto*, 

*lTOrc*fafaTO, t96l (l961*»43)*t 
*ro 269**1 (i) 4 gror 


afirafcpr, *Ttm> armi totto (faftefa) 

spjfn 7.^-5, firrot 

ff£ f55*fV, fTOfa 13 31^ 1986 

fafw no ^rifo g» ^'Vc.ynq^o/3 ?tto-3| 
2 - 86 / 1371 / 401 — m: ga it o %o im?r, 
wnrnx nfafaro, i9t>i rl9fii *bi 43 ) (fan vto‘ 
*n4 mm 'nro arfvfmrtr’ c?r tot |“), mttt 
269-c 4 *fan Hum aifaavrd 4r *? farour cfa *1 
«rro |* fa wm r*rfaT.. f»rwT *farr wrvrx gw 
1 , 00 , 000 / 13 . if atfara f 
’PffT faTOrt Ho tttto- 24, t W ^ sfar OPF 
OlRmUTH, if. f.-MH & W 7 ***% ^TSTJ 

aggnt ?r *m ?«? to Jr nfV-r |), amro; afa^fr 

% ^TH’WIT, a.^'T T r n— 5, Hf fc^ff 5f MTTlTfa WTTOT 

afafafiT, 1961 % asfyH, nTTfar HT^f, 198 6 

nt <£#W ifafw 4 nfVr nrnr gw tot 4 ww 
Jffawi 4 fag «nfar ufl *rg* 5 * *fa g4 n? Ifam 
TO?f ct ot 5 * fa TOrg^far irorfar *rr -jfa* sttp' 
gwr, wk wm irfawr 4, gV ronm y from m 
i *| sfaro if wfv% 5* *frr wwrm («fms1) aftr ifafaift 
(■mMW) 4 4fa gV totto 4 fag g* ttst tot rfa- 
«far farofafarcr if nro totto fafam if gnsfroi 
TO if ^falf 'iftT faiHT "I 4 i if : ~“ 

(8) 1RIW »f fV PMt ITW TO TO!, TO? 
gfafaro 4 *rMW wx nf 4 totc« « 
«rfaw 4 - mtVt grinf «r nfa grof ^ cfa*n 

4 far, 

^ g4) fanrt rw tt fanft to *rr wro irfwtf 
vi t fa *? 1 *rrofa "fw-cr vfvtm, 19 ?? 
(1922 «r 11 ) *n irfafaw >n *rf?^T 
3lfafaTiT, 1957 (1957 ^ 27) ^ M4H4 T * f 
anirfuft wkt sr^ fain wr mi in fam 
arm *nfag mi, farnf if gfam it fag; 

3f?r: ‘O^n 3rfafainr ar 1 } mto 269 _, t ^ <*1 h_h 4*1 

if', if 1 , hmit 3 rfMfamr mitt 269 -M aMvro (i) 
4 famfafa ? afaif, TOfg r 

1 sfr q>o srrM^T, ifVo-5, «MiT<afiT g?®r?, 

6t f^nff I 

0 ) 

2 A o jfo TTfiri g 7 ”! n;^ hh, inip; snriiisiT, 

6 , fnir^ nm, f^^ri 1 


<t Mf gm Tnfl gtfro gwfw ^ < fag 

«mfarf|gt din f 1 

to? mfa 4 wfa 4 wroc r cn 1 <fr «rwfg t— 

(«) to gror 4 gcro if icrw ^ nnfa g 

45 far grt TOfa mt wfa^g f ti 

groi vft imffa if 30 far ^ «mfv, gf ift 

wgfa wrg if tow $M ff, 4 ifro'gMfaa 

»f'WKf 4 n’ farft faf'-?? firorr; 

(c) to groi 4 irm if siwr aff if 

46 faT 4 iftST 3« rj W *rafa.f if flJTOIfK 
faift tot affair ?erm atrvfaymernr? 4 qro 
fafanr if fag 31 TOhf 1 

>MC>T M :-“TO»f WTO TOtf- qfa TOf *W, Ilf «TO 

*Mwtj 4 4 *mtm 20- , « 4- ifantro 

4?igfTO TOTOf4-fTOT 

TOT |*ll 

gn-24, rrfa gTOZ^nr, fawft 1 

no % 0 iT'-f^T 

hstth snftr^iff 
arrgin: srrMga (f^rrerni) 
fwf —5 f?5sfv, Hf fcTTOf-1 10002 

l.Tlfa : 13 -8-1986 

*ftt9 wi turn, «, ins (*nns is, nos) 


Mi* ill—«**ij 


Wium* iffvfqirff, 1961 (1961 *T 43 )' «1 
VTT7 269 "^ ( 1 ) < *nfcr 

•nrj iw< 

‘Wtufam, mpTO WT4M 

31^ ^Gf-5, -Tf fitwfV 

fafsft, f^fEFT 13 1386 

fnT^r n'o sito rro ^\ojq^o~^ju^o apCo-3/ 
l-8fi/l352— 31 ^: ijfi, Fo %o PT^^r, 
mium* nfSffsnnr, 1901 ( 1 96 1 msr 43) (f*tf **nf 
Twit 'am wi^rfVnnr’ •RT »m , art krt 
269 -^ 4 anfrr rrenr 45 (Vnrrtr msr 

w-or £ f*45 mu rrurfV, fmrnsr afm armr iftm 
1,00,000/- T 5 . srfyjR £ 

*flT fwrrt fr<> mr#-26, & a«rr afr ^swrcr, 
K?m ir Um | (n'K w-r sirara a^qmft *r 
sr'fv yrr ^q q TfVi &), mqn k 

mn foi-5, rrf fmt it ■fltRfftir sifpst sfafaqn, 
1961 % <3Sftn cTfftiy WIRff 1986 

jpf «f^NRr rrprfw 4 afm mrfK nw £ m 4 sww 
aftnivs 4 r®T 2 srcrtmr ^ ht 1 £ m^x. ir?f «r^ fmrcmre 
m *(n *Tr»r £ bs q»n\Vfafl rnqfn «t afmrr wn 
rw, w4 wih afrrwr £ ££ «vww srftfw «rt 
q^ 9 ? sfajrcr rf arbre £ afrr artw. (nrq-rmT) *ftr 
Wrrff («Rjfcbnrf) *ntft*r 4 f*rq w 

Tm qm 1 qfaqRr, boafafitr »$mTr rr w <Rnq 
rVfmr-j it * «TwfinE rr £ «fw fvmi irt £ :— 

(mi) mum v cf fotf mnr ml mm, am 
•hrfmr 4 mV* wk t£ 4 £m* 4 mifwr 
t mft aw? fi wf f ^jEmvT 4 

\ m sft *rr«r *mf, ( 2 ) \*\ qn^, 

mT ^-2 6 . ^laisrrr, ni f?wft 1 


2 t «ft q^fr^r ^rfr ^53 wik atn-> 05° srk 
T^r: srr?t q^t Wt ®pY^t irr- 

ffSTPR fiqfJTo, yq>i> ZW<, 64-^?To 
fqqrq qil#, xf\z 5 fto ^0-115 23 

Trqrr (rftrr) —rawT nrrtftra? aio 

fqfifo 1 , ofto Ju qrrqrfT Ttr, 
qfw, fq^ft 1 


mi ff wnl mr4 £jifm rr^rffr 4 *4* 4 f*ni 

^nrf«TTfpr qrm ^tt £1 

cw mrwrTrr 4 «n^r 4 44m if mriV «ft wrmfr :— 

(m) mm qxjn 4 wrr if jtotir' ml mrtm 4 
45 f^R til wrfn in wn"ft wrfwirl mm 
4mmi mt rnift^r rt 30 tor mfl «RfH, mf *ft 
« nriV m w if mm |f, < iftrR «pfw 
Brfwml if 4 fWT wrfw ymr; 

(m) frr r^mn 4 qrrrr if srmm mrt bkV 4 
45 fw fl> iflrtr aw wm mqfVr *f Pjmnpf 
Pcrft hr sfffmr imro mrr^rrmrft ^ mi¥ 
f^rfmnr if fmnc m miWi 

imrWimr;—mmf sum mml iml mr, wt 74 m 
jfmfmnr, < *nmw 20 -« if qfwrfwv 
?*, «nf rfifT ?rr mwnm- if fmn 
mrr f 1 

(ir) 0?ft fwft «rnr fT fr^r mwitt imr 4 ifw ml 
mi 1 , fwn 3 wroftm 4 tw wfxfnnT, 1922 
(1922 «r 11 ) m wj mfMfmm, m 
MMmK irfrfmm,, 1957 (1957 hjt 27) < 
mfmmf ^«f«H jwkt vwz s^f fmmr mn 
mr mr fW iKi wt, frnmrc 1 ^ ^fmvi 

«w: **, «w wfvf»m ml} mm 269 -m 4 mttnw 
<t, if, am mfrnftu i f <*Vmro 2 i#*m «1 mm (1) 

4 irAm, frHfafoff Nffwtt, 3f»frq; :— 

mrf -2 6, ^fawrrar, Hi f^t, nrqrqr 200 mm 


tro q;o q-qT<rr 
qifa ?j'd 

rr^rqqi arrm^ arRmri (ffrfi'tfinr) 
3 m /-if- 5 , fqqqft, ni fwtfr -110002 

qrOia: 13-8-1986 



mw m wnw, tofarc: s, 1986 (wt*w rs, i9od) 

<f? Wlf’j.j d. • W-: -»«-*- 

VOTfa «rfafaOT. 1961 (1961 W 43) ^ TOT! 
269-T (1) 4 TOfK ffaTO 

TTTW tffak 

wfmr, wttor tttw w(w (Tw1w*i) 

artg Tcr-2, nt fe# 
gf ftwt, ftgfa 4 STTO5 198 6 
fgfbr #o tT 0 ^to/n^c/ 5/^0 * 1 x 0 - 3 / 

12-85/1321—W TJ^, smflT To WW, 
arrow sifafrog, 1961 ( 1 96 1 43) (f^f w? 

^ 9wrg; '^w srfafroir’ g^n tot , grt rnxr 
269^ ^ TOfcr wr rnfTOrrft grf uf f4wr« grro 1 w 
grnror g 1 fa ?«rm *i ro (\d, frwrr gfw amr ttto 
1,00,000/- v>. tf afror ?* 

5f(T fwmW go 881 - 30 , % rr*rr aft 
fgtfi, gf fwf f frw f (fiv gTTW *f|l£gt 
ft tt> yji t?8 g gftrg %), xfro^rwt affarott % 
ggfrw, 3fag t*r-5, ",t ffwt it vrTTgtg Tfas^twgr 

aifsrffiw, 1908 (l 908 TO 16) % W>T, niffa 

fswr^r 1985 

vf tfaTw irwfn 4 gfwr *rrTK ipr 4 tot 4 ctotr 
srfaw 4 frrcT afafar gfl to* 5 * af inti g$ fawm 
«e\ wror 5’ fa mnfafw OTifVr isr gfw tutt *tw, 
^ ¥$Wig 5lfWr 4, lf4 WITT " Jlfawt *KT TOf 
srfaw 4 arfw; 4 rr *gm> (wTrorf) tpr 3Rrfafr 
(TOTfaPTOf) 4 affa if if WTTO 4 Prot to tott tot 
8fgwr, PgrofgPw Kfro 4 gw wr Pnfw if 
awfagr w 4 gfw f^f fain TOT f* :— 

(WT III —Qtot 1 

- Jl JT ;T ~Zj 

1 . «ft ftof grfwrTOrxgTTO, 4tx to® tow 

TOmrorr, 17 , toto w irorrwt, 
fa=rr*pf>:, wtTOT -390002 (^ncrn n^x) 

* (aww) 

2 . srt gxur w? w tttt ^g fg aft- 1/3 0 - 8 , 

<fiWlTSr, r/sffasr, fit f’TWt I 


vf >ri ^ »rfa «pfar wrfm < 

T. n f f u hc ut vwr £ » 

ww ffpr fa < wtf* ^ af" »f|* "ft wrerr ;— 

(^) W ^WT ^ TTafW ft" WTW 4tt cfftfa f 

45 far ftt *«rfH 47 rrww<y ■gfaniil Tt 

4[WT ift <mfr« t 30 far <t «*fa, 4Tf »ft 

qwfa 4 T 4 if- OTTO fWt |f, 4 *ftlR OTfar 

anfarnri f- *f faptr «rfar trm; 

(^) w Tt^n *£ ngw if stsrtw grrffar 
45 far ^ ffac gw wft wpiftr if 
fagft ott wrfar wkt ^wp?rrr^ f <rmr 
fgfw if fan an wff 1 

WEzfatwr :—wif ww «?rww ajfa w gr gw 
3rfnfaw, $ anwr 20 - 8 ; if qfanfw 
ufi f w annw if fain 

TOT f\ 

(«B) 3RTW t 1 »nf fafr wr jffl *nw gw 

«?fafanT 41 m «*4 < w^rot 4 wfaw 

if vet in tot* OTt *f 'Tfam 4 hnj; 

fa) Ifrft fatr IOT 47 fatt TO 47 tot infeOTf 

vf, fwf 3 TO?tfa smrw 4 f«rfTOn, 1922 
(1922 w 11 ) 47 gw nfvfam, m TO- 
VC arfiffanr, 1957 ( 1957 «T 27) 4 

M8N4 T f swfafr WKT STW 4ff fam TOT 

*rr m fain wn *tt, farot if Trlfan 

4 fan; 

^d:i <ro, gw srftffanr ^ <rra 269-ir 4 arw TO 
•^, if, gw arfHfroir Tt) vttt 269-«t Tft mro ( 1 ) 
t, 3rtf' fapTfafror "ufarof, arvfa e— 

*w wttV arr^fafa ^rgg, ^ go ^- 30 , 
tt^Tir fwtti 

«?> o TTH^<I 

WigTi sirg^ sirwrt (fTOtsrw ) 
yfg fuf—5, f^rwt, gf fgwt-i 10002 

grtfs: 4-8-1986 


Itl— ww 1 ) ufa vt *1414, torscc 6 , 

1 ^, - | JM —_ 1 P ^ 1 — ~ ~ ifT II i fP i TTi nTl—^ 11 ^ 

tW tHt'u.iJjlf&Sffia ’“■i*"*"' 

arum arM^rtr, 1961 (1961 vr 43) 4t 
VTTT 269-W (l) 4 <*r>frr 

wttw nvj 

wwfww, wfiwwi wiw 5 wtwts (Nitof) 

3n?!TTGf-2 rr^f^T 
fefTPP 4 31*1^ 19 8 6 

f^Ulk 31T^o TTo fflo/n^o/s/tTJTo 3 )r4/i2~85 
32 6— m: *j4, aWTV g^TTI WWWWT 

•nnw wtfwfnrw, 1961 (1961 ww 43) (DwV fff4 
«r4 mrc( ' 3 W y fwft nnr ’ wp wwt $■), wfl ¥TO 

269*W 4 W4* WWTW SlfwiFll Wfc m fWlI "4Pf W 
vrr»r 5 * fa (W w*rfisT.. Pwirv wfww wrwrc 4 * 

1,00,000/-^- if arfirv $* 

•vitr. fcffr 4V ifo | h«tt 4 ^-43, q'qkk - 

qrsp, qf f^ft ir fiqq £ (tfrr $rm if <$, 

w q qfqq f), afR^c arfavrff % vrsfire, ^r- 5 , 

^ f^Fft ir '*rr7crV rf^3 ?vq- ai ferfanr, 19 0 8 (19 0 8 
qrr 1 6) 4 3119 k frrrter kn^rr. 1985 4t 
4 tt <[#w vwrfrr 4 ;rtww fifrr *pw 4 «r 4 «wwwtw 
jrfairsr 4 F«n? w^rfw *ft *rf wfr *r4 wi fwpnw 
tot *r *>rc»r 5 * fa wwmfw 4rfwr wa efww wtwtt 
sir4 ^rm slWf ir, wwr srfaw ^r 
q^E srfaw if arfawr g 1 arf* 3firrv (oh- 6 faf) arf?: ar^r- 
faft (aikfafti#) aRm 4 itpt ipt tutt inn 

srfimiir fwfVfW if ^F?r <jkk«i fafanr 4 

qit'lf'l'fi Vq if JFif«m Jfijt' fail I J l4l J* c—■ 

(w>) 3Rn*r if o* faiff «rw wi im,, wwir 

wfrtfwrw 4 w*ftw 44 4 w«rw 4 pfWiw 
4 "nfr.vjrf it smf w»9“ ij*-^hna # ftro 

(t) <fift arm m Nrrff ithr Tifinl 

iir f^nf 1 vmsfWr wttot wfwfsnnr, 1922 
(1922 «r 1 1 ) *t 3 ^ 9 - uNfjnnr, m iw- 
flrMjnnr, 1957 (1957 *r 27) '< 

5nrmr«f iRrPnftpnrr ^rr^tfwnni 
«r[ bt f%nr sirar TTf|rr «tt ( fVjT-f «*■ fTr>n 
4 fwill 

wj * 1 , wr y f y f» M8 vm 269 -* 4 «r nn 
4, if, wr WTO 269-W wft imv ( 1 )' 

^ ar^fk, fHHfufw* nrftrewf, arVrir :— 

1*66 (*tT?WW 15, 1906) 

. ... I *“ l ™ 

(l ) «ff ^l.3J5T fl^ SPT^f ^0 irg'-43 j qkifkrr 

9 TV, I 


(2 ) vft rfw W'WrV f*p# 3>HT W^TRt W>-22, JT^WT 
jit to, 5'fGrgra ^m, fweift 1 


!Rf ir^ irw wrd ^Tif^r imfwr ^ arak ^ fsnj 
y kq if pri VTITT WT • 

iww wwrfrr < ^ w*wnr *f“ 4nf *ff wroW s— 

(ws) ww nwwr 4 Tnm if- srounr vl wrV 4 
45 fiw wrt wwfw WT TOT*W«fr M( f w n <fl TT 
*[W*t 4i wnftw if 30 fw* 4f wwfw, wt *ft 
wwfw nx 4- mror irf, 4 iftiR 'rwfwtr 
■wfwrrwf' #• 4 fkift wrfw atwrir; 

(4) W ^wwt 4 jmw 4- Tvrqpr 4t imtfw 4 
45 fw* 4 iftan 3Wir wn inrfw 4 fprwww 
fv4 w^r wrfw 4vnr ^fpijrerd 4 q?» 
fWtwo 4 f4q wr ir44 1 

wwrt4nr:—iw4 Jnpw ir*4 4i iwl vt, wf ^ww 
wfyfkm, 4 *vnw 20 -wr 4 <rftwifww 
t, Wfl w4 ff^n wf air inamr 4 fVm 



rrrkf 4° trir-43, ni^Kf 600 wr <rw, qqT?ftkr 
tt4, 1 

3i4tv q;o irrrqTjfr 
wit qfsrvfr 

mjm 3iHTT^ cP.ripR (ffR'tST’JT ) 

aiaffT fsr -5 f^ft-110002 

ftfrtv: 4 W*TO1 19 86 
wt^T : 


(«nq hi—* mr 1 

mtd m wra, ftRrsqq 6, 1986 (ms'T? is, laos) 

wmteg «rfvfswf r 19C1 (1961 *r 43) is! 

*nrr 269-* (i). 4 «nft* 

173X1 11411 

Wtf**, WfR*S *7HW (fn^R*) 

aw ^'cr-5 ftresft 

fap?fV, fotH 7 13 3JTO1 1986 
fqqq tt° arr^o tto ^o/qwo/ 5/37 q/q qqo aiR -3 
3-86/1432— m: JT^, q° qq^n^T 

*rrwc nfqfqqq, 1961 ( 1 96 1 «w 43) (f*4 unf 

{q4 qwRt; 'sw irNf^nr' *lp *37 f*)„ 41 *m 

269*^ 4 snftq w snfqwfl 4r $$ tawtr 'P^’f *t 
kix* if H wn qvrftr, «f*?r *wrt **r 

1,00.000/- 35. 3fN*5 if 

4 tr fvTTr vl 71° | f-rm afr q^-3 1 , qfa qr* 

q^reTT-T, qf f^Pr q ftqq f (4h qqTsrar ar&ft f 
ijq 1 q ctfirb f), aqqq ^fgqnRt '$ Tqqfqq, aiqq 
TV- 5 , qf fqqqt q qrqftq aifflirr afafqqq, 1961 % 

aqjYq m/to HT*' 1986 4t 

«f qqfqq qPltfl 4 qfHpr *1*TT *[?* 4 W 4 WPTTr 
srfWr 4 fvtq *Rrfq=r 41 qif if 4l"< *rtf us frora 
«v4 *r asm if fa q»nq*i**?r tfqfw «i sN* tiwr* 
q.q,, qqqi wnrrq afps* q\ q^ ww jrfinfiq 4 
srifaw 4 arfro <* 4r snrr* (4*n*rf) rfrr W«M 
(qfqMqtfr) 4 «t* rtf ®Rfr*r 4 far* qn mi qqi *fa- 
<m„ f-r i afa fa q qffw 4 **o ***<-* fat** if *rw- 
F»i<q w q qrfasr qft fa*T **t 9® s— 

( 1 ) sftircft tr> q?^frr, 2 iiim q^tarr, 

3 qrqq jester, ( 4 ) sfaq q?qqrr 
( 5 ) q#r q?^r qq-4i, tfi* qnf, qT-reqq, 
qf fq?# 1 


( 2 ) mqqr xrq qq<> *fto 4\- 1 5, 
qniqqr, q$ fe^fV I 


4 # n qq qi qrrf ^ qiqfiw 4 q^fn 4 f«q 

’ BP fqrf l prf 4T3XTT S 1 "! 

0 * 4 *4* 4 *Wx >r Jfift 1 »ft *wf* :— 

( 41 ) iq ^qqi 4 Trqqq q 1- y q.iRM 41 ukI* 4 
45 ft* *1 q*tv *t wwwVt ■ttwri 1, 41 

q**? 41 wnftw 4 30 f** 41 q*fy„ 4 41 
*qfv fw qqrqr ffift 4 »ftqq q^fhwr 

SErfsRpfr jf q 1 fflRft sqfqq ^mr; 

(w) qq q*wr 4 jm* 4- snungq 41 errtfq 4 
45 f4r 4 »ftqq qqq TOrfw if 
fqqft aqq wrfw 5*KT 4 «Tfl 

rqrqq »r r^q ^t qqrqi 
:—iq*f snrqrr qct *t,- iV i*r 

qfvfwq 4 qwrqr 20-41 if itpnf«ra 
5 1 , qft 30*1 ffn afr aq arwrw if fWT 
qqr |*». 

[«ji «m* 4 cf &■* <w 4) < Wm w» 
qMqqir 4 inftw m: ri 4 wm x*^ 4 
stfqxq < 43 # wrt *1 n4 w(*fqjq*i 
4 qfs/*i 

.«) ^ tWr an* m n* «n w* *ifwnf 
it, fqqf smerfl* *nr-«i 1922 

(1922 qst 11 ) «n qfVfrWlr *• 
^-qn; Iifqfq**,, 1957 (1957 W 27) 

4 ai^i if iwfift pro g y *1 ^ 

^ H7 tiwi *m HltR *!.,] f*RWf if 

«qs: qq, *qq «rfvif*qq 41 1TO 209-* 4 
t, if, *** *M*** 41 *ro 2f9-* «1 i**ro (1) 
4 rtfi; Eumfo fW 9-^ 


qqraq 4* m ift^r q^T q'Ttmt q-nix % sir 
qqqeoqfaqpjq fax qrqrqV 277 . sqif onr 
siref qiq qq-3 1 , qlq qr4 qqq$4q, nf fewr 1 |?h 
qqr ai*rqt 463 qq qq 1 

(To %■<> qq’qqfT 

*r$m anq^ aq^qq (fritfaq) 

afqq q'q- 5 110 0 0 2 

faqfF : 13 *q*?l 1986 

ql^ : 

xm hi— gtr? i] 

xror wr Prcreg*: s, 1986 (xrsnx is, 1908) 


st*f{ «mc*. c'f qx., 

(i ) sfftRrY *rx xrir «r< 3fp° %° xiit, xrxi/ 95 , 

mxc&ii r ta’nWff PPXT, X? TXwft 

WTO iNfm, 1961 (l96f «1 43) 4# 
VTTT 269 -T (1) 4 i 3 T<frr 

htw rwir 

sKiufsnr, xfmx; tow. top w (friteoir) 


( 2 ) «fY VYo t>o j|Trrrr , xt^s ixr*: stpit 24 , 
xrgx x*p, xi fqpft 1 *ix?s %xp 

sfp ^frlT XgTO VP-9 0 5, *X TlfV^T XXT, 

xi ftcsft 1 


31XXf<X-5, xifxcprt 
X$ fc^P, fXXPB 13 31XPX 19 86 

fifipJT X° 3 T§o X° ^ 0 ^ 17 ^ 0 / 5 / 37 ^/ 3 - 86 / 

31 ft: ijit, rro %o J-TPP7T 

arro^BT arftrf^ivw, 1961 (1961*151 43) (f^ f*nf 

W*T> TWIX ‘gw urfxfxinr’ IKITOJ*), xftTO 7 T 
269-x 3 anfrr mv MitVupfl ^rf HI f’mrcr w*f *bt 
snrnr jf fu *«rrx*; ytfrfx, froerrrr gfw wk xxh 

1,00,000/- *fro S* 

'tfix fvx ff v'o I 'pit m pfo 202 , xo 1 

^wtxt tri (xx'rxvx) sfi^rw, 1 f*w f (nV s*r*r 
gxrxx soj^Tr if g;af *•■< % xfxx §), amw sfsmft % 
'pTrfPH, xix p -v- 5 , ni fxpfT if xPxVr vixxp 3ifafx*rx 

1961 $> atflX fXXTXT HR 1 986 4>"f 

Vf TOXfx 46 3fTOT IPIR *f 4W *6 WHTOX 

Hf y pBV -? PsHT sP-fpr if? ?* arfr mg HI PlWTX VX* 
*71 g* f R iRTT X'fw XxfV XiT gfw 

Tpnr tpx, gxxi 4HirnK srf?r>B?r if, fx 
BWf mF^h *g 'Px? srfuHRi x irv-j; 
if* aprpfi (Vfl Wf) 3(K IflFirfl (HtffifXHl) ag 
*hr qV ixrcx SR fxo w xptt »ptt rfaw, fnxfxfiTr 
if F01 Fl 6 *f^ *1TWPw® W ^ 

?lT Nwt *nn 1 * sr— 

(n) «totw $ cX *nr ^ wn, 
ifMf»nnr *8 *ntor tp ri ^ iPTtn «H 
niftm if- *t>ifr iPti ht ^ ifinn 

og fiq; rfrr/ir 

yf hi y m ntt ^ ^ttr < *nfa ^ f«H 

*M^ifiHi‘ r« iron £1 

atfir ag srsfp ^ *r ant* arrefi :— 

(u) ^[ipt ^ *pm ^ wr ^ gTiiiar if 

45 for 9 Rfx HT cR*f 4 ^ft wrfifinfT CR 

fxpt ?rnft"i *f 30 to ^ » rfv, if »ft 

ntv an? *f TTHTOT iflft if, Rafter*: #m 
°HfVit('f jt *f f^vift sirfitr ?xm; 

(w) sx *PT 4 T ag TPTPT ^ HXTRiX pff ?TP^ if 
45 for 5 b ifr^T ;xr 4 T iprfv if fpraw 
fWV 3 pir wrfaRr aprrcr ar^r^mr?^ ?g tw 
ffffHT if fw IT IRfif) 

ftoW«t:—« w rw r^f sfr ^ if m 
arffrfnrt:, ?g httut 20-^> if fixrf^r 
^, Hit ar»f fTTPi it ix vwrnr if frn 

1 THT 5*1 

po 202, 83 6 aof 3?te 3iTX if® 1, 

8P£, I>mTX, <Ti f^PIsfY-1 1001 6 I 

(w) qpfr fitft *rnr ht Pi^ft xp ht «px mifmd 
wf, fill 3 irrofix STTH^T arfvfnrn-, 1922 
(1922 *W 1l) HT gw srfvfpra, ut 
stfirfTHT, 1957 (1957 PT 07 ) 

f aifTTlf VP.frfft 3VTTT 1PF7 f i,TT XT! 

«rr nr Fxitt vht xf^ vt, Fw# if nfxx 

^ froyi 

TOT: 3TT, gw ifvfpxir 4^ «TKT 269-X < IWRT 
»f, if gw arfwfm xl vm 269-x ^rw ( 1 ) 

< anfpr *nFwnf, «nfg ;— 

f7 0 ^,0 ggx«xr 
OT 3lfX-PRt 
gFjx-v arrX'Tn: srr^p (fnif^x) 
aix far- 5 ^rf ppir 

f^xf^ : 13 1986 

XT?*: : 

[ Hi —mx 1 

ara w TT^rTST, fagssn: 6, 1988 (g-rsm is, 1908) 

f** wj 1 . el. . qa. qa - 

auntr* afafanr, jyui ( 1 961 w 43) art 
htv 269-w ( 1 ) 4 *4* ^aai 

*TT* *TaKI 

a,iaf*a , wraw wraars arotw (far%w) 

9?^8 T5T-5, ft 

gf f^fr-i.farfa 133*^ 1986 

fr^furgo airfo rro ^ft 0 / 11 ^ 0 / 5 / 37 ^/3-86/172 6 - 
m: TTo $0 


fla w arMsnm, 1961 (1961 a* 43) (fart W4 
<w4 awrcf ‘aw afvfaart as*r "ar 5 *), art fro 
269 -v 4 »(VhT aar* yifvanrt t art «nj faaarn an 
WW (5* fa W4T awifa , falPW afW 4TCIT *TW 

1,00,000/- Ti. 4 irffaB (* 

4ftr fan aft 4 c sft- 3 £ T'TT ft? VT*faTT rr^T^TT, gf fcsrtt 

if fan t (4 :t ^tt^? an^rtr ft 4afa 

rfa^-ptf sftmff % arnfasr, airtf fa- 5 , irnsfaj 
sptw: afafr^nr 1 9 6i, n^fafar % asfta 1 tfi/fa nrrt,86 

af <£afw rtafw 41 afa* aran *[w 4 aw 4 win 
srf W r aS faq *n<af m art n4 f aft a4 af hww 
artf ag «rr»r ^ fa n ai yffa r rt*fa air afw trait 
qwr, ot 4 watra sfaaw 4“ qV await aftrawr «r aa*| 
afaw 4“ afaa; 4 rtrc a? fa ctt* («(iti1) 4t ifaftrtt 
fart (t^rfaftnif) 4 4 t 44 a^nar 4 fwq at tttt tat 
iftaw, fumfaf aq aaita 4 gw arwwr fata* 
4 trBjfaa; at 4* afw fam tat q* •—1 

fa) arartat 4 ot* faiaft aw art fin, aw 
aftftt* 4 *44 a* 44 4 wra 4 
aifaw 4 at4f aw4 at wr4 awa“ 4 atari 
4f*q; aft/tr 

fa) fwflf ^nr or Paafi w*tw aifartf 
*t“. faV wrofa «rm--9TT ^fafam 
/i«n? «r 11 ) wt aw wfafanr, in *rr»rr 
arfyfajrff, 1 P57 (1957 27) 4 S Ufa-M ^ 

IT-Tfx^V 53TPT TK7- -^r fara ITT *37 ar fain 

Tffar vr farr4 if- *favT 4 fatr; 

■nrr «rw, ttw*t **fvfrw art *rra 269-*r 4 
4", jf, aw arfafanr art vm 269-a 1 art wro (i v 
# mrtrr r fapifafw Brfarat, mtf?r t— 

(l) M^"fVo tto 4Vo fcr^rf, 
ffprRfV-7, ^a^tfar 
pTmrr 4 <t Tty, st'jrV-s, 

(3t?fT<ip ) 

( 2 ) «fr jfto 

fa*TTlft ^g-o-252, ^TTVT-2 ^ I 


art m afaar atc4 ^aTw a wfa 4 *nfa 4 fai; 

•rrfarf^af i 

war ««fw 4 w4w 4 aw»«c if 4nf *rt arwfa c— 

W W 4 wra f nw 4 nrirtar 4 
45 faf art warhr m otMI i fwaf q^t 
qwwi art anftwr 4 30 art wfa, *? >rt 
waff aw 4" «fw frtft ft, 4 rflrar nafaw 
wfawaf if 4 faf) wifao aaw; 

laf)’ aar a[wr 4 snww 4- awara art arfk 4 
45 faa 4 *fhrr aw wm aarfa r 4 f ga r aa v 
fa4 fsr *af«r aaro awi^wrerrt 4 <rm 
fafw 4 faq wt *44 1 

a4«ia:—f*4 jh[W qfaf aal atT, af aw 

afafaim 4 *«nir 20-a> 4 afwtfan 
5 1 , i?) »<f (fa, *f gv mana 4 fan 

aai f gi 

sfto 4°-ft-53, *4fwr c^sf^ra, ^ fertlr 1 

TTo %o TT'1 t 1'’5T 

■■Tfarr sTTfEnm') 
3 ipt^ 3iT3Tag (fg/tsaur) 
31^6 X^i-5, gf fV^rt-1 10002 

: 13 aiimt 1986 

4fT : 


ni — goy 1 ] *rrw an araw, firrre-r s, 1986 (vrnrre 15, 190 s) 

tot anf.d.qn.qn 

maw *rTvfaair, 196 1 (1961 ** 43) tsI 
HT7T 269-T (l) at anfrf TORT 

»nw inma 

iwfaa., maw srraTTfr (faataw} 

srsfa awe, af faaifM 

nf fc 5 ?ft-l,fWt«P 13 WW 1986 

faaVrir° srr^o t^o ift 0 / 1 ^ 0 / 6 / 37 $$/ 12 / 85 / 951 - 
W 1$, T7IT° lft° ^5TT 

maw urfafwn, 1961 (1961 an 43 ) (f«Rf *inf 
nr^ tow ‘gw arfvfVm’ a^r wr ?*), aft am 
269 -w at artfa gam snPwnft an 1 , n$ Paiaur ^ an 
* 6 R»r 5* Par i»nw rnaPwi , fairan gfw arer 7 . wa 
l ,00,000/- Ti. if srfw; $ 
sfla Tm aft ?fo S aar 'art 14, «ftTr^ fts, 

f^rfar a arta, fa?ift it f?w % (srV gnir garas: sranar it 
^of w itarfwcr t), afaw/t % anataa, wfa aV4 
a£ fassft if miiffn swara wfafanir, 19 6 1 $ ^Efta 
ar/tsr famw 1985 

arf ijafw mqfw *6 gfw arm i^wr if asn at wnm 
sfnwr ^ Pan sRifw aft ay* f srN: init w P'* 1 **™ ^ 
an wot 5 s fip n m ^ffw iraf?s an gfw ann ipi 
gnat wtjtr srfiw<?r if, ^ awum srftrwr an 
tPttw if srfw 5 5* 3 ifc arenar (swott) 3 fr srerPiift 
fwrhfwff) at tfhr rfif *wot at fra tnr <tft wt 
gfmrg, P 4 Hf<nP<aff g-w'w if gw swot Pnfw if 
:TP^y^ W if arfw stfp Painn Wig*:— 

(as) jrto if Pwft ST ra iff aw , gw 
srftffWir at snflR w af*f a? anna; a! 
aifara if anft waf m gmf irf if irfavT 
at Pint; afc/m 

v) cfift fanft «m nr fanft mi it inr «nPiwl 
v.i, f^ >fiT(fk srw-w «rfvfiw, 1922 
(1922 1 1 ) ITT 7TW arfyPlW m 

W-W 3rfqfWTT, 1957 (1957 ^ 27) 

r- srarwrif awfs^fi <<m re n?T fwr 
'nr «n m Pare - ; srei * 17 ,, fvm* 
gpiff 1 '; *f P^ra; 

w: anr, gw 3rP9fwir afl 269- i r £ 3twror 
r, gw arfHiPinre aft mr 269-^ -nr^m ( 1 ) 
£ x Pirqfafw, E.qfaRrar, 3r*fg; : — 

13 226/gT/'- 6 

( 1 ) sfr trtT< ^3 mn, «ft ww mn sfI t 
wk w TT?rr, 7, twr fry, gf f?refr-1 


(2) «ftinft guR vrm 

gmff gqf ftfm ttt<> f^rgo ifti qn° 

%o '*ITW, f i-21, WtWTiT TITOI, 2 WFT gT«T 

iref, frwt 1 


zf ^ i[wt iratf wtS <{afw urafwr ^ sitfg ^ fw 

TTreVlP^af W7TT £1 

rw gm fwr H *rfa *> ihhr if- arfy 1 ift twfr .r— 

(sp) w irwT trm if toipt aft mfta if 
45 fW aft wfy aT aj'fwaK w 

itwt aft gnftn if 30 fw ^t sraiV, wf ift 
3rN an if ww rfft ?t, ^ ift^r qaTw 
rofjflurf! if if fanft «afw wttt; 

(ar) w i[WT ^ Trm if sraronr aft mftar if 
45 fw£ iftin: gw i«im inafir if fgcra?»r 
Panft amr safw aanr srafwwft nn 
Mm if Past infifi 

Fnzftarw :---?mf ww iraft rafu art w, af gw 
uP a Pwi i at srenn 20*^ *f afonPw 
, a^t 3i«f 5TH7 aif gir srwna if Pam aar 



1 . 4 , sfKri ft?, farag n'nfa, fa<?ift rnar^t 1149 
w ifraa 1 

aao ifto a^T 

» o 

hwt arfarrfT 
wraa? wraaR wr^aa (faftsra) 
fa- e at fW'ff -110002 

faatar: 13 st-aia 19 8 6 
ataa : 


*tT7q *r 6, 1986 15, 1908) 

t*rrfT in—i 


mn W M^ W W n 1961 (1981 *» 43) «1 
vttt 269-* (l) 4 «n(lw f**r 

unm wrwrc 

mF«?iJ f, irgnrqi srprqrr smnpr (r*i On u i) 

wqhrt^-e, ^ fcctff 
13 5nT*q 19 86 

#o *nfo ITo ^0/^^0/6/37^/12-851 
1154—tf'T: Hit, tTfro iffo qe?TT, 

STTim 3lftlt^rfr, 1961 (l961 5BT 43) (f*lf Wif 
wrrct; '^rt wfqfgim’ to g*), 4) qm 

269-^r 4 srtffr wrq irg fwrra ** 

•fiTf* (f f?6 OT ITPrfff, 1T31K ^ 

1,00,000/- 75. if srfVs f 

4Y< f3|TT 4f tfo I imT qft *o 101, 107, 

4)7 108 x<x\z q<> ie, 17 firgR, it ft** $ (4)7 
qqif gqqifgq if yq rt q qf'qq $), Tfa^v*) wfaqrfr 
% qrrqfqq, wsffr iOi-iii gf fcstff if niTiftq *rm7 vfv- 
faqq, 1981 % wsffiT firing 19 85 

4r <nffar inqfm 4 gfnr wtor ipq if wnimr 
srfaqsr 4 faq 3Rrfm 4t ntf g 4fq ir4 qg ftwr* 
vrf w wrx* 6* f4 imr{qt^r wiqftr «t gfww wm* 
^w, gvr4 to»tk ifW it rvnm qfaq.* *n 
s wig gfawi y it wfro g 1 wft *grw (4qr4f) «rft a f q f it fl 
(*qMqrf) 4 4Nr iftf ifTw 4 fur* qw ww wht 
nftrni f-frriVfiq 3*4*!* 4 swr «fqrw fVtw* 
WTRlfWHi ¥* if «f*RT *gT fw WT g* i— 

T*| wwr«r if icg* f5*T* ww 4l*mr, wm 
wfqfyq v 4 «nftw w w-wr* 4 

aifqw if *wff wrf in zvtf w* if q?r«n 
4 tw*; wfs/wi 

(*) Nfd) wiq T7 fwft ** WT WW Wl f qTUT 1 
wrf fa^g 3 HKlftfl wrqwrr arfqfirqir, 1922 
(1922 *r 11) wt g-afq wtvfqqiT, qi *nr- 
*T T qfy fwq, 1957 (1957 W 27) 4 

srnf^n4 «r-qtirff fqm jtot gift farrn «nn 
«n «JT P®EfT WWT ^llPm TI, fWH 1 if 

ot- d qqq «itvfqirq wl vtti 269-* 4 

if, <•, aw aiNfarw >«1 *ro 269 -* *1 **W ( 1 ) 

4 r'ft' , Pqwrtiitwq w f ^w i’l , »— 

( 1 ) q:Trfqfrq f^rfqo, 

*f-4/205, nq^Tof* tfq^rq ni 1 


( 2 ) 4o tth fqr?Tq TTjffftrrr^q sno fsrfqS^ f 
^-3i, iff* qr^, ni fqwff-ie 


* q y q *Kf wt 4 4<rfw 4 44*4 f*R 

wnfwiffqi iron g^i 

g*?r qwrfn ii snhr 4 ihfv 4" 4ri* *ft »rwfq .:— 

(w) r acvw 4 tm* 4- wm 41 UTtf* 4 
45 Pi* *P **f* *f uwhhft wrfwjut 
at**i 4! m4)w 4 30 f** 4) **N, 4r ift 
w*f* *w if" unpq 1 gtrft gf, 4 vfarr 
<4h w 4 l 4" 4 f*r* wtw wra; 

(*) fn ir*qi 4 7 T*qq if mtoh 4 ) wraftw tf 

45 f** 4 ifrar gw wr*rt tfqfWr »f Ppi*f<r 
Pv4t w «rf*q f*TO wfgRnfrd 4 art 
f w fanr * *r itoWi 

w*rtwrw:—unf snrwq arwl wf* «rrt wr, wf *tw 
•rMsnnr, 4 «rwnr 20 -* if q f< yrf*q 
I* ql *V 4 *t *f ** www *f fwi 

qq^qo 101, 107 aft '7 108 qq* 4 f, cqra q® ie 
n\< 17 , ntmn wrfqq *77, q^q fq?TT, gf fq??fr 1 

?ffq qtw qq ^qi^r 1205 ** tfte 1 

rrqo if to JTCffT 

qwq qrFsrqqff 
q^rqq; 5rmi7 srr^q (fqfra'q) 
qr#q 7 ^ 1 - 6 , f*5aff-i 10002 

fcqfqn 13 sww 19 86 
ntg7 ? 


*rt?T* t cnrrw, e, i 9 «s (sFa'q* is, 190s^ 


*wr 04 ft. «J-j W-: «l».- 

OWTO O frf TO *, 1961 (1961 TO 43) *1 

*10 269*4 (il 4 o4fc w*r 

to4ow, unw wn W[W (T^ilo*) 

*rt*t3i-i, fawft 
fas*f1,ft*to i3wir^ 1986 

fwr >HTf° qo *ft°/q*FJo/6/37$$/12-8 5 

1155—q*r° 41 ° ’t*?tt ) 

took offtwr, 1961 (1961 to 43 ) (t*4 mi 1 
1*4 mr* Vw wNfro*' **r |%, 41 fro 
269-* 4 *4fa to* *Tt*ro4> 4 ff froro oof to 
to f fw wm 4*fwr, rooro oNro tout oto 

1 , 00 , 000 /- 4 arfq^ t 

tffa f^i^r*fV *0 *40*4° 102 , 103 , 

io4sffa io5e*to4° i6iffa i7^rfa^T,*^fa?4t 
iffa«ra;$ (tffa*4&3*TTOr 

or*oo wfa-irfr % wrfara, sfafa 6,4 *reffa niw 
sfarfara* i96i % wsfcr faqfa fag^o 1985 

<*t TOtO 4 *f*0 TOT* l[*0 4 TO 4 WPKW 

ffroso 4 f*w o wf m *rt **■ 9 * 

TOf TO TOW |* f* TOTpffW TO*fO TO 0f*0 TOT* 

#CW, to4 tout* sfrrao 4 q4 tout* ^foror to 
ifioo 4 *fro i* of* 4oso (4*s>4Q of* 4qfg fl 
( o w fi fq qf -) 4 TO q4 w*m 4 fan* q* tot **1 
•fWr, frofofoo o*r** 4 tot iron f w fro 4- 
owfTO o* 4 wNo <nf fron **t |* t— 

(*) TO** 4 (J* ffqft TOT *S TOOf) TOT 

jiWot 4 arTO *?* 44 4 3 rtt^ 4 
frfror 4 <roft *?*4 *r 3*4 *** 4 qfan 

4 fro: 4tr/fr 

jf*)q?4l fTOft TO *T N41 TO f! TO OltTOl 
*rf Pwt *t*41* too* *f TO **v 1922 
(1922 TO 11) *T TOO Of*f***, *1 

TO-TO OfffTO*, 1957 (1957 TO 27) 
4 to(TO 4 TOfoft i*m toc ffT- Nm 
tot or fi fro? tot orfm or, fron* 4 

(1) %T*Y4fa q3$£1*?tr farfao 4-4/205, 

*$**4* riifSm, fa? 4 I 


(2) ^T^O?dCOj v - 31 , 

4* *p£. fa?4 1 


of 4 | tc tot *rtt *t 4 vffro mofo 4 f4c 4 fro 

o faf Tfi pu 1 ro orcm £1 

TOO TOfO 4 TOfa 4 TO?* 4- 4tf* 41 TOfa :— 

(m) to t[tot 4 topto 4' tow* oil mrH 4 
45 fro of *wf* ht toNVI w if *q i 4 < ' *s 
Tpr*r 4t crthr 4 30 fro urt toN, 41 iff 
**f* * 1 * if- our* |i4117, 4 4fart f4f*o 
wfrowf 4- 4 1441 wtro iwo;: 

W W W 1 4 RtfUTO ^ TOW 4t onrto 4 

45 nw 4 4far too totto TOfirr ^ 140 - 
f|4 frofl to wfro |*m, *Hfiwwn<14 
nt f*f*o if foq *i *44 1 

wortoto :—to 4 sncwr tocI 4fa «r*t or, 4l too ft*-. 

fro* 4 o«n* 20 -w 4“ itoTTwo |*, 

fft O* rf*T. WT TO OWTT* 4 N*T TOT 



102, 103, 104*fa 105 5TTJTO* *010 
1 6 4fa 17 41«p?r Wfa* %ZX, ^WTT fa^Tt, ^ fo?tf1 I 

f 1 OK 'TOO* 1205 qffa I 

qno Trc^fj 

nwr snfwnfi 
*5T*«r smxK *i^fr (ffafltsFi) 
*^*^-7, ot fawfl-i 1 0002 

**• w, ^ *1 'nrr 269-* 4 *i[*r*r ^ . 13 ^ 1986 

4-, < tow ofatfro* *m 269-* 4t totvttt (i) 

4 *41*^ f ro f q t o o "tforol, **fo t— 

22580 vrw «Ttnrrw, fifawre 6, 1986 is, 1908 ) i^mrm—v»» 1 

*RVTC BfvfWW, 1961 (1961 «T 43) 

Vm 269-W (l) 4 mftv ?TTTT 

*m twnr 

wtvfarv, flfiMi ni4fi<. {TvtShw) 

V'tf 'T T31-6, •Tf flo-t-fl 
fo?<5ff, ftntm 13 51^ 1986 
fTOW tio WT$° tjo ^o/^o/e/37^/12-85/ 
1156—W Jjtf, rr^to if to ttRTT, 

mw arfVfspnr, igei (1961 vff 43) '(Tartf ftif 

sir! 8 wr?[ vfvfnm’ wr 5 "), afl vm 
269-w 4 nftn ircnr srrfvmnl vrt qj f ar rm vmf v>t 
<tmr t f*B war* tnqfsr, hrw gfvir vtwtt ip* 
1 , 00 , 000 /-*: ■ if «rfw 5 f 

xftx faff 4?V IT° | rf’ETT Vft 'PTC H ° 106,109 

xftr. n o mra no 1 6 sffc 17, 9wrr fngrc, nf fcwft if 
(4k snfc ^sna: if yif w if vfnrr f), 

WPTmr nfanTTf «fr vrprfnV anfa- ?31 ill if mtffV 
imw*. rfttfwT i96i% *rsffn crrffsr fan*** 1985 

art «jaffw imfm 4 nf*ir writ fnnf «r4 wrarrv 
<??rw\ *£ Pm? armfiir 41 vtf 5 * ark ir 4 v$ fww *mf 
HW f air4 vrpnrnr ii f am t if, Of naw jrflmmr vrr 
srfirarcr if arfrr s f *ftr «rto ( a re r - c mT) «frt 
■mrftiff (aRikfinff) % sfHr ct^ft” amrem 4 Pai* nv 
inn >m srftran, fmrfutvir narav if nvir «nrc*r 
hrfarcr if- vmrfw vr if wfw n?T PasvT «rvr |* -— 

(1) ^R^6 r ^SI : ^fq?Ilf?rfiTo^f-4/2 05 ! 

uwrwijr n£ f^ff 1 


(2) mo %o qy rrnrfinjnir, f-31, 

tfk qr%, feft 1 


^f ^mrr mrt amri «tvfw mnkr *6 an#* 56 finr 
« nf4iffrrf ir* vmn £1 

aw invPtf 4 3r%r 4 inmv if arftf «ft arafv *— 

(v>) sir ihrt 4 trm if srereR- sbI crn>r if 
45 for v>f 3Rtv 3 tt ncif^ff <rt 

afi nnfW if 30 far 4ft srN, srf vff 

srvfvr tut #■ mrnw ?rfift ft, vl tftnt <^fw 
mfmrf V* fawafV ®af«w ?mr; 

(w) wh5vt « mm if" mwarr vf} imlar ^ 
45 f%r ^ iftmc wm rrrfw if f^rv^v 

fWt «Rr- aifw ^rm arvmuTi^rfi «« nrn 

Mvnr.if fwf in irj^i , 

wakiv :—sirf s^ir ipaft «rfi: «nrt vrr, wf ^*w 
nfvfwv, $ inanir 20-45 if Tfwfva 
t, ffn wf anamr ^ fnw 


(«) 4rtw ^ o* fwft wiw vft, fppr, nv 
vrfvfnnr it «rVW it Wfi < 

vifm if vnft vmf vi ^inf arv*? if irfnn 

« hR; mh/m 

(ar) Off fwaff wjv m fWt .w itiwi rrfwvl 
vrf fvO irmftir cnma irfvfm, 1922 
(1922 wr 11 ) «n 5v?r aifvfnnT, vtvtt- 
an: mcfirinr, 1957 (1957 45T 27) < 
jprf»n>rT»f iRffufr fvm sra^ aft fvm irt 
m irr f^VT fin vrfO ^r, h^TPf if irfim 
4 fwi; 

«r: w, w f a f i R i r vrt vim 269-«r 4 «mrrv 
r, if, aw vfvfvnr vm 269 -v vfl mm ( 1 ) 
4 vOr, r^fvfw «ifwvf, wfc b— 

wiio 106, 109 4 k novvinsfB wi» ie 
4f-c 17 snfnr nan:, ^ f^rc, nf fswft 1 

to 1205 mf 

tT^o iffo nin 

nsm snfnmrff 
n^TOP mrvn wr^rn (fncfem) 
n^nf’5i-6, nffr??ff-i 10002 

fVntm 1 13 SiWT 1986 

tm III 


WWWWWtj fwfa 6, 1116 (*rr2rre 15, 1«08) 

22 581 

4144K flftfapr,. 1961 (1961 *w 43)' 4^ 
HTO 269-W (1) 4 ttftf ^TTT 

4Kt HWT 

wroftt, tfww »ngw *mm (fartw?) 

Sqfg T^l-2 , +<S0U 
WTir,fwfa 6*PlW 198 6 
f#ir go 2/ftHsarT-85—w: ^ q° wtto fsgf 
M 1 TO arfafartr, 1961 (1961 45T 43) (falf fjffif 
fa# mrc[ ‘aw tfgfanr' 4*r wr $*), 4fl tro 
269-f < apto wi snfa-wft 4 rf *if faraw wtf w 
asm g f*K wm tfwftr. Fro gfw srmr ttw 
1 ,00,000/* *). if arfw {f 

tfri fan ft *f« i, lefT^TTf, ninir-34 $, gr> ggwTqqnr 

ir fiw t ('ftc unjw ^ ^ jt fi ^ gfw f) 
^fV-jjfw? nfa4>rO% wtfw, ^rariro 579/35 «trjw 

gUfTOif miffa tffafaw, 1908 (l908 

ipl 16) % srefm fcoWl 85 

grf wfw «r**rfrr ^ gfw 4itrc uppr t 46*45 twwr 
irfw gt fa? 3wfar art w* s“ *5*# W f»WH 
w*f w grog 3 * fa *r*rr£rTw urn fa g* yfw mi-jif 
qw, gin# wwm irfaw if, iftf worn* irfJiBf m 
q^a^rarr if tfag; »* aifi wro* (*ri wf) «tfc afgfaft 
(sfaMwf) g5 rt* cfif wm w nr 

»faw, fagfgfw wrw if gw *frw fafw jf- 
gmrfw; w if gfar fan wr 5 * 1 — 

fa) wjto if o’ *n* qiw, : trcwr 
mfafanr g? »r*frr 4 * tf 4i ww vi 
fTfaw if 4nft 4wf *t wtf tw 1 *f qfan 
4l fa?; «fc/*n 

(t) qfa fafr «n* in fa^r w m an* anfa# 
grf, fa? 3 groffa anwn tfafam, 1922 
(1922 w 11 ) in gw arfafanr, in 
W-W arfHfanr, 1957 (1957 «r 27) 
16 sfawnf awfaft wro xm H^r fain wi 
«n m fain wi Trfijq vt faqig 1 if ^fan 
< fa?; 

win w, gw arfvfanr vm 269-ii ^ wow 
if, if, gw atfafanr qft vr u 269 w 4 ft gqvnr ( 1 ) 
tH anfrr, fagfafw m f wnf , anW :— 

( 1 ) «ft gfo iftfa^rg^ 


( 2 ) if^nf vw<a tray Rff^r qriwf 


4rt w ^?WT anrt gw# »T4fw mnfa #5 afar <* < m? 

sw m«ffa < arrf«r £ ifav if grit 1 *fi wtfr ir— 

(m) ft ?TWT < ifaPT if SWIW 4ft unfit if 

45 fa 4ft arafa m nwnpift aotwnl 4t 
HWt art otAw t 30 far ««1 amfa, tf ift 
artfa 4W # tot srUft: ft, «# vftnn: «rgfw 
agfaw? #■ if faft «4far wmr; 

(m) w ^ $ wnr if sw gft orfw it 

46 far f vfttn gw wiwt inoftr if far - 
Wt faift ao^ wrffa win, arKfi^r&rft ^ 
qr? fafar if fa? sn 1 

i«re>TOir:—w>f ww anft wN; qti gn, tf gw 
tfafanr ^ ar«niT 20-« if qfanfw jf, 
4^1 «rV ffn, gf gg arwmr if fan wr 


cgrg w wt< €n ifo 1 , igffa ttt win -3 4 
urgg^r gnt^ir fw if° 576/85 

ito i^Tio fstr 
gsm mfngiRt 
(fgfrsffn utrag; erwi s>nj^?r) 
cgfg wra-6 

fggtgi : 6 sing 1986 
fr?i : 


WUST OT 4FSIlfr, faflTWT: 6, 1986 (anPTW 15, 1908) 

[wra m~a*» i 

row wn'.etqqqw.—„- 

WNITOW Wf4f444,] 1961 (1961 TO 43) ^ 

WTO 269-4 (l) < 4414 444T 

aqfa ro-II, awra 

irara, fwwtwr 6 sw?fr 198 6 
faWWTTo e/fyWP art 1985—aff:ij4q° aTC° ^41 
«rrow wfvfawa, 1 961 (1961 to 43) (fatf m* 
w4 mrq; 'to wfwfaww’ *jr wr q*), a! wm 
269 -w 41 *nfcr pnr srifawstt at, wq farwra wrr4 
to wror 6" fa wr w»wfa, fawro wfaa wtotw wro 
1,00,000/- T5. 4 wfawi 4 
aV faa4t a<> arc<> qw° 533 / 12 , sqra 29, 
4 n 4 ° 19, git arart ttw, ^'irisrm:^ Jr ffa?r t 
(rftx a^aftr Jr air 'jtf *a Jr wfar %) 
afarn^ % TOwtww, wr^rfo irrssw/^a 6 06/a 5 Jr 

^rr-ccfTO- rrsi^^ afafawrw, 1908 (190a ar ie) 

$ WEffa (WW* 198 5 

at «pifw wrofar 41 wfwa wrwrc qww aw 4 TO4wnr 
wfaw 4t Tm. 4 a fa r 4t ww* ?* wf* qwl a? fwwmr atf 
to area |* fa wwiq4f4a Twfa to rfaa wtwtt qww 
aa4 tomtit wfwaa 4 44 tomtit wfwaa to 
w»H wfaro 4 wrfaa q* wfw Waro (Tarot) ate Tafaflf 
(wrotefan) 4 4H 44 warn 4 fwq ww wtwt war 
wfaaa, f w*4 f w faw wqw4w 4 wwa warm fafwa 
4 wrwfaa to 4 afaa wqT fan wwri* »— 

(a) wrawa 4 o* fan arc al wiwa„ wwa 
wfwfwww 4 aVIa WT fV 4 WTOT* 4 
wrfwro 4 - an *rr* wt watf row 1 n afwvi 
4 faq; wfawt 

(a) qn fa41 aw 4 i fan 44 4 t wro wifrowr 
art, fwar 1 wrofta wtwwtt: wfwfaww, 1922 
(1922 ar 11) wt wwa wfafaww wt vwwtc 
W twf ww . 1957 (1957 TO 27) 4 WWfWWT* 
wrofan faro was wqt faro wwt wt wi 
fawr win aifqq wt famf 4 qtwvT 4 faq; 

was wa, tow wfwfawa at wro 269-^ ^ ^)IW 
4, n rf TOW wfwtaww 4fl WTO 269 TO «1 WW 4 TO (l) 
^ WVIW, fW TOfa tW W WlfWf4t, ; WWfo[ I— 

( i ) «ft aTww fwwf warfw 


(2) sfy %o €\o tTJTo a4WW TJOTET 


*t 41 ^44f win aw4 qwfwa wrofa 4 

W4w 4 faw 

W T Tfw n pl^ wa 449! £1 

awa wwta 4 w^w 41 #4w 4 wfw* »fr wiwfr :— 

(a) qw qwRT 4 TMm 4 jttoww 41 artfw a 
45 far n wwfa wt a?T4n i fw ww f- «pc 
wwwt 41 apnw 4 30 fat 41 wwfa, wf n 
wwfw wiw 4 a«nwr ftn iff, 4 nwr qwFwa 
swfwawf 4 4“ fan TOfar wwro; 

(a) 4 w qawT 4 mm 4 awtiaw «d mtH 4 
45 far 4 naw wwa wm wrofa 4 Tip- 
wfw fan wro TOfaa fwro aw f mwi l 4 
wia Pwfaa 4*- faq wt w44“i 

TOwrtawaTa4 inrwa wrol wfw wit to , wt wwa 
w fw fa w w 41 wroiw 20 -a 4 wfanfaa 
f, Wft w4 ffwr 4 wronr 4 fWwi 
wwt I*' 


»jfw ali: w^rnr-19, 4ts wnrow tIw, ^wrwrw’Fq; 

iTOW-34 WTJWW ?TO T*> 606/85 


wsm rnfaWt 
(fwrtsftw wfiwa wftot ar^ar) 
aaw tw-U; aatw -6 

fwwtw: : 6 WWfW 1986 

wt^ : 

tn»T hi— or* i] 

«rrer 451 tiro, ftraw* 6, 1986 (to? 15 , isos) 


arm* stMmrtr, 1961 (1961 4>t 43 ) 4fl 

*TTT 269-1 j(l) < Wfn qm 

to wrwn 

4Mto4, 443445 «in*v 41444 (NrVrvJ 

aisfa t^-Ii, JTm-6 
irara, f4?rfa e anretf 1986 
fa*4 4® s/townc 85—aftf: *pfr, «ft ntfo 3in:o 

( 1 ) 1 . *rt ^To viJi^BT 2 - 4 mm ~r*i m*f1 

4s?faT 1 


(2) «ft xisnfTOwr sfrc: ^ (tr^o ^0 

0,95® ) 


wf q tnl i4tos imfwt < 4toi 4 
W Oto lW tot 

m vmtor 4 9*1 4 t*4«r 4- 4ri* «ft m«fr *— 

IW «MW„ 1961 (1961 *1 43) (TO TO 

TO mre[ '344 nfytom’ 431 inn tf), 4) «ttt 

269-4 4 *Vfr ircnr mTOrtf 4r 44 tofmv TO «i 

mrw i* to wm 4rfw, tomm 3 "Ntt wwtt iw 

1 ,go,ooo/-t>. 

xf\x f^rcr 4 t 4° 16^, ^ 3 , arn:® 44° 

fc, aft ^rrxpcsTEJT 5f I (v\X TO af^aro 4 tftT 
^44 % ifm i), aifspTO % inn'TO, 

?r<4 4 ° 5589/85 if ?msftir TfrfiijTOtn 
afafTO, 1908 {1908 43 16) % artffo J^fTPTf^TSR, 

vt 44(44 wntor 4 3 f 44 Jii'aiK w 4“ 49TO tv-r*rR 
gf W r 4 fan sRrfm- 4f 44 * $* arft ^ ^ from 

TO m 41144 |* to wmto <bt ifav 4Tmt 

iw, «ri tmnm srtow 4, qV rwm*r wtow <ct 
<4$ 9 TO 4 4 «f«w 1 * vto 4 it 55 (4TOT) 9to 4v- 
toft toultfmfT) 4 4hr 4V 4ro 4 to* 94 mm mn 

Vl9W| iWTTJTW W 1W r^T^l’ *r 

<nwf<r* vr 4 MNw Hft fro 9W f &— 

W w 4 rrmr 4- s«m 41 trniw 4 45 

to( 4Sl T4N 41 5WPP4V arto'Rf' «rc ir441 

ifl TOW 4 30 tourt iwto, 4? *ft TO4 

414 4* 1 44T4 |f4l ^l f , 4 4Wt 141*44 

■4fwrt 4- 1 } to4t witor fmrrj 

(4r) ^ *t4^t 4 im 4 " sretWH ?mV 4 

45 tor 4 41in; «4v WT44 4^fw * tor- 
4fw to4) «r*r wfw wro txfijvnTO 4 
4W ftltov 4- f4T4 4T 4#4l 

TOSTOf:—444^ 19CW 1^41 4T< 44l 451 , 4f 949 

4t41*4 44 4 VWW 20*41 4^ 4 f4 4lN4 
44144 4m itf r«rw 4^ ton 
441 |*JU 

to) wwtv 4 CT* Nr4l 4W vl twv, «4S 
4 f 4 f44 4 4 4nftf V4 4V 4 4TO1 4 4*TO 
4- TO 4r4 41 TO TO **• ^ton 4 fwn 


to) 441 to4t 414 41 to4l 44 41 4W 4lfTO 
4t, f4tof 41 4 414 414-W4 4f4t444, 1922 
(1922 451 11) 41 444 4f4tonT, 41 44454 
4t4f444, 1957 <1957 451 27) *i 44f44to 
44ltofl f4W 4454 4ft" f454T 441 41 41 tom 
mm mtoi 4i, toito if- TOm < fm?;; 

44: 3T4, 344 SffvtoW 45l 414 269-4 ^ 4T4T4 

if, if, 344 35f4toW ^1 414 269-4 45^ 34414 (l) 

■t 4 ^P h f4mtot44 «)f444t, 44f4 |— 


4f4 WlT445T3 4fT 4° 16tr, 4r#, 55Tr^ 4o 2 2, 
Ax 4 o 13, 4 o 17, 3fTTo tT^o 5 T 4 , 

40 5589/ss 1 

rro sHTo 

nwrmiT 3-:r4^r arnjjRr) 

3^3 T3-ii, mrra-e 

: 6-8-1986 

ifr^T : 


pffT’T-IIt ^5 1 

»rrw «r ttww, fn.TPrt e, io$g 

sw srnfd.qir.qTr.- 

TOT arNfnre, 1961 (1961 *BI 43) Hfl HTO 
269-H (l) *> anffr T[WT 
Hi TTOfirT 

njofw, smror smrw (frf}«i>r) 


WT?r, f&VF 6 3JTO 1 198 6 
fffOir h° l/feiwp; 1985—3ra:H#, sftq° 3rr° 

amm arNfroH, 1961 (1961 w 43 ) (farcf jrnf 
t?R> mif[ ‘to arfnfW’ inn tf), qfi vro 
269-^ ^ apfrr TTffTH STlfqfcTtf JfiT ^ fqWTTT W/f qjT 
4 jR*| 5 s fa* TVTTT TTPTPTT, F-H'i T^d HTTTT ITOT 

1,00.000/- Tf t 

12 , , Hirornroir ftftz, $, eft m g -34 

j ' ’ VS 

Jr ftw | (sro m f wr yf w |), 

Tfrir/fraf aifwifr % Tiqfrq, qftTTO' tt<> 

570/85 HHPxftH TfaT^ifTOT 3 ,-fqffnnr, 1908 (l 908 
m 16) % artfrr, faqrofwr isos 
*t tnffa?r gqfa' ^ gNrr wit itot tf jrh $ otthr 
jfw $ fsrq wtro qfl to* nfr inf h? frewr qrof 
qjr wro g f*s qqiqqfw tptPtt w gfw smrrT 
i^r, gmf vmw r srfVro tf, tfrf wwhth sfcnw w 
f^r qfawr Tf *rfq^ srfc 3 rrtr (aurroff) arfc anr- 
frrft (sRtftfW') if *fW qV 3PTR«r $ fgq mr tot wn 
srfiiw frorfqfiBTr gwrfr gw angro fqfan if 
qiefqq; w ?f qtfw wf fwn w 5* :— 

(m) smro o* fwff atm tff m, gw 
arMror H «rVfr qrr rtf sftrrr ^ rfwr 

if wft wtf HT ggtf Wltf If TTfqvi fvTTr; 


(r) ifift fqrrft amr in fqnft hh in 3nfWf 
wf, HTTTftq 3TTq^T 3rfHfaqH, 1922 
(1922 3FT 11) HT TO SlNfm, W HH- 

arfrfyim, 1957 (1957 27) 

H qqfsnrnif ?nKr fam 

*nrT ht qr fW tht HT%q vt, f0Trf if 
TrPqvr ^ frrqi 

3TTT; 3T5T, T^RT srfifTnm ^ HTTT 269-TT ^ 3PHTOT 
if, if, g-qrr 3 tfqfwm ^ hto 269 -^ qfl g^qnr (i) 
» ^ fa-, rHHPgfcjr wrfqgqf, arnfq :— 

HrS'TU 1 5 , 1908 ) 

xi /"y^-U =r 3 i ■ amamsr — 

(1) sfriRfr 3.TT.0 4t° xflfW) frft I 

(3iR1 T% ) 

(2) ir r i 7 T /ifwq ffqqTiq fyfrgxv^q f^rfuiy 

(ai RtfTalr) 

v. q? ttwtt grft qqtw Tnqfrr sS arafr ^ firq 

asnpnf^uf arr^T ?:• 

gw Tnrfrr ^ anfr ^ thwh if afirtr* >ft htmH :— 

(q») rar ttwt »S.trw if s«t gf grfk rf 
45 fw qfl sptfH 4 t jqfaRnif 

t[Wt qf gnfW Tf 30 ftnr 3ft anrfy, 
wfq m if TmTO ?ffr ft, ^ ifm <NTw 

antwif if f fqiTff aqfw WTO; 

(q) w. ttwt Tigw if OTinf qtf inffir q 
. 45 fw ai; ifar to wm qpitrr if fipr- 

WH fwft 8F4 ajrfTRr WTO, 8IHf?TTrWTl ^ 
m fgfw if fqiq 3 (t wff 1 

TwfhKWr:— xw*r TOtr 4W1 afnc Wi m, qfr gw 
aifvfm ^ STMTOT 20 -^ if ifr- 
fw 5 s , q£t ar«f fj-frn gf gg 3 T«rTO if 

fwr inn ?°i 

ijfq qfT: qqqq "|^rq"go 49 , | 

ffsr, htot- 34 , qfw#gq/$ra' q<> 570/85 

qo 3)Ro f|T 

hsth 3Tf?rorf, 
(fgftsflq qmqr ar?m ^iqqn) 
3T^fT t'5f- , H?TO 

fqgtqi : 6 - 8-198 6 

if?r: ; 

22 585 

?tptHT— w i] WTTrrTrsrq-^, o, 19 s 6 (<itj'TT is, i 90 8 

im *TI*\ tf.i <W.| WarsaHKW* 

wm^c arfafqinT, 1 961 (1961 W 43 ) HTV 

269-* (1) 4 *5*1 

mrtr vim 

vrofa*, topt* stto^c arra^r (Wlw) 

SK4< tIT-II, ITST 3 ! 

Wf, feiT-7 6 3iWT 198 6 

fsfer fo 3/feF-ip i 9 g 5 -.~ 31 .cr: ip, ITo an To 


«rfyf?nm, i«6l h9fci w 421 (Ntf 
T T?TIT arfeifero’ .ttt mri (f). =fft HTT3' 269- 

ir ^ soft? ^tfw sn'ifemt t£i, ; i? iiwn rrrf .rr ffnrrr, 
5* ffe w-ir TTPfer, fferri ■• : " rr f 
1 , OO.OOO 7 - 7S. 3rf“9^^ 

sffTfsfWt tfo 2 4, t 3t r M?T''' ‘ T fe iriT-T-o % fw 

| (arc v&> if mr^i) w arfer ?), fe rfr- 
% TRfeir, vffr^^r ?pt ^ 593 / 95 , 
if 'flTTffm afafvfim-, 19 on ( 1 9 or. *rr 

16 ) % 3 >Ajt^r, ferfe 19 95 

apf <Ptfer ^FTfxT 3 gfecT 4T4TC ip* *f 4W ^ ^JTTTR 
sifevt 4 ffef apif-rar art ^ srf; inf ^ fmw 
mtf vr rw tf 4 Ji^rfer *nqfe *>r rrfiPT arm 
ipr, rrftoERf rrtf tftf iw ufeqr^r q>r 

jrft^RT zfrm tf yfc 31^55 (ap^trf) arft 
3Rrftrit (sriMWI) g? aft? qftf aprTW 4 fetr <nr 'OUT 
iptt srffer^r, frPtfefenr sWw *f an^r feferr 
qrorffen qifw anf fenrr wr tf :— 

■fe) »r^rw tf r.<* f’wft «tw %*. irw, w? 
•rNftnnr 4 *rVtor m t4 4 *»itss 4 
gy fa re if waft wf rr OTtf vart a 1 rffan 
4 fe^i 4rt/rr 

\w) rptt fexft >fi« qr vnT jn «r«T rnfxmif 

art, fan^ 3 »?K#r «rrw: BfhfeTTTr, 1922 
(1922 w 11 ) at arfatfera, ar aT- 

jet: ufaf^ra, 1957 (i9i;7 27) ^ 

sreffen^ ar^rfe-ft fam sraz w\~ fqnn m 
»rr ?rr Faan trt 'CTfe? «n, Pnrr 4 <f- »t«ren 
4 feU; 

mr uw, g^?r «rfatswv art *nn 269 - , i ** r-^r»r 
i^, if- ?rar a t fnfxry T aro 269 -^ «t ( 1 ) 

« anft^ h.-r--.tBi fmr nriVral, *rVr «—. 

14 —226 GI/86 

(1 ) Tf-!!^ a; : T4 1 ■, I 

(a)rrjVT> ) 

( 2 ) ti t'Ji' q^faar 


art ^|.^ri an‘it %v?‘ mfm 4 *4* 4 hut 
4infa if??T qr<?n w. \ 

7w?r irPTfw aS sr-sf? 4 ^ »ft armtq b— 

«' sw 4 trsrqq- *r awnw qtt fintar ^ 45 
fe4 it srafv ar arf-wnfr qr 

qrt crnfei' 4 30 f^5r qrt ararfe., 'at *fr aiife 
415 T KT-tl rf. 4 fel-r Tqfer 

3Erf?f?rTT jT" ?\ frn^fr aqfw-j 

(«r) m 4 rrsm if sraum ati ?rrdw 
45 fir 4 vfr?R win irwrfrT if fpr- 

TJV fapflr apar ^ffer ,j'qTT 7 T anf^TTsfei 4 

nrn fefan if fefi 7T nifif 1 
HHkW:— mt' 'TTT-;i si«Kl <fr iirl wq, «V mtr 

aifVfnrtr 4 arnw 20 -^ if RtwiiVit 

if, crgl mf rnrr vf arwvrcr tf- hnn 
n--a tf > 


ifn yV’ r if :4 m 24 3TT?T3r f,T, TTffTVT— fi 

WTq/#isT #0 5 83/95 

TTo 3)TTo t^t 

■,yiT srrfaqrfr 

('r-fe.W T T aJTlTs.V WPISRI ) 

fji-II, irSTiT 

fr^fi: : 6-8-1 98 fi 

ttT^X : 

mw 4 >rmaiw, ftraw 6 , x »86 ( uriw 15, 1908) 

[itnr III—w l 

srw si. <pr. cpr.——-- 

( 1 ) ircra TCifaqr frwr qfigg 

( 2 ) fag fagg 1 

(STRimF ) 



*nnw: arffanrn, 1961 (1961 «GT 43) 4>1 
mr 269-^ 3 fak i[wt 

urar tor 

mfgg, ??ur=R mw smrw (ffafar) 
fag TOf-II, gsig 
TTBtW, ffafa 7 SURR 1 98 6 
fqfafa 4 /ffaim 1985—31 a; fa, «ft qo STRo 

*ITWR 3rNfam, 1961 (1961 «BT 43) (ffa W*f 
sfa RWTq; ‘gw arfqfnrf qi$T wr if), nfl mi 
269-g ^ gfar gum faWfl ^r, ^ fRwrg qfa 
«r ggmr fa ?«im gprfrr, farm gfw mm ipn 

1 ,00,000/- m. if faWi ft 

f-rfal 24 , wfa fti,iTCT^|, g> if fan & 
(fa 3-^ET t ?VIT fa *1 gffa t ), if fat- 
gfa fapfat %• wnfar, fanfagg /fa go 5 83/ 

85 ir nr far gfafaqrmr faffag 1908 ( 190 8 

rt is) 4. afag, ffafa fqgigr, 3935 , 

£r fafw mgfg ^ gfw mm ^ if wr ^ with 

af?PTRT 3 ? far 3 Rrffa fa gif ?" 3 fR fa 4 $ Iff 

nfa gr grrmr 5 * fa innfafw gfarr apr gfw mm 
*Tfa gfa WTTRT'f jrffaeT if faf TOWR SlfWg W 
srfafcr if 3rfTC jf sfR 3f?TOF (SRPOTf) afR sfaffa 

(gfaRffaf) $ mr fa sRrmr^ far *nr urn wr 
srfagg ffarfgfw guffaw if gw brtot fgfw if 
mfag; inr *f faw faf fain irt ?* :— 

*>r JH5 i[wt mi nfa5 'fafact mgfg ^ gfa ^ ftiq 
4i#TTfipit Wfn ci 

gw gmfer si arfa ^ wn if »ft srrefr :— 

(^) ^ ?r^on ^ mm if tow fafa 
45 fw ar^ff in 'd'wimft aufanfr m 
IfWT Hi mifa *f 30 fW ^9', 5TT ift 
ar^fv m if giTRI Ci^T ft, ^ iffa R^fw 
aif^iff if i faEft sqfw ymr; 

(v) w nwr ^ mm if anim nsi fafa ?f 
45 fw ^ iftm gw Rim: uptRt if f?<raw 
r<*^fi 3rnr cqKi fa^Ki 181 <1 ^ h i« 

Rtfirfr if V 44/ ■ar *11 

fafaf:—wif snrw ^ *fR wt qir, m gw 
ar f vfir i rtr,, q? srMmr 20 -^R if 'fmrrffa 
^, wl fa c'in 3rr gg 3r%Tmr if fwi 

im f*i 

(w) mrmr if %X m- mw, gw 

frw ^ sriffr w ^ ^ mfwr if 

wft wR m gfa wtf if irfan ^ fgq;' 

(«■) oift fwft amr in f^nft w m w «nfmf 
<tfr faif mrnftq bowr aifvfanr, 1922 
(1922 w 11) in gw arfifaim, in 
TOI srffanff,, 1957 (1957 W 27) ^ 

snframf »rwfmf1 ymr to fwn *nn 
«rr in fan mn Trfa *n, famf if nfmn 
^ ffa;: 

sttf: sir, gw uNf-nui ^1 mi 269-ir ^ anrgmr 
if, if, gw arfvfnnr y 1 } wr 269 ^ wro ( 1 ) 
^ snfa, fmifgfw ^nfwiff, arfa :— 


wfiT sflfi; irwiT" - 24 , RnfafR, irmi-e 

^ZR/fa Ifo 5 83/8 5 1 

qo 3irTo 


(fmtsffn wrwi) 

sifa f^-TI, mng-e 

kffa : 7-8-198 6 

*mr rrif— 1 

*re?r vi vw#, fe^TRit s, i»se (nnrTz is, ibos) 

T, 2587 

(1) >sft qt° jfto 


(2) «ftiRfY qqiT (mi^T ) faqq qqifa 

(^8 faff ) 

to* anwVrt qn.qir.- 

wiiCT erfid^nrr, 1901 (1961 «» 43) «1 WTO 

269 -* ( 1 ) * ^nn 
* "• «* *r* , «r\' 

Mmtfov, nfnre arnwr srra^r (faftorw) 

f 51-11, IT5TO 

ITTW, fcffTt-T: 6 198 s 

f^JT Jf 0 4 1 98 5— ag 1 : W, 8ft ITo *Ro 

flTiTOr nfafantr, 1 961 (1961 ^ 43) (fatf Rif 
fifa qwRV ‘-inra arf-rfarV q*rr w pf), af torn 269 
* 4 ? rtfri iranr snfaisrft art, 457 wrror 

?* fa f>im *fafar far™ efarr jttr ^oit 
1,00,000/' T». *f sfvqi 

«fll fsm^pt ’To ffa 49, nfqfafr, TIFT I, 5ft 

qv'TifnF qfain if frqq £ (sqV 3W 3?^ET if V17 y 3 ! 
wq qfin£), ^vnffaai srfaqnrt % ftm - - 

rqr^'-' l$® n'o 27 7 3/85 if q T'xfftr Tf^'tsRO) vfsr- 
fW^TR, 1908 (1908 FT 16) % ^V, fRT37 faRSR, 

<& *nnfar 4 3fan srnrrc wir wif rnmn 

irffam faq 3Rrfar sfi qy 5 * srft ifa 05 fWrw 
Wtf m aRTTR f fa qxmfaT tfqfar W gfWTT 4TWTC 
i^w, 3"*fa twhth jfftnrw tf, rr^ff rwmq qfffqnfr «r 
R BE gfaqpr if arfaq; ?* 4ft «rtri (arcrwf) vfc Bfotvft 

(BfnfafiTff) ap sffa ifaf afaR *i fan 5 * <nm >m sjftr- 
«wr, fanfafan *f gqu ann* fafau if "tw- 

fa* *q <f 45f*ra; fan <nnf |* r— 

(%) anew ff o* fanff arnr fm, «nr *fa- 
frm Wiffq ^ flfa ^ anmw < wfaw 
if 4T*ft 4TT!f *Tf ^3W qqif if qfavT f fan 

(^) tfif fa^ff arnr nr faiff vq in srt a n f'^uir 

, far^ urctor 3TPi4)i: arftrfainr, 1922 

(1922 95T 11 ) in arf^fv^, in 

ST** flMWw,, 1957 (1957 27) *6 

Tnrfaimf afarfaiFft pm sr?ra fain qm 
«n in faqr tptt ^rfar wt, farrq if qfavi 

<1 faq; 

»nr. *w, arfafam- qft <nrr 269-q < a rn r<« r 
if, if, ^3=n sifafaqq in 1 vro 269-q nYf giiqrn ( 1 ) 
i£ 3nfa, faRfafaq- gqfw ff, Wn :— 

«t q? nvwT Trfl irfa vw rfw 3 afar 4 faq 
qjnfnfpt isT?n C 

■«r qurfar wi q-sfa sg qwiv if afaf *ft arrafr:- 

(41) fq qvn ^ urrq if smrnrq art ar»V n* 4® 

far^wfa in n?tnHS ^twnrt *$ tgwv 

4 i 1 nnffa ?f 30 far "it qqfa, 4 r ifl aratu 
m if wn ^fft ff, ^ ifarc 
«rfwuf if ?f faift sofar ^TRJ ] 

fi) r q^nn ^ TT4TT if swrere- ?rr<w *f 
45 far ^ »ftnT aw wm mqfar if far- 
4?v fa <ft anq «rfar amrr anfrfnruiTi 41 
tw fafvrr if faq an infif 1 

'FWWr:—R if sprStT afal aifa Td m, qrf 

arfafaqir ^ 3r«mr 20-^ if <rfanfacr 
?*, ar«f ^fn an-m if fan 

RT 5*1 


ff9 isr^ft —49 Tfnrf^ft i-tn, fT'vin q'^rno, 

FT ann/ f? ^TF-T/ifl jfo 27 73/8 5 I 

n'o 2<T?o xft 

ns-in aTfsnnft 
frffsfftr n^m; apnn- aTnqg 
fFf-II, lT5T»T-6 

fVnfqr : 6-8-198 6 

22 5 8 8 

wrt!T WT TOWW, 6 , lf>U6 ^TffU? 15, 1808 ) 

t —— rr r "- ---»t —• ■■ '-n ■ —.tvt_3F:--" 


~~~ toTO 1W90M.- 

IW ■n^* .. eJ.j fKjj 

«mm srfvf^m, 1961 (1961 *BT 43) ^ 
vkt 269■* (l) 4 apfrr ^TTl 

(l) s -ff >t^° 3 n v ° 

(:>) f^- r n info ■JTHftirr i 

(3tSffv?ft ) 

«raNnr, amm arum (fnfanq) 

3J3H TO-If W7 
RSTm, fciTU (5 3)^ l 9S o 
fn^irr *fo i l/fc-rm: 198 5—-'4n:ijn, «fr "> 3jp-t> 

nw arfvfnrir. m6i (1961 3 tt 43) (farcf tnf 
imp ‘^r arfvfnnr’ aRjf inn t) , ^ *nn 
269-81 4 WV;T TOT ^fvUTTl UT', fWTCi TO?; wi 
St/TO-T f r-7. WTO TO'rft', tV+TTT 'jfTT 4TTO TOV 
1,00,000/- 37. rr oifiur; [f 

*fi~ far ufr rf» 4, fv'-.vrTOTrf. '■>'&, l v? -s f, 

afr sfo jtto Rsm -- 1 7 if f’ur^r t (sf S‘ 7 % sjqansr 
if ?rr <^ *q qfi;, %), ; -' 

TOnfar, TOTrr 3'ffei^r /5 isr/a.5 if t> f to - 
wr aifrifwq, 1 908 (,908 :t to) «,*sa.-n, 

fv-iTO? 19 85 

4 r tpfarr Tnrfii i ?f uw ^ z&n rur 

'ijUtiTW a6 fror 3f5gf3?r t 1 ? mf srfr: 
*r*6 ir^ fanrarra" afirof 5rrrr»r g 
fjR inj tott '{rf'-Rr fqfn ** Thr?r sn^uTOr, ^qnfsmui 
srftrw f, rftf touth srfTTOT am q^ qfcPW arfw- 
I s afK 3Rn3R (afroqtf) 3ftr afcrfroff (sjfrfrftnir) 4 «fhr 
cf*f arerror ^ nr qun tot m(Wt m fVrrfrf^ 

^rt sraror fsrf^gr if *rrfaf k ar=f> ^q if atf «rt q?t fnun 
•nqr f :— 

*rf 4? rrmn srrfi <pf5rr rrurM ^ spN - ^ fan? 

^nl4^ iMl ^401 I 

j5«f srrftr $ ar^r % rrfx if 4 rfif aft arrafa •■— 

(«) tfr qpm ^ xr*m if suarm ^ trrxft ^ 
45 ter anfv 4T TOroaRfv «rf«wra1 
vf\ ?nftT if 30 fw qft ^rfq, arf aflf 
srqfq qpr if unvr ^fr jff„ iflrr 
TfiRirt f- q'' funifl rarfrr Tpnrr, 

(<ir) & rnw ^ rum r srw-r qfl orffer ^ 
45 f^T ^ *fcrt TOT WUTO 4TOf% if fgpr- 
tqq f^nft ar-T wrfiRr frorr, # 

<ur fqfm if frorr 

:—?nf m awl arf^ >uft «er, art w 
irfvfqjnf ^ artarw 2 0 -«T, if 

if, Tf rfi T s rf irq ar.'trK if feu, 

»UU 5*! 

(«) «^r«w ir o' <47^ *tut wuwr, tri 
arfvfw a6 arrfhr TT ^ ij ajRT 3 » 4 
8lfHM if «nft TO 1 4T writ am 1 if TtVfT 
4 fn, rtt'W 

(V) fwft arrq ITT flRft »R 4T 3RT srrfigiir 
<tf fj^T inT^ir amr-iro atfvfqmr, 1922 

(1922 «6T 11 ) in sifvfim, tt 

qq-qrr ffvfHW, 1957 (f957 85T 27) 
4 sr^fmnV arcrf<Tft iqm w: fVr, 

am 87 in fw nun mfp? 8t, frruf r 
»rfqvT 4 fw?; 

3ITO W, 3W arfqfurR- aff irTO 269-4" 4 arrorro 
if, if. -m arfqfnm qro 269 -^r «ft (i) 

4 sr^,, f'-', fTfTq sqf^rnrf, Wg; «— 

qfir ifr; n rr-T —4, faTTOriurnrifr fir-I q.ra- 
-?fj, z-o 5R-V ifgT7— I 7 ?f«w UtlT'T-Wif *f o 3881/ 
1985 I 

tto oifo t|f 

tow mfnqvtfr, 

fTOfijffJT UBfTOi 31 wm ajqipr 

- 't 

31T7 f^-Il, TORT 

firm : (1-8-8 6 

■flKcf H TR<T5f, f -w: 6, 1986 (HITR 15, 1908) 


WT HI—'gog l) 

SW 9Tf. z\. qsr. spr.->--- 

iWlTClfltow, 1961 (1961 *W 43)! 

•TO 269-s (f) 4 ar#f 

irrecr irwi: 

, SfffiTi ITOr* 3!FH?f (flitted 

:'V« - : • 1! *;s, 

oaro, in.t-. ■• uir« ; ?r ! 08 u 

fatsrs'o. i 5/fVC«r- 19 8r--S.V: PS, «f Po£,-;o 

’srpTERT ?nrf t rf^rmr, 1961 (1961 ^ 43 ) (fuf unf 

qwitcr ‘sit iNfim’ snp Wt I s ), d ’TO 
269-^ ii Whl JOfllirtf «rf faw^r STvl 3gT 
9 mTT I 2 fl> T*iTqT xTPrfrT, fllPW PsT^cT TRTT W 
1,00,000/- Ti. € arftrsfi I* 
tfri g‘o 9 , I'wr ow «5\c, v i^cfr t, ir 
pfsiT -14 it fws % (vsr< rif: gpj if m* pt f 
q-foi t), Tit yfovif-f • v 15.17 

?Psr *io 1 221/85 if fli'iR offcf - vo. 

1 on ( 199-3 '• t.j) •: - si't, fvvt? ids 5 

@r «nrNr #o^ *g rjfsrs ipm: ipr if la? *> mm* 
SrftRifl ^ ftfST STnlfTcf d W* | a lf< P'J ^iWT*r 
sf;*^t m wr.’j: £ fr> wrpNrr m v 4 ^ iT3;;<- 

•rw. rjt?^ miSTfR si rin? o' fit vr-rom ?ft 

srFvrer^r if ifn; t ift aornar (sRnd) ^ 
3pg-fTxfi (sn^TfvRn) i> sfar tfif srrtt ^ frrrf mi 
iPO srfWT fT^fr-ifoT vTpPOT xf TIT sRTTor fifur 
*r irccrfu; ^qr if irfacr iff fim wi | s :— 

(d own if f^rff smr oft mir Tier ifi- 

fal*r 4 arsfr? w. of »> nftm # 

Wi ■«*'«? e* s," riij^i «b fisnf; 


• ; ^'v 

- •, t if’ •' '.-• :»•* 3>;ran* 

1 ~'7*t 

fr. 11 

, rr ^,. r '5'. 

; ! 02'. <'• 

\ 1 ; 

3^f STSf-'f gf’-rfliiV 31 -pr 

‘e i y 7 . •;9_<7 ®? 27; ■’>' 



■ > 3f'9TP, - H .-,'V’ ■ ?s,"XT >, 

*sf fiT 

*Tf r .» w* fmst'-f ~f wf-r'ir 

: <>lSf’, 

sr?,: 3^:, e^ri atVofjnnr ori --rr-a 209 »r 4 sT T f i^r 
r , if g^r, aV^I’jprtr ^TTf 269-9- ?f gi-'W fi) 

- 35 #r, fTiTfTii%T "rfcRnrf, 3ratfir — 

( 1 ) yfr o ■%( ff(efrxfn i 

(^ 1 = 6 ) 

(2 ) -fiiTcfi ; -6rir mix twir ^qv 

(4i?lflrfT ) 

^ f^¥n «wf«T 4 argfsf 4 fTii| 

aw *mm 4 wt* 4 i*w # ^ sft «n#i »— 

(«) fir ^sn ^ -T^tR 3?1 on%« « 

45 «K't «Rf«r in awppift aitwuf «r»: i?^i 
nrfrir «' 30 fe' *ki ^N, it iff 11 N 
m # giM §fif< 4 vftar< 
if if f^iff ssrfi? pro; 

(«) w r^’r ^ rwi if f«r4 id mrfw f 
45 fw 4 sfrert gw nn mfM if ffa- 
ifv fwi aw atfwr pro anfifrawid < 

tri'i hift^r Tf- Tzm i^T idd 

finf giyr wfiftiiluT, if pa 

srfifim 4 wr 20-^ *f 

5,t1 m rrifr 1 it 53ir 35-3 'ittc' if fsm 

W fl 

-TfiT of-: TTf-i i*« 9 , qwm oqifriif?, irqOfr, 

0370 14, OSTT /%-3 ifo 1 2 2 1/ 8 5 I 

tTo 35'Ro ^|T 

1T3TO snfSRTRt 
fTffs#il SHir-TT 30010 

si^o Ti-U, o^ro-e 

fllTT : 
iflfT : 



tot *r mfTr-rox e, i9aa (toot? x5, x9oa ; • 

tot TOf.rt.ipr.^r. 

arnr^ irNfroir, 1 961 (1961 « 43) W) 
tot 269 -^r (1) 4 «nfl*r qro 

wwr tou 

TOfro, xt^ito torr tow 


XT 2 TXT, f^TT'T' 7 »>ra 1986 
fa^srXT° 1985—TO: W, «fT ir 0 anTo 


®rnm' arNfroxr, 1 96 1 (1 96 1 *fir 43) (Pwxf 

^jafi ‘gw arf^fnrxr’ ^ wr ?*), ^ tot 

269 -« Bfiffa: xrwrr >nfwrd 4 rf ij|[ fyww ^f 1 4 >r 
xirw $* faR xrorc xrmfer, farxm gfro tok ^ 

1 , 00 , 000 /- *?. *? stum g* 
vir <ftvrft xr° si i, xn^rr vrrxf, t, sfr H3TXf-2 Jr fx?TO 
| (sx>, TXT?: a^srar if g;of to %), TfaxfV- 

=rof srfsnirfr % qrofro, sfaus 3 to /tot xfo eo 5 / 
85 if TOfr? vf^qror axfsrf'nr*?, 190 s (1908 qr 
16 ) % aftft'Y, f?TO fTOTO 1985 , 

ri <(qfVr xmfxr 4 xrNe ttto qw 4 m 4 ww 
srfW- qi fxm b rxxrfxxr qft 41* 5* sfnc xgif nf fmrxr 
qptxf fiT liw j 4 fqi ’ncpf^nr T^xftr w <nw< 
irroi wixr wfxrw if 4 *xf •wwwr ffxrwr w 
nftro^r xf «rfro f* 4rt tow (*xrw1) ^rr TOftxft 
(TOftftnrf) ^ tow 4 fwn w tot to 

ufrow, fwhrftxr 4 tot TOW t»Nra 

t ftwihw m 4 «Nxr mft flim n*r i* 0 — 


(1) ifxra - qrofTOr^ wrf'R w ^?rwMfr? 

(3TOTO ) 

( 2 ) «fl fTO? rro TOFTt I 

(3)^M ) 

*? *r? t^wt 4TTl qsxo! '^ffqxr xmfxr «f> «mfir 4 Pgr* 
q^if^r wm £1 

zm xfqfxr 4 4 xftfr if ^hs* *ft tosOt :— 

(«) *xr xrsnn 4 rnrnr if y^rerxr ^ xf 

45 fipr ^ 1 *r^fv xtt xwf^lr a r fa raf qr 
x[^rT xrnftxr xf 30 P^r ^ ardV, «rf *ff 

wfy to if- xnn^r iffrft ft, 4 <^4fw 

ajftRnrf- if- xf fs^vxft *o?m sror; 

(w) ?xr ^ xn^m if srenffH' ^ xnf^ xf 
45 f^r 4 iflxrx: g^xr xtot amfxr if f?xr* 

*f>r faRxft arf^xr f?ro, srixOfxxrrarfl 4 ttxt 

fafXRT if TT XT#if 1 

vtoTtchi :—sxrcf inr^xr arf^: qrf 5 frr, arf g^xr 

arftlfprff, ^ 3TNTW 20-41 IT qfTflTfw 
5*, ar*f sfnr oif gxx sr^m if fnn 
tin ^1 

( 41 ) iRTOT xf f4!Xft TO 4rt TOV, 
art qfroiT 4 ®nfk iff ^ Bfxrxw 4 Trfro xf 
TOft 4nrf irr gxrxf *r<nf xf wfqrxT < fro?; 

(w) ifxf fnxft to in yxr 4T to witmt 
fro 3 TOxftxr TO4rx arfyfnnr, 1922 
(1922 'fir 11) 4 T garcr cfvfxinr, in 
irftffnrxr., 1957 (1957 wr 27) ^ 
5 nftTO*f TOfxxft 4TOT JTR 4 ff f*TOT TO 
«H ITT fCTT TOT <TTf$tr tn-. fWTpf xf XlfTO 

4 fro?; 

TO: TO, TOXT srfHffroir Ifit TOT 269-ir 4 TO.XI T1 
f, xf, 3W4MWT TOT 269-4- gTTOr" (l)’ 
.1 anff^r, fwMW sTfroff, TOfxr •— 


xjft- sffrxpfinr —8i, TOrr?rr4,irare‘-2 xfrxro^% 

xfo 605/85 1 

TTo 31TTO ^|Y 

nenr infj4Tfr,| 
frd#iT XiTO'ifi 'rfrrraT airaw 

- 4 

fGf~n, n3Txr-6 

fTyirhi : 7-8-198 6 

flfiJT : 

yita*i otw, fays** e, 1 m ( ynrqy is, i»os) 

2 2 5 91 

wry ni—««* i) 

m cl A IW'/’"* 1 

(1) 4 TOrTfa ffflq^ 

( 2 ) 4 wrc 3i«n 1 


(a-lfOcft ) 

ff*r, 1961 (1961 w 43? ni 
69-y ( 1 ) 4 *nfrr qym 



ynyfay,, cfnm mum ynnw (Tyttaro’) 

sto tv-h, mu 

tTsTTO, 7 Wn 1986 

f4tW 4 0 1 ijfelfrsr. 1 9 8 5- -3ff1: ij4, wfY p O SJTTo 


ynmn: yfyfroy , 1 96 1 ( 1 96 1 yy 43 ) (fy4 **4 

4(4 mRf ‘TOff arfVfRTTJr' ^wt ?*), 4f vm 
269-y 4 unfrr yunr yi14w<.1 4 i, y? P y yym yj??f yft 
vwm 4 f4 ?rc*rfa\ fycysr afy?r yiyrc yro 
1.,00*000/- tj. 4 yNys 4 
srk fayyrt Wo frfq irft yfljysrsr J>w?. 44 4 

44TOHPT Jr frqrr I (5RTT to 4 ai^gRHT if 4 r: 
ir4%ri;), arfsrcyfl % ynrfTO, trot, 

^xTt: ^nsr ?fo 3601/85 if mTffw Tfa5*ty3«r ajfa- 
faTO, 1908 (1 908 16) % Sltffy, fcnhF f^^TPSRT, 

198 5 

4r «[yfw TOrfrr 4 4Vfr w*k yro y 1 ynr 4 «nroiy 
Jifftyw 4 f?nT aRrfns: 41 *r4 4 afn: *jif y$ fyyyty 
ymf fir yury 4 f4 yyypfyy 0 m Pn yrr yNw twit 
, to 4 ww srPc’^r 4 c,V w*<*im srf 4 w ytf 
■ft? sfuw 4 arf^ra 4 afrc arms (onrcmt) 4c •frrfrdt 
(y^M ^yf) 4 4y ^ »RR«r 4 Prrcj ny <nyr »rt 
srfrrow fWyfwy 4 tojt yyjry Twfm 4 
yiwfy^ yy 4 yifVc *mT fyyf yyr 5 * !i— 

H w*sv* 4 o’ fwfyflr *mr *A cm, v*r 
froy 4 »nfrr yrc r^f yj in^ryi 4 nPy c y 4“ 
wtf yro* in yV 4 ^ffyvT 4 hn?: 

(y) «r4 Pynft *rw in fynft vy tt ary yrfwVf 
4 t r^'4 irrofoi arnpcr «rfvf4ry , 1922 
(1922 y>r 11 ) in ms yMyim, jtt 
« riM4nr„ 1957 (1957 ^ 27 ) 4 sr^nnnV 
snyrf^fr 4mr uto fynn Tnvrm fynyr 
▼ptt yif^ «tt, fwynf 4 ^rfW 4 Pm?; 

yen yy, •d'W yPytyme 4t mttt 269-y 4 yvwyy 
4,4, to yNfyirtr 41 vro 269-y ytf •rrvm (^y 
4 r46, «ftytnjt, z-*- 

4r y? ^yyr wrft *xm <[4*$ ywifw 4 4 fnn 

y fnf y il Xu f itjt 1:1 

to €*rfrr 4 *r4r 4 ?nsnv 4 4(4 4 an#r 1 — 

(yi) qynrr 4 iww 4 sromry 41 mrlyr 4 
45 fy*r yfl yyPv *n crwry^ft ®rf3Rr<if yr 
41 ct4w 4 30 fyy 41 aryf«r, 4 41 
« 4 V yw 4 imKr sffcn iff, 4 4 mx f 4 y? 
■riV 4 f 4 4 fy 4 * 44 r frro; 

(») yy 4 TTyqy 4 sncninr 41 crtf* 4 
45 fir 4 41 ct toj f*rm yrqf?r 4 r^y?w 
r«B4f «ny wrfyy ynn yy^yrerd 4 »ny 
fyfynrr 4 yr y44i 

w*Wr*f:—f»4 inryy y^rl aPry q4 yn, 4r wm 
4 vfwn„ 4 y»ny 20-y; 4 5 fsnfw 
4", yr^ y«f 534 4 to arrow 4 f4n 

yyr 1*1 


^fy il4r 4rfnTO 4 t iry^jr yfy, 4 
n5T€ yo 3 eo 1 j /85 i 

ito afTTo 

¥tsiit mfefFifr 
f-rfreftn n^ry arryyr?: aiiq^g 
T'y-II, nsKr-6 

ftyfy? : 7-8-1986 

4^ : 

2 2 592 

XRfl W tfXXX, PfXW 6, 1986 (XTsTlX 15, 1908) [XH 

w? Tfts 4 , ?H. i?x. art? 

mtmt sfftjfssw, i96i (i96i m 43) «1 
«nrr 269-*r(i) < anfN 1 «^nn 


^rafsnr, xs?m anwr xtxxx (Pxfterar) 

xxx 7Bf_TT j Tf?T , r 
TTST^T, fXXP : 7 aw 1986 

fsf^r *fo U'lfzzj-'t-s 1985—31 cf: s>.f; rr 0 

a.Pfo ffl, 

«pra>7 5tfvf*xsr, i QS1 {'O t V. ; - T 13f (fxx SXif 
^ «r 'xxx srNf^xr’ arax w 5®), ssl xrn 
269-x ?r x#r xsrx snfxxjrtf xx fwrx -,pf xt 
qsiTx if Px> ?«nr?: xqfxr, P»xx>? xfw armr jmr 

1,00,000/- *>. xfxx5 1* 

5TK fawr ?/ 61T, jTo^-o #0 7 2, XXWiTX f-W 

|, xPi qrfxxfr if fp«ix I (sAx x-i'S; xxxxj if 
xrVcyx xx xxfwx |), xfwtxru afxfxfr v rnfrx, 
qfflxrt Sr xo 3 0 i:/ s 5 i( : wx ( *' ‘ 7 ■> s' s fi - 

fWT, 190 8 (1908 '■TIC) % S'cff", fc : j-f 1< ", :\ •’• 


«£t qxTxx xtxPxt 4 xfxx xr-srrx xw x v •prrn* 
fx<xx s£ f^artr sfxfxr xr? qf f axfr m£ Pwrx 
*rtf m *rrr if P®s wiqffxx xqfxr xx gfxx -xrw 
< rw.. xswtx if?wr irV wmm "*Txa -<t 
< 7*X$ srfxifrx X arfxx; f vfr srxTTX l-ir*rrvrr\ i’’ v r 
r^rPTrfif ^ fx r nP apx’w $ f?nJ[ ’*x 

ewrr XXI' qfxnsx. fsnsffxfxx xxfsx 1# XXX x s T?« 
f^rfex si 1 ' xwPxx; w X s ssf*r?r xff- *wr x 9 - - . 

(x>) 3rxrcsr £ 5 * Pxxft anx ~ a e'i. rxr 

xf«if*wra $ *" . •■• vwp 4 

CfpJTW # XfxV cf?",, *p t •', v f 7 ij‘ jy^c^T 

« Pxt?: xPt/j'i 

(«) «r^ fsRfr arw xi xxr m «rrPPT*.f;' 

Parf 5 xTxafhr anro arP-xfwr, j 922 

(192? x>? 11) aisBwMw?, jt( xx- 

«r arfvrPwx, 5957 (1957 ^27) ^ 

3'rfrsrxpf xktPcS fxrxf axe h*xr xxi 
«n tr? tXHzn '*r.." •rf’a.™ •-- : ’-*ri' -r "*T ii 
-x Px»y» 

XX: XX, XXX arfxfmra- ax) XTTT 269-X ^ arTXRtrr 
x\ f", xxx xfxPxtrx xrl xrt 269-x xr) xxxkt ( 1 ) 1 

•$ artfr 1 '. X*#TX ?• • 

(1) --fr so'<0 wrxf^rx %f|xF 

(sjXTTX ) 

( 2 ) #fxcfr xfartxl' i 


i?i ?nrn 857^ xxfxx xesftw ^ ajxfx ^ 
xnfxr%r «bott C*i. 

r*xPxr x? ar^x x xra^r T xmx ■:■— 

?¥ fxxr ^ xm x 1 ' axOTX xrdx ^ 

45 fix xfl srxfx xt xcxxxt sxfxxxf qx 
xxxt xjI xmfx ^ 30 Pxx xtI xxfx xf xl 
’xxfx XIX f XXXX 5TXf ft, 3g 5ftxx XXfXX 

®?1^xxf f ^ Pxxft otPxx xxm; 

*.;. -*\Tj -d?, rrrrx if rrxn'xx xr! xrrifr X 

45 f. s y y, -rtXT "Jrf, :-«nX’- r ra# '<f F V 1XX?X 

f: -, .>v :hx fec'F, f qiX 

WS’fetsT :-—STO iXXf 3tf7 qxr XX, Xf X?tX 
Sffltxxx f. aresTW 20-35 jf qfoxPxX 
f, xft xsf ff>rr xir x^-xw if Pxxt 

•xn ft 


xfx Tffx X 3 XX (f^XT)-6X, XXT| 77 fTX ^ 
xxfx, qtfx%fr, qrfeff-/P r x° 3012/851 

ITo 3JPfo ^ 

xaix STfxqTKf, 
fxfrsfar x^nrqr s?prqr7 araxci 
a xx xx-ll, xxrx 

fxxixr : 
xffx : 


«rm ssufi 

OTfspr, anw amnm (faftom) 

3W T3f-1, JTTT^T 

ifstm, f^THTt^ 4 ®»f : n 198« 

fsf^BT Tfo 1 198 5—^ ^7 ar,ro 


WTfW*: urfVftTim, 1961 (1961 W 43) (f*4 W«* 

<a4- mrv 'tw nfnfw' w$r »wt ?*>, *ft frtf 

269-% i atfk awr snfv^rd *$ 9? ^ ^t 

wrc*r 5 * to «m iroto, taw atav wmw »w 

i ,oo , 600 A *?. 4 «rfw ft 

^Y^fVriTtTfo sYt»To 1 8 &, aft flTH fw«.‘ 
^rf-msa frsr, ^^irsm-31 Jffwrafc (*ft* ^ 
sr^fpg- if l -stYt wr a arf^?i & ), afsMafV 

% 3r p ft * rq, itPmft?: (*m a° 1441/85 ) ^ *Tnsft I T 

Tfa*ff=pr«T aifafaim, 1 90 8 (i9084T ie) $asrK 

faW7 1985 

%rf «p»fw wto 4 ftav fTOTt *p*r 4 *w 4 wm 
*ftr<w 4 tan 4ntor frt »m* if «ft w4 wj toWW 
wstf ■bt «rc*r f* to **nf4Ntr w**ta «t 3taw fWit 
rw, WWtTR- 'T^TFT 4, TOWI^ *Vt<m wx 
ffafm 4 ata* ?* *ft >ftn*s Wtf!) 9 ft 4w* 
toft (iwfrrmrf) 4 *ta eft' Ww 4 tan wmrr fur 
ttawr, ta w rtatan Wwr’Wr 4 ww 4wr tatan * 
*nwtaf> m 4 ?nsT fain *ptt ft n—? 

4 rf %Tt1 vt4 «]4fw wrftr 4 frta 4 tan 

W4flf|fr W 9TWT C » 
wr amto 4 %4* 4 ww *f 4w* *ft %nfa :— 

(ft) W WTT 4 TTTTT if JTftm fft «TTV 4 45 
far 4 tfm wr wr* mafn <f ffflffH 

TO if imrer fftft *t, 4 vftqr ^itor w taffft 
4 j cmfrn 4 30 far 41 wta, %f 41 wf* 
«4 4r 3f %«ror y ?wrr wt 5 * \ 

(w) w wn 4 trm if wm 4t ?nt>» 4 45 
«tvfw*t 4 *4W wt 4 «m 4 
funft «7f fftftr wki fytjwwft 4 <nw 
faNrr if ffw %T %4yi 

lOTTk-nr:—r*nf tTUW fTSff 3rft 941 45T ^ 3'« Sff'l' 
.fsnw 4Vnw 20-91 If qf$Tif*T?r 

lA *4 riV «v *w nwnf if fw 
«w <»• 

W 4 C^* fw4f «w fft urn, ms ifi^ 
^fw 4 *n<W frr f*4 4 4w» 4 wf*w 
iT fpff wpf ft *w4 fw4 4 1 4 


(fr) r4t Pfwfrarw tr fwft w mw wfwnft 
•rf fsmf WTTrftf artffre itffww, 1922 
(1922 w. 11 ) fr Iff fWwf, 91 w- 
Wt «Nfm, 1957 (1957 « 27) < 

fft f f W ffefaft f rm ra f%wi wi * 
w fww wwt * 1 ^ w. # fmM 't * 

■flf^ a m i\ T h» is, ^ rr ^ ? -’ 


%c^3-, iT5Ta-31 I 

3j tto 

asm srfsr^Tt, 
^m=rr 21 TW 1 (fafm) 
3)^a Ar-i, aioa-B 

cr: m. Tprr tffffwr «rt wro^' 2159 -ir 4 w^ftw 

if, if, 3rfvftnm ^ aro 269-^ 9ft graro ( 1 ) 

4 snftr, fr m f ar%^ arffr 3 ^ ; - 

15 —226 GI/86 

1 4-8-1986 

ai?T : 


»uwnnnam,forort 6, is86 (mw is, isos) 

{*ro ill—l 

w cn*.d..«pr.i!Ev. 

WR: *totonr, i>jsi {»961 v 43 ) ^ 
tot 269 m (l) 4 *nffa 

wror rrwnc 

(1) 1. «ft Xft 

2 . ■sft far* ^rtr^JT 

3. «fY too famiwr tfr 1 

( 2 ) ’frmt toto i 



*rofanr 3mm smrw (totorr) 
stogr'cr-i, mam-e 

tram, fafTfar 2 5 Si^Trf 1986 
fa%OT tr° 2/fjPTSR 1985—3)F): 3!T^o 

/mm JrWw, 1961 (1961 «r 43 ) (toto fsa* 
rwi <vwifl; ‘w srtVf^nB-’ >*^t wt , art hto 
269-4T 4 , r*ffa wnr sotorar'l *Sr fw i m srto *r 
ww p to «rr*rr wwrfw, tom stov rrarra qm 

1 ,oo,ooo/- tr. rf srfw; ff 
sfrr tomfft *io 28 , fa wrtRtor tomr, fa;j 3imfa 
fte, f^m r TT s P tram-10 it frw | (vm im: jhwt 
ft sffa yjf m ft TFmrra %), aifa^-ft 

mrnfanr, ftfrora (w #0 1395/95) Jr vrreftor 
tfsrsjto.rur sfftfam, 1 908 (1908 =ra ie) % aisffar, 

fwto 4- 12-85, 

*rt 'pffm rmfar ^ gfw wm t^w ft «?nr *6 twira 
stow fts fart? «fafw *>1 nr 1 5 * arfa tt*£ xt$ fmrcr 
weft wi won f* to «rwrTw wrfrn %-r gfw nro 
^ wtnrra stow ft, ifarf wnm jrtow w 

stog y ft a rto* ft *rft *rww; (wmxt) wto *w. 
toft towtotoftt) fti ftto ftft to 4 toi ?ot mm 
atow P-rototoc I'wwft ?w mnwtofsnr 4 - 
nwtow; w ft «tov «nT ton 1 — 

ftr imn nfti ^rto tofw tmrtor ft; srsfa fti fam 
Wfalfpf sr^ to £1 

m vstftt 4 nfw 4 <m ft - srtft fti wirin- 

(*6) w ^rro 4 Tnm tfa swnrR - ^ trV 
45 m *f> ^rto n anto?iTrf ti 

to «*t snmr i 30 tor arftv, "fir »ft 

wfn * 1 * 4 nrw gyft p 1 , 4 4 m «[<«■ 
wttoroft 4 to*ft «*tot j mrt 

,(fai t~ r-T ■'• t) 

(rr) n 4 mrrw tt wm rf urato 4 

45 m* 4hr^mri 4- t|TO 

toift r-4 artor nnm 4 <Tt 

fwtorr tft to*?; «t 1 

-ft 7&J f r ifl 

•'tom 't-1- 

nwiro :—wf snm <ral w, ^ ^w 

afirtorff ^ srwrrt 2()-fc tr rr«n atorrforar 
3 s , srsf ifW, arora tfa 

tort ttt |* 1 ' rr^ 

W nflror 4 fX Tm4t srw «1 vnv wv 
wtwtow < »tott w%ti 4 vmm 4 
ntow 4- <wft mi 4T r«to ^ ^ton 

to) ^ to^t win >Rin ir 

*n, fanr tmrftfl arnr-^T crfaitonr, 192 :' 
(1922 m 11 ) arr sow arfvtom, n 
w-w nrtotm, ?f>57 (1957 «r 27) 

4 jnrtorto ^rtoft noro smz -r^t to*n 
wnm ton to ntot rr. toro* 
^tovr 4 hm; 

»ir» w, w? *rNfm art nrr 269m 4 w<* 

n*", tf, gw 3rto tonr w! nrr 269m wff swro ( 1 ) 
4 wifr, towlfatosr wfwaT , «rvfar :■— 

^to^trrag — i)x ^ 28 , fawncnruTr 
?ij 3ir«rfV ffa, f^qT^, tram -10 > 

aiTTo wrrfagjw 
■wtr aifftwft' 
ggTW wrm mm? (fT/r^) 
a^*TT4-i, trarm-6 

: 25-7-1986 

tlf?T .: 

* Tn III—1] 

ntw nfT tTJm, 6, 198« (tfTJ'TS 15, 1908) 


*▼5 TO*. e1« IT5«- 

TO'*t infMfm, 1961 (1961 m 43) <*1 
ITT! 269-* (l) 4 *t^k «pw 


TOf«n„ «fw* tout in^w (facVn) 

srsfa f'er-i, TjsT’ir—6 

6316, fllfa 2 8 3jsrr£ 1986 

flW ff° 3/f^sqW^./1 9 8 5—Stfi: 6^, TOTo 
51 rlfflTTO, 

TO4ST jfafarr 1961 (1961 w 43) (fa4 
f*i mnt faw w fafa mr’ |*), *1 to 

269-* 4 *Vfr fwtt snfH^rd «rt arf f rom vrrt m 
wn*r 9* fa «m «rofa faror «Nrar crro 

1,00,000/- TT. 3rfH^ £ 
stf: fa-fat *fa i, xiosvfrm fanifa, nanr-io 
f faqi t fafa f tot nq- n arftm f,), 

xforf far faj far % qfiw fan no 

142 4/8 5 ) if wfal TfaifriPfa nfaffar, 1908 
(1908 TT 1 6 ) 4T 3)Sftn, faffa 11-12-1985 

srfaw 4 Pm* a.fam qfl ir* 1 $* fa. fa m fwn 
t»Pv nr wr £ fa nfan tit gfaw to 7 

4'-8 , nn4 TWTOT sfn'flpi ?f I^V W8MN mPhth* *T 
T5? sfanrrTT n «rffa £ «frr: sfro; («frfaf) fa faffa 
fafaffanfr) 4 «rfar fa nron ^ fa rnr qm »m 
faron Prorfnfnn 4 gtrcr TOT?>r ffarnr if 
TOrfT* **n n <tf»OT faf fan im i* -..— 

(1) sfto 3»T?trcmT tot i 

(«^t.sf ) 

(2) sft fa° TTcn:fa<TJT 


wi fat *nfa faw 4 fa 4 fro. 

fanfipf to £1 

nsn nfa 4 fa 4 fan if fa ift far :— 

fa) *n nfa 4 toft* if spuirnr 4t fa* 

45 far ^ far m fafa) ar P^r 4T 

rrron ^ fan 4 30 tfa fan, 4 1 if 
fan to if TTOTCr ?rffr ^f, 4 iffar Tiifafr 
arfnnri 1 - if fs# »ifar wm; 

fa) m TOT[ ig w »f itot vt mTOr t 
45 far iffac wm rwfrr if faw 
farf) «jfarr wttt anlfJRmrfl * tot 
fa fa ff «*■ faar n 1 

pfalro:—^rof snr*Ri qfaf afr 'rel *rt, anr 
grfvfanr, ^ *r«nir 20 -^ if <ifnrrffar 
£, ifal 3r«f (rnn n- w anaror if ^Tin 
^ £\ 

fa) **m «■ o* w 9rt «4« fifa- 
farw 4 w^ffa cic i*!? 4 tot* 4 tjPto 

if infl mvt kt 9*4 tifa if jfro 4 fan, ^or^) 


fa) ofl faO TO TT fa<t «TT n TO 4 1 Pro f 

»rf Tt^ 2 urafa tottt Ttfafanr, 1922 

(1922 « 11) 6! «W WfafTOT, 61 

5,w: nfid'nTK, 1957 (1957 *r 27) 
-6 OTfa^lUf «TFflfaft fTOT ITZ T|1 fTO 
*nn 51 Tt fart tot *Tfar *r, f*nf if 

^favt 4 far?! 

SOT: 3W, TOT atfifam 4l1 TOT 269-iT 4 apr^OW 
if, if, TO atfafair ff 4ft TOT 269-6 Tfl ^^TTOT (l) 

4 *rfa, P4»ilTfaq aiPaRrul 66f^ :— 

'ijt6 W)T 6416 ff lo I, TT^Tf^-'il faj, fa.TOTr^, 

(?n no 1424 / 85 ) nsra-i 0 s 

3tko nmfaniT'T 
nsw snftriTf, 
^Tir^n: (fifisro) 


f3HT41 : 2 8-7-198 6 

lfT?T : 

22 596 

WT ftfd'Mt 6, 1986 (iTfST? 15, 1908) 

t«tiT III—V 3 * 1 

(l) sftJTcft fr° fro gsmOT frc ang i 


(2 ) >sft qtfo -<T3W5IR WfT «TTt ! 


m d.. q*. qv .—--— 

*rnr^r srfirfnnr, 1961 (1961 ^ 43) 

*rrcr 269-«r f unto ^7 

M lici <<V>i { 

"snrfgflr, sr^m; anw: snrw (frtfwnr) 

3)'jT6' faf— 1, TRRT—6 

iTCTO, U^iW> 31 apm£ 198 6 

fafur n° 4/fhlTf^r/85—313; W, 3in> GiT^T- 

uriTO aNfm, 1961 (1961 43 ) (fapf ^rf 

t nwrt[ thijr *141 *tki 

269-» anffr rram jnfVwft *, fanmr ^ 
*bt «f>K u r p* wii< y^fvi, fanm 'iff a hi^k gg<r 
1„0U,000/-f «rfVBf* 
nrK farwt fo fro n?ro »ro io/iskt 16/2 t, ft 
amR , iff* *m JrTn if Mffl % Krr 3*1% agsffff 
if rfr? *ff5r*ffn %), Tfarnff^raf afwift 7 , 

5m #PT (Sff ffo 374 8/85 ) f '<TP#ff 
3{fffffffTlT, 190 8 (1 908 7T 16 )% asftff 
ffffffT 13-12-85, 

;£r f 3f*rcr *rrjrrc qw if w f itot 

jtfnwt t fFTtr Jtfrrf^r tft itf ?* frr *nf ^ f«wtir 
*mr f fa; m*r1V sfag- niana; 

qw, 5WPTRT 5Tf?m tf tfaf WTO Slfam *ST 
'flOf sfaw rf srt^r^i 5 * fh: sfnmB (fcnwf) afR aidfaft 
(«r^rM?nit) $ sffa iff a^ <«i H faiq ?nr qrtrr 
itirw fwfyfaa a^’w f 3 RTT»r farfa*r if 
Trwfro w f *BfVFT fanft urn $• :?— 

( 55 ) srhut o* r^rr^t stw ^ Ti^r, otw 
fanr *> amr ^ f 3 ms f ?rfirw 
«Blft ITT wf f TTftnn ^ f?93[i 


(v) qRft fWt arnr 4T f^fT trr nr «r*t g nfw f f 
% f ^ 3 mriftr arum' srfvffTnr, 1922 
(1922 ^T 11 ) afvfinTir in 

%r^ 5 T arfttfgrng, 1957 (1957 sgr 27 ) < 

fffrwgnf 4RTO sraz f^nn »nn 

«tt *n hr^TT angr «r%r «tt, fWrf ^ rrfyvT 

^ fstq;- 

3RT: «W, =3^T afirffirtr tfft MKT 269-^ ^ a4F14 1*1 
if, if, r 3m ariVffUTT wfl «Ttr 269-^ OTHl ' O ' (l) 

i arfR, fw^rfwrr sifw^f. arW t — 

fr w.x* rnpqftr f ^fr f faq 

3w FTurfrr f anfr f swv if flinf ft arrefr e— 

(wi) ?c^rr ag if wr af mfNr 6 
45 fir ^ arcfr in FR?h^tft «tNof[ «r 
Tpm Fnffr f 30 far tff arrfv, art* »ft 
aprfV rre if mrra ffrr ^f, f ffR 
*rf<wsf if 8 fwfr «rfw bptkt; 

(«■) ^ 1[M f WV1T if STO4R aft TTTffV 
45 far f iftfR 34F1T FTOT FTPTf'tT if 

ap^T anfaRT 5RTTT arfi^WT^rff 3^ 4TF 
fyfTaMcr if fnq ?t ipfifi 

F^tTRiir:—^nf jnwr afiT q^1 ^t, arr 

BrNfnnr,, f awmr 20 -^ if 
$“*, ^ 3irt :r^i fr w jrw if fipn 
inn ifi 

rfrx TT470- (ffftnT zv4m) awrr9cr, 5m 

JOT (^FT f o 37 4 8/85 ) 

■sitto mffTm 
FT5T1T STTfimff 
4 ^ 14 + ?mnFT snwr (frffaTor) 
rjlafn faf— 1 1 ITSW—6 

ffirnr : 31-7-86 

unp: :, 

vrr^lii—I] 4T ttsitw, f>rcr«n: 6, 1986 (*rrcw 15 , 1908 ) 

22 5 97 

WW? *N?W1T, 1961 (1961 m 43) «1 
4TO 269-4 (0 < «n0* *0™ 

vm wvm 

sRPrfsnr, g$nra; anrot arnrw (f^rdw) 

3*ar?r t^-i, gyrg—6 
rrsw, fcftff? 5 ' 3 Ptf> 1986 

fgpT if" 5/fen*Ki'/1 985- J -3)a: a 17° 


mw srfvfinnT, 1 96 1 (1961 43 ) (f*nf ffnf 

mw 'w vqi nur , tfi vro 

269-v < "rtta ffunr mfiomfl u? fawrcr w 
ctot 1 * fa wm ipqfa, famw gfwr «mnr 

1 , 00 , 0 - 00 /- tt. ?• 

tfTT fwft 11° ■?> go j 62, aftfa^T mW-if ^17, 
ttstt-r-— 1 if Tpf5 % (m* sgqr a-jr^r if sfrr yr ^r 
Jr Sffon %), 7f77fT : -PTT a)f«TP:r %: ^fT-T, 

(w go 624/85 ) ?r '*rpcfnr ^fvffr^-or 3 )M^t, 
1908 ,(1908 3iT 1 0 ) V Sllffa, fc'-TT41 fcti*4T, 1985, 

*rf yffw r«*ifn aS gfw gr-m *rar « w <*! mm* 
rfwsr ■*» fat* 3rerfar ^ ^ g aflr infi ijf fawnr 
^ cr jbtw f* 

fa *r«n <pffw gpifa gfaer <*ttk g*fa wtmn 
stfW tf, q/tf wnTR qfgqw % srfaw if arfVs $* 
«Tit afnw (wfat) sTr: arafaft (wfaftnfr) 3 
<H 3nwr *6 P $n? w -rm w sfaw, fanfafag 
gym gw fafaer tr gmrfas w $fvg 
q?f fam »nn f :,— 

(<*) fTf* fwft arw 4t *m, gwr 

arfyfainr ^ apftg w aftf *> ggn*; < 
frfJTw #■ 4ofr jo ggif wf ar gfr*n 

4 f«M; 

(1 ) ^r^rffl 'OTt 1 

(3)^3^ ) 

( 2 ) aft ajsi^ qrpifr vftr. 4 a?ir I 


«t m tpror WKt 4R4 f! < arsfsr 4 fan 

arrnfjnfsprr arr^n ?;t 

gw ^rfrr 4 4 »frv ^ cf<. *ft arw^ %— 

(^) vs 4 Tnm jj- jrem 41 ffr^r 4 
45 fw 4i wfV srr wrfw^ ' <rr 
v^rt 41 4 30 P«nr »r4V, 4 *ft 

#t 4K tf- *nmr , 4 tflrrr <[#«r 

4- 4 f^Fsfr «rfW fwr; 

(*) w q»cm 4 qmq^r tf- 5r«nnr 41 irrdv 4 
45 f*w ^ aftrrr 4W wn: vwifn tf- fysnm 
fwfl srar ymr cMfiwwr 1 ! 4 «rw 
ptP^it 4 farm; <*r ff^n 1 

wtet:—W" sorter qp-rr *tx 141 - «n, <srf gw 
*rfMfqTrg ) ^ afiq^ 20-4 af qftmfw 
I*. ^ fiVr wJ OT arwmr if- fro 

’TOT Jf* t 

'fffiT sfiT aT4rg-lTT go 162, aVtfaRW 8Wm 
araiTr-i (w ^ t-,24/85) 

(•-) crift fserft «rr? ?rr fwfl w m arar anrmr 
vi, fwf 3 groftff »ik4t arfVfrm, 1922 
(1922 4T 11 ) 4T wr ariVTsonr, «n 4m 
«rfMt40T, 1957 (1957 4T 27) 3 y aif ww 
nr^rfr^r wro to tywT nan *n in f^sn 
«mn <nftq «n, fVng if gfwxr « fgq; 

mo srrgfspTnTfr 
mv snftra-ft, 
g^rar F 31TIT4T aT^ (faftsm) 

3i^g r 51-1, WRT-6 

wi «rMwn 4 ^ mto 269-’t ^ 

if, if, arfqfrim 4l 4Pi 269-4 4l gqvro ( 1 ) 
n «nffcr, r«TRiyfw ^rfwnf, *r^r »— 

f^gfqr : 5 - 8-1986 

22 iaa 

wits wr mm, ftrswn:, 6, me ( sum is, ms) 

£wm hi— m 1 

iww *!? ■.& .ww.qs. 

wiTO wfvfwww, 1961 (isei w 43 ) vm 
r >69-* ( 1 ) * *nfr* 

*m fwm 

wwwftm, nwws wiwwrt wim TP^sftnO 

t«i— ii, si^rergre 
m^ggrarg, ftRfa 1 sirea 1986 

f«T?tg S° SYo mx° So 4648/ll/86-87—313: 
tr 0 %o ftr^r, 

WTWTM; wfwtm, 1961 (1961 «r 43 ) (fro 1 vr? 
**4 twrct 'wr »rfwfwr’ WFnjr wr $*), wft «rrn 
269-w 4 apfor gwr jnNvrd wrf wtj ftrerw *n 
writs 5 * fa wm gwrftr, faggrr gfas giwrc *<& 
1 ,00, 000 /- tr • S’ wfaws ^ 
sYffagStgo orjfrr Skggrg go g° 620 / 022 - 2 / 

$ a*rr 3 ft 622 — 7 / 627 —q^f gSfar wr, gfter fr ftqg 
t (wIt ?gS OTrwar aqqSY S *ftt ggf gq g gfor?i 
$), tfat^fasf wftrvrd % qrofaq, g^qtrgrt Jf 
tfttsft'Pts afgfaxrg, 37 ^ qr ie) % wifta, forfa 
I 24-1-86, 

wrt twfar «*rfw 4 gfag wiwrc ipg S wrg 4 wpnn 
wftrag 4 faxj ggrfar tft *t g wft gtf x* farm 
wrt*f wrt wrrtg i* fa wwiqwrwfl- ggfar wn afwg jttwk 
*ps, ggw> wtwh srftiqrg g\ ifS signm srfasg ^ 

y»H gft n nr S w fww; f «ftt ggrewr (wgrtwrt) Wtx 

wsfnft (arg ftfgirty i ^ (f?f Screw 4 fgq eg <ngj 

wwr wfawrw fawif wf w g rfwtw S rwtr wwrw fwfwg if 
wwwfawi vr S wjfair wtf fwrwr wwi f a — 

W i BW* Ml wiW wfl www« «ww 

wfafagg w i ipftq wit fS 4 *rit€ 4 
wrfttt if wnft wrtS wi ggS if- giVn 
< Nq; wfl/m 

iwj Cf^wft fwwlt WTW^WT rwft «R WT W^ m f W.Wt 

*t, fw^f uroftir wtw-wt?: wfvfgjnr, 1922 
(1922 wr 11 ); wr m wfufumr, wr 

WW-VT Wfwfm, 1957 (1957 «T 27) 
^ HW fm f 9Rrf77ft SRI JTWTS fiinn 
inrr nt in fwnrr wnrr wif^ nt, fwnf if 

WWi Wt WWW wfwtwww Wft MTS 269 -q < <nrwrw 
rf 1 -, rw wfwfim ^ wro 269~f wl rawin' Jjf 
4 rw mfw fww wtfwwf, wwfir is— 

( 1 ) ^ o q^grr -p ftrfwJw, 

aTRftPTTr ft?, 



(( 2 ) *1° -rrrg 

gtftw irOwr So 1 



wrf q ^twwr wnsU Wtfw wi «nfw 4 fan 

ifinfarffwi ^?TT t i 

gwg gurfn- is ^ SSm *f griV »ft wTwjy i:— 

(«) fg 4 nw if swrgg iff grffw S 
45 fww *st 3 Rfg m cnSSMf wrfw?mi <n 

qw wf) unltg 4 30 fww w9 wwfw, if ift 

arwfM wr if guTMT ?fSt sff, 4 Star; 

arfViTirt If S f-fvf wtfara- 4MTTT; 

(w) tw qw^T 4 imr if jtwww wff mflw if 45 
few $ Sfn. gw to gmtg if fpwfM 

fwnff gig wrfwg pro, wwfffgiwrl 4 <ns 

fgfwo if fun? wr wwff i 

fWfwrm:—^gif tnrm <mf wf? q# wg #i wf gwg 
gfgfirag, 4 20-w>' r qfwfwg 

if, w?1 anf rfn w 1 gw gwng if fwwi 
gm *V 

37 ^^ qgg g? %rSfrg g fggfqr 2-l-lieilT 
Sw ffgT ggr | i 

t^o%o fS^T 

garg jrrffcnsrfl', 
g^rgg^mggairqgR (fRfrsrg) 
si^g^q-n, ai^ggrgrg 

ftCgtg ; 1-8-1986 

gt?T : 

«rpi in—uro i] 

^ror^TTnrq?r,f^TffT.6, 1986 (wro 15 , 1908 ) 

22 5 99 

( 1 ) sft ^srm m^rorrH err^ft 
'aftguft , 

Fir, sifter 1 


(2 ) TOFT 5T^T F^FT ?W TORT 
fjs ijrt'frrrt rtstenf 

<r?“r 1 


totor srNf^nr, 1 96 1 (1961 ft 43) f1 
ftt 269 -f ( 1 ) < arrtF t^fit 


wqf^r, ^H5|'l|« 3TWTO: TOFFT (fartum) 
vOf—II, SHRFF*? 

31^r*rm, fcrtF 1 33*1^ 1986 
Or^sr TO cfto TOTO q 0 4 649/ll /86— 87—31^: 

^ tr 0 fVfT, 

biiwt arM^nr, 1961 (1961 ft 43) fmf 
tor! 8^ 'nJ r -tti atfwfFnf fjjt ftt ?*), F*t vrt 
269~«r ^ ar^ftR tow jnfTOFfl ^rr* ^ Ftokt grcf to 
toft Pf wtto rtrfro fFrrro sfror fir ttrt 
1,00,000/- T5. f arfFR f 

^TfaftFlTO 31TTO trrro JTo 308-1, Frarrsfl^TT, &; 

pi«tt aft Ffter n faro £ (M\x sq-fr totf? aRTOft if 
tfte g^r to ir ^foffT £), afgr^Tfi % qnirfTO, 

FfteT it ufafFR, ioos ( 1908 TOI 6 ) 

% asfR, fartF 24—2—86, 

Ft Fffror $ gfror ftox tof *f tojt sti iwh 
afroW ^ f^rtr anrrftcr art *[tf f srf^: jtw irj farrow 
Frof to toft 5 s Pf FFTOfro fwPto set tNu fir 
* tw, tor? tww TTfroror tf ifif totor nftrea to 
« feg stfwrr tt arfFfi ^ 3rfr ftff (ann-rtf) arfr sfafFft 
(TOflfffnrf) iff ftttot ^ w m <m 

HPTOnr, frortTOfFr totoft if tort totfit P<tP«rt if 
llWfaF FT Tf Ff«RT fTOF TOT $* :— 

M <ffto if frort arnr art ftot m 
ifitfroir 3 «nfhr F T 4"if api 41 *.*6 ^ FpatW 
if Fift FTif F «*■ FfFTT ^ fF?; 1 


(^■) qRft farrft arnr fVrft ft ht *w a nf^w l 

Ff, far^ 3 FTcf^ STFT-^R 3rft|fFni., 1922 
(1922) FT 11) *TT gru giNfFHT, ITT FT- 
?r* sftrfm, 1957 (1957 FT 27) *> 

snrf'riT'if ar^rfrifr ftrt jrar fFF - Fn 
*TT F fFTTT TO HTf^[ «TT, tHVf 

^ fro*?; 1 

aRT: TO TOTT 3ffFfFFr Fi FTT 269-^ 3R7TTO 
if, if - , arfstroiT Fl FTT 269-F fI ftottr (i) 
^ anfrr, r«fwf<rtf«fl mfFjirf, smftr — 

s^T ^ TTTOT WTfi TTFffT ^ apjfq- ^ Nlf 

TTPTfw ^ TOfiT «g TflfT if FT^f* vft imfT 1- 

(ifi) TOT TORT af TRTO if FCTTO «*1 FTftF 
45 fTOT art TOf^T F TOTOTOft •nfFTHl TO 
TORT *rt TtnfriT Tf 30 fTOT F*f arrtV, wf ift 
a Rfy ffK if TOTTO fffl %t, $ ifrTT TOfapT 
FfJWrt if frort ®rf«Rr tottt; 

(v) TOT TOTF $ TTTOF if 5TTOTO art mrtl 
45 fro F vfro 3TO WTTO ITOfw if 
fTOf 3TTOT srfFT TORT aprtjFTWTrt < Ff 
frfro if fapr F TOfif I 

TVartFTOT:—TOnf FTFT TOll wfc TOt sfiT ait TOW «lN* 
fFRT aS TOUR 20-F if qfWlfFT ?*, 

TOf iffrr if tot snam if Enn irt ?*i 

fiT'TTO aft gTFFf^TT, TOTF if ft«T?1 | ftffTOft W- 
rtR fTTO 8,48,450/- UFT £ 1 TOT Tfa^TC, arrttT if 
frotF 2 4-2-8 6 art Ft ipft $ 1 

i^o %<> ftr^fT 

twit srrfaFrft,' 

31PTFT: 31TFR (fTOteRT), 

nig tothi, wwrorFq 

ftFF : 1-8-86 

ifr^ : 


tos m tow, ffagnarc 6, i9t« (iron* is, n» 08 ) ( vr?r IU—*'* 1 

vm «nfa d fa.. qg. q».- 

CRm faVffanr 1961 (1961 W 43) ^ 

269-W (1) < *nfcr l(TO1 

*rrar mnwi 

to ( far , tt^tw; toto totw (fufasnr) 

gfar f*r-IT, a^mrTO 
ST^TTO, ffaW 1 3H1W 19 86 
ffa?T fa° fa° 31TTo #0 465o/ll/8 6-87—W: 
Tto ^ fVrs'T 

nmrr fafafam, 1961 (1961 •ST 43) (f*fa tufa 
*nfa TOrm; ‘grw arffafarfa 45fr wt *“), fa vttt 
269-w fa! mw Ttf w rfa wrf hit Prom err wt 
to»t ^ fa; rwrc farffa, faror gfaw tott *tw 

1., 00,000/- *f. 5 s faw fa 

faTfWTfa fa ft? fa 292, fa° arfo faofao WWfa 

| h«tt faffa WTrriiffag £ (fa? 7fa groa 
Jr xftr 7 ^ w h fan |), fasrcffafa atferaft 
% wfafar, agwrarn if vfas^faw aftafaw, 3v#f 
16 ) % agfa, for fa 9 - 4-86 
srf mfbtTf vr w sfJ ■Thr?'- tottx ww fa to fa sunrR 
srfWr 3 } fan 3ffaw ifat tit 1 if far to! fwm qrfa 
«Bt fafafa fa fa irwjfafar WW w faw tott tot, 
arifa irtow fawn fa fafa ®wror sftiwfr 'nr? 
srfaw fa faw fa afa 3fan> (fawf) aft fadMt 
(avgftftraf) fa fafa fafa 3r^7?7 fa faq m tot wt 
rrfaro, fan fa fa g girfaw fa gw srtw fafw fa" 
wgfafa w fa «rfaw gfaf- fan wt fa 1 

fa) tow if tt fagft to wl to^t, rrnr 
Ufafaw a *rVfa wtk 4 TTO < 
efro if wtt TOf ft wfa *wfa if irfro 

4 faq; «fW«TT 

fa) fafat farfat to 4T fa-fat w 41 to ni f wmf 
qtf, fro 3 TOdta TO4ST wTyfnnr, 1922 

(1922 C *BT 11 ) ITT *|fvfwir. in VTT- 
TO ^fwfwv, ‘ 1 957 (1957 ^27) # 

vrff-snn^ irM) wrn inn: 4?V f-mm *m 
«rr in PgRT TOT =7TfaTT «TT, fTRH 1 if TTfaVT 

^ Nm; 

■IT; an, gw wtvfimr TOT 269-W < 151T* 

*f, if - , nw 3ifirfTinT grt tot 269 -*t sr) win (1) 

$ an^, PhmPstPw wrPWflT, aprft[ :— 

(l) f^fJF’Tr'rf q'nT^fT 5TTo fao 

510 fwm'ir ^rgir, 

■TT?W fa 
sfifa I 


(2 ) aefpT aiR fal f'SgfT ITT o fao 

510 , f^iw ^rgn, 


4rf «n i[WT TOt w4i qjifw TOfw < *6 ffa 

TOfnfairf tot 1 

sw inrfTT 4! wfar wi wwh fa far 1 fa toV t— 

fa) w ttwt ^ TPrw fa wjnr fat gfaNr if 
45 fa*r fa! «ifaV itt TOwfa ifnrafa w 
tott fat nnfar *r 30 far fat wfV, fa fa 

rifaV to fa wft ifrfa ff, «? farrr wtw 
wfarnft fa fa fa-fa *faw tttttv 

(») w sb tow fa s^mr ?nfafa fa 
45 far fa *farT sw ttot fa^far fa*- fpxitv 

fafa TO^ «rfw WTO TOtfWWfa fa TO 
fafror fa- farr wi wffai 


•rffafanr fa toto 20 -ifi fa- qfonfatr 
*, Tfat wf rifaT fa tow fa fanr 
taT l“» 

fafa fao 37^ fa w iWTfaTT fa ftfaT 9-4-86 
fa ffarr wr ft 1 

1 ?° fa ftr^r 
W 9 T STTfsrrnfa 
n?rw sunw 3ugw (fHfanur), 
afar facf-Il, arrwrnra 

fTfan : 
fa^r: ; 


HTOt R THm, facR** 6, 1986 (TOT! 15, 1908) 



«vr d ^ ^ -. 

mror artMl^nr, 1961 (1961 m 43) VI 
HTCT 269-*r (l) ^ *% TfTOT 


nmfro, h?tto; mvK mqn (TnftRf 


SSTORR, f^PTT^T 1 3>TO7 1986 

ffo cfVo 3)Ro 1T° 4651/H/86-87—TO: 


amm *rf«rfroir, 1961 (1961 nr 43) (Prof Ruf 
mV itoth; ‘tort arf^rPm' tot 5 *), Vt vtct 

269-tf V ar% irem snfwrd nf its t^Rur n^f to 

«*m 5 * fn wm imfer, from ^rfro mm i^ro 

1,00,000/- VI. tf arfV«B ?* 

■% no n. no 378 Jr 402 , inter tort, 

| I 9«TT RT TOrnfiTR, sreter if firo t (srtt ?nfr 
■s''Tin# TO^tet fr Vrc nr n nfni %), rfWifRRf 
3.fsr?rTfr % wrotera, aj^Rre Tr^rtfi^^ aifafnnn 
3 7$f TO 16) % aiEftn, fanf=h 2-1-19 86 

TOfl TOfacT flwftf V nfTO WSTK TTW TOT V fRWR 

jrfirror V far; rmrfur VI nr 1 ?* V 7 *n£ 15 from 
•b7i TO *tii<.*i 5* fV HVFpfw ifiTti TO 3ftelT flTO 
Hwr mni «whh srfnw if, wtutt ifiror to 
tVH gftrcRT if «rften 5* «rf^ ^T776 (afanrf) Vt jfnfnft 
(•Rtfifrnit) < %r qV w*?rw 4 fmt mr im tot $rf%- 
wr, ^rMl’ i q sjVwr if ?w tout* ftrfvr V *trt- 
t*TOi TOT if nj[f TO I* B- 

{%) «rtrt if £** fmft *nn VI, twt, «ror 
•rttefan n 8n% nr V?f V b^t> V 
frfUR if- TOft wf it n¥if wf if Vtevr 
»o fwi; afrc/ir 

(l) «Ti faw-I |5Tf< tfWftVjff n'URfift 

iftnnrn nf rt i 

r JTrzrT3Tf, 
inter I 


(2 ) RT, f^l, 'fn’X'rtt’^T'Tj 

5f'31T'Sr %, 

PT# t TTT?r ) 

SHR^—5 6 


•rf 'trfrr < Hn < fwn 

irv *tot 

m infr ^ anf»r 4 * vt{ *ti min t — 

(^s) fir ifaniT ^ tnrrr if - jhwhh i >1 imfN' 4 
45 Ftt ^ 3Rfv in nnfafift sqfumrt 17 
1£»RT I6l imftn if 30 f% 4f} 3^fv, Rf >f) 
«nrf*r «rra if* inRn iff, ^ %rr 
«jf47nf1 if" 

(«-) nt i^rt ii Tram *f- jtrtr VI if 

45 f'R V aw wm ififwr if- 
IVify ■tr «rfVr nmr «rvf|i?n«7l < «rw 
fnfw if- IVq m pff i 

wVhren;—m^rr nnl «if7 ini nr, wf on 
nfvfiRT, ^ aRiw 20 -n if- ifmiNn 
V, njl n«f ffn V to flrwmr if P% 
«nn fi 


(w) <Vtft fmft tot it fVrft to n vnr ^Tfunl 
nf, frof 1 miifti *nron wfvf Tinr, 1922 

(1922 nr 11 ) in sw arfvfnm, 17 
V'TOTI wfvfTOR, 1957 (1957 HT 27) 

4 snfrTOT*f tottt srro: iff- Frrt «rt 

«n in fViT tot infiR n, fani 1 tf * ntivi 
n firtt; 

TO: m , 3TO atfnf'lll Vf ITU 269-1 ^ TOUTO 
if-, i 3 , tor atifTnnr VI vnr Vt tovttt (i) 
V ar% , f^rlVfTO sirfTOnf-, unfif :— 


37^^^ ^ TTOfair if 2-1-86 Vt far 
faRT TOT | ■ 

%o ffr^r 
nern nffermfr, 
n^rnR anninc sh^to (fn-^stTR), 
3l^n tt;~II 7 

ftnf-P : 1-8-1986 


croRW,fnn^n: g, i9ss (ntror is, i90a)' lath HI—<r» l 

tot sm5*.rt.cpr.(^.—- 
TOT 269-T (l) H 3T*ffr 


vajsrsnr, n$rro amm arrow (frftwr) 

3 ^ tv-ii, a^fsrrfc- 
a^r^T^', f?fft°F 4 31TO1 1986 
fiT^r flo q^o ar:» 9 o 4652 / 11 / 8 ( 1 - 87 -“ay: 
JJIlt, 11 ° ff ; ?T, 

amr^T?: 3rfrfTOT, 1961 (1961 4>T 43) (fTtf TOf 
TOf iwtct ‘to? r arftrfrW n?T to ?*), aft to 
269-^ ^ artfiFT nanr inPTOrd q>f q? fa,<prm to? nn 
Bfipc^r 5 * fm fflii< n-t-HT tT, f'-nvw i(Nn <(HK nro 
1 , 00 , 000 /- FT. 3?fTO f 
sq'fr ffrjqf #0 tot nifsVffte, siqi sfiff^r, £1 
w4T jfT %Vn if f'9c! I (*t> 'FFT'jq,^ aqgafi f ?KT 
■jot i?q f nfai %), rfav^f qf aifgqnfY v qrofaiT, 
sifTOrnrv tr vfv^-q.ytTT afgfjfim, 1908 (i9 0 8=tt 
n>) % 3i«tK, fvitF 2 4 q,TO'fV 1986 

rr qnfw snqfw n> afw sttot; irro tw ^ ww 
irfwr ag Pnq smfw qfi *ns* arf^; nsf q? farcqw 
TOf «BT afirTFT ?* fsR TO 'p'fatf TOfft 47 UfflRl ^T5mc 
tot, wron 5rf^<TFr tf, tfrf wwnr stcran 3> <fj? 
nfrorn f srftraB ^ nfc sfaro, (afrro>T) nfc fnfofr 
(arwpTfiTO) a) ifa «Hrr*i f tTO to tot to niv 
<E-3T, frotnlVff T^fTT *f TO\T 3TWTO< hrf'Crf tf ST.-7Tl7.-T> 
W f qiPmr n?f Pro inn f* :— 

(t>) arwror £*■* f^tft arw qfl 4m, TO7I 

arfatTOT *ri ur#r ir swro; n) 

mfuro if qsift TOf in TOnf toP if stro 

m P?T^; 3tfr/HT 

(v) iflft ffitfr «nq HI fq*ft IR R 3R S flfW P lV - 
wt, irroftir 3rmiT urfVfninr, 1922 
(1922 «6T ii) in iw 3rfqfnriT, m 
y^HT 3fMTTTH, 1957 (1957 47 27) 

■f TnfiFmf anTrfnf aqm niPf fann to 
vt nr fro am TnfKn «n. Prof if nfro 

^ P .TTT; 

3TrT: 3 t< , OTn srfnfnni qf vhi 269-n unru-iTir 
if, if, nw 3rNfroT an ^ttt 269-n <ft wki (l) 
^ TO-r. PTOfnt*T7r srPntnfr, apfrr : —, 

(] ) «ft -,:.TqFl' 'TiVWliqR 01¥ aiq 

nirn^vr ) 

^ i 


( 2 ) t|o rrjTo nr[o Tl-.Tl'ifwT 
3TFT afo rrn° nurraT, 
fe^jfr amiFfF, 

^r?\ 1 

(ar?)fT?fr ) 

43 f ttott nrd 'prfRr *nrf«r ^ snfn ^ Pnti, 

4iTq"=nff3TT 45TfTT 5 .1 

3Tfff toPrt ^ anfr jg Tfafr if qrff iflr »nwn :— 

(m) rn TTOTT *6 FTJfTT if M4H«!R qfl OTfWT J 
45 fir qfl arqfq- nr ?nnnnft -nPnnut qr 
Trnm qrt nniW Tf 30 aft onrfn, T*f iff 
smfn 3K if ^rq-RT ff, ^ iftrn: qnfw 
aqfRP T l if f f wrfRT 44RT; 

(n) Trnm % Fi^nn if anrreR ^ nrrdff ^ 45 
fiR ^ ifhrc w iro nwfw if fffrmn 

3tht inrmn ?4RT, 3TVTl!r«nRft ifi iw 
hifficr if far»f nn snrV 1 

¥i|-BdnmiT:—ifmf sr^nti ^art arfc <nff hit urf w 
ariM'inrn, if srwmr 20-m if qfonfqfl 
3r*r jfn «rf 3nr arunn if frm to 

t 1 


37 ft nT nm n? nrrnPnir n fnqrqi 24 - 2-86 n> 
ftnrr to I 1 

ri 0 %o rn 7 ?T 
i.'TO HTfsT-Fj^r 
toto aunn-i' 311 to; (f-'.^s-^;) 
3i^n f',;--i 1 , ajTftrvinin, 

kqTTT 4-8-198 6 

nV'f : 

<mr III—ij 

5W any*. al. t?r .,ipr.,- 

arum arfafanr, 1961 (1961 w 43) ^ 

VTTT 269 _,r (l) ^ 

xiw *WH 

wqfar, mvm. arnnRr (fataOT) 

Mw ^ -Ii 

ajjprqrqrq, foifqr 4 Si^Tffl 1986 

ftT^W tf° 'fto 3UVo ~!o 4653/11/86-87— 314: 

t?o %o fa^r, 

arpm arfafanr, 1961 (1961 W 43) (ffaf w? 
ftfa <tOTTC[ ‘&Ri sufafaw' 4^447$*), qfl KTO 
269-v ^ anfk srrfwrff qrf 4t[ fayra w 
wot if fa ?«rm tmfa, farw gfarr trrarrc vjm 

1,00,000/-^. iffftffi (f 

sfixfaqqft ?fo J^lKW'o 8,4134° 3, 4fa4° 2886/ 

afr- 2 ; eft-3 t, rm =3ff tjxq ir Ms | (w»v vq-TEng: 
aj^yr Jr sffa y>? ^T '--; qftn I )/<faff'tfa afsjqnft % 
qrrqfaq, tn?r if xfa*ffaOT sifafaw, 190 8 ( 190 s w 
16 ) % 5REftw qiTPf 6-1-1 98 6, 

«t t^far trofa < gifar »r wk r? wr * wm 

sfawr «r? fat? sfafar qfi *rV g* «ift afa famtr 
*mf w wot g* fa iwi^far awifa w gfar srrrrt; 
i?w, gtfa iwr ufawr tf, qfa wrtTJTFr srfawr w 
srffara tf 3rf^r«R g“ afa: 3nxrOTR (arafaf) ark 3p?r- 
faft (siafafaql) ^ s^fa tfa 1 *ptot »f! fat? rrq mt ott 
u faw , faerfafatr g^qfar wr «faOT fafaq »f 
TRWfaq; f*r «fav 4|t fwn ott t *— 

226 03 

( 1 ) qqtq wtyYfatr, f* ?igtr, far <ts, tpa 1 


( 2 ) 4° fqqqsitfr ntfo qfaq, sjrqr- 

STr^ff, ^vl I 

frf trg sjyn yfat s^fa tprfar mnfrr eg afar ^ fan? 
qjnfafatf aron £1 

gtRr ^ctffa *£ afar eg ^rwpfq if egnf ift sror^ :— 

(jfi) OT ag Tpm if 45“} OTtk ^ 45 

far aiqfa m Fim*zrxft arfaMt it ;q^nn 
*fi wufa tf 30 far qil arafa, arf ift arafa 
n* tf - ^raw jfa’d (ft- ** tffat: t?qfjra «qfanff 
^ rf farft «rfar ymr; 

(v) ot r^R> ^ Trsm tf siwwr 45 l errdv it 45 
far ^ tfar to wpot rrtqfa xf farqqtr 
farft wr «qfar wkt arqfgwT'irrl ^ <nrr 
fa fan if fat? w tfatf 1 

rwtwt:—W¥r*t- aq^r w*tf sflr qrf w, qV gqn - 
3rfafaTR- eg anwr 20-45 if- Mfa n fai 
^, 4 ^ 3 ^ qf grr 3 rjnq tf fan 
wt g 5 ! 

Wta W WlfOT; faiiqt; 6, 1986 (TTTStre 15, 1908) 

(mj nftrOT it o* rwff m <e1 ?tot, otv «tfa- 
faw *g *tfrr tfaOT < tnfar 

if «tft ^ g«V wpf tf ^fayr ^ fat?; 

(nr) t^fafY farfr 3nq 4 T qy qr ar?q snfaiq 1 ! 

^r, ffaf 1 wrcfa anqqr srfafartr, 1922 

(1922 w 11 ) qr gqrr arfafaqtr, en 
3rfafanr, 1957 (1957 w 27 ) n> 
sRfrqtmf 3Rrfafr f^ra aqrr: fan qm 

m tn faqr to wfa? «n, fantf tf qfan 
ag fat?; 

am: m, atfafanr qfl yro 269-q ag 3TOTOT 
ifa if, gqn 3rfafanr 45t tmr 269-y wf aiyra ( 1 ) 
ajj 3nfar, faqfafar atfarttf aryfa t-— 


5wy 3ft grq Jr ftqq | aft qq rfa^TT, ajrq if 17 5 

q'o qTfqqfq: 6-1-1986451 qft qf I I 

t? 0 % 0 fq"?qr 

7OT qrfarrrft 
n^rqw: 3JR45T 3injq?r (fqtlertjr) 
3i^n ^at ; m^mnsrn 

FUn^T : 4-8-1 98G 

qfa ; 


Vtrttf WTOT) 0 , 1980 (W« 15, 1908) 

[«OT [II—W* 

j rm ?~ 

BT44R: tNfircir, 1961 (1961 W 43}'951 
HTTT 269-B (l) ^ wVtif qWT 



(1) «ft wisftarir vis? *rrir srrK, st? irmsrx grit, 
irf^n, TEsrf-i6 

(S)rc|\4, ) 

(2) TOTrSltg 3TST StTOIT STT° fa°, SRS TTS 

^t-2 6 

ai^pf si^nsrsp? 

alarms, fsTTt^r 4 ajipR 19 86 
lf° <ffo 3)1X0 ifo 4654/11/ 86-87— 

ijtf, ^0%° ftr^r, 

y pr aRX yftrfVim, 1961 (i 961 ^43) (fW rxnf 
Sira! ‘gw srfVfnrir’ jrjt to 5*), sft vtxt 

269-^ softs gwr siftopift *rf smf 

*RK»i if fr* wm in*rfw, r^ixwr wmx 

1,00,000/- X7. if «rfV*« if 
*ftx fcraqft Tio g° 2 6 1 / 2 , vftipjTr, sir ft, a«TT art 
sri it f^rn ft (srftx sgir grisa- 3 r;j^<ft *r sir *7 it 
spun |), xfGr^t^rt aftranfi v sinfR, w Jr xfaxfr- 
strt aftrfw, 1908 (isos ^pt 16 ) % »Efar, mfm 

5-2-86 ?1«TT 7-2-1986 

*$r >{#Rr iPTfR s? gfw snrarc jmr if sr st Bnnrrc 
jrftmr *! fntr jRrfOT sft is* 5 * mfx rtf s? fronsr 
Siltf Ipr 5BTOT f*I iT9TH*ff-W RTfS *61 SfW HRR 
»[w, nnruH sriVrr?r if, tfif «smng jrfironr *} 
<0*? tfnw if stNsj if arf? nftppn (sriRsrf) ajfx 
afnF<?fl (afafRsf) «ft?r rfif tirr ^ ?nr <twt 
* nn sfftrqR, itwMw gsrw if sRron- MV?r 
if TRUfim W if *rP*R S?f fWT TUT 5* if— 

«nf s$ ipm 5 ttt 1 nwrfrr ag artf? faq 

W4rf?4f sre *>rt c | 

gw mfn s> wxfa $ t4v if wv 1 »ft <nwV .-— 

(«) sir i^nn •% xnm if sram ordv ^ 
45 far ^ «rerfv in onrfft «rf«nif <rc 

H^rt ubI ernftsf if 30 ^ 3Rf»r, arf iflr 

anfv srrar if mrw ?rfft iff, «£ iftm <^sf*Rr 
■w rft wnf if if ftwft "rtw fsnr; 

(») Sir 1^4T ^ XIWT if 5RH4R *ft (Tlfk if 
45 for ?! iffnc gw i*rm irmfir if f^r- 
n^r F*Pift «rfRr ?trt ( ar^ojumrd <£ qw 
fnftfir if fJHJ 5TT Wifi 

wg^ » twr :—finf qiwr arts wl ?rt, <sf gw 
arfqfnni, ^ «r«nir 20-^ if ifimfsir 
sr*f ffn w 1 gg srwror if fon 

»na |*i 

(m) «rnrc*r if iff* f^Rfr «rw ms, *m 
WMWT ^ »Pfrr m W? < aRTOT « 
f- vft BOpfUTOTtf Wf^^f^in 

45 fmr; wft/in 

(») rflfr fMt aror m Nuft fir si aw an f uKf 

9 sf, irrofhr anim arfvfginT, 1922 

(1922 4Ji 1 1 ) m Brfvfrrrtr, m 
*RBJS afMwnr, 1957 (1957 27) 

ag snrfrmf sRrfnft tstti smz fmn im 
vt m fmn iht Tifjfi Vi, feqof if gfarvT 
9 ! fin?; 

Bin 9»r, arfvfxinr srt »rm 269-»r < annrt*r 
<•, /■, gw arMwnr tft vm 26 S-B 4ft gqvm ( 1 ) 
^ srvfr., fgwfuFw srfwnf, artrfq: :— 


cnffr aft vftirqxT, aom Jf ftw | 1 m xfon^TX, 

sir Jr 5-2-19 86 sfn: 7 - 2-1986 qfr xfarui ip't it^ | ci 

170 %0 fTj’Tjl 

ngin arfsmft 
aiTTnfn: a)RW (ffifteiir) 
3i^g far-Il, 3)?irsr3K 

HTXtlS : 4-8-1986 
jf^X : 

*m in—-a* 0 * 1 ] 

WTTW *PT TT3TT7T, ffTfr^TT 0, 1986’ (WOTTO 1 5, 1908) 


*rro: i96i (1961 *1 43) d 

VTO 269-* Jl) 4 *Vt* *«*T 

freer wmt 

*T4w*r, nsm* hum fp[w (ftOfsr*) 


aipTSTATS, fwfa 4 3UTC3, 198 6 

fatw #o *1° 3UT0 ao 4 655/11/ 86-87—313: JJ#, 
rro % 0 ftr^r, 

wnm ififnm, 1961 Itoei nr 43) (N4 fa* 
**4 irot 'aw *tfvf4r4 *p w , «5 im 

269-* 4 «r*fa ?rsm sttNurI 4r w U*m w 
inror 14 wort mfir, Paipnr af^w *rmr *^r 

. 1 , 00 , 000 /- * 44*; ?* 
sir fantft ao ftr?T7i ^30 , wror mi wV aw % twt aft 

*o 194, W1W W° 13, TjTB it ftw £ (4fT *3% 

3)^fr ir 4V< 1131 nr a wftrn £), Tfarfr^raf a-ifarrd % 

nrataa, ^53 it Tfc^t^-nr afafimr, 190 8 (1908 ^ 
le)%3|?ft'T, firfte 25-2-1986 

«i «{4w 4rfwr 4 aNw vmx. if anr 4 wnrR 
trfWar 4 Pitj wwtwr 41 «r4 f 4< nil if fawnw 
wot *6T wrmr 4 fn wvitwTw 44«r n a"fw cutt 
ip, nro irftninf cwwr srfWa wt 

■n«5 rfWT at atfrofi 4 «lf* «RR3B ( iH T <4Q 4* 

irafaft (<M<fW ') 4 4hr ttrf BTfR*r 4 fir* mr tutt war 
vfnw Pmfwfw af*4r aw 4wnr fafwr 4 
frerf*w> nr a *if»nr f*wr wr |*;— 

(•*) *Rmr if o* f4*1 «ror *1 wtw, aw 
ifnfnnr 4 ar*A? m it 4 an*r**B 4 
irfwr 4 wifi iref wt a*4 not if ^fnn 
4 fatK 4s/lT 

(*), 4*1 N4f «rnr «n fw41 «pt «n mr «n fm4 
vt, irofrr wnr-w aNfanr, 1922 
(1922 w 11 ) it gw wNfma, m nrnr 
itHfnnr, 1957 (1957 *T 27) < Wf*- 
41 * nif’ctft frocr srnj »n{t f«4T wn «n 
4T Nhtt wrt it, fnn* *■ ^[ fyyi 

nrs 1 *, gnr ififnnr «1 vnr 269-4 4 n^rmr 

4\ **, lf*t fnPT 4Sl 4TC 269-* *1 34XTO (l) 
4 **ta, fav<rw f i Tr wrNnfrj, mifa 1— 

(1) *t 4 T^Tf Hr«r«iT^ jrreft, atumjcr, ^33 


( 2 ) #0 3TTTO flo JUT, IKterT-faftw f*K Tcft- 

orr^r, arr^ar, rn^ 1 


vf m qy n irry «or* «t4fnr nufrr 4 nnr 4 farq 

*Hf4l(W 4OTT 157 I 

aw 4 **? 4 rNv *■ tuft vft «n4V r— 

(*) rr rrnn 4 mm- sf snrmjor 41 rrrrH 4 
45 fw 41 mN »n rr?nn»ft «j f«tn r f w 
r[wr 41 m*t?r * 30 fw 41 unf*, it »ft 
**f* n* *■ **r* ft, 4 *1nt pifw 
srfsRmf if 4 t44t nfw pr; 1 

(*) w tcwt 4 trm rf 41 un'tw 4 
45 for 4 tfftrr aw iwt imfrr *" f3wv 

M *p* nfw 54 ki *Hfp3Twr1 4 t m 
tafw 4 t4q it i44i 

-. —w4 ww nr»»f 4^ t# ht, 4 aw 
*fvfnm 4 sp^rnr 20 -* 4 <rtrmfw 

I* i^t ** rf»iT 4 aw *htft 4 fwi 
*RT 4 I 


4t, ^ 33 , 63131 arri if ftw t faROPT 
*3 1796 ftfriwi 25-2-1986 t 4f ^ * 

Tfwat 41 1 1 

t^o^io fg?p 
W50T ’TTtk'ORl 
H?fr?oT: 3 -twti: a 1343 (tHTtwq) 
aaftr-Il sipwiT? 

RT^Vwr : 4-8-1986 


(tot Hi—*** i 

'2260 6 

6, 1986 (W1 IS, 1908) 

.q¥ .i 1 .» (i) ftrrafirr *nrr ^TfffTf it fro 1 , srwrf i 

3nw: arhrffpnr, 1961 {1961 sr 43) 
TOCf 269-4 (l) 4 *4* l^fTT 



( 2 ) «fir wr; sri fwx qp=i site 60, ’jro q fftn^f 

^ T\T, I 


WlflTOT, 8|Hi> 4W4R WT^W 


Sl^TTO, fenPP 4 am?a 1986 

fq^BT «o tffo aTT° ^0 46SF/II/86-87—3*a: 

qsf, rro %o ffRfr, 

«irtor arfvfvrim, 1 96 1 ( 1 96 1 43 ) (ftitf TO4 

m$ tottcc '^wr w*t »nrr f), 4» ’TTO 

269-4 4 *4* w*r Mifromt *rt af fVwrw tot 1 «j 
w 5 * fa wr Fvrfr^r, fsnror afro tor *[w 

1,00,000/- T). *f srftPB §* 

4ftftorqff #0 fliprr< t 0 60, synT^’i'o^'To q'i^itfr 

^ t n«VT 4 TO t ffs, ?yr-; if ftwr; & («> ITiSlS' 

a^^Fr Jfsfft c[tjt iwt o‘ |), vfviftoaf aftmff 

% TTOf^.g^i if rf 3 . 7 fv 4 .TUT afqfsRW, 1908 (1908 

rtt ib) % asfrn, aifta 10 - 2 - 1 98 6 

«iif i{4f iaw ismrfuv 5 $ 3fV?r tor ^ 4 wror 4 totto 
srftpr?r 4 farr 3c*r l fta qft vf g* aifR *n i> ^ ^ fromr 

(TO* W *5TOT |f fa JTTO^fW «T g Nff TO R 

HW, w4 TOTO jrftrw 4, mro rfm wi 
<ro? qfnw «rf^n if sift: afar*n (sftrroT) sift; afafaft 
(sfarftftnrf) 4 sfftr qftf srhtv 4 ftrq m tot wf srftr- 

<RT, gTR^T 4 TO 3RTTO fyfw IT TO<T- 

ftra w tf 'pfro q|jt PTOTT 1RT if £•— 

*f*I O** wrI ^ifw TO ftq 4 w4f 4 ftn 

w4^rf^r wwi £i 

TOfw 4^4 4- wiV 4lf TOrfq:— 

W w 4 ww ^ wrnm 4t rntSttf 49 
4^ TOftr wr «r ^rrr 

4f m4Nr rf 30 ftr 4 TOfv, wf «(t «rVftf 
to r*4 rf, 4 iftvt ^44® 

"rfwnrl 4" 4 fw4V «wftw ymtr? 

(4) n 4 4- m%t 4t toH 4 

43 fW 4 iftwr mm wm* wftr »ft f^- 
*!* fm4V artw pro, «nfwpmwrt 4 
to fsrftnr ^ ftetf wt i4ftfi 

—wtf- toI «ft wl «, 4f n* 

•rfwfw 4 4*ro 20-41 ^ <qnN« 

t, 4^ w4 r^iT It *v w«TO 4- ftm 

iRTT if 1 

M WW 4 O' W 4 TOf n T4 
<^Nww 4 wk t< 4 ^rw 4 trfro 
+ mlimvl vi 4- *fror 4 ftwcv 


(y) tfvfr ft^ff to m ratf *r qi to snfsRraft 
vf, fw^f 1 TO^r TO^R wfvfftTO, 192? 
(1922 w 11) in to ifvftrro, *n 
ITT-^R ^Nftnnr, 1957 (1957 W 27) 
^ jniftlTOf srofbft 5TOT SPfTE fTOTT 
qTVT *TT qr fTOT TOT ^lf?q »TT ftJMH' 4 ^rPTO4T 

4 f?rq; 

m: snr, to srNftnnT rfi vrt 269-^ 4 «h«to 

4, 4, srfqfqTRV TOT 269-^r Jfit TRTOT (l) 

4 anfri, r^nP^fiaa arftRnrt, «rof«t:— 

SfiRlT TO, fca if fTO t I m TfUFJR, if 21 9 
H° VT. ftTOf 10-2-19 86 4f tfsrfZ* f^T »RT ^ I 

IT 0^0 fH^T 

WCTiT snftrqrff 
31TOR 31T^iT (ffRfWsr) 
3lf a T5|, afffTOT? 

ard^: 4-8-1986 

*n«r ill—•**» 1 ] 

4TO4TWTO, fatTER 6, 1016 (m 15, I908) 


■TO wnc*. «1. q*-, q¥. : —- 

<toto wtotow, 1961 (1961 ■* 43) rt 
4TW 269-* 0) 4 «Ofr* *441 

mxa mn 

wirtw, vqrro 4T4TO mrov (ft On 4 ) 

^rRRTR, fTOt«r 4 IPTier, 19 86 

fagrtlfo rt° STRo rt 4657/ll/ 86-87—TOT: 
q,tf, cto %o flR$T, 

4TTOR arftftTO, 1961 <1961 «I 43) (to* TOrt 
TOrt 4 wtr[ 'wr nfvfrtrrt wp tot s*), rt btci 
269 -* rt «nfor mro jnfWO rtr «n ftrwrm wnf w 
vtto 5 * to tout: wrto, town aftnr mwK qro 

1 00,000/- Ti. ** rtro |* 

rthC falTrtrt lT°rt 17 3 ,qjSlW, mo WITTS | Wirt 
w 401^44$ (wV< ’frtf sthto wqijrt irrtlr ytf ^q - 
Sr*ftR t), rtrtffart Wfrtplrt % TOrt^T, WITTS if 
rtrtrtirRr rtrtrtra-, 1908 (1908 to 16) % tfrtm 
m/to 2-7-1986 

ct toTto wrto rt gtorr wtwk if wr rt wrorc 
■toro 4 torr rtrtrtr rt to 1 q* 4ft *rt n* tonmr to* 
«i tow rt to mronffw TOfrt to atoirmmt *ro, 
TOrt wnrrq fftow if, qV wip storo to <rw? 

«fm tf wtovq* mrow (wrert) rtrt wrtoft 
(wrtofrof) rt rt4 qV wrro rt toq to tnm tot 
rtwain faortofror 4|gW aw imw to fm r 

t mwfror mr rtro wqt tom to |* ■— 

(■0 «n<ft* tf o* tort to rt m**, «w 
ntoftq* rt *nto ws rtf rt irow < wftro 

rt TO& *TTO 4t qvtf 4T4* rt BtoVT 4 toq, 


(wj q* rt tort to m tort «ro m to mftrof 
w tow 3 *nwto to-to wtofror, 1922 
(1922 w 11 ) n tot qtotror,, m to- 

TO itofTOr, 1957 (1957 4tl 27) 4 

inrtonV TOftrt tort toz wf tom to 
« rr m tow tot mf?q m. toro rt rf^T 

WJ: TO, TOT *tofror «1 TOT 269-4 «t TOTOM 
rt, rt, tot irtotror bA tot 269-4 aron ( 1 ) 

4 wrtf,. ft w to to g wtoutf , tot>t e>— 

(1) fafar «tt^ -mi kmi, fi^. 4 - 1 TO 1 


(2) 7/57 qT^Ti-JsftTTft- mrtir<TT 

WffTTfrO'R KTT^, qT'TC I 

frf m utot 4Trt tow! TOfw wwto 4 •rrtr 4 fro 

4>|jf4lftyli to: 4TO ^1 

tov TOto 4 4rtr 4 totot rt rt TOfr :— 

(*) %s 1[TOT 4 WTO rt TOJTTO rtt flllto # 

45 tor toN m nwrtff *jrtonr1 to 
tort rtl inrtir if 30 tor 4f toN, rt rt 
mrto to rt tort ffrt iff, rt rtm TOtor 
«rf4wrt rt if tort Rrttir tror; 

(n) TO rtTOT 4 WTO rt TOiTTO rtt nirti if 

45 tor rt rtro tort totto nmtor rt tororo 
tort toi wrtor totit TOWunMrt rt Tre; 
tofara rt toq; 4t ffrtrt i 

iwrtoro :—TOrt ttw mrt 1 - rtr «trt m, rt «ro 

Kfrttoro rt 4 wttt 20 -w rt atonfro 
l", 4^ *rrt ffto rt air. mro rt ton 

TOT |*1 


TOtR rt TO7R Tf | I W TOfrin^ if 

9-10-86 0 TO 3-1-1986 rt rt 


rro%o fTO^T 

mrtTy : 4-8-1986 
rt^'l : 


[rnn ill—l 

>nw *FT f’TSTSn: 6. 1986 (maTO 15, 1908) 

m amt 1 . d, it* . tr?r.- 

pm gfutgug, 1961 (1961 m 43) 

KTO 269 * (l) q> 3 nftg lOWT 

WTW «r.qiK 

»,r*rfpnr, uirnro arrwrc aro^w (f-rffom ) 

U^fg kl, JTf*T3T$T5 
g^rcunq, fogfa 4 srggg, 198 6 
#0 tfto STRo g° 465s/t l/86-87— W: 

ipT, (To %o 

mam arfvfnnr, 1961 (1961 W 43) (Fmf W*f 
imf iprr?t 'gw arfgfginr’ gagT wt 5 *), qfl vro 
269 -ar *i spfk m»nr gifwiR't api g? fanranr wg m 
ttK«i if fas row gurfir, fargw gfw ptr 
1 , 00 , 000 /- v:. if srf»ni> if* 

wk falOff)' IT® anftg ifto trg-o go 3 749, | gm 5ft 

wrwTsr, qggig W fgw $ (sfk qgit gqrafa: ^g /aft jj 
sfk it qftrg |), gfag^grgf wfagrr/t % qrnrfgg, 
gggrsr Jr Tfas^tqm pfafqqg 1908 (1908 m 16 ) 
% wtftg, graftst 7-5-1986 

«f <pfw irofm q5 gfw gm* i^w if wr sg m 
5rfcr^??r ^ f^rq ar^rfk?r ^ ^nf* afhc tp»s fvrm 

Wif TO *PK*r f fa irw/f^RT mfltflT «P 1 gfw qRTK 

»TRr gifa twang ufap h if, qrtf «wqTg uPaq>g grf 
gfaw if arfap f sik 3krc*B (mrwt) 3fk afg- 

faft (afgMgirf) *ffa cfif Bmp ig fk^miPT 
gfaw, fngfgfmr gffqij- if gw mm fafw if 
mwfw; w t qtfw gft fairr wr |* c— 

(1) if 0 festor grrakung, “gig qm mftift hhto 

?TR< T>r, q-PTRR 1 


( 2 ) *ft ggkg gr^mf knf, gfars^t, 

^«nr Tte, arggTg 1 


qrf qf i^wt arrk <£*ffw gurftr =r! anfg < fan* 
wmfarrhprf stott £1 

gw imfar $ mfr H wv if <n* ift arrefr :— 

(*>) w ihrt «£ arm if jpuimr mfte g 1 45 

fqq sprfy m wnft p f w qf qr armn 
apt ernfkr if 30 fn ^ mrfar, arf *ft sprfw 
m if imw (ffft ?f, afl iftur <prfw mfroiff 
if if fsift wrfw WRT; 

(v) mr i[WT ifi Tim if srptcr rnfta if 45 
Pw $ ifanc aw wm imfrr if fipronv 
Nift mq wrfw wrt mff^JTOTT 1 } ^ qw 
rkfw if fqsq an wfq“i 

n»il<Hq:—unf qw okf aft tq! gf gw arfv- 
funr, ȣ apamr 20-^ if qfknfW 
anf ffijT gf gir anamr if fnn inn f*» 

(ap) mm if o* f*Pift «mr wl im, gw 
xrfvfnnr $ anfk w ^ sfgw> ^ mfqw 

if qnft wf m gg^ qmf if ^fwi «* futj; tn^ft 


\t) <fift fWt *mr nr fmf w m srt anfunrt 
fapf 3 uroffir «mm arfvfnrir, 1922 
(1922 w 11) m gw srfvfgw, m w- 
W arfvfnm, 1957 (1957 qg 27 ) ^ 

qgfsRTif Btirfkft WTO to fwrr »nn «n 
qr fwn gro vr, Pwinf if gfgvr < 

arw; w, gw gfvfqw qro 269-*r *> ittto 
f, f, wi aifvfggiT qfl vro 269-g otvto (i) 

4 «T^--r. ra - M p H P we W lPw^ *vfw ■— 

atgfg art gggir ^f Irw % i mr gfg'^rg, iroing if 
595 go gg 7-5-86 «p> gfgigi qfV gf % i 

iTo% 0 fgi^r 
gsrg grfk'prft 
g^nro wnr^< TO^qg (fgftOT) 
ir#g^g, ^^ugigig 

gkVai : 4-8-1986 

gt^ : 

4 nr rn-rm 13 

8V\ €11*. 

anmn iMmm, 1961 (1961 44 43) 4ft 
VPJ 269-4 (l) 4t 3T«fk H14T 

UTOT 4T444 

qmrfur, i^rro itch mrn (Pufai) 

lil ^ 1 , WHimi 

W^TCTSrrc, faltl 4 TO, 1986 

fill 4° rffo WTO io 4659/(1/86-87— ST1: 
ITo %o f^f^T, 

3TPm BrM^tnr, 1961 (1961 34 43) (Puf snf 

Wit qroii 'm ifqfmnf ^ mn if), *rf mr 
269-1 1 apfcr wn mf434ft itr 45 Pmrrcr Hf 54 
44T»r 5* Pi wpr imfi f^rfr^Tr iPm ami mr 
1,00.000/- m if 3rf^> b* 

sffl filpfFt 1° 4114 1° IP "o ttito #0 933, 1993-3, 

19 9 5-1 ft ht it 19 9-2- imiff n, srfrm if f «n t (*rV 
^rir it mi 14111 if in m it ifir ‘t ), iftejtiif 
wFsrinft % Hit 14, litm if ifis^tqpCT srfafTOTI, 

1908 ( 1 908 44 1 fj) STEftl, 4Trt»4 ITO'i't , 19 86 

itr ^"fn mPi $ ifm mm i 3m it totiw 
qfUl ^ Pier apiftl qft ^ afp 1?f 4^ PlTOW 
SRH 1 44 1P1 *f ftp WTOntfal IPlP-tf 44 lFl1 3441 
*[54, Hit %64«n*f qflll if, 4V ^4444 Slflll 44 
<fa$ sfiroi if iNi if sfp iim (afnaft) afp sfiMf 
(snufiPipfi) it itm ifif ww $ Pier mr mm mn 
gP f i f ii, Profifu imiV if 141 nm Pifu if 
mnPii m if ifw fim wn f :— 

(l) HTH if flit 414 4ft anw, 141 
ifiPmnr *6 miti h mi ^ urn ^ 
mPur if iff imf m unf mmf if iPmw 
it Pier; ifl/m 

(V) tflff Puff 111 If Puff Win apt anfuqf 
if Pi^f wrafti pm ifvfmrm, 1922 
(1922 44 11) it w ifqfmri, m 41- 
H 3 ifsrfmr 4 , 1957 (l 9.57 44 27) it 
qifmrof imfnft ^mrr re P^m mn «n 
m Pmn urn nfjrrr m, Pmpf m nfmn $ 
i! Piqj 

m: ii, iw ififimr 4ft in 269-1 it 111m 
»f, to arPifmn if! hi 269-1 iff top (1) 
it 3 Ttftrr. P imP' fW aqpaRnrt, 3 nfi^ :— 



( 1 ) iwfi mi iwff mfmniTi is 

wro itoTn,srftm 1 


(2) it 5GIT iroftiii, irffi ®>st irt 4?i, 

111 T 51 :, iffm 1 


if icur mi ini! rnfn 1 imPfi ^ anfi Phi 
irnfmf^JTf Hu £\ 

m mfi ^ apFr *6 tt a&i 1 »ft irafr .-— 

(it) iout it tito m (TOTH ift irtfar iT 
45 Pn li Sflfl rn mpnft aqfupff qr 
irmn mt mfti if 30 Pn anti, it it 
iifi in #• toto ?rWt srf, ^ im tifw 

Rfmr# if- if fiirfr aiPn imrr; 

(1) w 144T ^ mm if iHren ift miv if 

45 Pm it *ftn: r[ifii tot wrar imPro if 
fffiiii fuff aror srPn imrr iiffunwii 
mir P1P14 it P 441 m TOp^fi 

TOTWT4:—^ipf 4441 5TWff aftl qit 8RT, it 141 
arflfmro ^ 3WT 20-aP if qfnTTPn 
t, i?t apf ifm it n 3r«rw if fmn 
44T 5*1 

fWBT If 14T3fT 14, llimf fill film TRlfri 
4TT 1J14 25,01,70 01° ^ I ifflT if 1359 

1o TIHlft 86 if TfilS« 4ff 4t t I 

TTo %o 

TTSm uf»J 1 TfT 
i^PTi iiwi HJ41 (frOsfi) 

ITftTy : 4-8-1986 
Ifll : 

ini ir mmjfmrir e, 1986 (ww is, 190 s) 


wto - *ft ^r«rr?r, frrnwp: 6, lose (wtiww is, isos) 

j(*»t «m(* L . - 'w.- —*-■ ' 

.wtwterffx, |<>61 (1961 «T 431 fit 

269-W (l) 4 «r4w ^1 

W 17 TT BTfiU 

wriwfaw, rrawwi arum anwwrr (fw , V , r) 

rtew te, wpwTwre 
WfPWTWTw, forte 4 wwte, 198 6 

fifow Wo <fto wrco 4660/11/86-87—«W. 

W„te W° %o frWfJT, 

i m>rr srfwteww, 1961 (1961 TT 43} (fate 4r4 
*rte qr^T ‘WWW Tfafoww' ^ WWT I*}, 41 WTO 

260-w wtfte www srttewnrl wrf, w? tewiw W ww 
mewr g* te: rwm wwrter, tewwr wNw writ it*r 

i,oo. 000 /- n. rf wtew; f 

wtefortetTro wtewo 3 , 4« wwo w° 2i57(f^wr), 
2158/17/10,1158/^2158/^1/ 3ft (%WT) | WWT 

42885/4/2, c WR: Wo 1, 2 8 85/4/2,'WR: 4 3,2885/ 

5 W 1 / 2 , mwwo 4, rjrw w fterw^ (wte www 
wi$Tf4w wteyjfor w wfow $), 

tri 1 Twtew 4rfm 4 Ttww Time t[w rf iwr 4 
wteww 4 terq arwitear E*t ww* ^ wte ipl wf tenrw uste 
wtr www 4 fte wwt tt’Nw wwfir w.t tern 
mnr ^[vW, write ramr wteww rf, for smtwtw 
srfWr m <r*nf s tem rf wfvw, |* wte twit* («Rntef) 
*ite t*wite4 (*rwrftfWf)4 Vte cfof mrrw 4 ten* mr 
ttwi srterow ftewtetenr writer rf. gw mmr tetew 
4 arrwfan* ww w writer 4ft win wwt |*r— 

( 4 ) ^rwrot rf fwft mr wft mrr, ww 
wtefwww te w4w w Tte te *Rrrw; 4 
writer 4* wwft wte tt www 1 pm 1 4- rtenn 
4 tew; wte/wr 

(«) ifrft tewft tit tt fwnfi w wi mr mtetel 

■■■•:■.{■ w>- l- *fw-4rr tKtenw, 192.' 

(1922 11) WT 3W rteterw, W 

WWm tetefoww,, 1957 (1957 451 27) 

4 wwitente wwifteft iwttt to ten 
Tn VT W1 fonTT W1W1 TTf?7 tt, fwte 4 

wfwi 4 tma 

w,;i nr, ww Ttettenr 4) mr 269-w 4 spjTrcw 
‘-. >t. w 4 w arfvfterw 41 win 269 - l r www (i) 
4 ante, tefirteten arftefoi, 3ptf?[ :— 

t<rT6 ill—usg 1 

(1) Wo rtetw fo??WWTo fwo, WTTH'T wte T<W<TT 

5tewi limwr^a, 3 51/2, fWrTW WTWTf, 'w 
fwwrw, wtewrw TTO£, W^Wt- 40 0 021 


(2) wo rtetwfwwTwrr4 4 to^rrwo ^0 wlwwtetteo, 

wtes wrf T^rl'WTWr, 211 -w, ?ftewr- 

WPWte, tew TTW, gvw I 


(3) wo %ww te fjwwfow Wlv 71 7 w wwwiw 1 

(w^ ®ifw, forte wit wure^nfwn wra'wr 
w?r wPTfoJrteww?: |) 1 

wt m ^twt mfl ’-wte ijwfw wrwte 4 W-t f 
wnteitpf btw wwm 

WiwlTT 4 ater 4 wdrv xf WtV ift WTMW :— 
(*k) sw »\wwt 4 TTTW ^ twtww ifl wtek Jf 

45 fot W5^ WwfW WT ( 1 W•(’fl Bjrfwwl wv 
^w*ii 4) Tnffo 4 30 tew Wit wwte, Tf «ft 

wte wrr 4- wwiwr |M ^f, 4 *terr wTw 

wrfwwl vr w Ixwt 

t"r) w r[WT 4 ttwww 4 wimw 41 mVN: 4 45 

ter 4 Wtes aw wiw gwrter 4 

f«wft mr Bwfw tmi, wrfiwwnt 4 iw 
teterw 4 tmi tt i44i 

w «e t * ' w :—w4 www w»rt *ite *nrt «ei, 4 gw 
gtefwww 4 «r*ww 20-wi 4 qrtewifw 
W*, njl wrf (.tew te WW i 4 wnw 4 tews 

WWT 1 1 

fwnw nt rfrwir wte w° 3 , w° w° 2i57( f^rwr) 
2158/IT 10 , 2158/ir/^r, 251 8 /rr/tet( %WT) 2885/ 
^/2,'?1TWWo 2885/4/2, r WT3 Wo 3 , wtT 2885/4/2, 
CWI^WO 4, WT frwer I fowww 3jW ^awiw 17564.58 
4o wte-cw i w? fw^ww # rt4wfw?wrf wto foo teiw41 

Tfo?J ’ wrtew t teww | i form Tforf ww, rrw- 

Tfo^TT, fTW tewr WWT % I 

rr 0 %o fjpr[T 

rrsrw srrfwwTTi 
wwfw te, !T|WWTWTW 

WtetUf 8 8-1986 
WtfT ' 

WO III—1) 

415 5T 16595, f&W. 6, 1986 (4395 15, 1908) 22611 

m . 

momi ohffooo, 1961 (l961 05 43) id (fiTT 

269 - 9 - (i) m «r«frf i^nn 

OTHT oimn 

mnrfao, n^rom arrni 51055 (foitsw) 

3-:4 r «r, ^-iT 

yvr, foii; 17 JTnr 19 86 

f 5o 3 ifij 9 42 6/ 8 5- 8 6—*70: OH, aTf’-T^T 

40*1 »rf M^TUTT, 1961 (1961 43) (fwtf T44* 

ownr ‘555 srfofoo-o’ wt wf 1 ), d 269-^ ^ 
#49 ooro srrfooTrit sfrf, og; i4t*rir m 1 mr ontH g* fm 
50 m oofH fanra 5 N 5 onm ifio 
1,00,000/- 97. if arf4B if 
srti f<v rf\ 9^rr safari 9 2 8 foir ofaHr qy- 

919 OOffe fo 7 3 051" 17, 4* fl)o 

qirt it 0 *q£ | ^51 3ft of O'^rf it f^Fi % (sfti 
7*r : 4 1317 ,- 3 ' *t sfr 51 9 ofon I;), 

ifa^Yoaf aifysoit v 5400 : womi snaon 

Mi'^i -ofafiT iH it, -rf’.'^^r 190 8 

(l90 8 ‘-.'I lt>) % *7tf'f'7' f 7 Of'17 3J55lt 1976 
*rf 'nffaRr mniV 4 5t4T otok *f ^'o ^ *1045 
5rf?r87--[ 4 fmr 55 fi 5 of) 03 1 if ofi o4 #3 fooora- muf 

«RT 357IX f t07 00(T5f55 5415 50 5f55 5T5T1 

ipi, 555) *wor ufaorir if, mom stiron on 
<Rtg stkot 5 3 tf»r3B f aifr. srmim (#«ir<mf) #fi 575- 
fiift (o-oMoof - ) ss^n(tf 3Rrw 4 wwito 

flf^RT f *4fafa5 5f?V-r if 555 4515 fnfw 4 

omriV-f, 55 if mf«ra- snrT- ?onn w g* :— 

( 4 :) SfflIOl if gx r5lft 510 *1 5T55, 355 

irfqfioo n; ar-fw 01 «r“ m «6 oiforo 
4 fwt 5710 an 7W 055 4 3t05T ^ fur*; 

(^) tnft fanft ano in Nnft oo irr 3 R- snfurot 
orf, fang^ mrcfOr 3mr-m^; arM^w, 1922 
(1922 mr 11 ) m w arfufairn , in ir- 
mr: arftrfsnw, 1957 - (1957 mr 27) 
4 inT^rnif 3n6frd wn iims: fw 

wati 3mn ^53 «tt, f^rnf 4 
nf4.i 4 fmrr 1 

1 i;iw msmrn 40-41 f=fsni7 vifiir 

nsx, 4o itho 4° ds, W£Rt (f) -Tcnf 

(a? ;t-it ) 

2 «rt iprfl '4^'57fni r 74~rr nf^ror, 7 

^f'55 550, 05 ^ 3fVo fir, 5‘Tr 1 


vf ?f55i 5Td mrm «r#f#o oTqffi ^ arfo m fnx; 
*,n/4i%qf *n*n W7 » 

555 #! arafn ig 4 tott :— 

(m) to ^ 4 srmnsR ^i errfN - if 

45 fio *d aroN qr irofar 4 
ooor ort or4o if 30 f4t ml -;o?c, a:f -il 
arrN- 3TO 4 nnror grift gf, ^ 4o? 
srfwqf 4 11 fmift «qfsnr 54 tit; 

(#) to if=m ^ inm 4 51571H5 5 ft KTofcr i 
45 F 55 ^ 4cn aw lorn mofti j r fgo- 
555 t'rnift smr sqfw 55TIT, sr' C ngrin<;TTt ^ 
inr fofqro 4 fmq arr irsfoi 

H*rt*v»T :—rinr snn«r wf #fr 45f *dT, #f w* 

Tft t ro * anm 20 -^ 4 qrHnfsu 

g*\ and #4 rfor afr 30 aronq 4 t55f 
«m g’ 1 


frn mo 3 7ff/94 2 6/85-86 aft- 

ar-firot so mt ngrnm 3 ) 101:1 sunoa foitw ^ofn 
11 ^nr % ooai it fHHTOor I 1 

af-rl ^HTI 
oho arfa-'iRi 
irgroo yTomi 37rm (fo/'W’j)) 
37310 131; 5 OT 

315: 3T0, 505 Slfofmr oft 5RT 269-0 *6 Wit 
4, 4, 505 aifofooo oft OKT 269-0 Oft 30015 (l) 
4 anfto, foRf5f55 ajfrRnfr, 3rof?r :— 

f55tO: 17-8-86 

4^1 7 

%6t2 THE GAZETTE OE INDIA, SEPTEMBER 6 , 1986 (BHADRA 15, 1908)_ [Pa*t 111—Sec. 1 



Tv I . t TArvlL,! 1 tliu jTtK Alimict 1 



Mussoorie, the 13lh August 1985 

No. 2/8/85-EST.-—In pursuance ol Department of Per¬ 
sonnel and Training, New Delhi letter No. 13014/1 /86-TVN / 
AlS(III) dated 21st July 1986, Shri S, S. L. Trakroo, a per- 
raabent Senior Stenographer in the Ltd Bahadur Shastn 
National Academy of Administration, Mussoorie,, is appointed 
to the post of Private Secretary to Director (Group ‘B’ 
Gazetted) in the pay scale of Rs, 650-30-740 35-880-EB-40- 
960 with effect from 21st July 1986 (F.N.). 

Dy. Director 

New Delhi-110 003, the 8th August 1986 

No. 11/DD(A) CBI /86.-—The Director CBI and Inspec¬ 
tor General of Police, Special Police Establishment is pleased 
to appoint Shri Hansrai Bnlbul as Office Superintendent in 
fc.B.I. on promotion on regular basis with effect from 1st 
August 1986, until further orders. 

The 12th August 1986 

No. A/19036/16/82.'AD.V.—The services of Shii Karan 
Singh, Dy. Supdt. of Police on deputation to Central Bmenu 
of Investigation from Himachal Pradesh State Police were 
placed at the disposal of Himachal Pradesh Government with 
effect from 31st July 1986 afternoon, on repatriation. 

No. 3/36'86/AD.V.—The Director, Central Bureau of In¬ 
vestigation and Inspector General of Police/Special Police 
Establishment is pleased to appoint Shri Mohd. Abdul Karim, 
Dy. Supdt. of Police an officer of the Orissa Police to offi¬ 
ciate as Dy, Supdt. of Police on deputation in C.B.I., Bhuba¬ 
neswar with effect from the forenoon of 31st July 1986, until 
further orders, 

Administrative Officer <E) 



New Delhi-1’10003, the 11th August 19S6 

No. D.LlO/85-Estt.I.—'The seivices of Shri C. L. Sharma. 
Asstt. Comdt. 4th Signal Battalion, CRPF, Neemuch are 
placed at the disposal of State Govt, of Haryana in the after¬ 
noon of 5lh August (986, on deputation basis. 

Dy. Director (Estt.) 

New Delhi-110 003, the 8th August 1986 

No. 0.11.2239/86-Estt.L—-The President is pleased to ap¬ 
point Dr. A joy Kumar Sinha as General-11 (Dy. Superinten¬ 
dent of Policc/Company Commander) in the Central Reserve 
Police Force in a temporary capacity with effect from the 
forenoon of 23rd July 1986 till further orders. 

No 0.11.2240 ''86-Estt.L—The President is pleased to ap- 
pomt Dr. Jeevan Prakash Madan Gopa) Agarwal as General 
Duty Officer, Grade-II (Dy, Superintendent of Policc/Com¬ 
pany Commander) in the Central Reserve Police Force in a 
temporary rapacity with effect from the forenoon of 28th Julv 
1986 till further orders. 

Assistant Director (Estt.) 

No. A-12012, 2 /86-Admn.U.—The President is pleased to 
appoint S Shn T. k. G. Krishnau and B. S. R. Moorthy, 
permanent Assistant Directors to the post of Deputy Director 
in the Directorate el Coordination (Police Wireless) in III? 
scale of pay of Rs. 1,200—50—1600/- in officiating capacity 
with effect from the forenoon of the 1st August 1986 until 
fuithcr orders. 


Police Telecommunications 

New Delhi-TJ0003, the 1st August 1986 

No, E-)6014(2)/ 14/85-Pers.T.—On re-employment, Shri M. 
S. Aulakh has assumed choree of the post of Commandant, 
Is t Reserve Battalion, CTSF Burwuha (MP) with effect from 
the forenoon of 21st Inly 1986. 

The 4th August 1986 

No. F-160I311) T /86-Pcrs.l.—On appointment on deputa¬ 
tion, Shri S. J. Barman, IPS (WB : 57) assumed the charge 
of the post of Inspector General, Eastern Sector, CISF, Cal¬ 
cutta with effect from the afternoon of 14th July 1986. 

No. F-32()15(2)/6. S6-lVn.l.—The President is pleased to 
appoint Shii P. P. John Alex, Asst’. Commandant on promo¬ 
tion as Commandant, CIST Unit. FSTPP, Farakka with effect 
from the forenoon of 7th Tilly 1986 on regular basis, 

Director General/CISF 



New Delhi, the 8th August 1986 

No. 1599 C’A 1/498-84—On attaining the age of superan¬ 
nuation _ the following Asstt. Audit Officers (Commercial) 
have retired from the service from the dates noted against 

SJ Name of the official Office where Date of 

No. working Superannuation 

"s/siiri ' 

L B. P. Srivustava AG (Audit-11) 31-5-1986 AN 

Uttar Pradesh, 


2. M. P. Choudhary MAB/DCA. 30-6-1986 AN 

_______ Bombay. 

Asstt. Coinptr. & AR. Genl. 



Bomh/y-20, the 21st July 1986 

No. Admn. I/Audit/Gcnl/AO/I(1 ;/2 —The Accountant Gene¬ 
ral (Audit) I Maharashtra, Bombay is pleased to appoint the 
following Assistant Audit Officers to officiate as Audit Officer 
with effect from the dates mentioned against their names, until 
further orders - 

SI, No. Name Dato of Appoint¬ 

ment as Audit Officer 

1. Shri R, Subramanian 23-6-1986 F, N. 

2. Shri M. Y. Keni 30-5-1986 F. N. 

II. s hUBHAlakshmi na rayanan 
S r. Dy. Accountant Goncral/Admn. 


Part Ill— Sec. 1 ] THE GAZETTE OE INDIA, SEPTEMBER e, 1986 (BHADPA 15 , 1908 ) 

Cukutu-.-700001, the 7lh August 1986 


No. Admn. FC/470/1321-22—The Director of Audit, 
Central, Calcutta has been pleased to appoint the following 
Assistant Audit Officers to officiate as Audit Officers (Gr,) ‘B’ in 
the scale of Rs, 84IMO-1OOO-EB-4O-12O0 from the date noted 
against each in the office of tire Director of Audit, Central, 
Calcutta, until further orders 

SI. Name Date of assumption 

Nc. of change 

1. Shri Sautiram Chatterjee 

2. Shri Sanjay Kr. Bunerjce 

3. Shri Ajil Kr. Bose-III 

4. Shri Sanker Prasad Haider 

5. Shri Sanat Kr. Biswas 

6. Shri Himangshu Kr. Bhattacharyya 

7. Shri Jadu Nath Guha 

8. Shri Rajindra Nath Sarkar-TI 

9. Shri Sushil Ranjan Karmaher, 

10. Shri Sujit Kr. Guha 

26-2-1980 (F/N) 
26-2-1986 (F/N) 

29- 5-1986 (F/N) 

30- 5-1986 (F/N) 
30-5-1986 (F/N) 
30-5-1986 (F/N) 
30-5-1986 (F/N) 
30-5-1986 (F/N) 

30-5-1986 (F/N) 
30-6-1986 (F/N) 

S. KRtSHNAMURTHY, Dy. Director of Audit (Admn.) 

Calcutta-lb, the 11th August 19136 

No. 5U9.5B /A-l 901J (1-MNV) /61 /J9A.—Shri M. N. 
Yiswauathu, Geologist i Senior), Geological Survey of India 
retired voluntarily ironi ci vices Vvith effect from 16th jLmuary 
198u i Y N ). 

Director (Personnel) 

Nacpur. the 11th August 1986 

No. A.19012(226)/86-Kstt.A.—-On the recommendation of 
the Departmental Promotion Committee, Shri R. Y. Kadeer, 
Senior Technical Assistant (Geo.), Indian Bureau of Mines 
has oecp promoted lo officiate in the post of Assistant Mining 
Geologist in (he Indian Bureau of Mines w.e.f, the afternoon 
of 8th lulv 1986. 



Bombav-4Q0 022, the 14th August 1986 


No, 'LV33/82-Estt,—Reference this Directorate General’s 
notification of even number dated 23rd July 1986. 

The name of the officer nsav please be corrected to read as 
“Joseph M. Manobaran" instead of “Joseph S. Miinoharan". 

Dy, Director (Adm.) 
for Dircetoi General 



New Delhi-110001, the 5th August 1986J! 

No. A-31014/1/85/A-6—The Director General of Supplies 
and Disposals hereby appoints the following Officiating 
Assistant Inspecting Officers (Metallurgical —Chemical) sub¬ 
stantively in the permanent posts of the Assitant Inspecting 
Offloer (Metallurgical—Chemical) with effect from the dates 
noted against each :— 

SI. Name of Officer Date of confir- 

No. mat ion 

Asstt, Administrative Officer 

for Controller General 
Indian Bureau of Mines 

*«T'» _i—w a ■ ' >, u ■ immuk j-tv i d 

New Delhi, the 7th August 1986 

No. A-l2026/4/82-S.1L-—Shri Satya Pal, Accounts Officer, 
Office of the Chief Controller of Accounts, Central Board of 
D : rcL". Taxes, New Delhi is appointed on deputation Basis as 
Accounts Olhcer in the pay scale of Rs. 840—j200 in the 
office of the Central Purchase and Stores., Doordarshan, New 
Delhi w.e.f. I-7-T9H6 iFN) for u period of two years. 

2. I he pay and allowances of the officer will be governed 
bv the terms and conditions laid down in the Ministry of 
Finance (Dcpailmcnt of Expenditure) O.M. No. 10(24)E. 
Ill '60 da’.cd 4-5-1961 as amended from time to time. 

Dy. Director of Administration 

for Director General 


Bombay-400026, the 7th August 1986 

No. 6 35 57-Est.l.—The Chief Producer, Films Division 
has appointed Shri M. S. Gangadhar, Permanent Cameraman, 
Films Division, Bombay to officiate as Cameraman (C.F.U.) 
in Ihc same office with effect from 6th June 1986 (F.N.) until 
further oiders vice Shri Biddev Khosla. Cameraman (CFU) 
retired from service wilh effect from 31-12-1985 (AN). 


1. P. N. Mishra 

2. Mrs. J. P. Allencliery 

3. R. P. Sinha 

4. S. Anantanarayanan 

5. J, P. Sharma 

6. D. V. Asri 

7. C. Uniknshnun 








The 12th August 1986 

No. A-32014/4/84-RC.—The Chief Producer, Films. Divi¬ 
sion. has appointed Shri N, Viswanathan, Officiating Steno, 
Grade-1 in Films Division, Bombay to officiate as Assistant 
Administrative Officer on ad-hoc basis in the some office in 
the scale of pay of Rs. 840—40—1000—EB—40—1200 from 1 
the foienoon of 7th August 1986, until further orders. 

Administrative Officer 
for Chief Producer 

No. A-1.7011/71/74/A-6,—Shri G. C. Nag, permanent 
Assistant Inspecting Officer (Engineering) in the office of 
Director of Inspection. Calcutta retired from service on the 
afternoon of 31st May 1986, on attaining the age oi super¬ 


R. P. SF1AH1 
Dy. Director (Admn.) 
for Director General of Supplies and Disposal 

New Delhi, the 29th July 1986 

No. F.2-2/84-EsU.T.—On the recommendation of Depart¬ 
mental Promotion Committee Group ‘B‘ of this Directorate, 


THE GAZETTE OE INDIA, SEPTEMBER 6 , 1986 (BHADRA 15, 1908) [Part III— Sec. 1 

$hri M. P. Singh, Senior Hindi Translator of the Department 
of Agriculture and Cooperation and officiating as Hindi Offi¬ 
cer on an ad hoc basis in this Directorate is appointed to the 
same post on a regular basis, by transfer on deputation, with 
effect from the afternoon of 11th July 1986 for a period not 
exceeding 3 years or until further orders, whichever is earlier. 

Director of Administration 


Bombay-400085, the 1st August 1986 

No. PA/79(19) /'84-R-IU/1659.—Controller, Bhabha Ato¬ 
mic Research Centre appoints Shri Mohammad Minhaj Rasool, 
Selection Grade Clerk in Nuclear Enel Complex, Hyderabad 
to officiate as Assistant Personnel Officer in the scale of pay 
of Rs. 650-30-740-35-880-EB-40-960 in Bhabha Atomic Re¬ 
search Centre, Nuclear Research Laboratory, Srinagar, with 
effect from the forenoon of June 26. 1986 until further 


The 4th August 1986 

No. PA/79( 19)/84-R-1II/1660.—Controller, Bhabha Ato¬ 
mic Research Centre appoints Shri Arunachalam Pattabira- 
man, permanent Stenographer in Indira Gandhi Centre for 
Atomic Research, KalpakWn to officiate as Assistant Per¬ 
sonnel Officer in the scale of pay of Rs. 650-30-740-35-880- 
EB-40-960 in Bhabha Atomic Research Centre at Centre for 
Advanced Technology, Indore, with effect from the forenoon 
of July 21, 1986 until further orders. 

Dy. Establishment Officer 


Bombay-400 001, the 6th August 1986 

Ref. DRS/2/1 (3)/85-Adm./22466,—The Director, Direc¬ 
torate of Purchase and Stores. Department of Atomic Energy 
appoints Shri Jagannath Gopal Sathe, a permanent Assistant 
Accountant and an officiating Accountant to officiate as an 
Assistant Accounts Officer on an ad-hoc basis in the scale of 
pay of Rs. 650-30-740-35-880-EB-40-960 from 19-7-86 (FN) 
to 30-9-86 (AN) in the same Directorate, 

Administrative Officer 

Hvderabad-500 016, the 8th August 1986 

No. AMD-51 (53)/85-Pen.ll957,—On attaining the age of 
superannuation Shri P. S. R. Murty, Permanent Assistant Per¬ 
sonnel Officer and officiating Administrative Offlccr-II in the 
Atomic Minerals Division, Department of Atomic Energy re- 
linauishcd charge of his post on the afternoon of July 31, 

The 11th August 1986 

No, AMD-8/1/R6-Rectt. 11926.—Director, Atomic Minerals 
Division, Department of Atomic Energy hereby appoints 
Shri M. S. Viswanatham, a permanent Assistant Security Offi¬ 

cer, Atomic Minerals Division to officiate as Security Officer 
in the same Division on an ad hoc basis with effect from 
28-7-1986 to 5-9-1986 vice Shri S. K. Saraf, Security Officer 
proceeded on leave. 

Sr. Administrative & Accounts Officer 



Ahraedabud, the 5th August 1986 

No. SAC/EST/3-19/86—The Director, SAC is pleased 
to appoint the undermentioned officials to the post of SCI/ 
Engineer SB with effect from the forenoon of April, 1, 1986 
in the Space Application Centro of the Department of Space, 
Ahmedabad, in an ocfficiating capacity and until further 
orders : — 

S. No. Name 

1. Shri P. A, Geda 

2. Shri J. P. Joshi 

3. Shri M.P. Sharma 

4. Shri R. S. Gajjar 

5. Shri M. Bamania 

6. Shri G. N. Lumavia 

7. Shri K. P. Bhalsod 

8. Srat. R. K. Chauhan 

9. Shri S,. N. Bhatt 

10. Shri D. R. Sevak 

... “ “ kT~s. KRISHNAN, 

Administrative Officer-11 (E&tt.) 


Vadodara, the 8th August 1986 

No. 22/86.—Shri N. D. Joshi, Superintendent of Central 
Excise & Customs, Division-I, Vadodara will be retiring volun¬ 
tarily from Government service with effect from 14-8-1986 

Collector of Central Excise and Customs 

New Delhi-110 066, the 7th August 1986 

No, A-19012/1186/86-Estt.V.—Chairman, Central Water 
Commission hereby appoints Shri Khub Chand Balani, Super¬ 
visor to officiate in the grade of Extra Assistant Director/ 
Assistant Engineer (Engg.) on a purely temporary and ad-hoc 
basis in the scale of play of Rs. 650-30-740-35-810-EB-35-880- 
40-1000-EB-40-1200/- for a period of one year or till the 
post is filled on regular basis, whichever is earlier with effect 
from the forenoon of 23rd June 1986. 

The 12th August 1986 

No. A-19012/1117/85-Estt.V.-—Chairman, Central Water 
Commission hereby appoints Shri A. M, Sen, Research Assis¬ 
tant (SG) to the post of Assistant Research Officer (Che¬ 
mistry) in the Central Water Commission in the scale of pay 
of Rs. 650-30-740-35-810-EB-35-880-40-1000-EB-40-1200 on a 
purely temporary and ad hoc basis with effect from the fore¬ 
noon of 23rd June 1986 for a period of six months or till the 
i>ost is filled on a regular basis, whichever is earlier. 

Under Secy. 

Central Water Commission 


Part m—S ec. 1] THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, SEPTEMBER 6, 1986 (BHADR\ 15, 1908) 


INCOME-TAX ACT, 1961 (45 OF 1*1) 




Pune, the 18th March 1986 

Ref. No. I AC ACQ/CA-5/37EE/9426/1985-86.—Whereas, 
I, AN 11. KUMAR. 

being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act. 1961 *(43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred 
to an the ‘Said Act’) have reason to believe that the im¬ 
movable property, having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing 

Office No. 228 on second floor, in Vardhaman Market 
Plot No. 75, Sector 17, D.B.C. Vashi, New Bombay 
situated at New Bombay 

(and more fully described In the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the office of the Registering Officer at I.A.C., Acqn. 
situated at New Bombay 

for an apparent consideration which is less thaa the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property, and I have reason 
to believe that the fair market value of the property as 
aforesaid exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by 
more than fifteen per cent of such apparent cottshJerattea 
and that the consideration for snch transfer as aareed to 
betweeV the parties ha* not been truly stated In the said 
instrument of transfer with the oWeat of :— 

(1) M/s Varadhaman Constructions, 

40-41 Vishal Shopping Centre, 

Sir M. V. Road, (Andheri-Kurla-Road) 

Andheri (E) Bombay. 


(2) Shri Gulab Hotchand Bhagchandaney, 

1st floor, 7 Sterling Centre, 

M.G. Road, Pune. 


Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 
may be made in writing to the undersigned :— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period of 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 clays from 
the service of notice on the respective persons, 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 
whichever period expires later; 

(b) by any other person interested in the said immov¬ 
able property, within 45 days from the date of the 
publication of this notice in the official Gazette, 
publication of this notice in the official Gazette. 

Exm.anaTTOn :—Th* terms and expressions used herein as 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said 
Act, shall have the same meaning as given 
in that Chapter. 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the liability 
of the transferor to pay tax under the Said Act in 
respect of any income arising from the transfer; 


(b) facilitating the concealment of any Income or any 
moneys or other assets which have not been or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act. 1922 
(II of 1922) or the said Act or the Wealth-lax 
Act, 1957 (27 of 1957); 

Office No. 228 on second floor, in Vardhanman, Market, 
Plot No, 75, Sector 17, D.B.C. Vashi, New Bombay. 

(Property as described in the agreement to sale registered 
in the office of the I.A.C7 Acquisition Range, Pune, under 
document No, 9426/1985-86 in the month of Jan, 1986). 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range, Poona 

Now, therefore. In pursuance of Section 2490 of th* said 
Act, 1 hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of thi* notice under sub- 

rection (1) of Section 269D of the said Act to the following Dated: 18 - 3 - 1986 . 
persons, namely Seal: 


THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, SEPTEMBER 6, 1986 (BliADRA 15, 1908) [Part HI—Sic. 1 



TAX ACT. 1961 (43 OF 1*61) 




Pune, the 18th. March 1986 

Ref. No. I AC ACQ/CA-5/37Iii'/94l7/ 1985-Kt>.—Whticns, 

being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred 
to as the ‘said Act’), have reaaen to believe that the 
immovable property having a fair market value exceeding 

Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing 

Office No. 328 on third floor in Vardhaman Market 
at Plot No. 75, Sector 17, Vashi, New Bombay 
situated at New Bombay 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the office uf the Registering Officer at 1 A C. Acqn. 
Range, Pune on Dec. 1985 

for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and 1 have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property aa afore¬ 
said exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more 

than fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that 
the consideration for such transfer as agreed to between 
the parties has not been truly stated In the said instrument 
of transfer with the object of . 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the liability 
of the transferor to pay tax under the said Act. in 
respect of any income arising from the transfer; 
and lew 

(b) facilitating the concealment of any income cn as; 
moneys or other assets which have not bees ot 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of tne Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax, 
Act. 1957 (27 of 1957),• 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 26*C of the said 
Act, 1 hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the following 
persons, namely: — 

(1) M/s Vardhaman Constructions, 

40-41 Vishal Shopping Centre, 

Sir M. V. Road (Andheri-Kuila-Road) 

Andhcri (E) Bombay. 


(2) Shri Yogesh Jethmal & Others 
B-29 Krishna Krupa, 2nd floor, 

Shankar Lane, Kundivli (W) Bombay. 


Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the taid prevest* 
may be made in writing to the undersigned 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persona within a period of 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 

in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days 
from the service of notice on the respective persona, 
whichever period expiree later. 

(b) by any other person interested in the said immov¬ 
able property, within 45 days from the date of tht 

publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation s —The terms and expressions uaad herein as 

are defined in Chapter XXA of the said 
Act, shall have tho same meaning aa given 
in that Chapter. 


Office No, 328 on third floor in Vardhaman Market at 
Plot No. 75, Sector 17, Vashi, New Bombay. 

(Property as described in the agreement to sale registered 
in the office of the I.A.C., Acquisition Range, Pune, under 
document No. 9417/1985-86 in the month of January 1986). 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range, Poona 

Dated: 18-3-1986. 
Seal : 

Part III—Sec. 1] 




INCOME-TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 



Pune, the 27th February 1986 

Ref. No. IAC ACQ/CA-5/37EE/6701/1985-86.—Whereas, 

being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) hereinafter referred to as 
the said ‘Act’) have reason to believe that the immovable 
property, having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000/-and bearing No, 

Property situated at C.T.S. No. 917/17 Shivajinagar, 

situated at Pune 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the office of the Registering Officer at IAC, Acqn. 
Range, Pune on Jan 1986 

for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and I hav e reason 
to believe that the fair market value of the property as 
aforesaid exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more 
than fifteen'per cent Of such apparent consideration and that 
the consideration for such transfer as agreed to between the 
parties has not been truly stated in the said Instrument of 
traasfr with the object of :— 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the liability 
of the transferor, to pay tax wader the nU Art, fa 
respect of any Income arising from the transfer; 

(b) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 
moneys or other assets which have not been or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 (11 
of 1922) or the said Act, or the wealth-tax Act 
1957 (27 of 1957), 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the following 
prisons, namely : — 

18— 226G1/86 

(1) M/s B, K. Promoters, "Jaidev" 

721/1/20 Prashant Nagar, 

Navi Peth, Pune-30. 


(2) Shri Upendra Kcshar Kanitkar & Others. 

12 Ganeshwadi, Pune-4. 


Objection!, If any, to the acquisition of the said property 
may be made in wrftiaa to the oodenlgnad :— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period of 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days from 
the service of notice on the respective persons, 
whichever period expires later. 

(b) by any other penon interested la tba said 

able property within 45 days from the date of the 
sobllcatioti of this notice In the Official Gazette. 

Explanation : — The terms and expressions used herein as 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said 
Act, shall have the same meaning as given 
in that Chapter. 


Property situated at C.T.S. No. 917/17 Shivajinagar, 

(Property as described in the agreement to sale registered 
in the office of the I.A.C., Acquisition Range, Pune, under 
document No. 670-1 /1985-86 in the month of January 1986). 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range, Poona 

Dated : 27-2-1986 
Seal : 


THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, SEPTEMBER 6 1986 (BHADRA 15, 1908) [Part III— Sec. 1 

FORM 1TNS--- (1) M/s Ghruh Builders, 

40-41 Vishal Shopping Centre, 

Sir M. V, Road, (Andheri-Kurla-Road) 

Andheri (F.) Bombay. 


INCOME-TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) (2) Shri Saumitru Kumar Basu, 

The Associates Cement Co. Ltd. 

Project Division Express Tower, 

6tb floor, Nariman Point, Bombay. 





Pune, the 13th February 1986 

Ref. No. IAC ACQ/CA-5/37FE/9433 /1985-86.—VVhccras. 


being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-ntax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred 
to as the ‘said Act’) have icason to believe that the 
Immovable properly, having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing No. 

Flat No. 304 on third floor in Sarvodnya Plot No. 

29-B of Sector 4 of Vashi. New Sarvodnya Co-operative 
Housing Soc. I-td. 
situated at Vashi 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the office of the Rcgisering Officer at I.A.C., 

Acqn, Range, Pune on Jan. 1986 

for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and I have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property as afore¬ 
said exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more 
limn fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that 
die consideration for such transfer as agreed to between the 
parties has not been truly stated in the snid instrument of 
transfer with the object of . 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the liability 
of the transferor to pay tax under the said Act, in 
respect of any income arising from the transfer; 

ib) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 
moneyes or other assets which have not been or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922) or thhe said Act, or the Wealth-tax 
Act, 1957 (27 of 1957); 

N jw, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by ihe issue of this notice under sub¬ 
jection (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the follow¬ 
ing persons, namely r - 

Objections, if any, to the acquision of the said properly 
may be made in the writing to the undersigned :— 

(a) by any of *fce aforesaid persons within a period of 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days from 
the service of notice on the respective persons, 
whichever period expires later; 

(b) by any other person interested in the said immov¬ 
able property, within 45 days from the date of the 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation ;—The terms and expressions used herein as 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said Act 
shall have the same meaning as given in 
that Chapter. 


Flat No. 304 on third floor in Sarvodaya" Plot No. 29-B 
of Sector 4, of Vashi, New Sarvodaya Co-operative Housing 
Society Ltd. 

(Property as described in the agreement to sale registered 
in the ollicc of the I.A.C., Acquisition Range, Pune, under 
document No. 9433/1985-86 in the month of Jan. 1986). 

Competent Authout. 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range, Pounn 

Dr,ted : 13-2-1986 

Sea) : 

Part III —Sec. 1] 




TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 




Pune, the 13th February 1986 

Ref. No. IAC ACQ/CA-5/37EE/9434/1985-86.—Whereas, 

being the Competent Authority under Section 
269B of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter 
referred to as the ‘said Act’ have reason to believe 
that the immovable property having a fair market value 
exceeding Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing No. 

Flat No. 204 on second floor in "Sarvodaya” Plot No. 

29-B Sector No. 4 of Vashi of New Sarvodaya Co-op. 
Housing Society Ltd. 
situated at Vashi 

tand more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the office of the Registering Officer at IAC, Acqn. 
Range, Pune on Jan. 1986 

for an apparent consideration which b less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property, and ] have reason 
to believe that the fair market value of the property as 
aforesaid exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by 
more than fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration 
and that the consideration for such transfer as agreed to 
between the parties ha* not been truly stated In the laid 
tnatrunMnt of transfer with the object of :— 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the liability 
of the transferor to pay tax under the said Act, in 
respect of any income arising from the transfer; 

(b) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 
moneys or other assets which have not been or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax 
Act, 1957 (27 of 1957); 

Now, therefore in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the following 
persons, namely ;— 

(1) M/s Ghruh Builders, 

40-41 Vishal Shopping Centre, 

Sir M. V. Road, (Andheri-Kurla-Road) 

Andheri (E) Bombay. 


(2) Mr, R. K, Ramachandran Nair, 

A.C.C. Project Division, 

Express TowCr, 6th floor, 

Nariman Point, Bombay. 


Objections, if any, to the acquisition to the said property 

may bo made in writing to the undersigned :— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period 

of 45 day* from the date of publication of this 
notice In the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days 
from the service of notice on the respective persons, 
whichever period expires inter; 

(b) by any other person interested in the said immov¬ 
able property, within 45 days from the date of the 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation ;—The terms and expression used herein as 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said 
Act, shall have the same meaning ns given 
in that Chapter. 


Flat No, 204 on second floor in "SARVODAYA" Plot No. 
29-B Sector No. 4, of Vashi, of New Sarvodaya Co-operative 
Housing Soc. Ltd. 

(Property as described in the agreement to sale registered 
in the office of the I.A.C., Acquisition Range, Pune, under 
document No. 9434/1985-86 in the month of Jan. 1986). 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range, Poona 

Date : 13-3-1986 
Seal ; 


■ r TiiMunnin . wi ii .il. wwiwiiBiiii g'ii m.i pgggiaca^ a3an»a 


INCOME-TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 




Pune, the 17 February 1986 

Ref. No. IAC ACQ/CA-5/37EE/9436/1985-86 —Whereas, 

being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred 
to as the ‘laid Act’) have reason to believe that the immov¬ 
able property having a fair market value exceed ini 
Rs. 1 lakh and bearing No. 

Flat No. 1 on ground floor in Sarvodaya Plot No. 29-B 
Sector 4 Vashi, New Sarvodaya Co-operative Hsg, Soc, Ltd, 
situated at Vashi 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the office of the Registering Officer at I.A.C., Acqn, 
Range, Pune on Jan. 1986 

for Hn appartnt consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and I have reason 
to believe that the fair market value of the property aa 
aforesaid exceeds the apparent consideration therefor bv 
more than fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration 
and that the consideration for such transfer as agreed to bet¬ 
ween the pintle* has not been truly stated in the said instru¬ 
ment of transfer with the object of— 

fa) facilitating die reduction <*r ovasia* of the Uattlly 
of the transferor to pay tax under the skid Aet, in 
raspeet of any income arising from the transfer; 

(b) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 
moneys or other assets which have not been or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax 
Act. 1937 (27 of 1957); 

Now. therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of lhe said Act to the following 

persons, namely :— 

, 1936 (BHADRA 15, 1908) (Pari III— SIlC. 1 

(1) M/s Ghruh Builders, 

40-41 Vishal Shopping Centre, 

Sir M. V. Road (Andheri-Kurla-Road) 

Andheri (E) Bombay. 


(2) Mrs. S. S. Kerkar & Mr. S. D. Kerkar, 

C-2/5/L4 Sector No. 4, Vashi, New Bombay. 


Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 
■ay b# made in witting to the undersigned:— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period of 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days from 
the service of notice on the respective persons 
whichever period expires later; 

(b) by any other person interested in the said immov¬ 
able property, within 45 days from the date Of the 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation ;—The terms and expressions used herein aa 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said Act 
shall have the saana meaning aa given ta 
that Chapter. 


Flat No. 1 on ground floor in Sarvodaya Plot No. 29B 
Sector 4, Vashi, New Sarvodaya Co-operative Housing Society 

(Area 850 sq. ft. Super built up) 

(Pioperty as described in the agreement to sale registered 
In the office of the I.A.C., Acquisition Range, Pune, under 
document No, 9436/1985-86 in the month of January 1986). 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range, Poona 

Dated ; 17-2-1986 
Seal ; 

pAKi 1U-6'fcC. 1) 

TllE GAZETTE OF lNDIA k S£?TEMBER 6, 1986 (BHADRA 15, 1908) 




INCOME-TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1M1) 




Pune, the 18th February 1986 

Ref No. 1AC ACQ/CA-5/37EE/9435/1985-86—Whereas, 

being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 
as the said Act), have reason to believe that the immovable 

property having u fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000/- and hearing 

Flat No, 203, on 2nd floor in “New Sarvodaya Co-op. 
Housing Soc. Ltd. Plot No. 29-B Sector 4 Vusbi of New 
Sarvodaya Co-operative Hsg. Soc. Ltd, 
situated at Vashi 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
lias been transferred under the Registration Act 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the office of the Registering Officer at I.A.C. Acqn., 
Range, Pune on Jan. 1986 

tor apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and I have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of tho property u afore¬ 
said exceed! the appai out consideration therefor by mm 
than fifteen per cent of aoch apparent consideration and that 
the consideration for smeh transfer aa acraed to between the 
parties has not been truly stated in the said instrument of 
transfer with the object of :— 

(A) facilitating the redaction or evaaiaa «f the UaMBtf 
of the tnmeferor to pay tax under the laid Act, la 
ret poet of any taoomo ariatng from the tnwrfefl 

lb) facilitating me concealment of any income or any 
moneys or other asset* which have not bean or 
which ought to be diacloeed by the transferee for tha 
purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 (11 af 
1922) or the said Act of tha Wealth-tax Act. 1957 
(27 «f 1927); 

New, therefore, in puimance of Section 269C of the mid 

Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisilion of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the follow¬ 
ing persons, namely:— 

(1) M/s, fjhruh Builders, 

40-41 Vishal Shopping Centre, 

Sir M. V. Road, Andheri-Kurla-Road, 

Andheri (E) Bombay. 


2) Shri K. V. Kini and Smt. Lila Kini, 

702 Amrit Tushar, 14th Road, 

Khar, Bombay. 


Objections, if any. to the acquisition of the said property 
may be made in writing to the undersigned :— 

(a) By any of the aforesaid persons within a period 
of 45 days from the date of publication of this 
notice in the Official Gazette or a period »f 
30 days from the service of notice on the res¬ 
pective person*, whichever period expire* later; 

(b) by any other person interested in the said immovable 
property, withita 45 days from the dafle of the publi¬ 
cation of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation :—The terms and expressions used herein a* 
arc defined in Chapter XXV of the said Act, 
shall have the same meaning as given in 
that Chapter. 


Flat No. 203 on second floor in “Netv Sarvodaya Co-opera¬ 
tive Housing Soc. Ltd, Plot No. 29B Sector 4, Vashi. 

(Property as described in the agreement lo sale registered 
in the office of the I.A.C., Acquisition Range, Pune, under 
document No. 9435/1985-86 in the month of Ian, 1986). 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range, Poona 

Dated : 18-2-1986 

(Part ill—■S bc. 1 

226^2 THE GAZEfTE OF fNDtA. SEPTEMBER 6 t 1986 (SHADltA 15, 1903) 

FORM ITN S . (1) M/s Vardhaman Builders, 

40-41 Vishal Shopping Centre, 

Sir M. V. Road, Andheri (E) Bombay. 


(2) Shri Hansraj Mahudev Bagade, 

276A Municipal Chawl, Near Laxmi 
Baug, Sion. Bombay, 


INCOME-TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 




Pune, the 20th March 1986 

Ref. No. IAC ACQ/CA-5/37EE/9427/198J-86.—Whereas, 

being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 
us the ‘said Act') have reason to believe that'the immovable 
liroperly, having a fair market value exceeding 

Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing 

Flat No. 104 on 1st floor in building Vardhaman Park at 
Vashi, New Bombay, 
situated at Now Bombay 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the office of the Registering Officer at I.A.C., Acqn. 
Range, Pune on Jan. 1986 

for an apparent consideration which ia less than the tak 
market value of the aforesaid property and I have reason to 
believe that tne fair market value of the property as afore¬ 
said exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more than 
fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that the 
consideration for such transfer as agreed to between the 
parties has not been truly stated In the said instrument of 
transfer with the object of :— 

(K) facilitating the redaction or session of the liability 
of the transferor to pay tax under the said Act, is 
respect of any income arising from the transfer: 

(b) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 
moneys or other assets which have not been or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1982) or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax 
Act. 1957 127 of 1957); 

Now, therefore. In pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by this issue of the notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to A he following 
persons, namely - 

Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 
may be made in writing to the undersigned:— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period of 
45 days from the date or publication of this notice 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days from 
the service of notice on the respective persons, 
whichever period expires later; 

(b) by any other persons interested In the said Immov¬ 
able property within 45 days from the date of the 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation .—The terms and expressions used herein as 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said Act, 
shall have tho same meaning as given in 
that Chapter. 


Flat No. 104, on 1st floor in building Vardhaman Park at 
Vashi, Now Bombay. 

(Property as described in, the agreement (o sale registered in 
the office of the I.A.C., Acquisition Range, Pune, under docu¬ 
ment No, 9427/1985-86 in the month of Jan. 1986). 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range, Poona 

Date : 20-3-1986 
Seal ; 

Part HI— Sec. 1] 




INCOME-TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 




Pune, the 20th March 1986 

Ref. No. IAC ACQ/CA-5/37EE/9420/1985-86,—Whereas, 

being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act. 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 

as the 'said Act’) have reason to believe that the immovable 
property having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing No. 

Flat No. 703, on 7ih floor in Vardhaman Paik, 

Plot No. 49, Sector 17, Vashi, New Bombay, 
situated at New Bombay 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the office of the Registering Officer at IAC, Acqn. 
Range, Pune on Ian. 1986 

for an apparent consideration which Is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and I have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property a* aforesaid 
exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more than 
fifteen per cent of *uch apparent consideration and that tha 
consideration for inch transfer at agreed to between the 
parties has not been truly stated in the said Instrument of 
transfer with the object ol:— 

(a) facilitating the reduootioo or evasion of the liability 
of the transferor to pay tax under the said Act. in 
respect of anv Income arising from the transfer; 

(b) facilitating the concealment of any Income or any 
moneys or other assets which hayo not been or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee fur 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922) or the said Act, or tha Wealth-tax 
Act, 1957 (27 of 1957)j 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of lbs sakl 
Act 1 hereby Initiate proceedings for the acqnlsMon of tbs 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the follow¬ 
ing persona, namely :— 

(1) M /s Vardhaman Builders, 

40-41 Vishal Shopping Centre, 

Sir M. V. Road, (Andheri-Kurla Road) 

Andheri (E) Bombay. 


(2 ) Shri Amin Umcr Rajkotwala, “Brooks Villa” 

5 Sidling Pura, Mysore. 


Objections, if any, to the acquisition erf the said property 
may be made in writing to the undersigned ; 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period 
of 45 days from the date of publication of this 
notice in the Official Gazette or a period ef 30 days 
from the service of notice on the respective persons, 
whichever period expires later, 

(b) by any other person interested in the said Immovable 
property, within 45 days from the date of the publi¬ 
cation of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanat.on ; The terms and expressions used herein as 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said 
Act, shall have the same meaning as given 
in the Chanter. 


Flat No. 703 on seventh floor in Vardhaman Park, Plot No. 
49, Sector 17, Dist. Busness Centre, Vashi, New Bombay. 

(Properly as described in the agreement to sale registered 
in the office of the T.A.C., Acquisition Range, Pune, under 
document No. 9420/1985-86 in the month of an. 1986). 

, . Competent Authority 

Insectmg Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range, Poona 

Date : 20-3-1986 
Seal : 


~ —ca i - f . - nac=3z== ^ -i ■ —- aata ■■ . - - < *< ■ - » - 

FORM ITN3 _ (1) M/s Vardhaman Builders, 

40-41Vishal Shopping Centre, 

Sir M.V. Road (Andheri-Kurla Road) 

Andhcri (E) Bombay. 

( '2) Shri Asif K. Rajkotwala, 

30 Muruti Lane, Fort, Bombay, 




TAX ACT, 1W1 (43 or mi) 





Pune, the 21st March 1986 

Ref, No. IAC ACQ/CA-5/37EE/9422 /1985-86. —Whereas, r 

being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 
■» the ‘said Act’), have reason to believe that the immovable 
property having a fair market value exceeding 
Ks. 1,00,000/- and bearing No. 

Flat No. 503 on 5th floor in Vardhaman Park at Plot 
No. 49, Sector 17, Vashi, New Bombay, 
situated at New Bombay 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto) 
has been transferred and registered under the registration 
Act, 1908 (16 of 1908) in the office of the Registering 
I.A.C., Acqn. Range, Pune in January 1986 

for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 

market vain© of the aforesaid property and I have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property as afore¬ 
said exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by room than 
fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that the 
consideration for such transfer as agreed to between the par¬ 
ties has not been truly stated in the said instrument of 
tram ter with the object of:— 

(a) fasMuttag (he rednettoa or tnakm at top Uafeflky 
ofttn mataw t» pay tax andar (he mid Ant, In 
'•f* 1 M any ton — arising from the trwfsrr 

and An 

(%| facilitating tbs coacMlmsnt of any Income or any 
■NWjm nr other assets which hare not been m 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
tho purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 etf 1922) or the said Act. or the Wealth-tax 
Art. JM7 (27 of 19371; 

Now, therefore, In pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to f U<- following 
persons, namely ; — 

Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 
may be made in writing to the undersigned :— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a pe 
of 45 days from the date of publication of 
notice in the Official Gazette or a period 
30 days front the service of notice oq the 
peetive pens—. whichever period expires later, 

(b) by any ether person tide reeled in the saW 

immovable property within 45 days from the 
date of the publication of this notice in the 

Official Gazette. 

Asplxnaikw The terms and expressions used herein as 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said 
Act, shall have the same meaning as given 

in that Chapter. 


Flat No. 503, on 5th floor in Vardhaman Park at Plot 
No. 49, Sector 17, Vashi, New Bombay. 

(Property as described in the agreement to sale registered 
in the office of the I.A.C., Acquisition Range, Pune, under 
document No. 9422/1985-86 in (he month of January 1986). 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Rouge, Poona 

Date ; 21-3-1986 
Seal ; 


Part III— Sec. 1J 




INCOME-TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 




Pune, the 21 st March 1986 

Ref. No. 1AC ACQ/C-5/37EE/9424/85-86.—Whereas, I, 

being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
to as the ‘said Act’) have reason to believe that lhe 
immovable property, having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing 

No. Flat No. 2 on ground floor in “Vardhaman Park" 
on Plot No. 49, Sector 17, D.B.C. Vashi, New Bombay, 
situated at New Bombay 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act, 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the Office of (he Registering Officer at 
LA.C., Aeon. Range, Pune in January 1986 
for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and I have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property as afore¬ 
said exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more 
than fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that 
the consideration for such transfer as agreed to between the 
parties has not been truly stated In the said instrument of 
transfer with the object of :— 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the liability 
of the transferor to pay tax under the said Act, in 
respect of any income arising from the transfer; 

(b) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 
moneyes or other assets which have not been or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act. 1922 
(11 of 1922) or ihhe snid Act, or the Wealth-tax 
Act, 1957 (27 of 1957); 

Now, therefore. In pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the follow¬ 
ing persons, namely :—. 


(1) M/s Vardhahmn Builders, 

40-41 Vishal Shopping Centre, 

Sir M.V. Road. (Andheri-Kurla Road) 

Andhcri (E) Bombay. 


(2) Mr. Tushar Manohar Dcsui & Mr. Ankur D. Patil, 
80/5 Yashodhara, First Floor, Veer Savarkar Marg, 
Dadar, Bombay. 


Objections, if any, to the acquision of the said property 
may be made in the writing to (he undersigned ;— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period of 
45 days from (he date of publication of this notice 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days from 
the service of notice on the respective persons, 
whichever period expires nter; 

(b) by any other person interested in the said immov¬ 
able property, within 45 days from the date of the 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation : — The terms and expressions used herein as 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said Act 
shall have the same meaning as given in 
that Chapter. 


Flat No. 2 on ground floor in “Vardhaman Park” on Plot 
No. 49, Sector 17, D.B.C. Vashi, New Bombay. 

(Property as described in the agreement to sale registered 
in the office of the I.A.C., Acquisition Range, Pune, under 
document No. 9424/1985-86 in the month of January 1986). 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Tncome-tax 
Acquisition Runge. Poona 

Date : 21-3-1986 


[Part HI —Sec. 1 


INCOME-TAX ACT. 1961 (4S OF 19611 


(11 M/s Vardhutuan Builders. 

40-41 Vishal Shopping Centre, 

Sir M.V. Road, (Andheri-Kuria Road) 

Andheri (EJ Bombay, 


(2) Dr, Mohan Dattatraya Datya, 

III/31 Tata Housing Colony, Chembur, 





Pune, the 21st March 1986 

Ref. No. IAC ACQ/CA-5/37EE / 9429/85-86.—Whereas. 1 

being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of 
the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred 
to as the ‘said Act’) have r eason lo believe that the immov¬ 
able property, having a fair market value exceeding 

Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing No. 

Flat No. 603 on sixth floor in “Vardhaman Park" 

Plot No. 49, Sector 17, D.B.C. Vashi, New Bombay, 
situated at Bombay 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act, 1908 (16 
of 1908) in the office of Registering Officer at 
I.A.C., Acqn. Range, Pune in January 1986 
for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property, and I have reason 
to believe that the fair market value of the property as 
aforesaid exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by 
more than fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration 
and that the consideration for such transfer as agreed to bet¬ 
ween the parties has not been truly stated in the said instru¬ 
ment of transfer with the Object of :— 

ia) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the liabflitv 
of the transferor to pay tax under the said Act. In 
respect ef any Income arising from the transfer; 


(b) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 
moneys or other assets which have not been or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax 
Act. 1957 (27 of 1957); 

Now, therefore, In pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub- 

•action (1) ef Section 26PD of th» said Apt, to tha foUewfn* 
person »■ namely 

Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 
may be made in writing to the undersigned ;— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period of 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days from 
the service of notice on the respective persons, 
whichever period expires later; 

(b) by any other person interested in the said immov¬ 
able property, within 45 days from the date of the 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation ;—The terms and expressions used herein as 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said 
Act, shall have the same meaning as given 

in that Chapter. 


Flat No. 603 on sixth floor in “Vardbamun Park” Plot 
No. 49, Sector 17, D.B.C. Vushi, New Bombay. 

(Property as described in the agreement to sale registered 
in the office of the T.A.C.. Acquisition Range, Pune, under 
document No. 9429/1985-86 in the month of January 1986), 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Rengc, Poona 

Date : 21-3-1986 
Seal ; 

Hart Ill—Sac. 1) 




INCOME-TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 





Pune, the 25th March 1986 

Ref. No, 1AC.ACQ/CA^5/37EE/9419| 1985-86_ 

Whereas, T, ANIL KUMAR, 

being the Competent Authority under Section 269AB of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred 
to as the ‘said Act’) have reason to believe that the 
immovable property, having a fair market value exceeding 

Rs. 1,00,000/- aud bearing 

Flat No. 702 on seventh floor in Vardhaman Park on plot 
No. 49, Sector 17, Vashi, New Bombay, 
tand more fully described in the schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred and registered under the registration Act, 
1908 (16 of 1908) in the office of the Registering Officer 
at I.A.C., Acqn, Range, Pune on Jan. i986 
for an apparent consideration which 1$ less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and 1 have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property as afore- 
sai exceeds the apparent consideration therefore by more 
than fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that 
the consideration for midi transfer M agreed to between 
the parties has not been truly stated in tho said Instrument 
of tnuutsr with the ohieel of 

(1) M/a. Vardhaman Builders, 

40-41 Vishal Shopping Centre, 

Sir M. V. Road Andheri-Kuria Road) 

Andheri (E) Bombay 


(2) Sliri Mahcndra Keshavji Sampat, 

62, Nilkanth Apartment, 

Block No. 22, Hill Road, Worli, 



Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 
may be made in writing to the undersigned:— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period of 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days from 
the service of notice on the respective persons, which¬ 
ever period expires later; 

(b) by any other person interested in the said immovable 
property within 45 days from the date of the publi¬ 
cation of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation The terms and expressions used herein as 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said Act, 
shall have the same meaning as given in that 

(a) facilitating to reduction or avasteo of the liability 
of the transferor to pay tax u 4m (hi «ld Act, hi 

respect of any Income arising from the transfer 1 


(b) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 
moneys or oilier aaseh, which have uot bee a or whicn 

ought to be disclosed by the transferee for the 
parpens* of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 (11 
of 1922) or tbs mid Act, or the Wmlth-tu Act. 
1957 (27 of 1957). 

Now therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue ef this notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the following 
persons, namely :— 

Flat No. 702 on seventh floor in Vnrdhaman Park on Plot 
No. 49, Sector 17, Vashi, New Delhi, 

(Property as described in (he agreement to sale registered 
in the office of the I.A.C., Acquisition Range. Pune, under 
document No. 9419/1985-86 in die month of January 1986) 

Acquisition Range, Poona 
Competent Authority 
Inspectine Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range, Poona. 

Date : 25-3-1986. 
Seal : 

22628 THE GAZETTE OF INDfA, SEPTEMBER* 1 ^, jm (BrtADRA. ^3.1903) [Part IH—SBfc. } 

■ ■—— JJ. XT 


INCOME-TAX ACT, 19«1 (43 OF 1941) 

(1) Shri Chandrakant Pandurang Shinde & 

Smt. Sunanda Dattatraya Shinde, 365 Somwar 
Peth, Pune. 


(2) M/s. Abhay Constructions, 

1365 Sadashiv Peth, Pune-30. 





Poona, the 24th March 1986 

Ref. No. 1AC.ACQ/CA-5/37EE/651511985-86,— 

Whereas, I ANIL KUMAR, 

being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 
as the ‘said Act’), have reason to believe that the Immovable 
property, having a fair market value exceeding Rs. 1,00,000/- 
and bearing 

bearing C.T.S. No. 365 Somwar Peth, Pune, situated at Pune 
(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transfereed and the agreement is registered under 
Section 269AB of the Income-tax Act, 1961 in the office of 
at I.A.C., Acqn. Range, Pune on Ian. 1986 
for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and I have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property as aforesaid 
exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more than 
fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that the 
consideration for such transfer as agreed to between the 
pa.tiea has not been truly atated In the laid Instrument of 
uansfrr with the object of :— , .^ii 

Objections, if any, to tha acquisition of th» said property 
may be made In writing to tha undersigned:— 

(a) by any of the afrwaaald pen owe within a period 
ci 45 days from die date of publication of this 
notice in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days 
from the service of notice on the respective persons, 
whichever period expires later. 

(b) by any other person interested in the said immov¬ 
able property, within 45 days from the date of the 
publication of this notice' in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation :—The terms and expressions used herein as 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said 
Act, shall have the same meaning aa given 
in that Chapter. 


(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion of tkl liability 

nr the transferor to pay tax under the said Ant, Is 

respect of any income arising from the transfer; 


Bearing C.T.S. No, 365, Somwar Peth, Pune. 

(Property as described in the agreement to sale registered 
in the office of the I.A.C., Acquisition Range, Pune, under 
document No.6515/1985-86 in the month of January 1986). 

(b) facilitating (he concealment of any income or anv 
moneys or other assets which have not been or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax 
Act, 1957 (27 of 1957), ■ 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range, Poona 

Now, therefore, w pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (l) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the following Q tl j t 24-3-1986 
persons namely;— Seal; 

t>ART 111— Sec, 1] THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, SEPTEMBER 6,1986 (BHADRA 15, 1908) 22629 

form rms— 

INCOME-TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 


(1) Smt. Dwarkahai Gangadhar Vishwasrao, 

17/1/1 Plot No. 2, Dhankawadi, Pune-9, 


(2) M/s, Chailanya- Promoters & Builders, 

25 Budhwar Peth, Appabalwant Chowk 




Poona, the 24th March 1986 

Ref. No. IAC.ACQ/CA-5/37EG/63I 1985-86.— 

Whereas, J, A'NIL KtJ MAR, 

being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 
as the ‘said Act’), have reason to believe that the immov¬ 
able property having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing 

S. No. 17/1/1 Plot No. 6, Dhankawadi, Ta(. Haveli, 

Dist. Pune, situated at Pune 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto) 
has been transferred and registered under the registration Act, 
1908 (16 of 19081 in the office of the Registering Officer 
at I.A.C., Acqn. Range, Pune on Jan. 1986 
for an apparent consideration which Is less than the fair 
market value of the afodesaid property and I have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property as aforesaid 
exceeds the appwren* consideration therefor by more than 
fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that the 
consideration for such tmnsfor as agreed to between the 
parties has not been truly stated in the said Instrument of 
ransfer with the obfoct of 

Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 
may be made in writing to the undarsignad :— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period 
of 43 days from the date of publication of this 
notice in the Official Gazette or a period of It) d»»s 
from the service of notice on the respective persons 

whichever period expiree later: 

(b) by any other person interested in the said immov¬ 
able property within 45 days from the date of the 

publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation The terms and expressions used herein as 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said 
Act, shall have the same meaning as glren 
in that Chapter. 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion of tha liability 
of the transferor to pay tax under the sold Act, In 
respect of any Income arising from the transfer; 

(b) facilitating the concealment of any Income or any 
aaoneyi or other assets which have wet been m 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
(be purpoaea of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(IT of 1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax 
Act, 1957 (27 of 1957); 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the aeqwMdon of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this wotioo Mdor sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the following 
persons, namely :—■ 


S. No. 17/1/1 plot INo. 6, Dhankawadi, Tal. Haveli, Dish 

(Properly as described ,n (he agreement to sale registered 
in the office of the I.A.C., Acquisition Range, Pune, under 
document No, 6311/1985-86 in the month of January 1986). 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range, Poona 

Date :24-3-1986 
Seal : 

22630 me gazette of India, September.6, im (bhadra is, im) 

[Part lii—S ec. 1 


TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 




Poona, the lltb Apiil 1986 

Ref. No. IAC.ACQ/CA-5/9432/'37i:E| 1985- 86_ 

Whereas, I, ANIL KUMAR, 

being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 

as the said Act), havo reason to believe that the immovable 
property, having a fair market value exceeding Rs. 1.00,0001- 
and bearing No. 

Flat No. 106 on first floor in Nil-man Vikas plot iNo. 10, at 
Nirman Nagar, S. No. 50, Nilemore, Nalasopara Tal. Vasai, 
Dist. Thane situated at Vasai 

(and moro fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the office of the Registering Officer 
at I.A.C., Acqn. Range, Pune on Jan. 1986 
for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and I have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property as afore¬ 
said exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more 
than fifteen per cent of «uch apparent consideration and that 
the consideration for such transfer as agreed to between 
the parties ha* not been truly stated in the said instrument 
of transfer with the object of:— 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the liability 
of the transferor to pay tax under the *aid Act, In 
respect of any income arising from the transfer; 

(b) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 
moneys or other assets which have not been or which 
ought to bo disclosed by the transferee for the 
purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act 1922 (11 
of 1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax Act, 
1957 (27 of 1937)1 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the following 
persons, namely ;— 

(1) M/s. Nirman Associates, 

40-41 Vishal Shopping Centre, 

Sir M, V. Road, (Andheri-Kurla Road) 

Andheri (E) Bombay. 


(2) Mr, John Fernandes, 

Flat No. 4, Nirman Sandcsb, 

Nirman Nagar, Nalasopara (W). 

Dist. Thane. 


Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 
may be made in writing to the undersigned :— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period of 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days from 
the publication of the notice in the Official 

whichever period expires later. 

(b) by any other person interested in the said immov¬ 
able property within 45 days from the date of 
the publication of the notice in the Official 

Explanation : — The terms and expressions used herein as 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said 
Act, shall havo the same meaning ns given 
in the Chapter, 


Flat No. 106 on first floor, in ''Nirman Vikas” plot No. 
10, at Nirman Nagar, S. No. 50, Nilemore, Nalasopara (W) 
Tal. Vasai, Dist. Thane. (Area 560 sq. ft.) 

('Property as described in the agreement to sale registered 
in. the office of the T.A.C., Acquisition Range, Pune, under 
document No. 9432/1985-86 in die month of January 1986) 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range, Poona. 

Date : 11-4-1986 
Seal : 

Past HI—Sic. 1] 




TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 




Poona, the 1st Apiil 1986 

Ref. iNo. IAC.ACQ/CA-5/37G/J77 1985-86.— 

Whereas, I, A(NTL KUMAR, 

being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred 
to as the ‘said Act’), have reason to believe that the 
immovable property, having a fair market value exceeding 

Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing 

Plot No. 5, S. No. 129, CTS No, 782, Kothrud, Tune, 
situated at Pune 

(and more fully described in the Scheduled annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the office of the Registering Officer 
at S.R. Haveli on Nov 1985 

for an apparent consideration which Is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and I have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property as afore¬ 
said exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more 
than fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that 
the consideration for such transfer as agreed to betwaea 
the parties has not been truly stated in the said instrument 
of transfer with the object of :— 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the liability 

of the transferor to pay tax uadar the said Act, la 

respect of any income arising from the transfer; 


(b) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 

moneys or otbw assets which have not been or which 
ought to be disclosed by the transferee for the 
purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 (11 
of 1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax Act 
1957 (27 of 1957): 

Now, therefore, In pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the follow¬ 
ing pet sous, namely :— 

(1) M/s. Deejay Builders. 

1271 Deccan Gymkhana, Punc-4. 


(2) Chairman —The Vislmupuri Co-operative Housing 
Society Ltd., S. No. 129, CTS. No. 782, Paud Road, 


Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 
may be made in writing to the oodentgned :— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persona within a period of 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 
in the Oflcial Gazette or a period of 30 days from 
the eerriee of notice an the raopecthro persona, 
whichever period expiree later; 

(b) by any other person interested in th® said immov¬ 
able property, within 45 days from the date of 
the publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation .-—The terms and expressions used herein as 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said 
Act, shall have the same meaning as given 
In that Chapter. 


Plot No. 5, S. No. 129, CTS No. 782, Kothrud, Pune 
(Property as described in the sale deed registered in the 
office of the Sub-Register, Haveli, under document No. 577 / 
1985-86 in the month of Nov. 1985). 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range, Poona. 

Date : 1-4-1986. 
Seal : 



[Part III— Sec. 1 


INCOME-TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 




Poona, the 31st March 1986 

Ref. No. I AC ACQ/CA-5/37EE/6226/1985-86.—Where¬ 

being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 
,s the ‘said Act’) have reason to believe that the immovable 
propeity, having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing No. 

S. No. 77/48/1 & S. No. 707J, Wanowadi, Pune-13 
situated at Pune 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been, transferred under the Registration Act 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the office of the Registering Officer 
at I.A.C., Acqn. Range, Pune on Jan. 1986 
for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and T have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property as aforesaid 
exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more than 
fifteen per cent of -such apparent consideration and that the 
consideration for 1 such transfer as agreed to between the 
parties has not been truly stated in the said instrument of 
transfer with the object of :— 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the liability 
of the transfer to payt tax under the said Act, in 
respect of any income arising from thet transfer; 

(b) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 
moneys or other assets which have not been or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purpose of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(II of 1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax 
Act, 1957 (27 of 1957); 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Secion 269C of the said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice r.nder sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the following 

persons, namely '.^ 

(1) Sint. Lndubai Maruit Shevkor, 

& Others S. No. 77, 

Wanowadi, Pune-13. 


(2) M/s. Parmar Builders, Prop Vilas, 

Parmnr, 321/3 New Timber Market, Road, Pune 


Objections, if any, to die acquisition of the said property 
may be made in writing to the undersigned :— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period of 
45 days from the date of publication of this notce 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days from 
the service of notice on the respective persons, 
whichever period expires later; 

(h) by any other person interested in the said immov¬ 
able property within 45 days from the date of the 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation —The terms and expressions used herein as 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said Act 
shall have the same meaning as given in 
that Chapter. 


S. No. 77/48/1A & S. No. 70-71, Wanowadi. Pune-13. 
(Property as described in the agreement to sale registered 
in the office of the T.A.C., Acqn., Range, Pune, under docu¬ 
ment No. 6226/1985-86 in the month of January 1986). 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range, roona. 

Date : 31-3-1986 

Seal : 

Part ifl— Sic. l] ■ THE OAZBTTb OF INblA, SEPTEMBER 6. 19S6 (BHADRA 15, 19«8). 22633 



TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1M1) 




Poona, the 12th June 1986 

Ref. No. IAC.ACQ/CA-5 /37EE/6320/1985-86.— 
Whereas, I, ANIL KUMAR, 

being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax; Apt, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 
•a tha ‘said Act'), have rem»on to believe that the immov¬ 
able property, having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing No. 

Final plot INo, 556/1/4 T. P. Scheme No. 1, Bhamburdfl, 
CTS. No. 1182/1|5 Shivajinagar, Punc-J 
situated at Pune 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the office of the Registering Officer 
at IAC., Acqn. Range, Pune on Jan. 1986 
for an apparent consideration which is less than tht fair 
market value of the aforesaid property, and I have reason 
to believe that the fair market value of the property as 
afoiusaid exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by 
more than fifteen psr cent of such apparent consideration 
said that the consideration for such transfer as agreed to 
between the parties has not been truly stated in the |aid 
instrument of trgmfe- with the object of 

(1) Shri Balkristma Laxman Gokhale, 

10 Indrayani, B, 15th Lane, Prabhat 
Road, Pune-4, 


(2) Shri Prakash Vasudeo Auti, 

Rahul Chambers, 2nd ijoor, Knrvc Road, 



Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 
may be made in writing to the undersigned :— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period of 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days ftom 
the service of notice on the respective pet son 
whichever period expires later; 

(b) by any other person interested in the said immov¬ 
able property, within 45 days from the date of the 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation :—The terms and expressions used herein os 

an daflnd la Chapter XXA of tin said 
Act, shall have the same meaning as given 
h that Chapter, 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the liability 
of the transferor to pay tax under the said Act, In 
respect of any income arising from the transfer; 

(b) facilitating the concealment of any income or say 
moneys or other assets which have not been or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 

the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1*22 
(11 of 1922), or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax 
Act. 1*57 (27 of 1*57); 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section m Of Section 269D of the said Act, to the following 

ttoninns namely * 



Final plot No, 556/1/4 T.P. Scheme No. 1, Bharoburda, 
CTS No. 1182/1/5 Shivajinagar, Pune-5. 

(Property as described in the agreement to sale registered 
in the office of the I.A.C., Acquisition Range, Pune, under 
document No, 6320/1985-86 in the month of Jnn.. 1986). 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Rangc-Poona. 

Date : 12-6-1986 
Seal ; 



[Part III— Sec. 1 

(1) Shri Madbusudhan Janardhan Abhyankar & 

Others. Lodge, R/o M. O. Road, Nasik. 


(2) M/s. Mayuresh Builders, Prop. Shrl M. B. Gangal, 
4207, Panchavati, Nasik. 



TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 




Poona, the 12th June 1986 

Ref. No, 1AC.ACQ/CA-5/37EE/67911985-86.—- 
Whereas, 1, ANIL KUMAR, 

being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 
as the ‘stid Act,), have reason to believe that the immovable 
property, having u fair market value exceeding Rs. 1,00,000, - 
and bearing No, 

Immovable property bearing Municipal House No. 430/25, 
C.S. No. 624-B at M. G. Road, Nasik situated at Nasik. 
(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the office of the Registering Officer 
at IAC., Acqn. Range, Pune on Jan. 1986 
for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
'market value of the aforesaid property and I have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property os aforesaid 
exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more than 
fiifteea per cent of such apparent consideration and that the 
consideration for such transfer as agreed to between t h 
parties has not been truly stated in the said instrument of 
transfer with the object of :— 

'aI facilitating the reduction of evasion of the liability 
of the transfer to pay tax under the said Act, In 
respect of any income arisnig from the transfer; 
and /or 

(b) facilitating the concetlment of any income or any 
moneys or other assets which have not been or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922) or the said Act, Or the Wealth-tax 
Act, 1957 (27 of 1957). 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, 1 hereby initiate proceedings for acquisition of the afore¬ 
said property by the issue of this notice under sub-section 
( 1 ) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the following per¬ 
sons. namely :— 

Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 
may be mode is writing to the undersigned ;— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period of 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 day* from 
the service of notice on the respective persona, 
whichever period expire* later; 

(b) 'by any other person interested in the said immov¬ 
able property, within. 45 days from the rate of the 
publications of this notice in the Official Oazette. 

Explanation :—The terms and expressions used herein as 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said Act, 
shell have the same meaning m given in 
that Chapter. 


Immovable property bearing Municipal House No. 430/25, 
C.S. No. 430/25, C.S. No. 624-B at M. G. Road, Nask. 

(Property as described in the agreement to sale registered 
in the office of the IAC-, Acquisition Range. Pune, under 
document No. 679/1985-86/Nasik in the month of January 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range-Poona. 

Date : 12-6-1986 

Paai 111—Si-;, lj 

rrfU QA^arra OF INDIA, S£j?£MB£R 6. 198o BHADRA 15 1908) 


FORM im 

INCOME-TAX ACT. 1961 (43 OF 1961) 




Poona, ibe 12lh June 1986 

Ref. No. JAC.AGQ/GA-5/37EE/6523| 1985-86.— 

Whereas, I, ANIL KUMAR, 

being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 

Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred 
to as the ‘said Act’), have reason to believe that the im¬ 
movable property, having a fair market valve exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing No. 

Property at Final Plot No. 58/2 Erandwanc, Pune 
situated at Pune 

(and more fully described In tho schedule annexed hereto), 
has been, transferred under the Registration Act 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the office of the Registering Officer at I.A.C., Acqn. 
Range, Pune on Jan 1986 

for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and I have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property as afore¬ 
said exceeds the apparent consideration therefor' by more 
than fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that 
the consideration for such transfer as agreed to between 
the parties has not been truly stated in the said instrument 
of transfer with object of— 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the liability 

of the transferor to pay tax under that said Act, 
in reepect of any income arising from the transfer; 

*ni /■* 

(t > facilitating tbc concealment of any income or any 

moneys or other assets wfakh have not beta or 
which ought to be diedoeed by the transferee for 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax 
Act 1957 (27 of 

Now, therefore, In pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the following 

persons, namely ;— 

(1) Shri R. V. Ghugale & Others. 

106/2 Erandwanc, Pune-4. 


(2) Sathe-Godse, 

1244 Sadashiv Peth, Pune. 


Objections, If any, to the acquisition of the said property 
may be made in writing to the undersigned :— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period of 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days 
from the service of notice on the respective persons, 
whichever period expiree later 

(b) by any other person interested in the stid immov¬ 
able property, within 45 days from the date of the 

publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation ;—The terms and expressions used herein as 

are defined In Chapter XXA of the said 
Act, shall have the same meaning as given 

in that Chaper. 


Plot No. 106/2 Erandwane, Pune. 

(Property as described in the agreement to sale registered 
in the office of the I AC., Acquisition Range, Pune, under 
document No. 6523/1985-86 in the months of lan. 1986, 

ANfi- M' 
Competent \uthority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner ■ of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range-I’oona, 

Date ; 12-6-1986 
Seal : 

22 £>36 CHE QAZei lli OF t^LUA, SEPTS \iBER 6, 1086 (BHADRA 15, 15>0 g) r# A *i ill—lie. 


INCOME-TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 




Rohtak, the 9th July 1986 

Ref. No. IAC/Acq/ENL/170|85-86_Whereas, I, 

B. L. KHATR1, 

being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 
at the ‘said Act’) have reason to believe that the immovable 
property, having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing No. 

land measuring 45 acres on. the right side of the road at 17 

KM stone on Karnal Assandh Road. 

situated at 17 KM Stone Karnal Assandh Road. 

(and more fully described In the schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the office of the Registering Officer 
at Karnal under Registration No. 3645 dated 17-12-1985 
for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and I have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property as afore¬ 
said exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more than 
fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that the 
consideration for such transfer a* agreed to between Mm 
parties has not been truly stated in the said instrument of 
traiisfer with the object of :— 

(a) facilitating the reduction er evasion of the liability 
of the transferor to pay tax txadar tha MM AM 1* 
respect of any income arising firm Ihe transfer; 

(b) facilitating the concealment of aay Incense or say 
moneys or other assets which have not been •* 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee tor 
the purpose* of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922), or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax 
Act, 1957 (27 of 1957); 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceeding* for the aoquisttoin of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub- 
rectioa (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the feHew- 
inn persons, namely :— 

(1) Sh. Arvind Pal Singh, Tejinder Pal Singh 
r/o H. No, 41, Ashok Colony, Karnal, 


(2) S/Shri Balbir Singh, Balwant Singh 
ss/o Sh. Bir Sihgh, 

r/o Bye Pass, G.T. Road, Karnal. 


Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 
may be made in writing to tha umlenigned:— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persona within a period of 
45 days from the date of publication of this no ties 
lartbe Official Gazette or a period of 30 days from 
the service at notice op the nwwlht pertetM. 

whichever period expires liter; 

(b) by any other person inteaeaced In the said immov¬ 
able property within 45 days from the data of tha 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation :—The terms and expressions used herein as 

are defined In Chapter XXA of tha Md Act. 
shall have the saiho mantling as ghrsn 
in that Chapsar. 


Property being land measuring 45 acres and as more men¬ 
tioned in the sale deed registered at Sr. No. 3645 dated 
17-12-1985 with the sub-Registrar Karnal, 

Competent Authority 

Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range, Rohtak 

Date : 9-7-1986. 
Seal : 

Part 111— Sec. 1] THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, SEPTEMBER 6, 1986 (BHADRA 15, 1908) 22637 

FORM TIN S ■ ... ■ 

TAX ACT, 1961 (4J OF IM1) 

(1) Sh. Sish Ram S/o Sabha Chand 
r/o Vill Choma. Distt Gurgaon. 


(2) M/s. Ansal Housing Finance and leasing Co. Pvt. 
Ltd. 115-Ansal Bhawan 16-KusUirba Gandhi Marg, 
New Delhi. 





Rohtak, the 9th July 1986 

Ref. No. IAC/Acq/GRG/141 ]85-86.--Whereas, I, 


being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 
as the ‘said Act') have reason to believe that the immovable 
property having a fair market value exceeding Rs. 1,00,0001- 
and bearing No. 

land measuring 17 kanal 2 marlas at Vill. Choma 
situated at Vill Choma, Gurgaon. 

(and mole fully described in the Scheduled annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act, 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the office of th; Registering Officer 
Bit Gurgaon under Registration 5353 dated 6-12-1985 
for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and I have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property as aforesaid 
exceeds the apparent consideration therefore by more than 
fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that the 
consideration for such transfer as agreed to between the 
patties has not been truly stated in the said instrument of 
transfer yvith the object of ;— 

Objections, If any, to the acquisition of the said property 
may be made in writing to the undersigned :— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period of 
43 days from the date of publication of this notice 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days from 
the service of notice on the respective persons 
whichever period expires later, 

(b) by any other person interested in the said Immov¬ 
able property within 45 days from the date of the 
publication of this novice in the Official Gazette. ■ 

Explanation : — The terms 'and expressions used herein as 
ate defined in Chapter XXA of the said 
Act, shall have the same meaning as giver 
in that Chapter. 

(a) facilitating the redocBo* m ovasiso mt the MaMUty 
of the transferor to pay tax under the said Act, k> 
respect of any income arising from the transfer) 

(b) facilitating the concealment of any income oi any 
moneys or other assets which have not been or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tag Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922), or this Act, or the Wealth-tax Act, 
1952 (27 of 1957). 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, 1 hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this uolicc under Sub- 
Section (1) of Section 2691) of the said Act, to the following 
persons, namely :— 


Property being land meausring 17 kanal 2 marlas and as 
more mentioned in the sale deed registered at S. No. 5353 
dated 6-12-85 with the sub-registrar, Gurgaon. 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range, Rohtak 

Date: 9-7-1986. 
Seal ; 

22633 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, SEPTEMBER 6 , 1986 (BHADRA 15, 1908) [Part III— Sbc. 1 



TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 




Rohtak, the 9th July 1986 

Ref. No. TAC/Acq/GRG/138|85-86.~ Whereas, I. 


being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 
as the ‘said Act’), have reason to believe that tJae immovable 
property, having a fair market value exceeding 

Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing No. 

land measuring 7 bigha 5 biswas (Pukhta) situated at 
Vill. Nathupur (Gurgaon) 

(nnd more fully described in the schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act, 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the office of the Registering Officer 
at Gurgaon under Registration No. 5361 dated 6-12-1985 
for an apparent consideration which fa leas than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and I have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property at afore- 
sirid exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more 
than fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that 
the consideration for such transfer as agreed to between the 
parties has not been truly stated in the laid instrument ml 
transfer with the object of :— 

(a) facilitating the i eduction or evasion of tee Eobiljtj 

of the transferor to pay tax under the said Act ia 

respect of any income arising from the transfer; 

(b) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 

m one vs or other asset* which have not been or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 

(11 of 1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax 
Act, 1957 (27 of 1937). 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, T hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Ssiotion 269D of the said Act. to tho follow¬ 
ing persons, namely;— 

(1) Shiba Rum, Bulbir sso Pimm 

r/o vill. Nathu Pur Distt. Gurgaon. 


(2) M/s". Appolo land & Housing Co, (P) Ltd. 

21 Narindra Place, Sansud Mary, New Delhi. 


Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 

may be made in writing to the undersigned :— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period of 
43 days from the date of publication of this notice 
hi the Official Garotte or a period of 30 dayi from 
the s er vi ce el aotiee on die respective persona. 

whichever period expire® late; 

(h) by any other person interested in the said immov¬ 
able property within 45 days from the date of the 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation ;—The tennis and expressions used herein as 
are defined in Chapter XXA of tho said 
Act, shall have tbs same meaning as given 
in that Chapter. 


Proprely being land measuring 7 Bigha 5 bisvva (Pukhta) 
and as mote mentioned in the rale deed registered at S. No. 
5361 dated 6-12-1985 with the Sub-Registrar, Gurgaon, 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range, Rohtuk 

Date : 9-7-1986. 

Part III— Sec. 1] THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, SEPTEMBER 16, 1986 (BRADRA 15, 1908) 22639 



INCOME-TAX ACT. 1961 (43 OF 1W1) 




Rohtak, the 10th July 1986 

Ref. No. I.A.C. 'Acq./GRG/29/85-86.—Whereas, I, 

B. L. KHATR1, 

being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Tncofne-tax Ac*’ '-96i v43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred 
la tut the ‘said Act”) have reason to believe that the immov¬ 
able property, having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing 
No. T.and measuring 26 Kanal 15 marlas 
situated at Vill. Sirholc, Gurgaon, 

(and more fully described in the schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration. Act, 1908 (16 of 
1908) in (he office of the Registering: Officer 
at Ciurgacm under Registration No. 5434 of Income-tax Rules, 
1962 dated 10-12-1985 

for an apparent consideration which is less than the fait 
market value of the aforesaid property and I have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the propti ty as afore¬ 
said exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more 
than fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and Mint 
the consideration for such transfer as agreed to between 
the parties has not been truly stated in the said Instmment 
of transfer with the object of:— 

(a) facilltat#)! the reduction or evasion ot the liability 

of the transferor to pay tax under me said Act. in 
resoect of any Income arising from tbs transfer; 


(b) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 
moneys or other assets which have not been or 
whlah ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax 
Act. 1957 (27 of 1957); . 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub 
section (I) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the following 

persons, namely ;— 

(1) Shri Khem Chand s/o Jaman Bhartu 

s/o Nihal r/o Sirholc Teh. & Dish, Gurgaon. 


(2) Ansal Properties & Industrial (P) Ltd. 115— Ansnl 
Rhfiwnn, I6-Kastnrba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi. 


Objections, If any, to the acquisition of the. said properr* 
May bo made in writing to the undersigned :— 

(a) bv any of the aforesaid persons within a period of 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 

in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days from 

the service of notice on the respective person*, 
whichever period expires later: 

(b) by any olher person interested in 'he said immov¬ 
able property, within 45 days from the date of the 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette 

Fxpi.anation : — The terms and expressions used herein as 
aic defined in Chapter XXA of the said Act, 
shall have the same meaning ts given in 
that Chapter 


Property being land measuring 26 kanal 15 Marlas and as 
more mentioned in the sale deed registered at S. No. 5434 
dated lfi-12-1985 with the sub-Registrnr, Gurgaon. 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range, Roh'nk 

Date: 10-7-1986 
Seal : 


[Part III— Sec. J 



TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 




Rohtak. the 7th July '1986 

Ref, No. I.A.C. / Acq,/GRO 033 85-86. --Whereas, I, 


being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 
ns the ‘said Act’), have reason to believe that the immovable 
property, having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing 
No.- land measuring 5 acres 

situated at Maruli complex, Industrial Area, Gurgaon, 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred and registered under the registiution Act, 
1908 (16 of 1908) in the oflice of the Registering Officer at 
Gurgaon under Registration No. 5650 da!ed 24-12-1985, 
for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and I have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property as aforesaid 
exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more than 
fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that ihe 
consideration for such transfer as agreed to between the 
parties has not been truly stated in the said instrument of 
transfer with the object of :— 

(a) facilitating the reduction of evasion of the liability 
of the transfer to pay tax under said Act, in 
respect of any income arising from the transfer; 

(b) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 
moneys or other assets which have not been or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922) or the said Act, or (he Wealth-tax 
Act, 1957 (27 of 1957); 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, T hereby initiate proceedings for acquisition of the afore¬ 
said property by the issue of this notice under sub-section 
;1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the following per¬ 
sons, namely :— 

(1) M/s Oriental Steel (P) Ltd., 

Jannk Puri Extension, New Delhi. 


(2) M, s Milk food Ltd., 5th floor, Uhanduri House, 
Nehru Place, New Delhi. 


Objections, if any. to the acquisition of the said property 
may be made is writing to the undersigned :— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period of 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days lrom 
the service of notice on the respective persons, 
whichever period expires later; 

(b) by any other person interested in the said immov¬ 
able property, within 45 days from the rate of the 
publications of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation :—The terms and expressions used herein as 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said Act, 
shall have the same meaning as given in 
that Chapter. 


Property being land measuring 5 Acres and us more men¬ 
tioned in ihe sale deed registered at Sr. No. 5650 dated 
24-12-1985 with the Sub-Registrar, /Gurgaon. 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Asstt. Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range, Rohtak 

Date : 7-7-1986 
Seal : 

THE GAZETTE OF INDl V SEPTEMBER 6 1986 (BHADRA 15, 1908) 22641 

Pari III— Sec. 1] 


INCOME-TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 




Rohtrik, the 9th July 1986 

Ref, No. I.A,C./Acq./GRG /96/85-8(L—Whereas, 1, 

B. L. KHATR1, 

beii)g the Competent Authority under Section 269AB of the 

Income—tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred 

to as the ‘said Act') have reason to believe that the 

Immovable property, having a fair market value exceeding 

Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing 

No. band measuring 77 Kanals 5 Mavla3 

situated at Village Bat Road Khas (Hissar), 

(and more full described .in the schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred and registered under the registration Act, 
1908 (16 of 1908) in the office of the Registering Officer 
under Registration No. 5483 dated 19-12T985, 
for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and l have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property us afore¬ 
said exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more 
than fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that 
the consideration for such transfer as agreed to between the 
parties has not been truly stated in the said instrument of 
transfer with the object of ; 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the liability 
of the transferor to pay tax under the said Act, in 
respect of any income arising from the transfer; 
ana /or 

(b) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 
moneyes or other assets which have not been or 
which ought to bo disclosed hy the transfeiee for 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922) or thhr i :-'d Act, or the Wealth-tax' 
Act. 1957 (27 of 1957]; 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
rforesaid property by the issue of (his notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the follow¬ 
ing rersons, namely :— 

21—226GI '86 

(1) S Shri Om Parkush, Jatvir Singh 
Ss/o Giani Ram and Giani Ram 
S/o Raman. Vdl. Sat Road Khas, 

Distt. Hissar. 


(2) M/s. Bhanu Iron & Steel Co. Ltd., 

10 K. M. Stone, Delhi Rof*d, Hissar, 


Objections, if any, to the acquision of the said property 
may be made in the writing to the undersigned 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons Within a period of 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days from 
the service of notice on the respective persons, 
whichever period expires ater; 

(b) by any other person interested in the said immov¬ 
able property, within 45 days from the date of the 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation The terms and expressions used herein at 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said Act 
shall have the same meaning as given in 
that Chapter. 


Property being land measuring 77 KanaJs 5 Marlas situated 
at vill. Sat Road Khas (iiiasai) and as more mentioned in 
(he sale deed registered at Sr, No. 5483 dated 19-12-1985,with 
the Sub Registrar, Hiss&r, 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range, Rohtuk 

Date : 9-7-1986 
Seal ; 

22642 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, SEPTEMBER 6, 1986 (BHADRA 15, 1908) [Part HI— Sec. 1 


TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 




Rohtak, the 16th July 1986 

Ref. No. I.A.C./Acq./PNP/95785-86.—Whereas, I, 


being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 

income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (herein after referred to 

ns the said Act’) have reason to believe that the immovable 

property, having a fair market value 

exceeding Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing 

No. land measuring 143 kannls 2 marlns 

situated at Vill, Saneli Khurd Teh. Panipal, 

(and more fully described in the Schedulo annexed hereto), 
has been transferred as per deed registered under the Indian 
Registration Act. 1908 (16 of 1908) in the office of the 
Registering Officer at 

Panipat under Registration No. 4385 dated 13-12-1985, 
for an apparent consideration which is less than the 
fair market value of the aforesaid property and I have rea¬ 
son to believe that the fair market value of the property 
as aforesaid exceeds the apparent consideration therefore bv 
more than fifteen per. cent of such apparent consideration 
and that the consideration for such transfer as agreed to 
between the parties has not been truly stated in the said 
instrument of Transfer with the object of : — 

ta) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the liability 
ot the transferor to pay tax upder the said Act, ta 
. respect of any income arising from the transfer; 

(b) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 
moneys Or other assets which have not been nr 
which ought to be disclosed by the transfere for 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
IN of 1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax 
Act. 1957 (27 of 1957); 

Now. therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the sam 
Act ! hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub-sec¬ 
tion I) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the following 
persons, namely : — 

(1) S/Shri Gurdeep Singh 
Darshan Singh 

Kala Singh ss/o 

Shri Lachhman Singh 1 

r/o Vill, Sanoli Kburd Teh, Panipat. 


(2) S/Shri Lai C.hund s/o Shri Dhararn Singh 
Shri Ram Mchar s/o Shri Dhararn Singh 
Shamsher Singh s/o Shri Dhararn Singh 
Parvipder Singh s/o Shri Prcm Singh 
Shri Baljit Singh s/o Prem Singh. 

Balwant Singh s/o Shri Dhararn Singh. 

all r/o vill-. Siwah Teh. Panipat. 


Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 
may be made ta writing to the unJenlnned ;— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid, persons within a period of 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days 
from the service of notice on the respective person*, 
whichever period expires later: 

(b) by any other person interesed in the said immov¬ 
able property, within 45 day* from the date of the 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation The terms and expressions used herein m 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said 
Act, shall have the same meaning as given 
ta that Chapter. 


Property being land measuring 143 Kanals 1 marlas situated 
at village Sanoli Khurd Teh. Panipat and as more mentioned 
in the sale deed registered at Sr. No. 4385 dated 13-12-1985 
with the Sub Registrar, Panipat. 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range. Rohtak 

Date: 16-7-1986 
Seal : 

Past III — Sec. 1] 

The Gazette of India, September 6 , 1986 (bh&dra i 5, i9os> 22645 

FORM ITNS - (1) Iqbal Singh 

Jagpal Singh,ss/o Shi 1 Gurbakhsh Singh, 

Smt. Jogindcr Knur d/o. Sh. Gurbakhsh Singh, 

Badul Singh s/o Shri Kehar Singh, 

Bhupindcr Singh ss/o Shri Chanan Singh 
r/u Biloehpura Tch. Pehowa. 


(2) Shri Mohindci Singh s/o Shri Jet;wan Singh 
Shri Bachan Singh s/o Shri Durdial Singh 
Shri Karam Chand. 

Shri Bhagrpal. 

Shri Saruo Singh. 

ss/o Shri Jati Ram 

r/o Ratgal Teh. Thwnesar, 



TAX ACT. 1M1 (41 OF 1H1) 




Rohtak, the 16th July 1986 

Ref. No. I.A.C./Acq./PHW/l/85-86.—Whereas, I, 


being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred 
to as the 'said Act’), have reason to believe that the immov¬ 
able property, having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing 
No. Land 242 kanuls 9 marlas 
situated at vill. Dhaniram Pura Teh. Pahewa, 

(and more fully described in the schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act,. 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the office of the Registering Officer 
Pehowa under Registration No. 1303 dated 2-12-1985, 
for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value df the aforesaid property and 1 have reason to 
believe that the fait market value of the property as afors- 
»aid exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more 
than fifteen per cent of Such apparent consideration and that 
the consideration for such transfer as agreed to between the 
parties has not been truly stated in the said instalment of 
transfer with the obejet of :— 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the liability 

of the traasfsror to pay tax Bader the wuA AM. ■ 
respect ef say laoetne arWae (ran Ike tr frisn 

(b) facilitating the concealment of any income er any 
moneys or other assets which have act been o* 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922), or the said Act, or the Weeitb-tai 
Act. 1957 ( 27 of 1937); 

Now, therefore, hi pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, I hereby Initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act. to the following 
persons, namely :— 

Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said proper! > 

may be made in writing to the oadenigaed :— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons witbla a period a 
45 days from the date of publication of this noth* 
la the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days from 

the service of notice on the respective persons, 
whichever period expires later; 

(b) by any other person interested In the said immov¬ 
able property within 45 days from the date of the 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation :—The terms and expressions used herein a r 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said 
Act, shall have the same meaning as gives* 
in that Chapter. 


Property being land measuring 242 kanals 9 marlas situated 
at vill, Dhaniram Pura Teh, Pehowa and as more mentioned 
in the sale deed registered-at Sr. No. 1303 dated 2-12-1985 
with the Sub Registrar, Pehowa. 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range, Rohtak 

Date : 16-7-1986 
Seal ; 

22644 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, SEPTEMBER, j, 1986 (BllADRA l5, 1908) [Pari 111— Sec. 1 


INCOME-TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 




Rohtak, the 16th July 1986 

Ref. No. I,A.C./BRR/30/85-86—Whereas, I, 


being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 

Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 

as the ‘said Act’), have reason to believe that the Imm ovable 

property having a fair market value exceeding 

Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing 

No. land ineasuring 149 kanals 

situated at vill. Jalubi Teh. Barara, 

(and more fully described in the schedule annexed hereto) 
has been transferred under the Registration Act, 1908 (16 
of 1908) in the office of tho Registering Officer at 
Barara under Registration No. 1424 dated 23-12-1985, 

for an apparent consideration which ii leaa than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and I have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property as aforesaid 
exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more than 
fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that the 
consideration for such transfer ns agreed to between the 
parties has not been truly stated in the raid instrument of 
transfer with the object of:— 

(1) S/Shri Man Mohan, 

Surinder Mohan ss/o Shri Ram Lai. 

Indcr Sain. 

Pirthi Chand ss/o Shii Dew an Chand 

s/o Shri Karajp Chand. 

r/o Jalubi Teh) Barara Distt. Ambala, 


(2) S^Shri Diibag Rai s/o Ltila Bhim Sain. 

Ved Parkash. 

Subhash Chander ss-d Shri Mangul Sain. 

Lala Chanan Shah s/o Lain Kirpa Ram. 

Manohtar Lai s /o Lala Chanan Shah. 

all r/o Shahabad Markand Teh. Thnncsar Distt. 



Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 

Mty be made in writing to the undersigned :— 

(a) by any of the Aforesaid persona within a period 
of 45 days from the date of publication of this 
notice in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days 
from the service of notice on the respective persons, 
whichever period expiree later; 

(b) by any other person interested In the said Immov. 
able property, within 45 days from the date if the 
publication of this notice In the Official Gazette. 

Explanation.: —The terms and expressions used herein as 
are defined In Chapter XXA of the said 
Act. shall have the same meaning as given 
ip that Chapter. 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the liability 

of the transferor to pay tax aadef the raid Act, h) 
respect of any Ineome arising from the tnratfnn 

(e) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 
money* dr other ■ rests which have not been or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee far 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922) or the said Act, or the Wsalth-taj 
Act, 1957 (27 of 1957): 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the raid 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings tor the acquisition of the 
aforesaid prone rty by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the following. 
persons, namely :— 


Property being laud measuring 149 kanals situated at vil¬ 
lage lalubi Teh. Burara apd as more mentioned in the sale 
deed registered at Sr. No: 1424 dated 23-12-1985 with the 
Sub Registrar, Barara. 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range, Rohtak 

pate: 16-7-1986 
Seal : 

Part 111— Sec. 1] 



j__ ■- - * • • * ■ 



TAX ACT, 1941 (43 OP 1941) 





‘ I 

Robtak. the 30th June 1986 

Ref. No. I A.C./Acq./HSR'93/85-86.—Whereas, I, 

B. L. KHATR1. 

being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 
as the ‘said Act’), have reason to believe that the immovable 
property, having a fair market value 
No. land measuring 37 kanuls 12 marlas 
situated at vill. Hulun (Hissar), ■ 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act, 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the office of the Registering Officer at 
Hissar under Registration No. 5213 dated 9-12-19S5, 
for an apparent consideration which is lees than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property, and 1 have reason 
to believe that the fair market value of the pronerty as 
aforesaid .exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by 
more than fifteen per cent of Rich apparent consideration 
and that the consideration for such transfer aa agreed to 
between the parties has not been truly stated in the said 
instrument of transfer with the object of :— 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the liability 
of the transferor to pay tax under the said Act, in 
respect of any income arising from the transfer' 
and I Or 

(b) facilitating the concealment of any income or ajiy 
moneys or other assets which have not been or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
».U of 1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax 
Act, 1*57 (17 of 1957); 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid propel ty by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the follow¬ 
ing persons, namely : — 

(1) Shri Ram Kumar s /o Shri Net Ram self. 

and Attorney of S/Shri Harchand, Lai Chand, 

Vir Singh, Kama Nand, Rajinder Singh & 

Sher Singh ss/o Shri Net Ram vill. Dehra, 

Teh. Hissar. 


(2) The Hissar Modem House Building 
Society, Hissai through its President 
Shri Knnshi Ram Guliani H, No. 60 
M.C. Colony, H(ssar. 


Objections, it any, to the acquisition of the aald property 

may be road* in writing to tiro uaderaignMl:— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persona within a period ol 
45 dayi from the date of publication of this node* 
to the Official Gazette or a period of 30 day* 

from the service of noitce on the respective persons 

whichever period expire* later; 

(h) by any other person interested in the said immov¬ 
able property, within 45 day* from the date -of the 
publication of thi* notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation The terms and expressions used herein ns 

able property, within 45 days from the date 
of the Act, shall have the same meaning 
Us given in that Chapter. 


Property being land measuring 37 kanals ]2 marlas situated 
at vill. Dabra (Hisrur) and as more mentioned in the sale 
deed registered at Sr. No. 5213 dated 9-12-1985 with th« 
Sub Registrar, Hissar. 

. Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range, Rohtak 

Date : 30-6-1986 
Seal : 


THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, SEPTEMBER 6 , 1986 (BHAD1U 15, 1908) [Fart UI-Sec, 1 


TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 




Rohtak, the 14th July 1986 

Ref. No. l.A.C./Acq./RWR/29/83-86.—'Whereas I, 


being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 

Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 

as the ‘said Act’), have reason to believe that the immovable 

property, having a fair market value 

exceeding Rs. 1,00,000/- and hearing 

No, land 94 kanala 18 marlas 

situated at vill. Malpura, 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred as per deed registered under the Indian 
Registration Act, 1908 (16 of 1908) in the office of the 
Registering Officer at 

Rewuri under Registration No, 2669 dated 11-12-1985, 
for an apparent consideration which is less than the fail- 
market value of the aforesaid property and T have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property as aforesaid 
exceeds the apparent, consideration therefor by more than 
fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that the 
consideration for such transfer as agreed to between the 
parties has not been truly stated in the said instrument of 
transfer with the object of :— 

(1) Shri Lai Singh s/o Shri Ram Sarup 
r/o Malpura Teh. Rewari. 


(2) Shri Roshan Lai s/o Madho Ram 

s/o Shri Ghurshyam r/o vill, Silokhra 
Teh. GurgaoD. 


Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 
may be made in writing to the undersigned :— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period of 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days from 
the service of notice on the respective persons, 
whichever period expires later; 

(b) by any other person interested in the said Immov¬ 
able property,. within 45 days from the date of the 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation The terms and expressions used herein as 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said 
Act, shall have the same meaning as given 
in that Chapter. 

(a) facilitating the reduction of evasion of tht liability 
of the transferor to pay tax under the said Act, in 
respect of any income arising from the transfer; 

(b) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 
moneys or other assets which have not been or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax 
Act, 1957 (27 of 1957); 

Now, therefore, in pursuance Of Section 269C of the said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Seiction 269D of the said Act, to the following 
persons, namely :— 


Property being land measuring 94 kanals 18 marlas situated 
at vill. Malpura Teh. Rewari and as more mentioned in the 
sale deed registered at Sr. No. 2669 dated 11-12-1985 with 
the Sub Registrar, Rewari. 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commisioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range, Rohtak 

Date : 14-7-1986 
Seal : 

Part III— Sec.. 11 THB GAZETTE OF INDIA, SEPTEMBER 6, 1986 (BHADRA 15, 1908) 22647 

~ ITNS— 


TAX ACT. INI (41 OP 1*1) 




Rohtak, the 9th July 1986 

Ref, No. I.A.C./Aco./GRG/136/85-86,—Whereas, I. 


being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 
as the ‘said Act’), have reason to believe that the Immovable 
property having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing No. . 

No. land measuring 42 Kanals 4 Marlas 
situated, at village Kanhai (Gurgaon), 

(and. more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act, 1908 (16 
of 1908), in the Office of the Registering Office at 
Gurgaon under Registration No. 5400 dated 9-1-2-1985, 
for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and I have reason 
to believe that the fair market value of the property as 
aforesaid exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by 
more than fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration 
and that the consideration for such transfer as agreed to 
between the parties has not been truly stated In the said 
instrument of transfer with the object of :— 

(1) Shri Gifwar Singh S/o 
Puran, Village Kanhai. 


(2) M/s Green Park Builders and 
Promoters (P) Ltd. 115, Ansal Bhawan, 

16 Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi. 


Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 

nay be nmd* la writing to the mdanitfaed 

(a) bv any of the aforesaid persons within a period 
of 45 days from the date of publication of thla 
notice in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 day* 
from the service of notice on the respective persona, 
whichever period expires later; 

(b) by any ether person interested in the said immovable 
property, within 45 days from the date of the publi¬ 
cation of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation :—The terms and expressions used herein as 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the seal 
Act, shall have the same meaning as given 
in that Chapter. 

(a) facfiitstln* the redaction or evasion of the I lability 
of the transferor to pay lax under the said Act, La 
respect of any income arising from the transfer; 


(b) facilitating the cOncealcent of any income or any 
moneys or other assets which have not been or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of, the Indian Income-tax Act 1922 
(11 of 1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax 
Act. 1957 (27 of 1957); 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
^ct, 1 hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the following 

persons, namely :— 


Propert being land measuring 42 Kanals 4 Marlas situated 
i»t village Kanha) (Gurgaon) and as more mentioned in the 
sale deed registered at Sr, No. 5400 dated 9-12-1985 with the 
Sub Registrar. Gurgaon. 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Ranee, Rohtak 

Date : 9-7-1986 

22648 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, SEPTEMBER. 6, 19S6 (BHADHA 15. 1W8) IPtRi 111— Sec. I 


TAX ACT. 1H1 141 OF 1W1) 


■ tit Slid Khoni Charid s/o Sh. Jaman 
Shri Bhurtu s/o Shri Nihal 
; ,'c viII. Sarhol Tch. Gurgaon. 


(2) M/s Ans.11 Properties and Inds. (P) Ltd. 

115 Ansal Bhawan, 16 Knsturba Gandhi, 

Mat s. New Delhi. 



Obtocttoo*, it my, to the acquisition of the Mid property 
tey be mode u> w il ting to the tmdenfgeed :— 


Rohtak, the 9th July 1986 

Ref. No. T.A.C. Acq./GRG/128/85-86.—Whereas, L 
B. L. KHATR1, ■ ‘ 

being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 
an the ‘said Act’) have reason to believe that the immovable 
property, having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing No. 

No. land measuring 33 kanals 9 marlas, 
situated at Sarhol Teh., Gurgaon, 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the. Registration. Act, 1908 
(16 of 1908) in the office of the registering officer at 
Gurgaon under Registn.ition No. 5435 deed 1012-1985, 
for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and I have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property aa afore¬ 
said exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more than 
fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that 
the consideration for such transfer as agreed to between ths 
parties has not been truly stated in the said instrument of 
transfer With object of :— 

(a) by any aforesaid persons witbia a period of 45 
days from the date of publications of this notict 
in the Official Gazette or a period of days from 
the service of notice on the respective persons 
whichever period expires later; 

(b) by any other person interested In the laid Immov¬ 
able property, within 45 days from the date of tht 

publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation :—The terms and expressions used herein as 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said Act, 
shall have the same meaning as given in 
that Chapter. 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion ef the liability 

at tha tramtawr to pay tax wider tW mdd AM, hi 
at oay Iiksmm arMog trefen the tranefer; 



<b) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 
moneys or other assets which have not been at 
which ought to be diadoeed by the transferee for 
the purposes of the todkm Income-tax Act 1932 

(11 of 1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax, 
Act. 1957 (27 of 1957); 

Property being land, measuring 33 ktmals 9 marlas situated 
at village Sarhol Tch, Guryaon and ns more mentioned in the 
sale deed registered at Sr. No. 5435 dated 10-12-1985 w/ih the 
Sub Registrar, Gurgaon. 

Competent Authority 

Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
■ Acquisition Range, Rohtak 

Now, therefore, to tmmi— of Section 269 r of the vdd 
Act, T hereby initiate proceeding* tor the xcqtnaitiou of the 
gferamid pro p ert y by (hr torn* of Urn node* wider wfe-wn 

tion (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the following Date : 9-7-1986 
or.aona, namely Seal : 



INCOME-TAX ACT. lf*J (41 OP 1941) 

SEPTEMBER 6, 1986 (BHADRA 15, 1908) 22649 

(I) S/Shii Lckh Ram. Mahavir, Tirlok 
Ss, 6 Chand,in Singh, Smt. Shanti 
Wd/o Chandnn Singh, Smt. Krishna, 

Smt. Bala D /o Chandan Singh, 

Rattan, Smt. Baldei D/o Ram Chand, 

Village Nnthupur, Piatt. Gurgaon. 



(2) M/s Vcc Dee Investment and Agencies,, 21-22, Narindra Place, Parliament 
Street. New Delhi. 





Rohtak, the 9th Inly 1986 

Ref, No. I.A.C./Acq. GRG/137 - 85-86.—Whereas, T, 

B. L. KHATR1. 

being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 

Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 

as the ’said Act’), have reason to believe that the immovable 

property, having a fair market value exceeding 

Rs. 1,00,01)0/- and bearing 

No. land measuring 5 Biqhns 1.7 Titovas 

situated at village N.ilhupur, 

(and more fully described in the schedule annexed hereto), 
has beep transferred as per deed registered under 

the Indian Rcgisfiaticu Act. 19(18 (16 of 1908) 

in the office of the ReyKLe’-hig Officer at 
Gurcaon under Rer.isliation No. 5363 dattJ 0-12-1985, 

(er an apparent rou rid--ration -■■hiftti is. Iiei Oh to the fail’ 
market value of the utosear..4 propertv aud 1 hare reams to 
believe that the fair market value of the property as aforesaid 
exceeds the apparent consideration t frrrviar by more than 
fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and lhat the 
consideration for such transfer ns airiaed to betWMB Ik* 
perties has "ot been tru*y stBtrd ty> »T* *a.vd hwtrom*** of 
transfer with the object of:— 

OMaotkmi, if aay, to tha acquisition of tha raid p ray arty 

may be made in writing to the undersigned :— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period of 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 
is the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days frost 
the service of notice on the respective persons, 
* nickever period expires later: 

(b) by any other person interested in the said immov¬ 
able property, within 45 days from the date of the 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation :—The terms and expressions used herein as 
are defined in Chapter XXA of tha said Art. 
shall have the uim meaning as given ip that 


(al fc. fdhoin* m* rrdweWaa or rim/ta* ui Uw KabtUty 
os £JB» transferor to ray tax nudes 1 <)*> raid Art, fz 



ct of anv income arlsinp from the transfer; 


(b) facilitating the coaooalment e i any income or an; 
money* or other assets which have out been or 
which ought to ba disclosed by the transferee tor 
the purposes of the Indian Inronvrtai Art, 1422 
fll of 1922) Or tha said Act. >r iha Waalfh-taT 
Art. 1957 (27 of 19,57)1 

Property being lund 5 Bighus 17 Bisv.vw situated 

at vill. Nulhunur (Gurgaon) and as more mentioned in the 
sale deed registered at Sr, No. 5363 dated 6-12-1985 with the 
Sub Registrar, Gurgeon. 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range, Rohtak 

Now, tiasretora, in panuaoe* of Section 2-49C of tha 

Act, I lutreby initiate proceedings for the .acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (l) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the following 
persons, namely ;— p,. ( , , 9 . 7.1986 

22—22601/86 SeL ; 


THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, SEPTEMBER 6, 1»«6 (BHAPRA 15, 1908) [Part <H— Sec . 1 

FORM ITNS - (1) Shri Om Parkash S/o Bhim Singh, 

Kara Ram etc. R/o Jharsa, Tch. Gurgaon. 


■ INCOME-TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 




Rohtak, the 9th July 1986 

Ref. No. I.A.C./Acq./GRG/153/85-86,—Whereas I, 


being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred 
to as the ‘Said Act’) have reason to believe that the immov¬ 
able property, having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1.00,000/- and bearing 
No. land measuring 82 kanals 8 rrsidas 
situated at village Silokhera,, 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act, 1908 (16 
Of 1908) in the office of the Registering Officer at 
Gurcaon under Registration No. 5281 dated 3-12-1985. 
for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property, and I have reason 
to believe that the fair market value of the property *• 
aforesaid exceeds the apparent consideration themfOr by 
more them fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration 
and that the consideration for such transfer as agreed to bet¬ 
ween the parties has not been truly stated in the said ins'.i j- 
ment of transfer with the object of :— 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the liability 
of the transferor to pay tax under ihc said Act, In 
respect of any income arising from the transfer; 

(b) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 
moneys Or other assets which have not been oi 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax 
Act, 1957 (27 of 1957); 

Nov therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the snid 
Act, 1 hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section O i of Section 269D of the said Act, to the following 
persons mutely. :— 

(2) Ruhi Construction CO. (P) Ltd. 

6 Community Centre, Saket, New Delhi. 


Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 
may be made in writing, to the undersigned :— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period 
of 43 days from the date-of publication of this 
notice in the Official Gaaette or a period of 30 days 
from the service of notice on the respective persons 
whichever period expires later; 

(b) by any other person interested in the said immov¬ 
able property, within 45 days from the date of tie 
—iblicatioo of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation :—The terms and expressions used herein as 
are defined in Chapter X'XA of the said 
Act, shall have the same meaning as given 
in that Chapter. " 


. Property being lqnd measuring 82 Kanals 8 Marlas situated 
at village Silokhera (Gurgaon) and as more mentioned in tho 
sale deed registered at Sr. No. 5281 dated 3-12-1985 with the 
Sub Registrar, Gurgaon, 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range, Rohtal? 

Date : 9-7-1986 
Seal : 



Part III— Sec. 

1 ] 


TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 





Rohtak, the 30th, June 1986 

Ref. No. I.A.C./Aeq/GRG/142/85-86.—Whereas, I, 

B. L. KHATR1, 

being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 
as the ‘said Act’), have reason to believe that'the immovable 
property, having a fair market value 
exceeding Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing No. 

Land measuring 27 kanals 5 marlas situated at Vill. Kanhai 
(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
bus been transferred under the Registration Act 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the Office of the 
Registering Officer at 

Gurgaon imdci Registration No. 5339 dated 6-12-1985 
for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and J have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property as aforesaid 
exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more thau 
fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that the 
consideration- for such transfer as agreed to between the 
parties has not been truly stated in the paid instrument of 
transfer Vvith the object of :— 

(a) facilitating the reduction of evasion of flat liability 
of the transferor to pay tax under the said Act, in 
respect of any Income arising from the transfer; 

(b) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 
moneys or other assets which have not been or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of 'he Indian Income-tax Act. 1922 
(It of 1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax 
Act, 1957 (27 of 1957); 

Now, therefore, In pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue o fthis notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the following 
persons, namely :— 

(1) Shri. Mohan Lai 

S/o Shri Pjjool Singh 
R/o Kanhai, 

Teh, Gurgaon. 


(2) M/$- Delhi Towers & Estate (P) Ltd, 

115, Ansal Bhavan, 

16, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, 

New Delhi. 


Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 
may be made in writing to the undersigned :— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within n period of 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days from 
the service of notice on the respective pel sons 
whichever period expires later. 

(b) by any other person interested in (he said immov¬ 
able property, within 45 days from the date of the 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation : — The terms and expressions used herein as 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said 
Act, shall have the same meaning as given 
In that Chapter. 


Property being land measuring 27 kanals 5 marlas situa¬ 
ted at village Kanhai Teb. Gurgaon and as-more mentioned 
in the sale deed registered at Sr. No. 5339 dated 6-12-85 
with the Sub Registrar, Gurgaon. 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 

Acquisition Range 

Date : 30*6-1986 
Seal : 



INCOME-TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 19611 





Rohtak. the 14th July 1986 

Ref. No. l.A,C./Acq./GRG/414/85-86.—-Whereas, T, 


being the Competent Authority under Section 269B o l the 
Income-tax Act, 196] (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 
ns the ‘#aid Act') have reason to believe that the immov¬ 
able property, having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing No. 

Land measuring 79 kanals 11 marlas situated at vill Silo- 
khra, Teh, Gurgaon 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act. 19(18 ( 16 of 
1908) in the office of the Registering Olliecr With the Com¬ 
petent Authority u/s 262 AB of the said Act read with mle 
48DD (4) at Uurgaon under Registration No. 6815 dated 

for an apparent consideration which is less than the 
fair market value of the aforesaid property, and 

1 have reason to believe that the fair market value 
of the property as aforesaid exceeds the apparent considera¬ 
tion therefor bv more than fifteen per cent of such apparent 
consideration and that the consideration for inch transfer as 
agreed to between the parties has not been truly stated in the 
«ud hwtnimeoi of transfer with the object st :— 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the liability 
or the transferor to pay tax under the said Act, In 
respect o£ any income arising from the tm'wfer; 

(b) facilitating me concernment oi any income or any 
moneys or other assets which have not been or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee foi 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922) or the said Act. or the Wealth-tax 
ACt, 1957 (27 of T957); 

Now, therefore. In pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Aot, I hereby initiate proceed in p for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub-sec- 
tke (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the foUowhu 
persons, namely 

. 1986 iBHADRA 1;., 1908) [Part 111— Sec. 1 

(1) Sbri Mooi Chand 
S/o Shri Elder 
R/o Vill. Silokhra, 

Teh. Gurgaon. 

(Transfer on 

(2) M/S. C. Lvall & Co. (Construction) 

Private Limited. 

16, Kusturba Gandhi Maig, 

New Delhi. 

(Transfei cc 

Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 
may be made in writing to this undersigned — 

IP) by any of uit aforesaid persons within a period of 
45 days from the dire of publication of this nolle* 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 50 days non 

the service ot notice op the respective persons, 
whichever period expires later; 

lb) by any otbe: pci son interested in the said immov¬ 
able propviC, nihiij. 45 days .row it? dare oi 'he 
• mibiivau./ri ■. ■ tR notice in the Official Gazette. 

EApi.anauon :—The terms and expressions used herein as 
arc defined in Chapter XXA of the said 
Act, shall have the same meaning as given 
m that Chapter, 


PropciU hying land measuring 79 kanals 11 marlas situa¬ 
ted at vilingp Silokhra, Tch. Gurgaon and as more mentioned 
in the saic deed registered at Sr. No. 6815 dated 21-2-1986 
with the Sub Registrar. Gmgaon. 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assisi ant Commissioner of Incomo-tax, 

Acquisition Range 

Date : 14-7-1986 
Seal : 

Part III ~Alc. 1 J THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, SEPTEMBER 6, 1986 (BHADRA 15, 22653 


INCOME-TAX ACT 19*1 (43 OF 1*1) 




Rohtak, the 9th July 1986 

Ref. No. I,A.C./Acq/K.NL/186/85-86.—Whert'as, I, 

B. L. &HATRI, 

being tlie Competent Authority under Section 269B of he 
Income-tax Act, i%J (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 
ill the ‘said Act'), have leason to believe that the immov¬ 
able property, having a lair market value exceeding 
Ks. 1.00,(300/- and Bearing No. 

Land measuring 126 kuuais d.uatcd at Vill. Jundala, Teh. 

(and more tally-described ill the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transit ned under the Rr•'■stratum Act, 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the ullice of the Registering Officer Math the Com¬ 
petent Authority u/s 262 AB of the said Act leal with rule 
48DD (4) 

at Kama! under Registration No. 3990 dated 3-1-1986 
for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and J have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property as afore¬ 
said exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more than 
fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that the 
consideration for such transfer as agreed to between the 
parties has not been truly stated in the said instrument 
of tamsfer with the object of :— 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the liability 
of the transferor to pay tax under the said Act, in 
respect of any income arising from the transfer; 
and /or 

(b) lucilitating the concealment of any income or any 
moneys or other assets which have not been or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax 
Act, 1957 (27 of 1957); 

Now, therefore, in "urst)ol Section 269C of the said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue Of this notice under gub- 
sectiun (I ) of Section 269D of the said Act, td the follstitag 
persons, namely :— 

(1) Sh. Sumer Chand 
S/o Sh, Puran Chand 
Sh. Satbir Singh 

Sh. lai Pal Singh 
Ss/o Sh. Sumer Chand 
Sh,-Krishna J 4iI 
S/o Sh. Pit rati C hand 
R /q_ Kailandcr Gate, 



(2) Sh. Chanda Singh 
Sh. JBahu Rain 
S‘./o Sh. Scwa Ram 
R/o Railander Gate 


Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 
may be made in writing to the undersigned — 

(a) by asy of (he aforesaid persona within a period of 

45 days from the date of publication of this notice 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days Iron 
the service of notice on the respective persons, 
wliichever period expires later; 

(b) by any other person interested in the said immov¬ 
able property, within 45 days from the date of the 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation. —The terms ard expressions used herein aa 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said 
Act shall have the mmt meaning as ttivsn 
hi that CbipC '. 


Propel ly being land measuring 126 kanals situated at 
iunduin, Teh. Karnal qjtd as more mentioned in the sale 
deed registered at Sr. No. 3990 dated 3-1-1986 with the sub 
Ki gistrar, Karnal, 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 

Acquisition Range 

Date : 9-7-1986 
Seal : 

22654 THB GAZETTE OF INDIA, SEPTEMBER 6, 1986 (BHADRA 15, 1908) [Part Ill— Sec. 1 

FPRM ITNS- 11J M/s. Auto Pin (India) Pvt. Ltd. 

1 // 1 . community Centre. 

New Friends Colony, 

New Delhi. 

(2) M/s. Sirrocco Pressing (P) Ltd. 
17/1, Community Centre, 

New Friends Colony, 

New Delhi. 



TAX ACT, 19<1 (43 OF 1941) 




Rohtak, the 10th July 1986 

Ref. NO. I,A.C./Acq./DU/17/17/85-86.—Whereas, I, 


being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of (he 
. ncomc-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred 

to as the ‘said Act’), have reason to believe that the 
immovable property having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing No. 

Building and factory area 31,666-2/3 sq. yds. situated at 
Mathura Road, Faridnbad 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transicried under the Registration Act, 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the office of the Registering Ofllcer With the Com¬ 
petent Authority u/s 262 AB of the said Act read with lule 
48DD (4) | 

Delhi under Registration 183 dated 10-2-1986 
for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property afld I have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property as afore¬ 
said exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more 
than fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that 
the consideration for such transfer as agreed to between the 
parties has not been truly stated in the said instrument of 
transfer with the object of :— 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evaalpn of the liability 
of the transferor to pay tax under the said Act, in 
respect of any Income arising from the transfer; 

(b) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 
moneys or other assets which have not been or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purpose* of the Indian Income-tax Act. 1922 
(11 of 1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax 
Act, 1957 (27 of 1957); 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, 1 hereby imtiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the follow¬ 
ing persons, namely ;— 

Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 
may be made in, writing to the undersigned :— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period of 

45 days from tba data of pobUcntion of this notten 
in tha Official Gantata or a pasted <rf 30 day* (ram 

the service of notice on the respective persona, 
whichever pariad *xpir** latar; 

(h) by any other person interested in the said immov¬ 
able property, within 45 days from the date of the 

rteUcotte a a t tefc node* in tee OOciai Gazette. 

Explanation :—The terms and expressions used herein as 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said 
Act, shall have the same meaning as given 
In that Chapter 


Property being building & factory area 31,666-2/3 sq, yd. 
situated at Mathura Road, FaFidabad and as more mention¬ 
ed in the sale deed registered at Sr. No, 183 dated 10-2-86 
with the Sqb Registrar, Delhi. 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 

Acquisition Range 

Date ; 10-7-1986 

Seal : 

Ref. No. LA C./Acq./GRG/410/85-86.—Whereas, I, 

B. L. KHATRl, 

being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 
as the ‘said Act'), have reason to believe that the immovable 
property having a fair market value exceeding 
Land measuring 32 kanals situated at Vill. Silokhru 
land more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been Iransferred under the Registration Act, 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the office of the Registering Officer With the Com¬ 
petent Authority u/s 262 AB of the said Act read with rule 
48DD (4) 

Officer at 

Gurgaon under Registration No. 6753 dated 17-2-1986 
for an apparent consideration which Is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and I have reason to 
bolieve that the fair market value of the property as afore¬ 
said exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more than 
fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that the 
consideration for such transfer as agreed to between the 
parties has not been truly stated in the said instrument of 
transfer with the object of 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period of 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days from 
the service of notice on the. respective persons; 

whichever period expires later; 

(b) by any other person interested in the said immov¬ 
able property, within a5 dayi from the date of the 
publication of this notice in the Offlcinl Gazette, 

Explanation ;—The terms and expression* used herein as 
are defined in Chapter XXA.of the said Act, 
shall have the same meaning as given in 
that Chapter. 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion at the liability 
of the transferor to pay tax under the said Aot, la 
respect of any income arising from the transfer; 


Property being land measuring 32 kanals situated at vil¬ 
lage Siloklira Teh. Gurgaou and as more mentioned in the 
.... sale deed registered, at Sr. No, 6753 dated 17-2-86 with 

fb) fuel ,t it mg the concralmmt of any income or an> the Sub" Registrar. Gurgaon. 
moiM /.i o> 0 '!i,t assets uhich have not been ot 
which ought tu be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax 
Act, 1957 (47 of .1957); 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 

Acquisition Rupee 

Now, therefore, in pursuance erf Section 269C of the said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
"foresaid property by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the following 
prisons, namely : — 

Date : 30-6-1986 

22656 THE OAZEtTE OF fNDIA, SEPTEMBER. 6, 1986 (BHVDRA 15 , 1908) [Part III— Sec. 1 


TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 





Rohtak, lhe 10th July 1936 

Re£. No. l.A.C./Acq./BRR/31/85-86.—Whereas, I 

being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of 
the Income- Lax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred 
to as the ‘said Act’) have reason to believe that the immov¬ 
able property, having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearingr 

Land measuring 136 kisnals 15 mnrlus situated .it Sir-.ahcui'h 
Teh. .Am by I a 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act. 1903 (16 of 
1908) in the office of the Registering Officer With the Com¬ 
petent Authority u/s 262 AB of the said Act read with rule 
48DD (4) 

Officer at 

Barara under Registration No. 1633 dated 10-2-1986 
for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and I have reason 
to believe that the fair market value of the property as 
aforesaid exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more 
than fifteen per cent such apparent consideration and that the 
consideration for such transfer as agreed to between the 
parties has not been truly.stated in the said instrument of 
transfer with the object of :—• 

(a) faciltatfng the reduction or evasion of the liability 
of the tranaferor to pay tax under the Said Act In 
repect of any income arising from the transfer; 

(b) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 
moneys or other assets which have not been or 
which ought, to be disclosed by the transferee for 
tba purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth -tax 
Act 1957 (27 at 1937): 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the following 
persons, namely :— 

(1) 'Sh. Ved Parkash 

So Sh. Atma Ram 
R/o Mullana, 

T?h. Ambala. 


(2) Sh. Amar Singh 

S/o Sh. BhambOol Singh 
Sh. Jagdish Simth 
Sh. Balbir Singh 
Ss/o Sh. Amar Singh 
R/o Maluyan, U.T., 



Objection*, if any, to the acquisition of the laid property 
mxy ba made In writing to the undersigned :— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period of 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days from 
the service of notice on the respective persona, 

whichever period expires later; 

(b) by any outer person interested in the said immov¬ 
able property, within 45 days from the date of the 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation :—The' erma and expressions used herein as 
are defned in Chapter XXA of the said 
Act, shall have the same meaning as gtvaa 
in that Chapter. 

the schedule 

Property being land measuring 136 kanals, 15 marlas 
situated at Sirsahgarh and as more mentioned in the sale 
deed registered at Sr. No. 1633 dated 10-2-86 with the Sub 
Registrar, Barara. 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 

Acquisition Range 

Date ; 10-7-1986 
Seal : 

THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, SEPTEMBER 6, 1986 (BHADRA 15 , 1908) 22657 

Fart 1IT--Sec. 1] 


INCOME-TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 





Rohtak, the 10th. July 1986 

Ref. No, I.A.C./Acq./GRG/411/85-86.—Whereas, I, 


being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 
as the ‘said Act’), have reason to believe that the immovable 
property, having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing 

Land measuring 53 kanals, 14 marlas situated at vill. Silo- 
khra, Teh. Gurgfton 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto) 
has been transferred under the Registration Act, 1908 (16 
of 1908) in the office of the Registering Officer at 
Gurgaon under Registration No. 6829 dated 21-2-1986 
for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and I have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property aa iforo- 
s,iid exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more 
than fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that 
the consideration for such transfer as agreed to between the 
paniej bas not been truly stated In the said Instrument of 
transfer with the object of :— 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the liability 
of the transferor to pay tax under dM (aid Act, m 
reaper of any income arising from the tranafarj 

(b) facilitating the concealment of any Income or any 

money* or other assets which have not been ot 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 «C 1922) or the said Act. or the Wealth-tax 
Act. 1937 (27 of 1937)1 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Seclion 269C of the said 
Act, 1 hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid nrnnerty by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section ( I l of Section 269D of the .said Act, to the follow¬ 
ing rvi'sous, namely : — 


(1) I. Sh. Jot Ram 

2. Sh. Hukam Singh 

3. Sh. Khazau Singh 

4. Sh. Balwant Singh 
Ss/o Sh. Phul Singh 
R Jo Jharsa, 

Teh. Gurgaon. 


(2) M/s. Unitech Builders (P) Ltd. 

6 Community Centre. Saket, 

New Delhi. 


Objections, if any to the acquisition of the said property 
may be made in writing to the undersigned :— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid person* within a period of 
45 days from the date of publication of this no tic* 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 day* front 

the service of notice on the respective person*, 
whichever period expires later; 

(b) by any other person interested in the said immov¬ 
able property, within 45 days from the date of the 
publication of this notice in the Official Oaxette. 

Explanation The terms and expressions used herein aa 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said Act, 
shall have tho same meaning as given in that 


Property being land measuring 53 kanals, 14 marlas situa- 
led at vill. Silokhra. Teh. Gurgaon and as more mentioned 
in the sale deed registered at Sr. No. 6829 dated 21-2-86 
with the Sub Registrar. Gurgaon, 

Competent Authority 
inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 

Acquisition Range 

Date : 10-7-1986 

Seal : 



[Part HI—Sbc. 1 


INCOME-TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 





Rohtak, the 14th July 1986 

Ref. No. I.A.C./Acq./GRG/417/85-86.—Whereas I. 

B. L. KHATR1. 

being (lie Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 

as the ‘said Act’), have reason to believe that the immovable 
property having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing No. 

Land measuring J11 kanals, 14 marlas situated at Vill 
Kanhai. Gurgaon 

(and more fully described in the schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act, 1908 (16 
of 1908) in the office of the Registering Officer at 
Gprgaon under Registration No, 6774 diSed 18-2-1986 
for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and I have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property as aforesaid 
exreeds the apparent consideration therefor by more than 
fifteen per ccm of such apparent consideration and that the 
consideration for such transfer as agreed to between the 
par tier has not been truly stated in the said instrument of 
funster «'ii h the object of — 


( 2 ) 

S/Sh. Niadrtr. 

Chuni Lai, 

Rattan Singh, 

Ss/o Sh. Kanhiya, 

Sbri Tcka 
S'/o Sh. Sukhdev, 

Mewa Rani S/o Dilu, 

Ram 1-al S/p Mangali 
R./o Vill. Kanhai, 

Distt. Gurgaon. 


M/s. Ansal Husing & Estates (P) Limited, 

115 Ansal Bhawan, 

16, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, 

New Delhi. 


Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 
ma y he made in writing to the undersigned :— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period 
of 45 days from the date of publication of this 
notia* in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days 
from the service of notice on the respective persona, 
whichever period expires later; 

(b) by any other person interested in the said immov¬ 
able property, within 45 days from the date of the 
publication of this notice in tho Official Gazette. 

Explanation :—The terms and expressions used herein aa 
are defined In Chapter XXA of the said 
Act, shall have the same meaning as given 

f n) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the liability j„ that Chapter, 

of the transfer to pay tax under the said Act, in 

respect of MTv inooma arising from the transfer; 


(b) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 
moneys or other assets which have not been or 
which might to be disclosed by the transferee (oi 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(!1 of 1927.) or th* said Act, or the Wealth-tax 
Act ! 957 (27 of 1957)J ' - 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act. 1 hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the following 

**^rsoo8. namcl v : — 

Property being land measuring 111 kanals, 14 mafias 
s tuated at Vill. Kanhai, Gurgaon and as more mentioned 
in the sale deed registered at Sr. No, 6774 daied 18-2-1J986 
with the Sub-Registrar. Gurgaon. 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 

Acquisition Range 

Date ; 14-7-1986 
Seal : 

Part lit—S ec, 1] 

the Gazette of India. September. 6. i9ss (bh\dra is, 19os) 22659 

-Q CT M n u .i.L. « . raiT c i > »!■ i n —i m t u u. - II I II ' . . 


TAX ACT, 19*1 (43 OF 1961) 




Rohtak, the 10th July 1986 

Ref, No. I.A.C./Acq./GRG/341/85-86,—Whereas, I, 


being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred 
to as the ‘said Act'), have reason to believe that the 
immovable property, having a fair market valuo exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing No. 

Land measuring 17 kanals situated at Choma 
(and more fully described in the schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act, 1908 (16 ol 
1908) in the office of the Registering Officer With (he Com¬ 
petent Authority 14 /s 262 AB of the said Act read with rule 
48DD (4) r;?l 

at Gurgaon under Registration No. 6650 dated 11-2-1986 
for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and I have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property as afore¬ 
said exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more 
than fifteen per cent ot such apparent consideration and that 
th*» eonrideration for such transfer as agreed to between 
th« partita has mot beers truly stated in the said t—tiunteet 
of transfer with the object or;— 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the Hahflitv 
of the transferor to pay tax under the said Act, In 
respect of any income arising from the transfer; 

(b facilitating the concealment of any income « 
any moneys or other assets which have not been ot 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee fot 
the purpose* of the Indian Income tax Act, ISO 

(11 of 1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax 

Act, 1 9T1 (27 of 1957)i 

Now, therefore, In pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section ( 1 ) of Section 269D of the said Act to the following 
persons, namely'.—• 

( 1 ) Sh. Chandgi Ram 
S/o Sh. Ram Sarup 
R/o Vill. Bijwasan, 


(2) M/s. Ansal Housing Finance & Leasing Co. Ltd. 
115, Ansal Bhawan. 

16, Kastnrba Gandhi Marg. 

New Delhi. 


Ob)—teem. M ray, — the wu M toi ef ths said property 
may be made In writing to tbs a wimi g rw d 

(a) by any cf tbs aforesaid persona within a parted 
of 45 days from the date of publlction ot this 
notice in the Official Garotte or a period of M deye 
from the service of notice 00 the respective (moat 
sliii hens parted expires Inter; 

(b) by say other parson interested in the said immovable 
property, within 45 days from the dnte of the pebti- 
cetten of this notice in the Oflcinl Gsnette. 

BxnmttTSOM ;—The terms and expressions used tenets « 
am defined in Chapter XXA of the said 
Act, shell have the same meaning as given 

in the Chapter. 


Property being land measuring 17 kanals situated at 
village Choma and as more mentioned in the sale deed re¬ 
gistered at Sr. No. 6650 dated 11-2-1986 with the Sub Regis¬ 
trar, Gurgaon. 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 

Acquisition Range 

Date : 10-7-1986 




TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 





Rohtak. the 10th July 1986 

Ref No, I.A.C./Acq./ORG/415/85-86.—Whereas, I. 


being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) hereinafter referred to 
as the ‘said Act'), have reason to believe that the immovable 
property having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing 

Land measuring 79 kanals, 14 marlas situated at Silokhra 
(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act 
1908 (16 of 1908) in the Office of the registering 

Officer at I.T. Act, 1961 IAC Range-VII 
Gurgaon usder Registration No. 6814 dated 21-2-1986 
for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and I have reason to 
bslieve that the fair market value Of the property as afore¬ 
said exceeds the apparent consideration therefor bv more 
than fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that 
the consideration for such transfer as agreed to between 
the parties has not been truly stated In the said instrument 
ot transfer with the object of:— 

Sh- Ram Singh S/o Inder 
S/o Sb. Moti 
Vjll. Silokhra, 

Teh. Gurgaop, 


(2) M/s. fGrcam Park Builders & 

Promoters (P) Ltd., 

115* Ansa! Bhawan. 

16, Kasturba Gandhi Marp. 

New Delhi. 


Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 

may be made in writing to the undersigned :— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period of 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 
in the Official Gazette or a period ol 30 days from 
the service of notice on the respective persona, 
whichever period expires later; 

(b) by any other person interested in the said Immov¬ 
able property within 45 days from the date of the 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation :—The terms and expressions used herein as 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the mid Act, 
shall have the same meaning as given 
in that Chapter. 

(I) facflltarlng the redaction or evasion of the liabAJt} 
of the transferor to pay tax wider the said Act, In 
respect of any income arising from tbs transfer] 



Property being land measuring 79 kanals, 14 marlas situa¬ 
ted at village SUokhra, Teh. Gurgaon and as more mention¬ 
ed in the sale deed registered at Sr. No. 6814 dated 21-2-86 
with the Sub Registrar, Gurgaon. 

(b) facilitating the concealment of any income or 
any moneys or other assets which have not been or 
which ought to be disclosed tv the transferee tor tin 
purposes of the Indian lncoms-tax Act, 1922 (11 of 
1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax Act, 1957 
(27 of 1957); 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 

Acquisition Range 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Seotion 269C of the said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the Issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the following Date • 10-7-1986 
persons, namely :— Seal • 

Part III—SBc. 1J 


the Gazette op india, setember 6, '.986 (Bhadra 15,1908) 



INCOME-TAX ACT, 19«1 (43 OF 1W1) 






Rohtak. the 30lh Juno 1986 

Ref. No. l.A.C. /Acq./GRG /418/85-36,—Whereas, I. 


being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act. 196) (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 
as the ‘said Act’), have reason to believe that the Im¬ 
movable property having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing No. 

Land measuring 34 kanals. 5 marl-is situated at Vill, Silo- 

land more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the office of the Registering Officer With the Com¬ 
petent Authority u/s 262 AB of the said Act read with rule 
18DD f4) , 

at Gurgaon under Registration No, 6754 dated 17-2-1986 
for an apparent consideration which is 1 ess than the fail- 
market value of the aforesaid property and J have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property as aforesaid 
exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more tbaa 
fifteen per cent of »uoh apparent consideration and that tho 
consideration for such transfer aa agreed to between the 
parties has not been truly stated in the said instrument of 
transfer with the object of:— 

(a) facilitating the redactioc. or evasion of tha liability 
of the transferor to pay tax under tht said Act, to 
respect of any income arising from the traaafar 

/b) facilitating the concealment of any Income or any 
moneys or other assets which hive not beew or 
which ought to be discloeed by the transferee for 
the purpose* of the Indian Income-tax Act, lf22 
(11 of 1922) or the said Act, er tire Waelth tag 
Act, 1957 (27 of 1957); 

New, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, I hereby Initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section Cl ) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the following 
persons, namely :— 

(1) Sh. Rati Ram 

S/oi Khawuni, Shri Sumrath Singh, 

Self and Mukhtiar-am Jai Kishao 
S/o Khawani 
R/o Kanbai. 


(2) M/s. Unitech Ltd, 

Upitech House. 

6 , Community Centre. 

New Delhi. 


Objections, if any, to the acquisition of tire said property 
may be made in writing to the undersigned :— 

(a) bv any of the aforesaid person* within a period of 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 day* from 
the service of notice on the respective persona, 
whichever period expiree later; 

(h) by any other person interested in the said immev- 
able property, within 45 daye from the date of lire 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation :—The term* and expression# need herein as 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said Act, 
shall have the same meaning as given til 
that Chapter. 


Property being land measuring 34 kanals. 5 marlas situa¬ 
ted at Silokhera and as more menitioned in the sale deed 
registered at Sr, No. 6754 dated 17-2-1986 with the Sub 
Registrar, Gurgaon. 

Competent Authority 
inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 

Acquisition Range 

Date : 30-6-1986 
Seal : 

12662 THfi GAZETTE OF INDIA. SEFTEMb^I 6, 1986 iBHADRA 15, 1908) 

[Part Ht—S ec. 1 

form rm& 

INCOME-TAX ACT, 19*1 (43 OF 1941) 





Rohtak, the 30th June 1986 

Ref. No. I.A,C./Acq./GRG/419/85-o6.—Whereas, I. 


being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 
as the 'Said Act’) have reason to believe that the immovable 
property having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing 

Land treasuring 21 kaqals, 12 mm las situated at Vill. Silo- 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 

has been transferred under the Registration Act, 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the office of the Registering Officer With the Com¬ 
petent Authority u/s 262 AB of the said Act read with rule 
48DD (4) 

at Gurgaon under Registration No. 6755 dated 18-21986 

(or an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and| I have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property as aforesaid 
exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more than 
fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that the 
consideration for such transfer as agreed to between the 
partiM has not bean truly stated In the Mid Instrument ef 
transfer with the object of:— 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the UnbilltJes 
of the transferor to pay tax under the said Act, in 
respect of any income arising from tha transfer; 

(b) facilitating the concealment of any Income or any 
moneys or other assets which have not been or 
Which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for the 
purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 (11 of 
1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax Act 1957 
(27 or 1957); 

Now, tnerefora, in pursuance M Section 249C of tha said 

Act, I hereby initiated proceedings for the acquisition of the 

aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under rub- 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Apt, to the following 
persons, namely :— 

(1) Sh, Ram Kumar 
Sq Khavari 
R/o Kanhai 
Teh. Gurgaojj. 


(2) M/s. Unitech Ltd. 

Unitech House. 

6. Community Centre. 


New Delhi. 


Objections, if any. to the acquisition of the said property 
may be made in writing to the undersigned :— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persona within a period of 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days 
from the service of notice on the respective persons; 
whichever period expires later; 

(b) by any other person interested in the said immovable 
property, within 45 days from the date of the publi¬ 
cation of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation -The terms and expressions used herein as 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said 
Act. shall have the same moaning as givea 
in that Chapter. 


Property being land measuring 21 kanals, 12 marlas situa¬ 
ted at vill. Silokhra. Teh. Gurgaon and as more mentioned 
in the sale deed registered at Sr. No. 6755 dated 17-2-1986 
with the Sub Registrar, Gurgaon. 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 

Acquisition Range 

Date : 30-6-1986 

Part III—Sec. 1] 



(1) Sh. Sher Singh s/o Hardev 

Sh, Hurash Schni so/o Sh. Shcr Singh 
r/o vill. Carterpuri Teh. Curgaon. 


(2) M fs. Ansal Housing & Finance Leasing Co. Ltd., 
115 Ansal Bhawan, 

16 Kasturba Gandhi Marg, 

New Delhi. 




TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 




Rohtak, the 10th fuly 1986 

Ref. No. I,A.C./Acq./ORG/412/85-86.—Whereas, I, 

B. L. KHATR1, 

being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 
as the ‘Said Act’), have reason to believe that the immovable 
property, having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing 

land measuring 55 kanals 1 maria situated at Cartarpuri 
(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Rejjstration Act 
1908) in the office of the Registering Officer at 
Gurgaon under Registration No. 6821 dated 21-2-86 
for an apparent consideration which is lees than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and I have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property as afore¬ 
said exceeds the apparent consideration therefore by more 
than fifteen percent of such apparent consideration and that 
(he consideration for such transfer as agreed to between the 
parties has not ben truly stated in tho Instrument of Transfer 
with the object of 

it) facilitating 4ve reduction or emioa of (ho UsbflRj 

of the transferor to pay tax under the «aid Act, it 
respect ot any Income arising from the tmntfer; 

(b) facttltattng the concealment of any income or an; 
moneys or other assets which have not been or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Aot, 1922 

(11 «i 19X2) or the said Act or the Wealth-tax 
Act, 1957 (17 of 1937)| 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act I hereby Initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the following 
persons, namely : — 

Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 
may be made in writing to the undersigned:— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid person* within a pariod of 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days from 
.the service of notice on the respective persona, 
whichever period expiree later; 

(b) by any other person interested in the said Immnw 
able property within 45 days from the date of 
tha publication of this notice in the Official Gazette 

Explanation : —The terms and expressions used herein ae 
am defined In Chapter XXA of the said Act, 
shall have the same meaning at given in that 


Property being land measuring 55 kanals 1 maria situated 
at vill. Carferpuri and as more mentioned in the sale deed 
registered at Sr. No. 6821 dated 21-2-86 with the Sub 
Registrar, Gurgaon. 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Co mm issioner of Income-tax 

Acquisition Range, 

Date : 10-7-1986 
Seal : 

2i664 THE GAZETTE Ob INDIA, SEPTEMBER 6. 1986 (BHADRA 15, 190S) L^ari III— SlC. I 

FORM ITNS——-— (I) Sh. Jug Ram, (2) Sh. Deg R-ni, (3) Sh. Riehh Pal 

Ss/o Sh- Girdhar 
r /o vill Nathupur, Teh. Gurgaon. 


NOTIC' UNDER SECTION 269D(1) OF THE INCOME- (2) M/s. Delhi l and & Finance Ltd., 

TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 21.22, Nmendrn Place, 

Parliament Street, 

New Delhi, 





Rohtak, the 10th July 1986 

Ref. No. l.A.C./Acq./GRG /416/85-86.—Whereas, I, 


being the Competent Autnority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 
as the Said Act) hav e reason to believe that the immovable 
property having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing 

land measuring 7 bighaa 3 biswas pukhta situated at vill. 

(and moro fully described in the schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act, 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the office of the Registering Officer at 
Gurgaon under Registration No. 6795 dated 19-2-86 
for an apparent consideration which is le3s than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and I have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property as aforesaid 
exceeds the apparent consideration therefor bv more than 
fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that the 
consideration for such transfer as agreed to between the 
parties has not been truly stated in the said instrument of 
transfer with the object of :— 

(a) facilitating the reduction of evasion of the liability 
of the transferor to pay tax under the said Act. in 
respect of any income arising from the transfer; 


(b) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 
moneys or other assets which have not been or 
which ought to be disclosed bffiy the transferee for 
the purposes of the Indian Tncome-tax Act, 1922 
til of 1922) or the said Act, or the Weal'.h-tax 
Act, 1957 (27 of 1957); 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, 1 hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
foresaid property by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the following 
persons, namely :— 

Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the 6aid property 
may be made is writing to the undersigned :— 

(a) by any of th eaforesaid persons within a period, of 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days from 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 
the service of notice on the respective persons, 
whichever period expires later; 

(b) by any other person interested in the said immov¬ 
able property, wllh 45 days from the date of the 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation :—The terms and expression used herein as 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said Act, 
shall have the same meaning as given in 
that Chapter. 


Property being land measuring 7 bighus 3 biswas situated 
at village Nathupur Tch, Gurgaon and as more mentioned 
in the sale deed registered at Sr. No. 6795 dated 19-2-86 
with the Sub Registrar, Gurgaon. 


Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 

Acquisition Range, 

Date : 10-7-86 




Part 111— Sec. 1] 


TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 



(1) Shri Rampal Singh s/o Sh. Bohnru, 

Suit, Ram, Devi ivd/o Sh. Boharu, 
r/o will. rilawardi Teh. Gurgaon. 


(2) M/s, Ansal Properties & Industries Pvt. Ltd., 

115 Ansat Bliuwan, 

16 Kasturba Gandhi Marg, 

New Delhi. 


Objections, if any, to the acquisition ol the said property 
may be made in writing to the undersigned :— 



Robtak, [he 14th luly 1986 

Ref. No. I,A,C,/Acq./GRG/420/85-86.—Whereas, I, 

B. L. KHATR1, 

being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred 
to as the ‘said Act’), have reason to believe that the immov- 
tble property, having a fair market valuo exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing 

land measuring 55 kanals 7 marlas situated at vill. Alawnrdl 
Teh. Gurgaon 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act, 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the office of the Registering Officer at 
Gurgaon under Registration No. 6737 dated 17-2-86 
for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and I have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property as aforesaid 
exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more than 
fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that the 
consideration for such transfer as agreed to between the 
parties has not been truly stated in the said instrument of 
transfer with the object of :— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period of 

45 dan from the data of publication of tfefc node* 
fat tho Official Qana tta or a period of 30 dan 

the service of notice on tho respective persons, 

whichever period expiree later; 

(b) by any other person interested in the said immov¬ 
able property, within 45 days from the date of the 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation :—The term and expreeelona used herein as 
an dadoed Ip Chapter XXA of the eak) Act, 
shall have the same meaning as given in 
that Chapter. 

(a) fa rd h a tin g the red n erioo or evaahtp of the liability 
of the transferor to pay tax under the said Act, Is 
lafaPM* «f any tacoeue arWng from the tomfen 


(b) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 
moneys or other assets which have not been or 

which ought to be disclosed by the tnnafnee for the 
porpoeee of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 (11 

of 1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax Aet, 

1937 (27 of 1957); 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the .said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (1) Section 269D of he said Act, to the following 
persons, namely :— 

24— 226GI/86 


Property being land measuring 55 kanals 7 marlas situated 
at vill. Alawardi Teh. Gurgaon and as more mentioned in 
the sale deed registered at Sr. No. 6737 dated 17-2-86 with 
the Sub Registrar, Gurgaon, 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 

Acquisition Range, 

Date : 14-7-86 




: [Part III— Sec. 1 


TAX ACT. 1961 (43 OF 1961) 





Rohtak, Ihe 14th Tuly 1986 

Rc£. No. I,A.C./Acq./GRG/413/85-86.—Whereas, I, 


being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 
as the ‘said Act’), have reason to believe that the immovable 
property, having a fair market value 
exceeding Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing 

land measuring 104 kanala 15 ninrlas situated at Silokhra Teh. 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act, 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the office of the Registering Officer at 
Gurgaon under Registration No. 6816 dated 21-2-86 
for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and I have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property as aforesaid 
exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more than 
fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that the 
consideration for such transfer a<s agreed to between the 
parties has not been, truly stated in the said instrument pf 
transfer with the object of 

(a) facilitating the reduction of evasion of the liability 
of the transferor to pay tax under the said Act, in 
respect of any income arising from the transfer; 

(b) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 
moneys or other assets which have not been or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth-tux 
Act, 1957 (27 of 1957); 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, 1 hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the following 
persons, namely 

(1) Sh. Inder s/o Sh. Moti 

r/o vill, Silokhra Teh. Gurgaon. 


(2) M/s Green Park Builders, Promoters (P) Ltd, 

115 Ansal Bhavvan, 16 Kasturba Gandhi Marg, 
New Delhi. 


Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 
may be made in writing to the undersigned :— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persona within e period of 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days from 
the service of notice on the respective persons, 
whichever period expires later; 

(b) bv any other person interested in the said immov¬ 
able property, within 45 days from the date of the 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation :—The terms and expressions used herein as 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said Act, 
shall have the same meaning as given in 
that Chapter. 


Properly being lund measuring 104 kunals 15 marlas at 
village Silokhra Tch. Gurgaon and as more mentioned in 
the sale deed registered at Sr. No. 6816 dated 21-2-1986 
with the Sub Registrar, Gurgaon. 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 

Acquisition Range, 

Date : 14-7-86 
Seal : 

Part ill— Sec ll THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, SEPTEMBER 6, 1986 (BHADRA 15. 1908) 22667 


INCOME-TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 





Rohtak, lhe 14th luly 1986 

Ref. No. I.A.C./Aeq./GRG/427/85-86.—Whereas, I, 


being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 
as the ‘said Act’), have reason to believe that the immovable 
property, having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing 

land measuring 4 bigha 7 biswas situated at vill. Nathupur. 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act, 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the office of the Registering Officer at 
Gurgaon under Registration No. 7463 dated 21-3-J986 

for an apparent consideration which Is lew than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property sad I have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the propatty as aforesaid 
exceeds the apparent consideration thornier by more than 
fifteen per cent of inch apparent consideration and that 
the consideration for such transfer as agreed te between the 
patties has not been truly stated in the Mid Instrument of 
unoafar with the object at ■ 

(a) facilitating the reduction nr evasion of the UaMlity 
of the transferor to pay tax under the said Act, in 
respect of any tnaome arising tram the transfer; 


(h) facilitating the concealment of any Incoms or any 
moneys or other assets which have not bean or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee tat 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 

(11 of 1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax 

Act. 1937 (27 of 1*37): 

New, therefore, la normanes of Saction 269C of the a«U 
Act. I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub- 
sector (1) of section 269D of the said Act to the following 
persons, namely :— 

(1) SiSh, Hem Rai, Sukhbir, Partap, Risela, Khajan, 
Permal, Suraj Mai, Shanti, Champa, Moji, Ram 
Kali, Giano, Balwanti, Surjit, Gian Chand, Ramesh- 
war. Muni, Kichnu, Lado, Chandro, Delipe r/o Vill. 
Nathupur, Gurgaon. 


(2) M/s.Vce Dec Investment & Agencies Private Limited, 
21-22, Narindra Palace, Parliament Street, New 


Objections, if any, to the acquisition of tha said property 
may be mads in writing to tbs undersigned:— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period of 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 day* 
from the service of notice on the respective gemma, 
whichever period expire* later; 

(b) by any other person interested In the said immov¬ 
able property, within 45 days from the date of tha 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation The terms and expressions used herein as 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said 
Act, shall hove the tame meaning at gives 
in that Chapter. 


Property being land measuring 4 bigha 7 biswas situated 
at Vill. Nathupur, Gurgaon and as more mentioned in the 
sale deed registered at sr. No. 7463 dated 21-3-1986 with 
the Sub-Registrar, Gurgaon, 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 

Acquisition Range, 

Date : 14-7-86 
Seal : 

22668 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, SEPTMBER 6, 1986 (BHADRA 15, 1908) (?ART lit—S ec. 1 


INCOME-TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 





Rohtak, the 14th July 1986 

Ref, No. l.A.C./Acq.BCR/9/85-86.—Whereas, 1. 

B. L. KHATR1, 

being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of tho 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 
ns the ‘said Act’) have reason to believe that the immovable 
property, having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing 

land measuring 90 kanals 9 marlas along with super structure 
situated at vill. Jhanysa Teh. Ballabgarh 
(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act, 1908 (16 of 
1908) jn the office of the Registering Officer at 
Ballabgarh under Registration No. 3527 and 3529 dated 

for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and I have reason to 
believe that tho fair market value of the property as aforesaid 
exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more than 
fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that the 
consideration for such transfer as agreed to between the 
parties has not been truly stated In the said instrument of 
transfer with the object of 

(1) Sh. Rajender Singh Saini, 

F-49, East of Kuilash, New Delhi. 


(2) Arvind Construction Co. (P) Ltd., 

Connaught Circus, Now Delhi. 


Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 
may be made in writing to the undersigned :— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period ot 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days from 
the service of notice on the respective person^ 
whichever period expires later; 

(b) by any other person interested in the said immow 
able property, within 45 days from the date of th# 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation : — -The terms and expressions used herein as 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said Act 
shall have the same meaning as given In 
that Chapter. 

(a) facilitating the reduction 
of the transferor to pay 
respect of any income 

or evasion of the liability 
tax under the said Act, to 
arising from the transfer; 


(b) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 
moneys or other assets which have not been or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922) or the said Act, ot the Wealth-tax 
Act, 1957 (27 of 1957); 

Property bein$ land measuring 90 kanals 9 marlas with 
super structure situated at vill. Jhanysa Teh. Ballabhgarh and 
as more mentioned in the sale deed registered nt Sr. No. 
3527 & 3529 dated 11-3-86 with the Sub Registrar, Ballabh¬ 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 

Acquisition Range, 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the following 
persons, namely :— 

Date ; 14-7-86 
Seal , 

THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, SEPTEMBER 6, 1986 (BHADRA 15, 1908) 12669 

Fart iTt—S ec. 1] 


TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 





Rohtak, the 30th June 1986 

Ref. No. 1 A.C./Acg./GRG/431, 85-86.—Whereas, I, 

B. L. KHATR1, 

Oeing the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 
as the ‘said Act') have reason to believe that the i mm ovable 
property, having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing No. 

land measuring 3 bighas 9 biswus situated at vill. Nathupur 
Teh. Gurgaon 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act, 1908 ( 16 of 
1908) in the office of the Registering Officer ut 
Gurgaon under Registration No. 7455 dated 21-3-86 
for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and 1 have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property as aforesaid 
exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more than 
fiifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that [he 
consideration for such transfer as agreed to between 
parties has not been truly stated in the said instrument of 
transfer with the object of :— 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the liability 
of the transfer to pay tax under the said Act, in 

respect of any income arisnlg from the transfer; 

(b) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 

moneys or other assets which have not been or 
which ought to bo disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax 
Act, 1957 (27 of 1957); 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for acquisition of the afore¬ 
said property by the issue of this notice under sub-section 
(1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the following per¬ 
sons, namely :— 

(1 1 Sh. Shera (2) Sh, Chander ss/o Sh. Daulat 
r/o vill. Nathupur, Teh. Gurgaon. 


(2) M/s V.D. Investment & Agencies Pvt. Ltd., 

21-22, Narindra Palace, Parliament Street, 

New Delhi. 


Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 
may be made is writing to the undersigned :— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period of 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days from 
the service of notice on the respective persons, 
whichever period expires later; 

(b) t>y any other person interested in the said immov¬ 
able property, within 45 days from the rate of the 
publications of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation :—The terms and expressions used herein as 
are defined In Chapter XXA of the said Act, 
shall have the same meaning as givon in 
that Chapter. 


Property being land measuring 3 bighas 9 biswas situated 
at village Nathupur Teh. Gurgaon and as more mentioned 
in the sale deed registered at Sr. No. 7455 dated 21-3-86 
with the Sub Registrar, Gurgaon. 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Asstt, Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range, 

Date ; 30-6-86 
Seal : 


the gazette of india, September 6 , 1986 (bhadra 15,1908) tEart m -Sic. 1 


INCOME-TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 





Rohtak, the 30th June 1986 

Ref. No. I.A,C./Acq,/GRG/430/85-86.—Whereas, I, 


being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 143 of 1961) (hereinafter referred 
to m the 'Mid Act'), have rntoi to ballavf that the 
immovable property having a fair market value exceeding 

Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing 

land measuring 5 bighas 2 biswas situated at vill. Nathupur 
Teh. Gurgaon 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act, 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the office of the Registering Officer at 
Gurgaon under Registration No. 7436 dated 20-3-86 

for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and I have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property as afore¬ 
said exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more 
than fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that 
the consideration for such transfer at agreed to hetman 
tip parti** h m not been treljr elated la the eaM tMtoMMMt 
of transfer with the object of:— 

(*) facilitating the redaction at evnsteo at the fcMMy 
at the transferor to pay tax aarier the mid Act to 
reepect of any taeeme aiWng boat Mm tmuta* 

(b) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 
moneys or other assets which have not been or which 
ought to be disclosed by the transferee for the 
purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 (11 
of 1922) or the said Act or the Wealth-tax Act 
1937 (27 of 1937): 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act. I hereby initiate proceeding! for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the following 
persons, namely :— 

(1) Sh. Kishan Lai, Sh. Rotan Lai ss/o Sh. Sunehri 
r/'o Nathupur, Tch. Gurgaon. 


(2) M/s D.L.F., 21-22, Narindra Palace, 

Parliament Street, New Delhi. 


Otyaotiuna, tf any, to tha acquisition at the said pro party 
may be made in writing to the nnderslgaad 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period of 
45 dapa from the date of publication of thia notice 
In the Official Gazette or a period of 30 day* from 
the Mrvioe of notice on the rmpectfv* p an—, 
whtehever period expire* later: 

(b) by any other person interested in the sail immov¬ 
able property, within 45 days from the date ef 
the publication of this notice in the Official 

Exfixwitton :—The reran and expressions used herein as 
are defined in Chaptrr XXA of the said 
Act, shall have the same meaning as given 

In ***** Quptw 


Property being land measuring 5 bighas 2 biswas situated 
at village Nathupur Teh, Gurgaon and as more mentioned 
in the sale deed registered at Sr. No. 7456 dated 21-3-86 
with the Sub Registrar, Gurgaon. 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 

Acquisition Range, 

Date: 30-6-86 

Part III— Sec, 1] THE QAZZETE OF INDIA, SEPTEMBER 6, 1986 (BHA.DRA. 15. 1908) 22671 


U) Risal Singh (2) Sh. Ratti Ram ss/o Sh. Shiv Lai 
Vill. Sukhrali Teh. Gurguon. 



TAX ACT, 1M1 <41 OF INI) 




(2) The Indian Air Lines Pilot Sena Prateen 
House NId. Society vill, Sukhrali 
Tch. Gurgaon. 


Objections if any, to the acquisition of the said property 
may be made in writing to the undersigned:— 

Rohtak, the 10th June 1986 

Ref. No. I ,A.C./Acq./GRG/425/85-86.—Whereas, I, 

B. L. KHATkl, 

being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of 
the Income-tax Act, 1961 143 of 1961) (hereinafter referred 
to as the ‘said Act’), have reason to believe that the ha- 
movable property, having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing No. 

land measuring 26 kanals 8 marlas situated at vill. Sukhrali 
Teh. Gurgcon 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act, 1908 (16 of 
190S) in the office of the Registering Officer at 
Gurgaon under Registration No. 7308 dated 17-3-86 

for an apparent consideration which b leas than tha fair 
market value of the aforesaid uiop oii y and I have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property as afore¬ 
said exceeds (he apparent consideration therefor by more 
than fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that 
tha consideration for such tranaTer as agreed to between the 
parties has not been truly stated in the said instrument of 
transfer with the object of :— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period of 
43 days from the date of publication of this notice 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days from 
the service of notice on the respective persons, 
whichever period expires later; 

(b) by any other person interested In the said Immov¬ 
able property, within 43 days from the date of 
the publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation ;—The terms and expressions used herein as 
am defined in Chapter XXA of the said 
Act, shall have the same meaning as idvea 
In that Chapter. 

(a) facilitating the redaction or oration of the liability 
of the transferor to pay tax under the said Act, n 
‘ of any Income arising from the transfer; 




Property being land measuring 26 kanals 8 marlas situated 
at vill. Sukhrali Teh. Gurgaon and as more mentioned in 
the sale deed registered at Sr. No. 7308 dated 17-386 with 
the Sub Registrar, GurgHon, 

<t>) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 
moneys or other assets which ha vs not been m 

which enght to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purpose* of the Indian Income tax Act, 1923 
(11 af 1922) or the said Act, or the Wcalth-tas 
Act. 1937 (17 of 1*37)1 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 

Acquisition Range, 

Now, therefor*, (a pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under mb 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the foikwhr Date : 10-6-86 
persons, namely :— Seal: 

[Part HI— Sec. 1 

22672 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, SEPTEMBER. 6 , 1986 (BHADRA 15, 1908) 

FORM ITNS- (I) Shri Ram, Rati 

n ss/o Chet Ram, 
ViU. Nathupur, Gurgaon. 

(2! M/> Aminig Construction Co. Ltd., 

24 Narindra Place, New Delhi, 



TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 





Rohtak, the 10th July 1986 

Ref. No. I.A.C./Acq./GRG/426/85-86.—Whereas, I, 


being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 
As the ‘said Act’), have reason to believe that the immovable 
property, having a fair market value 
exceeding Rs, 1,00,000/- and bearing 

land measuring 17 bigha 14 biswas, situated at VIII. Nathupur, 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto) 
has been transferred under the Registration Act, 1908 M6 of 
1908) in the office of the Registering Officer at 
Gurgaon under Registration No. 7049 dated 5-3-1986 
for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of thp aforesaid property and I have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property as aforesaid 
exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more than 
fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that the 
consideration for such transfer as agreed to between the 
parties has not been truly stated in the said instrument of 
transfer with the object of :— 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the liability 
of the transferor to pay tax under the said Act, in 
respect of any income arising from the transfer: 


(b) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 
moneys or other assets which have not been or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax 
Act, 1957 (27 of 1957); 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section Cl) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the followin'? 
persons, namely :— 

Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 
may be made in writing to the undersigned :— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period of 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days from 
the service of notice on the respective persons, 
whichever period expires later; 

(b) by any other person interested in the said immov¬ 
able property, within 45 days from the date of the 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation :—The terms and expressions used herein as 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said Act 
shall have the same meaning as given in 
that Chapter. 


Property being land measuring 17 bigha 14 biswas situated 
at ViU. Nathupur, Gurgaon and ns more mentioned in the 
sale deed registered at sr, No. 7049 dated 5-3-1986 with 
the Sub-Registrar, Gurgaon, 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 

Acquisition Range, 

Date : 10-7-86 
Seal : 

Part III— Sec. 1] 



INCOME-TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 





Rohtak, the 10th July 1986 

Ref. No. I.A.C./Acq./GRG/432/85-86.—Whereas, I, 


being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of 
the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred 
to as the ‘said Act’) have reason to believe that the immov¬ 
able property, having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing 

land measuring 4 bighas 13.3/4 biswas situated at vjll. 
Nathupur Teh. Gurgaon 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act, 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the office of the Registering Officer at 
Gurgaon under Registration No. 7454 dated 21-3-86 
for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property, and I have reason 
to believe that the fair market value of the property as 
aforesaid exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by 
more than fifteen per cent of 8Hch apparent consideration 
and that the consideration for such transfer as aRreed to bet¬ 
ween the parties has not been truly stated in the said taatru- 
rnont of transfer with the object of :— 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the liability 
of the transferor to pay tax under the said Act, In 
respect of any income arising from the transfer; 


Cb) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 
money* or other ameta which have not beta of 
which ought to oo dlwlo—d by the traNferoo for 
the ptmweeo of the Indian Income-tax Act. 1X3 
(11 of 1922) or the said Ant. or the Wealth-tax 
Act 1957 (27 of l*S7)f 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 

Act, I hereby Initiate proceeding* for the acauisltien of the 
aforesaid property by the issu-* of this notice unde” sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269 Q of the said Act, to the following 

serfon* mt'T—J', •— 


(1) Sh, Rameshv/ar (2) Sh. Chander ss/o Sh, Meru 
r/o Vill. Nathupur Teh. Gurgaon. 


(2) M/s Apollo Land & Housing Co. Ltd., 

21-22, Narindra Place. Parliament Street, 

New Delhi-1. 


Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the aald property 
may be made in writing to the undersigned:— 

(a ) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period 
of 45 days from the date of publication of this 
notice in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 day* 
from the service of notice on the respective persons, 
whichever period expire* later; 

(b) by any other person interested in the said immov¬ 
able property, within 45 day* from the date of the 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation :—The terms and expressions used herein as 
are defined m Chapter XXA of the saldi 
Act, shall have the same meaning as given 
in that Chapter. 


Piopcrty being land measuring 4 bighas 13.3/4 biswas 
situated at vill. Nathupur Teb, Gurgaon and as more men¬ 
tioned in the sale registered at Sr. No. 7454 dated 21-3-86 
with the Sub Registrar, Gurgaon. 

Competent Authority 

Inspecting Assistant Commissienor of Income-tax, 

Acquisition Range, 

Date : 10-7-86 
Seal : 




Rohtak, the 4th July 1986 

Ref. No. I.A.C'./Acq,/DLI/18/85-86.—Whereas, I, 


being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 af 1941) (hereinafter referred t» 

ns the ‘said Act’), have reason to believe that the immovable 

property having a fair market value 

exceeding Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing No. 

land measuring 20 kanals 12 marlns situated at vill. Jhur 

Setly Teh. Ballabgarh 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act, 1908 ( 16 of 
19081 in the office of the Registering Officer at 
Delhi under Registration No, 538 dated 14-3-86 
for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
manket value of the aforesaid property aad I hays reason t a 
believe that the fair market valaa of the property aa aforesaid 
exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more than 
Mteon per cent of each apparent consideration a ad that the 
consideration for such transfer aa atpeed to between ttw 
parties has not been truly stated in the said instrument ot 
Punster with the object of :— 

(a) by any ef Ike aforesaid persons within a period of 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 
fat the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days from 
Mw serviee of Metis* ee the rameative mmm . 
whichever period expiree latort 

(b) by any other person interested in the said immov¬ 
able property, within 45 days from the date of the 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

brutunsa :—The terms and aapreeskma used h stain m 
are detotd in Chapter XXA of the saM Apt, 
■hall hose the same ncanfaMr aa riven it* that 


(of facilitating the redaction or evasion of the liability 
of the transferor to pay tax under the arid Act, la 
leapect of any Income arising from the transfer; 



Property being land measuring 20 kanals 12 marlas situated 
at vill, Jhar Setly Teh. BaUc.bgarh and as more mentioned 
in the sale deed registered at Sr. No. 538 dated 14-3-86 with 
the Sub Registrar, Delhi. 

(b) facilitating the ooncealment of any Income or any 
moneys or other assets which have not been or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purpose* of the Indian laowra^-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax 
Act, 1957 (27 of 1957); 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of income-tax 

Acquisition Range, 

Now, therefore, In pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, r hereby initiate proceedings fot the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act ip thp following Date : 4-7-86 
persons, namely — Seal: 

i'ARi III—Sic. 1J 

THB GAZETTE OP INDIA, SEPTEMBER 6, 1986 (BHADftA 15, 1908) 2261 $ 

FORM itn: 

TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 




Rohtak, the 30th June 1986 

Ref. No. I.A.C,/Acq.GRG/429/85-86.—Whereas, I. 


being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 
as the ‘said Act'), have reason to believe that the immovable 

property having a fair market value exceeding 

Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing No. 

land 3 Bighas 8 biswas situated at viB. Nallnipur Teh. 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act. 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the office of the Registering Officer with the Com¬ 
petent Authority u/s 262 AB of the said Act read with rule 
48DD (4) at Gurgaon under Registration No. 7457 of 
Income-tax Rules, 1962 dated 21-3-1986 
for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and 1 have reason 
to believe that the fair market value of the property 
as aforesaid exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by 
more than fifteen per cant of such apparent consideration 
and that the consideration for such transfer as agreed to 
between the parties has not been truly stated in the said 
instrument of transfer with the object of :— 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the liability 
of the transferor to pay tax under the said Act, in 
respect of any income arising from the transfer; 

(b) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 

moo*?* oc other wM which km wot bma ot 
which ought to b« dbeloeed by the transfer®* let 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922) or the wld Act, or the Wealth-tax Act, 

1957 (27 of 1957): 

Now, therefore in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, I* hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the following 
persons, namely :— 

(1) Sh. Beg Ram s/o 

Smt. Sona, Smt. Rcmvati ds/o 
Sh. Harbans r/o Nathupur, 

Teh. Gurgaon. 


(2) M/s. D. V. Investment & Agencies Pvt. Ltd. 

21-22, Narindru Place Parliament Street, 

New Delhi. 


Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 
may be made in writing to the undersigned ;— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period of 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 

la the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days from 
Am esrrlo* of notice on the m pect h o peraem. 
whichever period expiree later; 

(b) by any other person interested in the said immov¬ 
able property, within 45 days from the date of ltd 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation :—The terms and expressions used herein o 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said Act, 
shall have the same meaning as given in 
that Chapter. 


Property being land measuring 3 bigha 8 biswas situated 
at village Nathupur Teh. Gurgaon and as more mentioned in 
the sale deed registered at Sr. No. 7457 dated 21-3-86 with 
the Sub Registrar Gurgaon. 

Competent Authority 

Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range, Rohtak 

Date : 30-6-86 
Seal : 




INCOME-TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 

[Part III— Sec. i 

(1) Sh. Prem Raj s/o Sh. Chuni, 

Smt. Mali d/o Sh. Chuni 
r/o vill. Nathupur. 


(2) M/s, Delhi Land & Finance Ltd,, 

21-22, Narindra Place, 

Parliament Street, New Delhi. 




Rohtak, the 30th June 1986 

Ref. No, I.A.C./Acq,/GRG/428/85-86.—Whereas I, 


being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred 
to as the ‘said Act') have reason to believe that the 
imm ovable property, having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing 

land measuring 2 bighas 11 bisw.19 situated at vill, Nathupur 
Teh. Gurgaon 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act, 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the office of the Registering Officer with the Com¬ 
petent Authority u/s 262 AB of the said Act read with rule 
48DD (4) at Gurgaon under Registration No. 7460 of 
Income-tax Rules. 1962 dated 21-3-86 

for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and I have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of tho property as afore¬ 
said exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more 
than fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that 
the consideration for such transfer as agreed to between the 
parties has not been truly stated in the said instrument of 
transfer with the object of 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the liability 
of the transferor to pay tax under the said Act, in 
respect of any income arising from the transfer; 

(b) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 
moneyes or other assets which have not been or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922) or thhe said Act, or the Wealth-tax 
Act, 1957 (27 of 1957); 

New. therefore, tu pursuance of Section 269C of the sold 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
axoresaid property by the Issue of this notice under sob* 
section (!) of Section 269D of the mid Act to the follow¬ 
ing person*, namely :— 

Objections, if any, to the acquision of the said properti 
may be made in the writing to the undersigned :— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period ol 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days from 
the service of notice on the respective persons, 
whichever period expires ater: 

(b) by qny other person interested in the said immov 
able property, within 45 days from the date of the 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation : — The terms «ud expressions used herein as 
are defined in Chapter XX A of the said Act 
shall have tho same meaning as given in 
that Chapter. 


Property being land measuring 2 bighas 11 biswas situated 
at vill. Nathupur Teh. Gurgaon and as more mentioned in 
the sale deed registered at Sr. No. 7460 dated 21-3-86 with 
the Sub Registrar. Gurgaon. 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range, Rohtak 

Date : 30-6-86 

i*ART 111—SEC. 1J 

TttE GAZETTE OF ItfDlA, SEPTEMBER 6, 1986 (BHADRA 15,1908) 



INCOME-TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 





Rohtak, the 30th June 1986 

Ref. No. l.A.C./Acq./GRG/16/86-87.—Whereas. 1. 

B. L. KHATRI. i >, 

being the Competent Authority under Section 269B oi the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 
■a the 'arid Act’), have reason to believe that the Immovable 
property, having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing 

land 2 bighns 17.1/4 biswas situated at vill. Chakarpur Tch. 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act, 1908 (16 of 
19081 in the office of the Registering Officer with the Com¬ 
petent Authority u/s 262 AB of the said Act read with rule 
48DD (4) at Gurgaon under Registration No. 398 of 
Income-tax Rules, 1962 dated 24-4-1986 
for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market valuo of the aforesaid property, and I have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property as aforesaid 
exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more than 
fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that the 
consideration for such transfer as agreed to between the 
parties has not been truly stated in the said instrument of 
transfer with the object of :— 

(a) facilitating the reduction er evasion el the liability 
of the transferor to pay tax under the *aid Act, In 
respect of any income arising from the transfer; 

(b) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 
moneys or other assets which have not been or 

which ought to be diacloaed by the transferee lor 
the purpose* of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922) or the told Act, or the WeaMh-tns 

Act. 1957 (27 of 1957); 

Now, therefore, In pmmam of Section 069C of the said 

Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 

ofonmld property by tbe ittue of thla notice uaJer roh- 

section (1) of Section 269D of the laid Act, to the following 
persons, namely :— 

(1) Sh. Lala s/o Sh. lal Singh 
r jo vill. Chakarpur. 


(2) M/s. Paragaon Real Estate & 

Apartment, 21-22, Narendra Place, 

Parliament Street, New Delhi. 


Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 
may be made in writing to the undersigned :— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persona within a period of 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days from 

the service of notice on the respective persons, 
whichever period expires later: 

(b) by any other person interested in the said Immov¬ 
able property within 45 days from the date of the 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation ;—The terms and expressions used herein as 

are defined in Chapter XXA of the Mild 
Act. shall have the same meaning as given 
in that Chapter 


Property being land measuring 2 bighas 17.1/4 blswaS 
situated at vill. Chakarpur and as more mentioned in the sale 
deed registered at Sr. No. 398 dated 24-4-86 with) the Sub 
Registrar, Gurgaon. 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range, Rohtak 

Date : 30-6-86 
Seal : 

22678 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, SEPTEMBER 6 , 1986 (BHAdRA 1$, 1908) 

[Part Itt—S bC. 1 



TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 




Rohtak, the 10th July 1986 

Ref. No. I,A,.C,/Acq./GRG/17/86-87,—Whereas I, 

B. L. KHATRI. b 

being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 
m the ‘wild Act’) have reason to believe that the Immov¬ 
able property having a fair market value exceeding 
Rg. 1,00,000/- and bearing No. 

land measuring 10 bighns 2 biswas situated at vill. Cbakarpur 
Teh. Gurgaon 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 

has been transferred under the Registration Act, 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the office of the Registering Officer with the Com¬ 
petent Authority u/s 262 AB of the said Act read with ru'c 
48DD (4) at Gurgaon under Registration No, 508 of In¬ 
come-tax Rules, 1962 dated 30-4-1986 
for an aptMnrot eonrideratlon which la ten than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property, and I have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property aa aforo- 
safd exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more than 
fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration 
and that the consideration or such transfer as agreed to 
between the pertiea hat not been truly stated is file nU 
Instrument of transfer with (ha object of:— 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the liability 
of tho transferor to pay tax under the said Act, In 
respect of any Income arising from the transfer; 

(b) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 
moneys or other assets which have not bees 
which ought to be dlac l osed by the transferee for the 
purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 (11 ef 
1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth-lax Act, 1937 
(27 of 1937); 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the saM 
Act, 1 hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of th( 
aforesaid property by die Issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the follow 
tag persons, namely :— 

(1) Sh. Ranjit s/o Sh. Shiv Lai 

rfo vill. Chakarpur Teh. Gurgaon. 


(2) M/s. Ansa) Properties & Industries (P.) Ltd., 

115 Ansal Bhawan, 16 Kasturba Gandhi Marg, 

New Delhi. 


Objecttem, If any, to the acquisition of the said property 
may be made in writing to the undersigned : — 

(a) by say of the aforeaaid penooa within a period ot 
45 days from the date or publication of this notice 
to the OfDeial Gaaatte or a period of 30 days frotc 
to aarviea of aottoa on the respective persona, 
w hic he v er period ea*ina talan 

(b) by any other person interested in the said inunr^ 
able property within 45 days from the date of the 
publication of this notice In the Official Gazette 

Explanation :—The terms and expressions used herein as 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the Said 
Act, shall have the same meaning as given 
in that Chapter. 


Property being land measuring 10 bighas 2 biswas situated 
at vill. Chakarpur Teh. Gurgaon and as more mentioned in 
the sale deed registered at Sr. No, 508 dated 30-4-86 with the 
Sub Registrar, Gurgaon. 

B. L. KHAtRl 
Competent Authorjtv 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Incpme-tax 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range, Rohtak 

Date ; 10-7-1986 


Part III— Sec. 1] 




TAX ACT. 1961 (43 OF 1961) 




Rohtak, the 10th July 1986 

Ref. No, I.A.C./Acq.GRG/3/86-87.—Whereas, I. 

B. L. KHATR1. 

being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of 
the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred 
to as tho ‘said Act’) have reason to believe that the im¬ 
movable property, having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing No. 

land measuring 5 bighas 19 biswas situated at village Chakur- 
pur. Teh. Gurgaon 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act. 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the office of the Registering Officer with the Com¬ 
petent Authority u/s 262 AB of the said Act read with rule 
42DD (4) at Gurgaon under Registration No. 273 of In¬ 
come-tax Rules, 1962 dated 15-4-1986 

for an apparent consideration which is leu than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property, and I have reason 
to believe that ihc fair market value of the property aa 

aforesaid exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by 
more than fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration 
and that the consideration for such transfer as agreed to 
between the parties has not been truly stated hi the said 
instrument of transfer with the obect of 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the liability 
of the transferor to pay tax under the said Act, in 
respect of any income arising from the transfer) 


(b) facilitating the concealment of any income oor any 

moneys or other assets which have not been « 
which ought to be disdoacd by the transfefw for 
the pnrpo eee of tha Indian Incoma-t a x Act, 1932 
(11 of 1922) or the said Act, or tha Wealth-tax 
Act 19J7 (27 of 1957); 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of \he said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
'('w-tsaid prooertv bv the issue of this notice under sab' 

section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the following 
persons, namely :— 

(1) Sint. Maya Devi wd/o Sh. Ram Kishan, 

Sh. Maman Singh s/o Sh. Ham Nath, 
r/o vill. Chakarpur, Teh. Gurgaon. 


(2) M/s. Ansal Housing Finance & Leasing Co., 

115 Ansal Bhawan, 16 Kasturba Gandhi Marg, 

New Delhi. 


Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 

mny be made la witting to the undersigned:— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period of 

4S deys tern tha date of publication of this notice 
fa the OMeial Oggette or a period of 30 days from 
(hs msi he ef —th e on the respective persons, 
whichever period expiree bier i 

(b) by any other person interested in the taid immov¬ 
able p ropert y , within 43 days from the date of the 

publication at this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation : — The terms and expressions used herein a* 
ore defined in Chapter XXA of tfce said 
Act shall have the same meaning as given 
in that Chapter. 


Property being land measuring 5 bighus 19 biswas situated 
at village Chakarpur, Teh. Gurgaon and as moje mentioned 
in the sale deed registered at Sr. No. 273 dated 15-4-86 with 
the Sub Registrar, Gurgaon, 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assl 3* Comatfjekaer of Income-tax 
ActffiSifloO Range, Rohtak 

Date : 10-7-1986 

22680 THEGAZETTE OFINDIA, SEPTEMBER 6, 1986 (BHADRA 15, 1908) [Part IH—Sec. 1 


INCOME-TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OR 1961J 

(1) Sh. Sukhbir (2) Sh. Vijay Kumar ss/o 
Sh. Shivji r/o vill. Chakarpur. 

Teh, Gurgaon. 


(2) M/s, D.L.F. Hotels (P.) Ltd., 

21-22, Narindra Place, Parliament Street, 

New Delhi. 



OFFICE OF THE INSPECTING ASSISTANT Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said proporty 

COMMISSIONER OF INCOME-TAX, may be made in writing to the undersigned :— 


Rohtak, the 10th July 1986 

Ref. No, I.A.C. / Acq. / GRG/5 /R6-87. — Whereas, 1 

being the Competent Authority tinder Section 269B of the 

Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961 > (hereinafter referred to 
■» the 'said Act 1 ), have reason to believe that the immovable 
property, having a fair market value ex ce edi n g 

Rs. l.OO.OOQ/- and bearing No. 

land measuring If) bighas 6 biswas situated at vill. Chakarpur 
(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act, 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the office of the Registering Officer with the Com¬ 
petent Authority u/s 262 AB of the said Act read with nil- 
48DD (4) at Gurgaoir under Registration No. 233 of In¬ 
come-tax Rules,. 1962 dated 11-4-1986 
for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and 1 have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property as afore¬ 
said exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more 
than fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that 
the consideration for such transfer as agreed to between 
the parties has not been truly stated in the said instrument 
of transfer with the object of 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period of 
45 days from the date or publication of this node* 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days from 
the service of notice on the respective persona, 
whichever period expire* later; 

(b) by any other person interested in the said Immov¬ 
able property, within 45 days from the date of the 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation The terms and expressions used herein as 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said 
Act, shall have the same meaning as given 
b that Chapter. 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the liability 
of the transferer to pay tax under the said Act, jj 
respect of any Income arising from the tramfer; 


(b) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 
moneys or other assets which have not been or 
which ought to be 'disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of the Indian Income tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax 
Act, 1957 (27 of 1957); 

Property being land measuring 10 bighas 6 biswns situated 
at village Chakarpur Teh. Gurgaon and as more mentioned 
in the sale deed registered at Sr. No. 233 dated 11-4-86 with 
the Sub Registrar, Glirgaon, 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceeding* for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice «mdor sub¬ 
section Cl) of Sectioy 269D of the said Act, to the following 
persons, namely :— 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range, Rohtak 

Date : 10-7-1986 



TAX ACT, 1961 (4. OF 1963) 




Rohtak, the 10th July 1986 

Ref, No. I.A.C,/Acq./GRG/7/86-87.—Wh '-.iii I, 


being the Competenl Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act, 3961 (43 of I9G1I (hercinaltcr referred to 
as the ‘said Act'), have reason to helievc that the 
immovable properly having a fai v market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000'/- and hearing No. 

land measuring 17 higha h\ Im.v.i : U”Mcd at Vi’l. 
pur. Gurgaon 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Ail. 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the office of the Rerislerimj Oflicer w : th the Com¬ 
petent Authority u/r 262 AB of the said Act icad with rule 
48DD (4t at Guignon under Registration No 24 dated 
1-4-1986 uf Income-tax Rules. 1962, dated 1-4-19866 
for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and I have reason to 
beiievo that th* fair market value of the property as 
aforesaid exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more 
than fifteen per cent of such app^r-rt consideration and that 
the consideration fo r *nrh t vtwfer as agreed to between 
the parties has not been truly stated m the said instrument 
of transfer with the object of :— 

(a) facilitating tlie reduction or evasion of the liability 
of the transferor to pay tax under the said Act, in 
respect of any income arising from the transfer. 


(b) facilitating the concealment o£ any income or any 
moneys or other as'c’s which huvr no' been o> 

Wnich ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
'11 of 1922) or the laid Act or the Wealth-tax 
4nt 1957 (27 of 1957); 

N*w, therefor* in pursuance of Section 2<* t3 C of the <e« 
Act, I hereby Wtinte proceeding for the acquiMIon of the 
aforesaid property »y the Issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section '1) of Section 269D rt* the said Art, to the follow¬ 
ing persons, namely :— 


SEPTEMBER 6, 19d6 (BHADRA 15, 1908) 22oSl 

( I ) Sh. Digha s/o Sh. Deep Chand, 
l'j o Chakarpur, Gurgaon. 


(2) M/s. D.L F. Housing & Construction Ltd. 

21-23. Narindra Place, New Delhi, 


Objection*, if any, to the acquisition of the laid propatty 
may be made in writing to the undersigned :— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period 
of 45 days from die date of publication of tkia 
notice In the Official Gazette or a period of 
30 day* from the service of notice on the 
respective persons, whichever period expiree later. 

(b) by any other person interested in the said immov¬ 
able property, within 45 days from the date of the 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation '—Tbe terms and expressions used herein as 
are defined in Chapter XXA ef the said 
Act, shall have the same meaning a* given 
in that Chapter. 


Property being land measuring 17 bigha 6) bishwa situated 
at village Chakarpur, Gurgaon and a a more mentioned in the 
sale deed registered at Sr. No. 29 dated 1-4-1986 with the 
Sub- Registrar. G urgnon. 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range, Rohtak 

Date : 10-7-1986 
Seal ; 

22082 THIi GAZETTE OF INDIA, SEPTEMBER 6. 1986 (BHADRA 15, 1908) [Part III— Sec. 1 





(1) Smt. Chhoti Devi wd/o Khajan, Dhnramvir, 
Bhagmal. Raghbir ss/o Khajan, Kalari Devi, 
Munni Devi Ds/o Khajan Vill. Chakarpur, 


(2) M/s. Paragon Real Estate & Apartments Ltd,, 

21-22, Narindra Place, New Delhi. 




Rohtak, the 10th July 1986 

Kef. No. T.AuC./Acq,/GRG/ll/86-87.—Whereas 1, 

B. 1 . KHATRT, 

being the Competent Authority under Section 2&9B of the 

Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 

as the ‘Said Act’), have reason to believe that the 

immovable property having a fair market value 

exceeding Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing No. 

land measuring 5 bigha 6 bishwa situated at vill. Chakarpur, 


(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act, 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the office of the Registering Officer with the Com¬ 
petent Authority u/s 262 AB of the said Act read with rule 
4813D (4) at Gurgaon under Registration No. 276 of In¬ 
come-tax Rules, 1962 dated 15-4-198666 
for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and I have reason to 
Relieve that the fair market value of the property n« tfaro- 
said exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more 
thtan fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that 
the consideration for such transfer as agreed to between the 
pa.ties has not been truly stated in the said Instillment of 
transfer with the object of :— 

Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 
may be made in writing to the undersigned :— 

(a) by any at tbs aforesaid penoas within a period 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 
la As OMd Gandhi or a period of SO days hen 

the service of notioe on the respective persons, 

whichever period a rp t m later; 

(b) by any other person interested in the said immov¬ 
able property within 45 days from the date of the 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation 'The terms and expressions used herein as 

are defined in Chapter XXA of the said 
Act. shall have die imuv* meaning as Riven 

In that Chapter. 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the liability 
of the transferor to pay tax under the raid Act 
in respect of any income arising from ths transfer; 

(b) facilitating the concealment of any Income or any 

notrnyi or other assess whfck bare not been or 
which ought to be disdosed by the tramfaree fbt 
the purposes of the indi— Inccwse tax Act, 1922 

(11 of 1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax 

Act 1957 (27 of 1957): 

How. therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the nun 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of 'his notice under sub¬ 
section ( 1 ) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the follow¬ 
ing nerenng namely :— 


Property being land measuring 5 bigha 6 bishwa situated 
at vill. Chakarpur, Gurgaon and as more mentioned in the 
sale deed registered at Sr. No, 276 dated 15-4-1986 with the 
Sub-Registrar, Gurgaon, 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range, Rohtak 

Date : 10-7-1986 
Seql : 

THE OAZHtfE OP INDIA, SEPTEMBER 6, 1986 (BHADRA 15, 1908) 22683 

(1) Sh. Bhagwan Singh s/o Sis Ram, 

Smt. Sonni wd/o late Sh, Sis Ram, 

Spit. Santra, Smt, Prein, Smt. Krishan uruf Kitan 

ds/o late Sh. Sis Ram through 

Sh. Bhagwan. Singh, Dharam Vir Singh, 

Rattan, Sh. Rameshwar ss/o late 
Sh. Sis Ram r/o vill. Chakarpur, 

Teh. Gurgaon. 

(2) M/s. DX.F. Hotel Ltd. 21-22, 
Narindera Place, Parliament Street, 
New Delhi. 



Part III— Sec. 1] 

torm rim 

TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 




Rohtak, the 10th July 1986 

Ref. No. I.A.C./Acq./GRG/6/86-87.—Whereas T, 

B. L, KHATR1, 

being the Competent Authority under Section 269AB ef the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (herehiafter referred 

te as the ‘said Act’), have reason to believe that the immov¬ 
able property having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1.00,000/- and bearing 

land measuring 6 bighas 5 biswas situated at vill. Chakarpur 
Teh. Gurgaon 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act. 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the office of the Registering Officer with the Com¬ 
petent Authority u/s 262 AB of the said Act read with rule 
448DD (4) at Gurgagn under Registration No. 274 of In¬ 
come-tax Rules, 1962 dated 15-4-1986 

for an apparent consideration which la Less than the fair 
mnrket value of the aforesaid proparty and I hava raasoa to 
believe that the fair market value at the property as aforesaid 
a*c#eds the apparent consideration therefar by mare than 
fifteen per cent of such appnremt consideratian aid that the 
cowvtdcrabaa. for such trusfar as a treed to between the 
parties has not been truly stated in the said instrument of 
transfer with the object of:— 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion ol the liability 
of the transferor to pay tax ueder the said Act, in 
respect of anv Income arising from the transfer, 

(b) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 
moneys or other assets which have not been or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax 
Act 1957 (27 of 1957); 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, 1 hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice tinder sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the following 
persons, namely . 

Objection, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 
may be made in writing to the undersigned :— 

(b) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period of 
45 days from the date of publication of this 
notice in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 
days from the service of notice on the respective 
persons whichever period expires Uler: 

(b) by any other person interested in the said immov¬ 
able property, within 45 days from the date of the 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation :—The terms and expressions used herein as 
ar# defined in Chapter XXA of the said 
Act, shall have the same meaning as given 
In that Chapter. 


Property being land measuring 6 bighas 5 biswas situated 
at village Chakarpur Tch. Gurgaon and as more mentioned 
in the sale deed registered at Sr. No, 274 dated 15-4-86 with 
the Sub Registrar, Gurgaon. 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range, Rohtak 

Date : 10-7-1986 
Seal : 


THE GAZTTE OF INDIA, SEPTEMnjr. 6, 1986 (BHADRA i 5, 1908) 


INCOME-TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 




[Pari III-- Sec. 1 

III MuLId-ur, Bargain, Shobir, 

ss;_. Sin m, Kam Kaur 
wd/u, Kr.shiuri, Nihali, Bhtilan, 

Krishu.m D;./o Siri Ram 
r/o Sr r ho I, Distt. Gurgaon. 


(2) M/:,. Aii^ai Housing Financo & Leasing Co. Pvt. 
Lid. 115. /.mail Lnavvan, 16 Kasturba Gandhi Marg, 
New Delhi. 


Rohtnk, the 10(h July 1986 

Objection, if any, to Ihe acquisition of the said property 
may be made in writing to the undersigned :— 

Ref, No. l.A.C./Acq /GRG, 86-87.--Whereas 1, 

B. L. KHATR1, 

being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-Wx Act. 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred 
to as the ‘said Act'), have reason to believe that the immov¬ 
able property, having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000/- aud bearing 

land measuring 23 Kunals 19 nutrias situated at Vill. l-crhol, 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Ael, 1 , ‘>0S (16 of 
1908) in the office of the Registering, Officer wtth Ihe Com¬ 
petent Authority u/s 262 AD of the said Act read with title 
48DD (4) at Gurgaon under Registration No. IK7 of Tn- 
come-tax Rules, 1962 dated 9-4-1986 

for an apparent consideration which i» vena than the fall 
market value of the aforesaid property and I have reason 
to believe that the fair market value of the property as afore¬ 
said exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more 
than fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that 
the consideration for such transfer as agreed to between the 
particr has not been truly stated in the said Instrument el 
transfer with the object el :— 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the liability 

of the tnnafaror to pay tax under the mid Act, te> 
reaped of any income aristae from the transfer 

(b) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 
money* nr ether ameta which have not been or 
which ought to be discioeed by the transferee for 
Ihe purpose* of the Indian Income-tax Act 1922 
-'’l of 1922) or the said Act or tb* Wealth tax 
Act, 1957 (27 of 1957): 

Nww, therefore, in purwuanoe of Section 269C of the said 

Act. I l>ereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the Issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the following 

persons, namely :— 

la) by any o( th« nfoic»«d persona within a period o> 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 

■B the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days (rote 
the service of Mice on the respective persons, which 

i-er period expires laMn 

(b) by any ether person interacted in the said imroo-,- 
abli property, within 45 days from the date of th# 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

ExTLam noN :—The terms and expressions used herein as 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said 
Act, shall have the same noc-.ning as given 

in that Chapter, 


Property hcDg hind mo:"lining 23 kailal 19 marlas situated 
nt Vill, Serb cl, Gurgaon and ns more mentioned in the sale 
deed register'd at Sr. No. 187 tinted 9-4-1986 with the Sub- 
Registrar, Gurgaon. 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range, Rohtak 

Date : 10-7-1986 
Seal : 

1'aju IU—Sec. 1] 

i’Hii GAZErrii Of INCH t SEPTEMBER 6, 1986 (BHADRA 15, 1908) 2268 5 



L-COME TAX ACT, 1961 <43 OF 1M1) 




Ruhlak, llic 10th July 1986 

Ref. No. I.A.C./Acq.'GRG/8/86-87.—Whereas T, 


being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 
as the ‘said Act’), have reason to believe that the immovable 
property having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,00(1/- and bearing No. 

land measuring 7 bigha 4 Ixsliwa situated at Vill. Chakuipur, 

(and more fully described in ihe Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Rcgisti ation Act, 1908 (16 
1908) in the office of the Registering Officer With the Com- 
jjcient Authority tt/s 2662 AB of the said Au read with rule 
48DD (4) at Gurgaon under Registration No. 275 dated 
15-4-1986 of Income-tax Rules, 1962 dated 15-4-19866 
for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and I have reason to 
believe that the fair market value or the property ns aforesaid 
exceeds the apparent, consideration therefor by more than 
intern per cent of such apparent consideration and that the 
consideration for such transfer m agreed to between the 
partie* ha* not been truly stated in the said instrument of 
transfer with the object of :— 

(a) facilitating the reduction oi evasion of the liability 
of the transferor to pay tax under the said AG, in 
respect of any income arising from the transfer; 

t b • facilitating the concealment of any income or any 
moneys or others asset* which bav# not bees or 
which ought to be ductosed by tJs# Immfww far 
tbc purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax 
Act, 1957 (27 of 1957); 

Nov, theicluie, in pursuance of Section 269C of Ihe said 
V t, 1 hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
iforcsaid property by the issue of this notice under sub-sec- 
ion (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the following 
persons, namely :— 

(I) Sint. Maya Devi wd/o Ram Kishtin, 

M.tman Singh s/o Ram Nath, 

Vill, Chakapur, Gurgaon. 


(2) M/s. D.L.F, Universal Ltd. 21-22, 

Nurindia Place, New Delhi. 


Obrction.*. if any, to the acquisition of the said property 
mav be made in writing to ths undersigned :— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persona within a period 

of 45 days from the date of publication of this 
notice in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 
days from the service of notice on the respective 

persons, whichever period expires later; 

(b) by any other person interested in the said immov¬ 
able property, within 45 days from the date of the 

pabUcadiw of this node* in th* Official Gnjteft* 

Exi'Lan.vuon :—The terms and expressions used herein as 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said 
Act. shall have the same meaning as given 
in that Chapter. 


Property being land measuring 7 bigha 4 bishwa situated 
at vill. Chahurpur, Gurgaon and as move mentioned in the 
sale deed registered at Sr. No. 275 dated 15-4-1986 with the 
suh-Registrar, Gurgaon, 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range, Rohlak 

Dole : 10-7-1986 


THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, SEPTEMBEY 6,1986 (BHADRA 25, 1908) & [Part III—SfiC. 1 

- ^tau— mu—wwwiiipii——m 

form rms 


INCOME-TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 



Rohtak, the 30th June 1986 

Ref. No. I.A.C./Acq./GRG/9/85-86.—-Whereas r, 


being ihe Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
I’teonH-tni Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred 
to as the laid Act') have re aeon to believe that the im- 

movab )g property, having a fair market value exceeding 
Its. 1,( 0,000/- and bearing 

hint! 2 bighas 18 biswas situated at Vill. Nathupur Teh. 
Gurgac n 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto) 
has been transt’eired under the Registration Act. 1908 (16 
of 1908) in the office of the Registering Officer with the 
Competent Authority u/s 262 AB of the said Act read with 
rule 48DD (4) at Gurgaon under Registration No. 233 of 
Income-tax Rules, 1962 dated 11-4-1986 
for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property, and I have reason 
to believe that the fair market value of the property as 
aforesa d exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by 
more than fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration 
and that the consideration for such transfer as agreed to 
between the parties has not been truly stated in the said 
Instrument of transfer with the object of :— 

(a) facilitating the reduction or avMtao Of the IfcMky 
of the transferor to pay tax under the aid Act B» 

respect of any income arising from the transfer; 


(b) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 
moneys or other assets which have not been or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax 
Act, 1957 (27 of 1957); 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 1 269C of the said 
Act, I Hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
afpreun property by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (I) of Section 269D of the said Act. to the following 
persons, namely :■— 

(1) Sh. Shco Ram (2) Sb. Des Rom ss/o 
Sh, Gordhan Ahir by cast r/o 

vill. Nathupur. 


(2) M/s. V. D. Investment & Agencies Pvt. Ltd. 
21-22, Narcndra Place, 

Parliament Street, New Delhi. 


Objections, if any, to (be acquisition of the said property 
may be made in writing to the undersigned 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period of 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days from 
the service of notice on the respective persons, 
whichever period expires later; 

(b) by any other person interested in the said immov¬ 
able property within 45 days from the date of the 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation :—The terms and expressions used herein as 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said 
Act, shall have he same meaning as given 
In that Chapter. 


Property being land measuring 2 bighas 18 biswas situated 
at vill. Nathupur Teh. Gurgaon and as more mentioned in 
the sale deed registered at Sr. No. 233 dated 11-4-86 with 
the Sub Registrar, Gurgaon. 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range, Rohtak 

Date : 30-6-86 
Seal : 

Eaiu 1H--SEC. 1J 



TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 


(1) Shri Jo finder Singli (2) Shii Raiiuder Singh Ss/o 
Shri Chhatcr Singh (3) Shri Narinder (4) Shri 
Harbans (5) Shri Hans Raj (6) Shri Ganga Parshnd 

S«/o. Shri Ram Kanwar (7) Smt. Dhanpati (8) 
Kumari Snntosh Ds/o. Shri Ram Kumar r/o vill. 

Chakarpur. , 


(2) M/s. Puragoan Real Estate & Appartment Ltd., 

21, Narindru Place, 

New Delhi. 




Objections, if any, to th© acquisition of the said property 

ma y be made ii wilting to the undersigned :— 

Robtak, the 10th July 1986 

Ref. No. I.A.C./Acq./GRG/19/86-87.—Whereas, I, 


being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of th© 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 
the ‘said Act 1 ), have reason to believe that the immovable 
property, having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing No. 

No. land 29/33 share of 9 bighas 6 biswas situated at Vill. 
Chakarpur Teh. Gurgaon 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act, 1908 (16 
of 1908) in the office of the Registering Officer with the 
Competent Authority u/$. 262 AB of the said Act read with 
rule 48DD (4) at Gurgaon dated 17-4-1986 
for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property , and I have w on 
to believe that the fair market value ©f the |M|glf M 
aforesaid mcaed© the apparent condderatkin thereto by 
■non* dun flftoew per cent of inch app a r ent ooodderatfcm 
and that the consideration for such transfer as agreed to 
between the parties has not been truly stated in the said 
instrument of transfer with the object of :— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period 
of 45 days from the date of publication of this 
notice in the Official Gazette or a period of 
30 dayi from the service of notice on the respective 
persons, whichever period expires later: 

(b) by any other person Interested in the said Immov¬ 
able property, within 45 days from the date of the 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation The terms and expressions used herein as 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said Act, 
shall have the same meaning as given In 
that Chapter. 

(a)facUitating th© reduction or evasion of the liability 

of the transferor to pay lax wader tfce toll M la 

respect of any income arising from the tramfbn 


(b) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 
moneys or other assets which have not been or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax 
Act, 1957 (27 of 1957); 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the following 
persons, nafqelv 

Property being land 29/33 share of 
situated at vill, Chakarpur Teh. Gurgaon 
tinned in the sale deed registered at Sr. 
17-4-86 with the Sub Registrar, Gurgaon. 

9 bighas 6 biswas 
and as more men- 
No. 317 dated 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 

Acquisition Range 

Date : 10-7-86, 


22688 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, SEPTEMBER 6. 1986 (BHADRA 15, 1908) [Part 1H— Sec. 1 


INCOME TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 

(1) Shri Suraj Mai s 'o Shri Jai Mai 
r/o Chakarpur. 


(2) M/s. Ansal Housing Finance & Leasing Co., Ltd., 
115, Sansal Bhawiin, 16 Kasturba Gandhi Marg, 
New Delhi, 






Rohiak, the 30th lime l u 86 

Ref. No. I A.C./Acq./GRC./2/86-87_Whereas I, 


tx ing the Competent Authority inder Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred 
to as the ‘said Act’), have reason to believe that tho im¬ 
movable property having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,1)00/- and bearing No. 

land measuring 2 bighas 18 hiswas situated at vill. Chakarpur 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto) 
has been transferred under the Registration Act, 1908 (In 
of 1908 ) in the olfice of the Registering Officer with the 
Competent Authority ti/s 262 AB o f the said Act read with 
rule 48DD (4) at Gurgaon under Registration No. 272 ol 
Income-tax Rules. 1962 data! 15-4-1986 
for an apparent consideration which is Ess than the fair 
trurket value of the aforesaid property and I have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property as afore¬ 
said exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more 
than fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and 
that the consideration for such transfer as agreed to between 
the parties has not been truly stated in the said instrument 
of transfer with the object of 

Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 
may be made in writing to the undersigned:— 

(a) by any of tho aforesaid persons within a period of 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days 
from the service of notice on the respective persons, 
whichever period expires later; 

(b) by any other person interested in the said immov¬ 
able property, within 45 days from the date of the 

publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation : — The terms and expressions used herein r s 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said 
Act, shall have the same meaning as given 
in that Chapter. 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the liability 
of the transferor to pay tax under the said Act, 
in respect of any income arising from the transfer; 

(b) facilitating the concealment of any iaeons* or aay 
moneys or other assets which hare not been or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax 
Act. 1957 (27 of 1957); 


Property being land measuring 2 bighas 18 biswas at vill. 
Chakarpur and as more mentioned in the sale deed registered 
at Sr. No. 272 dated 15-4-86 with the Sub Registrar, Gurgaon. 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 

Acquisition Range 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquiition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of tbe said Act, to the following Date : 30-6-86. 
persons, namely — Seal: 

Pari 1U— Sec. 1J 

the gazette of India, September 6. lyse (bhadra 15 , i908> 22689 


INCOME-TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 



(1) Shri Chandgi Ram (2) Shri Laxmi Narayan Ss/'o. 
Shri Piyari Lai r/o vill. Chakarpur, 

Tch. Gurgaon. 


(2) M/a. Ansal Housing Finance & Leasing Co. Lid., 
115. Ansal Bhawan. 16 Kasturba Gandhi Marg, 
New Delhi. 


Ions, If any, to the aoquUltion of the laid property 
made in writing to the undersigned:— 


Rohtak, the 10th July 1986 

Ref. No. l.A.C,/Acq./GRG/14/86-R7.—Whereas, T, 


being tlie Competent Authority under Section 269B of 
the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred 
to as the ‘said Act’), have reason to believe that the immov¬ 
able property, having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing 

No, land measuring 5 bighas 8 biswas situated at vill. Chakar¬ 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act. 1908 (16 
of 1908) in the office of the Registering Officer with t 1 '- 
Competent Authority u/s 262 AB of the said Act read with 
rulet 48DD (4) at Gurgaon under Registration No. 760 dated 

for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 

market value of the aforesaid property, and I have reason 
to believe that the fair market value of the property as 
aforesaid exceeds the apparent consideration therefor, by 
more than fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration 
and that the consideration for such transfer as agreed to bet¬ 
ween the parties has not been truly stated in the said instru¬ 
ment of transfer with the object of:— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period of 
45 days from the date or publication of this notice 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days from 
tha service of notice on the respective persona, 
whichever period expires ’ater; 

(b) by any other person interested in the said immov¬ 
able property, within 45 days from the date of the 
publication of this nouce in the Official Gillette. 

Explanation :—The terms and expressions used herein at 
are defined >*• Chapter XXA of the said 
Act, shall have the same meaning as given 
in that Chanter, 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the liability 
of the transferor to pay tax under the said Act, in 
respect of any income arising from the transfer: 


(b) facilitating the cocnealment of any income or any 
moneys or other assets which have not been oi 
which ought to be disclosed bv the transferee foi 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922) or the said Act. or the Wealth-tax 
Act, 1957 (27 of 1957): 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid piopcrtv by the issue of this notice wrwfw sub¬ 
station (11 of Section 269D of the said Act, to tilb ftikiwine 
persons namely : — 



Property being land measuring 5 bighas 8 biswas situated 
at village Chakarpur Tch. Gurgaon nnd as more mentioned 
in the sale deed registered at Sr. No. 760 dated 13-5-86 with 
the Sub Registrar, Gurgaon. 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 

Acquisition Range 

Date : 10-7-86 
Seal ; 


THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, SEPTEMBER 6, 1986 (BHADRA 15, 1908) [Part HI— Sec. 1 


TAX ACT. 1961 (43 OF 1*61) 

(1) Shri Chandgi Ram (2) Shri Laxmi Narayan Ss/o. 
Shri Pyare Lai r/o vill. Chakarpur, 

Tell. Gurgaon. 


(2) M/s. Paragaon Real Estate & Apartment, 

21-22, Narendra Place, Parliament Street, 

New Delhi. 






Roh f ak, the 30th June 1986 

Ref. No. I.A.C/Acq./GRG/13/86-87.—Whereas, I, 


being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax' Act, 1961 (43 of 1961), (hereinafter referred 
to as the ‘Said Act’), have reason to believe that the im¬ 
movable propeity, having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs, 1,00,000/- and bearing 

No. land measuring 2 bighas 13. 1/3 biswas situated at vill. 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto) 
has been transferred under the Registration Act, 1908 (16 
of 1908) in the oflice of the Registering Officer with the 
Competent Authority u/s 262 AB of the said Act read with 
rule 48DD (4) at Gurgaon under Registration No. 759 of 
Income<£i Rules, 1962 dated 13-5-1986 

tor an apparent consideration which is lea* than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and I hare muon to 
believe that the fair market value of the property as aforesaid 
Exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more than 
fifteen percent of such apparent consideration and that the 
eomidoration for such transfer as agreed to be t ween tbs 
parties has not been truly stated in the said instrument of 
transfer with tho object of :— 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the Ltobfltiy 
•f the transferor to pay m under the said Act, ia 
respect of any iaooaw arising from the transfer, 

(b) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 
moneys or other assets which have not been or 
which ought to be disclosod by the transferee for 
the purposes of the Indian income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922) of the said Act, or the wealth-tax 
Act, 1957 (27 of 1957); 

Now therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
afoi^nid property by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the saijl Act, to the following 
ing persons, namely > 

Ob*reheat, If any, to the acquisition of the said property 

may be made in writing to the undersigned :— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period of 
45 days from the date or publication of this notice 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days 
from tho service of notice on the respective persona, 
whichever period expires later; 

(b) by any other person interested in the said immov¬ 
able property within 45 days from the date of the 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette, 

Explanation :—The terms and expressions used herein as 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said 
Act, shall have the same meanings as given 
in that Chapter. 


Property being land measuring 2 bighas 13,1/3 biswas 
situated at village Chakarpur Teh. Gurgaon and as more 
mentioned in the sale deed registered at Sr. No. 759 dated 
13-5-86 with (he Sub Registrar, Gurgaon. 

Competent Authority 
inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 

Acquisition Range 

Date : 30-6-86, 

PaRt tit—S ec. 1 ] 

THE GAZETTE OP INDIA, SEPTEMBER 6, 1986 (BHADRA 15, 1908) 22691 


INCOME-TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 




New Delhi, the 14th August 1986 

Ref. No. lAC/Acq. V1I/37EE/12-85/1337.—Whereas, I, 

being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of, the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 
as the 'said Act’) have reason to believe that the immovable 
property, having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing 

No. Flat No. A-211, 3, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi 
(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto) 
has been transferred under 

Income lax Act, 1961 in the Office of the 1AC Acq, New 
Delhi on Dec. 1983 

for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and I have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property as aforesaid 
exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more than 
fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that the 
consideration for such transfer as agreed to between the 
parties has not been truly stated in the said instrument of 
transfer with the object of :— 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the liability 
of the transferor to pay tax under the said Act, in 
respect of any income arising from the transfer; 
and /or 

(b) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 
moneys or other assets which have not been or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax 
Act. 1957 (27 of 1957); 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the following 
persons, namely 1 -■ 

(1) Span India Pvt. Ltd. 

227, Okhla industrial Estate-Ill, 

New Delhi. 


(2) Mazda Leasing Ltd., 

317, Maker Chamber V, 

221, Nariman Point, 



Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 
may be made in writing to the undersigned :— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period of 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days from 
the service of notice on the respective persons, 
whichever period expires later; 

(b) by any other person interested in the said immov¬ 
able property, within 45 days from the date of the 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation The terms and expressions used herein as 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said Act 
shall have the same meaning as given In 
that Chapter. 


Flat No. A-211, 3, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi, Area 
618 sq, ft. 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range-VII, 
Aggarwal House, 4/14-A, Asaf Ali Road, 

New Delhi 

Date : 14-8-86. 

22692 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, SEPTEMBER 6, 1986 (BHADRA 15, 1908) [Part III—SBC. 1 


TAX ACT, 1M1 (4] Of* 19*1) 




New Delhi, ihe 14th August 1986 

Rof. No. IAC/Acq. R-VII/SRHI/12-85/375,—Whereas. I, 

being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 

as the 'said Act’), have reason to believe that the immovable 
property having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing No. 

K-6. Kailash Colony, New Delhi 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the Office of the Registering Officer at 
New Delhi on Dec. 1985 

lor an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and 1 have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property as aforesad 
exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by mate than 
fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and thta the 
consideration for such transfer as agreed to between the par¬ 
ties has not been truly stated, in the said instrument of 
transfer with the object ef 

(1) Mrs. Chandra Bali, 

K-6, Kaiiash Colony, 

New Delhi. 


(2) M/s. Bhadauria Investment, 

Pvt. Ltd. 2, Kasushlya Park, Hauz Khas, 

New Delhi. 


Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 
may be made in writing to the undersigned :— 

(a) by any of the afor e sa id persons wtthfa a ported of 
45 days from the data of p aWinattosi of this nortec 
fas the OAdal Gazette or a perM of 30 days fro* 
(fee nf s fa ) M notice aa the respective persons, 

whichever period expires later; 

(b) by any other person interested in the said Immov¬ 
able property within 45 days from the date of 
the publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation ;—The terms and expressions used herein as are 
defined in Chapter XXA of the said Act, 
shall have the same meaning as given in that 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the liability 

of the transferer to pay tax sate the said Act, hi 
teepee* of any bnoosne arising from the fisnefss, 


Property No. K-6, measuring 311 sq. yds, Kailash Colony, 
New Delhi. 

(b) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 

Money* or other a s s ets which hove not been or 
which ought to be dis c losed by the trurisne far 
the eu r peooe of the Indies loomto tet Aot, 1923 
(11 of I KUO or the said Act, or the Wsnhh-Mx Act, 

1957 (27 of 1957); 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Runge-VII, 
Aggarwal House, 4/14-A, Asaf All Road, 

New Delhi 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of the notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the following Date : 14 - 8 - 86 . 
persons, namely :— Seal: 

Krt In— sec. ii the o^zarte or indiv September 1986 (bhadra. is, i 908 ) 




TAX ACT, 1961 


(1) Smt, Yashodha Devi Kukar, 
K-25, Kailash Colony, 

New Delhi, 

(2) Shri Bashir Ahmed, 

61, Comer, MaJviya Nagar, 
New Delhi. 






New Delhi, the 14th August 1986 

Ref. No. IAC/Acq-VII/SR-ffT/12-85/366 •—Wehreas, I, 


being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of 
the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred 

to (u the ‘said Act’), have reason to believe that 

the unroevnble property, having a fair market value exceeding 

Rs. 1,00,000/- and hearing No. 

K-25, Kailgsh Colony,, New Delhi 

(and more fully described in 'he Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the .Registration Act, 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the Office of the registering Officer at 
Delhi on Dec, 1985 

for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and I havs renton to 
believe that the fair market value of the properly as 
aforesaid exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by 
mops than fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration 
and that the conatderation for such transfer u agreed to 
between tbe parties has not been truly stated to the said 
instrument of transfer with the object of 

Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the mid property 
may b« made in writing to the mlmkml :— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persona within a period of 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days from 

the aerriee ei netkn eg the iss m s ll vs pmtn 
whichever parted expbas Men 

(b) by any other person interested In the said immov¬ 
able property within 45 days from the date of the 
publication of tbe notice in the Official Gazette. 

Exhaustion:—T he terms and expression* used herein a* an 

Mtaa* in Chapter XXA af the said Art. 

shall have the same meaning n given in 
that Chapter. 


rmpsst of any beams arMng frum the transfer: 



(b) fac i litating (be conecalmant af any iwsan er any 
moaaya or other assets which have not been or 
»W«h«N«ht to bo d isc l osed by the tnarfsrse for 
the Porpins* of the Indian Income-tax Act 1929 

ill of 1922) or the said Act or tbs iVaalth-tu 

«#, 1957 (27 of 1957); 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the saj 
Art, I hereby initial* proceedings for the acquisition of t£ 

aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under im 

Property No, K-25, measuring 297.8 sq 
Colony, New Delhi. 



IWh. Assistant CmuSTT&SSi 

* , TT Acquisition Range-VH 

Aggarwgl House, 4/14-A, Asaf Aii Road, 

New Delhi 

Date: 14-8-86, 
Seal : 


THE GAZETTE OP INDIA, SEPTEMBER 6. 1916 (BtfADRA 15, 1908) [Pam ID—Sic. 1 







New Delhi, the 14th August 1986 

ReL No. IAC/Acq.VlI-SR-III/12-85/382—Whereas, I, 


being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 
a* the 'Mud Act’), have reaaon to believe that the Immv- 
able property, having a fair market value exceeding 

Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing No. 

B-95, Defence Coloney, New Delhi 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act, 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the Office of the Registering Officer at New Delhi 
on December, 1985 

for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 

market value of the aforeaald property and I have reaaon to 
believe that the fair market vahte of the property aa aforeaald 
exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more than 
fifteen per cent of auch apparent oooaideradoa and that tha 
consideration for such transfer as agreed to between the 
parties baa not bean truly stated in tha said instrument of 
transfer with the object of :— 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the liability 
of the transferor to pay tax under the said Act, in 
respect of any income arising from the transfer; 


(b) facilitating the concealrnenJ ci any income or any 
moneys or other assets which have not been or 
whiah ought to be disclosed by the transferee for the 

tmrpoaea of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 (11 
of 1922) or the said Act. or the Wealth-tax Act, 
1937 (27 of 1937); 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the aaid 
Ait, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of tha 
aforesaid property by the Issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the follow¬ 
ing persons, namely ;— 

(1) Stnt. Ela Ghua, 

W/o Late Sailender Kumar Guha. 

G-1301, Chitranjan Park, 

New Delhi. 


(2) Suit, Nihal Kaur, 

W/o Shri Rattan Singh, 

B-95, Defence Colony, 

New Delhi. 


Objections, it any, to the acquisition of the said property 
may be made in Writing to the undersigned :— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persona within a period of 
45 days from the date of publication of this nodes 
in the Official Gaaette or a period of 30 days from 
the service of notice on tbo respective persons, 
whichever period expires later. 

(b) by any person interested in the said immov¬ 
able property, within 45 days from the date of Ike 
paMIcnlton U this notice in the Official Ornette. 

Explanation : — The terms and expressions used herein aa are 
defined in Chapter XXA of the said Act, 
shall have the same meanings as given 
In that Chapter. 


Property No. B-95, measuring 325 sq. yds., Defence Colony, 
New Delhi. 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissicnor of Income-tax, 
Acquisition Range, VII 
New Delhi 

Date : 14-8-1986 


Part HI—Sec. 1] THE GAZETTE OP INDIA, SEPTEMBER 6, 1986 (BHADRA 15, 191)8) 


TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 





New Delhi, the 14th August 1986 

Ref. No. lAC/Acq.VTI-SR-III/12-85/384.—Whereas, I, 


being the Competent Authority under Section 269AB of the 
Income-tax Act. 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 
As the ‘said Act’), have reason to believe that the immovable 
property, having a fair market value 
exceeding Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing 
Plot No. 94, Block ‘S’ Greater Kailash Part-1, New Delhi 
(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto 1, 
has been transferred under the Registration Act, 1908 (16 
1908) in the Office of the Registering Officer at New Delhi 
on December, 1985 

for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and I have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property as aforesaid 
exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more than 
fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that the 
consideration for such transfer as agreed to between the 
parties has not been truly stated in the said instrument of 
transfer with the object of :— 

fa) facilitating the reduction of evasion of the liability 
of the transferor to pay tax under the said Act, in 
respect of any income arising from the transfen 

r bf facilitating the conoMfanent of any income or any 
moneys or other meets which have not been or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, I**?!’ 
(11 of 1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth-t r 
Act. 1957 (27 of 1957); 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the following 
persons, namely 

(1) Shri Pritipal Singh, 

37-27, treet, Woodside, New Delhi 
Through his duly constituted attorney 
Shri Kirpal Singh S/o Late S. Chanda Singh 
R/o 2/48, Malcha Marg Shopping Centre, 

New Delhi. 


(2) Smt, Chandcr Kanta, 

A-2/35, Safdarjang Enclave, 

New Delhi. 


Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the sand property 
may be made in writing to the undersigned ;— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period of 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days from 
the service of notice on the respective persons, 
whichever period expires later; 

(b) by any other person interested in the said immov¬ 
able property, within 45 davs from the date of the 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation :—The terms and expressions used herein as 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said Act, 
shall have the same meaning as given in 
that Chapter. 


Land measuring Plot No. 94, measuring 300 sq. yards, biocK 
‘S’ in the residential colony known as Greater Kailash Part-I, 
New Delhi 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner Tnconie-tux 
Acquisition Range, VII, 
New Delhi 

Date : 14-8-1986 
Seal ; 

22696 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, SEPTEMBER 6, 1986 (BHADRA 15, 1908) 

[Pakj III—SBC. 1 

form rim 


TAX ACT, 19*1 (43 OF 19*1) 





New Delhi, the 14th August 1986 

Ref. No. IAC/Acq.VII-SR-HI/12-85/353.—Whereas, I. 


being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 
as the ’said Act’), have reason to believe that the immov¬ 
able property, having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs, 1,00,000/- and bearing No. 

S-229, Greater Kailash, Part-TT. New Delhi 
(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act, 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the Office of the Registering Officer at New Delhi 
on December, 1985 

for an apparent consideration which Is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property, and I have reason 
to believe that the fair market value of the property as 
aforesaid exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more 
than fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that 
the consideration for such transfer as agreed to between tfcf 
parties has not been truly stated in the said instrument of 
transfer with the object of 

(a) facilitating tbs rvductiee or evasion of the liabihrs 
of the transferor to pay tax under the said Act, In 
respect of any income arising from the transfer; 


(b) facilitating ihe concealment of any income or any 
money, or other assets which have not been or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922) or the said Act. or the Wealth-tax 
Act, 1957 (27 of 1957); 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub-sec¬ 
tion (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the following 
persons, namely :— 

(1) M s. Delite Builders, 

A-2/140, Safdnrjung Enclave, 

New Delhi. 


(2) Shri Krishan Kumar Sharma, 

S/o Shri A P. Shastri, 

H-9B, Connaught Circus, 

New Delhi. 


Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 
guiy be made in writing to the undersigned :— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period of 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 
in tbe Official Gazette or a period of 30 days from 
the service of notice on the respective persons, 
whichever period expire* later. 

(b) by any other person interested in the said immov¬ 
able property, within 45 days from tlic date of the 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation :—The terms and expressions used herein as 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said 
Act, shall have the same meaning as given 
in that Chapter. 


First Floor of property No. S-229, Greater Kailash Par HI. 
New Delhi 33% of 300 sq yds. 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner Tnconie-tax 
Acquisition Range, VII 
New Delhi 

Date : 14-8-1986 


Part in —Sec. 1] THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, SEPTEMBER 6 , 1986 (BHADRA 15, 1908) 2.69? 


INCOME-TAX ACT. 1961 (43 OF 1961) 





New Delhi, the 14th August 1986 

ReL No. TAC/Aeq-VII/SR-III/1 ? RV355.—Whereas, 1, 


being the Competent Authority under Section 26 C| B <4 

the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred 

to as the ‘said Act’) have reason to believe that ihe ini- 

movable property, having a fair market value exceeding 

Rs. 1,00,000/- and healing 

Plot No. S/250, Greater La'lash-lf, New Delhi 

(and more fully desenbed in the Schedule annexed hereto), 

has been transferred under the Registration Act, 1908 (16 of 

1908) in the Oilier of ihe Registering Office; at New Delhi 

on December, 1985 

for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid rroperty and 1 have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property as aforesaid 
exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more than 
fifteen per cent of sucli apparent consideration and that the 
consideration for such transfer as agreed to between the 
parties has not been truly stated in the said instrument of 
transfer with the object of :— 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the liability 
of the transferor to pay tax under the said Act, in 
respect of any income arising from the transfer; 

lk) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 
moneys or other assets which have not been or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax 
Act. 1957 (27 of 1957); 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforeaaid property by the issue of th s notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269T> of the said Act to the following 
persons, namely :— 


(1) Smt. lshwar l.oond, 

M-273, Greater Kuilaah-ll, 

New Delhi. 


(2) Smt. Kupindcr Kaur, 

A.-202, Defence Colony, 

New Delhi. 


Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 
may be made in writing to the undersigned :— 

(a) by any of the afqresaid persons within a period of 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days from 
the service of notice on the respective persons, 
whichever period expires later; 

(b) by nov other puaon interested in the said immov¬ 
able property, within 45 days from the date of the 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

ExrLA-NXTioN .—Ihe terms and expressions used herein a» 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said Act 
shall have the same meaning as given bi 
that Chapter. 


Plot No. S/250, Greater Kailush-I, New Delhi, measuring 
300 sq. yards. 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner Income-tax 
Acquisition Runge-VII, 
New Dclh : 

Date : 14-8-1986 
Seal ; 

22'j‘J<j THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, SEPTEMBER 6. 1950 (BHADRA 15, 1908) [Part III— Sec. 1 


INCOME-TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 





New Delhi, the 14th August 1986 

Ref. No. IAC/Acq.VlT/SR-III/12-85/386.—Whereas, I, 


jtini the Competent Authority under Section 269B ol the 

Incime-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 

»s the ‘said Act’), have reason to believe that the 

immovable property, having a fair market value exceeding 

Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing 

E-,372, Greater Kailash-IJ, New Delhi 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 

has been transftrred, under the Registration Act, 1908 (16 of 

i 90S 1 in the Office of the Registering Officer at New Delhi 

on December, 1985 

: rket value of the aforesaid property and I have reaeon 
io believe that the fair market value of the property M 
aforesaid exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by 
more than fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and 
that the consideration for such transfer as agreed to bet¬ 
ween the parties hr.s not been truly stated 
in the said instrument of transfer with the object of: — 

li) facilitation the reduction or evasion of th: liability 
of the uanaferor to pay tax under the said Act, In 
respect of any Lnooruc arising from the transfer-, 
sad/ or. 

(b) facilitating the concealment of any Income or any 
money* or othar aaaats whim have not been o« 

which ought to be disclosed by the transferee fur 

the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
ill of 1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth-fax 
Act, 1957 (27 of 19571: 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceeding 1’or the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the following 
persons, namely :— 

(1) Smt, Pmbha Puri, 

B-592, Sufdarjung Enclave, 

New Delhi. 


(2) Sliri Amerjit Singh Johar, 

C-139, Defence Colony, 

New Delhi. 


Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 

n y be made in writing to the undersigned :— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period ot 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 
In the Official Gazette or a period of 30 day* 
from the service of notice on the respective persons, 
whichever period expiree later; 

(b) by any other peraon interested in the said immovable 
property, within 45 days from the date of the publi¬ 
cation of this notice in the Official Gazette 

Explanation 'The terms and expression used herein us 

are defined in Chapter XXA of the said 
Act, shall have the same meaning p- 
given In that Chapter 


E-372, Greater Kailashrll, New Delhi 250 sq. yards. 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner Income-tax 
Acquisition Range, VII 
Now Delhi 

Date : 14-8-1986 


I 1 \8.T [[[—SBC. 1] 



INCOME-TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 

,(1) Co). Sardar Singh Bhasin, 
26/J, East Patel Nagar, 
New Delhi. 

(2) Sint. Chitrelekha Ghose, 
D-292, Defence Colony, 
New Delhi. 







New Delhi, the 14tb, August 1986 

Ref. No. lAC/Acq.Vri/SR-m/12-85/360.—Whereas, I, 


being the Competent Aulhorily under Section 269B of the 
Incorne-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred 
to as the ‘said Act’), have reason to believe that the 
immovable property having a fail market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing No. 

D-292, Defence Colony, New Delhi 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been trans lined, under the Registration Act, 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the Cilice of the Registering Olficci at New Delhi 
on December, 1985 

for un apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
nr.uket value o( the aforesaid property and I have reason 
to believe that the fair market value of the property as afore¬ 
said exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more 
than fifteen percent of such apparent consideration and that 
the consideration for such transfer as agreed to between the 
has not been truly stated in the said instrument of transfer 
the said instrument of transfer with the object of— 

Objection, if nay, to the acquisition of the said property 
may be made in writing to the undersigned :— 

(ft) by ftjay of the aforesaid persons within a period at 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 
is the Official Gaxette or a period ot 30 days .from 
the service of notice on the respective persons 

whichever period exoiree fetor. 

(b) by any other person interested in the said itnmcrvablo 

property, within 45 days from the date of the 
publication ot thl# notice in the Official Gazette, 

Explanation :—The terms and expression* used herein a* 
are defined In Chattel XXA of the said 

Act, shall have the same meaning as given 
to tow OiP-nie' 

la) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the UabJUty 
of the transferer to pay tax under the laid Am. to 
respect of any income arising from the transfer, 


Property No. D-292, measuring 325 sq. yards, Defence 
Colony, New Delhi. 

i b 1 facilitating the concealment ot any Income or any 
moneys or other assets which have not been or 
which ought to be disclosed by the tramferee for 
the purpose* of the Indian Income-tax Ant, 1*22 
(11 of 1922) or the (lid Act, or the Wealth-tox 
Art, 1957 (27 of 1957); 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissionci- incomc-lax 
Acquisition Range. VII 
New Delhi 

Now. thererore. m punm^aee ot Section 269C of the Mid 
Act, I hereby initiate proceeding for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the iiume of this notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the following Date • 14-8-1986 
pci sons, namely ;— c c 1 , ' 



INCOME-TAX ACT, lttl (43 OF 1H 1) 



44/14-A, ASAF ALI ROAD, 

New Delhi, the 13th Aueust 1986 

Ref. No, lAC.'Acq. V/New Delhi.—Whereas, I, 


being the Competent Authority under Section 2 6 9B o’ 
the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) 'hereinafter referred 
to as the said Act’) have reason to believe that the immov¬ 
able property, having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing No. 

S-24, Green Park Extension, New Delhi 
(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under T.T. Act 196) 
in the Office of the IAC (Acq.) R-V at New Delhi 
on 4th February 1986 

for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property, and I have reason 
to believe that the fair market value of the propery as 
aforesaid exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by 
more than fifteen per rent of such apparent consideration 
and that the consideration for such transfer as agreed to 
between the parties has not been truly stated in the said 
instrument of transfer with the object of :— 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the liability 

et the transferor to pay tax noder tkm satd Act, h* 
respect of any income arising from the transfer; 


(b) facilitating the concealment of any income of any 
moneys or other assets which have not been 
or which ought to be disclosed by the transferee 
for the purpose of Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1972) or the said act or the Wealth-tax 
Act, 1957 (27 of 1957). 

Now', therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C o£ the 
said Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for acquisition of 
the aforesaid property by the issue of this notice sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act to the follow¬ 
ing persons namely; 

19:, ; 3,4 \.TR\ t >, 19)1; j?,vi i I i! — 

(1) Slid P. C. Bavvcja, 

11-5, SaUiaijuqg Enclave, 

New Delhi-29. 

(T ransferor) 

(2) Shii G. Sugar Suii & Sons (HUI ), 

Sagnr Apaitinents, 

6, T ilak Mary, 

New' Delhi. 

t nansfcicei 

Objections, if any, to th; acquisition of ‘.he said properly 
may be made in. writing to the undersigned ;— 

(a) by ad’' of lb* aforesaid perrons within a period 
of 45 days from the dat* of publication of thk 
notice in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 d*y« 
from the service of notice on th* reipectiv* perrons, 
whichever period axpire* later; 

(b) by any other person interested in the said imni |A - 
u hie property, within 45 days fiom the date of the 
publication of ih.s notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation .—The terms and expressions used herein as 
are defined m Chapter XXA. of the said 
Act, shall have the same meaning as given 
in that Chapter. 


S-24, Grccdi Fink Etension, New Delhi. 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range, V 
New Delhi 

Dale . 13-8-1986 
Seal : 

(il -bhC. lj 


i \ 



iNCOME-TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 19*1) 

(1) Shri Jalcndra Nath Venn a, 
Shri Brij Mohan Lai, 

New Delhi. 

(2) Shri Satish WaJii, 

Smt. Kunctiun Wahi. 

New Delhi. 







New Delhi, the I3tJ\ August 1980 

Ref. No. lAC/Acq. Rangc-V, New Delhi.—Whereas, 1, 

being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
loeome-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred 

to as the 'said Act’), have reason to believe that the im¬ 
movable property having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,060/- and bearing No. 

Y-26, Hauz Ivhas, New Delhi 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been tiansfcrred under the 1. T. Act. 1961 in the Office 
of the IAC (Acu.) Range-V at New Delhi in January, 1986 
for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and I have reason to 
bel'cve that the fair market value of the property as aforesaid 
Exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more than 
fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that the 
consideration for such transfer as agreed to beiw-en Mo 
panics ha* not been truly stated in the said instrument of 
transfer with the object of :— 

Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 

may be made in writing to the undersigned :— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid person* within a period 
of 45 days from the date of publication of this 
notice in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 day* 
from the service of notice on the respective persons, 
whichever period expires later; 

(b} by any other person interested in the said immovable 
pronerty. within 45 days from the date of the publi¬ 
cation of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanauon i —The terms and expressions used herein as 
arc defined in Chapter XXA of the said 
Act, shall have the same meaning as given 
in that Chanter. 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion of ihe liability 

of the transferer to pey tax muter the Mid Act, in 
reepoct of any income arieiag from the transfer, 


Property No. Y-26, Hauz Khas, New Delhi, measuring 200 
(b) facilitating the concealment oi any income or any S< L y ;ll 'ds. 
moneys or other a-sets which have not been or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of he Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922} or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax 
Act, 1957 (27 of 1957); 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 

Acquisition Range-V 
New Delhi 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, I hereby inilinte proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by rite issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (I) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the following Da'e ; 13-8-1986 
persons, namely:-- Seal; 

22702 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, SEPTEMBER <5, 1986 (BHADRA 15, 1908) [Part III— SEC. 1 

FORM nrw 


TAX ACT. 1961 (43 OF 1H1) 






New Delhi, the 13th August 1986 

Ref. No. lAC/Acq.V'SR-111/12-85/1321.—Whereas, 1, 


being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred 
to as the ‘said Act’), have reason to believe that the im¬ 
movable property having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,01)0 - anil bearing No, 

F-30, Flauz Khas Enclave, New Delhi 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act, 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the Of lice of the Registering Officer at New Delhi 
on December, 1985 

for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and 1 have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property as afore¬ 
said exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more 
than fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that 
the consideration for such transfer as agreed to between 
the parties has not been truly stated in the mid instrument 
of transfer with the object of :— 

(ft) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the liaMUty 
of the transferor to pay tax under the said Act. 
in respect of any income arising treat the traasfcri 

nail /or 

laciliiatinc the concealment of any income or any 
moneys or other assets which have not bcca or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee tot 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922) or the said Act. or the Wealth-tax 
Act, 1957 (27 of 1957)i 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, 1 hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
nforeshid property by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
jection (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the following 
persons, namely :— 

(1) Smt. Homai M a necks haw YyarawalJ a and 
Dr. Farouq Vyarawalia, 

17, Matru Chhaya Society. 

Nizampma, Vadodara-390002, 

(Gujarat State). 


(2) Shri Chand Jain and 
Smt. Kusiini Jain, 

B-1/30-A, Hauz Khas Enclave. 

New Delhi. 


Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property . 
may be made in writing to the undersigned : — 

(a) Dy any of the aforesaid persons within a period ot 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days 
from the service of notice on the respective persons, 
whichever period expires later; 

(b) by any other person interested in the said immov¬ 
able properly, within 45 days from the date of the 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation;— The terms and expressions used herein as 

are defined in Chapter XXA of the said 

Act, shall have the same meaning as given 
in that Chapter. 


Double Storey residential house built on Plot No. F-30, 
Hauz Khas Enclave, New Delhi. ** 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 

Acquisition Rnnge-V, 
New Delhi 

Date : 13-8-1986 

2:7 )3 

Part HI—Sec. 1] THE jAZEITG 0? [NDOV. SEPfE VlilER. 19.i6 (BI-LVDRA 15, 1908) 



TAX ACT, 1961 143 OF 19*1) 




New Delhi, the 13th August 198h 

Ref. No. 1 AC/Acq.V/SR-fll/12-85/326.—Whereas, 1, 

being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of 
the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred 
to as the ‘said Act’), have reason to believe that the im¬ 
movable property, having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,1160/- and bearing No. 

F-43. Panchshillu Park, New Delhi 

1 and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transftrrcd, under the Registration Act, 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the Office of the Registering Officer at New Delhi 
on, December, 1985 

fort an apparent consideration which is less than the 
fair market value of the aforesaid property and I nave 
reason to believe that the fair market value of the 
preMrty u aforesaid exceeds the apparent consideration 
therefor by more than fifteen per cent of such apparent 
conalderation and that the consideration for such transfer 
as agreed to between the parties has not been truly stated Ir 
the said instrument of transfer with the object of :— 

(1) Shri Gurmukh Singh Anand, 

No. S-43, PanchshiUa Park, 

New Delhi. 


(2) Sin i Ravi Vachani, 

Mrs. Tina Vachani, 

B-22, Mayfair Garden, 

Hauz Khas Enclave, 

New Delhi. 


Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 
may be made in writing to the undersigned ;— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid parsons within a period of 
43 days from the date of publication of this notice 
fa tbs Official Gazette or a period of 30 days from 
the service of notice on the respective persons 
whichever period expiree later; 

(b) by any other person interested in the said immov¬ 
able property within 45 days from the date of the 
publication of this notice In the Official Gazette 

Explanation :—The terms and expressions teed itecem as 
•re defined in Chapter XXA of the sa . 
Act, shall have the same menri'u? -v. gives 
io that Charter. 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the liabilty 
of the transferor to pay tax under the Sad Act, in 
respect of any income arising from the transfer; 

(b) facflhatiii* me coaoealnteni of any income or an] 

■ansyi «r ether we* which has* not ben at 

which ought to he dlsdoaed by tbs trateeo for 

the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922), or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax 
Act, 1957 (27 of 1957). 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269G of the said 

Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub-section 
(1) of Section 269D of the said Act to the following person*, 
namely ;—■ 


Property No. S-43. measuring 600 sq, yards, PanchshiUa 
Park, New Delhi. 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 

Acquisition Range-V, 
New Delhi 

Date : 13-8-1986 


[Part III —Sue. ] 



INCOME-TAX ACT, 1961 143 OF 1961) 





New Delhi, the 13th August 1986 

Ref. No. IAC/Acq.Rnngc-V, New Delhi.—Whereas, I, 

being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (13 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 
as the ‘said Act’), have reason to believe that the immovable 
property having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs, 1,00,000/'- and bearing. No. 

H-31, Green Park Extension, New Delhi 
(and more lnlly described in the Schedule annexed hereto) 
has been transferred under the I.T. Act, ‘1961 in the Offlee 
of the T.A,C. (Acq.). on March 1986 
for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and I base icnson to 
believe that the fair market value of the properly as a r oiesaid 
exceeds the apparent consideration therefor bv more than 
fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that the 
consideration for such transfer as agreed to fictween the 
parties has not been truly stated in the said instrument of 
transfer with the object of - 

(1) Suit. Kaushalnya Rani Malohotra, 

Shri Ramesh Chandcr Malhotra, 

Shri Rajesh Chandcr Malhotra, 

Shri Anil Malhotra and 

Shri Pradip Malhotra. 

New' Delhi. 


(2) Mrs, Indu Rai, 

New 1 I>elhi. 


Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 
uky be made in writing to the underrigned:— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period 
of 45 days from the date of publication of this 
notice in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days 
from the service of notice on the respective persons, 

whichever period expires lfttw; 

(b) by any other person interested in the said immovable 
property, within 45 days from the date of the publi¬ 
cation of this notice in the Official Gaactte. 

Explanation ;—The term* and expretslona used herein as 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said 
Act, shall have the *amo meaning aa given 
in that Charset 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the liability 

of tha transferor to pay tax ander the said Act. in 
respect of sny income arising from the traaaler: 

(b) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 
moneys or other assets which have not been or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee lor 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth-!ox 
Act, 1957 (27 nf 1957): 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of tba said 

Act, I hereby initiate prc/ceedingx for the acquisition ol the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the following 
persons, namely :— 


Ground floor with garrage and servant quarter above the 
per rage on first floor and 60 To undivided share in the land 
measuring 277.8 sq. yards. Part property bearing No. H-31, 
Green Park Extension. New Delhi. Total measuring 463 sq. 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner Tneome-tax 
Acquisition Rrmge-V, 
New Delhi 

Date ; 13-8-1986 
Seal ; 

Part III— Sec. 1| THE GAZETTE OF INDIA. SEPTEMBER 5. 1986 (BHADRA 15, 1908) 22705 

__ ___ ____ - _ _ _- -- . ~ ■ ■ - - ■ r , - _I I aE= 


I'AX ACT. 1961 (43 OF 1961) 





New Delhi, the 13th August 1986 

Ref. No, TAC/Aeq.Range-V, New Delhi.—Whereas, I, 

being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 
tut the ‘said Act'), have reason to believe that the immovable 
property having a fair market value exceeding Rs. 1,00,0001- 
and bearing 

No. 1, Kuushalya Park (Suiya Mansion), Hauz Khas, New 

land more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 

has beei) transfeired under IT. Act, 1961 in the office of the 
I.A.C. (Aeq.) Rnngc-V, New IJelhi 
in March 1986 

for an apparent consideration which Is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and I have reason to 
believe itiai the lair market value of the property as afore¬ 
said exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more 
than fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that 
the consideration for such transfer as agreed to between the 
parties has not been truly stated in the said instrument o' 
transfer with the object of :— 

(a) facHitadna the reduettoa or evasion at (ha Uatoflttr 
of the transferor to pay tax under the said Act, In 
respect of any Income arising from the transfer; 

b) facilitating the concealment of any income or anj 
moneys or other assets which have not been or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
til of 1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax 
Act, 1957 (27 of 1957); 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 769C of the said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of ths 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the following 
persons, mmrlv 

(1) Mr. Manju Modi. 

Mi. R. K. Modi. 

New Delhi, 


(2) Mr. Dwarka Das Khurnna, 

Mr. Narendcr Kumar Khurana, 

Mr, Ravinder Kumar Ahuja, 

Mrs. Sunita Ahuja. 

New Delhi. 


Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 
may be made in writing to the undersigned :— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid (nsimms within a period of 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 
is the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days from 
the service of notice on the respective persona, 
whichever period expire* later; 

(b) by any other person interested in the said immovable 
property, withm 45 days from the date of the pub¬ 
lication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation -The terms and expressions used herein as 
arc defined in Chapter XXA of the said 
Act, shall the same meaning as given in 
that Chapter. 


Flat No, 202. measuring 836 sq. ft. at Suryu Mansion 
No. 1, Knushalyn Park, Hauz Khas, New Dclhl-110016. 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner Income-tax 
Acquisition Range, 
New Delhi 

Date : 13-8-1986 
Seal ; 


THU GAZETTE OF INDIA. SEPTEMBER 6. 1**6 (BHADRA 15, 1908) [Part m—S ec. 1 


INCOME-TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 




New Delhi, the 13th August 1986 

Ref, No. IAC/Acq./V/37-EE/3-86| 1726—Whereas. I. 


being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961 ) (hereinafter referred 
to as the ‘said Act') have reason to believe that the im¬ 
movable property, having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing No. 

B-53, situated at Sarvodaya Enclave, New Delhi 
(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under IT. Act. 1961 in the office of the 
I.A.C. (Aca.) Range-V, New Delhi 
in March 1986 

for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property, and 1 have reason 
to believe that the fair market value of the property as 
aforeaaid exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by 
more than fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration 
anJ that the consideration for such transfer as agreed to 
between the parties has not been tmlv stated ip the arid 
instrument of transfer with the object of ■— 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the liability 
of the transferor to pay tax under the Mid Act tn 
respect of any income arising from the transfer: 
awl/ or 

(b) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 
moneys or tuhei assets which have not been ot 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 192/ 
(11 of 1922) or the said Act, or (he Wealth tu* 
Act, 1957 (27 of 1957 j; 

Now, therefore, la pursuance of Section 26PC of the wd 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisiti in rf the 
aforesaid property bv the t'wue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269P of the said Act, to the following 
persons, namely ; — 

(1) Mr. P. A V. Pillai, 

7, Cambridge Layout, 3rd Main Road, 



(2) Shri D. C. Raxtogi, 

S-252, Ocater KaiTash-11, 

New Delhi, 


Objections, if «ny, to the acquisition of the said property 
may be made in writing to the undersigned:— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid person* within a ported of 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 day* from 
the service of notice on the respective persona, 
whichever period expires later; 

(b) by any other person interested in the said immov¬ 
able property, within 45 day* from the date of the 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation :—The terms and expressions used herein as 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said Act, 
shall have the same meaning as given If 
that Chapter. 


B-53, Sarvodaya Enclave, New Delhi. 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 

Acquisition Range V 
Aggarwnl House 
4/14-A, Asaf Ali Road, New Delhi-1 

Date : 13-8-1986 
Seal : 

Part IH-Sec. 1] THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, SEPTEMBER 6, 19K6 (BHADRA 15, 1908) Uni 


INCOME-TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 



(1) Sh. Attar Chnnd Khanna, 

Sh. Jjiwahur Lai Khanna & 

Sh. Promod Chand Khanna, 

7-Hailey Ro;d, New Delhi. 


(2) Mrs, Tushar Bhargava, 

M/s. Surya Holdings Pvt. Ltd. and 

Mr. S. K. Bhargava, A-21, Oberoi Apartment, 

2-Shyam Nath Marg, Delhi. 



Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the sold property 
may bo made in writing to the undersigned :— 

New Delhi, the 13th August 1986 

Ref. No, IAC/Acq-VI/37EE/12-85/951.—Whereas I, 


being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of 
the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred 
to as tile 'said Act’) have reason to believe that the Immov¬ 
able Property, having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing No. 

No. 14 situated at Sri Ram Road, Civil Lipps, Delhi 
(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under I.T, Act, 196] in the office of the 
l.A.C. (Acq.) Rangc-V, New Delhi 
in December 1985 

for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property, and I have reason 
to believe that the fair market value of the property as 
aforesaid exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by 
more than tifteeu per cent of such apparent consideration 
and that the consideration for such transfer as agreed to bet¬ 
ween the parties has not been truly stated in the said instru¬ 
ment of transfer with the object of 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period 
of 45 days from the date of publication of this 
notice in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days 
from the service of notice on the respective persons, 
whichever period expiree later; 

(b) by any other person interested in the said Immov¬ 
able property within 45 days from the date of the 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation :—The terms and expressions used herein as 
arc defined in Chapter XXA of the said 
Act shall have the samo meaning ns given 
in that Chapter. 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the liability 
of the transferor to pay tax under the said Act, in 
respect of any income arising from the transfer; 

(b) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 
moneys or other assets which have not been or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922) or the said .Act, or the Wealth-tax 
Act. 1957 (27 of 1957); 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under Sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the following 
persons, namely :— 


14, Sri Ram Road, Civil Lines, Delhi measuring 1149 Sq, 


Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Incomi-tax 

Acquisition Rangc-VI 
Acgarwal House 
4/14-A,, Asaf Ali Poad, New Delhi-1 

Date : 13-8-1986 
Seal : 



[Part III -Sec. 1 

m M/s. Capricon Industrials Ltd. 

B-4/205, Safdarjung Enclave, 

New Delhi. 


(2) M/s. Ram Kis hnn Associates (P.) Ltd., 

E-3 1, Green Park, New Delhi-16. 



TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 




New Delhi, the 13 - 8-1986 

Ref. No. 1AC/Acq-Vl/37EE/12-85/1154.—Whereas I, 

s. c. gtJpta, 

being the. Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act. 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 
as the ‘said Act’), have reason to believe that the immovable 
property, having a fair market value 
exceeding R«. 1,00,000/- and bearing No. 

Flat No. 101, 107 & 108, Plot No. 16 & 17 .situated at 

Pushpa Vihar, New Delhi 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hcicto), 
has been transferred under the I.T. Act, 1961 in the Office of 
the Registering Officer at 
IAC ACQ. Ill, New Delhi on December 1985 
for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and I have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property as aforesaid 
exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more than 
fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that the 
consideration for such transfer as agreed to between the 
parties has not been truly stated In the said instrument of 
transfer with the object of 

(a) facilitating the reduction of evasion of the liability 
of the transferor to pay tax under the said Act, in 
respect of any Income arising from the transfer; 

(b) facilitating the concealment of any income ot any 
moneys or other assets which have not been or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax 
Act. 1957 (27 of 1957); 

Now, therefore, In pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, l hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the following 
person*, namely :— 

Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 
ray be made in writing to the undersigned :— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period of 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days from 
the service of notice on the respective persons, 
whichever period expires later; 

(b) by any other person interested in the said immov¬ 
able property, within 45 days from the date of the 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation ;—The terms and expressions used herein as 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said Act, 
shall have the same meaning as given in 
that Chapter. 


Fiat No. 101, 107 & 108 on first floor. Plot Nos. (6 t 17, 
Local Shopping Centre, Pushpa Vihar, New Delhi, Total 
Area of Three flats—1205 Sq. ft. 

Competent Auhoritv 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 

AcquriTon Range-VI 
Aggnrwal House 
4/14-A,, Asaf Ali Road, New Delhi-1 

Ditc ; 1 3-8-1986 
Seal : 

}Hki HI— Sec. l"| 

THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, SEPTEMBER 6, 1986 (BHADRA 15, 1908) 22709 


TAX ACT, 1W1 (41 OF 1**1) 




New Delhi, the 13th August 1986 

Ref. No. lAC/Acq V1/37EE/12-85/1155.—Whereas I, 

S'. C. GUPTA, 

being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to as 
the ‘said Act'), have reason to believe that the immovable 
property having a fair market value 
exceeding Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing 

Flat No. 102, 103, 104 & 105, Plot No, 16 & 17 situated at 
Ptlshpa Vihar, New Delhi 

(and more fully described in the schedule annexed heretoJ, 
has been transferred under the Income-tax Act. 1961 in the 
1AC ACQ. VI, New Delhi on December 1985 
for an appaient consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and I have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property as aforesaid 
exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more than 
fifteen parccnt of such apparent consideration and that the 
consideration for such transfer as agreed to between the 
panics has not been truly stated In the said instrument of 
transfer with the object of . — 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the liability of 
the transferor to pay tox under the said Act in 
respect of any income arising from the transfer; 

(b) facilitating the concealment of any Income or any 
moneys or other assets which have not been or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922) or the said Act, or the Wealtn-tax 
Act, 1957 (27 of 1957); 

N*w, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid propeity by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section 1 .1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the following 
persons, naiueiy ;— 

(1) Ms. Capricon Industries Ltd., 

B-4/205, Safdarjuug Enclave, 

New Delhi. 


(2) M/s. Tech Consultants. 

E-31, Green Park, 

New Delhi-16. 


Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 
uiay be made in writing to the undersigned : 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period of 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days 
from the service of notice on the respective persons 
whichever period expires later; 

(b) by any other person interested in the said immov¬ 
able property, within 45 days from the date of 
the publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation :—The terms and expressions used herein os 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said 
Act, shall have the same meaning as given 
in the Chapter. 


Flat No. 102, 103, 104 & 105, on first floor, Plot Nos. 16 
& 17, Local Shopping Centre. Pushna Vihar, New Delhi, 
Total area of four flats—1205 Sq, ft. 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 

Acquisition Rangc-VI 
Aggarwal House 
4/14-A,, Asaf Ali Road, New Delhi-1 

Date ; 13-8-1986 



[Part III— Sec. 1 



TAX ACT. 1M1 (43 OF 1M1) 




New Delhi, the 13-8-1986 

Ref No IAC/Acq I1I/37EE/12-85/1156.—Whereas, I. 


beifl? the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 
as the ‘said Act’), have reason to believe that the immovable 
property having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing 

Flat No. 106, 109 & 110 Plot No. 16 & 17 situated at Pushpa 
Vihar, New Delhi 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under tho i,T. Act, 1961 and 
registered in the 

office of the LAC ACQ, III, New Delhi in December. 1985 
IAC ACQ. Ill, New Delhi on December 1985 
for an apparent consideration which Is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and I here reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property as aforesaid 
exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more than 
fifteen per cent of such upparent consideration and that the 
consideration for such transfer as agreed to between the 
parties has not been truly stated In the said instrument of 
transfer with the object of; 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion oi As IkiMUty 
of the transferor to pay tax adder the said Act, ta 
respect of any income arising from the tranrfer; 

(b) facilitating the concealment of any income any 

motleys or other aseets whist have dot boat at 
which ought to be died coed by the traaafaroo for As 

purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax 
Act. 1957 (27 of 1957); 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the Issue of this notice under »ub- 
wetion (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the follow¬ 
ing persons, namely i'¬ 

ll) M/s. Capricon Industrial Ltd., 

B-4/205. Safdanung Enclave, 

New Delhi. 


(2) M/s. R. K, & Associates, 

E-31, Green Park, New Delhi. 


Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 
may be made in writing to the undersigned:— 

(a) bv any of the aforesaid persons within a period of 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 day* 
from tile service of notice on the respective persons, 
whichever period expires later; 

(b) by any other person Interested in the said immov¬ 
able property within 45 days from the date of the 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation ;—The terms and expressions used herein 
as are defined in Chapter XXA of the said 
Act, shall have the same meaning as given 
in that Chapter. 


Flat No. 106. 109 & 110 on first floor. Plot No. i6 & 17, 
Local shopping Cente Pushpa Vihar, Now Delhi, Area of 
three Rats—1205 Sq. ft. 

Competent Author’d y 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax, 

Acaulsition Range-Ill 
Aggarwal House 
4/14-A, Asaf Ali Road, New Delhi-! 

Date : 13-8-1986 
Seal : 

Part m— Sec. 1] THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, SEPTEMBER 6. 1986 (BHADRA 15, 1908) 22711 


INCOME-TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 



MADRAS-600 006 

Madras-600 006, the 6th August 1986 

Ref. No. 2/Dec. 85.—Whereas, 1, 


being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 

Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 

aa the 'Mid Act’), have reason to believe that the Immovable 

property having a fair market value exceeding 

Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing 

No. Door No. 1, Sterling Road, Madras-34, 

situated at Niingambakkam, 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
.has been transferred under the Registration Act, 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the office of the Registering Officer at 
Thousandlights/Doc. No. 576/85, 
in December 1985 

foi an apparent consideration which la le*s than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and I have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property aa afore¬ 
said exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more 
than fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that 
the consideration for such transfer as agreed to between the 
parties has not been truly stated In the said instrument of 
transfer with the object of :— 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the liability 
of the transferor to pay tax under the said Act, in 
respect of any income arising from the transfer; 


(b) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 
moneys or other assets which have not been or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax 
Act, 1957 (27 of 1957); 

Now, therefore. In pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
sforesald property by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section “'49D M the tssd Act, to tbs following 
persons, namely ;— 

(1) Mr. B. Govindarajulu, 

s/o Mr. R. Bokrhavathsalu, 

Flat No. 1, 18, Wheaterofts Road, 

Nungambakkum, Madras-34. 


(2) Messrs. Tata Iron and Steel Company, 

‘Bombay House’, 

24, Homi Mody St., 

Bombay-400 023. 


Objections, if any. to the acquisition of the said property 
tnay be mad'? in writing to the undersigned :— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period 
of 45 days from the date of publication of this 
notice in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 day* 
from the service of notice on the respective persons, 
whichever period expires later; 

(b) by any other person Interested in the said immovable 
property, within 45 days from the date of the publi¬ 
cation of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation :—The terms and expressions used heroin aa 
arc defined in Chapter XXA of the said 

Act, shall have the same meaning as given 
in that Chapter. 


Flat, III Floor, Door No. 1, Sterling Road, Madrns-34. 
Thousandlights.TV’ >T o. 576/85. 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Rangc-JI. Madras-600 006 

Dale : 6-8-198'' 
Scat ■ 

THE GA2ETTE OF INDIA SEPTEMBER 6, 1986 (BHADRA 15, 1908) Part HI—Sec, 1 




TAX ACT. 19*1 (43 OP 19*1) 



MADRAS-600 006 

Madi as-600 006, the 6th August 1986 

Ref. No. 6/Dec. 85.—Whereas, I, 

,SR1 A. R. REDDY, 

being the Competent Authority under Section 269B 
of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter re¬ 
ferred to as the 'said Act’), have reason to believe that the 
immovable property having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing 

No. R.S. No. 533/12. Block No. 29. Door No. 'J9 
situated at Wheat Crofts Road, Nungambakkam, 

(and more felly described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act, 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the Office of the Regstering Officer at 
Thousandli"hts/Doc. No. 606/.85 in December 1985, 
for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and I have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property as afore¬ 
said exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more than 
fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that the 
coniideration for such transfer as agreed to between the parties 
has not been truly sta’ed in the said Instrument of transfer 
with the object of :— 

(a) fucihtaunu the reduction or evasion of tha liability 
of tl>e transferor to pay tax under the said Act, fn 
respect of any income arising from the transfer; 


(b) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 

aaoaaya or other Meets which have hoc been or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transmre tor 
the purposes of the Indian locoaae-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of mi) ct the mid Act, or the 
Act, 1957 (27 of 1937); 

Now, thciefore in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
notion (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, of the foliow- 
mg persons, namely :— 

(1) Sri Abid Mirza Namazi, 

19A. Hat No. 6, Wheat Ciofts Road, 



(2) Sri K, T. M. Ahamed Mustafa, 

7, 4th St., N. II. Road. Madras-34. 


Objection*, H any, to the acquisition of the mid property 

may be made in writing to the undersigned :— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period of 

43 dan from the date of publication Of this nodes 
in tha OBdnt Oaaatta or a period at 30 dan 
CM tha —i rice of noti ce oa tha respeotiv* pmon 
whichever period expires later; 

(b) by any other person interested in the said immov¬ 
able property, within 45 days from the date of 
the publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation The terms and expressions used herein as 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said 
Act, shall have the same meaning as given 
in the Chapter. 


Land and building Door No, 19, Whcatcrofls Road, Nun- 
K'ambakkam, Madras-34. 

Thousandlights/Dpc. No, 606/85. 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range-TI, Madras-600 006 

Date: 6-8-1986 


Pari 111—Sec. II THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, SEPTEMBER 6, 19*6 1 BHADRA 15, 1908) 

-n-uj r un in gam —w——etbi^ 


INCOME-TAX ACT, 19«1 (41 OF 1MI) 



MADRAS-600 006 

Madras-600 006, the 6th August 1986 

Ref. No. 8/Dec. 85.—Whereas, I, 


being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 

Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 

as the 'said Act’), have reason to believe that the immovable 

property having a fair market value exceeding 

Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing 

No. 16-A, East Lokamariyu St.. R.S. Puram, 

situated at Coimbatore, 

(and more fully described in the schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the 

Registration Act, 1908 (16 of 1908) in the office of the 
Competent Authority at 

Coimbatore/Doc. No. 55897.85 in December 1985, 

for an apparent consideration which It leee than tha fair 

market value of the aforesaid property and I have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property at aforesaid 
exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more than 
fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that the 

consideration for mch transfer u agreed t» betwens the 

parties has not been truly stated in the said instrument pf 
transfer with the object of:— 

(a; facilitating the redaction or evasion of the liability 

M the transferer hwbt wdar 4 m nil AM, la 

EKj * *«• *■ 

(b) facilitating the concealment of any Income or any 

moneys or other uteta which have act been or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1923 

(If of 1922) or the Mid Aot, er tim WtMth-N 
Act, 19J7 (27 of 1937); 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 

Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for tha aequMtiee of she 
aforesaid property by the issue of tha entice nadsr snb- 
sectlon (1) of Section 269D of the said Act to the following 
persons, namely . 


(1) Sri D, RamsWarup, s/o Diptyal, 

Residing at 16A, East Lokamanya St,, 

R.S. Puram, Coimbatore, 

Smt, Raj Rani Ramsarup Malhotra, 
w/o Sri D. Ram samp, 

R.S. Puram, Coimbatore. 


(2) Sri Rnmchand Radha Kishindas, (HUE), 
s/o Radhakishindas Hindujas, 

and Oopichimd Radhakishindas, HUE, 

60 (New Q. No, 114), Venkutasny Road, 

R.S. Puriun Coimbatore. 

(Transferee ) 

Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 

Mky be sonde in writing te tbs undersigned :— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period 
of 45 days from the date of publication of this 
netico in the Official Gazette or a period of 38 dayi 
from the service of notice on the respective persons, 
whichever period expires later; v 

(b) by any ether verson interested in the said Immovable 
p ws rty , within 43 days from the date of tha puMt 
catfan of this notice in the Ottcial Gaastte. 

CiPUNAnoM:—The terms and expression# need herein ae 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said 
Act. shall have the same meaning as given 
th that Chapter. 


Land and Bldgs. D. No. 16A, Old T.S. No. 8/547 to 550, 
part old T,S, No. 6 of ward 7, New T.S. No. 8/863, Block 
22. Site No. 13, Block 17, R.S. Puram, Coimbatore, 
Coimbatore / SRO Doc. No. 5589/85. 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range-tl, Madras-600 006 

Date ; 6-8-1986 



[Part III— Sec. 1 



INCOME-TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 


(1) Smt. R. V. Sarojini Devi, 

12, NunKanibakkam High Road, 



(2) M/s. Vorion Chemicals & Distilleries Ltd., 

By Managing Director. Mr. N, P. V, Ratnaswamy 
Udavar, 10, Shriman Srinivnsan Road, 




Objection*, if any, to the acquialdon of the *aid property 
may be made in wtitinp to the eedersigned :— 

MADRAS-600 006 

Madras-600 006, the 6th August 1986 

Ref. No. 1/Dec, 85.—-Whereas, I, 


being the competent authority under Section 269B of tho 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereunder referred to 
as the ‘saidd Act") have reason to believe that (he immovable 
properly, having a fair market value exceeding Rs. 1,00,000/- 
and bearing No. Door 12. Nungnmbnkkam High Road, situat¬ 
ed at Madras-34, 

(and more fully described in the schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act, 1908 (16 of 
1908) n the office of the Registering Officer at 
Thousandlights/Doc. No. 570/85 on Dec, 1985 
for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair mar¬ 
ket value of the a fores a,id property and I have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the propert as aforesaid 
exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more than 
fiftcenpercent f such apparent consideration and that the 
consideration for such transfer as agreed to between the portics 
has'not been truly stated in the said instrument of transfer 
with the object of : 

(a) by any of the aforesaid person* within a peiiod 
of 45 days from the date of publication of this 
notice in the Official Gazette or a period of 

M day* fnea ffie — rice ef notice cm tho rno- 
poetiye penow, whichever period expiree Inter; 

(b) by any other person interested in the said Immovable 
property, within 45 day* from the date of the pnbH 
cation of thi* notice in the Official Gazette. 

Exflxnation : — The terms and expressions used herein «w 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said Act, 
shall have the tame meaning as given in thm 


(a I facilitating the reduction ot evasion i>I tfee HabUIN 

of the transferor to pay tax wider the said Act In 
respect of any Income arising from the transfer, 


Land and bungalow : ‘Dunduan’ No. 4B (Now No, 12) 
Nungambnkam High Road, Madras-34. 

, ..... . Thousandlights/Doc, No. 570/85. 

(b) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 
moneys or other assets which hare not been or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 152? 

(II of 1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax 
Act. 1957 (27 of 1957); 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range-IT, Madras-600 006 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the 
Act, 1 hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of ris* 
tforesaid property by the issue of this notice under tab 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act. to the follow- Q ale . g 8 ,g 86 

ing persons, namely :— e ea i 


Part III-Sbc. 1] THE GAZETTE OF INDIA. SEPTEMBER 6,1986 (BHADRA 15, 1908) 

.,*121 r.*— snnJ3MKK2ttr.£3sax-. 


INCOME-TAX ACT, 1*1 (43 OF 1*1) 



MADRAS-600 006 

Madras-600 Q06, the 6th August 1986 

Ref. No. 3 /Dec. 85.—Whereas I, 


being the Competent Authority under Section 269 E of the 

Income-Tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961), (thereinafter referred to 

as the saidd Act’), have reason to believe that the immovable 

property, having a fair market value exceeding 

Ks. 1,00,000/- and bearing 

No. 24, College Road, 

jituated at Madras-6, 

(and more fully described in the schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred tinder the Registration Act, 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the ollice of the Registering Officer at 
rhousandlights/Doc. No. 583/85 in December 1985, 
for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value oi the aforesaid property and 1 have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property as afore¬ 
said exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more 
than fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that 
the consideration for such transfer as agreed to between the 
parties has not been truly stated in the said instrument of 
transfer with the object of :— 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the liability 
of the transferor to pay tax under the said Act, in 
respect of any income arising from the transfer; 

(b) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 
moneys or other assets which have not been or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
umi purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922), or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax 
Act, 1957 (27 of 1957); 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of (lie 
aforesaid property by the issue of [his notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the following 
persons, namely 

(1) M/s Apex Constructions, 

Lakshmi Bhavan (IV Floor), 

609, Mount Road, Madras-600 006. 

(Trarisfero. j 

(2) M/s Padmapriyu Rcol Estates, 

24, College Road, 



Objections, if any, to the aoquiahiun of tha said property 
may be made in wilting to tha undersigned :_ 

(a) by any of the afenoaid person# within a period of 

45 days from the date of publication of this notice 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 day* from 
the service of ntffce on tha respective person*, 

whichever period expires later; 

lb) by any other person interested In the said immov¬ 
able property, within 45 day* from the data of the 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Bwianation :—The term* and expression* used twreia as 
ere defined in Chapter XXA of the said Act, 
shall have the sum* meaning a* given is 
•hat Chapter. 


Land and Building : No, 24, College Road, Madrus-6, 
Thousandlights/Doc. No. 583/85 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commisssioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range-II, Mudras-600 006 

Date : 6-8-1986 
Seal : 



Part Ill—S hc. 1 


INCOME-TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1H11 



MADRAS-600 006 

Ref. No. 4/Dec. 85,—Whereas, I, 


being the Competent Authority under Section 26913 of the 

Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 

as the ‘said Act’), have reason to believe that the immovable 

property, having a fair market value exceeding 

Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing 

No. 24, College Road, 

situated at Madras, 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transiencd under the Registration Act, 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the Office of the Competent Authority at 
Thousandlights'Doc. No. 583/85 in December 1985, 
for an apparent consideration which is less 
than the fair market value of the aforesaid property and I 
have reason to believe that the fair market value of the 
property as aforesaid exceeds the apparent consideration 
therefor by more than fifteen percent of such apparent 
consideration and the consideration for such transfer a* 
agreed to between the parties has not been truly stated in the 
said Instrument of Transfer with the object of :— 

(a) facilitating the redaction nr •vatlan of dm liability 
of the transferor to pay taut under the Mid Act, in 
respect of any income arising from the transfer; 

0>) facilitating the concealment of My ■n~~mr tr any 
moneys or other assets which have not been or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee 1 for 
the purpose of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(II of 1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax 
Act. 1957 (27 of 1957); 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 164C of the said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue oi this notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the following 
persons, namely :— 

(1) M/a Radma Priya Real Estates, 

24, College Road, 



(2) M/s Apex Constructions, 

Lakshmi Bbavan, 

4lh Floor, 

609, Mount Road, 



Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 
may be made In writing to the undersigned :— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period 
of 45 days from the date of publication of this 
notice in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days 
from the service of notice on the respective persons, 

whichever period expire later; 

(b) by any other person interested in the said Immov¬ 
able property, within 45 days from the date of 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation : The terms and expression used herein as 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said 
Act, shall have the same meaning as given 

in that Chapter. 


Land and Building ; No. 24, College Road, Madras-6, 
Thoti&andlights/Doc. No. 583/85. 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Tnoome-tax 
Acquisition Range-11, Madi us-600 006. 

Date ; 6-8-1986 
Seal : 

Part III— Sfec. i] 




INCOME-TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 




MADRAS-600 006 

Madras-600006, the 6th August 1986 

Ref. No. 7/Dcc,85.—Whereas, I, 


being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of 
the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred 
to aa the ‘aaid Act \ have reason to be here that the immov¬ 
able property having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000 /and bearing 
Agricultural land 49, Somanjeri village 
situated at Kovalam Panchayat 

(and more fully described in the schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act, 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the Office of the Registering Officer at 
Tkirupporur/Doc. No. 2773/85 
in December, 1985 

for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property, and I have reason 
to believe that the fair market value of the property as 
aforesaid exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by 
ujokc than fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration 
and that the consideration for such transfer as agreed to bet¬ 
ween the parties has not beta truly stated la the taid testa¬ 
ment of transfer with tbs object of— 

(a) facilitating the nttm eHom or evabtet of tba tfebltty 
of the transferor to pay tax —dor tbs mid Act, la 
rsspect of any iacooie isM»* freer the fa w ten 

(b) facilitating the eoncealment of any Income or any 
moneys or other assets which have not bean or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee fot 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922) or the said Act, or tbs Wealth-tax 
Act. 1957 (27 4 1937); 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act- 1 hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act to the following 
persons, namely :— 

(1) Mr. D. B. Kotian, 

No. 31, Miami 7QA, 

Bhulabhaidesai Road, 



(2) Mrs. Zubaida Begum (Partner), 

Shift Farms and representing 
the said firm residing at 

55, Tripiieane High Road, 



Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 
may be made in writing to the undersigned :— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period of 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 
is the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days from 
the service of notice on the respective person*, 
whichever period expires later: 

fb) by any other person interested in the said immov¬ 
able property, within 45 davs from the date of the 
pobUcMfcm of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

HxrLXMATioM :—The terms and expression! used herein as 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said 
Act, shall have the same meaning as given 
in that Chapter. 


Agricultural land 49, Somanjeri Village, Kovalam Pan- 
ebayat, Kovalam. 

Thirupporur/Doc. No, 2773/85 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax, 
Acquisition Range-II, Madras-600006 

Date ; 6-8-1986 
Seal ; 

22718 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, SEPTEMBER 6, 1986 (BHADRA 15, 1908) [Part In~Sfic. 1 



TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 



ACQUISITION RANGE-H, Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 

MADRAS-600 006 may be mad* in writing to the uadortignod :— 

(1) Sri S. R. Gnanam, 

S/o S. Ramachandran, 

No. 5, Vijayaraghavachari Road, 

1st Cross Street, T. Nagar, 



(2) Kum. M. Bhanupriya, 

No, 27/1, Habibullah Road, 

T. Nagar, 



Madras-600006, the 6th August 1986 

Ref, No. 11/Dec.85.—-Whereas, I, 


being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of 
the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred 
to as the 'said Act’), have reason to believe that the immov¬ 
able property, having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs,. 1,00,000/- and bearing 
No. 4, Vijyaraghavachari Road, 
situated at I Cross Street. T. Nagar, Madras-17 
(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act, 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the Office of the Registering Officer at 
Madras South/Doc, No. 3681/85 
in December. 1985 

for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and I have 
reason to believe that the fair njarket value of the 

property as aforesaid w eeds the apparent consideration 
therefor by more than fifteen per cent of such apparent 
consideration and that the considered*!) for such transfer 
as agreed to between the partite has not b e en tredy stated in 
the told instrument of transfer with the *W<* ot 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period of 
45 days, from the date of publication of this notice 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days from 
the service of notice on the respective persons, 
whichever period expire* later; 

ib) by any other person interested in the said immov¬ 
able property within 45 day* from the date ef the 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation :—The term* and expressions used herein as 

ore defined In Chapter XXA of said Act, 

shall hare the same moaning os given in 
that Chapter 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the liability 
of the transferor to pay tax under the said Act, in 
respect of any income arising from the transfer; 

(b) facilitating the concealment of any income ©r any 
moneys or other leasts which have not been or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax 
Act, 1957 (27 of 1957); 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub- 
Act, I hereby imitate proceedings for th eacquisition of the 
persons, namely;— 


Land and Building ; No. 4, Vijayaraghavachari Road, I 
Cross Street, T. Nagar, Madras-17, 

Madras South/Doc. No. 3681/85 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Ranged!, Madras-600006 

Date ; 6-8-1986 

Part III— Sec. 1] THE GAZETTE OP INDIA, SEPTEMBER 6, 1986 (BHADRA 15 , 1908) 

FORM ITNS - (1) Sri K. Srinivasan, 


No, 17, Gowdiya Mutt Road, Royapettah. 


(2) Smt. Jamnna Bai Devji Asher, 

16,2, Govindtippa Naicken Street, 



TAX ACT. 1961 (43 OF 1961) 




MADRAS-600 006 

Madras-600006, the 6th August 1986 

Ref. No. 15/Dec.85—Whereas, T, 


being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 f43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred 
to as the ‘said Act’), have reason to believe that the 
immovable property, having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000 /- a nd bearing 
No. 9, Shantnugba Mudali Street, 
situated alt Royapettah, Madras-14 

fand more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act, 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the Office oT the Registering Officer at 
Madras CentraVDoc. No. 1221/85 
in December, 1985 

for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and I have reason 
to belive that the fair market value of the property as afore¬ 
said exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more than 
fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that the 
consideration for such transfer as agreed to between the 
parties has not been truly stated in the said instrument of 
transfer with the object of :— 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the liability 

of the tranafsror to pay tax muter tha said Act, in 
impact of any tneoma aiHn* team tea mute: 

to) Facilitating the concealment of any income or ant 
moneys or other assets which have not been or which 
oofht to be disclosed by the transferee for the pnr- 
poeee of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 (11 ot 
1922) or tha said Act, or the Wealth-tax Ant, 1957 
27 af 1957): 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, 1 hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the following 
persons, namely :— 

Objections, if any, t» the acquisition el the said pr o p e rty 
may be made fa writing to the undersigned :— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period of 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 

in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days from 
the service ef notice on the respective persons, 
whichever period expires later; 

(b) by any ether person interacted in the snid Immov¬ 
able property, within 45 days from the of the 

pdbUeatien of this notice fa the Official Gacette. 

BxruiuiioM The terms and expressions used herein as 

are defined in Chapter XXA of the said Act. 
shall have the same meaning as liven in 
that Chanter. 


Land and Building : No. 9, Shanmugha Mudali Street, 
Royapettah, Madras-14. 

Madras Central/Doc. No. 1221/85 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range-]r, Madras-600006 

Date : 6-8-1986 

22720 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, SEPTEMBER 6. 1986 (BHADRA 15. 1908) [Part III— $kc. 1 



INCOME-TAX ACT, 1961 (45 OP 1M1) 



(I) M/s. Vummidiars Shopping Centre, 

Rep. by V. Sudhakar, V. Ramaiah, 

No. 811, Anna Salai, 



(2) Sri Vikrum A. Jogani, 
Aditya A, Jogani, 
Hayagriv A, Jogani, 
Mahavir B. Jogani, 

Rep. by Bharat Jogani. 


MADRAS-600 006 

Madras-600006, the 7th August 1986 

Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 

may be made in writing to the undersigned :— 

Ref No. 5/Dec.85.—Whereas, T, 


being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 
as the ‘said Act’), have reason to believe that the immovable 

S roperty. having a fair market value exceeding 
is. 1,00,000/- and bearing No. 

811, Anna Salai, Madras-2 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto) 
has been transferred under the Registration Act, 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the Office of the Registering Officer at 
Thousandlights/Poc. No. 605/85 
in December, 1985 

for an anpaient coarJderatloa which I* tan than the fair 
market "able of the aforesaid property and I have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property as aforesaid 
exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more than 

fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that the 
aonalderation for such transfer ai agreed to between tba 
parties bam not oeea tmly stated to tba said iiwtnnaaot at 
transfer with the abject of. 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period 
ef 45 days from the dote of publication of this 

notice in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days 
from the service of notice on the respective persons, 

whichever period expiree later; 

(b) by any other person Interested in the said immovable 
property within 45 days from the date of the publi¬ 
cation of this notice in the Official Gazette, 

Explanation :—The terms and expressions used herein as 
era defined in Chapter XXA of the said 
Act, shall have the same meaning an given 
In the Chapter. 


ef flte 

i«) facilitating the concealment of i#y Income or lay 
moneys ot other assets which have not been a 
which ought to be disclosed by the tramferee for 
the purposes of the Indian Incoma-tax Act, 1922 
(U Of 1922) or tba said Act, er the WaaHb-tex 
Act. 19J7 (27 of 1957)1 

New, therefore. In pnnmence of lection 269C ef tba sate 
Act, I hereby initiate procerffinp for the aofiabftioa of tbs 

aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the following 
persons, namely :— 

Seal : 


Land and Building ; 811, Anna Salai, Madras-2, 
Thousandlights/Doc. No. 605/85. 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range-II, Madras-600006 

Date : 7-8-1986 

Part 1TI ~Sec. 1] 

THE GAZETTE OF TNDT A SEPTEMBER 6, 1986 ( BHADRA 15, 1908) 22721 

FORM I.T.N.8. 


INCOME-TAX ACT. 19*1 143 OF 1961) 



ACQUISITION range-tt, 
MADRAS-600 006 

Madras-600006, the 7th August 1936 

Ref. No, 17/Dec,85.—Whereas, I, 


being the Competent Auhority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 

as the ‘said Act'), have reason to believe that the immovable 
property having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing No. 

Agricultural land—Kottakaram 

situated at Mavalur village, Siipcrumpudur 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto) 

has been transferred under the Registration Act, 1908 (16 of 

1908) in the Office of the Registering Officer at 

Madras North/Doc. No. 3601/85 

in December, 1985 

for an apparent consideration which it lets than (fas lair 

market value of the aforesaid property and I have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property ns aforesaid 
ex reeds vhc apparent consideration therefor by more than 
fifteen per rent of such apparent considemtloTi and that the 
ronsfderadon for such trxasfar u agreed t* between th* 
partite baa not beer, truly t to tod In fcs «aM hntruraewt of 
transfer with the object qf:— 

(a) taMMtadaf tha radwtioa m madmu ot the HaMUty 
ef the h— feror to pay tax radar the nM Act, la 
ra sp— t of »nr hi* own aiWaf from the tr aa dbr- 
»M tor 

lb) facUltarint the cotMrsImsat of any Income er any 
money* or other mm<* which hare not been oi 
which ought to be disclosed by the traasfaree for 
rhe patpoeee of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
i 1 1 of 1927) or the Mid Act, or tbr Weahfc-tnx 
Ac. U>J7 (2,7 of 1W7R 

n-w. therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, 1 hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
iloresaid property by the Issue of this notice under sub- 
•ection ( 1 ) of Section 269D of the said Act, to tho following 
nersons. namely : — 


(1) Sri K. Umapathy Sivam, 

19, Karunikar Street, 




(2) Sri Badrinathan and olhers, 

B. 254, 50th Street, 

Ashok Nagar, 



Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 
may be marie in writing to the undersigned :— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period of 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days from 
the service of notice on the respective persons, 

whichever period expire* later, 

(V) by any other per— Interested la the nM tam-able 

property, within 45 day* from the date of die paMb 
cation of this notice la the Official Gacstto. 

Explanation :—The terms and expressions used herein as 
an defined in Chapter XXA of th« said Act, 
shall have the same meaning as gyven in tfest 



Agricultural 1 lands at Kottakaram and Mavalur village 
Sriperampudur Taluk, 

Madras North/Doc, No. 3601/85 

Competent Authority 

Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range-11, Madras-600006 

Date : 7-8-1986 
Seal : 



[PART III— Sec. 1 


INCOME-TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 


(I) Sri R. Saulhanakrishnan Chettiar, 
74, Calve Subraya Chettiar Street, 

(2) Sml. Neena Devi, 

Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 




Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 
may be made in writing to the undersigned :— 

MADRAS-600 006 

Madras-600006, the 7th August 1986 

Ref. No. 16/Dec,85.—Whereas, I, 


being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 
as the ‘said Act’) have reason to believe that the immovable 
property, having a fair market value 
exceeding Rs. 1,00,000/- and hearing No. 

6-A, TS. No, 72, Ward C, Block 23, Rcsurvey No. 239 pt. 

Jawaharlal Nehru Street, Pondicherry Town 

(and more fully described in the schedule annexed hereto), 

has been transferred under the Registration Ad, 1908 ( 16 of 

1908) in the Office of the Registering Officer at 

Pondicherry/'Doc. No. 3012/85 

in December, 1985 

for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and I have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property' as aforesaid 
exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more than 
fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that the 
consideration for such transfer ns agreed to between the 
parties has not been truly stated in the said instrument of 
tmnsfer with the object of :— 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion of th*. liability 
of the transferor to pay tax under the said Act, In 
respect of any income arising from the transfer; 

(b) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 
moneys or other assets which have not been Or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
111 of 1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax 
Act. 1957 (27 of 1957); 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, I hereby imtinte proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub- 
wction (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the following 
persons, namely ; — 

(a) by way of the aforesaid persons within a period of 
45 days from the dale of publication of this notice 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days from 
the service of notice on the respective persons, 
whichever period expires later; 

(b) by any other persons interested in the said immov¬ 
able property, within 45 days from the date of the 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation : The terms and expressions used herein as 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said Aot 
shall have the same meaning as given In 
that Chapter. 


Portion of land and building ; 6A, Jawaharlal Nehru St., 

Pondicherry/Doc. No. 3012/85 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range-II, Madras-600006 

Date : 7-8-1986 

Part Ill —Sec. 1] 




TAX ACT, 1M1 (49 OP 1961) 




MADRAS-600 006 

Madras-600 006, the 4th August 1986 

Ref. No. 1/December/85.—Whereas, I, 


Mum the Competent Authority under Section 249 B of the 

Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 
as the ‘Said Act’), have reason to believe that the Immovable 
property having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing 

Door No. 18, Gilchrist Avenue, Harington Road, 

Chetput, Madras-31 

(and more fully deserbed in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act, 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the olliec of the Registering Officer 
at Periamct (Doe. No. 1441/85) on December 1985 
for un apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the tifovasuid property and I have inuenu In 
believe that the fair market wine of the property as afore- 
laid exceed* the apparent consideration therefor by mere thaa 
fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that the 
consideration for such transfer a* agreed to between the 
oaittea has art hem truly staled in the sold instrument el 
transfer with the a Went at !— 

(ft) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the Liability 

at the transtewr tn pop tax under the ad Ant la 

respect at nay kiteunc arising from the tnuuivr; 
end /or 

(b) facilitating the eonevnlmeat of any faeome er 
any moneys or ether a ss ets which have ant been nt 
which onght to be disclosed by the traaafecse fit* 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922) or the said Act, or tbs Wselh m* 
Act 1917, (27 of 1957); 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the imoe of this now* under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the follow¬ 
ing per*o'"i. namely -— 

(1) Sri R. Natarajan, 

S/o Sri K, P. Ramasami, 

No. 18, Gilchrist Avenue, 

Chetput, Madras-600 031, 


(2) Smt. K. Tamil Selvi, 

No. 18, Gilchrist Avenue, 

Chetput, Madras-31. 


Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 
may be made in writing to the undersigned 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persona within a period rt 
45 days from the date or publication of this notice 
in tha Official Gazette or a period of 30 days from 
the service of notice on the respective persona, 
whichever period sxpirsa later; 

(b) by any other person interested In the said 
iiomovable property, within 45 days fro™ the 
data of the publications of this notice in th* 

Qttotal Goaette. 

Explanation : -The terms and expressions used herein at 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said 
Act, shall have the same moaning as given 
in that Chapter. 


Land imd Building at Door No. 18, Gilchrist Avenue, 
Chetput, Madras-31. 

(Doc. No. 1441/85). 

Competent Author it y 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range-I, Madras-600 006. 

Date : 4-8-1986 
Seal : 


THE GAZETTE OF INDIA SEPTEMBER 6, 1986 (BHADRA 15, 1908) [Part III—Sec. 1 


TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961J 



MADRAS-600 005 

Madras-600 006, the 25tfli July 1986 

Ref, No. 2/Dccember/85.—Whereas, I, 


being the compotenl authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereunder referred to 
as the 'said Act’), have reason to believe that the immovable 
properly, having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing No, 

28, Thirunarayana Avenue, New Avadi Road, Kilpauk, 
situated at Madras-10. 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration 
Act, 1908 (16 of 1908) in the office of the Registering Officer 
at Periamet (Doc. No. 1396/85) on 4-12-1985 
for tyi apparent consideration which i less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and I have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property as aforesaid 
exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more than 
fiifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that the 
consideration for such transfer us agreed to between the 
parties has not been truly stated in the said instrument of 
transfer with the object of:— 

(a) facilitating the reduction of evasion of the liability 
of the transfer to pay tax under the said Act, in 
respect of any income arising from the transEer; 


(b) facilitating the concetlment of any income or any 
moneys or other assets which have not been or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of die Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
fll of 1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax 
Act, 1957 (27 of 1957); 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for acquisition of the afore¬ 
said property by the issue of this notice under su'b-section 
(1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the following per¬ 
sons, namely :— 

(1) 1. Sri Cherukuru Prabhakar Reddy, 

2. Sri C. Ramachandra Reddy 

3. Sri C. Pnyamvada Reddy. 

SG-4, Railways Quarters, 

Sterling Road, Madras-34. 


(2) Mrs. Mnmtaaz Kabier, 

W/o A. V. M. Ahamcd Kabier, 

No. 87. Harrington Road, 



Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 
may be made is writing to the undersigned . — 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period of 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 
in the Official Gazette cur a period of 30 days from 
the service of notice on the respective persons, 
whichever period expires later; 

(b) by any other person interested in the said immov¬ 
able property, within 45 days from the rate of the 
publications of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation : — The terms and expressions used herein as 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said Act, 
shall have the same meaning as given in 
that Chapter. 


Land and Building at Door No. 28, Thirunarayana Avenue, 
New Avudi Road, Kilpauk, Madras-10. 

(Doc. No. 1396/85). 

Competent Authority 

Inspecting Asstt, Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range-I, Madras-600 006. 

Dale: 25-7-1986 

Part ill— Sic. 1] 




INCOME-TAX ACT. 1961 (4S OF T»*l) 



MADRAS-600 006 

Madras-600 006, the 28th July 1986 

Ref. No. 3/December/85.—Whereas, I, 


being the Competent Authority under Section 269AB of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (horenafter referred 
to as the ‘Said Act’) have reason to believe that the immov¬ 
able property, having a fair market value exceeding Rs 
1,00,000/- and bearing No. 

1, Rajaialhnam Street, Kilpauk, Madras-10 

(and moie fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 

has been transferred under the Registration Act, 1908 (16 of 

1908) in the office of the registering officer at 

Periamet (Doc. No. 1424/85) on 11-12-1985 

for an apparent consideration which i* leas than the fair 

market value of the aforeaald property and I have reason t® 

believe that the fair market value of the property aa aforeaald 

exceed* the apparent consideration therefor by more than 

tattecr per cent of such apparent consideration and that the 

consideration for auch tramfer aa agreed to between the 

parties has not been truly stated in the said Instrument of 

transfer with the object ot :— 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the liability 
of the transferor to pay tax under the said Act in 
respect of any income arising from the transfer; 

•mi for 

(b) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 
moneys or other assets which have not been or 
which ought to oe disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax 
Act, 1957 (27 of 1957): 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the sfltu 
Act, l hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D nf the said Act, to the following 
persons, namely :— 

(1) Dr. G. Atrcarnma Rao, M.S., 

No. 2, Rajaratnam Street, 

Kilpauk, Madras-10. 


(2) Shri R. Rajaratnam, 

No. 150, Poonamallec High Road, 

Kilpauk, Madras-10. 


Objections, if any, to tbs acquisition of tfe® said property 
may be mad® fa writing to the nad®r»lgn®d :— 

(a) by Mgr of the aforesaid perso ns within a period 

of 45 days from the date of publication of this 
notice in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days 
from the service of notice on the respective persons, 
whichever peri**! expires later: 

(b) by any other person interested in the said immovable 
property, within 45 days from the date of the publi¬ 
cation of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation:—’ The terms and expressions used herein as 
arc defined in Chapter XXA of the said Act, 
shall have the same meaning as given in 

that Chapter. 


Land and Building at Door No. 1, Rajarathnam Street, 
Kilpauk, Madras-10. 

(Doc. No. 1424/86). 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Rangc-T, Madras-600 006. 

Date.: 28-7-1986 
Seal : 


The gazette of India, September 6,1986 (bhadra is, i908) [Part in— sec. i 


INCOME-TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 



MADRAS-600 006 

Madras-600 006, the 31st July 1986 

Ref. No. 4/December/85.—Whereas, I, 


being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 
as the ‘said Act’), have reason lo believe that the immov¬ 
able property, having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing 

No. T.S. No. 16/1 and 16/2 situated at Ammapet Village, 
Salem Town 

(and mure fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act, 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the office of the Registering Officer 
at Salem East (Doc. No 3748/85) on 13-12-85 
for an apparent combination which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and 1 have reason 
to believe that the fair market value of the property as afore¬ 
said exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more than 
fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that the 
consideration for such transfer as agreed to between the 
parties has not been truly stated in the said Instrument of 
transfer with the object of :— 

(ft) facilitating the reduction or ovaaion of the liability 
of the transferor to pay tax under the mid Act In 

respect of any income arising from the transfer; 


(b) facilitating the concealment of any Income or any 
moneys or other assets which have not bean er 
which ought to be diiclosed by the transferee fer 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 (11 
of 1922) or the said Act or the Wealth-tax Act, 
1957 (27 of 1957); 

Now. therefore in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Aot, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the Issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the following 

persons, namely:— 

(1) Smt. P. V. Subbammal and Others, 

No. 49, Arthanari Ghetty St., 

Shevapet. Salem Town. 


(2) Sri S. Rajamannar and his brothers, 

Sons of Sri R. Srinivasa Chettiar, 

22, Andal Street, Shevapet, 

Salem Town. 


Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 
may be made in writing to the undersigned :— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period »t 

43 days from tbe date of publication of this notice 
Is the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days 
from the service of notice on the respective parsons, 
whichever period expiree Inter; 

(b) by any other person instead in the said immov¬ 
able property, within 45 days from the date of 
the publication of this notice in the Official Garntt* 

Explanation : — The terms and expressions used herein as 
arc defined, in Chapter XXA of the said 
Act, shall have the same meaning as given 

in that Chanter 


Land and Building (Cinema Talkies) at Ammapet, Salem 
Town, in T.S. No. 16/1 and 16/2 called Jyothi Talkies 
measuring 29,076 Sq. ft. (Doc. No. 3748/85) 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of In come-tax 
Acquisition Rungc-I, Madras-600 006. 

Date : 31-7-1986 
Seal ; 


Part III— Sec. 11 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, SEPTEMBER 6, 1986 (BHADRA 15, 1908) 



INCOME-TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 

(1) Stnt. Jamuna Bai, 

No. 162, Govindappa N.iickcn St., 



(2) Shri Moolchand Kothari and 4 Others, 

No. 28, Ramaswumi Street, 

T. Nagnr, Madras-17. 



Objections, if any, to the acquision of the said property 
may be made in the writing to the undersigned :— 


MADRAS-600 006 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period of 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 
In the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days from 
the service of notice on the respective persons, 
whichever period expires ater; 

Madras-600 006, the 5th August 1986 

Ref No. 57December/85.—Whereas, I, 


being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred, 
to as the ‘said Act’) have reason to believe mat the 
immovable property, having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing 

Door No. 162, Govindappa Noieken Street, situated at 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto) 
has been transferred under the Registration Act, 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the office of the Registering Officer 
nt Sowcarpct (Doc. No. 624/85) on December 1985 
for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and I have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property as afore¬ 
said exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more 
than fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that 
the consideration for such transfer ns agreed to between the 
parties has not been truly stated in the said instrument of 
transfer with the object of 

(b) by any other person interested in the said immov¬ 
able property, within 45 days from the date of the 
publication of th : s notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation ;—The terms and expressions used herein as 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said Act 
shall have the same meaning as given in 
that Chapter. 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the liability 
of the transferor to pay tax under the said Act, in 
respect of any income arising from the transfer: 


(b) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 
moneyes or other assets which have not been or 
whiph ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act. 1922 
(11 of 1922) or thhc said Act, or the Wealth-tax 
Act, 1957 (27 of 1957); 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Scchon 269C, of the said 
/\ct. 1 hereby initiate proceedings for the acauisition of the 
aforesaid prooerty by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the follow¬ 
ing persons, namely :— 

Land and Building at Door No, 162, Govindappa Naicken 
Street, Madras-1. Doc. No. 624/85), 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range-I, Madras-600 006. 

Date : 5-8-1986. 
Seal : 




TAX ACT. 1961 (43 OF 1961) 




Ahmedabad-380 009, the 1st August 1986 

Ref. No. P.R. No. 4648.Acq.23-H/86-87.—Whereas, I, 

A. K. S1NHA, 

being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 
as the ’said Act') have reason to believe that the immovable 
property, having a fair market value exceeding 

Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing 

Land With building bearing S. No. 620/P/622/2, 622/7 

and 627/P of Baroda, Kasba, Baroda. 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under Registration Act, 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the office of Registering Office at 
at 37/EE, A’bad on 24-1-1986 

for an apparent consideration which Is less than the fair 

market rein* of the i f i wi i M g —t im tr md I hare MM 
to better* that the fair —tit mil— wt ttm »« i — 

ae aforeeaid exceeds the ap—nat ohm fctemti— tondor by 

more than fifteen per cent of such apparent consider!tieo 
and that flat consideration for inch tr—rfer as sgrsed to 
between the parties has not been truly stated in the said 
Instrument of transfer wtth the obfwt of :— 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the HaMity 
of the transferor to pay tax ludsr the mM Art, to 

respect of any income arjrfot Iris the Bn—tor, and/ 

(b) facilitating the concealment ef any income or any 
moneys or other assets which have not been or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purpose of Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 (11 

of 1922) or the said Act or the tVealth-tax Act, 
1957 (27 of 1957): 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of section 269C ef the said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition ef the 
aforesaid property by the issue ef thin notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the Said Act to the fallowing 
persons, namely :— 

(1 ) M/s. Paushak Ltd., 

Rcgd. Office, Alembic Road, 

Baroda-3 90 003. 


(2) M/s. Paraan Ltd. 

Regd. Office; Udyog Mandir, 

No. 1, Bhagoji Kcer Marg, 

Hahitn, Bombay-400 016. 


Objections if any, to the acquisition of the said property 
may be made in writing to the undersigned- 

fa) by any of the aforsaid persons within a period of 
forty-five days from the date of publication of this 
notice in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days 
from the service of notice on the respective persona 
whichever period expires later; 

(b) by any other person interested in the said immovable 
property within 45 days from the date of the 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette, 

Explanation :—The terms and expresalons used herein as 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said 
Act, shall have the same meaning as given 
in that Chapter, 


The form No, 37 EE is fixed in this office on 24-1-86. 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range-1, Abmedabnd. 

Date : 1-8-1986 
fold : 

Part III—Sec. 1] 



form n m - - 

INCOME-TAX ACT, 1H1 (43 OF 19*1) 


(1) Shri Chandula! Mohanlal Ghanchi, 

Urtc Lotwala, 

Chokhand Wadi, 



(2) Kanam Pradesh Pa'idar Seva Samaj, 

President : Shri Cbunibhai Chhitabhai Patel, 

A/1, Ajanta Society, 

R.C, Dutt Road, Baroda. 



AH MED AB AD-3 80 009. 

Ahmcdabad, the 1st August 1986 

ObJetXkw, if nay. te tba aeqirishio* of tba Mid pngm H 
may be made in writing to the undersigned :— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid penona wi thin a period at 
45 days from the date of publication of thi* notice 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 dayi from 
the service of notice on the respective penona, 
whichever period expire* later; 

Ref. No, P. R. No. 4649 Acq. 23-11/86-87,—Whereas, 1 
A. K. S1NHA, 

being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of 
the Income-tax Act, 1961 143 of 1961) (hereinafter referred 
to as the ‘said Act’) have reason to believe that the immov¬ 
able property, having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing 

R.S. No. 308.1 (l.S. No. 777) of Babajipuru, Baroda 
(anu more lullv described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transteired under the Registration Act, 1908 (16 ol 
1908) ia the office of the Registering Officer at 
Baroda on 24-2-86 

for an apparent consideration which ia less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property, ind I have reason 
to believe that the fair market value of the property a* 
aforesaid exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by 
More than fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration 
and that the consideration for such transfer as agreed to bet¬ 
ween the parties has not been truly stated in the said Instru¬ 
ment of transfer with the object of :— 

(V) by iny other person interested ia the said fmaaow- 

able property, within 45 days from the date of the 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation :—The terms and expressions used herein a* 
are defined in Chapter XX A of the saM 
Act, shall have the same meaning as givtfi 
in that Chapter. 

\a) facilitattsg tba rMnstteo or waste* at Um iiaMUty 
at tba transferor to pay tax under the Mud Act ta 
respect of any Income arising from the transfer; 

HU -jf 


The sale-deed was registered by S.R. Baroda on 24-2-86 in 
respect of A.C. Rs. 8,48,450/-. 

(b) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 
moneys or other assets which have not been or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee tor the 
purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 (11 of 
1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax Act. 1957 
(27 of 1957): 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range I/ll, Ahmedabad 

Now. therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the »aid 
Act, 1 heiebv initiate proceedings for the acquisition of th* 
nfoiesanl proper.y by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section ( 1 ) of Section 269D of the takl Act, to the tallowing 
iwrrn '•> namely,— Date : 1-8-1986 

32—226G1/86 Seal: 


THB OA2BTTB OP INDIA, SEPTEMBER 6. 1936 (Btf \DRA 15, 1908) 

{Part III—Sic. 1 


INCOME-TAX ACT. 1961 (43 OF 1961) 


(1) M/s. Hindustan Pencils Pvt. Ltd., 

510, Himakya House, 

79 Pal ton Road, 



(2) Apsara Art Materials Pvt. Ltd., 

510, Himakya House, 

79, Palton Road, 

Bombay. 1. 




AHMEDABAD-380 009. 

Ahmedabad, Hie 1st August 1986 

Ref. No. P. R. No. 4650 Acq. 23-11/86-87.—Whereas, I 

beinjt the Competent Authority under Section 269B of 

(be Income-Tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961), (hereinafter 

referred to as the ‘said Act’) have reason 

to believe that the immovable property bavins a fair market 

value exceeding Re. 1,00,000/- and bearing 

No. A-l type Shed No. 292, G.I.D.U., Umbergnon, Dist. : 


(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act, 1908 (16 
of 1908) in the office of the registering officer at 
37EE, A’bad on 9-4-86 

for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and I have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property as aforesaid 
exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more then 
fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that the 
•onsideration for such transfer as agreed to between the 
partial has not been truly stated in the said instrument of 
transfer with the object of:— 

Objections, If any, to the aeqnMdon of the laid p roperty 
may be made la writing to the anrt s rsi g a s d :— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period of 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days 
from the servic e Of notice on the respective persons; 
whichever period expires later; 

(b) by any other person interested In the said immov¬ 
able property within 45 days from the date of the 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Extiancwom The terms and expressions used hereto as 
ars defined in Chapter XXA of the saM 
Act, shall have the seme meaning as gives 
to that Chapter. 

(a) fsn to tatte g the si d a et l oa or sv s ls a of toe tottop 
of the tr oa sfsror to pay tax «dsr toe mil Art. to 
re s pec t of any Isoome arising from the trearfir 


(b) facilitating the concealment of any income or 
any moneys or other assets which have not been or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee far 

the purposes of th* Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 The Form No. 37 EE is fixed on 5-4-86. 

(11 of 1922) of the said Act, or the Wealth-tax 
Act 1957 (27 of 1957); 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range I/n, Ahmedabad 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Apt, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the Issbe of this notice under sub. 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the follow¬ 
ing persons, namely :— 

Date : 1-8-1986 
Seal : 

_?a*t III —Sec, 1] 

THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, SEPTEMBER 6, 1986 (BHADRA 15, 1908) 22731 


INCOME-TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 




AH Ml.' DA Li AD-3 80 009. 

Abmedabad, Iho 1st August 1986 

Ref. No. P. R. No. 4651 Acq. 23-11/86-87.—Whereas, I 

being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred 
to as the ‘said Act’) have reason to believe that the 
immovable property, having a fair market value exceeding 
R*. 1,00,000/- and bearing No. 

C.T.9. No. 378 to 402 (Part), Kasha Vadodara, Sayaji Ganj, 


(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transfered under the Registration Act 1908 (16 of 
,1906) of the registering Officer at 
37 EE, Ahmedabad on 2-1-86 

for am. apparent consideration which is leas than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and 1 have reason 
to believe that the fair market value of the property aa 
aforesaid exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by 
mare than fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and 
that the consideration for such transfer aa agreed to between 
the transferor («) and transferee (a) has not been truly stated 
in the said instrument of transfer with tho object of :— 

(a) facilitating the redaction or evasion of the liability 
of the transferor to pay tax under the said Act, in 
respect of any income arising from the transfer, 

(b) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 
moneyes or other assets which have not been or 
which ought to bo disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of the Indian Income tax Act, 1922 
(II of 1922) or thhe said Act, or the Wealth-tax 
Act, 1957 (27 of 1957); 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (11 of Section 269D of the said Act, to the follow- 
iae persons, namely :— 

(1) Vijaykumar Somesvarpuri Goswaml & Other*, 
Bhimnath Mandir, 

Sayaji Ganj, 



(2) Lai Buil Do Corporation, 

Kubar Bhavan. 

Bajaj Road, 

Vile Parle (West), 

Bombav-400 066, 


Objections, if any, to the acquision of the said property 
may be made in the writing to the undersigned :— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period of 
45 days from the date or publication of this notice 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days from 
the service of notice on the respective persons, 
whichever period expires later; 

(b) by any other person interested in the said immov¬ 
able property, within 45 days from the date of the 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation :—Tho terms and expressions used herein u 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said Ac* 
shall have the same meaning as given in 
that Chapter. 


The Form No. 37 EE is fixed in this office on 2-1-86. 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range I /II, Ahmodabnd 

Date : 1-8-1986 
Seal : 



TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 




AI1 MED A BAD-380 009. 

Ahmcdabad, the 4th August 1986 

Ref. No P R. No. 4652 Acq. 23-TI/S6-87.—Whereas, I 

being the Competent Authority ‘under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 
M the 'said Act'), have reason to believe that the immovable 
property having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing 

Land at Ghordod Road, Athwa Lines, Surat, T.r.S. 5, F.P. 
559A & 559B Form No. 37FE is submitted in the Office of 
undersigned on 24-2-86 

for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and I have reason 
to believ* that the fair market value of the property tu afore¬ 
said exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more than 
fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that the 
consideration for such transfer as agreed to between the 
parties has not been truly stated in the said instrument of 
transfer with the object of :—> i 

6. 1986 (BHADRA 15, 1708) [Part HI—Sec. L 

ihip -_r==-■_ nr-- * _--_.-T-r_-n.~j-j_ l-jt- z ~ -mag - 

(1) Jaswanilal Ranchhoddns & Others, 


Khangad Sheri, 



(2) M/s. M. S, Corporation & Others, 

C/o J. M. Ganalra. 

903, Triveni Appartnients, 

Nanmira, Surat. 


Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 
may be mad* in writing to the undersigned :— 

(a)' by any of the aforesaid screens within a period af 
45 day* from the data of publication of this notice 
la the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days from 
the service of notice cm the respective persona, 
whichever period expiree taien 

(b) by any other person interested in the said immov¬ 
able property, within 45 days from the date of the 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation The terms and expressions used herein a* 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said 
Act sbal lhave the same meaning as given 
in that Chapter. 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the liability 
at the transferor to pay tax under the said Act, 
to respect of any Income arising from the transfer; 


(b) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 
moneys or other assets which have not been or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax 
Act, 1957 (27 of 1957); 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the Issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (H <■ f Section 269D of the said Act, to the following 
persons namely :— 

Form No. 37 EE is submitted in the Office of the airier 
signed in February 1986. 

Competent Au hority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range T/JI, Ahmcdabad 

Date : 4-8-1986 
Seal ; 

Part 111—Sec. 1] 

THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, SEPTEMBER 6, 1986 (BHADRA 15, 1908) 22733 

(1) Manish Corporation, 

Trade House, 

Ring Road, 




TAX ACT. 1M1 (43 OF 1961) 



AHMEDABAD-380 009. 

Ahmedabad, the 4th August 1986 

Ref. No. p R. No. 4633 Acq. 23-IT/86-87.—Whereas, I 
A. K. S1NHA, 

being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 

Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (bertbuffer referred to at 
the ‘mid Act’), have reaeon to believe that the immovable 

property, having a fair market value exceeding R». 1,00,000/- 

and bearing 

Shop No. 8 at Trade House, Ward No. 3, Nondh No. 2886/ 
B-2 & B-3, Surat 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed herein), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the office of the registering officer at 
Surat on 6-1-86 

for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and I have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property as afore¬ 
said exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by mors 
dun fifteen per cent of inch apparent consideration and that 
'he consideration for such transfer a* agreed to bn t s wn 
the parties has not been truly stated In the said instrument 
of transfer with the oblect of 

(a) facilitating the reduction or session of the Babttty 
of the transferor to pay tax under the said Act, in 
respect of any Income ar-urine from tb* transfer 
sod lor 

ill facilitating the concealment of any in com* or any 
moneys of other assets which have not been or 

which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922) or the said Act or the Wealth-tax 
Act, 19J7 (27 of 1957); 

Now. therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the laid 
Act, I herey initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
•foresaid property by the issue of this notice under sub-sec¬ 
tion (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the follow- 
inn persons, namely :— 

33—226GI /86 

(2) M/s. Priyadarshani, 

Prop : Zaimudin Mohammad Diwan, 

606, Badrinath Apartments, 

Ambica Nikctan, 

Athwu Lines, Surat, 


Objections, if any to the acquisition of the said property 

may be mad* In writing to tb* undersigned ;— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid person* within a period of 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days from 
the service of notice on the respective persona 
whichever period expire* later; 

(b) by any oth*r person interested in the said immova¬ 
ble property, within 45 days from the date of tb* 
publication of this notice In the Official Gazette. 

Explanation : — The terms and expressions used herein as 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said 
Act, shall have the tamo meanings as given 
in that Chapter, 


The document was registered at S.R. Surat vide No. 175 
dated 6-1-86. 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Rnn&c I/II, Ahmedabad 

Date : 4-8-1986 
Seal ; 

22734 THU GAZETTE OF INDIA, SEPTEMBER. 6, l g 86 (BHADRA 15, 1908) fP art III— Sec. 1 



I AX ACT, 1941 (43 OF 1961) 


(1) Shantilal Ishwarlal Shah, 

126/28, Veer Savarkar Marg, 

Ganesh Bhavan 2nd Floor, 

Mahim, Bombay-400 016. 


(2) M/s. Pcrma Seal Auto Products Pvt. Ltd., 

51, Summerset House, 

Opp. Warden Road, 

Bombay-400 026. 



AHMEDABAD-380 009. 

Ahmedabud, the 4th August 1986 

Ref. No, P. R. No. 4654 Acq. 23-11/86-87.—'Whereas. I 

being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (41 of 1961) (hereinafter referred 
to as the ‘said Act’) have reason to believe that the Im¬ 
movable property having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing 

S. No. 261/2 land at Village Bhirapore, Dist. Daman 
(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act, 1908 (16 
of 1908) in the office of the Registering Officer at 
Daman on 5-2-86 & 7-2-86 

for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and 1 have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property as afore¬ 
said exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more 
than 15 per cent of such apparent consideration and that the 
consideration for such transfer as agreed to between the par¬ 
ties has not been truly stated in ttc said instrument of trans¬ 
fer with the object of :— 

Objections, if uy, to the sequishiow of Dm hU FWM tf 
may be made in writing to the undersigned :— 

(6) by toy of A* afonaaid person* within a parted •* 
45 fan fl w * the tot* of publhatloo of this notko 
in thn Ottdnl Onnatta or a period of 30 dan Into 
An wniw of notion on tlu respective persons, 
which*v«r poriod expiree Into) 

(h) by any otter ponM lot a rtotod in (ho told teow 
tote property, within 45 days frooa tho date of Ae 
ooMteatten of Ate notteo In An OAcial Onto. 

Explanation :—The terms and expressions used herein as 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said 

Act. atoll bars tte same mooning aa *irtu 
that Chapter. 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the liability 
of the transferor to pay tax under the said Act, in 
respect of any income arising from the transfer; 


(b) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 
moneys or other assets which have not been or 
which ought to be disclosed bv the transferee for 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax 
Act, 1957 (27 of 1957); 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of the notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the follow¬ 
ing persons, namely 

The document was registered at S.R. Daman vide No. 15 
16 dated 5-2-86 & 7-2-86. 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range T/IT, Ahmedabad 

Date : 4-8-1986 
Seal : 

Part til—S ec. ll 

THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, SEPTEMBER 6 . 1986 (BHADrA 15, 1908) 22735 



TAX ACT- 1M1 (41 OP lMt) 



(1) Nanubhai Nathubhaj Mali, 

Ashok Niketan, 

Hira Modini Sheri, 




(2) M/s. R. T. Son, 

Partner : Nitinkumnr Ratilai & Others, 

33/4, Diwalibaug, 

Athwa Lines, 



AHMEDABAD-380 009 

Ahmedabad-380 009, he 4th August 1986 

Ref. No. P.R. No. 4655 Acq. 23-11/86-87.—Whereas, I, 


being, the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred 
to as the ‘said Act’), have reason to believe that the im¬ 
movable propAty, having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing No. 

Property at Surat, Majura Ward Old S. No. 107 194, Ward 
No. 13 Nodh No. 1610 T.P.-6, Surat 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the office of the registering officer at 
Surat on 25-2-86 

for an apparent consideration which is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and I have reaion 
to believe that the lair market value of the property as 
aforesaid exceeds the apparent consideration: therefor by 
more than fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration 
and that the consideration for such transfer as agreed to 
between the parties has not been truly stated It) the said 
Instrument of transfer with the object of :— 

Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 
may be made in writing to the undersigned :— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period of 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days from 
the service of notice on the respective persons, 
whichever period expires later; 

(b) by any other person interested in the said immov¬ 
able property, within 45 days from the date of the 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation 1 The terms and expressions used herein as 

are defined in Chapter XXA of the said 
Act, shall have the same meaning as giveri 
in that Chapter. 

(«) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the liability 
of the transferor to pay tax under the said Act, In 
respect of i*r toosm arWag from the tsanrfen 



(b) facilitating the concealment of any Income or any 
moneys or other assets which have not bean or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax 
Art. 1*57 (27 of 1*57); 

Now. therefore. In pursuance of Section 2690 of the said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the following 
persons, namely: 

The document was registered at S.R. Surat vide No. 1796 
dated 25-2-86. 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax. 

Acquisition Range-l/II 

Date : 4-8-86 

22736 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, SEPTEMBER 6 , 1986 (BHADRA 15,1908) 

[Part III— Sfic. 1 

-SMU mod 

(1) Niranjanabcn Babubhal Parikh, 


TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OP 1961) 



AHMEDA BAD-3 80 009 

Ahmedabad-380 009, the" 4th August 1986 

Ref.No. P.R. No, 4656 Acq. 23-11/86-87,—Whereas, I, 
A. K. SIN HA, 

being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referral ta 
tt the ‘said Act') hn-'e reason to believe that the immovable 
property, having a fair market value exceeding 

Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing No. 

Bungalow No. 60, Sugam Co-op. Housing Society, Ward No. 
17, Nodh No. 461 & 462 Paiki, Adajan Rander Road, Surat 
(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto) 
has been transferred under the Registration Act 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the office of the registering officer at 
Surat on 10-2-1986 

for an apparent consideration which is less than the fait 
narket value of the aforesaid property, and I have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of the property as aforesaid 
exceeds the apparent consideration therefore by more than 
fifteen percent of such apparent consideration and that the 
consideration for such transfer as agreed to between the parties 
has not been truly stated In the said Instrument of Transfer 
with the object of :— 


(2) Vasantlal Ishwarlal Shroff, 

Bungalow No. 60, Sugam Society, 

Rander Adajan Road, 



Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 
may be made in writing to the undersigned :— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid tenons within a period 
of 43 days from the dale of publication of this 
notice in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days 
from the sendee of notice on the respective persona, 
whichever period oxptree later. 

(b) by any other person interested in the said immovable 
property, within 45 days from the date of Ahe publi¬ 
cation of this notion In the Official Gazette. 

Explanation : — The terms and expressions used herein as 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said 
Act. shall have the same meaning as giver 
In that Chapter. 

(a) facilitating tha reduction of stasia* of tha UaMJt] 
of the transferor to pay tax under the said Ant, 
rssjwct of any ineonsa arising from the 


The document wus registered at S.R. Surat vide No. 219 
dated 10-2-86. 

(b) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 

moneys or other assets which have not been ot 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purpose of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
<11 of 1924) or the said Act or the Wealth-tax 
Act, 1937 (27 of 1957); 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Rangc-11 

Now, thirefora, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of tbs 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of section 269D of the said Act, to the follow- Dale : 4-8-86 

ing persons, namely :— Seal : 

Fart ffi—S ec. 1] 



INCOME-TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 



AHMEDABAD-380 009 

Ahmedabad-380 009, he 4th August 1986 

Ref. No. P.R. No, 4657 Acq. 23-11 /B6-97.—Whereas, I, 

being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of 
the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred 
t« a« the ‘said Act’), have reaion to believe that the immov¬ 
able property, having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing No. 

Piece of land bearing S. No. 173 Sim of Gundluv, Tal. 

(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the office of the registering officer at 
S.R. Valsad on 2-7-86 

for an apparent consideration which is less than the 
fair market value ot the aforeeaid property and 1 have 
reason to believe that the fair market value of the 
property as aforesaid exceeds the apparent consideration 

therefor by more than fifteen per cent of toch apparent 
consideration and that the consideration for such transfer 
M agreed to between the earths has not been truly elated <a 
the said instrument of transfer with the object of; 

(a) facilitating the reducing or evasion of the liability 
of the transferor to pay tax under the said Act, in 
respect of any income arising from the transfer; 

(b) facilitating the concealcent of any Income or any 

moneys or other aseots which have met been or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act 1922 

(11 of 19221 or the said Act or the WeehtMmi 
Act. 1957 (27 of 19J7)| t i ll 1 H i 

Nww, therefore. In pursuance ef Section 269C of the said 

Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the follow¬ 
ing persons, namely 

,(1) Jitendra Balubhai Desai & Others, 

Kailash Road, 



(2) M/s. Naner Industries, 

Vishal Apartments, 

Mathurdas Vnsanji Road, 

Near Prakash Studio, 

Andheri (East), Bombay-400 065. 


Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 
may be made in writing to the undersigned :— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period of 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 
in the Official Gazette or a perod of 30 days from 
the service of notice on the reapeetfvo persons, 
whichever period aspires later 

(b) by any other person interested in the said immov¬ 
able property within 45 days from the date of the 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation :—The terms and expressions used herein as 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said Act, 
shah have the same meaning as given in 
that Chapter. 


The sale-deed was registered by S.R. Valsad On 3-1-86 
in respect of A,C. Rs. 5,20,000/-. 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 

Acquisition Range-11 

Date : 4-8-86 
Seal : 


THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, SEpTEMtE \ 6, 1966 (BliADRA 15, 1908) 

[Part III—SbC. 1 


INCOME-TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 


AHMEDABAD-380 009 

Ahmedabad-380 0Q9, the 4th August 1986 

Ref No. PR. No. 4638 Acq. 23-11/86-87.—Whereas, I, 

being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-Tax Act, J961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred 
to as the ‘said Act’) have reason to believe that the 
immovable property, having a fair market value exceeding 
Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing No. 

Land bearing C.S.T. No. 3749 of Bhagdavad, Valsad 
(and more fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto),- 
has been transferred under the Registration Act 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the office of the registering officer at 
Valsad on 7-5-86 

for an apparent consideration which is less than the fait 
market value of the aforesaid property and I have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of me property as afore¬ 
said exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more 
than fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that 
the consideration for such transfer as agreed to between the 
parties has not been truly stated in the said Instrument of 
transfer with the object of:— 

(a) facilitating the reduction or evasion of the liability 
of the transferor to pay tax under the said Act, in 
respect of any income arising from the transfer; 


(b) facilitating the concealment of any income ot any 
moneys or other assets which have not been ot 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax 
Act, 1957 (27 of 1957); 

New, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C ef the said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 2690 of the said Act, to the follow¬ 
ing persons, namely : — 

(1) Junardban Bapubhai Desai, 

Mauinagar Society, 

Tithal Rond, 



(2) M/s. Divyesh Corporation, 


Behind .Bagini Samaj, 

Halar Road, Valsad. 


Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 
may be made in the writing to the undersigned :— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period of 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days from 
the service of notice on the respective persons, 
whichever period expires later; 

(b) by any other person interested in the said immov¬ 
able property, within 45 days from the date of the 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation : — The terms and expressions used herein as 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said Act 
shall have the same meaning as given in 
that Chapter. 


The Form No. 37G whs filed on 7-5-86 in the office of 
S.R. Valsad. 

Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 

Acquisition Range-II 
Ahmed abad 

Dale : 4-8-86 
Seal : 

Part III— Sec. 1] THE OAZETTE OF INDIA, SEPTEMBER 6, 1986 (BHADRA 15. 1908) 22739 

I | || " ' - -Ml -... ... I Will 1W 


INCOME-TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 



AHMEDAB AD-3 80 009 

(1) Smt. Kitmla I^nxmiben Ishverlal Shcth, 

Krishna Kunj, 

R. C. Road, 



(2) Shri Krishna Corporation, 

Satish Chhotabhai Patel, 




Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 

may be made in writing to tbs undonigned:— 

Ahmedabad-380 009, the 4th August 1986 

Ref, No. P.R. No. 4659 Acq. 23-11/86-87.—Whereas, I, 

being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of 

the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred 

to aa the ‘said Act*) have re aeon to believe that the immov- 

ablfe property, having a fair market value 

exceeding Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing 

Building bearing R.S. No. 533 C.T.S. No. 1999,3, 1995.1, 

1955.2 of Sayaji Ganj, Baroda 

(and more fully described In the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the office of the registering officer at 
Baroda on February 1986 

for an apparent consideration which ii leu than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property, and I have reason 
to believe that the fair market value of the property as 
afc-reaaid exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by 
more than fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration 
and that the consideration for such transfer aa agreed to bet¬ 
ween the parties baa aot been truly stated In the said instru¬ 
ment of transfer with the 'abject of:— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persona within a period at 
45 days from the date of publication of this aotka 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days from 
ths service of notice on tbs respective parson s, 
whichever period expires later; 

(b) by any other person interested in the said Immov¬ 
able property, within 45 days from the date of tho 
publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. 

Explanation :—Tho terms and expressions used herein aa 
are defined in Chapter XXA of the said Act, 
shall have the same meaning as given in 
that Chapter 

(a) fac il i t a tin g tits radUctiM or evade* of ths UahflUy 
ef the tnuufsrOr t* pay tax nadir Dm said Aot, is 
reaped of aay iaooaat srUag from the transfer; 


(b) facilitating tbs concealment of any Income er any 

moneys or other assets which have not been or 
which ought to be disclosed by the .transferee for 

the purpose* of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 
(11 of 1922) or the said Act, or ths Wealth-tax 
Act. 1957 (27 of 1957); 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, 1 hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid property by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act, to the follow¬ 
ing persona, namely :—■ 


The sale-deed was registered by S.R. Baroda in February 
1986 in respect of A.C. Rs. 25,01,700/-. 


Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 
Acquisition Range-11 

Date : 4-8-86 

Sea! : 

22740 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, SEPTEMBER 6 . (13HADRA 15, I908> [P\rt III -Sec. I 


TAX ACT, 1961 (43 OF 1961) 


AHMEDABAD-380 009 

Ahmedabad-380 009, the 4th August 1986 

Ref. No. P.R, No. 4660 Acq. 23/11/86-87.—Whereas, I, 

being the Competent Authority under Section 269B of the 
Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to 
as the ‘said Act’), have reason to believe that the immovable 
property, having a fair market value 
exceeding Rs. 1,00,000/- and bearing 
Ward No. 3 bearing City Survey Nos 2157(part), 2158|A|lc, 
2 I58|A|D, 2I5S|A] 1 |H(Part), 2885|B|2, Plot No. t, 2885|R|2, 
Plot No. 3 and 2885|B|2, Plot No. 4 in the Registration 
District and Sub-District at Surat contained by admeasure¬ 
ment 17564,38 sq. metres and the structures built thereon 
by M/s Sarjccv Builders P. Ltd. a company having Regis¬ 
tered Office at Bombay 

(and moro fully described in the Schedule annexed hereto), 
has been transferred under the Registration Act 1908 (16 of 
1908) in the office of the registering officer at Bombay 
New Delhi in November 1985 

for an apparent consideration which Is less than the fair 
market value of the aforesaid property and I have reason to 
believe that the fair market value of tne property as aforesaid 
exceeds the apparent consideration therefor by more than 
fifteen per cent of such apparent consideration and that the 
consideration for such transfer as agreed to between the 
paitles has not been truly stated in the said instrument of 
transfer with the object of :— 

(1) M/s Sanjeev Builders P, Ltd. 

Kedia and Parasram Puria Enterprises, 

351/2, Mittal Towers, 

‘A’ Wing, 

Nariman Point, 

Bombay-400 021. 


(2) M/s Sanjeev Premises Co-operative 
Housing Society Ltd., 

C/o Dineshbhai Paclieriwala, 

211-A, India Textile Market, 

Ring Road, 



Objections, if any, to the acquisition of the said property 
may be made in writing to the undersigned :— 

(a) by any of the aforesaid persons within a period of 
45 days from the date of publication of this notice 
in the Official Gazette or a period of 30 days from 
the service of notice on the respective persons, 
whichever period expires later; 

(b) by any other person interested in the said immov¬ 
able property, within 45 days from the date of the 
publication of this notice in he Official Gazette. 

Explanation 1 The terms and expressions used herein as 

are defined in Chapter XXA of the said 
Act, shall have the same meaning as given 
in that Chapter. 

(a) facilitating the reduction of evasion of the liability 
of the transferor to pay tax under the said Act, in 
respect of any income arising from the transfer; 

0) facilitating the concealment of any income or any 
moneys or other assets which have not been or 
which ought to be disclosed by the transferee for 
the purposes of the Indian Income-tax Act. 1922 
(11 of 1922) or the said Act, or the Wealth-tax 
Act, 19 57 (27 of 1937); 

Now. therefore, in pursuance of Section 269C of the said 
Act, I hereby initiate proceedings for the acquisition of the 
aforesaid properly by the issue of this notice under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 269D of the said Act to the following 
persons, namely :— 


Ward No. 3 bearing City Survey Nos. 2157 (Part), 2158| 
AI lc, 215R|A!D, 2518|A[lfB (Part), 2885|B|2, Plot No. 1, 
2885|B|2, Plot No. 3 and 2R85|B|2, Plot No. 4 in the Regis¬ 
tration District and Sub District at Surat contained by 
admeasurement 17564,58 sq. metres and the structures built 
thereon by M /s. Sanjeev Builders P. Ltd., a company having 
Registered Office at Bombay. 

A. K. SfNHA 
Competent Authority 
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax 

Acquisition Rnngc-F 
AhmedaF / 

Date : 4-8-86 
Seal :